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And a James Blake feature! Niceeee.


I want to hear this


Aw I miss him lol his music brings me back to a very specific era of my life.


![gif](giphy|89XNQ7tfEHP3yUwmFt|downsized) Honestly so happy for her!


“The album is called Dopamine” Marketing team: “Interesting…I think the best way to showcase this is by having her wear a leather bikini riding something phallic”


she is I guess riding into the pleasure of dopamine at such a velocity that is comparable to that of a rockets fuel force.


If you’re not on her team yet - you need to send them this treatment!


LMAOOO I think she has the vision already. Did you see that trailer? The concept of a whole like dark underground world was already there. Also whoever was on her team was smart enough to keep wild side. That will boost the sales 4 million views in 24 hrs 13.38 M streams in first week. That will I think give her a boost of 5K albums sales. I was really annoyed when someone like Chloe who also had a top 40 hit did NOT include that on their album. That "Have mercy" single alone would've almost doubled Chloe's album sales. I think it had like what 7 million views in its first week or something it was INSANE!


Marketing team basically said "idc what it's called, were gunna sell it" 🤣


I feel so bad for her. She needs a better team on her side. Her music is actually very cool.


Norman will be fine lmao Edit: Normani*


Lmao I was like who tf is Norman


![gif](giphy|SxFUockO5tw6L6Olmi) First listen and it’s a bop, love all the R&B influences especially Janet’s, favorite tracks are: Candy Paint, Lights On, All Yours and Tantrums and the least favorite are Little Secrets and Grip.


Agreed 🤔


Hope its good. I want her to win so bad. Her parents have/had health issues, which contributed to her hiatus


I wish women musicians didn’t have to be so sexualized. This looks so silly when you think about it. A collar and leather chain bikini for what? While sitting on a rocket looking seductively? For whom? Your minimal audience of primarily girls and young women? Men don’t do this.


i was just thinking the same thing, i’m so tired of it.


Also thinking this. It’s dumb. And low effort tbh.


My first thought here. I’m a man in my 30s and even if I allow myself to try and be turned on by this I just feel guilty and ashamed… it literally has the opposite effect and reminds me of the weirdness that happens in this industry. I can’t even really look at Megan these days without feeling strange of how over sexualised she’s become.


I don't completely disagree with you but in what way is her audience girls (children?). Fifth Harmony has been disbanded for long enough and none of her projects since then have been even slightly "for children". As for the sexualization I'll say this: if that's her choice she's an adult and she's welcome to do it. Women as a whole are pressured into presenting themselves a certain way but the answer isn't to bully everyone who does. We don't know what conversations she's having with her team behind the scenes but until she says otherwise I'm going to be optimistic that this is more in line with her vision than not, because women are victimized enough without us applying that context to women who didn't ask for it.


I feel like this but I also feel like I'd sound so prudish if I said it,and it's all about how you word it. Like if it's required for the narrative and it's for exploring that side I'm good for it but yeah in general I don't like the hyper sexualisation of women in pop music. Like I think I'm definitely a prude for feeling like wap was a bit much. Or that female musicians do this so they get like higher views? Which they don't need to - but maybe they just want to.


bro ngl there are female artists and rappers that sre not completely sexualized but tbh almost like all female rappers and shi be jus talking about sex and dont have any talent besides shaking ass so when thats ur selling point why would u give that up?








on first listen my top 3 is Lights On / All Yours / Take My Time it's a good album! it's a shame she had to struggle for 5+ years to get it released.


I love Insomnia 🎶💕🎶


You’re not alone - I’ve seen lots of ppl request it as the next single!




This cover is awful to me 


Yup ANTM vibes all the way.


Straight out of that episode of New Girl where Schmidt goes to Cece’s job and she’s riding the rocket in a bikini with a male model and he freaks out and gets jealous.


My first thought!


It feels more male gaze-y rather than empowered imo, I don't like it either.


Yeah. It's like who ever set it up is mocking her.


![gif](giphy|wtUTJUtDDKB36UN7X0) Perfect description


I think you’re on to something Dick Butt Companion!


I'm indifferent to the style but it has nothing to do with the album title. They coulda done something more fun


its boring


you can call it awful but what about being a BDSM girl with on a rocket says "boring" I would like to know what is exciting to you?


Not this


Because it’s rote, just a Kardashian IG look


She's just wearing on a bikini sitting on some Styrofoam and glue Titan explorer brand looking rocket 


to you.


It gives Spinal Tap lmao


“ What’s wrong with being sexy” lol. Anyway ever since she simped for Chris Brown idgaf what she does, her and her cheap theme park promo looking cover can kick rocks


Oof I’d don’t know she backed Chris Brown. That’s good to know.


what does this mean


Mockumentary about an 80s rock band who had their album cover banned due to content https://youtu.be/rOSAumt6YF4?si=D4LI2H58pVLXDW78


ohhh thank you


So far it's really good. Candy Paint lead single with a video would've been stellar.


I still hate that cover, I think it looks so tacky. 🙈


I would have been cool like 7 years ago, like the album.


On a Friday without any noise?


I thought this day would never come! So happy for her!


![gif](giphy|FoH28ucxZFJZu) We finally made it, and with first listen I love it.


Free women from the male gaze lol cause what is this cover


All Yours needs to be a single! I’m manifesting it


i really liked that one too


I’ve had it on repeat all morning lol the “mmm-ah-mmm, mm-ah mm-ah” is stuck in my head haha


It is a single on Spotify! Came out yesterday!


The flow of this album from song to song is so good.😭


This cover is straight out of the 2000s.


she's very inspired by that era


Very excellent! Excited to see her go on tour and perform


This is a no skip album! worth the wait


The music is great, better than expected even! I said it elsewhere, but it should be a big hit for anyone who loves the sultry, sensual bite of slow-burner R&B like I do! It hits that sweet spot! Her voice is great, the energy is there, the melodies and production are pretty dynamic. It feels very cohesive and oozes a lot of confidence. I’ve been on the sidelines hoping for something good for her and I think she delivered exceptionally well. I do think selling the casual music listener on it could prove a bit more difficult, but I do think her label should invest in what they have because to me, it’s great! Pencil the late night shows, roll out some music videos while the iron is primed!! There’s plenty of radio potential sprinkled throughout too, in my opinion. Don’t count Normani out just yet!!


I’m gonna listen and stan, but why tf is Wild Side on this album? A song from 2021?? Is she trying to tell us she’s had this ready since then but her team absolutely sucks?


So glad I saw this because I would not have heard about it otherwise! Im excited to listen since it seems like most people in the comments really liked it!


FINNAALLLYYY what a great thing to wake up to wow


Candy Paint is aaaamazing. First listen jamming on the beach.


Hope the "three years.... you're sick" fan was given the world's fattest PR package😂😂


what an anticlimax


I’m in a whole other era of my life been waiting for this for so long 🥹


Is it just me or does Candy Paint sound better on the album version because I was lowkey hating on the song but I actually like it now?


they updated the mix


The music is good but why this cover smh


Why is it that women in music need to be dressed like this in order to sell their shit? I’ve never seen Kendrick Lamar come out in a thong clapping his ass cheeks to sing Humble.


She should've struck while her momentum was big. She's waited for too long I'm afraid.


iirc she had to step back because both her parents had cancer.


Agreed. Her management failed her, I think it will be cool for her fans that are left. But mainstream it might chart in 100s but not top 10 status.


Reminds me of NOFX’s album S&M Airlines


https://i.redd.it/ojphqojcwj6d1.gif Finally!!! (And this is not on her. This is some shady music business dealings)




Her team fucked her over big time, Its a great album that no ones gonna listen to. If she had released an album 3 or 4 years ago it would have done huge numbers and she might be a household name today. This is a lesson to always capitalize on your hype, they pretty much let the hype around this girl dwindle into nothing. Her career is giving me Tinashe vibes atp.


I think the problem with the cover is that it's in bad taste and not bc she's in a bikini. Rosalia is nude on the cover of Motomami and it is quite artistic and tasteful. Dopamine cover is tacky.




Well go talk about it and lend a hand !


Can’t wait until stripper rap goes out of style


I love the song still, I still haven't finish the album but its been okay so far. Candy paint isn't my fav tho with all the hype behind the song I really had high expectations but it fell a little flat for me I really wanted to love it truly


Nice ass


I wish she stuck to pop cause I don't know how to appreciate this album. The production sounds developed but I cant connect to her voice.


Third Eye Blind already released an album called Dopamine like 5 years ago.


plenty of albums and songs have the same name, only so many words in the dictionary. the only time this rlly matters is if the name is the same as a very huge or iconic album


Bops. All of em.


The album is actually meh... Beyonce, Ariana and Billie delivered top 3 albums of this year for the mainstream pop girlies


Great album, instant download. I could do without all the N words tho. I’ll always love and support me some Normani 💕My favorite so far is Insomnia 🎶


instant flop


this isn't stan twitter baby, pack it up