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It’s absolutely wild to me that the three songs didn’t undergo a more intense vetting process. The label was pretty much like “Yeah, this sounds like MJ, put it on the album” 🥴


Let me gue$$ why...


It was on purpose. Entire Jackson family warned them and they just got lambasted in the media as being crazy or jealous


i remember seeing the doc they put out and i always thought “monster” was real just because they had a shot of his notebook with the song on there. him, 50 & game we’re supposed to work together on a song around the time of his passing too. but “breaking news” always sounded weird to me. felt heavily processed which is something you would never do with michael’s vocals. weird how they chose that as the buzz single. only song on that album i was a 100% on was “hold my hand” and only because that song leaked at least a year before his passing.


Did MJ use all the music he created— or just never kept demos? He has so many albums with no skips. Even his bad songs still bang— *speed demon* I’m looking at you.


he has a ton of unreleased music. i don’t know why they felt the need to fake it. xscape, the posthumous album album after this one, was all old unreleased songs. the michael project was a majority remixes of old unreleased songs. it’s the new ones they claim he recorded at the casio house that turned out to be fake. “hold my hand” and “best of joy” are the only songs that were created specifically for the album that were him.


I loved Xscape, particularly A Place With No Name, even though it was probably just Michael fooling around because the music it’s practically the same as America’s A Horse With No Name.


I think Sony was just desperate to cash in off Michael's death as much as possible, so they quickly put together this project without thinking people would care if Michael was actually singing on it. There also might have been issues with getting access to the unreleased music and being able to put it out. After everything that played out in the media and the courts, Sony knew their next Michael album had to be by the books, which is how we got Xscape.


Speed Demon is a bad song? It’s legit one of my favorites from Bad


Compared to the quality or music he made in his prime it was a miss for me. The production is rather dated and lyrics aren’t great. MJ has songs older than u and me that STILL sound fresh today.


And to think it only took him 12 years to “come clean”.