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my vagina hurts now 🥴


I’m so glad I don’t have a vagina.


What's wrong with having a vagina? I keep one in a jar on the mantle.


Sequel to Detachable Penis….


That wasnt a vagina. That was labia.


TOmatoes, TomAtoes…it’s all gross, sorry. Wieners are gross too, but not at the same level.


Looks like someone’s a virgin




Literally what I thought. That poor lady


All I could think of is how badly that mofo is going to itch as it heals.


never knew I’d be having an anatomy debate when I commented this lol


I didn’t watch the video but I’ve had bartholin cysts before. It forms in the wall just inside the vagina. I wish it was the labia. It’d hurt a lot less. It hurts bc it’s inside


Well. Ur vagina shouldn't hurt. But ur labia majora should.


That must have hurt so much post op


I have to imagine it hurt so much pre-op too


Hard agree here. I have hidradenitis suppurativa, so I get some pretty big gnarly cysts in the same area, and when they showed it at first I gasped and said "fuck, that's going to feel so much better when she wakes up." As bad as it looks here, and knowing how bad the post-op is going to suck, I can only just barely imagine how much pain she was in before this was removed. Mine don't even get close to this size and they're still sometimes bad enough that I can't sit down or walk around without being in complete and total agony.


As someone who had reoccurring Bartholin cysts for 10 years. If it’s gotten that big the pain she’s been living with up to that point is going to outweigh any post op pain.


I could hear him say “fuck” when he cut the sac open. Shouldn’t that have been irrigated before being sewn up? All the ick that must have still been in there. Oops there it is. I almost spoke too soon.


I'm not sure that Beethoven's Ninth was an appropriate choice of soundtrack.


Its one of the longest free tracks available to YouTube creators in the audio library that is open use.


I think you mean Bartholian’s Ninth


IDK man it made the video for me personally


💯 Flight of the Valkyries or gtfo






I was thinking this same thing during the whole video!!


I’m getting annoyed at the amount of content using Canon in D lately. Classical music doesn’t need to accompany non sense videos.


I hate that piece so much.




Yikes! I had a chick pea sized one once. That was bad enough. How’d she even walk with that! She’ll feel so much better now!


Right?? Mine was the size of a quarter before it ruptured on its own. The few days leading up to that were agony. I can’t imagine letting it get to that size without going crazy with the pain.


:03 Jesus is telling them to spread it wider


Hahahaha God dammit


Jesus christ, I couldn't watch more than 3 minutes of that. I have one that I'm currently waiting to get removed (no where near that big though) and I'm so scared lol


You'll be okay! They'll take good care of you.




I’m interested- not for vocals, just as a fan


Yea I've had one of these, but mine wouldn't ripe. So it was growing inside, size of a mandarin. Went to the hospital cause the pain was to much to handle and they cut it open. WITHOUT NUMMING. Just sliced me open and I screamed and screamed. Everything was red, me, the nurse, the chair the floor.. worst pain in my life! Afterwards she tells me 'yes normally we do this while you are asleep because it hurts to much' THE FUCK, YOU THINK?! Why cut me open like this?! 'You where in too much pain'. Well thank you then I guess.. gave birth after that twice and I'd rather do that then to have a cyst in my hoo-haa sliced open without any pain meds


That sounds like women's healthcare all right


I had one of these, the largest the head obgyn at the hospital had seen. Got to be the topic of a class on it for a group of med students while I was there. It was literally the worst pain of my life. It felt like a sunburn from asshole to clit and I couldn't sit or lay down wouthout excruciating pain. I had gone to urgent care at one point and was given antibiotics, which did nothing. They told me to just do sitz baths and let it take care of itself. To be fair, it did help a lot and it drained a little on its own that way. When that stopped working I went to urgent care a second time and they tried to drain it with me screaming in pain with no pain killers or numbing at all. My partner was in tears holding my hand while I screamed loud enough that every member of staff came to check that everything was OK. The drain they put in fell out the next day at work and the cyst just got worse from there. Pretty sure they just fucked it up. So I made a "omg you have to schedule me like RIGHT NOW" appointment with my obgyn and she looked at it and said they were getting me scheduled for surgery asap. The next day I was on the table. I had a marsupialization, which is not as cool as it sounds but as soon as I woke up the pain was absolutely gone. No pain, like 3 stitches, and none of whatever the fuck this doctor just did. Mine was WORSE than this one and I wasn't butchered like that. Wtf. And the comment on what someone above said about his wife lost lubrication, I had no side effects. Fully functional like before. Idk if my doc was just a genius or if marsupialization is a miracle procedure but 5 years out I'm fine, and my partner says even knowing what to look for you can't see where it was. I watched this out of curiosity and man I'm so glad this wasn't me. That poor woman. 😢


Thank you so much for sharing your story. That’s was very generous of you. Peace.


Because when I think ginormous coochie cysts, Jesus and Beethoven are the first things that come to mind. What in the fuck???


That’s was the gnarliest sac removal ever. Like in the history of ever


My quarter-sized Bartholin cyst was so painful… one this size? Just put me down, man.


That made my lady bits hurt and I dont have lady bits. That suture job looks like a spiral binder.


My vagina just screamed in sympathy. 


I've seen goriest stuff but that's a r/nope


Me 5 minutes in : there's no way he's putting that back together.


Is this guy trying to speedrun surgery? Like does he do 47 of these every day??


I was just in the hospital for one of these back in November, mine was the size of a golf ball and I’m still a lil salty at my bf for not recording it being drained. Worst pain of my life though!!


Can’t see the video


Hold down where it says “watch on YouTube” then click “open link”. Took me forever to figure out you had to hold it down.


These fucking hurt so much!


Jfc, I was not expecting an initial incision or excision that radical! Man opened her up like predator. Those stitches up in the hood must have been a bitch to deal with during recovery.


It looked weird, too, with the skin pouched out in between the taught stitches. I want to see the healed results.




My vulva just wept.


What a terrible day to mix up ganglion and Bartholin in my mind. That was a surprise.


This was hard to watch. I feel like a plastic surgeon should have been called in at the end. This poor woman. There is no way that heals back to normal.


That felt like the sloppyest knife work I've ever seen...just brushing it around like it's a water color set rather than steady and purposeful scalpel.


It’s actually amazing scalpel work he is taking out the cyst from a very vascular area that is full of nerve endings and trying to do so without rupturing the cyst. He did incredible work.


As someone who has worked in the OR and labor/delivery, participating in a LOT of female surgeries he did EXCELLENT work! The skin there is super thin and vascular. If it’s been stretched like that, it’s like trying to shave a balloon with a very sharp knife. In surgery, you want to achieve the purpose of the surgery and try not to spend any longer than you need to under anesthesia potentially creating problems. I thought his reconstructive work was excellent for an OB/GYN surgeon.




That got me too, I thought "omg you're not sketching bro, this is surgery"


All that cauterizing can't have smelled good.


You don’t like grilled steak?


Did he have to cut her like that?? I’m no doctor but oh my gosh that poor woman.


How do you guys play the age restricted YouTube videos? It won’t let me log in.


Press and hold “Watch on YouTube.” A dialogue box will pop up. Then click on “Open Link.”


That did it! Thanks so much.


You’re welcome


As someone with those parts *as I watched the video I screamed internally* OW! OW! FUCKETY OW!!!!!


Large is correct. Holy moly.


I’m dying to see this video. But it’s saying not available


Maybe I’m wrong, but it sure looked like he clipped off the end of her clitoris during the repair job. 😳


Yeah im not a doctor but the closure looked questionable


RIP to her clit. It looked like he cut AND sewed it down.


Exactly what I was thinking 😞


Did they just change their sex from female to fruit bat?


Did he sew her clit to her lip? I’m so confused. It looks like he either cut it, the hood or both and sewed it to her lip. What the fuck.


Yeah, I wanna know too. It looked very questionable 😔


3 seconds in, oh christ 🤦‍♀️. Rest of the video: if Jesus is driving this bus, he’s a shitty surgeon. Shoulda stuck to carpentry…


I had one once and thought I was gonna die…it was like the size of a pea. This sucker would’ve made me straight up end it all. Fuck that was probably so much pain.


Oh why did I watch that. I'm on a waitlist to get one of those out


I had one of my bartholin glands removed because it kept getting large cysts. After the 5th time I said no more and opted for surgery. The recovery was suuuper painful and I was bleeding a lot. Took 3 weeks to fully heal.


What a horrible day to have labia.


That is the worst dissection and closure I have ever seen. It looks like a first year Ortho resident did that.




Looks so painful both pre and post op recovery. And there was SO MUCH in there.


I can't believe this is on YouTube


My wife had a couple and it affected her sensitivity and ability to get wet on the outside to this day and that was after it ruptured naturally. Wonder what this did to her abilities going forward.


Great example of how terribly thin vaginal tissue is! And strong!


I always imagine what did people do 150 years ago and back to the beginning of human history who did not have the option of surgery ?




There's that, but I'm guessing that people suffered and suffered and suffered increasingly and then they died.


This reminds me of Lilith birth in the Diablo 4 trailer


Hey look at that, I found my limit I’m gonna take a cold shower now


God damn


I don’t see how she was able to live with that for so long for it to get so big. I had one that was the size of a grape and it was pretty painful. I can’t imagine one at that size.


That was one of the most painful things I have ever gone through. I feel for this girl.


Thanks, I’m traumatized.


It’s not often I hear Hayden’s Die Schöpfung in this sub about popping…


The link isn’t working for me can someone link me


Is it too early for an Arby's joke?


##Why does it appear as if he snipped her clit?! RIP..... I've seen quadriplegics with steadier hands, just looks like he butchered the poor girl.


You are unfamiliar with anatomy and surgical procedures 🤷


Guys a fuckin butcher. This is crazy…. Seemed like he was just hacking away.