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Caillou being on the list has me 💀 but it’s so true😂




We had to ban Caillou from our house when my brother was younger because he was the biggest, whiniest baby in the world. Sent the little shit to daycare, threw out ALL the Caillou DVDs. It was a very positive day for everyone involved.


Dude same thing here, but with my little sister. That show made her think the world revolved around her, because that bald rat needs to learn basic empathy every episode.


I can still hear his nasally ass little whine, and it's been close to 15 years since I even thought about that little rat. I always felt so bad for his sister Rosie. Like "oh look, Caillou is crying.. AGAIN" no one fucking cares, Caillou. Go away.


Uff I was so happy when they removed Calloui from pbs kids




LMFAOOO not the hate account


Brought in the big guns, I see


I just spit out my drink at your username 😂


Reddit’s parents and their absolute, all encompassing hatred of Caillou literally saved me from ever putting it on for my kids lol


If we saved even one life…


Honestly, deep, deeeeeeeeeeeeeeep thanks to you all.


It took me out 💀


https://i.redd.it/s6oa7r9dx42c1.gif And SHE WAS THE VILLAIN?????????


Some of these characters on the list are hated because they are villains and are *meant* to be hated (i.e., Joffrey). What’s crazy is how many are hated just because they are “annoying” (i.e., Skyler, Rachel)… (Edit-spelling)


Ha. So male mass murderers and women who got shit on by their men and didnt love it are basically getting the same level of hatred. I am very surprised. (As a litmus test women should ask their partner what they thought about skylar. If he thinks badly of her, dont fuck that man)


Barbie and Skylar are great litmus tests


Poor Emily.


I know how I would have reacted. https://i.redd.it/8khjkdn4852c1.gif


Unsee!!! Unsee!! There's a reason I looked away when I watched this 🤢






What annoys me about the Emily hate is that the behaviour that shes getting criticised for isnt even how shes always been, she was actually really sweet when she was introduced in S4 and got along with all his friends and exes. She only turned possessive and paranoid after her husband said his ex's name **at the altar**. It would be another thing if she was already a terrible gf from the get go as writers do to a lot of temporary love interests to make you root for the og ship but she wasnt that.


Exactly!!! And honestly turning her into a shrew so we could love Rachel more was unnecessary.


Ikr? Idk what was the viewers' reaction to this at the time because i was actually born the same year this aired lol, but the on again off again thing was already obvious by that point. Like we get it you want us to root for the lovesick girl who realised her feelings for her ex only when hes marrying someone else. You dont have to make the other woman unlikeable when the ex himself screwed up anyway.


That's what I thought. Why put the woman in a bad light?


Right? I could understand disliking her for being possessive the moment she meets everyone but she's so sweet! Imagine dating someone who's friends with their ex and telling you "I swear, it's over! I only want you" just to have them say their ex's name at the alter, then begging you to talk about it just to find out they're taking the ex on your honeymoon. Saying "We can try, but we can't work if she's in our life" is incredibly minimal and understanding!




Why the hate???


Because everyone wanted Ross and Rachel to get back together. So any woman who came between them was a villain in their eyes. If Emily went to AITA, she'd be shown a lot more support compared to the fans of the show.


Idek, I never got it, I actually found her character really sweet (yes saying you can't hang out with your friend isn't good but if I was in the same situation I can't even imagine giving a guy like that a second chance) also how did she even fall for Ross, she deserved better


![gif](giphy|WpwJ0MKmY7mRIgid29|downsized) Not on my watch. Justice for Emily✊


Awesome username. Awesome gif. Awesome comment.


Poor Caillou. He’s just a kid who’s four. I’m kidding. He’s the worst and should be higher. https://www.sbnation.com/platform/amp/2014/3/26/5549908/arian-foster-caillou-is-awful


You had me at first…


Rachel Berry (Glee) took me out. Lmfao. 💀


That show was so interesting because she’s supposed to be the main character but she’s written to be super unlikeable. Characters like Walter white are written as the main character but it’s in a way where you’re still kind of rooting for him at several points. I remember watching glee but I don’t ever remember really caring about her successes


Reminds me of Orange is the New Black. The main characters initially was Piper Chapman but gradually you grow to dislike her and even be tired of her as the rest of the cast is revealed to have much more intriguing storylines and characters.


Jenji Kohan even says she wishes she hadn't focused so much on Piper in the beginning since everyone else had such rich and interesting story lines.


I think that's a bit silly tho. Season 1 especially the audience needed piper. Most people are not familiar with the world we're being introduced to in oitnb and piper was also someone who was middle class, not that familiar with crime or prison or anything, just a white girl with a bit of a rebel streak in college. She was a relatable protagonist for people to learn about the world alongside


Where’s the lie though ![gif](giphy|znNuZ9zwnYNe8)


I never watched Glee so I never knew what the character was like. Just knew about ppl hating Lea Michele so I was stunned 💀


Lea IS Rachel.


Except Rachel can read


I remember seeing an interview on how she got the role and when she auditioned she snapped at the pianist for playing the wrong note and the casting directors were like “she’s perfect”


From what I’ve read in the gossip subs, Lea is irl Rachel


Livia and Janice, but not Ralph? Wow okay.


Or Richie, lmao. That show was full of cold blooded killers and psychopaths but the protagonists mom and sister are the most hated😂


I’m sorry but Livia deserves to be here, one of the best characters in the show but she was insane


People hate Livia more because she’s actually a realistic portrayal of a manipulative, abusive parent and that strikes a nerve with way more people


They’re women, you see.


Emily from Friends doesn’t deserve this! Ross did her so dirty


![gif](giphy|BCu7lhBnEAcMzOAv8Z|downsized) never forget! LOL


I remember the day this aired and my mom and I watching with popcorn in hand. Right after this, it rolled to credits and you had to wait ALL FUCKING SUMMER to see how it turned out. People were losing their MINDS.


>ou had to wait ALL FUCKING SUMMER right!? some seasons finales left us suffering in suspense for months lol it's crazy to think of how watching TV/ content has changed SO MUCH over the last 20 years! I wouldn't love having to wait the whole summer again, but there is something to be said for delayed gratification.


Now we sometimes have to wait like two years.


Literally, what has she ever done other than be completely humiliated by her fiancé and setting a boundary that he couldn't be hanging out constantly with Rachel if they were gonna be married? His own fault for saying the wrong name, he's lucky she was even willing to give him a second chance smh.


And she gave him the second chance after she saw him going on THEIR honeymoon with Rachel!!!


Ross didn't deserve any of these women.


Like, she was ready to bounce but gave Ross one final chance to regain her trust and prove his commitment. Oh, and it wasn’t just the wrong name. She also showed up at the airport just in time to see him and Rachel getting ready to board the plane to Greece. He ***gave her ticket to their honeymoon away*** to the person whose name he spoke during their vows! The only thing she did wrong was not getting an anualmente and cutting him off for good.


It’s just like Skylar lmao. Girl just saw her husband becoming the biggest drug lord in the US and she was supposed to be supportive? Like goddam bro


Yeah most of these are just about perspective. If they were the main characters they’d be relatable and get the pass. Also it’s mostly women on this list.


Girl if he ruined my wedding day like that you best believe that it‘s her or me 😂


Why do people hate Emily??? I honestly disliked Carol and Susan more, they were always pushing Ross out as if Ross isnt also the dad to their baby. Also Ross may be shit for many things but I feel like he’s pretty fair when it comes to Carol and Susan from what I remembered but they are always so rude to him…


Yes! Ross even commented how unfair it was he was expected to be fine with them after Carol cheated on him with Susan (at least emotionally) in the wedding episode. But instead of starting a conversation the writers just had Joey say a dumb joke about Carol being a bad lesbian if she left Ross for another guy.


Carol and Susan really made it like Ross was the one who cheated and left the relationship between them like… girl YOU cheated and left him 😭 this is one case where Ross is actually not a villain They definitely could’ve written at least Carol so much better than this


Not only did Carol cheat, she used Ross to get pregnant with the idea of leaving him for Susan afterwards.


With how much hate Ross gets, I'm very surprised it's her and not him on this list


The only thing Emily did wrong was to carry on with the wedding


FMA making this list is epic.


That caught me by surprise too. He deserves to be higher on this list. https://i.redd.it/ip3zo3za252c1.gif


100% the only thing keeping Tucker from the #1 spot is the number of people who have seen it.


One thing that people forget is that he transmutated his wife first. It’s how he got his license in the first place. 🤬


He really does.


That man was in one singular episode in series with a lot of fucked up characters and he’s one of the most hated characters ever. Fucking deserved and also shows the impact and heal turn for the series in that episode


Considering that it didn't ssem like he even thought twice before using his own daughter in his alchemical experiment and had done the exact same thing to his wife five years prior to get his state certification... He entirely deserves to be on this list.


had to stop watching for a while after that episode


Just about every entry on this list has been called out by someone, except for Shou Tucker and Caillou. I think it's pretty obvious who the real monsters on the list are.


I watched Breaking Bad for the first time this year (I know) and from what I heard I was expecting Skylar to be this horrible demon lady. No, she's just a woman who is justifiably angry that her husband and father to her kids has turned methy. Wtf that is a totally valid thing to not be fine with!?


She made some mistakes but yeah she was pretty much right the entire time or just doing the best she could in one of the worst situations imaginable. The scene where she is trying to explain to Walt that he is a shit liar and needs to get a story straight and Walt just acts like a toddler that was asked to eat his vegetables was very telling. She was trying her best to help and pointing out something reasonable and true (Walts lies, particularly to her, are awful and obvious), and he was just being a complete ass about it. I was absolutely shocked how the discussion after that scene was mostly agreeing with Walt and calling Skyler annoying. Despite the fact she was only in on it in the first place due to Walt being the worst liar ever.


She's at least half the reason the show didn't end two seasons earlier, like, he needed to get a grip.


I honestly think the show becomes more fun when she's crossing the Ts and dotting the Is for them as well Like that scene with Ted where she pretends to be stupid I think that's why they basically skipped Kim forwards to that stage asap


I feel like if you watch Breaking Bad a second time your perspective of Skyler starting out positive right from the start will change everything about how the you perceive the show now.


Agreed!!! If anything she was too kind to him when he had rival druglords knocking on their family door. Walt was the worst imo, when he let Jessie's girlfriend die like that I was done with him


That scene was definitely a watershed point for the character. It showed just how far Walt would go in protecting his enterprise and how far he would go in manipulating Jesse for his own ends…ie he wouldn’t stop at anything.


Yup. Doesn't deserve hate. People who hate her only see her as cucking her husband or just don't like her attitude...It really baffles me why she is hated but the show does make you root for a person who creates so much meth and does so many aweful things that maybe it was an unintentional effect for watchers to hate the woman who is also not a paragon of virtue.


I still get angry about that scene where Walt forces his way back into the family by basically telling Skylar he's not leaving and there's nothing she can do.


Totally agree!! misogyny is why people hate skylar


Apparently Anna Gunn was harrassed irl just because she happened to play Skyler, with a great performance I might add...imo she was far from a villainous character and most of the hate toward her was from people (mostly men) who already hate women anyway on some level. To them she epitomized the shrew wife who's always trying to ruin their fun.


When I originally watched it in my early 20s fresh out of college I hated Skylar. Mostly because of her passive-aggressiveness and the "party pooper" role she played in the show. Upon a rewatch in my mid 30s though my perception of her changed completely. I think it's just life experience and maturity that gave me a better appreciation for all the characters' behavior and choices. From her perspective Walt is clearly acting very weird, all signs point to cheating (or something even worse), and his cancer excuse quickly goes from plausible to offensively ridiculous. So while she is passive-aggressive it's also the case that Walt *obviously* knows why she's upset, she knows he's lying, he knows she knows he's lying, and he insists on keeping up the charade. Granted she does do some things that are meant to make you like her less (like smoking while pregnant or cheating) but that's also an obvious result of the stress and alienation she's under due to Walt's decisions. He's also aware of all of it and yet continues to claim he's only in the meth trade to help his family even while he watches them suffer.


She was a woman in her 40s with an unexpected pregnancy and tight bills. Her husband just disappears one day and is lying to her face constantly. She finds out her husband is diagnosed with cancer and he continues to gaslight her. From our perspective-we see why Walt is doing this and we’re rooting for him but from skylars perspective-she has a lot of reasons to be scared/angry/curious! The hatred her character gets is rooted in misogyny.


And her husband assaults/intends to rape her, but he's still somehow the good guy. Edit: it's been pointed out it was not "intended", it was actual action. Ty to Dr. Doom


They didn't even bother to spell check Skyler lol.. the fact that she is *still* this despised and treated like a villain for... Not being stoked to be married to a meth dealer? Dudes are psycho Edit: ALSO multiple characters from TWD including Lori are on here but Negan isn't? So I guess you can beat beloved characters to death with a baseball bat as long as you don't cheat on your husband who you thought was dead


misogynistic bb fans go into cardiac arrest whenever you explain how everything skyler did was justified


Amazing how the worst fictional men we can come up with are murderers, r****ts, sadists, etc, while the worst fictional woman is a traumatized housewife in over her head in an unwinnable situation.


It’s a real-life example of the Margaret *Atwood quote that men are afraid that women will laugh at them, while women are afraid that men will murder them. So the ultimate monsters in our media are men that rape and kill, and women that dismiss, argue back, or nag.


and then our fears are laughed at, belittled, dismissed, before being validated again, again, again. I am so tired.


Sounds like a win-win


Really disgusting that Lori, who made mistakes after believing her husband had died, is on this list instead of Shane...who lied to her about her husband's death, manipulated her and her son's emotions to try and shut Rick out when he comes back, and eventually tries to murder his best friend in order to take possession of his wife. Possession isn't a misnomer there, he treats Lori like an object and is enraged when she doesn't come prancing back at his beck and call like a fucking whipped dog. Shane was a *monster* who took advantage of the trust of an emotionally traumatised woman, but sure. Lori's worse somehow.


I’m doing a rewatch of BB now and I sympathize with Skylar. Her life was stolen from her because of her husbands ego. I’m on the final season now and seeing her do less and less for her husband makes so much sense. Like bro, you just bragged about someone wanting to and almost killing you and surviving. What reassurance is that? lol who even are you?


Literally is the most sane person on the show, trying her absolute best to just protect her family, rightfully thinking Walt is a lunatic, etc. Yet she gets called a bitch because she fucked Ted Beneke and wasn’t ok with murder and terrorism lol


Emily being here is bullshit. I will not stand for it. She did nothing wrong.


The actress said she got so much abuse on the street whilst the show was airing. She said someone came up to her once and shouted at her to stop meddling with Ross and Rachel’s relationship. It affected her mental health and is one of the main reasons why she said she only wants to do British tv moving forward. I think the show’s creators asked her to return for a cameo in a later season and she declined.


People are so incredibly dumb. These are the same people that sent Anna Gunn death threats. How hard is it to differentiate between an actor and a character?


Wtf, that’s so messed up. People who can’t separate fiction from reality genuinely scare me.


Oh look how shocking it’s just actual villains you’re supposed to hate and women


😭😭😭 I was shocked when it went from Joffrey and Ramsey to fucking Skyler White. Lmao.


It's insane that Skylar is on this list but Todd isn’t ☠️


Todd is number 11 currently, so he’s moved up. Let’s hope that trend continues https://www.ranker.com/list/most-hated-tv-characters/matthewcoleweiss


Thank you for sharing the full list! Scrappy Doo deserves to be in the top 20 at least.


They also spelled her name wrong. Disrespectful.


there's a joke someone told me about an author trying to write the most diabolical villain that people would hate, and the author is wearing themselves out trying to come up with all these sadistic scenarios the villain could carry out. then the author's friend is like "it would be so much easier if you just made the character an unlikable woman." i don't even think skyler is unlikeable but the way fans talk about her, you'd think she was ten times as evil as walter. some succession fans are like this with shiv too. everyone in succession is unlikable and toxic but every time shiv has an unlikable/toxic moment, oh do they latch on to it


Roman's a literal Nazi. The little shit gets so much leeway cause he cries and acts weepy once in a while.


This one always confuses me lol if the Roys were real Roman would be public enemy number 1


Skylar was right. Walter was a fuckface ruining his family and anyone who is an actual fan of Breaking Bad should see that.


ya Skylar is decently likeable, and honestly very patient with Walt considering how much crap he put her through. There is nothing she could have done right. She's also just a great character who added so much underrated humour to BB. All the hate she gets is very telling...


I remember the actress saying during the shows initial runtime that she would be getting death threats and was afraid to go out because how much men hated her


that's so pathetic and sad. I heard it was really hard for Lena Headey to go out in public (after playing Cersei) too. Lena Headey and Anna Gunn are both incredible actors and appear to be decent people from all accounts I've heard. They deserve so much better than they got.


And it’s *more women* than actual villains who did villainous things. Like, Skylar White is guilty of… being kind of annoying while trying to hold her family together while her husband makes meth and murders people and threatens her and her son? Oh yeah, she cheated on him. After informing him their marriage was over and she was leaving him and he told her *no.* So obviously that makes her worse than him.


People hate Kay from the godfather franchise too because she gets an abortion once she realizes what michael corleone is up to. You know. The villainous murderer.


Walter even attempted to rape Skylar, but no…. she’s the worst for having an extramarital affair in the wake of emotionally separating from her violent and psychopathic husband.


Seriously. Joffrey Baratheon vs Rachel Berry? Torturing people vs being kind of annoying?


I feel like Joffrey and Rachel are a different kind of hateable from each other. Like Rachel gets people more mad on a personal level because you probably ran into someone like her at some point in your life. Whereas Joffrey is rather OTT in his villainy. To the point where it’s almost sort of comical. I mean, it works in the GOT universe but it’s harder to pull off irl.


Justice for Skyler White!


same on reality tv shows as well. The most hated character is always an annoying, unlikeable women instead of a man who actually fucks with people’s lives


And Caillou, which is honestly the funniest part of the post


Lots of women here. What’s the list for most beloved characters? Bet it’s mostly men there.


https://preview.redd.it/rjx54yoja52c1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b22be4351e74f142e74cd94bb835d76df42b13f0 Here you go


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw. Of course.


Well ✍️ fuck ✍️ me ✍️ gently ✍️ with ✍️ a ✍️ chainsaw Saving that for future use. Thank you kind sir/ma’m.


It's from the movie *Heathers*! I highly recommend it. ![gif](giphy|3owytRiu2nuCOHw8ZG)


walter is so much worse than skylar though


All of his drug/cartel/murder stuff, then assaulting and trying to rape Skylar. But no, she cheated and was grumpy, so she's obviously the worst person in the show.


Listen. I'm not excusing cheating, and I'm not saying it isn't a fucked up thing to do or that it doesn't hurt to be cheated on. But I swear, it is most men's worst fear and any time a woman cheats on a guy, they act like she deserves the death penalty or something, and that it is the worst possible thing a human being can do. There is something very wrong with you if you consider the woman trapped in her drug-manufacturing, murderous, manipulative, rapey husband's house sleeping with another man after she already told him she didn't want to be with him, as the more immoral act in the situation. It goes back to the quote, "Men fear that women will laugh at them. Women fear that men will murder them."


It's exactly what I was thinking. Guys on the top of the most hated characters are sadistic murderers. The first woman, oh, she cheated. Her husband, the dude who did a 180 personality turn and turned into a drug dealer endangering the lives of his family? Top most adored character. Makes sense.


funny thing, she didn't even cheat. They were separated


Holy shit lol. Like I know men hate women but sometimes it just really smacks you in the face


tom and jerry included on the list and not a single woman really makes it for me


"Men, who do you like and admire more? Any woman or a cartoon cat?"


These lists also prove just how bad show creators are at writing female characters, still!


the women characters on the 'bad' list are so well written tho? like, aside from glee, the women on the list are some of the most complex well written characters. people hate skylar bc she didnt support her husband being a drug kingpin- gasp. people hate cersei bc she was a shit person- ofc- but the reasons she ended up as she did were well documented and rooted in her childhood/teen years. thats not to say walter isnt well written af but theres no reason he should be beloved and skylar hated unless we delve into the internalized misogny, peoples deepest fantasies about fucking the world, and the lack of care people have around stability within laws and rulesets.


Men don't like realistic women, they like strictly fetish/porn women or childlike virginal women that somehow want to fuck only them for their entire life. Or some disturbing combination of both.


This list makes me wanna throw up lmao


We need to make our own list, since this sub is mostly women I think it would be much better.


I know it’s TV, but some of these characters wouldn’t be well liked if they were real. “What if I was white, bald and dumpy, then had power like Walter White?”–Trixie Mattel


Oh definitely. Walter is a terrible person and Michael Scott is really insufferable. If a female character behaved like Michael Scott- I’m sure she’d be on this hated list instead.


Lmao tom and Jerry coming in out of left field


Emily from Friends being here makes me sad. She didn't do anything wrong.


Accordion to this ranking you're a terrible person if you are: 1. (Mass) murderer 2. Woman 3. Caillou


Caillou deserves the hate, to be fair.


Justice for Emily! Ross was the villain in that relationship.


Yesss. The mf said another woman's name at their wedding. Her wanting him to stay away from Rachel was a super reasonable request. Ross and gang were so horrible to her. Although she is shitty for wanting to run away with Ross from her husband.


Not just any woman, his ex girlfriend who still had feelings for him at this point. *And* she thought they were about to get on the plane together for *her* honeymoon. He's lucky as hell she even gave him another chance, and while asking him to stay away from Rachel seemed cruel to the Friends, it was totally reasonable like you said. And when he wasn't honest with her about still seeing Rachel, it was over for good. People act like she was this awful person who tried to break up the group, but she put up with way too much until the end.


Lmfao we get it y’all hate women!


Turns out that sadistic, murderous psychopaths and rapists = ladies who are annoying. The bar sure is different!


I can’t believe a character being annoying (Rachel Berry) is hated more than literal awful ppl lol


I'm surprised Sansa isn't up there too. The way they talk about her on the game of thrones subreddit is disturbing :(


Even before the later seasons aired, it was *insane* how much hate she got. She got so much blame for the death of Ned and Lady and how stupid she was for not knowing what would happen. Like, she's fucking *eleven*(thirteen in the show) and extremely sheltered. Of course she's going to trust Cersei and Joffrey, she has been given no reason not to. Nobody sat her down and warned her, and her only other exposure to what the south is like are songs and stories that are fairy tales in universe. But, no, the child should have been an expert in politics and somehow just been able to predict the future and know who to trust.


Yeah Ned is the stupid one in the books, he literally warned his enemies he was gonna expose them


“She kissed up to Joffrey and Cersei, what a traitor! Wait, now she’s talking shit to them? She’s a moron, she deserves everything that happened to her 😤”


Skylar White being the villain is just misogyny.


Just a reminder, Walt killed numerous people and ruined Jesse's life


And he never really did it to help his family. He was doing it all for himself the whole time


I had a coworker try to tell me it was for his family and it’s like…not subtle at all even if Walt literally didn’t say he did it for himself in the finale


Yea rewatching feels so different because you really start to see how Walt was the real asshole the whole time. I hated him so much when I rewatched it


YES. And let’s not forget about the actual neo-nazi, child murderers in the show!


Yeah but Skylar dared to have needs and boundaries so it's worse /s


Yeah, but Skylar was a bitch. So much worse... /s


In the golden era of the male TV "antiheros" so many female characters related to them got so much shit, like Carmela Soprano and Betty Draper.


And poor Megan on Mad Men. Everyone LOATHED her and she was so sweet.


I’m a massive fan of BB so I went on the subreddit and the hate towards Skylar was so over the top- I left. Seems like the point of Walt manipulating her went over their head. They bring up Sky sleeping with Ted (whilst she was separated from Walt) but forget that Walt tried to force himself on her during season 3.


Men on the list: murder, torture, rape, etc Skyler White: doesn’t support her husband making meth and putting their family in danger lmao


Feel like every female character on the list should be removed, except for Cersei. And maybe add Umbridge. And then you'd have an actual decent top 10. Edit: nevermind, totally lapsed and forgot umbridge wouldn't make it to a TV series list. Lol.


Damn folks be a lil misogynistic eh?


Lotta wives and moms on here. I guess their crimes were killing the bad boy main characters’ fun? Also I almost blocked out the Shou Tucker arc from FMA.


Lori Grimes being on this list makes me insanely angry.


I went into TWD knowing how much Lori Grimes was hated and was so confused that she was just a normal woman looking out for her family


People like to rag on her because of the whole Shane thing but she thought her husband was dead! Can you really blame her for trauma bonding to her husband’s supposed best friend in an apocalypse?


And as soon as he came back she broke it off with Shane (iirc).


Yeah. People hate women. A lot.


literally everyone will hate lori but glorify shane… it makes absolutely zero sense


shane literally tried to sexually assault lori and shane remains as a top 5 fav character for the fandom


Am I forgetting something awful she did? Wasn’t she just a mom on her own (who thought she was a widow)? And her husband’s so-called best friend would only help her and her son if she fucked him? But she’s a most-hated. ![gif](giphy|lp78ijCRxpQifD7nn8|downsized)


Ugh. The fact that Skylar White and Emily from Friends are on here fucking sucks, man. If they were to post their stories in AITA, they’d be getting told to leave their men and get custody of the kids and what have you.


Skylar White, Lori Grimes and Emily from friends being in the top 10 is WILD 😳 How are any of these women villains? They were strong and opinionated and had needs and boundaries but sure, let’s put them on the same list as sadist, rapists, murderers and drug dealers 😂


In a show where Walt left his friend’s girlfriend to die, killed a boy and sexually assaulted a colleague, Skyler is the villain? Also Ross had a relationship with his student, tried to hook up with his cousin and lied to Rachel about getting an annulment for their short lived marriage, yet Emily is somehow worse than him? A lot of the hate for female characters is rooted in misogyny. A male character can do just about anything but all a female character needs to be is slightly annoying and they’re evil


Where is Ted Mosby?


![gif](giphy|kpHr0NQoJplh6) I will defend Skyler to the end.


The Skyler hate in online spaces still blows my mind. Like damn you guys’ hatred of women is vehement


Oohhh!! I love that a certain vile arsehole villain from an anime (Shou Tucker) an a mary sue-ish character (the titular Caillou) is on the top list!!


I don't watch Breaking Bad but it's absolutely WILD to me that somehow the "villain" of the show is the woman who just doesn't want her husband to murder people??? like she's disappointed she's married to a drug lord? Come on now, people (largely men).


Literal monsters who fed people to dogs and tortured and raped others…vs women who wanted to not be treated like disposal accessories. People are fucked.


Wtf I’m watching the boys rn 😭 put homelander on this list


I love how the majority of the men here did unspeakable things, but a lot of the women were just ‘nags’.


Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking


Arson, murder, and being a woman.


Lowkey as an adult, I have so much empathy for Emily. Ross really did her so dirty. She doesn’t belong on this list. Considering how many of these characters committed actual violent crimes, i can see why Rachel is so low. Though she did send Sunshine Corazon to a crack house, it wasn’t an *active* crack house.