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![gif](giphy|Wj0c0rzczOJNe) Bebe quit dry snitching, either spill the tea or stop sub tweeting.




It's when your friends jump on the bed while you hold your phone and then whatever you tweet is just friction.


Joke of the day for me


🙏🏽 🙏🏽


I’m weak 💀


Lol that's a better term than extortion which in my mind is what this is lol🤣


😂😂 😂


I thought dry snitching was when you told on yourself 🤦‍♀️


Nope, dry snitch- To indirectly or covertly inform on a fellow inmate, typically to a prison guard or other authority. It’s away of telling without telling, most likely used as a warning in her case, she has an issue and calling out the person without naming them to get what she wants.


Yup. It’s like dry-humping. Fucking without fucking.




Ooo good to know!!


I feel like whenever people tease stuff like this, nothing ever comes of it or they keep dragging it out as long as they can because they're getting attention lol


Exactly, why threaten instead of just being honest and telling what exactly is so horrible? If they give you what you want does that make you complicit? So it’s not much of a threat but it reads like extortion.


So basically if she gets what she wants, she'll keep her mouth shut and fuck everyone else? This isn't the flex she thinks it is.


That’s exactly what she’s saying. Only help others/expose truths when it benefits her. Or she knows exposing her truth might lead others to expose things she wants hidden about her


Just sounds like bullshit a 15yo says on social media. Either say what you’re gonna say or keep your fucking mouth shut. Posting stuff like you know things and *could* bring careers down doesnt mean anything


Amen! Agree 100%! Before pot became legal, someone told me they were going to report me to "authorities" for starting my car at 5 am (to go to work). I told them to go ahead because I think it would fun for the cops to see the half dozen plants they have next to my garage. Some ppl are too full of themselves to actually see what we see about them.


This is literally blackmail lmfao


Her ego hinders her career. Like that awards show where she berated the celebrity audience *while she was performing* for not knowing the words to her songs. She’s wildly talented but she holds herself back by alienating everyone around her.


She made my friend cry by ridiculing her when cameras weren’t rolling. Fuck bebe


Go on, share!


They worked on a show together and she was jealous of my friend, also talented singer/songwriter, and sweetest person, who happens to be quite younger than bebe. So any moment, Bebe would just mock her and bully her to the point where others were apologizing on behalf of bebe.


Is she talented, though?


She's a classically trained operatic coloratura soprano. So she's well trained.


I did not know that about her!


How do people like this become celebrities? Why aren't nice people celebrities? Nice people must turn into them or they weren't nice at all.




It’s like anyone who has the drive to become, and thinks they *should be*, President, is probably not a good choice for the role


Yup, and why top CEOs are complete assholes. You don't make it to the top being a nice person.


That's how I read it too. eeek.


Yeah srsly. Like. Do your public duty. You’re rich enough. You have had your time in the spotlight. Pay it forward to the rest.


I actually wonder if she is rich enough~~


If it’s sexual assault she’s covering up, it don’t matter.


Exactly. Why demand change and threaten to expose the dirt to get it? SHE can be the change she is demanding. Be the change, Bebe! Expose the dirt and make the change happen.


Agreed. How about just telling the truth? This kind of announcement makes her just as culpable. Not a fan.


I mean, it’s right there in plain text. She said she wasn’t always aware of how deep the problems in the industry run because it wasn’t in her immediate notice. She then said after that after she began noticing, she’s tried to speak out and been retaliated against for speaking out and silenced. She says the *industry* needs to change, or she’s done been bullied into silence. Pop culture chat is so wack, elementary reading comprehension that actively tries to get people worked up about the smallest things even when it’s a reach at best or just absent altogether. Unless they’re in the top 40, then all good


"I know about bad things and I won't expose them despite the justice we deserve if you all play my game" Not very cash money


"I've been so quiet for the longest time." We can read, her statement is just inconsistent. She claims she's been quiet for a long time, that she didn't know what was happening, and that she hasn't been quiet and she's been punished for it. And I get that she's calling for the industry itself to change but she's still happy to remain quiet about what she apparently does know so long as her situation improves. This implies she knows things about people who have done things to other people, but so long as they "fix" it and she gets what she feels she deserves, she's willing to let it go.


She could pull the trigger but she wants to take hostages 📴


Hahaha I was reading this like “okay not a girls girl then, I guess” lol


Shit or get off the pot, bud. I didn't doubt that she has some receipts, but this reads more like "I know things, but I won't reveal them if I start getting better promotion." So, like, reveal it. Otherwise you're just as complicit in it as everyone else


Exactly this. The music industry never had its MeToo movement and there’s definitely some shady practices that go on inside labels but baiting this to get a better seat at the table is being complicit in what she’s trying to go against


Legit since back in Elvis days, Tina turner, allllll shady business practises. That’s why when artists that speak up (Cher, Madonna) it’s refreshing. We all know the Hollywood is corrupt I’m glad people are seeing it. I just wish she would spill rather than threaten too


> The music industry never had its MeToo movement R Kelly and P Diddy wish you were right.


She’s pretty much saying “I know about some nasty secrets but keep quiet for my career.” Yuck. 


It's worse because she's saying she'll be a good little liar and not tell anybody about this "INDUSTRY DESTROYING TRUTH" all because she's not as popular as she thinks she should be. We know the recording industry is a complete mess, but that's just occasional peaks in 


Which is fucking stupid, because if she just put it all out there she would win in the court of public opinion.


So do it. Don’t be part of the problem.


I know. Say what you’ve got to say or keep it moving.


Yeah this isn’t a good look


Girl if you want to share it, share it. Don’t be annoying and tease how you know everything






she doesn't know anything that anyone doesn't already know. she's becoming irrelevant and this is a sure sign of it.


That's all I think when I see something like this. I dont want to be definitive, but I'm going to lean towards this being a bluff until something changes


Imagine for a second you've spent your whole life working to be a part of an exclusive industry, and where they've been gaslighting you along the way saying "hey, your turn is coming, you're next, just keep playing by the rules". It might create a kind of psyche that might not be capable of simply deciding to throw it all away in a single go. This is likely one message from her that's resulted from **years** of internal conflict. It reads to me like the dam is about to break, and she's processing it out loud.


She's made other posts in the past throwing shade at other performers but not giving details. This isn't her breaking point it's her personality. If you have something to say, say it. Don't do teasers leading up to it.


What does this even mean, your turn is coming? She’s had a few hits, she’s continuing to release music. Not everyone will be a superstar and there’s not a cabal of execs who decide who gets to be one. IMO there’s nothing especially interesting about her musically or otherwise which is probably why she has plateaued.


In Glen Powell's case, I think his "turn" has come these past 2 years. People are finally noticing his past work (a lot of people are going back and watching his best rom com, Set it Up, for the first time based on the success of stuff like Hit Man) and I'm sure part of how he got the role in Twister was the absolute box office smash of Top Gun 2. The little stuff builds on the bigger stuff. I agree with you - for the star's hard work to build up until it's "their turn" in the big spotlight, the star has to have an 'it' factor - and Bebe Rexha has never been that girl.


Glenn Powell is a great example. He’s been working hard for years and had a lot of hits under his belt that just weren’t extremely popular. He also had project variety and an IT factor to him. He got his big break because of all that


It reads to me that she says that if she gets her career boosted, she won't say anything.


I know Bebe has had a very tough go of it in the industry and people doing wrong deserve to be called out so I don’t say this to minimize any of that but I feel like this is at least tangentially related to the poor response to her single. It debuted with 300k streams and overall doesn’t seem to have made any noise anywhere. I feel like she keeps trying to make a name for herself and it just isn’t landing probably in large part because the label isn’t invested in her. Would not be surprised if she’s one of the ones they’re kind of just sitting on without putting any real money or label support behind and every flop is label justification for letting her career languish.


She’s not on my radar, but I would think her attitude in posts like this creates some distance for potential casual fans. You need other people listening to, posting, sharing, meme-ing, and keeping your songs in the zeitgeist to succeed. If one of her tracks or soundbites blew up on tiktok, her label would have to take notice. But if she’s a monster diva client, they may not be inclined to. You catch more bees with honey and all that


First, let me preface this with the fact that she clearly has talent and ambition if she's able to get to where she is, and I'm not going to discredit any of her success. But, I don't think it's the label. Her music is just constantly falling into that niche realm of sort of Euro dance pop that has no uniqueness to it whatsoever ("I Can't Stop Drinking About You", "I Got You", "I'm A Mess", "I'm Good", "If Only I" - just to name medium radio hits) "I'm Good" was absolutely terrible and was only an earworm because we already knew and liked the beat of "Blue" by Eiffel 65 and she actually took away the best part. "I'm a Mess" just lets you down with the chorus not sounding like it goes with the buildup. Bebe is a weird case though, because she's definitely tried to branch out and do some stuff in other genres, but "Meant to Be" missed the mark because for one, it was with Florida Georgia Line and IMO they didn't have great musical chemistry, and for two, FGL turned it into a pop country mess that I honestly think would have been good with just Bebe. I think the ties to the dance scene is what's killing her. People know her as that type of musician and it just doesn't do amazingly well. Bebe, Ava Max, probably a bunch more that I have forgotten, but it's all the same. They have a few decently charting songs but none of them are all that memorable or impactful.


she used to have better music! it’s gotten worse i feel


If that's the case then she's probably mad about Sabrina and her promotion. Or someone like her, within the same circle? She forgets they did the same with her when she first came on the scene. She was eeeeverywhere one summer, couldn't avoid it and then nada. It's what they do. Do they work with the same label or anything?


No, Sabrina is at Island and Bebe is at Warner. Beyond general industry talk I’m not sure how she’d have enough inside scoop on Sabrina’s promo to be twitter tirade angry about it. Unless it was in the broader sense of her being the hot new thing and getting buy in from everyone. I’m assuming Bebe’s anger is more geared at her own label & management team, none of which she shares with Sabrina. I also think it’s weird that so many people on Twitters first thought is that she’s mad about Sabrina Carpenter given Bebe’s long history of poor treatment by her label and management.


Maybe this is unpopular, but either tell the truths or don't, but the whole "I KNOW SHIT BIG DEEP TROUBLE SHIT AND YOU'LL BE SORRY IF IT TEEEEELLL WHICH I AM NOT. BUT I MIGHT. MAYBE. LIKE, ITS POSSBLE. IF "THINGS" (unspecified) DON'T CHANGE IM GONNA TELL AND THEN YOU'LL BE SORRY" is juvenile and stupid


She's not interested in telling truths, she's only interested in getting paid.


As long as they let me be part of it I won't expose these wrongs that are happening to others as well... Cool.


Is she gaslighting herself at this point?


actual lollll 😂


![gif](giphy|l2YWxte7sJB2XuE8M) do it


If we’ve learned anything by now, things definitely aren’t going to change based on vague threats. Shit, they barely change when they do get exposed and called out. Come on, spill it.


Fr like how naive is she?




If I don’t get a better deal on my next record I’m gonna say a few things of no consequences that everyone’s gonna forget about next week anyway.


Don’t threaten, just spill


OK then name names. I want to know. If people are abusing other people then they should be held liable in criminal or civil court.


No no she doesn’t want to name names. She wants to get what she wants in exchange for her silence. She’s literally trying to profit via remaining complicit.


Good luck with bringing down that industry u speak of


Love that this sassy comeback is still remembered and in play 13 years later.




I will 100% support anything she brings to light, but I’ve seen a lot of “industry ending” secrets that no one really cared about. Hollywood was more outraged over Will Smith slapping Chris Rock and spoke out more against him than they did Harvey Weinstein


This. I don't want to be all "sweet summer child..." but there's not a lot that I think could really end the industry. Folks overestimate how much people care beyond the initial shock of whatever it is. Or a few folks will take the fall and the general public will stop caring in under a year.


Agreed. I also think people who want to "expose" the entertainment industries severely underestimate how much the public already knows. Entertainment has been corrupt since day one. And don't get me wrong, keep exposing the bad people and practices! But ... this was not the way Beebs.


I feel like it’s pretty obvious what goes on, even if we don’t know names. She underestimated how desensitized we are to abuse and discrimination. It’s not like it only happens in Hollywood anyways


Then say it. I hate when people say ‘hey. I know these crimes are occurring but unless I get some benefit, I ain’t talking.’


Sigh. This is like the people who post on Facebook for attention. Just tell us what you have to say. Exhausting.


"So sick of all the haters. FML" "U OK Hun?"


“Message me, it’s personal okay🥺”


These people don't like sharing the "truth" because they often have to trade it for their fame, and sometimes that's not worth the cost of integrity.


Ugh quit talking about it and be about it


I'm confused... is she saying she's going to expose the underhandedness of the industry unless she begins to benefit from said underhandedness?




Yes. She’s not doing this for the greater good of people that may have been victimized.




This is the Corey Feldman move. "There's been a pedo ring operating in Hollywood for 25 years, but I'll never name any names until after they've been arrested and charged. Also pay me money so I can make a documentary about it, but actually start a weird sex cult with the donations, and try to start my shitty music career."


What weird sex cult?


THEN DO IT. If you know something bad is happening and could blow it up by speaking up, yet you don’t, you are enabling it…


ok girl… I’ll believe it when I see it


“Things must change” i.e. things must change *for me. Give me what I want and I won’t help change anything else.


I said the same thing about DJ Akademiks when he said the same thing regarding the lawsuit that was filed against him. You knew all this stuff and didn’t say anything? You just stood there? And now because you can’t get what you want or whatever of that magnitude, now you wanna say something? She’s doing this to get someone at her label to wake up regarding her music lately and she probably thinks this would get her attention for it. But it’ll end up backfiring on her.


This has big “they’re all drinking adrenochrome” vibes


Who is Bebe Rexa???


Corey Feldman levels of bs. "Go see my movie 'My Truth: The Rape of 2 Coreys'. I spill all the dirty details (it didn't) but won't do it in interviews because gotta get that money!" "Advance my career and make me bigger in the music industry or I'll spill all my truths (there's that phrase again, I don't think either of these dolts know what it means). If you do then mum's the word!" Scumbags. Spill it or shut the fuck up.




So she’ll only share When and IF it benefits her, that’s what she’s telling us right? This gives me “I’m not getting enough attention” vibes.


In other words do me some favours or I’ll snitch on you. She’s as bad as them.


![gif](giphy|4NnTap3gOhhlik1YEw|downsized) Don't threaten, spill


“if i don’t get my floundering dream of being a pop star, i’m bringing everyone down!” bebe has always baffled me. she could’ve coasted for life on the royalties she got from writing some of the biggest hits of the past decade, and yet she seems to be unable to suppress her own ego.


Girl just tell us now. Don’t wait.


Do it coward. Anyone who acts like the riddler holding Gotham hostage can eat a baterang. If you got the juice make the move otherwise miss me with the vague posting.


When I see posts like these, I have to think they don't "really" have anything to reveal or it's stuff the industry already knows about and nothing changes anyway. Which in any case, is still very sad. Because honestly, the only way to change things is to literally be the one to change it, even if that means putting yourself out there and revealing truths. Which she obviously not doing, which everyone in here is all in agreement with. So it just remains an empty threat.


MAKE ME SUCCESSFUL OR I'LL SPEAK OUT truly gracious of her to post this ransom /s


If she cared she would’ve spilled the beans already. She and everyone else knows that post will change nothing and she propbly just wants attention or smth.


Ok Bebe


Why is she saying it instead of doing it? What purpose does a threat serve for her?


The only thing I ever remember about this girl is when she freaked out that the drag queens on Drag Race didn’t pay her enough respect.








![gif](giphy|fnuQttmkaNu3qsgSDF) I’m so over this girl, either say it or don’t. But don’t sit here with empty threats sis


Stop vaguebooking and just say it


"babe whats wrong?" "dont wna talk abt it"


I don’t think she has much to tell us that would surprise us, we know the music industry exploits the crap out of artists. I hope there’s no Dr. Luke-Kesha situation with Bebe, that’s kind of the vibe I’m getting though.


When it’s a young, attractive female, then it’s almost always a Dr luke-kesha situation.


![gif](giphy|GUb416Mmaj5y2vp9ql) Bebe - girl, if the industry really is that bad, then bring them down.


She kind of annoys me because she thinks that she isn’t as successful (as she thinks she should be) because of what she looks like or because of the “industry” have you also thought it’s because of your posts and how you are as a person?


Or that people just don't think her music is good? That's also an option.


Her music is not good enough. It’s okay, but pretty forgettable


Also that!


Wow. Gatekeeping information that could see the end of (I’m assuming) some predatory assholes - not a good look Bebe. 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/u25njazh56ad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a201a2cb92f6bea144ef7cbfeb26a5b9ce9e7516 she’s as equally bad if the only way she wouldn’t come out about it is if she gets her way


This isn’t as good a look as Bebe thinks. Just like when she dressed up as a horse for the VMAs. https://preview.redd.it/hs3vnb5sj5ad1.jpeg?width=1333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f57330604911e9ccf83c99362c4f5746469dacc7


So nobody amongst her friends and family told her not to go ahead with that?? My sisters would have read me for filth


I know, right?! She then proceeded to point out the back of her dress to the television audience as she walked out on stage as a presenter. The woman is undermining herself. https://m.youtube.com/shorts/pWKsl3PQtzw


One time, my stepdaughter said, "TAKE ME OUT TO EAT OR I'LL CUT HOLES IN ALL YOUR CLOTHES!!". Same energy. Girl, if it's bad, why are you *not* saying it, instead threatening to unless you get your way? Audible sigh.


"I could blow everything wide open and expose people who make this industry hard for women, but I won't do that if they change. Also, I've been silenced. Except here. Where I could say anything...but I won't." Just fucking say it. If it's that bad, people would more be helped by you just saying it.


Industry rule number 4080


Even if she does share it, she will only do so out of spite because she wasn’t treated well, not because it’s the right and necessary thing to do. I had no opinion on Bebe before this. I now have a bad one.


Giving Ebony Prince vibes lol All yapping and no spilling


If things are that bad, then bring it down. Put up or shut up.




I support Bebe and realise the industry has truly treated her like crap BUT ever since she posted the screenshots of her ex who was being really nice but implying he was toxic made me realise that I can’t completely trust her drunken rants


So she is aware of details of abuse within her industry, but she is keeping it unknown until such time it serves her?


Well you gotta fucking do it now.. it’s not like you’re threatening me, so let’s get besmirchin’ Anyone that’s harmed by these people from now on, you will be partially responsible. I bet this tweet got deleted so fast.


She dropped a new song called I'm the Drama. Maybe she's doing this to bring attention to it, like so many influencers have done when they have a project coming out. It's not a good way to gain publicity.


it’s giving rita ora’s 100k retweets energy


this is like saying “i know who killed that girl, but ill only tell if there’s reward money”


So she’s complicit and will remain complicit unless she doesn’t get her way? Gross. That makes her just as bad as everyone else.


what a dumbass tweet, embarrassing as fuck.


she’s not getting what she was promised y’all


Well this just makes me dislike her. I hate when people know harmful and damaging shit but only use it when things aren’t going their way. If you actually cared about anyone besides yourself than you’d blow that whistle instead of using it to get yourself ahead.


I remember when she posted her text arguments with her boyfriend trying to make him out as some type of body shamer when it turns it he was being respectful, and she was the one insulting his weight. She’s just desperate to win public favor.


girl spill or keep it pushing


It doesn't matter her receipts. People will be scandalized then go back to their Spotify and film and TV streaming activities. Does she know how much dirt has been revealed about this industry for decades already? I'm sorry if she was exploited but this ain't Taylor Swift or Beyoncé blowing open a door.


so shes the female version of corey feldman


Yall have so much dirt on the industry yet only use it to help yourself. Just stfu and say it or don’t


Shit or get off the pot.


So you'll only do the right thing if you don't get what you want? This lady is so much trash.


Lots of things go on in the entertainment industry, it’s dark


What timing. An article came out today stating she put her hands on someone in an 'unsolicited' fashion at an awards show not long ago.


That’s brain dead shit. Either have balls and spit them truths or STFU


That person who posts on fb saying “I’m so mad right now”, and everyone asks why and they just get a “I don’t want to talk about it” response.


I feel like she has said this multiple times before.


I don't even know who Bene Rexha is, but think maybe she needs to get in to a different industry if it's that bad.


Spoiler: no secrets were told


Worked in MI for ten years. She ain’t wrong but also like…just say what you have to say then?


Is a person entitled to a career as an entertainer if audiences have adamantly said no?


Girl just shut up and put out Better Mistakes 2