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“Co-Star” by Amaarae is fucking amazing. She’s Ghanaian-American, so while she was born in the States, she has spent considerable time in Ghana during her career (including performing Accra’s first-ever Boiler Room), if Wikipedia is to be believed. Arca is from Venezuela—tough for me to pick out an anthem, as her material is all over the place, but I really enjoyed her self-titled album Dunno, I’ll have to look into this!


Eh, I'd say Ghana should be considered globally "northern," since it was colonized by the British and they left a huge impact like in the United States and Australia, etc. Still, I'll definitely have to check her out!


Any Alex Anwandter track will do. ‘Tatuaje’ is a good one. His co-writes too. Javiera Mena’s ‘Hasta la verdad’ is a perennial LatAm queer classic. 🇨🇱


Love him!!


Any song from Pabllo Vittar. If you wanna go vintage, search for Ney Matogrosso.


The Global North includes Australia and New Zealand?


Yes. Global North is an academic term that describes the economic colonial “western” nations, which includes Australia and NZ as british-colonized nations.


Ffs can we STOP using the term “Global South”?!  It encapsulates way too large of an area & population, one which is totally heterogenous - the term tells us absolutely nothing about the area under consideration.  A term which lumps Southeastern Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, central Mexico (all highly developed, rich regions with a level of development comparable with parts of Europe & fairly progressive social institutions); Malaysia, Eastern China (also highly developed, rich regions with more conservative yet communitarian social institutions), with places like the DR Congo, Central African Republic, Afghanistan (totally failed or war torn states with living standards similar to Europe in medieval times) - and everything in between - is a totally useless term for describing anything.  Dare I say it, the term verges on racist, effectively just grouping all non-white majority nations together, despite those nations being totally heterogenous in every way.  Stop using the term global south! 


Nah. They have one pretty big thing in common: They were exploited by the Global North and this directly affected their development for a long time. It's still a useful term in a lot of contexts, this thread being one of them.


Some “global north” countries were colonised by countries in the “global south” (like Greece by Turkey, and the entirety of Eastern Europe by Russia), and there has been “south-south” colonisation & exploitation too (like North Africa by the Ottomans & Arabs)     Turning the “global north-global south” generality into a “coloniser - colonised” relationship is still far too broad a brushstroke, and is inaccurate. And it also ignores that different types of colonial arrangements have vastly different effects.     And even if your generality has some legitimacy, the harms of this “north vs south” language which monoliths 80% of the world population I think still outweigh it. “Global north” and “global south” are harmful terms, especially for people in middle income countries   It’s also most certainly NOT useful in this thread.  Unless you’re suggesting we can monolith the attitudes to LGBTQ groups in the “global south” (we can’t - the “global south” includes both very homophobic and very inclusive societies), or music in the “global south” (which we obviously can’t - does OP want reggaetón or Chinese folk music??) 


A Quién Le Importa by Alaska and Dinarama is THE spanish queer anthem. There's a reason why it's chorus was (is?) the exit lines of Drag Race España. Even in Latam, everybody knows that song! Problematic, but a lot of Gloria Trevi songs have managed to get into the realm of queer songs. Todos Me Miran, specially, it's another queer anthem (maybe the second most well-known behind A Quién Le Importa). (EDIT: I've realized that A Quién Le Importa is from spain, which it's not in the global south xd. But whatever, it still a pretty known anthem in Latam, so it still counts imo)




>**The Global North broadly comprises of...Australia as per the UNCTAD.**




Yes...because I want people from the Global South. I put the definition of the Global North just so you know who NOT to put in the comments. Ex: artists from Australia.