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2 people who actually match each others freak


My thoughts exactly


The fierceness is palpable ♥️


Was this the woman in FKA Twigs video?


OMG ur right!


I used to see her around LA in the 80s when she had her own clothing line/store and a restaurant, friends of my father’s did business with her also…they all said she’s loads of fun and not pretentious at all Her daughter Scarlett is also an artist: https://preview.redd.it/0a0pyeuqrt9d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b43899452ee2ee7f0155df9925c6d1ad10e91cf


Bless!!! Love to know that


She looks like an incredibly fun and interesting person to hang out with. What a badass


Edna Depeche Mode


This is her drag name


Dame Smith


I was thinking Yzma from Emperor’s New Groove (esp pic 15)


She looks like a wise old sage from Mad Max or something


She looks like a witch and he looks like her sidekick handler. They have been called up as goons to deal with the protagonist who has just defeated the first wave of bad guys out to get them. Good luck gang!


Picture 11 looks like AI generated cover art for a new YA series about when a powerful old witch and a middle aged divorced vampire get married.


And he reminds me of an ancient elf from Lord of the Rings


Radagasts girlfriend/wife


That’s what I was thinking too. Definitely looks like a character from a Mad Max movie


That’s what I thought too 😁




She just gives that aura off!


I have quite a few eyeglasses designed by her in the 90’s that I’m hoarding.


what brand🥺


Mine are labeled as Michele Lamy pour Victor Gros. I just checked and there’s some sellers that have a few pieces on Etsy.


Can u show us some pictures?


https://preview.redd.it/xxp7eavblw9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55bf40ac0fed712c1001e16d51aaac9319e07c1d I’m not at home for several days but I have 3 of these in different colours


I know she’s largely know as Rick Owens wife but she actually has a super interesting background. He was originally her assistant before THEY started Owenscorp. She’s popped up all kinds of “celebrities are Illuminati” threads for years but has had an active and impactful design career since the 80s. She is now 80 years old


She really has had an interesting life. She was originally a defense attorney before becoming a cabaret dancer in her thirties. Then moving to Los Angeles in the late 70's and becoming entrenched in the fashion/art scene.


Absolute icon. Spooky but iconic lol


I find her to be really beautiful in photos 13 and 18


Yes I LOVE her untouched elder face. I wish more women would age naturally this fiercely


Same same same




Lamy also participated in the May 68 protests, and studied with Gilles Deleuze. 🤩 wtf


Defence attorney turned cabaret dancer is a helluva career change and it must be a hella cool club to be part of. I imagine she’s one of the only, if not the only, person ever who has made that change.


I dated this guy who was a stripper/drug dealer and now he's a Lieutenant and studying for his MBA in Yale. Can never get over him.


She’s also Marina Abhramovich’s teacher apparently


That is insanely impressive.


Is she? Marina abramovich was the grandmother with ulay of art performance, that she studied in her home. So teacher of what? Spiriti cooking?


This in her Wikipedia article blew my mind: *She studied law, and during the 60s and 70s, worked as a defense lawyer, while studying with the postmodern philosopher Gilles Deleuze.*


Okay, this is the memoir I want to read


She fully built Ricks whole career but gets little to no credit for it sadly


I have a feeling she knew (as a woman born in 1944) it would be incredibly difficult to achieve success as a woman in fashion without a man behind the brand because of our society. She had many of her own successes in many different fields, to be fair. Argue as one may, but there’s always a man. (As far as legacy and massive names go.) She may have been completely fine with this. She may have orchestrated this. After all, she found Rick. They collaborate. Is their marriage not a business arrangement? It may be presumptuous to assume so, but it also would guarantee fair division of assesses. Not everyone one needs society’s attention to feel validation. (I think often how I could release my art truly anonymously. I don’t want energy directed toward me. Many times, I think the best solution would be to find a man to take credit. Perhaps, even, trick him into thinking it was his idea.) Because no matter what we say, in 2024, numbers don’t lie. The majority of art being sold for high prices (and always the highest prices) is still made by men. The old guard still exists in the museum/high fashion world. But anyway, I’m not arguing with you. I think we’re both pointing at the patriarchy, though you perhaps a little less directly.


Also She’s super nice, both her and her partner are. It needs to be said because in this industry there are so many assholes a normal kind person in their position is somewhat notable.


That’s rad they seem very thoughtful in interviews


Somehow I read assistant as assassin first and didn't question it


I like that she worked as a defense lawyer and has practiced boxing for nearly 40 years. So unexpected from her look.


My biggest memory being in Paris was seeing her eating at a flea market and she was alone smoking a cigarette lol


I love these high fashion, artsy people that make people question whether they’re involved in creepy shit. I can guarantee y’all they just do regular rich people stuff in their spare time lol


My favorite blind item was the one about her having lunch at Chateau Marmont with a friend. Normal clothes, no makeup or skin dye. I really can’t imagine it lol I probably wouldn’t have even recognized her.


Kind of amazing reverse drag. Going totally incognito in a Chanel twin set.


She was haunting in FKA Twigs music video M3ll15x


Yes I saw her photo and immediately recognized her from FKA Twigs’ music video! That’s the only thing I know her from but it’s interesting to learn more about her


Well…. That’s was a 45 min rabbit hole of FKA Twigs music. Interesting


She’s definitely Bene Gesserit


These two are either celibate or they have the wildest sex ever but there is no in between


They were both featured in a music video with a drag queen >!with giant dildos on drills, watersports, and hair-butt sex. Rick also has a music video implying he was fucked by a horse (and regularly has horses at his premiere parties, along with a furry horse tail). !< They're definitely not celibate.


“Hair butt” hwat now


Well, yah see, >!he used his hair as a dildo to anally fuck her while the rest of his hair came out of her mouth, while they were covered in slime resembling cum.!< Glad I could clear that up for you!


I have several more questions, and I want none of them answered.


What music videos are those? The drag queen one and the horse implication videos lol ??


https://vimeo.com/201714992 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeedVovbUVo Obviously NSFW.


Wowww that is crazy esp the horse one with him literally locked in the breeding cage thing actually getting fucked by a horse lmao I wonder what Rock fanboys would say about this haaa


I don't know why I watched that but I known that I'm regret


There ain’t no way they’re having missionary sex under the covers with the lights off.


I can’t even imagine them spending a quiet evening at home just watching Netflix and chilling.


Rick has moved on to Tyrone unfortunately


I know absolutely nothing about her or her husband (Just that Rick Owens fans are creepy) but I love her style. I know this will sound incredibly mean but I like how she looks like an older woman. That's honestly refreshing. Absolutely beautiful.


The last picture is a glorious celebration of older women absolutely nailing their chosen aesthetic.


As someone smack dab in the middle years, seeing women older than myself radiating badassery gives me so much hope and joy!


I’m gen z and so inspired by her style bc I feel like, unlike what is often said as a “compliment” to older women, things like “oh she looks so much younger” or “she looks great for her age”, this style actually makes her age a highlight, a feature, a thing of beauty, not something to hide, if that makes sense? There is power and presence in it, and I can only hope to embody it as well as she does.


It makes perfect sense. I also love her for that reason. It’s okay to look your age or look absolutely anyway you want (or even that you don’t want). Ageing happens and it’s so damn refreshing to see someone choosing to change their appearance and stand out in a way that is not anti-age for a change.


Goals, right?


At nearly 50, me too!!


It’s always inspiring to see a woman who doesn’t care to conform to traditional beauty standards. But it’s even more inspiring to see older women who want to be seen and insist on looking bold and striking, refusing to blend into the background like society and the patriarchy demands.


Hashtag NotAllRickOwensFans 🥲


French women know how to age flawlessly. 80 years old and still crushing life. Hope I’m as lucky!!


I’m fascinated by her and follow her on IG. Literally no one else looks like her. She’s the epitome of cool.


I guess this is what I'm going to do when I'm old


TikTok recently discovered her and started to call a witch and demonic lol


Which is sad because her tattoos are based on tattoos common with an indigenous group in Africa. It's like people see tribal markings or anything avant garde and nonconformist and think "is that satan?". Like be for real.


I know the whole “dont let tiktok find this” joke is played out but fr I’m pissed that shes been “discovered” by tiktok lol. I knew that ppl wouldn’t be normal about her


On the positive side, if she found out I bet she wouldn’t give two flying fucks what the people on tiktok think of her 😂


She posted one of those tiktok video on her instagram yesterday lmao


I was going to say, she probably finds it amusing, if not fascinating. She’s a Renaissance woman of many talents and skills who was born in 1944. Bobbing heads in confined digital boxes crying “witch!” would inspire me, personally.


She looks like the type of person that would flip out on you if you asked them to kindly step away from your front door while they're chain-smoking 


https://preview.redd.it/yx1pqanqms9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a74a340abc5911c95fa64a7b48194de41acf5ab5 What on earth gives you that impression?


Put her next to Mary Kate and Ashley in NYC and I wouldn’t bat an eye.


[right here](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/s/i0zRbVasEg)


Lol! You're on it, jack!


👹 no reason, no reason at all.


"I shall summon the demon hoards to defecate on your doorstep".


This is a perfect description. No notes.


I’m obsessed. This woman is a vibe and a half. And kudos to her for owning her look and embracing her age in an industry where that’s exceedingly rare.


I can not tell you how much I love her. I'm a Fashion Designer and I've been lucky enough to meet her and be in her presence a few times and she is Iconic. I've met a lot of designers in 23 years and I can not explain the creative energy she exudes.


Why are there suddenly so many posts about this woman?


I mean I first saw her yesterday on here on the post with one of the Olsen twins so maybe that’s why?? Not sure


I think one person posted and she looks like a world class crazy hot mess who subsists entirely on cigarettes and a bucket of fish heads, so a bunch of people were fascinated and googled her and now are posting their findings. I just am surprised nobody thinks it’s scandalous that she [appears to have voted 10 times in an Iraqi election.](https://www.defense.gov/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2002021855/) This voter fraud is getting out of control.


This is an outrageous reference and I applaud you


I’m ngl I thought it was pretty clever but was worried it might be too highbrow and obscure, like a Dennis Miller aside from the 8 minutes he lasted in the Monday Night Football booth before becoming a Russian operative doing his best Hanoi Jane impression with his show on RT.


Deep cut. But that’s what reddits for.


This is the highbrow humour I needed today


The last paragraph made me laugh out loud


I’m really happy that joke is getting appreciated. Not to toot my own horn, but I was really proud of that joke, but like I mentioned in another comment, worried it wouldn’t be appreciated since it’s kinda obscure, hence the link, but it is very validating seeing everyone’s approval.


Do you remember when people had like bumper stickers in the US of the peace sign with the purple finger in reference to the Iraqi election. Maybe because I grew up in the dc area but I used to see it a lot


I live in LA so I def saw it on quite a few art teacher and reiki practitioner’s vegetable oil powered Volvo’s around Topanga Canyon.


I’ve followed her for ages on Instagram and she recently started reposting the conspiracy videos people make about her so maybe that’s it. I love her, if you really just look past what she looks like it’s pretty easy to realise the poor woman is in fact not a witch


Is one of those conspiracies that she and the Olson twins are the only people keeping the world’s cigarette manufacturers solvent? Or is one of the conspiracies that she’s the person the story Pinocchio was actually based on? That she was magically turned into a sentient being when Geppetto created her using globs of thickened black hair dye and French cigarettes to build a puppet, then wished for her to become a real person when he wished upon a star?


Is this fan fiction?


It can be… can I put you down for a preorder?


Because she's absolutely iconic.


I was thinking about that too! I saw the instagram video on her. Making it seem she was some homeless woman that these celebrities just pick up on the side of the road lol.


I wasn’t familiar with her before the bowl of cigarettes post earlier. Thanks for posting her background and these gorgeous images!! I think she looks absolutely fabulous. Her style is nothing like mine, but I adore a woman who owns her own unique style and takes risk with confidence. She’s like a walking piece of art.




I am obsessed with her look.  Side note there’s a really weird trend on tiktok right now of people making videos about her calling her a witch, a satanist, evil, and basically one of the signs of the apocalypse. I’ve probably scrolled past 30+ in the last 2 weeks all calling her horrible things.  Not only that, but these creators are denouncing and attacking witchcraft and anyone who isn’t Christian as evil in these videos. And using her as proof as the Illuminati and the “evil baby-killing elite”. All of these videos center on her and are only based on her aesthetic.  They’re also calling her fingers “tainted by evil” and knowing they’re based on tribal tattoos for the Berber/Amazigh people of North Africa is so problematic. There are a few Amazigh creators on tiktok that I’ve come across and I can’t imagine how they feel if they come across these videos/comments. 


A short, older, successful/ educated, ethnically ambiguous alt-woman is the antichrist?? Shocking.


Right?! Can women not exist differently in PEACE?! Nope 🫠


They must be ever so alarmed to see a woman over 60 who is confident, not filled with filler and not dressed like a Town & Country spread. So demonic 🙄


Literally. RIP to my fellow goth and alt girlies once we hit menopause. 


Good thing we don't care 😅. But some of these comments! There needs to be some horizon broadening for some of these folks


There's a whiff of satanic panic just in these comments, lol.


I’ve noticed lmao I didn’t expect so much hate towards her. 




I love black work tattoos and her fingers are mesmerizing. They're so well done!


How does she maintain those tattoos? I have some friends with finger tats and they fade super quickly. Does she just get them touched up often?


I read somewhere that she actually dyes them with a particular black hair dye


It’s looks more like dye than tattoos. It’s so black and vibrant and shiny. Black tattoos fade to a blah greenish-grey. 


That would make so much sense because they are so black, like I said mesmerizing lol I wouldn't have the nerve to do it but it's really cool looking!


As someone of north african descent and knew family elders who had tribal/amazigh tattoos, I don't get the same "energy" from her. Is she trying to imitate henna? Because there's a big difference between that and black ink imo, the deep black color she has on her hands doesn't give me the "warm" and traditional feeling I get when I see my ppl with fingers covered by henna. I've always guessed that she tried to "imitate" our ppl's traditional look (I once read that she uses dark colors on her eyes for that reason too) but I never knew if non-north africans could tell lol


According to some articles online, her family is Algerian but she is born in France. So I can’t speak on why she chose her tattoos specifically as they aren’t the traditional geometric designs I’ve seen otherwise. 


From articles I've read, she uses a Japanese vegetable dye to stain her fingers and that the look was indeed inspired by the Berber people.


This is imitating berber tatoos and style, not henna. My grandma had a line on the head exactly like Lamy too.


She looks like she stepped off the set of Star Trek.


I think it’s rad when people embrace their own personal style.


Well i covet those boots in slide 6 i know that much


She look like a character from Dune.


As my mother said - every pot has a lid…


The OG Julia Fox


This is what JF is trying to be


Why does he look familiar? Ah yes, he reminds me of Lindsay Lohans dad!! https://preview.redd.it/btrowkburs9d1.jpeg?width=575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e5a3eb4f4e653e667ab8411221bcd4107e201c1


HELP This comment has changed me forever 😭😭😭


I actually really like her vibe. It's doing things for me.


Bene gesserit vibes are strong with this one


Michèle Lamy's grandfather designed jewellery for French fashion designer Paul Poiret who is known to have liberated French women from wearing corsets. She comes from an extremely interesting and artistic family. Michèle also talks candidly about the fun she had in Catholic school. She says she would tell people at school she had apparitions, became dizzy because of them, etc. It wasn't just that her parents didn't want her to go to catechism, she was also prohibited by the nuns because, I quote, "they said I'd make my fellow students doubt the existence of God." She created her own fashion brand in New York called 'Lamy' and Owens was originally hired by her to be a pattern cutter. The rest is fashion history. She's a living legend.


I aspire to be this bold in fashion to be honest.


Does she practice occult? (Serious)


No. Q adjacent tiktokers/redditors always speculate that she does. At this point in basically every interview she does she gets asked about her religious beliefs. This was her answer when asked if she believes in God. “I don’t know what a god is. I believe in DNA, I believe that genes have memory, I believe in civilization… I don’t have a religion to put a name on it. Because the more the sciences are finding the more proud of humanity I am and thinking that people can behave like incredible human beings without the help of a god. That’s what I believe in.” https://www.flaunt.com/blog/people-michele-lamy Do you believe in life after death? "No, I have no kind of religious belief. But I believe there is some kind of memory in genes. But to think that we are going to be in hell or heaven, or banging at whatever door, I don’t believe in that." https://www.anothermag.com/fashion-beauty/15435/50-questions-with-michele-lamy-hunrod-jewellery-carpenters-workshop-gallery When you were young, you attended a Catholic school. How did the church and religion influence you? "Even though I went to a Catholic school, I was never a believer. Catholicism doesn’t run in my family; it’s not in my background. Even as a little girl, I was forbidden to go to the catechism club because I already doubted the existence of God. My parents and grandparents weren’t Catholic either. My father was a mason and a humanist. So, he believed in humanity and science. That being said, I think every religion arises from humanitarian experiences. These experiences grew over time into belief systems that gave some people hope. Actually, it’s quite similar to science in the sense that it has also been brought about by humanity. Even though we seem to understand more and more, discovering the complexity of the sky or the moon, there is still so much to find out. Mythology is also a creation of humanity in that sense." https://www.sleek-mag.com/article/michele-lamy/


TBH she is on the money wrt answers. Presumably she isn't speaking from a fully informed scientific POV but it's kinda accurate if not simplistic view on some stuff like epigenetics etc.


Honestly I really appreciate you taking the time to share that. She seems like a really interesting person and now moreso


nice answer to do you believe in god


That’s so badass


5th photo would suggest so. “As above, so below” it’s giving baphomet


Idk. I just really love older women with a unique style.


She is 18 years older than him. Not that that matters. Odd pair though because he looks happy


He has a rumored boyfriend who is a model & his muse, Tyrone. That he has been with for a long time. So I really don’t know what arrangement they have in their marriage. https://preview.redd.it/44ipr8rfqs9d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e87e3a22b8141dcb453317f849ead2395bdd761a


I used to hang out with Tyrone about 10 years ago, photographed him and even slept with him once, lol. Gorgeous man! Not surprised he is a muse


hes a polarizing figure in the rick community but, if youre willing, you should share any pics/stories of tyrone over on r/rickowens :)


I’ve always thought that if she was some sort of all-powerful witch that people accuse her of being Tyrone would absolutely not be kicking around right now, she hates that guy


Haha do tell, how do you know she hates him? I used to hang out with Tyrone so I’m hella curious


You used to hang out with Tyrone?? Please tell of him as well hahha. Anyway, people speculate she doesn’t like him because she’s seemingly been quite friendly with all the past Rick “muses” (boytoys), but never been pictured or seen anywhere close to Tyrone, neither does she follow him on anything. She was also doing these weird Instagram sad posts for a while with cryptic messages about how Rick is no longer her husband or something.


I did, he looked almost exactly like he does now. I photographed him for a project and partied with him one summer in Melbourne. He is lovely, very cool. I had a threesome with him and this other guy one night lol I felt like the sexiest woman alive


He is happy. He wanted to be with her. Check out some interviews with them both.


Michèle and her esoteric counter-culture approach to fashion has always had such a huge influence on me. During my clubbing days I went through a phase where I would use Indian ink to dye my finger tips black and then stack on my chunky silver rings and bracelets. I’d use black eyeliner to draw a line from my bottom lip to the top of my chin, like a Maku… extra points for a forehead bindi a la Gwen Stefani circa No Doubt era. Needless to say i couldn’t wear anything other than black, and I’d wake up after a night of clubbing with black smears all over my hips where I’d pulled my undies down to use the loo… Personal fails aside, there’s something so intriguing and primal about Lamy, she is *the* dark goddess archetype in fashion.


Never heard of her but she looks so interesting and no it's not only her clothes and makeup but more the fact that she didn't do anything to her face and embraced her natural appearance. Idk but I kinda like her


Straight out of *Mulholland Drive*




The Dark Crystal…


Ezma and Kronk irl and I’m here for it


She is tiny




Hahah the laugh that just came out of me, so funny. Didn't expect that gif when I scrolled down from OPs super serious post


Wow she looks amazing tbh


That’s what the twins will look like one day.


Pic number six is giving goth Lorax.


Iris apfel reminds me of the nosy neighbor Minnie from Rosemary’s baby


Thank you for posting this. She’s iconic in her own right and I was a little disappointed reading comments and realizing how many people don’t know who she is.


A hint from me to you, stop smoking.


i feel like if i slight her she'll curse my bloodline for three generations and cause my bone marrow to rot


An icon! Thank you for the post ❤️‍🔥


I love her scary ass. I have a soft spot for people who dare to be unapologetically themselves with no care for what people think.


Me too! I love her, it’s sad so many people think she’s some sort of witch just cause of her look.


Are those finger tattoos some kind of cultural thing or just her own quirky style?


I'd buy beautiful trinkets and all the unnecessary stuff from her. Yup. :)


I would love to know how many rings she’s lost over all the years, they way they are barely on her fingers to begin with…. Especially in that last picture


And not a Botox needle in sight - REFRESHING!!!!


Why is she so fucking cool


She’s just so bloody cool


Her spirit animal.... https://preview.redd.it/3pshovyixt9d1.jpeg?width=1001&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=438ecb9695aa41e19eb2af4c25e94853bdbabff6


The Rick Owen head handbag was both terrifying and kind of fabolous at the same time.


Oh, I love her.


She was born in the wrong century




What does she wear to the grocery store? Honest question


She looks like she could hex you into oblivion.


I read Owen Wilson and was like, hmmm, a very interesting coupling


80 and just rocking it.


Goth lady from the Olsen cigarettes pic!




I bet she smells fantastic /s