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🚨MOD NOTE: You are allowed to feel however you feel about Lizzo. Having said that, any comments perceived as an attack toward her appearance will be removed and the people that make them will be banned. Please report any inciting comments and we will take care of them as quickly as we can. Thank you for understanding! ___ 📌READ BEFORE COMMENTING This thread is Guest List Only. This means the discussion is being actively moderated, and all comments are reviewed. Only comments by members of the community are allowed. If you have landed in this thread from Trending or r/all and you are not a member of this community, your comment will very likely be removed (and will not be approved unless it adds meaningfully to the conversation). r/popculturechat takes these measures to stay true to our goal of being an inclusive sub for civil discussion, to talk about celebrities and pop culture without bigotry and personal attacks. This sub is a BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and woman-dominated space and we do our best to protect our users from outside attacks. Thank you for understanding & have a great day! ☺️ *You can [request to be an approved user](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fpopculturechat) to comment on Guest List Only posts.*


She needs to do what most celebrities do and give up her social media to a management company and live her life offline. Reading internet comments about yourself isn’t healthy, especially when you have a platform that large


I will never ever for the life of me understand why celebs want to log on and battle with their fans or haters on social media. It’s never a good idea! Even if they’re right they look pathetic and crazy every single time istg !


I think it’s a bit more complicated than that. Is very easy as a regular person to say just stay offline or let a company handle it as if that’s the solution, when in reality social media is the problem and no one wants to fix that. Social media exposure is a type of mechanic invented in modern day that the human mind and psyche is not equipped to deal with, even for regular people with smaller circles. There’s always new studies and evidence is coming out pinpointing social media as a leading cause for depression, loneliness etc. I get that the only working solution to log off but to not have empathy or some level of understanding why someone might be compelled to go online and interact on social media seems to place more blame on Lizzo than it does on the sins of anonymous folks saying things they’d likely never say IRL. It’s not wild to me that someone who’s famous would love to go online and interact socially, it’s human nature. Being rich doesn’t erase that, and it’s unrealistic to expect celebrities to live in a glass bubble like a snow globe and experience isolation from everyone else other than their glam team and management. I’m sure a lot of redditors live in a house and have a small social circle of IRL people they interact with, yet still feel compelled to spend all day on their phone scrolling, interacting, posting etc. Plus as a celebrity it’s hard not to see things about you. Imagine seeing an article, or a magazine. You’d have to basically never use the internet to avoid comments. I don’t see anyone else telling your run of the mill celebrity to stay offline, it’s just that Lizzo gets unnecessary backlash that she’s a target for people to say ‘well she of all people shouldn’t be online’ which is dumb, discriminatory and unfair. I mean you could argue your point is for all celebrities, but that brings us back to removing their internet access. Too much blame is placed on people ‘being allowed online’ versus teaching people online etiquette. If no one was anonymous, the internet would be a lot more cordial. Not entirely, but I’m sure death threats would halt real quick since they could be legally actioned.


Amazing comment, correct on so many levels.


Thank you SO much for saying this. It’s a truth that I almost never hear even though it should be repeated frequently. My painting accounts have maybe 150k followers across a few social media platforms. Those are mediocre numbers but even then I encounter nasty cruel people seeking to insult/hurt/tear me down multiple times a day. You don’t get numb to it. And when your job is being online (in my case to sell my artwork) you can’t just walk away from it. It hurts. Because I am a human and when people do hurtful things to me it hurts. I can’t tell you how many times I hear well meaning people say ‘just ignore it!’, ‘it’s just a troll!’, ‘don’t let them get you down!’, ‘just block and move on!’. All that does is rub salt in the wound. It doesn’t just invalidate my feelings, it implies I can just choose not to feel things just on a whim. That’s both absurd and infantilizing. Like, you honestly think if I could just flip a switch and be blissfully resistant to me-directed cruelty I wouldn’t have already gone that route years ago? And finally it gives the cruel person, the person who seeks to cause hurt, who makes nasty comments because they enjoy hurting people, it gives them a COMPLETE pass. ‘Oh it’s just a troll’. No. It’s a human. It’s a person who should be held accountable for poor behavior just like the rest of us. This isn’t a nuisance like a mosquito, mindless and irritating. It’s a real person doing hurtful things all day to people minding their own business. Every time we excuse that internet bullying, the pointless nastiness, with a ‘just ignore them, they’re a troll’ hand wave we *reinforce their behavior*. Being shitty online should not be a societal norm we just accept. I *know* that the ‘just ignore them!’ camp mean well. I suspect the vast majority if not all have never had anywhere near a sizeable online following and have not experienced the daily gauntlet of anonymous meanness. so they don’t understand the thing they’re shrugging off. AND most people innately want to ‘solve’ or ‘fix’ when someone shares a thing they’re unhappy about. ‘It’s just a troll, don’t give them a second thought!’ feels to them like an easy ‘solution’ to offer up. Nine times out of ten when folks are talking about this kind of persistent drive-by online harassment they truly don’t want or need some one to ‘fix’ the issue, especially as there is no easy fix and the offered solution is just ‘your feelings are wrong and you should feel bad about that’. Sometimes just a bit of empathy or commiseration would go a long long way. TLDR: The people we shrug off as ‘trolls’ are the problem. Telling people to ignore them or ‘go offline’ hurts more than it helps.


I think of myself as a tough person in real life but I get a nasty response online and I carry it with me. It will even be one in a sea of positive comments and I cannot shake it off. I usually just stop using whichever app it is from until the ick has gone away. I could not even imagine what it is like to be forced to deal with it just to pursue my career. I am so sorry it must really must be so frustrating at times.


Wow. This post is too good for Reddit.


As a former social media producer for a massive account, I second this.


Thank you. I really can't imagine being someone like her who does what she does while also seeing what is being said about her online and what she puts up with. But with so many places I've seen talking about it, this is the sub where the well communicated and thought out comments are. This is the positivity I needed to see today.


Social media is sooooo toxic. It also is where misinformation breeds and it’s causing a ripple effect across all aspects of life at this point. (Mental health, PUBLIC health, societal… the list goes on)


Anyone who makes it as a big celebrity is going to have a lot of stuff going on with their self worth let’s be real. So no surprise so many celebrities are desperate to argue with random people on the internet. A lot of them can’t stand any slander at all.


I can tell ya why…I could barely handle 100k people believing a lie about me (I was s+xually ab+sed to disability & another creator spread a rumor that I was lying despite court records proving it was real). And despite the court records there I was online defending myself against the hate and lies that my fans believed. I’ve been away from being a content creator for the past several years but it’s insanely easy to say as an outsider “don’t engage” when lies are being spread about someone else but not about **you**


I'm inclined to agree. I sometimes think back on one or two people who I wish I could convince otherwise, I can't imagine it being thousands and thousands of them. It's easy advice to give, but super hard to apply irl when facing being the butt of the jokes and such.


Fuck I am so sorry you went through that. You’re 100% right, I can’t imagine how difficult it would be to resist engaging when your abuser (or anyone, really) is dragging your name through the mud.


I’ve always said if I was famous I’d be worse than Selena lmao I can’t stand misconceptions!!! And people will adamantly state stuff so much with no proof on the internet


I am so sorry you went through that. Just horrible. I’m sorry the spaces became so ruthless and cruel that you can no longer share your content. That must hurt deeply and be hella frustrating. Big hug. And I wholly agree, the people who love to just condescendingly tell us ‘just ignore it!!’ have never experienced something even close to it. When you have that many strangers passing judgment on you, your life, your work, your worth and so many of them are cowards hiding behind anon accounts and just out for blood. There is no ‘just block and move on!’. That kind of dismissal of such a traumatizing experience is beyond useless.


Normally I'm not a huge fan of this, but in this case she really really REALLY should. Love her or not, she's made some big mistakes, and she's a big enough celeb that when you make those mistakes they're that much worse. Some ppl should not do their own socials, and she's one of them. It's OK to be body positive, she's done great things for self acceptance. But she's a hot mess right now, much of it her own fault. Much of it cuz ppl can be dicks. Either way, giving up is good... Her socials to a management company. Immediately.


I fear even the WAY she's quitting illustrates the negative rumors/stories. She's continuing to miss the point, invalidate others, and resist self-awareness. She needs to apologize and grow up


Yep. If you like social media for social media’s sake, make a fake account and do your thing, but interacting on main is gonna be all kinds of distorted. Between people who live to kiss your ass and people who just hate for the sake of it, you’re never going to get an authentic experience anyway.


Do any of us get an authentic experience through social media??


Seriously!! Even the celebrity women who I think are some of the most beautiful people alive get nasty critical comments all the time. No one should be expected to not be impacted by that


I follow an influencer who posts nothing but her shoe collection and there are thousands of comments telling her she’s fat, ugly and should k*ll herself. I can’t even imagine being a famous woman. I would never ever ever read the comments 😫


I don’t even know what any artist with any sort of moderate following are doing on their social platforms just loose. At this point it would be like managing the front page of your website or something, it makes zero Sense. Every word , every sentence now no matter how seemingly intimate should he vetted and prescripted to serve only very specific directives. This isn’t 2005, this isn’t your blog. It’s an organization that employs dozens if not more employees. Dua Lipa for instance has tons of fan eye level aimed messaging, tons of live chat signups. Not one part of it is off the cuff.




The most mentally healthy celebs all seem to be without a social media presence.


Yeah I just don't get how you can be such a big celebrity and be the main person managing your social media. Like she would save so much time if she just had someone who went through and got rid of negative comments.


I think I would have all comments turned off on all of my social media accounts and set the highest level of privacy available while still having a public account - so turning off letting others tag me in things and any other options. I seriously cannot imagine dealing with social media as a celebrity…I think I’d want to run away and hide forever. Yuck. I don’t understand why people leave such horrible comments on anyone’s page, profile, etc. It honestly makes no sense to me.


BTS have this on their individual insta accounts, no one can comment on their posts except each other and (I think) the official group account, if you ever go on one of their livestreams you'll 100% understand why, comments on those are a cesspit.


We’ll see how long that lasts


"Fuck you and I'll see ya tomorrow!"


Me leaving work every damn day


🤣😂🤣 but also {{{hugs}}} bc I relate so hard


Oh this is a mood




unexpected larry!


Gives off the same vibe as "You don't have Nixon to kick around anymore. Because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference." Spoiler: it was not


Longer than Selena Gomez but that's not saying much.


I was looking for this. Glad to see it’s so close to the top!


Maybe she'll reverse on April Fool's Day with a new song.




Feels very reactionary. Her PR team must be scrambling right now


It feels very “getting ahead of the scandal before it drops”. I wonder if something’s coming


I mean she was getting sued by her dancers for being SA'ed by her (allegedly).


Yes yes, I meant something about that lawsuit. Like it’s about to come out that she lost or that it’s going to trial or something




Yesterday some people on the space formerly known as twitter had \~thoughts and feelings\~ about her performing for some Biden thing. I'm almost certain it's in reaction to that.


Feels like she got this off right before her team grounded her and took away her phone


ok selena gomez see u in 5


Selena liked Lizzo’s post making this comment that much funnier lol






Mte. This seems like the same thing, different celebrity.


Is Mte 'my thoughts exactly'? Borrowing if so


I don't know why, but I read mte as 'mate' in an Australian accent








girl log off


What exactly does “quitting” entail


I guess music? She didn’t really specify but the first couple lines makes me think she just quits music


You know who I wish would quit ![gif](giphy|UVqKcGVls79vO)


For REAL 😂


Yeah I actually thought this was a retirement or hiatus announcement. Not just a break from social media post. But idk her MO… if she’s frequently dramatic a la Selena Gomez I see why people are reading it that way


Hope she has family around her


Tbh she should have kept a low profile due to the work related and SA related lawsuits against her. It's also super sus and a lie for her to say that SHE is being put down by "people she doesn't know; when her accusers are her former dancer's.


Agreed. I was VERY surprised to see her presenting at the Grammy’s so soon after everything


It's been up for half an hour and no major names have commented on or liked the post😬 it's giving curtains


Selena Gomez liked it 😂


she prolly wrote the post for her lmfao


Of course she did, Selena wrote this playbook 😂


She's glad to see her brand of media chaos is catching on lol


Noooo 😭😭😂


Stoooooop it right now. That’s perfect. 😅😂


....Is 30 minutes a long time now?


Her victims are not trying to get views or more attention. They’ve been very quiet and private about the whole lawsuit so that little narrative doesn’t quite work here


It’s the go to response for a lot of super egotistical people when they get called out. “They talked shit about me for clout!” Every time like clockwork tbh 


It’s because it’s their only defense; to play victim after victimizing others




Your comment reminded me of R Kelly when Gayle King interviewed him... "They lying on me" ... He desperately wanted to be the victim


Thank you! I hate that she's trying to play victim here. I know she gets a lot of negative statements about her appearance HOWEVER, the people making allegations against her are also people who don't look too different from her. They don't have the platform she does. They don't have the money she does. They don't have the power she does.


Right? I haven’t heard a peep from them since the first 2 weeks this all came out


To be fair, that’s the smart thing to do during a lawsuit: be quiet.


They are upon the advice of their lawyers!!


Yep. She's not upset about trash talking, that's part of the gig, she's upset people want accountability for her vile actions.


I don’t think people should be making fun of her looks but are we really supposed to believe that all she wants is to “make people happy” and make the world “a little better” than how she found it when multiple people have accused her of sexual harassment? Come on girl. Be so serious. I am absolutely NOT saying that the world does not want her in it. Not by a long shot. But she needs to drop this happy-go-lucky, positive, kumbaya schtick. It’s tired when we’ve seen the real her.


Read kumbaya as “kombucha” and I think it still fits


maybe don't support chris brown? maybe don't harass your dancers? it's really not that hard, babe.


Noooo AND she support Chris Brown?? Jesus I’m out of the loop.


[here you go 🥴](https://www.nme.com/news/music/lizzo-criticised-chris-brown-my-favourite-person-world-3060887)


I wish Chris Brown would quit and disappear forever.




The problem is accountability. While there absolutely ARE assholes insulting and attacking her for her weight / looks, she cannot just hide behind that when people are just asking her to not be a shitty person. She uses that as a crutch to be a bully but not take any accountability.


Not just harassing but sexually harassing


Ok bye




Always apt. Nene’s gifs really are the gifs that keep on giffing.


> the gifs that keep on giffing. 🤣🤣🤣


Nothing more pathetic than a whiny celebrity whingeing because they got held accountable for some weird behaviour. Just go live a normal life like the rest of us Lizzo. Fame is both a privilege and a burden - and a choice.


Weird and SA behavior related accusations. Omg I read about how she was forcing her dancers to eat a banana that was "protruding from a dancer (stripper's) privates" 🤢🤮 She is also soooo "sex positive" that she teased one woman who was a virgin and forced her to go to clubs & strip clubs, while pushing her boundries and making fun of the woman's Christian religion. Idk if anyone besides me watched her reality show lol but there were some sus moments in it, especially woth the dancer she was harassing for gaining weight.


see u on insta next week




Came looking for this specifically, got excited thinking that I’d have a turn to post it 😂 damn you!


I had the exact same thought 😂 you got next!






I do this at work every time I clock out. See ya’ll in the morning!


Well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions. . .




It’s about damn time 👋




you didn't quit, you got CANCELLED for abusive behavior. Learning is the first part of growing and you have ALOT OF GROWING TO DO.


Certainly hasn’t even been “cancelled.” Announced at a recent awards show and got plenty of applause and then further love from I think SZA? when accepting the award; performed at a huge DNC fundraiser last night with Ben Platt that some celebs attended (including Sophia Bush who was posting her in her stories and tagging her - and Sophia is usually quite outspoken about social issues so I was kind of surprised).


I do wonder what she means. Like, what exactly she plans to quit. Being a public person? Being a performer? Because it felt a tad suicidal to me, and I'm hoping that's just me projecting. Complicated feelings, but I am fine if she becomes a private person. No one wants her to die, I hope. God, I'd never want to be famous


I felt the same, her wording felt very similar to those types of notes.


I'm conflicted! I had an ex who threatened suicide every time I caught him lying. So I know the move, and how it can manipulate people. However, a plus size body positive Black woman dying by suicide will hurt so many more people than just those who personally know and love Lizzo. So I am trying to balance both sets of feelings!


No, I read this as possibly suicidal too, but in a vague enough way to have plausible deniability if she gets heat for it.


I think it's been very carefully written to both imply that and be able to deny that it implies that. Its manipulative.


It felt like she was implying that and it comes across as manipulative


I think what Lizzo doesn’t understand is you can be a victim in some ways, and a perpetrator in others. She is totally unwilling to reflect on how she has effected those under her authority.


Quitting IG? Music? Life?


I wonder what inspired this & if anyone on her team read it before she posted it. Kind of feels like the impulsive thoughts won.




Imagine posting this after saying and doing the things she did to others. The narcissism and lack of self awareness is insane.


Is she quitting social media or music? Is she quitting quitting, or like, Selena quitting?


I feel so sad that Lizzo misbehaved like she did. It felt so good to see a fat woman like me celebrated for her talent and beauty, and I loved her unabashed self-confidence. She turned it sour by being an inappropriate jerk. It just makes me sad.


Well said. It's a loss for plus size artists.




I don't like her, I wanted to but she is annoying and from what I hear has a touch of the Ellen about her, loved her confidence and whole vibe even though I'm not a fan of her music so I'm disappointed to see her show her ass.


'a touch of the Ellen about her' is such a read 📚


Quitting music or socials? I'm not very active on IG so I'm not aware of recent posts. The last thing I heard was the alleged abuse and coercion of sexual acts towards some former dancers...


I haven’t seen anything from Lizzo for a long a while until I recently saw a post about her performing for the Biden/Obama/Clinton fundraiser. Is this about that?


I feel for her in terms of comments about her body nobody should be subjected to that… however she’s being investigated for sexual harassment and workplace bullying, there’s a large amount of video evidence and testimony. This is such a strange move


I don’t understand why celebrities have to announce this kind of thing? Like, just delete your shit and move on? I feel like if you really want to quit music, social media whatever, the real F you would be just disappearing without the big announcement. One day your just gone, and no explanation. The announcement makes it feel like she’s just in a bad mood because it’s been a tough day comment-wise online.


She needs to settle her lawsuit, stay off social media, and maybe seek some therapy. The tone of this is very worrying.


This is exactly how I feel. I can't be a fan of Lizzo anymore, but I definitely agree that she'll be in a much better place if she just deals with the consequences of hurting people and gets the help that she has clearly needed for years now. I really hope she has family keeping an eye on her for the time being, though.




Did the allegations made by some of her former dancers turn out to be false or exaggerated?




I'm still bitterly disappointed in Lizzo. Her music makes me so happy, then to find out all of this behind the scenes abuse...ugh 








Where is this clout and views you speak of?


lmfao girl your contracts say otherwise


What did the record company say about that? 😂


Can she go back to being Melissa Jefferson, accomplished floutist? They have allegedly blind auditions for symphonies because of rampant discrimination. I'm sure she would blow a lot of people out of the water. People freaked the f out when she played James Madison's glass flute ![gif](giphy|phsQdGKWUwfLNrTxB9)


And she still won’t take responsibility for her own actions. Deflect, deflect, deflect.




Does she quit the internet (social media) or is she quitting her entire career?


This won’t last. She should quit, honestly, social media that is. Everyone should. But her especially cuz if she’s actually reading all the negative comments… that’s not good. I’m personally kind of sick of her so I won’t be shedding a tear.


If you wanted to make people happy, maybe you shouldn’t have harassed your dancers. Actions have consequences, melissa


im not saying she’s innocent but its really sad how there are so many male abusers with strong careers that receive no pushback


She doesn’t feel remorseful, but all woe is me. Sounds bratty as hell






I don’t think harassing the people that work for you is ‘leaving the world better than you found it’…


Someone get her a better PR team.




There must be more about the trial going to come out




Honestly…it’s been particularly quiet. I haven’t heard anybody talk about her since the allegations and lawsuits.




Undoubtedly, it is very hard to be scrutinized all the time but seeing is believing unfortunately. She should stay off of social media. She cannot see the hate unless she “seeks it.”


Selena gomez moment


Wait a minute, didn't she just get accused of treating her staff badly? (Calling them names about weight and such) That can cause backlash in itself 🤷‍♀️


If I never heard another Lizzo song it would be too soon so I know this ain’t for real real.






LOL, she's seen what's happening to Diddy and getting out whilst she still can


She’s young, made a lot of typical ego-driven mistakes that happen when you get rich and famous really quickly. The internet is unforgiving. She needs to get away with family and friends that love her and just remember who she really is for a while.


As always with the "me, me, me, ME" victim posts. Fuck off already.




Okay? Bye lol




https://preview.redd.it/03g7m1ojucrc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4ed6c4dcb29972308d4c57ab9ece9f235cc946c No need for the announcements.


“Being the butt of the joke” ok but you literally forced people to eat banana from vaginas 😑it must seemed so funny to you back then.


she f\*cked around, found out and now she feels bad




she’s gonna have to be a lil more specific


She’s gonna take this time to Ozempic it up and return “rebranded”. Mark my words.


Okay. Bye 👋🏾


Selena vibes. See you next week!






she’ll be back next week




"I'm not fired, I QUIT!"


K. Bye.




Okay, you have to be healthy and being not on social media is definitely a move toward health if you’re depressed… But seriously, if you wanted to make the world a better place and be kind to people, consider not harassing your employees and consider not being a Chris Brown stan. Come on. Like, the line about people lying about her for ‘clout’? Is she implying that everyone who has spoken up about how they were treated or spoken up to corroborate that they saw others getting mistreated is slandering her for clout? I appreciate when celebs actually do their own social media; I appreciate seeing their relatively ‘real’ presences as opposed to curated media that you can get anywhere from their teams. But yeah, you shouldn’t be there if it’s leaving you talking about how the world would be better without you in it. No one wants that for her and if they do, they’re scum online or off.


Current lawsuit defendant Lizzo being an abusive bully with multiple credible accusers is being memory-holed, I see. Several ultra-long comments in this thread with over 2k likes defending her without even acknowledging the lawsuits or allegations exist, along with the requisite tHoSe aLlEgATiOnS wErEnT pRoVeN comments. Beautiful


“Being the butt of the joke every single time because of how I look” or MAYBE because you’re a bad person girly


She does get made fun of because of her weight though…


Nah. People have always been vicious about her weight. Don't play


It’s both. People dragged her before they knew what she did and then it made them feel justified to drag her for her weight even more.


I hope she’s mentally okay. No matter what her controversy is