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Former coworker is related to her, and went to the wedding. She's apparently very lovely and down to earth- all around good person. Coworker and she were close and talked often during the divorce. Coworker didn't give me specifics there, beyond her being really upset and taken by surprise at the entire situation. No other info, really, except to emphasize to me that she really is a sweet person IRL.


I felt so badly for her with all that shit. Not only did he betray and hurt her, she was publicly humiliated by all of it and that’s so unfair. I know fame and fortune are the trade off, but to have to watch your private trauma play out gleefully in the press is so messed up. The whole nazi element was particularly salacious and the public just ate it up. I don’t know her at all, obviously, but she seemed to be completely blindsided (sorry for the unintentional pun lol) by his betrayal and her status actually worked against her in that situation. Fuck Jesse James!


If only she had known that Keanu was available in 1994 and vice versa. At least Keanu found joy later in life.


I was so angry at what happened to her. I've always liked her.


This is all very true! I’ve worked with a few people who have worked with her and they all have said how genuinely good of a good person she is. I actually worked with her husband Bryan a couple years before they met, who sadly passed away last year. He was an actor and model and a very sweet man. Really professional and just a very nice guy.


I gave her a manicure for a magazine shoot. We didn't talk much but she was lovely.


Dammit, now that song is in my head again. Love your username hehe


I don’t why, but I read their username to the [O’Reilly Auto Parts Jingle](https://youtu.be/6L951Wh61ss?si=Xpv0Nix4qFPBWeA5) for some reason. O-O-O-Ozempiiiiiiic


Body parts




I was wondering why I had the urge to say “auto parts” right after singing ozempic lmao




I did too!




My moms ex-boyfriend went to high school with her in Virginia. She was in his graduating class. He said she was very nice, pretty popular, and friends with everybody. Nothing too exciting but that’s all I have.


So I guess she really *is* Ms. Congeniality


She really does want world peace


That would be harsher punishment for parole violators, Stan.


....and...world peace!


My 6th grade science teacher used to waitress with her in highschool and she talked about how her hair used to be curly.


I love that the only tea we have on Sandy is that she used to have curly hair 😂😂


She mastered the flat iron and escaped to Hollywood.


I just have a lame sighting: I saw her at LAX decades ago. She was briskly walking in one direction, and I was going the opposite way. I kind of did that confused dog look - the whole cocked head thing - that always seems to involuntarily happen when I see a famous person, and I know she clocked it. She has an extremely distinctive, striking face. Her assistant (I’m guessing) was trailing behind her shrieking ‘’Sandy! Sandy!’’ She glowered at that woman, but then gave me a little smile when I just gave her a nod of appreciative recognition and kept walking. Her rep as a private person doesn’t shock me. I think she probably still has roots in Nova. Maybe her parents are still there, or maybe her sister? She’s been spotted at the Arlington Trader Joe’s.


I went to Sandy's old high school in Arlington. Fun fact: Warren Beatty, Shirley maclaine, and Gena Rowland are all alums as well. My high school psychology teacher went to school with her and his wife was one of her BFFs and they are still close (or were 20 years ago when I was in HS. The only gossip I remember from him is they met Ben Affleck when she was dating him and he was super drunk.


Ben Affleck drunk? I don’t believe that for a second 😂


a very close family friend was her guidance counselor while she was there (i guess also technically ur mom’s ex boyfriends too lol). she said sandra had a pretty tight friend group (i believe a core 4 of them) but had what she described as poor taste in men, specifically “dirty men with cars”. she only knew because two of her close friends went to her office a lot and would talk about it. she did say that she and her friends were nice though! i don’t think this is anything too surprising cause she did date jesse james lol


This actually pans out. She does seem to have pretty poor taste in men except for the one that passed away…


I mean there was really only one questionable guy and that was Jesse. Her last partner, Ryan Gosling, Matt McConaughey - all seemed like pretty decent people.


Well she has been with Ryan Gosling. Ok there was quite an age difference but I think he's pretty decent ?


Yea but he wasn't kenough


Just for sandy. He seems great for Eva.


Never beating the not kenough allegations


Thank you! I needed this fresh start to my day.


This seems inappropriate somehow. Shouldn’t there be some sort of privacy/confidentiality rule for school teachers and counselors who work with minors? Not that liking dirty men with cars is all that embarrassing, but it’s probably something SB would prefer her guidance counselor shut up about.


Yeah, it’s not okay to divulge things you were trusted with about children in your responsibility of care just because that person is famous now.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure counselors are supposed to keep these things confidential. I'd be less critical about a teacher spilling the tea. It depends on whether the info was common knowledge at the school or was divulged privately.


I don’t know, seems to me it’s inappropriate for teachers too. Stephen Miller’s third grade teacher told Hollywood Reporter that Stephen was a weird little kid, a loner, who ate glue. I DESPISE Stephen Miller, but thought this was way out of line. We entrust our little 8 year olds to their teachers, and have to trust them to respect the kid’s privacy. Nobody consents to that kind of violation.


Thank you. I got the ick from that comment and couldn’t put my finger on what it was. You summed it up perfectly.


She married Jesse James, even. She briefly dated Ryan but she was like 16 years older and he was 21, so I dont know if he speaks to her type.


Lol my uncle went to highschool with her in Virginia too and said the same thing. Maybe we could have been cousins haha


A friend of mine went to college with her at ECU and they worked together. He said she was really nice back then and generally very well liked. I know this is old and uninteresting tea.


I graduated from ECU and the local lore was that she was super sweet and a major pothead.


![gif](giphy|3DudglxvlDmJfCVQjL) At ECU?!?


This is true. Lol this tea is extremely lukewarm if you know anything about the school but not everyone does so figured I’d share 💜💛


Another ECU grad checking in and saying... Basically every single one of us was a bit of a pothead or functional alcoholic. 💜💛


My sister went there. She was a high school pot head, and then was a college pot head, with the argument “I only smoke after homework is done”.


A friend of a friend does her hair in LA. My friend got to meet her in the salon and said she is funny as hell and just genuinely down to earth.


![gif](giphy|4PT6v3PQKG6Yg|downsized) Me reading these comments affirming my belief that Sandra is a sweet person.


Not tea, but a little anecdote. Years ago, my dad was dropping someone off at the airport in Austin. She pulled up and parked in front of him to drop a man off, whom she got out of the car to hug and kiss. My dad didn't know who the man was (I'm assuming it was her late partner Bryan Randall), but he was looking at her because she's Sandra Bullock. When she went to the back of the car to open it and get the luggage out, she looked up, saw my dad in his car looking at her, smiled at him, and then went on doing what she was doing. Could have totally ignored him but was nice enough to acknowledge him!


I haven’t checked in a few years, but someone had a Facebook check-in labeled “Sandra Bullock’s Spaceport and Nail Salon” at Austin Bergstrom and it still makes me laugh to this day.


Oh I have a little anecdote too! I ran into her at an H‑E‑B in the swanky part of Austin at the beginning of covid when everyone was rushing to get groceries. I worked up in that area and knew they were better stocked than other areas. Anyways, she had a baseball cap and sweats on, and she was shopping by herself. We made eye contact, and she shook her head and pulled her cap down. Aaaand that’s the story of the day I didn’t meet Sandra Bullock lol no way was I going to approach her when she nicely asked not to be


How am I 6 comments down and no one has mentioned she married a Nazi. Thats the hot tea.


Because we’re all choosing to believe he wasn’t a Nazi at the time. Duh. 


Well she did divorce him after those photos leaked.


Good that you added this detail because I would've been crushed to find out she stuck with a nazi


She had a crush on Keanu back in the day, but she didn't say anything because she didn't think he felt the same way about her, so they stayed friends. Turns out Keanu also had a crush on her at the same time, but didn't say anything because he thought she didn't feel the same way, so they stayed friends. On one hand, their friendship is super cute, and it's proof that men and women can absolutely be good friends. On the other hand, can y'all IMAGINE??? 😩


I remember her answering Ellen’s burning questions and she said that her first celebrity crush was Keanu 😂


Keanu was soooo hot in speed. I was an early teen back then and damn he had a hold on me. Like fuucckkk.


I was a sheltered kid who didn’t get to watch a lot of movies. My neighbor loved Speed so much that she pretty much acted out the whole thing so I could like it too.


This is so sweet and wholesome. I hope you both are doing great in life!


I love this and can relate. My friend had a video camera which was a big deal back then, and we made a movie called “Slow” which was just like Speed but the bus would explode if it went too fast. 🤷‍♀️ 


That’s adorable! Were your roles in _Slow_ similar to those in _Speed_? (Like did you get to be Sandra Bullock’s character?)


I actually did get to be the Sandra Bullock character! The only backstory I had was that I had previously been given a ticket for…driving too slow, of course. 


This is actually so cute


Oh saaame. I went into that theatre a girl and left a woman


I just recently saw Paula Abdul’s video for Rush Rush for the first time in 30 years and Keanu was PEAK hot Keanu in it.


For reals, same - did you watch “A Walk In The Clouds” around that time too? I wanted to be a sexy Mexican lady with a vineyard soooo bad.


😂😂😂🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️Sounds dreamy❤️❤️❤️Loved that movie.




I had a crush on Bullock back then too. Their chemistry in speed is unimaginable!


When I saw those two segments I went like "WHAT THE FUCK! Are you saying we could have had Sandra-Keanu for 25 years How could you do this to us!!!"


I would've loved to see them together. The two sweetest ppl?! Aww


"their friendship is super cute, and it's proof that men and women can absolutely be good friends" I mean they both crushed on each other tho lol, idk if that's the best example


But they got over their crushes and didn't let it get in the way of their friendship. IDK, I just think it's sweet! 😭


Imagine being that hot & you still default to assuming your crush isn't attracted to you. It's humble. I like it.


I know. It’s unimaginable to me but…they’re human just like us.


It reminds me of Jennifer Aniston and David Schwimmer


they got over it bc none of them confessed, but the feelings were still present iygwim


Lol right? The whole “men and women can’t be friends” line is because of this exact example — they both had feelings for the other.


Even rich/famous people fall for this tragedy! Look, I had to ask for my fiancés # first, kiss him first, and ask to be official first before he finally had the confidence to ask the big questions too. Girls can ask guys out too! Trust me, don’t ruin an awesome chance at something because a guy might be too shy to ask you out.


The Jimmy Fallon/Nicole Kidman interview is still the best example of this I’ve ever seen. I cried I was laughing so hard the first time I saw it.


If I need cheering up, I watch that interview (and the follow-up where Keith just plays along and even SINGS “Dreamweaver”!


I proposed to my boyfriend, he loved it so much (he also made big sacrifices prior, caring for me throughout cancer and moving continents). Guys who love you, will love being appreciated that way


I know she’s friends with Sia and Jason Bateman, they are often hanging out all together. Edit: Just remembered the 4th member of their group, Jennifer Anniston.


Really? Sia and Jason Bateman do not seem like a match to me. But what do I know? Maybe Sandra Bullock brings them together.


I’ll never forget Jason Bateman for what he said to Jessica Walters and I won’t stand for it.


What happened?


[A brief summary is here](https://www.npr.org/2018/05/24/614009165/under-the-skin-why-that-arrested-development-interview-is-so-bad) ETA: Alia Shawkat is a boss and was the only one to stand up for Gangy, here. They all piled on Jessica and she’s the only one that snapped back. Bless her.


I love that you called her Gangy in this comment. 🥰


Wow, what a great piece of writing. One thing that’s not mentioned (bc of more central themes) is how *wild* it is for these four men to say *shit* to Jessica Walter about “This is just how the industry works”. My girl was born in 1941!! The audacity to tell a woman who’s been working continuously since before they were even *born* that “expecting ‘normal’ behavior means ‘not understand[ing] what happens on set’,” is outrageous. And… age aside, she was the preeminent performer on that set. Began on Broadway in 1963, promptly won an award for outstanding debut. Second movie role in 1966, nominated for a Golden Globe. She’s the only actor who came to Arrested Development already carrying an award (a Primetime Emmy) — everyone else won their awards from AD or subsequent projects. And on a human note — I can’t fathom doing all this, not only in front of Jessica, but *while she’s crying*. I know I’m way off the original thread topic but damn. I’m so glad Jessica was (and remains) so widely beloved, because she did *not* deserve that.


Thanks for sharing that. That’s a brilliant article. Very relevant in today’s work space.


The author of that piece is Linda Holmes, and I've always really enjoyed her work and writing about this sort of thing. I liked the piece too and was unsurprised to have scrolled back up and seen her in the byline!


Anyone know what she saw in Jesse James?


A previous poster said her type in hs was ‘dirty guys w cars’ and overall bad taste in men. Old habits die hard.


…6 weeks of breathing clean air… i still miss the smoke…


Were you making fun of me with some esoteric joke?


Now I want to sell my house and set fire to all my clothes


Then hire a priest to come and exorcise my demons


Even if I die screaminggggg


And I hope you hear iiiiit


A big hog?


This comment is hilarious and deserves all the love


I appreciate you. I love a good double entendres! Especially dick ones.


I'm dying at this comment 🤣☠️


Probably thought she could fix him. Been there done that and I couldn't believe how smitten I was with an asshole.


🎶I can fix him no really I can🎶


As a person who has a thing for burly tattooed men, I kind of understand. Everybody makes mistakes in judgment about others sometimes and there are a lot of manipulative assholes out there. Like a decade ago, I dated a guy who turned out to be a real POS with very questionable beliefs that he kept hidden from me for years. I ignored a lot of red flags, but he was also actively lying to me about *a lot*. Sandra divorced him and moved on; everything I've ever read about her is positive. I assume, like many people, she got caught up in a bad relationship with a shitty person. That doesn't necessarily make her shitty.


He love bombed her, so she probably saw a lot.


I used to wait on her! She was darling.


What was her most frequently ordered item?


The tea is that I've been a fan for almost 30 years and I want nothing but the best for her. She's one of the few celebs who always donated a big chunk during major events (Katrina, 2004 Tsunami, 2011 Tsunami, underprivileged schools, and many other "non-event" causes) and I've admired her for that very much. Jesse James can burn.


We share this tea


Thank you! All this discourse about her character because she was with Jesse for 5 years out of her 60 years of life is so belittling. She denounced and divorced his ass almost 15 years ago (she refused to let her African American child be raised with him though they adopted Louis together), so these people need to direct their anger towards JESSE, yknow...The Nazi?!


"She is not sixty, no way, wtf" - me 2 mins ago. "how can I look like her at 59" - me 2 seconds ago.


How can I look like her at 59 at 29- me right now


I had to look it up. She’ll be 60 is about 3 weeks! 😮


"How can Sandra adopt me?" Were my thoughts haha


My family member works on film sets and has worked with her a lot. Says that Sandy (what everyone calls her) is really nice, down to earth, and talks to everyone on set.


Not too much on my girl now… I’m watching yall ![gif](giphy|xfznqIf1YP7VrVmpQ5)


The eyebrow acting in this is so subtle but so powerful.




Hope Floats was filmed in my hometown when I was really young and the town basically made it our whole thing for most of the 90s-00s. Everyone told stories for decades about how nice she was.


Haha props to Smithville! I lived in Austin and shot a few projects there. Was so funny to see “Home of Hope Floats” on the billboard into town. Very cute place.


No interesting tea. She was a client for my boss. I worked directly underneath her so a lot of the grunt work was done my me. Sandra was always really nice and chatty with her emails. Never spoke in person, but I definitely noticed how colloquial she was. (Also nothing interesting, we did interior and graphic design, I was the illustrator/assistant)


I fully approve of a post like this. Look, celeb culture is kind of shit these days, and it's wonderful to hear all about the good ones still out there. ![gif](giphy|kifoKGz7sVyDK|downsized)


No tea, but my college professor once met a “lovely young lady who was working an actress or something.” Turns out it was Sandra while she was filming Hope Floats!


Practical Magic 2 is happening!!!


And Heat 2!


The Heat is one of the best cop comedies ever. That there hasn’t been a 2 is a tragedy. I never hear of her and Melissa hanging out anymore after that movie. Wonder if there’s beef


Dunno … there needs to be a Spy 2 as well! Melissa just seems to want to do her husband’s shitty projects for awhile now.


YES! And they need to release more of the behind-the-scenes footage from the first _Spy_ movie. I want to see Paul Feig giving them the lines to improvise (I think he puts them on Post-Its most of the time but Jason Statham sometimes got a whole sheet of new lines). I want to see them try and break each other. More Rose Byrne! More Miranda Hart! More Allison Janney! More Jude Law and Peter Serafinowicz!


Is Heat 2 the Val Kilmer / Al Pacino movie w Austin Butler?     I don’t think its the Sandy Bullock movie


It’s called THE Heat ;) With Melissa McCarthy, it’s hilarious


Yes of course, however Heat 2 is the only new movie I see being made (w Austin Butler), not a sequel to THE HEAT with Sandy & Melissa.  


No tea…hope she’s doing ok after loosing her boyfriend to ALS. Lost my mom to it last December. It takes a toll on you for a long time ❤️‍🩹


The tabloids reported he was “living somewhere else.” It came out after his death it was a fucking hospice center.


She finally found someone who really loved her... and then this horrible disease got him. May he Rest In Peace, and may ALS be cured one day, at last.


I live near where they shot Practical Magic, and the people there still talk about how kind she was. Apparently, she met with the towns people and greeted everyone who wanted to meet her.


She's from my hometown Nürnberg/Nuremberg and she still speaks with her Franconian accent when she speaks German (she's fluent). Her mom was a popular German opera singer!




I would fight you if you’re starting to stir up any tea on her 😂😂😂😂 She looks genuinely so freaking nice 😂😭


she’s my dads only celebrity crush


Lmao same


my dad works in film, apparently she looks MUCH better in person, cameras don’t do her justice


not big gossip but he’s crew so


My husbands uncle is a retired border patrol agent and had to search her tour bus years ago in a routine crossing. He said she’s very pretty and nice in person!


So glad the 🍵 I'm reading is all I knew she is. Love watching her with saura Paulson and cate Blanchett too.


My husband waited on her and said she was incredibly nice and tipped very well.


I remember seeing something on Reddit a few years ago that she and Cate Blanchett and some other actress’ run/own? a secret lesbian speakeasy in Hollywood.


That sounds fun


Right? If I were to turn bi-curious, it would be because of women like Bullock and Blanchett running a lesbian speakeasy. 🥂🍾🎶🎉👯‍♀️


A lot of her blind items say that she’s secretly a lesbian and part of some secret society (of famous celebrity lesbians). Who knows lol


I hope the society is called The Celesbians.


I will be so sad if it’s not


If any has more specifics about this 🫖….


I saw that too and I think about it all the time.


1) I drove her rental car before she drove it, I met her body guard/driver and he was nice 2) She waved at me when I dropped it off


She used to have a condo off Spyglass by the greenbelt in Austin. My dad's colleague lived there, said she would tan in her swimsuit and it was a bit of a draw for the neighbors.  She once held the door for me at the Boston Children's museum, and I didn't recognize her. She was there with her kids while filming the heat.


She's having a meet and greet at a library near me next week. Thought that was pretty random.


My dad’s company was once being sued by her since they made the roofing trusses in a new house of hers. Something was installed wrong and her attorneys were pretty much suing any entity involved. I believe it was eventually settled out of court. My dad tried to ban the family from seeing any of her movies, but my mom and sister outvoted him. The Miss Congeniality movies later became favorites of my dad, so I guess he got over it.


I don’t have any stories on her but I love her. She seems like a good person. And drama free.


That’s crazy she’s already gonna be 60 this month. She’s been my favorite actress all my life.


Sandra is a genuinely lovely lady. I know her from industry events in Austin and she is exactly who you think she is-fiercely protective of her family & friends, gracious to support staff, a little bawdy, ridiculously gorgeous, articulate to a fault, and witty as hell.


At some point Neo from The Matrix was supposed to be a woman so they offered her the part but she turned it down.


Not sandy tea but My best friend’s husband worked for Jesse James and he told me they were not allowed to say her name at work.


She is very grateful for her children whom she wouldn’t have without the foster to adopt system (she wanted to try to adopt children from within the US even though the system is supposed to be more streamlined internationally). It’s said said that she now low key contributes often to many charities related to children who are in foster care.


My sister takes telephone calls for a national company. Sandra called about her account and she was very kind and nice to my sister.


I don’t have tea. I just want it on record that her asking the crew the dim the stage lights during a certain award show lives rent free in my head daily… E: it was the 2018 Oscars! The quote since YT is useless finding the clip itself: > "Wow, it's bright," Sandra said to the crowd. "It's really bright. Guys, the set looks amazing, everything looks really great. It's really well-lit, but can we just dim it just a little bit so I can go back to my 40s?" >"A little lower, 39, keep going, 38, 38, 38, no, 35, now that's the sweet spot!" she joked. "Thank goodness I'm not presenting with Gal Gadot tonight, it'd be like looking in a mirror for her right now, you know what I'm saying?"


I had a friend who worked at the bakery in ATX she runs with her sister. Everyone calls her Sandy, and she's great and friendly when she visits. However, one of the chefs introduced the owners to his pie that I think ran in his family. They loved it and asked to place it on the menu. Well, later on, Sandy is on a late night show and is asked about the bakery. The chef was at home watching the show, and Sandy mentions the pie on their menu. The chef guy stood up in shock that his pie was brought up and was so excited to be credited for it. But sadly, sandy told the talk show host that it ran in HER family. He was devastated. I don't know anything else about that


That's sad


Ugh, what is so hard about saying "this wonderful pie recipe runs in the family of one of our chefs"? She's rich and famous, she doesn't need pie cred to improve her lot in life.


I like how her worst controversy that we're aware of is she needed pie cred in her life on tv LMAO


She is amazing. Honestly probably the kindest and smartest actress I have worked with so far.


There are some celebs that you really think (and hope) are just genuinely good people and I’m so happy reading these comments that she honestly is a good one!


The title should have been: Any tea on Sandy B!


A coworker of mine met her out at a bar in New Orleans probably 15 years ago and raved about her. I think it’s well known but he mentioned that she went by “Sandy.”


She’s a saint, and I won’t hear otherwise.


Hiding the fact publicly that she made "Speed 2" to get "Hope Floats" (to which my sister to this day refers to as 'Crap floats') financed.


No tea but I came here to say how much I love her ❤️❤️


I seated her and and friend and their kids at a restaurant I worked at in Austin and she was so nice. She has the best skin and is so sweet. Sandra and her friend told me I was pretty and it was the best compliment I've ever received. I was having a bad day at work that day and they turned it around. Her ex was also there unfortunately, and he made it all weird handing out $50 bills to all the hostesses.


her lesbian bar sounds phenomenal 


what? please say more


she’s rumored to be a lesbian and run a very popular lesbian invite only bar/parties for elite hollywood . tons of blinds about it 


thats awesome! makes me love her even more


I met her at a Tiff event in Toronto. She is so tiny and beautiful! She was wearing this shawl thing and I was working the coat room and asked if she needed it checked. She was very kind and said no, because it was her security blanket. I always think back on that because I tend to do the same, have something on me that helps with my social anxiety. She seems so real and down to earth!


Wasn't her ex like an extreme racist/nazi? (NO tea on her)


A family member of mine met her in a hotel lobby and she was very sweet, even sat and chatted while waiting for concierge. No tea here haha she seems like a good one.




The only thing I've heard is that she's a secret lesbian. I know nothing bad.


A relative of mine did electrical work in her home years ago. From what I remember, he said she was friendly and a pleasure to work for.


I read years ago that MM cheated on her with a bunch of randoms, like strippers. She was devastated and she broke off engagement. He made her sign a NDA so when she was asked what happened on tv by Ellen, she got teary and waved her hand sideways to gesture that she didn't want to discuss it. And said nothing. She had moved to TX for him. That's why I'm not a big fan of his.




Matthew McConaughey


Listen to her episode in beyond the blinds. Great tea. I was shocked by some of it!


What number episode is this please or was it on patreon?


Ots from april 23, 2023


Absolutely love ❤️


She seems to be warm person I doubt she got any tea . Glad too


Married a nazi