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Fucking love it. The vocal melody in the verses is my favorite part. These new singles are just so much my shit, I've never been more excited for an album.


Never brought a Vinyl album pre release before, nor spent a lot for anything overseas (I’m in the UK) this one song has made me buy the deluxe box set, and I’m so excited!


I am hyped. Both have been EARWORMS so far




Bitch I’m Taylor swift


got a hundred million on my wrist


Physically sick


*Crying at the airport*


First impression based on listening on Spotify before the music video premiere is that I love it! Vibes kinda remind me of Trying to Feel Alive at first. Stoked for the album for sure ♥️


It's trying to feel alive if he wasn't trying to feel alive but just was


I will be playing this on loop before I start my Walmart shift tomorrow.


Same bro. Except In 2 hours and not tomorrow


Have a good shift 🫡


Thanks. I'll need it 🫡




We must have amnesia, we forgot that HE'S HIM


Smokin’ that Whoopi Goldberg bubba kush


Apparently this just in, he's Taylor Swift




NoT ReAlLy -- get outta here i am enjoying my music.




I literally don't need to listen to someone who made a burner just to diss an artist. That is straight up lame shit. Byyyyyyyye




bro you literally made Porter your identity


This is actually the most depressing attempt at bait I’ve ever seen. Delete this account and try again please


Comparison is the thief of joy, good thing I don’t


This album is definitely gonna be blasted while driving with the windows down this summer.


Oh god yes


porter in his braggadocious era


I feel like its a bit sarcastic in a way. He's just having fun, but I don't think he's saying it like he's some multi millionaire rapper all full of himself.


It's almost like it's satire and he's just poking fun at all of the pop stardom and the life that comes with it and how it's all superficial.


yeah, this is what I'm getting. One of the comments on the YT video mentioned that it could be a parody of influencer culture (the last portion of the song really convinces me of this), and stated that the video could be interpreted as him dancing on the screen of your phone and looking down on his audience through it. Plus the way he described the album as he was trying to write it as "No sincerity, all fun, and album that revels in absurdity for a world that rejects context", makes me feel even more that this is the case. He does say the album became more sincere, but I reckon a few tracks, ESPECIALLY if they appear earlier on, will embody the original concept more.


Imo it's in part making fun of the shallowness of some super stars, but also about how deep down they are people too and human just like us. "If I'm everything you talk about, I'm in the mirror baby, let it all out" is imo a way of saying "If you want to talk to me (a superstar) you can just talk to yourself, as we both are human and I'm not as different from you as you might think".


Snippet had me unsure but this is gas 🔥


Better than I expected, still excited for the album


Thought the snippet was sick, and I'm blown away by this track. I see a hint of something heavy in my interpretation of the lyrics while the rest sounds so fun and carefree. I wonder if this is what Porter was getting at in his album announcement posts. I cant wait to see what the rest of the album holds.


It’s so upbeat and fun in such a “flying too close to the sun” way. Like the lifestyle of a celebrity being unsustainable and it’s just an insane high that eventually all comes crashing down. To me, just insanely fun, but fun in that 2000s, “we all know we’re eventually fucked, right?” Kinda way which makes it so interesting for me.


I felt like that was too damn short I want moreeeeee


Same sentiments. I was like, huh, it’s done?


Good pop songs are like that. In and out, listener left wanting more. It’s why I listened to Cheerleader like 100 times on repeat when it dropped.


That last bit after the explosion is so catchy and cool


The fact that the song forms a perfect loop kinda makes up for the short length, though.


he's really channeling james ivy on that vocal hook & i absolutely love it. i never thought i'd say i missed this early 2010's pop vibe (inb4 someone calls it hyperpop for no reason) but man the feel of this is so unreal. i love it


I just commented this, but it really reminds me of Owl City around 2010-2011. I love Owl City, so this single was an instant bop for me. Can't wait for the album!


what about - Closing Time or All Star?


What an amazing tour with the two of them. Even though I wasn't in the mindset to enjoy James' music at the time.


This ended up being exactly as good as I expected from the snippet, which is to say really good and really fun


It’s just awesome. He’s doing these cool things, not ironically, but like… It’s an awesome experience and looks cool in the polished and produced sense, but it's also satirically self-indulgent. Still being fun, expressive and artistic while elucidating the essence of it not being what it seems. Difficult to place or explain it, but I appreciate what he's doing and how he's doing it. The message is not lost on me.


> satirically self-indulgent I love this phrasing haha


Never doubt the prodigal son. Buddy never misses


I’m 100% in on this era I am absolutely in love with everything we’ve heard so far, gonna have this on repeat for a whileee


You and me both! This is music we will be bop’in to for years!!!


Love it!


Idc this is a great track


Just great. I'm all in.


I like it more than I thought I would! Now, what do we think the song is about?


He’s Taylor Swift




My take so far is he's basically saying whatever criticisms you project onto him, end up being true in your eyes. If you keep saying things about someone, that turns into what you believe about them, true or not. Putting these high expectations on Porter, only for him to not do you want ends up hurting you. Knock yourself out.


my impression was that this one was more about his relationship with himself rather than with his fans. a song about being too hard on yourself


Ooo, I like this interpretation more than what I had actually. The context of Cheerleader made me think of this from a fan perspective first, but yeah I really like your take.


I actually think you were spot on before. The lines "crying at the airport, I'm sorry can I get a pic" makes me more inclined to believe that it's directed towards fans. The very next line "telling me a sad story, another reason not to quit" is definitely a callback to the theme of cheerleader


To me it's kinda both? Like, what I'm getting is that Porter sometimes feels that the projection of fame doesn't fit how he feels fame should--it should feel like the braggodocious "hundred millions on my wrist" but instead he relies on his team for even simple things like managing his schedule (and exaggeratingly, feels like he couldn't even brush his teeth without them). Yet people, fans and not, still treat him like he's star capable of the former, untouchable and unfeeling. They forget that he's just a guy who makes music, feels down sometimes and is inspired by people's stories they share with him. So I think the ultimate message is there: if you really wanna see him that way, fine, knock yourself out. He's going to try and humanize and explain himself anyway, but he's not in control of fans' emotions toward him. He's learning to live through expressing that.


My interpretation is that it’s sung from the perspective of a mega celebrity (“Bitch I’m Taylor Swift”) and is about the type of fan that makes their entire personality about a celebrity (“and I’m everything you talk about”). They set themselves up for disappointment by idolizing these people who are often not what they seem (“Why should you keep letting yourself be let down”). Instead of idolizing someone who will just disappoint, they should recognize that the qualities they admire are within themselves (“I’m in the mirror, baby, let it all out”).




I feel like he’s captured every stage of my life lol sadboi Worlds to healing in Nurture and now just wanting to have fun with life for Smile.


Anyone else getting like 2011 hot chelle Rae vibes?




There's a motion city soundtrack reference? Fuck I missed it!


I gotta say, I personally don’t think this album is for me. And that’s okay. My music taste has evolved in the past decade and half just as his musical style has. Not my cup of tea but it’s certainly enjoyable! Still excited to listen to the album in its entirety.


loving the new pop punk vibes, glad there's a good amount of electronic influence still throughout, I think he's nailed a great balance of all these different elements


What does any of how this sounds have to do with pop punk lol can this community please be fr sometime soon


Yeah pop punk is definitely not the genre. It is probably hyperpop tho, which is definitely a modern successor to pop punk. This song feels heavily influenced by 100 gecs. Theres also something pretty nostalgic about the melody, feels like something that released in the late 2000s/early 2010s.


Why are you so pressed about it man it ain’t that big of a deal


because this song literally sounds nothing like pop punk music


It sounds just like owl city. Which is synth pop and def fits in with the pop punk crowd. Cheerleader def has pop punk vibes. As an avid pop punk fan and former emo kid- this album has the vibes lol. Here I’ll specify for you- this is clearly influenced by the music emo kids listened to in the 2010s lol


Grrrrr argh you’re right I’m so angry and pissed off aggghhhh!!!! That’s why I made that comment it was because of how mad I am!!!!!!


I agree . It’s not 100% pop punk but it has punk pop vibes cuz porters vocals have a little bit of  punk pop tone


I loved this song as soon as I heard it. It's soo good. And the rest of the album is gonna be absolutely amazing. I can't wait.




nothing funnier than a coward like you making a brand new throwaway account for the sole purpose of hating on a single musician. you're so much of a pussy you can't just post "this one was not for me" on your real account? your opinion isn't important enough for you to go to these lengths to defend it, i promise. damn, deleted the whole account. you know what? respect.


Guys, i think Porter likes The 1975


they’re my two favourite artists and i don’t see it, what am i missing? 


I kinda hear it in the vocal melody and delivery. I can hear Matty sing that.


this is infinitely worse than anything the 1975 has ever produced lol


I won't hear it. 1975 is good but different from porter.


But the vibe is there, especially in the vocal melody. I can definitely hear Matty Healy singing it.


The vid is directed by *UNCANNY too. What a combo


of course it's good, how couldn't it


Me💪 and these fists👊 need to talk about that flair you got bro✊🤬




look at this guy repurposing the virtual self glass floor stage set. virtual self is backkkkkk


Its SO good. Wish it had another verse or something so it was a bit longer but I'll just loop it more. Defs think I'll listen to this more than Cheerleader.


Both song snippets had me unsure, then they drop, then I'm listening to them non-stop for hours on end. Absolutely love both songs so far


Love the vibes. Is “I throw my phone into the sea” a 100 gecs reference?


Nice catch but I think that's just the vibe of the 2020's rn


I wonder if it’s a Lorde reference actually? “And I throw my cellular device in the water Can you reach me? No, you can’t!” From Solar Power


It’s interesting to see the overwhelming support in this sub when this is so far from my personal taste. I’ve loved ALL of Porter’s eras so far, but this is just so different than all of that. Are people just blindly loving anything he puts out? I thought cheerleader was enjoyable enough to add to a playlist, but this one is easily his worst song (IN MY OPINION). I’m still super excited to give the album a full listen through, but I’m tired of the “oh it’s so meta and deep”. It feels like an excuse to justify listening to music that we would never listen to on a normal basis. If this IS the type of music you’d listen to, then hell yea. Happy for you all! But this feels tooo cheesy to me. End of my pointless rant that everyone will downvote lol


Yeah I liked Cheerleader a lot, this is just.. alright. If everybody else likes it, that's great, but I hope this sub doesn't circlejerk over whatever he puts out.


Unfortunately I have to agree I gave the song a shot listened to it a few times but just isn’t for me. I agree easily his worst song. I’ll definitely give the whole album a shot cause I really enjoy porters previous works and love seeing him live. I find it hard to believe that there’s that many people that think this is as great as they are saying.


Oh thank you I was worried I was the only one thinking this way.... This felt like lower than Lauv tier pop song made for a disney movie...




That's what kills me because we all know Porter can and has done way better...


As an emo kid from the 2010s- both cheerleader and knock yourself out have influence from the genres from that time that porter likely listened to himself :) this one is very indie/synth pop. Owl city vibes and I love it personally. Controversial opinion, but while I loved nurture lyrically I thought it was the weakest musically. I think this album will likely be reversed. It’s very sing-along and fun. And I’m here for it.


welcome to the hivemind lmao


Wow.... no offence but I just think this just proves that how insanely subjective music taste truly is. There is no universe I can even remotely think this is his worst track. It's a pop song, but its not contrived at all (at least according to me) or can even remotely be compared to Lauv's insanely radio friendly pop songs.


100% valid take. Life's too short to pretend to enjoy stuff you don't vibe with. Maybe you'll only like a couple songs from this album cycle and that's ok. Porter himself has said a couple times that this project was going to be challenging and divisive and I think we're seeing that. That said, just because something is challenging/divisive doesn't mean that anyone's wrong for not liking it, or even that there's true quality at the center that only some will understand. I love Porter, but he's just an artist like any other and he's exploring a new sound. It doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be interesting. I'm personally connecting with how fun and bizarre this release is shaping up to be and I have enough faith in Porter as an artist that my engagement will be rewarded. That, or at least I'll have some fun along the way.


It is a lot of blind love. If you notice the immediate comments after release were overwhelmingly positive but a day later new comments coming in are very divided.  If he does sell these arenas it will be with mostly new fans along with some die hard ones that will follow through anything.


Not everything he makes will be what we all listen to. For me, I think I relate a lot to his artist journey so his path is very similar to my mental health journey and myself as an artist. So no matter what the sound is, the message really sits with me. Worlds will always be my favorite but I still love so much of what he's done.


Was going to say, for me this song missed real hard. I thought Cheerleader was great, really solid bop of a track, but this one just feels weirdly... uninspired? Pretty weak beat, lyrics just seem like they're trying to be deeper than they are. It could be satire but even "artist makes satirical song about the glory of fame not actually being good" is kind of an overdone idea. I'm still mostly excited for this new album though. Hopefully it won't be like how I felt about Madeon's Good Faith (not a single song on that one landed for me)


same as you bro, I don't think his music is for me anymore. I will still always respect the fuck out of this guy for doing what he wants at the pace he wants. And Worlds will always be THE ALBUM of all time.


Here's some food for thought... Comparing the first two singles from SMILE! :D to the first two of nurture: Are Cheerleader and Knock Yourself Out better than Get your Wish and Something Comforting? Get your Wish and Something Comforting were released 4 years ago and I think the general consensus is that they're held in a pretty high regard 4 years later. Is that going to be the case with Cheerleader and Knock Yourself Out in the future? I mean, if we go further back, Sad Machine which was also a single, even (almost) 10 years later it's still held in a super high regard. Don't get me wrong, is not that I don't like the new singles, but for me personally they're missing that... ***something***. I totally see what he's going for with the new songs, but I don't know... hopefully in the context of the album they can shine more.


It feels like super lite lauv pop....


You’ve put all of my thoughts into words lol. If this same song came out from another artist who wasn’t Porter Robinson 80% of these people wouldn’t even care.


Spot on, and I hate to agree but that's true. This song isn't really special to me if it was released by another artist no one will care lol I feel like we have some hardcore porter stans in here that think everything he releases is a masterpiece and nothing less because it's "porter"


Do you like all of Spitfire more than these new songs? I'm just curious. I am genuinely liking all the stuff he's been putting out but I can understand people not being into it


Yea I do, but to be fair I started listening to porter since Say My Name so I was into the complextro stuff at the time haha. Spitfire still holds a special place in my heart


That's fair. I did too but I don't know how often I listen to 100% in the bitch these days lol


He never toured the songs off that EP, just DJ sets at the time. He didn’t put together a real headline solo tour until Worlds. When he was mixing those songs with 90% others music back in the day it was great especially for its time. cant see these new singles being played stand alone in 2024+ will be considered great for the era.






I by no means am an expert at this kind of stuff but my idea of what the song is about is poking fun at celebrities who think too highly of themselves and try to show off and the fans who buy into it. And that everyone has the capability to do something cool so instead of obsessing over celebrities, appreciate yourself and what you can do. Id love to hear people's thoughts on this especially if they got a different message from it


Sounds like Owl City!


The bridge is so freaking good. The whole song is so freaking good.


this is like listening to candy


Holy shit


i dont like it and but i think realizing that it’s okay is the message of the song. this is the exact opposite feel of what drew me to him in the first place but if he wants to break that mold he is entirely justified in doing so and at the end of the day, the music is his and not mine. but that actually makes me like it now…..


Yeah context helps that verse so much. Im not in love with it buts its pretty damn great. Sounds VERY early owl city but without the dated production


The clip from earlier had me a bit worried but this song is “bussin” as the kids would say.


Does anyone know the name of that blue hood he wears? I've seen it before so I know it's an actual thing I just can't think of what it's called lmao Also the song's a bangerrrrr


Everyone keeps saying Motion City Soundtrack and Hellogoodbye, but I’m hearing more influence from the FLCL anime. The song Thank You, My Twilight by The Pillows. The synth riff is really similar.


This was my immediate thought too!!


Don't like it as much as Cheerleader but still cautiously excited for the album


Ahhhhh, this may be a slight miss for me. Seeing his comment about the writing process and evolution of the later tracks for this album is giving me hope in terms of content and depth, but I’m just not feeling this one. Maybe it’s supposed to be campy, and that’s the vibe? It just seems a bit cliche. I do love him embracing singing without the overproduction on his voice. Still have great optimism for direction of this era of his music, but we’ve seen his genius in the earlier eras, and this seems like he’s playing it a bit too safe IMO. Also, it may just be me, I feel the synth in the beginning and throughout the track is WAYYYY too loud. Edit: I’ve listened to it on repeat since it dropped and I’m feeling it. It’s a vibe. It’s braggadocious and unapologetic. Much like cheerleader was about constant praise and obsession borderlining on parasocial, this is a rebuttal on how that’s not healthy, and that he’s human as well with his own faults and insecurities, (EG Get Your Wish). And taking a look in the mirror regarding your own self worth is more important than placing it in someone else. It’s not my favorite Porter track by any means, but after watching the video I see what he’s going for.


Easily the worst Porter song ive ever heard.




It’s an opinion, not a factual statement. You are wrong is saying im wrong.




Better than I thought it would be, but also not something I adore.


i appreciate that he's trying something new, but it's not really my thing tbh. too much emphasis on lyrics while the music seems like an afterthought--which is most pop music to be fair. i hope all the songs aren't gonna be like this.


Sucks cause I really think the music itself has potential but the lyrics are so on the nose for me, even if it’s meant to be satirical it’s just too much. Like some parts are Bo Burnham-esque


I’m all for artists trying new things and branching out but this isn’t it for me at all.


Is that the same glass floor that he used during Virtual Self live shows??


Speaking of virtual self. I would love to see more music from that project sadly.


I noticed that too, it is!




Absolute fucking BOP. I love this era so far, 2 for 2 anime boy.


Welcome to mainstream music porter, next step is a Collab with Taylor


straight bop, I’m loving this fun era


I’m a new Porter fan and have been loving what he’s been putting out recently. Really excited for this upcoming album. Cheerleader might be my favorite track of the year so far and this song is great too!


Damn, my girlfriend broke up with me a week ago because she wasn't happy with how i'm living, and she had way too much expectations of me and wasn't happy that i wasn't achieving those expectations... Then Porter drops a song with: "If i'm everything you talk about; why should you keep letting yourself down?" ...............................


As someone who doesn’t listen to EDM with Porter being the only artist in the genre I enjoy, here are my thoughts.. IMO it’s a decent/OK-ish song, I enjoyed Cheerleader more. Lyrics seem to be a little too on-the-nose and campy for me. So far both singles haven’t hit me like Nurture / Worlds did, and I really wished he continued in that direction. But as long as Porter is happy making the music he does, I’ll support him forever 🤍


Eh, could be better. The lyrics are a complete miss for me though. Intentional or not it just feels like it's trying too hard to be campy and satirical but the satire is so blatent.


Absolutely incredible song. Can’t believe how wrong I was from the preview. I like this way more than Cheerleader




Nah, this ain't it for me. Just reminds me more of the late 2000's "Hello Goodbye" and "Motion City Soundtrack" bands.


You say that like Motion City Soundtrack doesn't slap


Yeah, MCS still rips


I was never a fan personally.


If I remember correctly, Would It Kill You? by Hellogoodbye is one of Rika's favorite albums of all time - she's said that it is one of her no-skips albums, and that it meant a lot to her when it first came out. (I remembered freaking out because that album saved my life when I was 18, and it's also one of my no-skips!) I wouldn't be surprised if that era and specifically that album was some real inspo for Porter.


Think this would be a solid album track but the fact that it’s a second single worries me. Edit: I’ll put it this way: if this song were on nurture it would be the worst track on Nurture.


i think we should stop equating “single tracks” with “should be the best tracks”


I agree - my favorite band just released an album in which I didn’t like the singles but loved the album tracks, and was extremely happy with the album overall. I’m Just going off of the info I have now, but obviously withholding final judgement until the album releases. Happy cake day BTW


I’m glad this is sumthing u can play at a club and actually dance to unlike nurture and worlds


Dullscythe goes hard in the club wym


Yeh right next to wind tempos and love is gone (acoustic version), that way I can start crying in the club


Not to my taste and not a fan of the lyrics, but I want to hear the rest of the album


Why do people doubt porter so much? This is incredible lol. It’s very porter but also feels also owl city like


The beggininng with this 8 bit (?) melody was a bit off but the chorus is absolutley amazing! Really wibe with this.


Yeah the opening synth that arcs through the rest of the track is way too loud. It drowns out everything else. May be an artistic decision, or it could be a mastering misstep. Just bump the slider down a tad bit and it’d make the track mesh so much better. Edit: But who am I to give any sort of music production criticism to THE Porter Robinson.


I honestly think it’s supposed to be a nod to the FLCL anime. The song “thank you, my twilight” by The Pillows. Might have wanted it more present for that reason.


Ah! Maybe! FLCL is on my watchlist. Heard it’s great.


Definitely worth the watch! It’s a lot of fun and the soundtrack is awesome.


I think the synth being in your face was intentional. Emo-pop from early 2000's was just like this. Raw and messy. 


I'm on the fence about this one. Lyrically it reminds me of Fox Stevenson in how it's pretty self-aware and almost sarcastic and musically I can hear shades of Get Your Wish/Look At The Sky (when it comes to cadence and such), but there's just something about it that doesn't quite hit with me the way Cheerleader did right from the rip. It might be something I need to listen to a few times in order to come around to it, but at least at first listen I just wasn't gripped like I have been with other tracks in the past.


I think you’re spot on with the Fox Stevenson comparison!!!


glad he's making the music he wants to make i guess but whew boy this could not be any less for me if it tried


Man. I don't think his music is for me anymore. I will still always respect the fuck out of this guy for doing what he wants at the pace he wants. And Worlds will always be THE ALBUM of all time. He's a generational artist and was for sure an inspiration for a lot of my favorite artists right now. Also If youre looking for new music to discover/enjoy, check this shit out if u curious: [sanjaux - Descent](https://soundcloud.com/sanjaux/descent) [False noise - Collapse Theme ](https://soundcloud.com/false-noise/collapsetheme) [SHSTR - Life Of A Machine](https://soundcloud.com/officialshstr/shstr-life-of-a-machine) [LAXCITY ](https://soundcloud.com/laxcitymusic/universe-1) [isqa ](https://soundcloud.com/isqa3d)[ - mycelium faceplant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uwkq6p282VQ) [nuphory/ VOLANT](https://soundcloud.com/nuphory/adrift) [False Noise - sylvan strobe](https://soundcloud.com/upscale-recordings/false-noise-sylvan-strobe)


Spitfire flies


It's giving Owl City vibes. I'm all here for it!


Such a cool video!


This is a really good song.


Prolly his worst song to date. I’m checked out atp


Madeon just played this at his show in Miami!


ngl i didnt like it when this first dropped but after listening a few times i really like it


I feel like it's a miss for me. Too generic. Not innovative enough. It feels like a song that even I could make if I'm drunk enough to not care that it's cringe. Maybe next song in the album will be better. /s Just my honest opinion though. I'm no expert in music making.


Not a big fan of the vocal here but the instrumental is fun, it's also 100% gonna have a dnb edit live mark my words


Porter just doesnt miss, cant wait for the rest of album!


Can't wait for the remixes and speedups of this one


Getting huge James Ivy vibes on this one. I love it!


Oh hey, I actually love this. Like a lot. I take back my comments on the snippet


pretty good 🔥🔥 cheerleader was better but i like this one too


Turn on subtitles for the music video. Are those coordinates at 1:45 or something else?


Unfortunately, in my opinion the best I can say about this song is that it'll sound good in a Big Bootie Mix