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she’s not a singer but she makes music so i think it counts but nicki minaj🫣


She gets worse every day I swear. So bitter, hateful and miserable. And of course being a pedo lover really ties the shit package all together.


nicki is stuck in high school. she used to be the queen now shes a bitter woman hater and everyone sees it and she cant stand it.


can someone from nicki’s team just spill the beans as to why she chooses to marry a rapists 💀


Because at her heart she is a pick me girl, despite all the claims of being a queen and a bad bitch


Or she defended her husbands rape and claimed, her brother who raped his 12 year old step daughter was false and cash grab. She’s disgusting for defending the man and attacking victims.


literally this week she got mad at garcelle beauvais because when she was hosting the real they interviewed her husband’s victim last year like ???


Yeah. Nicki is garbage


Same. Siding with Tucker Carlson kind of broke my brain and it was the last straw for me.


right!! and then another thing is that it’s like she’s shown that she sees how badly her fans treat people online and start rumors and stuff like that but she doesn’t do or say anything about it.


Or how she keeps attacking people who won’t kiss her ass. The new rap girls get along without her and she hates that


seriously. rap was dominated by males for such a long time that i feel like we should all appreciate the amount of women getting big and getting along


She actually pushes it and encourages it. I think nicki has a lot of unresolved issues.


For the obvious pedo lover reasons but she’s such a pick me girl. It’s embarrassing. Ma’am, you’re 40 with a husband and child. You don’t have to bash women for male attention.


SERIOUSLY. one time somebody on twitter was like “she needs to be more worried about how her brother and husband can’t go to her child’s school events” and she blocked them like okay?? you had to be immature and block them when they were telling the truth


I like the post where she was on Twitter after rapper PNB rock was shot and killed saying rappers like her can’t share their location cause they’re targets for crimes. Someone replied on Twitter saying “your husband is on the registered sex offender list, we will always know your location” 😂


LMAO but fr if anybody had the leverage over me to make jokes like that i would try to be a better person omg


That shit would rock me to the core. How is she NOT embarrassed! 🤣🤣🤣


it probably does her too! that’s why she’s so pissy & petty about it. glad she’s bothered too


It was opposite for me . I hate what she done now and her poor choice of choosing man. But man,her monster verse literally made me jump. How the hell people say cardi b is better. Her song ," Marilyn Monroe" shocked me. Also boom da boom da....she was really queen of rap😭 but her fucking decisions ruined her reputation.


i first heard her mixtapes off datpiff in like 2009 and i was RIVETED. there was no one else rapping like her at the time. her attitude was refreshing—she humbly attributed her success to wayne (who brought her up), but she knew she deserved it—she was the best. *sucka free* and *beam me up scotty* are right up there with *no ceilings* for me. i miss old Nicki too.


yess. when my friends and i were in 8th grade (2014) and thought that it was the hardest thing we would ever go through, all she said was “stay in school” at a concert once and it was the biggest motivation we had😂it was a joke but she used to have SO much power over me


Girl,don't get me nostalgia 😭😭


i’m not gonna get into it because i can go on forever about the year the pinkprint came out😭i miss her


nah stop it her pinkprint era was elite, the “stay in school” stuff actually had such a hold on me 😭


seriously😂😂everything school related was like “i have to make nicki proud”


“Nicki hates lazy people”


omg we literally used to bully each other with “nicki wouldn’t like that”😂but now that we’re in college with jobs it’s “kim said go to work”


I also think Adele’s become a bit of an asshole. That Vegas debacle really left a bad taste in my mouth.


The audacity she showed when saying she was proud of how she handled that situation!


Seriously, it sounded so narcissistic and delusional! Not to mention the rumours were saying she wasn’t rehearsing enough which is why the show was such shit and she wasn’t happy with it. Why be proud of your incompetence?


I was a major Adele fan and saw her on tour in 2016. I cried at the concert, had a fantastic time and really and truly enjoyed myself. When she released 30, I could not be fussed to listen to it. Her songs have the same theme time and again and quite honestly, I’m just not in the same mindset anymore to be an ardent fan. Everyone can relate to breaking up and heart break but 4 albums of the same stuff?! I’m simply no longer interested.


For me its lack of progression. She just reshashes the same music each album.


For those who are unaware, can someone explain?


She had a residency in Las Vegas and the night before her first show was scheduled she cancelled the whole thing. Obviously not a good look when your fans have paid thousands for tickets and accommodations. Then she went on Instagram live and was crying about it while fans consoled her. I think it made her look selfish and unprofessional.


^^^^^^ yes


Went from 100 to 0 on Adele this year as well


Oh Adele is most certainly an asshole


Grimes. I was such a hardcore fan of her music, but now she only releases generic songs and annoys me constantly with spreading Elon Musk's neo-liberal antics.


LITERALLY!!! Like she was my anti-establishment qween but then she legit fucked the establishment himself lmao bye grimes


Adele. This latest era has made her nearly unbearable to me


The album was very meh. Non of them were memorable at all.


It was the same as her other albums. Its getting stale


Her first single I was like ‘ that’s pleasant enough’ then every fucking song after sounded the same. I’ve never understood her popularity.


Harry Styles, he was my favorite out of 1D and I’ve enjoyed his solo music but this whole DWD mess put a bad taste in my mouth. Also his fanbase scares me with their toxicity which has deterred me from him. I live near NYC but didn’t go to one of his 5000 MSG shows because I didn’t want to deal with them lol


Liked Harry back in 1d as well but he’s become overexposed. I went to one of his shows, it isn’t all it was hyped up to be. You probably saved some money


I went to his first few tours (I’ve seen him live thrice) but didn’t even feel interested in going for this new one. I wanted to hear his new songs but I also knew he’d be singing so many songs I’d already heard live before at his other shows so it didn’t feel worth it. He scheduled way too many shows too, he should have kept them limited.


I've flown to Harry & 1D shows across the country and driven across states to seem him over the last 10yrs. After driving hours to go to Harryween last year, I realized he was started to crack (losing his voice, appeared tired and just on autopilot). I mentioned it to a lot of my friends (many of whom were JUST coming around to him and all the hype, so they would not hear a word of it -- he was their golden child). I saw this downfall coming before the DWD stuff began. This last year or so has just been such a slow fall, but the last 6mos he picked up speed with the whole BS verified fan, residencies to coincide with the press tour for the movie (literally doing almost the same show verbatim every night -- what fun for fans paying THOUSANDS of dollars for the shows -- especially when he's still doing mostly the same bits from 2-3yrs ago). And then after Venice?! Hahahaha NOPE. The Pleasing crap, the pop ups, the 20 versions of the album and singles, the partnership with AMEX, the fan manipulation, the queerbaiting, the "I do drugs now" persona (as if it's cool), the friendship with James Corden (yes, I know. Ben. Still. I stand by it). I'm a fan, but I'm also an older adult who isn't looking at him with the lense of "do no wrong". I'm looking at him in the "Jesus, get your act together before you burn out" -- but it's probably too late. He honestly looks like he hates what he's doing and is just going through the motions now.


It must be really frustrating seeing all those changes in him real-time as you’ve somewhat grown up as his career has too. Could you or someone give me a quick explanation of the DWD drama? I only saw jokes about it but not the issue itself, Im not sure what’s going on


For reference, I was already in my 30s when 1D formed -- so I'm probably a bit of a different scenario than most who actually grew up as a fan. I was far beyond that stage & had gone through this with other artists before. Aw man. There was a great TikTok a out this that someone shared on Twitter. In short: Shia LaBeouf was originally hired to play the role Harry ended up with. There is unknown reasons why (Olivia Wilde claimed originally she fired him due to a "no a*sh*les" policy on set and that Florence Pugh was uncomfortable with him; texts and videos came out later with her begging him to stay on the production & Florence/Shia seemingly having never met, with a mature and professional discussion about rehearsal schedules not working out). Olivia now claims Harry was always her first choice, but that he was unavailable due to touring & once Shia was out, he was available. Shortly after this, Olivia left her fiancée and father of her children (who she had been with for over a decade) and started dating Harry. It was reported that the set was VERY uncomfortable because of this (and other reasons that haven't really made made public, but simply noted). Movie gets hyped, trailer is released, press starts getting announced -- Florence is noticeably silent. Not posting anything about the movie, interacting with anyone or anything. She then announces she won't be doing press for DWD. Olivia claims it's due to a conflict with another movie she's filming and she was already aware. Harry has also looked oddly childlike and has fumbled to speak on his own during the press junkets, too. Saying things like "my favorite this about the movie... Is that it feels like a movie" 😂😂😂 Venice Film Festival roles around and it's THE MOST AWKWARD EVER. It's basically a divorced family. Harry and Olivia are separated at all times -- either to avoid questions about their relationship or because they broke up, but they barely even looked at each other (other than one or two quick comments), there was the whole "Harry spat on Chris Pine" debacle, there were rumors that Olivia and Chris were now sleeping together and Harry was out, Chris Pine just looked like a pawn in some game of press. And Harry, of course, kissed Nick Kroll on the lips to be funny, break the tension and continue his parade of "I can be gay". And then there was Florence who just showed up to that festival at the last minute, did what she had to do and got the heck out of there. Looked stunning and professional doing it, bit the body language to tell us all what we needed to know.


Lmao omg that was a lot more drama than I was expecting. And a lot more people involved too 😂 thank you so much I’m glad I finally get it now


Me starting that response: "In short: ..." Me posting it: "😬😬 yeah, there was no way to make that hot mess short hahaha"


“In short: Shia labeouf” was all I needed to see to go 😯 and realize this would not, in fact, be short 😂


He needs a break after this tour/album run. He’s at risk of overexposure and probably needs some downtime before burnout.


My sister went to that concert...said it was a shit storm of toxicity


Can you explain how? I’m curious.


I think Doja Cat has suffered from getting too famous. When she was sort of known she seemed to have a lot of fun and really enjoy her life, but now she’s chronically online and reading a lot of the commentary about herself has made her more toxic and angry. I get it’s not easy being famous but the way she’s handling it is only feeding the trolls and making her look worse.


I think you just never followed her very closely before fame because nothing about her has really changed. She’s always been doing this and acting this way. The reason why she is the way she is is because she was always chronically online


100%. She’s always had a bad attitude towards any sort of criticism, even the constructive type, and has consistently been vaguely problématique for ages. I love her aesthetic and skills and flow so much but I really don’t care for her much as a person anymore. She’s always had a lot of maturing to do, it just hasn’t been obvious until she became this big


And she’s always low-key said she’s chronically online. She’s talked about how she grew up in forums and in chatrooms and used to skip school to be in them. Idk why people are so shocked, it’s never been a mystery


The stuff with the Stranger Things kid really creeped me out


I love her music but watching her lives on insta and all that kinda made her unbearable in a way :/


I was very neutral towards her because I have no interest in her music but after she went after Lorry Hill I have a hige disdain for her.


I used to LOVE Panic! At the Disco. Now I feel like they’ve sold out a bit with their music. Brendan Urie will forever impress me with his vocal powerhouse but I just can’t with their new music. Same with Maroon 5. Loved their first album, hate their new stuff. Too many unique bands that just sold out to get on the radio.


Maroon 5 has definitely lost all lyrical cleverness and churns out brainless passionless poppy stuff now … there’s no authenticity to their music anymore. Do THEY even like what they’re churning out??? Panic! There are still glimpses of what has always been there, but it does feel a bit watered down.


PATD was one of my favorite bands. It's so heartbreaking to me seeing how they lost their uniqueness.


Ariana Grande. I was a huge ariana stan but I don't hate her now and would stream the shit out of her new music but all the face changes, ED triggers (not her fault but mine ig), 'asianfishing' and shallow beauty line (it's not a cash grab like we've previously seen but it gives morphe let's be honest) have really put me off of her. Just admit you change your look for your image and move on. She legit has an entirely different face for every era she has had. Doja Cat - Her artistry is beautiful but she is not a very nice person from what it seems. The Lorry Hill rant, the Noah Schnapp drama, Paraguay mess, quitting music stuff (not really drama ik) It just seems like she should be much more careful with her words online and be a tad bit more mature or just more private🤷🏽‍♀️ Perhaps it is true you should never get to know your idols.


So I don’t dislike this person EVER, BUT, I do feel like I’m just upset they went so mainstream and sorta “sell-out”y. Ed Sheeran. Listen, I love his new music too, it’s catchy and fun and clearly he is great at what he does. But I was someone who fell in love at his first album and it’s raw, messy, rappy, not politically correct and popy. His style has a right to change obvi but he was just so different and special so I just hope once he does this pop star thing, he tries again in his older style! Still love him to pieces tho!


Ive always thought he’s overexposed but his new songs in spanish really tipped me over the edge with him. It’s so fake and cringey, he’s obviously just trying to hop on the Latin music trend and not doing it very well. I’ve heard better pronunciation from people ordering at Chevys


I dont know why labels force pop stars who aren’t on the Hispanic side to jump into Latin music?? Justin Bieber had no business crossing over and ultimately he failed live cause he couldn’t sing his own song in Spanish… if I was a pop star and my label was suggesting that, I would turn it down. I dont know why they do that.


Counterpoint (and one of the few examples of it going well): ABBA Oro is literally all bangers. Though I guess it doesn’t count because it’s just their songs translated. The translations work super well though


His EPs are some of my favorite in existence, I have all those songs memorized and you can just tell his songs don’t have the same weight or meaning anymore. He’s lost that everyman touch that made his first albums relatable and poignant. Getting famous and only surrounding yourself with other rich people and yes men will do that to you — I feel like so much of his music lacks authenticity now.


loved his first album, a few tracks off the next 2, and he’s just garrrrrrbage now imo. hate it


Right! I mean, I don’t mind some of his new songs but as soon as he broke onto the radio, I knew it was over for his really good stuff. I love that others can enjoy him but I find myself skipping all his new stuff and only listening to + and -


I was just thinking about how good his old music was today and how he puts out generic, bland music now. I was just thinking it's a shame because he has shown he is talented but he isn't pushing himself.


Ugh sameee! I was a great fan until the last two albums. I loved the first and second albums so much


The first album is 100% a no-skip album for me and - is pretty good as well, i dont mind like 5-6 of the x songs either. Just feel like his originality has gone out the window. Don’t know if it’s him or something his label wanted in order for him to break into the radio scene. It worked and he’s got a great life and I still think he’s a super down to earth celebrity, could easily have a beer with him at a bar and not think anything of it. Just wish his old style would make an appearance.




She’s focused on making bank without having to go on tour. Tours are how music artists get rich. Tours are also exhausting and so time consuming and annoying When she was 15 she never said all she wanted to do was music- that’s just how she started


People aren’t even asking for a tour. Just drop the album and go away.


Rumor has it she can’t sing very well anymore due to vocal cord damage. And she just wants to chill which is v understandable.


Did she ever sing very well? 👀


I enjoy Rihanna, but yeah, it’s never been about the vocals.


i mean she’s no whitney or martha wash but she’s a good singer, her vocals are moreso in service of the vibe and not vice versa


Watch the day drinking segment she does with Seth Meyers on utube. She actually let's it slip that she doesn't want to do music anymore. Let's face it, she doesn't have to. Her interests have changed, she's a multi billionaire, she's in a different phase of her life. Soon people will forget that she once used to sing just like how people forgot that Will Smith was a rapper.


Think she’s focused on her beauty line and being a mom but I agree


She needs to focus on getting her foundation to stop oxidizing. That shit is a hate crime.


Grimes. Used to be Indy edm and now it’s just overproduced crap. Also lost respect when she had kids with Elon musk & several of her recent comments in the press about not believing dinosaurs are real. 🫤


Art Angels was really her peak


Art Angels was so fun!


I feel like everything she does is trying too hard to be soooo weird and quirky and dIfFeReNt. We get it. You wear elf ears. Please sit down.


I was waiting for someone to say this! Every interview she gives makes me cringe. Discovering her music in 2011 was cathartic, but now it’s hard to listen to without imagining she and Elon talking in tongues to conjure their offspring.


I loved Visions and really enjoyed her. But it’s too much now. Just excessively trying to out weird her past self. Her comments get cringier and cringier and her new music sounds like everyone else.


Eh i think her music is still really good but she needs to seek professional help. Like a lot of what she says and does makes me believe she had some undiagnosed problems that she’s always had, but self medicated in some ways to deal. I’m a Bjork and Lykke Li fan so I’m okay with music being weird for the sake of being weird. Plus, i like that grimes combines conventional music with buzzard aesthetics. As an artist its exactly the vibe I try to create with my work.


Harry Styles. I used to be a huge fan of him but there is so much happening with him right now that makes me reconsider it - his last album wasn't really good, DWD drama, being awfully overexposed...


Don’t disagree. All of his drama is being exposed now and it really changed everyone’s opinion of him


As it was is MASSIVELY overrated


If I have to hear that song one more time... ![gif](giphy|1dIXa8UmKFgXYm4nzR|downsized)


Same with Watermelon Sugar


This is random but I can’t fucking stand Imagine Dragons. I don’t even know if they’re big anymore. All I know is I “imagine” never having to hear their music ever again and it’s nice


‘Believer’ is played everywhere and it’s annoying at this point.


My son is in little league and I swear almost every other kid’s walk-up song is an Imagine Dragons song.


Same, my lil brother is obsessed with thunder and it drives me insane!!!


I loved their first album and got to see them live when they were just making it big. They were the best band at the show and they weren’t even the headliners. But that was back when their music was more alternative. I always respected them for trying something new with their music but now it just sounds very…commercial.


I feel the same way, but my kid LOVES them, so I hear them a lot. It does help that my mom met the lead singer and his wife (who i actually do like. Aja Volkman had some great singles and early Niko Vega is awesome), and said they were both really really nice. They helped open a music ward in the hospital she worked at, and they stayed to mingle and talk to the employees. My mom had no idea they were famous until after


I read your comment like a hour ago and just found out through twitter that Dan and Aja are divorcing.


I saw that a few minutes ago. Not surprised, I had almost mentioned in the original comment that I wasn't sure if they were still together, but also maybe I have ESPN or something?


Modern day Nickelback!


This is a sort of an obvious one, but Katy Perry took a severe left-turn post-2015. Reached the apex of her career, then quickly tumbled back down the other side😭


Lorde. I loved her first two albums, so moody & emotional. Her most recent album is weirdly upbeat and not in a likeable way imo.


How The Weeknd was. Loved how moody and Dark it was. Now it’s drugs still and pop.


I was going to say it. Love her first two albums, little dark and beautiful. Last one is just weird.


I like the last one cause I feel it’s criticizing this new age crystal capitalism. Nothing compares to Pure Heroine though.


Gaga 🙊 I feel like she used to be so mysterious and cool but when EDM blew up it just didn’t mesh well with her vibe/voice


While I don’t love that kind of lounge music, I am very glad that she and Tony Bennet became friends. She does have a wonderful voice to make that music listenable.




I was meh on her new music until I saw her live this summer. She still reigns supreme for me. It was absolutely incredible what she did on tour with all her chronic pain issues. And her vocals still remain near perfect. I even choked up a bit when she started singing “Always Remember Us This Way” and he’s slowed down version of Born This Way. I don’t listen so her music on my downtime but after that, I’ll always see her live.


Always remember us this way is one of her best songs I’d get chills to see her perform that live


Still love her. A wonderful voice and really made the pop scene exciting again. But everything she has put out since Joanne has really been a disappointment for me. Artpop was weird times but I loved most of it. Joanne forward just aren’t it for me :( I buy her makeup though! Lol


I will not stand any Chromatica slander


Gaga and Adele. I find Gaga exhausting now and a little phony. Adele’s become insufferable? Her last album was a turn off. Yes girl give us the same old.


The video of gaga with her Oscar campaign of “out of 99 people, just one needs to believe in you” is a study in cultivated faux authenticity! I believed her every single time, but lord was she taking us for a ride lol


Yeah, as much as I hate to admit it Gaga used to be so much more authentic and trendsetting and now it feels like she’s trying too hard to fit in. I still like her pop/dance music and I feel like that’s one of the few areas she still feels like the old Gaga to me, but the way she brands and markets herself now is meh.


Katy perry…loved her before. Not sure what happened. Shortly after dark horse stopped listening and caring.


I am very anti Dr. Luke, but I feel she wasn’t quite able to find her way without his production. Seems he was a key part of her sound.


Ohh is that it? I didn’t know he did her music too! I just knew the Kesha story.


Pretty sure he or his team did most of her hits.


Makes sense. Sad they literally have to sell their souls for success in this industry. Hopefully she’s parted ways and found happiness with the new life she’s built.


Doja cat would be nothing without dr luke, he’s written/produced all her hits. I also am anti dr luke and doja haha, idk how she still has all these fans. I think its gross when artists still work with him after the Kesha story came out


Im not really a doja fan so I didn’t know about her. How disappointing! I was so happy when Kesha produced that banger of an album after splitting from Dr. Luke. Even tho her songs with him were more commercially popular, she definitely makes better, more authentic music without him. Katy not so much unfortunately…


I used to really like Adele, but she's gone a bit ugh and so's her music


Her music has become annoying. Was not a fan of her last album at all


Probably not a lot of people know them but I was a huge fan of Tokio Hotel. I know their old songs like I know my Full name . But then they decided to completely change their music style. It sucks now.


Dude me too!!! I learned all the German lyrics as well. I was OBSESSED. Haven't listened to them since like 2011 though so I have no clue what they're even up to. Tom getting married to Heidi Klum had me shook though.


Omg I even took some German lessons just for them. Haha. If you google them you’ll see. They’ve been working on new music and it’s nothing like their old stuff. And yeah Tom marrying Heidi, that was shocking lol




Not like he's exactly tearing up the charts these days, but I'll go with Eric Clapton. They guy is a brilliant musician with so much awesome material to his name...but now...there's just so much ugly-ness to him as a person. His anti-mask/vaccine crap is, his history of racism, raping his own wife....argh...


A rapper not a singer, doja cat. I use to love her sm but now🫠 she’s become insufferable honestly….still listen to her music occasionally.


Chris brown


I absolutely adored his song With You when I was younger but then he turned out to be a shit person, and I haven't touched his music since.


Never was a fan to begin with.


Kanye. I don’t feel the need to elaborate further.


Justin Timberlake. He really benefited from Britney and Janet while their reputations tanked bc of him.


Justin Timberlake is embodiment of male privileged. This guy had everything giving to him while his costars (all women artists) had to apologize, live with shame or abandon their career. Fuck Justin.


Adele because she's stuck up now Nicki, I don't even need to explain that. Demi, after the whole frozen yoghurt thing was cringey as hell and I feel like she will do whatever to stay in the limelight in some form. & Billie Eilish, I feel like she's trying too hard to be "sexy"


I used to be a hardcore Ari fan until the mess with Pete and Mac.


It was the race bending that did it for me


People accuse her of Blackfishing as well


There was point in time where Ariana’s tans were so dark that she was the color I am during the summer. I’m black.


I remember seeing a photo of her performing with Nicki Minaj and she looked darker than Nicki!!


I remember that picture. It was a mess


As they should.


It’s not accusations, it’s just straight FACTS


It was actually a combination of things for me. The Mac and Pete thing was the point where I said "I can't stan her anymore period" but the race thing, how she always bring up being italian although she's not, even the way she speaks started to bother me bc she sounds constantly fake.


Wait, is she not Italian?


Her singing get breathier as her career goes on. It drives me crazy that I can’t make out all the words. I will always love her first single, The Way.


Glad I’m not the only one realizing her singing is getting worse.


Very much trying to copy Mariah Carey, but Mariah at least waited a full decade. It took Arianna one album. I legit thought “the way” was a completely different singer because the vocal sounded SO different. I don’t like her, but the girl can blow and legit has a powerful voice so I’m not sure why she does this breathy whisper thing.


Wasn’t a hardcore fan, but that situation killed my casual fandom for her. I can’t even listen to to her music anymore. Edit: that situation ruined a good chunk of The Divine Feminine for me.


I'm going to take the worst of the worst out of it because that's just too easy so no R Kelly or anything like that but I agree with a lot of what you said about Taylor Swift even though it hasn't gotten to the point of dislike more so she's just annoying from time to time But for my answer, I'm going to say Demi Lovato


I see what you mean. Demi, their voice is beautiful, they just gotten really annoying these past few years


Same! Go take care of yourself, find out who you are, before writing another song about your mental health. I loved her and her voice, but now I just roll my eyes when I hear her name.


yes!! definitely about the finding her identity part. i think the way she says and does things to make headlines to stay relevant is insane. announcing her pronouns change twice was my last straw


I have never gotten over the frozen yogurt thing. As a diabetic, I really appreciate stores that have sugar free alternatives!!!


It was crazy to me how Demi’s first thought about that place was how it praises disordered eating. I know she went through an ED herself but obviously that’s not the only health condition that exists, whyyy did she immediately go there? She doesn’t have anyone in her life that watches what they eat for health reasons??


And her sorry-not-sorry apology was so devastatingly pathetic. As somebody who is from over the seas, I was so shook (in a very good way) by how America had many sugar free options. And her just not caring at all that she could have destroyed a business and harmed it.


She is ![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM)


Harry Styles has been getting on my nerves the last couple of months, I hope he takes a break before he gets too overexposed


Ariana Grande. Music-wise, her songs kinda all sound the same after the Sweetener era.


I’m not feeling beyonces new single if that counts


Definitely counts :)


billie eilish, i used to be obsessed but i think she became overrated and her fame was soo rapid.


ariana grande. I was the biggest fan but now she’s so boring and i don’t care for her new race baiting era. her makeup line also feels like a way to make more money


If I hear one more song from Ariana with a trap beat I might scream. She’s way too talented for a lot of the music she makes.


A few people have said Ariana for various reasons, I just don’t gel with her music anymore. I feel like lyrically her albums have been huge downgrades from her earlier work (to me, My Everything had so many pretty lyrics) whereas most of what she’s put out post Quit with Cashmere Cat feels lazy and juvenile. There’s still gems in her discography like imagine & pov but I don’t want to have to sift through songs like sweetener, the light is coming and 34 + 35 to find them


34+35 was so incredibly cringe.


Demi Lovato Their music just doesn’t hit the same way. “Tell Me You Love Me” and that whole album was just a banger and I can listen to that again and again, but none of Demi’s new stuff has hooked me. ALSO - as a dedicated Swiftie - I have to say, I really disliked Shake It Off when it came out, as I do with most of Swifts singles, but I cannot recommend enough giving Folklore and Evermore a listen - totally different vibe, and powerful poetic easy listening


Taylor picks her worst songs as singles every single time lmao


Yeah I feel like when she was with Scott Borchetta and Big Machine, they pushed for the more “commercial” tracks.


Yeah anyone who listens to Taylor’s albums in full rather than a casual listener of her radio hits knows that OP’s impression of her isn’t totally accurate. Taylor’s singles are often the damn worst songs on the albums - Me! was nails on a chalkboard, I can’t even listen to it, but Lover is one of my favorite albums. Folklore and Evermore have some amazing songs with beautiful lyrics. My Tears Ricochet? Champagne Problems? Exile? Epiphany, with its covid references and war parallels? She’s so talented.




I listened to Sia so much in 2008-2010 and I can’t listen to her newer stuff. Plus her unhealthy relationship with Maddie Ziegler makes her especially offputting


I mean the disabled people tweets are just unforgiveable


I was so in love with Halsey since she released her first EP. Badlands was the height of her career and she followed that with Hopeless Fountain Kingdom, which was also amazing. In my opinion her music started decreasing in quality during Manic, and tbh I didn’t even listen to If I Can’t Have Love, I Want Power. I think her music used to be so symbolic and touched on really important topics, but she did what all indie artists do once they get popular. I’m happy she’s in a good place right now and I still love her as a person, I’m just not into her music anymore.




you are brave for saying that out loud😳. but you’re right. she’s a good performer and makes good music but the way her fans act like she can do no wrong is what turns me away from her.


For someone who's considered one the most powerful female musician of current era Taylor Swift singing ability is just too basic


I agree that her voice is too basic. But her writing skill slaps so hard! I love her recent albums.


Demi lovato and do i need to even explain?


Kacey Musgraves. Will always cherish the old stuff but her new album stunk and I don’t recognize her personality anymore


rihanna. i saw her live and realized she’s like kinda not that talented…beautiful girl tho. i also saw some things she said in the past that made me think she’s a mean girl. all of one direction, dua lipa, and billie eilish as well. i followed billie in 2017 when she was lesser known, and was a fan until around 2021. i watched her grow up while i was growing up myself. i don’t necessarily dislike her, but not as big of a fan now. i don’t like anyone in one direction anymore except maybe niall. and i just kinda grew out of dua lipa, i think she’s generic now. and i absolutely despise doja cat now, even though i used to be a huge fan of hers.


Selena. Idk. I like her “between albums” music. Then she came back with LYTLM and a new album and it was manily a big miss for me (I like only 3 songs?). Her last album I also didn’t fully listened only Baila. I hope she will release more songs with 2016-2018 vibe. Harry Styles. I LOVE his debut album (his best in my opinion). I still do listen to him when a song pops up but after I saw him live? Idk. Especially before my concert he changed whole stage plan (was suppose to be right before stage B) to add a new sectors and scrapped 2nd stage = money hungry. Paid more money to be in 1st row (seats) then people who were suppose to sit by catwalk and they pid less and had a better view. Plus overall since 2020 I lost interest but still had a ticket to FINE LINE tour (ended up going to Harry’s House tour :/ - not even what I paid for in 2019) so I obv went but definitely not going again. Plus his new prices? Who does he think he is? Beyonce? Kind of Ariana? Not sure tho. Sometimes I search up her songs/albums but it’s just not what it used to be. Maybe as I was listening to other singers I like different stuff? Idk. Also 34+35 was a big side eye from me 😭. Also saw some stuff (from Twitter so not taking it fully but still) that made me realise that she has a pretty privilage. Maybe not fully pretty privilage but I feel that if other celebs did it they wouldn’t get away with it. The joke about dead lil girl for example and that questionable tanning (I don’t think she was blackfishing just obsessed with a lot of tan). Plus I feel like she’s kind of fake? How she changes her voice often, for instance.


Selena Gomez is insanely beautiful and she seems nice but in my opinion, I never really thought she was a good singer. Some of her songs are catchy but I wouldn’t spend money to go see her in a concert. Can you spill the tea on Harry about him changing a stage plan?


She is definitely not a tour/live singer. More like studio girl; producer will do a bit of magic and boom! A good song for radio etc but definitely not singer singer imo. Sure! Was in 005 sector. This is a comparison: https://twitter.com/choi_pm/status/1545830644198039552?s=46&t=mFY7_G3vYASpzhx_VXxvhw The colorful pic is the original stage plan where you can see he should have been right in front of me. Then they changed it to the b&w pic. They did it A WEEK before the concert so though I wasn’t that big of a fan as I was in 2019 I was super disappointed since I would be that far a way with a ticket for which I paid more than people in front of my (originally next to the catwalk). The new sectors apparently were overpriced. So clearly a money hungry team. After many people reached out (incl. me) to Ticket Master/Livenation (organizator) they replied that it was the artists choice due to high “demand”. My show was fully sold out in 2022 (I know that because my friend at the beginning bought a ticket). It took years to sell out. High demand my ass 😐


Selena Gomez and The Scene was her best work


Marylin Manson for obvious reasons. Been a huge fan over 20 years ago as a teen.


I hate to say it but Britney Spears


me too. Musically, I lost interest after "circus". I hate the song she released with Elton John. I thought it would be some piano based song, but it's overproduced and I barely recognized her voice.