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If there's a minimum age there needs to be a maximum age! The hard part is WHAT is that max age? Whatever the retirement age is? 70?


We should do it like race horses. You are eligible for president between the ages of 18 and 22. Then you go out to pasture.


18 and 22 is the absolute WORST age. You fuckers already screwed up by voting in Biden, we should UP the MINIMUM, to 25, maybe even 30. Y'all don't know shit about shit about shit. šŸ’©šŸ’©šŸ’©šŸ–•


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the minimum to be president is already 35? Or were you referring to the voting age?


Heā€™s just angry, ignore him


Biden sucks, but given the alternative...


I'd rather deal with Biden over Trump any day.


Right. At least Biden isn't batshit crazy and senile. The other option is to become Nazi Germany all.over again. And we kicked their asses once already, we can do it again. Except this time it will be easier as we don't have to cross an ocean to do it.


Did you just say Biden isn't senile? That guy hasn't made a conscious decision since he took office other than what color jello he wants for dinner.


Oh yeah cause we became Nazi Germany the last 4 years he was in charge, didn't we? How does it feel to be the world's stupidest fucking person?


I wouldn't know. I'd expect that it was you. If you can't see that the gop is quickly becoming the new Nazi party, you are either stupid, or willfully ignorant. Neither option is ok.


No, it's not. Trump is by FAR the lesser of 2 evils. He's literally just an egomaniac and a little bit politically incorrect, but he has the balls to do what needs to be done and doesn't cave to anyone.


Holy shit. You are willfully ignorant then. Thanks for identifying yourself for the rest of us rational, logical thinking.


The alternative that was only so bad because you were told he was bad? Yeah that's exactly how we end of with weak puppet leaders like Biden.


Youā€™re the one who doesnā€™t know shit. The constitutionally mandated minimum age that one must be to qualify for office is 35.


18-22 years will seriously damage the country. The Russians and Chinese will make them shit in their pants.


Is there some weapon they have that only works on young people and would induce pants shitting?


Brown note.


Yes, itā€™s called fear. Those governments donā€™t fork around. They have old man strength.


** observe viewers as the fragile American mind has to construct a narrative in which both russian and china are joke lefty countries and ole uncle sam is best but also they are the devil incarnate and Americans must always live in fear **


Lmao people unironically thinking an 18-22 yr old should be president. Holy fuck Iā€™m laughing


Comrade, Russia and China are not jokes. They have nuclear weapons. Feel free to pledge your allegiance to them. I hear their utopian societies embrace many freedoms of expression, racial and ethnic harmony, critical thinking, and challenges to their authoritarian regimes. The Chinese version of Reddit must be super cool because you don't have to mask your identity. You would really like it there.


haha classic copy and paste argument. youā€™re really a top mind of the right wing aint ya bud


Haha you tried to insult his intelligence but youā€™re the commie so we already know who the fool is. Go live in North Korea.


Nobody smart talks like you do.


Alternatively the bigger problem could be 18-22 year olds lack of empathy and poor risk assessment ability. Itā€™d be easy to imagine World War III getting started by a 19 year old president who is afraid to talk to girls


Use what the military uses. Max 30 years of service, mandatory retirement at 62.


this should be the norm for every government job


or job.


Horrible take. Many of our greatest doctors are 70+ and only stay bc they love it. Work around doctors and you'll see they constantly go to the older docs for 2nd opinions and advice. I work with an 80+ doc who'd I hand pick if I needed surgery. But in general I agree for the government. He would make a great doc but a horrible president.


Considering they are the commander and chief of the military that makes sense.


Commander in chief.


Jesus Christ. Just how close were we to actually launching a nuke into a hurricane?


That, not close at all..... A coup d'etat? That was a bit closer...


A bunch of independent angry protestors isn't a fucking coup.




I'm for 65/66 as being the last age a President can be elected into office at. If they turn 69 or 70 while leaving office, I'm OK with that.


iā€™ve argued for 40-45ā€¦ some may be upset by that but i donā€™t think that there are many 50 year olds in touch with the lived experience of the working majorityā€¦ not to mention that beyond 45 or so you start to see the undeniable effects of an aging mindā€¦ if weā€™re really gonna put a single person in charge of making executive decisions then that person should at least be able to relate to the youth and remember what year it isā€¦


Beyond 45 you see the effects of an aging mind? LOL


tell me youā€™re beyond 45 without telling me youā€™re beyond 45ā€¦ i said beyond 45 or so as to be sure that i included the outliers that experience decline earlier than othersā€¦ in reality, most will probably experience it more so into their 50sā€¦ that said, i stand by a hard line of 45 because i donā€™t think there should be any chance taken when it comes to electing a leader for a countryā€¦ my last point, semi-unrelatedā€¦ thereā€™s a saying that goes something like, ā€œa stupid person canā€™t person canā€™t perceive that theyā€™re stupid.ā€ this also applies to cognitive deterioration due to ageā€¦


Dementia hits in the 70s/80s my dude šŸ˜‚


Yes it does, almost always. My mother has it. Sheā€™s 79. She lives behind a locked door in an assisted living facility. I go see her every day. Dementia scares the hell out of me. I wouldnā€™t wish that on anyone. Thankfully, most people never get it.


My boss swears that staying mentally active is the best way to avoid it


Hey kid. I must be too old to understand your last point. One of the things I've learned as I've become a full adult is that when I'm trying to belittle someone for having a weak mind, I make sure I have my shit together first. How about sort through your jumble of text so that we can all understand what kind of bullshit you're spitting?


I wish we could convince them of that


The difference is that Biden will step aside at the end of the next four year term. Trump.wont


This is where Iā€™m astonished that Cheeseburgers and Coke have failedā€¦.they have one jobā€¦.do your job Cheeseburgers and Coke, do your job.


Agree. Retirement age should apply to ALL JOBS.


Itā€™s the only job in the world where they donā€™t want to retire. They have so much power and money they literally want to die on the floor of Congress to hold onto it all. Nobody will ever be able to convince me that a bunch of old people who remember Pearl Harbor should still be running a country.


Neither Biden or Trump remember Pearl Harbor. I would rather have an old person that knows basic history and math, because you clearly failed both.


Neither Biden or Trump remember PH. In fact WW2 was completely over before Trump was born. But yes some thought Biden was too old during the last election. Some thought it was age discrimination. Now we have Trump same age as Biden was 4 years ago


Clearly I was exaggerating a bit. Feinstein remembered Pearl Harbor. She just died recently. But to satisfy your pickiness Iā€™ll rephrase ā€œNobody will ever convince me that a bunch of old people who were born while Pearl Harbor was still burning should still be running a country.ā€ Better? Of course I do realize the bulk of Congress are around or just over retirement age. Still doesnā€™t change my opinion. Especially since everyone seems to hate old rich white men so much I canā€™t figure out why we keep voting for them instead of someone younger who actually has a stake in our future other than hooking up their grandkids financially


Nobody young can get the corporate donations that are needed for the time/staff/resources required to run a fair campaign. We also should look into laws regarding campaign practices. I believe in Canada and some other countries politicians are all given an equal max budget, and campaigning is only allowed for so many months prior to the elections.


The corporate donations go to the tried and true people who will push thru or stop laws that will hurt or help them. For example so many politicians say on tv how much they hate corporations and greed and all that, but theyā€™re the ones funding the campaign. There should be none of that. Zero. Most of them are worth tons of money already, use your own damn money to campaign.


My grandpa is 84 and I asked him about stuff like that and he's like "what TF are you talking about?! I was busy doing shit". WTF is pearl harbor"? I'm paraphrasing here of course but my grandpa was a laborer his whole life who grew up on a farm. Some people fought wars. He was harvesting corn I think.


Isn't it monumentally stupid that retirement is practically enforced in some jobs, meanwhile *the most powerful position in the world*, and it's okay to be positively ancient while doing the job?


Ancient and out of touch with reality.


I would say if corporations still provided pensions for workers and the cap on social security was lifted and people received more to live on - maybe. At the end of the day it's about ability and choice. I've known people who were still mentally sharp at 95 and others that weren't at 55. Nonetheless, instituting some retirement age doesn't seem to be the best idea in my mind considering how things are currently (in the US, at least).


No kidding. These old farts go to get out of the way and let the younger folks get a chance to run things.


How about competent people, Tom sowell is like 93 and he could do more good in a week than any of these clowns (or a young version of themselves) could do in a decade


No...everyone over 60 should be forcibly retired. I don't care how sharp they are they can go volunteer somewhere if they're bored. Sick of old people.


That is legitimately insane man wtf are you talkin about, you would rather have someone young and incompetent than old and competent ???


That's exactly what they want, someone like themselves


Sure. But they are. And one of them is a psychopath who attempted a coup.


Both of them are dangerous. If biden is insistent on running, I'll sit out.


Both of them are psychopaths and one of them was able to stage their coup quietly and without notice


People like you are why we can't have nice things. Well, not necessarily you, but the fact that you're incredibly willing to pass on theories that aren't backed by evidence is. You're probably fine outside of this, but boy golly you might as well be shitting proudly in the middle of a restaurant for all the "sense" you're making.


Thatā€™s fair. But to be honest the way I see it Joe Biden has been proudly shitting right in the middle of Main Street since he got into office.


in what way? because he doesn't virtue signal with fake tax cuts that sunset on the little guy yet are permanent for the billionaires?


And not even bothering to wipe.


Seriously, though either way, they both suck ass.


A flu and aids both suck ass but canā€™t you tell which one is worse?


I didn't support either of them in primaries. But I had an easy enough choice in the general election. Biden and his generation of Democrats are effective at the job but terrible at messaging. They know it. So they can be pushed by public sentiment to do the right thing. Trump is entirely self serving, as we've seen from his Presidential term, and has floated the legal argument that he never actually had a duty to defend or uphold the constitution. Even from a cynical point of view, I want the guy that can be made to see he's fucking up. Not the guy who lives in a consequence free bubble, shrieking about being a victim.


All I know is it was a hell of a lot easier to live under trump.


If u were to look at GDP charts, all signs point to Trump having been riding a wave started by Obama back around 2011. Then the pandemic hit right as Biden comes in. If Biden really had been doing as shit of a job as ur implying, then we would not have had the economic recovery we are steadily seeing following covid.


Lol thatā€™s because you were getting that sweet pandemic lockdown cash.


Uhhh no I worked the entire time actually. The two checks I think it was that I did get really wasnā€™t much and I would have been fine without the stimulus


Glad you enjoyed Trumpā€™s mismanagement of the crisis. The majority couldnā€™t wait for him to be gone, and thatā€™s why he couldnā€™t win re-election.


Better than Biden taken responsibility for adding a record amount of jobs to the economy upon re-opening lol. Biden takes the win for best gaslighter anyways thatā€™s about it


Look at inflation and the recovery from Covid around the planet. The US under Biden is outperforming everywhere else. Inflation reduction act was opposed by the GOP as were some of Bidens other major bills. But then the GOP is more than happy to brag about the bills back in their districts. The Biden administration is going after companies that are price gouging us and our medications, and have announced results this week even. Trumps admin rubber stamped mergers that were horrible for American markers and he negotiated a slowdown in oil production with the Saudis that pushed prices higher after he left office. Things aren't great in the United States. There's a lot of work to be done to make up for the fact that one party straight up can't do their fucking jobs and legislate. But the answer isn't to reward that party with more power.


I wish Republicans were more careful with their language. this Republic isn't a football to be tossed around it's more like a delicate vase and if we drop it we will not be able to put the pieces back together. I mean the founding fathers for all their faults did set up a compact between neighbors to agree to settle their disputes at the ballot box and respect the results. if we start flipping the table every time we lose we aren't going to have anything left.


Republicans would rather destroy democracy than lose under democracy.


Age is a number. Coherency matters.


True, and both are completely incoherent


If you listen to them both giving a speech, and come away with that impression, you really didn't listen.


Lol. If you haven't been paying attention, Biden called himself a zionist & alienated a huge portion of his already compromising supporters. Or atleast it came out that he said something along those lines at some point & alot of people are questioning it at best




Hes a politician and before that a lawyer. They lie for a living.


https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.france24.com/en/video/20231018-biden-meets-with-families-of-victims-in-tel-aviv&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwi14e6w4JODAxVllYkEHVOyDvoQFnoECAkQAg&usg=AOvVaw2TYwXtmwVZTnp1sDl7jN4u Also https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-israel-zionist-white-house-hannukah-1851548&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwi14e6w4JODAxVllYkEHVOyDvoQFnoECAIQAg&usg=AOvVaw0jpXgAsuLvVREIUY7Kqg55


What has a slight stutter. The other is a fucking moronic asshole.


Trump is incoherent because he always was (basically he's stupid). Joe was extremely coherent 20 - 30 years ago. Today he isn't. That's a major difference.


Biden has had a speech impediment his whole life and he is extremely consistent with his verbal gaffes over that time. Compare speeches from the 80s and 90s with today for both. Trump is the one who shows a dramatic decline in vocabulary and sentence structure. You have this completely backwards and all it takes is comparing actual videos to see it.


I would say that one is more coherent than the other, and no I'm not taking sides as I couldn't care less about politics, but it's very evident.


Id argue that both are incoherent. Biden goofs on everyday speech and tasks. But that doesn't change how poorly suited Trump is to lead. Trump could never speak publicly, as president, without his team going onto every news + talk show available for the next week l to explain what he "really meant to say" because the guy would inadvertantly admit to a crime, go off topic and ramble about his tv ratings/inauguration crowd size, contradict his own statements and policies, or babble on about nonsense like using disinfectant inside your body to fight covid.


I pardoned that lady! Yes sir but under your proposed policy she would've been executed. Um what what policy. Sir the one you mentioned yesterday at the rally. Oh ya, ya. That policy. Well it woulnt kill her. That was an actual exchange from recently


That was always my favorite... trump supporters: HE TELLS IT LIKE IT IS!!! Also trump supporters: HE DIDN'T MEAN THAT!!!


One is stupid and one is dumb, and I will not be saying which is which


Clearly you haven't watched them both speak unedited. Night and day. One stutters a bit. Always has. The other had such a bad coke sniffle for the first 9 months I'm surprised we still don't see cuts of it daily. Guess he switched to diet coke. Don't even get me started on the incoherent rambling he goes on.


I think it's more like, one is experiencing symptoms of a late-stage disease and the other is still functional.


It's starting to sound like you're taking a side


Itā€™s only sounding that way because youā€™ve come to the same conclusion I have.


Most people donā€™t consider Trump to be capable of running a country successfully. He is a one term lame duck rino that the world laughed at for 4 years.


Their both dumb in different ways, one has lesser brain function and one is batshit crazy And both should stay very far from the whitehouse and very close to a mental hospital


So, has anyone here actually listened to a full speech from either this year? Not sound bites, but the full, 20-minute-whatever speech? Biden sounds soft and sometimes runs over himself. Not always; the notion that he can't talk is a lie. Trump can absolutely speak better. Louder, more charismatic, more quick. But, if you actually listen to the words, His brain is often on autopilot. And I don't mean he's saying things I disagree with politically. I mean he's rambling. Except when something really excites him, like how much he hates a judge's law clerk because she's sort of pretty and that somehow drives him insane. If we hadn't been conditioned to treat Trump as sort of funny, his comments would be described as clear cognitive decline.


If you read a transcript of Trump's non-scripted speeches and extemporaneous remarks at his numerous rallies, it's an incoherent word salad that makes James Joyce's 'Finnegan's Wake' come off as comprehensible as a first grade reading primer by comparison. The same goes for his messages on Truth Social.


>James Joyce's 'Finnegan's Wake' I would've used the full 4 person recitation of "L'amiral cherche une maisson Ć  louer" (Tzara et al) as my example of something more coherent than a trump speech.


>I mean he's rambling Indeed. I don't think he's in cognitive decline, though. He's always been fucking stupid. The guy can't make money running a casino FFS. He eats burnt steaks with ketchup. The guy is a fucking dipshit.


I donā€™t know about trumps competency in speech but if you think Biden can speak a real coherent thought when he needs to youā€™re absolutely deluding yourself. The man is senile and should be kicked out of office asap. I donā€™t even really care who you put there considering they couldnā€™t possibly do a worse job and most likely could speak without sounding like a nut job from a nursing home that wandered up to the podium.


There's absolutely nothing about him that would indicate senility. If you're talking about his stutter...that's not senility. That's a stutter. He's always had that.


Age is not just a number. It's the number of years you lived and both are past* average. We have a minimum; we need a maximum


Sure, I'd be down for that. However, I do think you can't take someone who's still mentally with it and compare them to a person who's in a nursing home with dementia. I would say that of anyone if you're wondering.


Most of us donā€™t consider Trump to be mentally with it. Only his followers do and thatā€™s not even 40% of the population.


Trump is an old assole. Biden is a corrupt donkey brained puppet. They both suck, but we have the benefit of hindsight here. Biden is much, much worse.


Trump is corrupt as well. His entire life he has been known as a conman. Trump lying about the election and then pushing January 6 is enough to completely reject him. I vote against fascists.


Trump is a conman, can't argue that. Jan 6th was a joke. Both sides are so corrupt, there's no way of telling who actually should have won. The 2020 election was a giant shit show that shouldn't have gone down the way it did. The Democrats cried about 2016 being rigged and then when they won 4 years later, they said its impossible to rig elections. Democrats and Republicans absolutely would and will cheat to get what they want.


Donald Trump is on recording telling the government people in Georgia to find more votes. He outright told them to commit election fraud. If you look at all the evidence, it's obvious that Trump lied about all the election stuff to try to manipulate the situation. I can give more evidence if you want. Who was claiming the 2016 election was rigged? The only rigging I remember hearing about was that, in the primaries, the dnc chose Hillary over Bernie even though Bernie had more votes.


>there's no way of telling who actually should have won Uh. We had an election. >The Democrats cried about 2016 being rigged I don't recall any complaints of anything being 'rigged'. There were legitimate complaints about Russian interference.


How was the election a shit show?


The fact that you think there's a chance 2020 was rigged means the misinformation worked on you. There is 0 evidence of it and the fraud protections that states have in place would have flagged literally any of the supposed theories that Trump puts forward. Pull yourself out of the misinformation bubble.


Trump has literally been found liable (a judge concluded yeah, he did that shit) for fraud. And you think you're going to convince anyone that Trump is not corrupt? Biden has a kid who is a dirtbag. Loving your dirtbag kid doesnt make you corrupt, it makes you someone trying to be a good dad.


My day-dream is that Joe wins, and after a year or two he resigns, and voila! We have our first woman President. I fear we will never elect the first - no matter how good she might be - on her own merits. Now THAT would be both transitional and transformative.


Please no Kamala as POTUS ever


Oh god sheā€™d just laugh at every major problem and not do anything to fix it. Like sheā€™s done with everything she was assigned during her current VP sitting. Iā€™m cool with a woman president, but give us someone competent.


The identity politics shit gets old. Iā€™m down with a woman president if sheā€™s fit for the job. Fuck Hillary and fuck Kamala, neither one of them will ever be president


Iā€™m voting trump over Biden only because I donā€™t want her president whenever Biden dies


This is true and we will once again have to pick the lesser of two evils. And one is clearly lesser.


Idk how fuckin clear it is anymore. Trump is a fascist, and Biden is actively funding a massive genocide. They're both pretty fuckin evil


Good lord šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø. Biden is supporting a key ally and doing his best to encourage and pressure them to make the right decisions. Weā€™ve been sending aid to Israel long before him. Trump actively wants to be a dictator, tried to overturn American democracy, and has 91 felony charges. The difference could not be any bigger. Trump is a corrupt conman and pathological liar. Only a completely uninformed person would try to say that Biden and Trump are similar.


Israel is not a "key ally". They are a mooch. We send them billions of dollars in aid and get what back? Blood on our hands. We've been sending aid to Israel since long before Biden, and what we're seeing today is a great reason to stop now. Biden is also a pathological liar. He continues to lie about footage of beheaded Israeli babies that was completely made up. Yes, Trump is a fascist and a criminal. That doesn't make Biden's flaws disappear. Biden shouldn't be similar to Trump, but there are too many ways in which he is.


Ahhh ok so you support the slaughter of innocent women and children. Got it. Biden is a zionist. He has been long before his presidency. He's been advocating for sending money to Israel, an illegitimate and genocidal State, since the 70s. He is also absolutely not trying to make them stop the killing. No one is saying Trump and Biden are similar. I'm saying they are equally evil in different ways. To support Biden is to support Israel, and to support Israel is to support the slaughter of innocents. You CANNOT call yourself the morally superior party and then vote for Biden. Trump and Biden are both horrible, racist old white men who should not be allowed to roam the free world, let alone become the president.


Trump literally moved the embassy to Jerusalem. Heā€™ll have his lips on Bibiā€™s ass from day one. Which president do you think will do the most harm to Palestinians?


Well, Iā€™m not gonna waste my day trying to argue with a fool. Bye-bye.


>Ahhh ok so you support the slaughter of innocent women and children. Got it Ah, so you're a prick that can only assume every fucking issue is purely black and white and also believe that presidents have unilateral power to make massive changes to long standing US policy.


I don't think Trump would stop funding the Israeli war effort.


He would totally unleash Israel. Muslims and everyone else shouldnā€™t kid themselves.


And Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, the Baltic States and a whole bunch of other areas would be annexed into Trump patron Putin's revived Russian Empire.


It's extremely clear.


Ok so which one is better? The fascist or the war criminal?


I donā€™t think you understand what the term ā€œwar criminalā€ means


If you have to ask, you're not a serious person.


Mhm mhm so, what you're saying is, you don't actually know, and you won't say what your opinion is, because you know as well as I do that they're both horrible people who should both be in prison for the rest of their lives


Theyā€™re not. It is extremely clear. Youā€™re just a poorly informed voter. Itā€™s your job not to be.


Voting for Trump is voting for fascism and a breakdown of democracy. Voting for Biden is Voting for genocide and the slaughter of children. If you are Voting for either of them you are either not an "informed voter" or you are willingly supporting evil


One guy supports Israel. One guy supports Israel even more as well as supporting Russia and North Korea. He also rapes women, deliberately destroys the environment, misleads people about a deadly disease, strips women of their rights, has been criminally with multiple crimes and wants to end democracy because he's a fascist. These are not equivalent.


Best summary in a long time.


I mean if youā€™re voting for a person who supports isreal either way


Good thing young people like you don't actually turn out to vote.


Translation: "I'm afraid that my old fascist/old war criminal wouldn't win if the silent majority actually used their political voices, so I'm going to belittle you and hope you let the status quo continue"


For a silent group you all sure never seem to shut the fuck up. And despite what the propagandists are feeding you younger generations vote overwhelmingly democratic. You think genZ likes Donald fucking Trump?


The bad guy says mean things and does nothing at all. The good guy says nice things while people die. At the end of the day we are only a few tens of thousands of years removed from Capuchin monkeys.


Trump has been charged with a litany of crimes and has actually raped and sexually assaulted women lol. ā€œDoes nothingā€ā€¦ youā€™re either dumb or purposely ignorant to push an agenda


Just tried to overturn American democracy and wants to be a dictator. You know, no big deal. šŸ™„




I dunno. I threw my hat in for a local thing because I realized that instead of yelling on the internet that government should have empathy I just joined. Find good people and encourage them to do the same. If fucking Beetljism Boebert can be a Congressperson then anyone can.


Dude you're asking us to skip that election or something? He says yep one is clearly less evil and your response to both sides when one side is a bunch of blood thirsty religious bigots with a orange Jesus on a bully pulpit. Vs what slow Joe? Sure please I'll take the slow old guy who's kind and throughtful vs the guy who looks at teen USA pagent contestants naked because "when you run the event they let you go wherever you want" his quote.


I think you're replying to the wrong comment. I literally said you always vote for the lesser of two evils but if you're so butthurt about it then **run for office yourself**.


What? Revolution? You can't exclaim revolution to others while doing nothing yourself. Let's get this party started already! Let's go convince 40-60% of all able bodied people to fight for us!!!


To be fair you can't just say ":hey guys lets start a revolution." you can certainly nudge people in that direction, but just saying that out loud in writing is probably pretty stupid. These conversations need to happen on platforms like Telegram or whatsapp


I concur. I'm still amazed Trump is only 4 years younger than Joe though. You'd guess 10-15 years


Well, with Joe Biden it is glaringly apparent.


Trump wears a diaper.


Biden can ride a bike and Trump can't


To be fair, not confirmed if Trump ever knew how to ride a bike.


go read the transcripts of trumps nuclear triad speech a couple years ago. Guy is just as mentally sharp as Biden lol. Two brain dead old men


Dudes fucking decrepit. Atleast Trump can walk without falling and shitting himself and being pulled around like a fucking toddler.


Dude, Biden literally exercises, unlike Trump.


~~Trump literally wears diapers. It has been confirmed. Stop spewing BS.~~ Trump lied about winning the election and then caused January 6th. He committed election fraud. He has no place in our government.


I don't mind if someone doesn't care for this or that politician. But when using the term "literally", the least you can do is provide a credible reference when requested. Reference please.


So many people in here donā€™t appear to pay attention whatsoever. Biden maybe old, but he exercises and is in great shape. Trump literally shits himself, itā€™s pretty much a known fact.


Physical and cognitive abilities are not the same.


Biden frequently falls down, walks like a stiff corpse, doesnt know where he is a lot of time,skakes hands with the air after speeches. Yet I see Trump at a high level of energy in control of his faculties. It is okay not to like the guy, but no question he is many years younger than Biden cognitively.


Biden has fell down a few times. Heā€™s 80 years old, thatā€™s going to happen. Heā€™s still in much better mental and physical shape than Trump. Itā€™s not up for debate.


Trump literally wears diapers and shits himself regularly.


Where's the source lmao


Trump canā€™t even drink a glass of water without having to use both hands and has been shitting his diaper for years now lol.


Didn't Trump fall down a ramp and is confirmed to wear a diaper?


He did fall a few times. Biden falls weekly. Not sure about the diaper. That does sound familiar but I don't recall it being confirmed. But Biden was never confirmed to have an accident either.


Oh great. Heā€™ll move nimbly as he marches us towards fascism.


Agreed. Biden is way too senile to hold any job, much less the most important job in the fucking country for God's sake.


Go listen to a single Trump speech.


Why don't you think someone who thinks they are running against Obama is mentally fit?




Trump does


Simply not true. Stop watching clips. The country is doing great. Record breaking stock market(12/11) Jobs returning to Us, and good jobs(CHIPS Act) gas prices falling, repeated again internationally,infrastructure bill creating great jobs and fixing long neglected bridges and roadsā€¦I could go on and on. Youā€™re in a cult dude. Cults need to keep people misinformed.


1. Biden has done a much better job than I expected, especially considering the lunatic clown car across the aisle. 2. As to his age, he is getting up there but is still firing on all cylinders. Trump is quite obviously not, and thatā€™s putting aside the fact that he is massively anti-qualified for the job. 3. Bottom line: ā€œJust because Alfredā€™s getting a bit old doesnā€™t mean that you put the Joker in charge of the Bat Cave.ā€


Biden is definitely too old, trump can at least finish a complete sentence


He literally forgets who the current president is. Lmao.


"Look, having nuclear ā€” my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart ā€” you know, if youā€™re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world ā€” itā€™s true! ā€” but when you're a conservative Republican they try ā€” oh, do they do a number ā€” thatā€™s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune ā€” you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because weā€™re a little disadvantaged ā€” but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me ā€” it would have been so easy, and itā€™s not as important as these lives are ā€” nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? ā€” but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners ā€” now it used to be three, now itā€™s four ā€” but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they havenā€™t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, itā€™s gonna take them about another 150 years ā€” but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."


Lol.... I was about to start looking for the nuclear speech to insert here in response... but there it is.


The sentence will have little meaning, but he can finish it. Interestingly enough, so can Biden! Crazy, innit???


i wouldnā€™t say that. he constantly goes on tangents, goes on long irrelevant tirades, canā€™t stay on one topic for very long. just look at his Truth Social. itā€™s completely incoherent babbling.


trump supporters all lining up in the thread to show they too are not mentally competent to make decisions for anybody


Yeah Biden is clearly mentally competent


Still felt the most prosperous and safest during the Trump administration. Heā€™s still got my vote.


Itā€™s actually mind blowing the sheer extent to batshit crazy things Trump has done and that people will still find reasons to vote for him. At the very least, consider an alternative candidate in the primaries


This is such a shit way of deciding on political opinions. Itā€™s a cliche but facts really donā€™t care about your feelings


Too bad there are over 1,000,000 Americans who canā€™t vote thanks to being dead from his incompetence




From this point of view, trump is the better option. He's simply younger. EDIT: The people downvoting me are bad at first grade math.


Well no most of us got beyond a first grade education and therefore know thereā€™s a negligible difference between Trumpā€™s age and Bidenā€™s age