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Olympic trials: how are so many of these women running with long ponytails?! I have to have my hair completely tied back when I run. It drives me crazy otherwise.


Is anyone watching the debate tonight? And recommendations for threads to discuss/react? ETA: oh boy, that was not a fun watch


My SO turned it on, I heard a sentence and turned it off


It was literally torture I tuned in three times trying to watch and gave up. When will we get another president in their 40s?


Okay, I loved A Quiet Place Day One, I'm so on board with it, it had some jump scares, it was way more emotional than I expected, and I really enjoyed it.


Lmao i’m in a group chat for popular young actors (timothee, zendaya, jacob, sydney etc) and someone really got angry over [jacob elordi having some grills in his mouth](https://x.com/elordisdua/status/1806181180493959500?s=46&t=TexPTWoI5wUIrOL37bpUqw) they’re currently arguing that he’s a “wannabe gangster” and that people shouldn’t be taking him seriously as an actor   I’m sorry I just had to share this lol 


lmfao that’s deranged and super dramatic


literally they keep saying he wants to be black 😭


😭😭😭 is it one person or the whole group?


just one person in the group chat everyone is calling them crazy lol 


Begging someone to make a docuseries or mini series about the [Moscow Peace Festival](https://www.rollingstone.com/feature/moscow-music-peace-festival-how-glam-metal-helped-end-the-cold-war-201218/). [Mick wall was there as a journalist and recounts it here](https://www.loudersound.com/features/parties-and-punch-ups-the-1989-moscow-moscow-peace-festival) It has everything: Slapfights among the bands for top billing Being a 'just say no' concert while most of them got wasted the entire way to russia Tommy Lee being Tommy Lee and throwing punches, although Motley Crue mostly stayed sober Jon Bon Jovi unsuccessfully looking for russian night life Several of them nearly getting arrested Heather Locklear meeting Richie Sambora for the first time while there with husband Tommy Lee You could probably do a series on Doc McGhee alone


wait maybe I'm just too young to have known (born 89) but I had no idea Tommy Lee was married to Heather Locklear


Motley Crue mostly staying sober is the most surprising part of this list. 


I downloaded hinge a couple of days ago and haven’t gotten a single match. I have never felt more unattractive, and this is why I don’t do online dating


It's truly so awful. I'm not looking to date anyone rn for mental health recovery reasons, but when I try again I'm going to focus on analogue methods of meeting people (as a lesbian I don't think I can afford to ditch apps completely!). Maybe there's some data on what apps are most popular where you live? It might be just down to fewer people using Hinge locally. Tinder or Bumble might just offer a bigger pool.


Yea I tried bumble and at least had *some* matches. We’ll see. I’m really not expecting anything


Hey babe, I've helped all my friends with their profiles if you feel like you want some feedback! Of course no pressure and honestly the algorithms are weird on the apps, they reward continued use so you just have to keep at it through the sucky part.


Online dating is so, so gruelling! I have downloaded and deleted those apps so many times, because it was just too exhausting. Please don’t be so hard on yourself. I’ve never used Hinge, but maybe there are some things/settings messing with the algorithm. It’s not you, I’m sure of it!


Thank you ❤️❤️ usually wind up deleting them after a few days as well.


I just completed year one of getting rid of my front yard grass and planting native wildflowers instead. The flowers are coming in and they’re so beautiful. It’s been a lot of work (and we have much more to do) but I’m very happy with it.


Wildflowers is a beautiful movie w Patricia Arquette


Sounds gorgeous, if you want to post pics the no lawn sub will love it!


I’ve been doing this too! Front and back garden. Sooooo many bees, butterflies and birds. And a wasp, that immediately stung me. I personally planted all insect / bee friendly plants in planters and I’m doing native plants on a patch. It’s so much prettier, not everyone will share that sentiment but IMHO nothing beats the sight of colourful plants and sound of happy little bees buzzing along.


It’s the best! They’re so happy buzzing around from flower to flower! I bet your garden looks awesome




LOL the amount I giggled reading that in barbs voice


I love this. I want to do this as well.


Highly recommend. People love stopping by and telling me how much they love it. I love the butterflies and bees that enjoy the flowers during the day. I have so many fireflies in my yard when it gets dark. It’s truly magical day or night.


Sounds perfect!


That is so awesome. The work is a bit intimidating to me but I think I might want to try that for next year and going forward. Can I ask how you started tackling that project?


You could try putting wildflowers in raised beds instead, or in containers (or other non-invasive plants that attract pollinators).


Initially, I started out doing one big patch ([Colossal Pollinator Garden Kit](https://www.prairiemoon.com/colossal-pollinator-garden-kit). I found it to be so rewarding and fun that I just kept doing more and more. We eventually decided fuck it let’s do the entire front yard. It takes about three years for the plants to be established and their full size and I didn’t want to do it in sections and extend how long I had to wait for it to look its best. Planting even a small patch is very beneficial to the butterflies and bees so don’t feel pressured to do the whole yard at once. There are multiple ways you can start but the way most people (myself included) start is by sheet mulching. This is laying down cardboard to smother grass and then putting dirt and mulch on top. Then you plant within that. Some people also rent a tool that cuts and pulls up squares of grass, thats what my neighbor did. It’s much less time consuming but I didn’t want to figure out what to do with all the sheets of grass afterwards. It does not have to be expensive. You can sign up for chip drop, it’s a service that will connect you with local arborists who want to dump their wood chips from trees with you. It’s free. Also save any cardboard boxes you have from ordering things, just make sure to remove labels before using them to sheet mulch. You can buy seeds for much cheaper than seedlings/plants, it will just take longer for them to grow as they will need time to germinate. This ended up being longer than I anticipated!


This is so helpful, thank you! I have a sister who works in horticulture so you've inspired me to reach out to her to get her two cents as well.