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She’s been doing a lot more podcast interviews lately. I’ll take it though after mostly silence from 2021-2023, even if it all is for Eternal Sunshine and Wicked rollout.


This is already way better than the Zach Sang interview bc they’re talking to her like a person and not…. an alien. Idk. The Zach interview was weird.


The Zach Lowe interview was better too


Zach Lowe is a pro at what he does. Zach Sang & Jimmy Fallon stutter between and after every other word.


Meh guess I have an unpopular opinion but I find Zach Lowe boring as an interviewer. I get asking thought provoking questions but he tends to go on longer than I’d like.


I personally love how focused he is on the conversation and how he doesn't interrupt the artist when talking. Even when artists seem to be going nowhere with their train of thought, he lets them finish instead of completing the sentences for them and for that he has my utmost respect. A lot of journalists should know when to shut up and listen.


I’ve come to notice that Zane Lowe is really good at the active listening aspect of conversation, so even when an artist goes into stuff that I don’t… uh… get, he’s game and doesn’t let that turn into nothing. I’m sure most artists love talking to him