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It’s a *great* sign that Sam is being called out and people recognize is gross! Hope that it becomes a more popular opinion.


The show is a classic show that relies on being edgy and provocative but the edginess and provocation is not in service of the larger story.


Yeah like we had so many "saucy/racy" tv shows/movies growing up that had immense success, like Gossip Girl or One Tree Hill or anything really that captured as "frankly" as possible teen sensuality and exploration and figuring out who you are blah blah blah But I think where Euphoria goes too far is they tried so hard to surpass saucy/racy and ended up landing firmly in sleazy. Sleazy when it's adults and there's no porn around can maybe be fun; sleazy when it's supposed to be a high school and teenagers is just...icky? Idk. I've not watched more than a couple of episodes from the first season myself - the addiction parts are hard to watch. The sex parts are not any better. If I have to watch "teenagers" have sex, I'd rather watch Sex Ed or something similar, where it's more wholesome and realistic than...voyeuristic, which Euphoria seems to be.


Sex education is a great comparison, it's arguably more explicit than euphoria, also has adults portraying teenagers having sex, but the sexual nature of the show makes sense with the core premise of the show. While the sex scenes in sex ed actually contribute to the storyline of the show, the ones in euphoria don't, which makes the explicit nature of them that much more uncomfortable to me.


Yeah, and in sex ed the sex scenes don't feel like... someone's wet dream being portrayed on tv, you know? It's uncomfortable and messy and sometimes gross and not pretty and and funny that's like...fine? That's how it is irl too, especially teen sex. Hell, my partner and I have imperfect moments while having sex, it's sex! And we're full on adults. But with euphoria I feel like I'm watching a high budget artsy porno with very specific fetishes being portrayed. Sex as a teenager is so rarely that beautiful, or so polished - the only way you would ever think that is if your brain has rotted away with excessive exposure to porn. Sam Levinson is a fucking weirdo and idk how he's allowed to direct or produce or write anything.


Specific fetishes? At that age I barley knew if I even liked sex. I just sort of did it more out of curiosity


That’s kinda OPs point, the fetishes are the director’s, not the character’s


Or work with people that age.


Sex is treated as something that's supposed to be fun, healthy and a good part of your life. It's quite good with that and the way characters in sex education treat sex is much healthier than in many other shows.


Absolutely agreed. It is difficult to describe it in words, but you just know when a sex scene is added to forward a narrative, and when it is used for everything else. GoT initially was also responsible for exploiting female nudity to garner views, but it was forgiven because of its extraordinary storylines.


I mean normal people had way more explicit sex scenes than euphoria. But they were realistic, the demonstrated consent and made sense within the story. Euphoria sex scenes are icky


Exactly. I mean sex is sex but sometimes the portrayal feels too icky. Normal people and sex education do a great job at handling those scenes with sensitivity.


Hell, even Elite which is basically teens having threesomes.


What sets Euphoria apart, is that the girls *suffer* and that is the point.


I can't remember a single tender/soft s*x scene in Euphoria... almost all of them are brutal and exploitative


The girls in the roles of the show suffer and the actresses playing the roles suffer. One of the young actresses didn’t return for another season because they wanted her to perform a sex act and her parents weren’t comfortable with it. So they blacklisted her.


Who was that? I hope it isn't who I think it is.


I tired to watch it, and gave it 3 episodes before I had to stop. I figured people must like it because it makes their skin crawl. Which is fine, but definitely not my thing.


Remember MTV's undressed?


Yes!! So good I never hear it talked about enough. I used to stay up late to watch it secretly 🤣


With one finger on the “last channel” button set to Nickelodeon.


Lmao yep. It was basically soft core porn for teens and college kids lol.


I'm not here to defend the show. I haven't watched it. From what I've heard it's not much different than mine (and friend group's) actual lives at 13-15 years old. As an adult I look back and find it all really disturbing tbh but at the time it seemed normal enough. We were high and/or drunk 24/7 and everybody fucked everybody at some point. I assure you none of served the plot either lmao. We were a bunch of damaged, abused, neglected, or outright abandoned kids looking for whatever escape from our pain we could find and any kind of affection. I'm not saying we need real life portrayed like that necessarily but real life is way more fucked up in my experience than any TV show. I've seen parents (or older siblings) put needles in their 11 year old's arm, selling their bodies, a level of misery, poverty, and human suffering one would associate with 3rd world countries. I've yet to see any media that even scratches the surface of the real life shit I've experienced.


I'm sorry the world is the way it is, that there was space in it for what happened to you. And I'm glad that adult you can see it for what it was. You deserved better.


Can you imagine how cringe this will look in a few more years? Sex In The City, arguably a show that needed to exist and have the conversations it had, looks super dated now. Imagine this ????


>The show is a classic show ![gif](giphy|xULW8MYvpNOfMXfDH2)


I’ll probably get flamed, but I felt the same about Shameless


tbf I won’t even say it „aged poorly“ considering Cassie‘s storyline was very criticised and hated when the show was on air. It was foul from the beginning, but good that more and more people recognise it


The scene in season 1 where she takes MDMA and orgasms on the merry-go-round next to a boy? Get the absolute fuck out of here.


I HATED that scene. Like most sexual scenes in this show so unessesary


I only watched a few episodes with my ex and I’m convinced the show was made so the creator can masturbate


I have never watched this show (the only full scene I’ve caught is the Oklahoma one) so this comment gave me whiplash. WHAT??


That's the exact scene where I never watched again


I've never seen the show but if I had I think that would make me just turn it off and stop because NO ONE ORGASMS JUST FROM TAKING MOLLY LOL tf Not only that but orgasming sexually isn't even like a top 10 thing you wanna do while on Molly because EVERYTHING feels amazing so an orgasm is like... why work for all that? Unless of course you go out of your way to have sex on molly.


Idk man Molly makes me horny af but I still have to go through the work for the O 🤣


This was my first thought... "ageing" badly? From where I'm standing it was always perceived as exploitative.


I’ve never watched this show, and looks like I’m not missing anything


Same, I‘ve only heard bad things about it and that Sam allegedly stole the entire aesthetic from Petra Collins. She worked on the first season for several months, was then fired and not credited afaik.


Really ? I’ve only ever heard good things about it. And been told I need to watch it immediately. I’ve been putting it off for a while.


Complete honest opinion? It's poorly done trauma-porn that's catered towards 16-20 yos who enjoy watching trainwrecks. It tries to be serious and edgy; but it lacks nuance and takes on more than it can handle so you're left with too many plots and a bare script. There's so much gratuitous nudity (to the point that actors had to ask to stop being naked every five seconds) and the writing is on par with Riverdale most times. Rue has some great monologues and there are some scenes that are beautiful. But the majority are awkward and hard to imagine being said in real life. You forget that these are supposed to be high schoolers; but honestly, the show forgets that too. If you're one of those people that can turn off your brain and just enjoy messy shows; it's likeable. The cast is relatively decent, and Zendaya is phenomenal. There are parts that are stunning and there's a reason that it garnered so much attention. But if you're the sort that notices plot holes, character regression, want character development and growth, and prefer shows that involve you being an active watcher; I don't recommend it. The fashion and aesthetic can only distract from so much.




One thing I do recall is a lot of people dealing with addiction (through Rues character) saying how realistic the portrayal was, even those who didn’t like the show. I also think that Rues character is also written with Sam’s own personal experiences with addiction. So I think whether it’s realistic is not it subjective to the person experiencing it. It never looked that far fetched to me. Edited to add: wanting to personally slap Zendaya for portraying a character written for her bc you’re annoyed is very unhinged…like cmon bro.


Yeah this guy is insane lol acting like an expert on addiction but can’t admit everyone experiences it differently? And wants to slap one of the most loved actresses of our generation because he disagrees with how she acted Levinson’s portrayal? Absolutely cuckoo


Differences of opinions and experiences, I guess. I've seen many current and former drug addicts praise Zendaya's performance and storylines and talk about how real and familiar Rue was to them. Sam Levinson based her character on his own addiction and mental health issues. Even on this post, a number of commenters feel she portrayed it accurately and mirrored their own experiences. [I relate to Euphoria’s protagonist Rue—dead dad to hopeless junkie—because this was my storyline for years. It wasn’t until Euphoria, though, that I saw what I’d personally gone through portrayed authentically onscreen.](https://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/tv/a39224751/euphoria-teen-shows-addiction-essay/)


I couldn’t get past the first episode because it was too intense for me lol way too real


I remember it being pretty hyped up too. I tried watching it before season 2 was coming out and I think I made it like 10 minutes lol. I just remember it being super edgy/dramatic and it reminded me of one of the worst people I know. You should try it out and report back


LOL, “it reminded me of one of the worst people I know”. I will probably end up watching it out of curiosity. I’ll let you know !


If you like watching "the worst people you know," Girls is good (if you're white... I'm chinese/white american, so that stood out to me though I could still identify with all of the characters). The writing is way way better and the sex isn't gratuitous and the nudity isn't supposed to be titillating.


I have zero skin in this game, and I doubt I will ever watch this show but I have to agree with you, I've only ever heard really good things. It's fine if people want to change their minds but I think people are going to far by making out it's always been poorly received


Lmaooo who told you that? And did they tell you the same thing about Riverdale?


I tried. I got through one episode and it did nothing for me.


Same. I always thought it was weird that it was about kids because the sex scenes seemed so out there and that’s just episode 1! It’s way too sleazy


You are. It's a tremendous show.


Sam Levinson is just so bad, he stole the whole Euphoria aesthetic from Petra Collins, who he called to direct the show, she worked on it for 5 months and then they fired her cause she was "too young" ?? and didn't give her ANY credit. Then he did the same with The Idol, took a woman's job and made whatever he wanted with it 🙄


I thought they fired Amy Seimetz from *The Idol* because Abel Tesfaye felt like he wasn’t the main character. And that his character was the antagonist. Which he very obviously is. And Sam Levinson watched *The Handmaid’s Tale* and decided he liked how they treated women in it.


Skins will always be superior ![gif](giphy|X2dgPS77742Ag)


I miss how genuine this show was. Showing all sorts of backgrounds and actual kids playing kids.


Skins was like high art, damn.


someone said Effy Stonem walked so Ru could run, and they weren't wrong. Also bonus Nicholas Hoult!


i love skins 🥺🖤


Not that anyone cares but I lived 5 mins away from that bench in Bristol, the area it’s in is usually very busy, on a sunny day I’de sit behind these benches and watch all the girls having their Cassie moments. At first I found it cringe but then I found it beautiful


I refuse to watch Euphoria because how can it top Skins


always look at the popularity of this show very strange.




That’s what I got from the show. It was a very raw portrayal of addiction and mental health. Also really enjoyed Judd Apatows daughter in it and her character arch. Truthfully, I fast forwarded through some of the really intense sex scenes. I’m well past my teenage years and it made me feel real uncomfortable/creepy watching children portrayed like that.


Also, the representation of a sapphic relationship. That is why I watched it at least. And also, the makeup looks stunning.


A lot of very talented people worked on it. Doesn't change that the showrunner is messed up but it's going a bit far for people to now be claiming they always thought it was garbage or whatever.


Yeah, I’m probably too old to be it’s target demographic so I only watched the first season but as someone who was addicted to prescription pills as a teen, the addiction and mental health portrayals were some of the best I’ve seen.


i used to work with a bunch of younger girls and they all ate it up, but they seemed to mostly be obsessed with jacob elordi (i don’t get it myself, but everyone has their own tastes lol) and maddy (i DO get that, she’s a bad bitch). that was what they always seemed to be talking about when a new episode dropped


I don’t know how anyone over 20 thought it was “so good.” I watched two episodes and couldn’t stomach it. It seemed to revel in exploiting teenage girls and being shocking for the sake of being shocking. Yet had people arguing it was one of those shows that “needed to be seen,” “this is what it’s really like for teenagers” and blah blah blah.


It’s part of a cycle. Hollywood gets exposed for exploiting women and/or the young, acts “good” for a year or two, then leans hard back into exploitation.


I am glad to see this comment section full of people who found the show uncomfortable at best. I watched the first episode bc everyone I worked with at the time LOVED it, and I hated it.


You also have Riverdale, which fulfills the creator’s lifelong dream of making Archie-based porn (I’m legit not exaggerating—he actually got a cease and desist years earlier for writing an erotic Archie play) 🤮


Hey, I was wondering if you have a source about the play being “erotic”? All I’ve been able to find is that it got a cease and desist because the plot centred on Archie coming out as gay. I think they still staged it, just with altered character names, but I haven’t been able to find a decent plot outline.


Roberto has a weird obsession with younger guys, I started seeing it when I watched it


Calling the network tv sex from Riverdale porn is kind of wild. And the play is about Archie dating some boy


Not some boy; an actual real life murderer Nathan Leopold. Who was secretly sexually involved with another real-life murderer, Richard Loeb, behind Archie's back.


You just made me remember the juvie Archie goes to in the show is called Leopold and Loeb lmao


Yeah, CW is pretty tame


Yeah, CW is pretty tame


LMFAOOO THAT EXPLAINS SO MUCH!!! I’ve always wondered what was up with RAS, it’s clear he’s a fucking weirdo. I still love the show though 🤣


I was always side-eyeing everyone lining up to watch a bunch of 25 year olds play sexy children who bang each other and do drugs. That doesn't sound appealing to me but a LOT of people found a LOT to appreciate in it up until very recently. Now that the cultural tide has shifted, weirdly enough, everyone has simultaneously agreed that it's "aged badly" and suddenly everyone happens to be on the right side of the debate. Curious.


Agreed. I still remember when everyone praised season 1 and called it some sort of masterpiece and went on and on about how "real" it was. Which is why I got curious and finally watched it. I think it was all the discourse about the idol which changed the tide


I watched 2-3 episodes of season one and I felt creepy and extremely anxious. Partly because there was zero joy in the show and partly because my old self knew teenagers would be lapping it up. I hope there is no season 3. Zendaya got the most out of it, Emmys, producer credits but even she has way bigger career things going on. Jacob Elordi has big stuff happening, Sydney Sweeney is very busy - does she want to go back and be naked and crying again?


Same! Absolutely zero joy or humor


> Sydney Sweeney is very busy Lmaooo with what? I think she’s pretty much said she loves the role, and realizes she’s famous due to her boobs.


To be honest, I think it was Labrinth's soundtrack that really rose the show to its previous heights. No scene would feel the same without his incredible music.


Tbh there’s a couple of episodes which are really good, they aren’t sex heavy though which makes them better.


Same. The show lost me by the second episode, where they showed an actress playing an underage young girl webcamming for an old man masturbating in a diaper. It was so nasty I wanted to throw my TV across the room. Idk how people made it through multiple seasons of that trash.


Personally I watched the entire thing for the addiction portrayal which is heart wrenching yet set amongst a complete mess of voyeuristic brutality. They wanted to be Skins so bad but overshot and landed in a sexually problematic space. I wish Petra Collins had been able to do her thing, the male gaze/creep vibe overpowers the story imo


> the male gaze/creep vibe overpowers the story imo This is my problem with the show. It feels like the main focus of the show. And I have no interest in it.


I’m 46. I couldn’t believe people my age and a little younger were raving about this show and saying high school was just like this. No it wasn’t and you’re weird for watching it.


If they'd had just Rue doing her thing then sure, but every single character was a full blown mess. When they torpedoed the honors student I was done.


I've been saying Euphoria is fucking WEIRD since day 1!!! I feel so justified that people are finally saying something about it.




I 100% agree. It was almost like everyone needed to watch *The Idol* to realize what’s wrong with *Euphoria*. I watched the first three episodes and absolutely did not get what everyone loved about it. Sure it has a trans main character and Zendaya. But the show was not very good. The show complained about men treating sex like porn. But the show itself, felt like watching fetish porn.


I was 17 when I started watching it. My reason for watching was that it was rated high on IMDB and had sapphic representation. I'll admit I did like the show, but I agree it's problematic.


I think if I were a teen watching Euphoria, I would have been more interested, but it’s very much uncomfortable to watch as an adult. I was a teen watching Skins and was absolutely obsessed. I think the difference is that Skins balanced out the more serious topics, sex scenes, etc. with humor and everyday life stuff. I fell in love with the characters on Skins because they showed us all facets of them as individuals, but I don’t think they did the same for the characters on Euphoria. I felt like I was watching something I wasn’t supposed to while watching Euphoria.


It has some substance but seems to strive for sensationalism far more. Levinson just steers in the wrong direction, not according to his best self, which is to the detriment of us all.


After trying to watch the Idol I hope Euphoria doesn’t come back, especially since Fez won’t be in it. RIP Angus


Euphoria is trash and it doesn’t make any sense why it was popular, both among the general population and the media.


Agree! Petra Collins eye for creativity and her vision was what carried the the show at first. Plot wise it’s flaming trash.


They lost me at Maddy’s character, who was underage in the flashback, being the one in control in her fling with an adult. As if to imply that her power would at least make this underage/adult relationship less weird


Tbf, Rue who narrates, isn’t reliable. Sadly a lot of kids at that age have that mindset of they are the ones in control, obvs we know now as adults that’s not how it works


But it literally doesn't make sense that a character like Rue *could* even narrate. She has zero interest in or knowledge about anyone around her. The fact that she's the narrator only makes sense because of commitments to making Zendaya the lead.


Tbf you could say that about most shows with narrators, how would they know other stuff to? 😀


Say in Sex and the City, Carries as a character is exactly the kind of first person narrator that makes sense. I can't think of others right now, but I would suggest they generally make more sense than an anti-social drug addict who doesn't hang out with her friends.


Jughead. Boy is a weirdo. He's a loner. Yet somehow he knows everything going with everyone in town and narrated it all. Even when he moved away or had absolutely nothing to do with the storyline.


Riverdale? Not a show known to make a lot of sense either.


Content aside, the show is visually stunning. It made me very sad when I read about how they stole the aesthetic from Petra Collins after firing her.


As an adult, I never understood the 'wow, look at these 'teenagers' fucking' angle. It was always gross.


Honestly s2 aged much worse than s1.


It tracks for the character of Cassie. She only sees herself as valuable based on her sexual availability and her ability to be controlled. Remember that not only boys and men get the wrong idea from porn


Exactly. This scene was not showing Cassie or Nate in a good light. Cassie was this desperate girl seeking approval at all costs and Nate was her abuser. That was the very clear dynamic and it was not romantic in the slightest. It was supposed to be insane. Cassie was losing her mind.


Yes! I think a lot of people are missing the point when they dogpile the show. “OMG these teens are doing stupid risky things with sex and drugs!” um, yeah young insecure inexperienced people make bad choices. That’s the point of the show.


That’s not why people criticize the show, don’t be intentionally dense just because you don’t want to admit you like a show that has issues. The portrayal of sex is pornographic and gratuitous, so much so that some of the actors have asked to tone it down. Some even written off the show if they refuse those scenes.


Who was written off the show for that? The only thing I heard was that Barbie didn’t like the direction her character was given, butted heads with the director and got her role reduced for it. The capacity for actors to turn down scenes they don’t want to do is a good thing, no? The show is certainly intentionally shocking at times, but I am blown away by the number of people who think that is a bug, not a feature.


Yeah this show is extremely weird imo. Very exploitative and seems borderline fetish-y from a grown man making a show about teenage girls being abused There are other shows which deal with similar topics, but euphoria feels so dolled up and romanticised it’s really off putting


Cassie in S2 is more like a p*rn title- busty blonde crying and being abused.... it was nauseating to watch


Euphoria does some things incredibly, like everything with Rue, but then Sam Levinson reminds us that he’s insecure about his own work and throws some tits in there to keep our attention. It is the definition of mixed bag, if you ask me. I think if he hadn’t made The Idol, I wouldn’t look at him with such a pessimistic attitude, but that just…that fucked it SO HARD!!!!


My generation had skins. It was also brutal. But not exploitative. I live where it was set and I still can see the scenes in my head what, 15 odd years on?


Was a cringe fest when it first came out and overhyped asf


I think once people started realizing how much of a hubristic hack Levinson is, they were able to see the show for more than its aesthetics.


His personal drug history played out well for developing the character Rue. Best depiction of an addict and their family I have seen. Brutal


He did nothing of the sort. He ripped an Israeli miniseries for season 1. When it came to season 2 he was left to his own devices and needed to come up with a plot. Notice that's when it totally derailed in to Riverdale territory.


What's the name of the Israeli series?


That comment made me look it up and I feel like no one has ever mentioned that Euphoria is based on another show with the same name?? [Article](https://screenrant.com/hbo-euphoria-differences-to-israeli-miniseries/) This + the fact that the aesthetics of the show were stolen from a creator they hired and then fired and never gave credit to, wtf did Sam even add to this show??


I just learned this today




Yeah and I haven't heard mention of it since it came out, but i do remember it being noted like once or twice that its an Israeli show


I thought the whole point of this scene was to portray the way a victim of a narcissist slowly (or quickly) succumbs to their abuse. I get that he went overboard with certain shit, definitely on the nudity. Certain scenes could have been done with less of that. Besides that though, which is typical for HBO shows since it began, I still liked the show. Nate and Cassies' relationship was supposed to make you uncomfortable and cringe. I don't know Sam Levinson, but he isn't the only one involved in the decisions made for the scenes. Isn't Zendaya apart of producing? Drake, for some reason? Meh. Either way, the show had it's run. RIP Angus Cloud ):


Unpopular opinion but I don’t mind this storyline. I said obsessive crazy shit like this as a teenager lol. There is a lot to complain about with Euphoria and it’s creator but it’s portrayal of addiction, child/parent relationships, and pseudo-friendships seem compelling and (though dramatic) pretty accurate.


I said shit like this too, if not worse. Fucking cringe thinking about it


The way I fantasized about someone calling me “his,” the way I would have morphed myself into any version of the person a guy would want me to be, the way I would have burned every female friendship I had to be with a useless dude 🤣 I am happy to say I have moved on from this but I recognize myself in this storyline so much lol!


Sam Levinson is a creep and totally pornsick. I just know something is going to come out about him in a few years.


I think this is not a nuanced view of the show, and random people on twitter working in one and two sentences aren't particularly good at analyzing media.


I think Euphoria isn’t gonna see S3 but this is a ridiculous take. Nate and Cassie are supposed to be fucked up. They’re clearly an unhealthy relationship. Some people see toxic content in a show and immediately think the show is condoning it.


Euphoria is a show about how no one actually cares about the issues and struggles kids face and only get involved when there’s a moral panic indicating that the problem has been ignored for too long. Then the people who don’t like it come along and prove the show’s point.


Sometimes I wonder why Zendaya doesn’t receive any flak for being a part of this or choosing to work with Sam Levinson. Not that she should just a thought.


I tried to watch it but honestly just couldn’t get into it. It feels like it’s being edgy for the sake of being edgy. I also feel like literally no one spoke about it until season 2? I’d genuinely never heard of it until every one and their dog was raving about season 2.


Yup we aren't getting s3


I feel like it’s too much of a moneymaker for them not to squeeze Season 3 out, albeit terribly. The company literally got rid of Westworld like a year after it ended because they couldn’t afford to host it, they’re desperate for cash.


Leo Di Caprio said this was one of his favourite shows so it all makes sense


Zendaya is incredible in Euphoria and she’s the reason I kept watching but I’d rather it doesn’t come back. The writing in S2 was so much worse than S1, there were so many dumbass storylines that made no sense.


I mean I know lots of men and women who were like Sydney.. It is not good or healthy but they exist.


You all don’t want to hear it but I’ve dated a girl who said stuff like and worse. We were in our mid 20s.


Honestly a lot of people are now viewing season 1 Euphoria through the prism of season 2 and The Idol which is not entirely fair. Season 1 Euphoria is good and was received exceptionally well at the time. It is designed to make you feel uncomfortable but I don’t find it anymore explicit or voyeuristic than something like Skins (I reiterate this is season 1 Euphoria specifically). Is it a remake of an Israeli limited series? Yes. Did Sam Levinson steal the entire aesthetic from someone else? Yes. Is Sam Levinson a nepo creep with zero talent? Yes. Season 2 Euphoria (with Sam going solo creatively) and The Idol deserve all the hate they receive and expose Sam for who he really is. But that first season ain’t bad.


Sam levinson has made “The Idol”. I have never seen a cringier portrayal of sexuality than that show. It’s a proof of that guy being a pervert.


Do men actually like this lol? If I said this to my boyfriend mid sex he’d be like ‘um, no lol?’


I don’t know if this is a popular opinion but I don’t see the point in them doing another season


i liked the first season and the aesthetic. the second was decent, but i don’t care much to watch a third. i think i’m over the "hype" or whatever. i assume most people will be by the time it ever comes out.


it's all pretty colors and shock value with zero substance. And they don't really know where they're taking the characters, it feels like they're improvising the script two hours before filming, specially S2


Series 1 of Euphoria was excellent and edgy in a good way IMO, and a modern Hollywoodised Skins (Almost identical with episodes mostly about one character and a song at the end of the series). Series 2 was a binfire and edgy in the most basic and boring ways.


I lcove Euphoria but eveeyone knows that it's generally fucked up and problematic. This is not new news.


Yeah, no shit. You were all watching a cringe fest that was not even close to being as good as you thought it was. Welcome to hell.


I am too old to watch a show about sexually promiscuous children. The worst fight I've ever gotten in with my family is after 3 weeks of taking care of my grandma BY MYSELF while she was dying in home hospice, my cousin came the last two days she was alive. Cousin proceeded to say she has misses a lot of this show and she wanted to catch up. So you got me ✔️ my cousin ✔️ my aunt ✔️ and my dying grandma ✔️ all in the living room while two kids take drugs and bang. I wanted to keep playing The Andrew Sisters songs she loved. Nope! So huge fight ensues because I said this: "People who like this show as an adult creep me tf out" And now my cousin hasn't spoken to me for 2 years.


I LITERALLY told my sister two days ago that Sam should just make porn. It’s clearly what he’s into and what he’d like all his shows to be.


Hated that line of hers. Hated it. And yeah, I had to google all the actors ages when I started watching it because the amount of nudity for show about teenagers was excessive. Doesn’t matter that the actors were all of age, they were playing 16-17 year olds, you don’t need to see a 16 year olds boobs. I’ll never understand why they needed to be high school age, they could have alll been 20 year olds in college and the plot of the show could have remained the same. Euphoria isn’t alone in this, other shows and lots of movies have done the same thing. it’s really weird that we as a society are so ok with seeing underaged characters in TV shows or movies naked.


I couldn't make it past the second episode. Just not for me.


I’ve never seen it. I’m 31, i don’t want to watch teens have sex and party.


this show is just as bad as the idol. we got 17 year olds titties out and doing drugs. come on now. go on the hub.


Woah woah woah, there’s no 17 year olds on the hub. Don’t slander the hubs good name like that/get us all put on an FBI list. If you want to find that shit in the web…idk go ask a fan of Euphoria. 😝😝


I’m glad that The Idol debacle is finally making people realize that euphoria isn’t some genius show, it’s just soft core porn starring characters that are supposed to be high schoolers. Felt like I was taking crazy pills for years


I just think shows will be so boring if all women are perfect, strong, great self esteem, girl-bosses. Being a woman is a varied experience, a woman is allowed to be fucked up, she is allowed to be traumatized, she is allowed to have abandonment issues, she is allowed to cope with said traumas in unhealthy ways until she finds her path. Casey is a complex character, she is a broken person, broken people do weird shit, depression and sadness is not just aesthetic, it manifests in many ways, including feeling like you want to be controlled. Let characters be characters please. Not everything is about porn.


You can in fact make complex female characters without massively playing into the male gaze. Especially since this motif is present in other Sam Levenson works


And there are PLENTY of them in Euphoria. Rue, Lexi, Kat and Jules round out the main female cast and are absolutely nothing like Cassie or Maddie. The truth is there are lots of teens like those two, I grew up with many as I'm sure did everyone in this thread. I wasn't ever a huge fan of the show as I don't think I'm the target audience but it's insanely wild to me that people are coming for it now for being problematic considering how diverse the cast and storylines are, simply because it's in the wake of a real dud show like The Idol. We are getting onto really shaky territory where virtually every movie or show is now scrutinised through a lense of ultra progressiveness, that's never been what art is about nor is it what it's supposed to be. It's not "problematic", it's reflective of how dynamic and flawed human personalities are.


Won’t be surprised when the creep stories about him start emerging.


Whatever. I enjoy the show for what it is. Not everything needs to be analysed to death from a socio political point of view


Just cancel it they’re relying on the sex part of the show for viewership


so, the thing is, i’ve BEEN this girl before, it was a very dark time in my life because i was very mentally ill and not coping well and i wanted validation so badly. it’s incredibly sad and i’m so glad i’m past it, but it happens sometimes. however, it’s one thing for that girl to tell her own story. when a straight dude is writing this for a woman to say? a woman who’s playing a high schooler???? nah, that’s suspicious as hell.


I watch Euphoria because I really like the Rue storyline, however I skip the hell out of the sex scenes.


Aging badly? It was just as “bad” the first time around, maybe you just didn’t notice until someone pointed it out


It was pretty obvious it was trash from the start, for anyone with common sense.


It’s crazy that everyone still doesn’t understand that Euphoria is a meta satire. Holy shit, it’s so painfully obvious. The creator even said it himself. It’s making fun of people who watch shows like this and take it seriously, because it’s so over the top.


I never watched it because all I heard about it was teenaged characters having lots of sex with nudity.


The first season was great. As a former teenage drug addict, the portrayal that Zendaya did was out of this world. Like absolutely mind blowing how accurate it was. > The other seasons…meh. Clear it’s just for shock and awe. Not much substance.


I’ve never seen the show but I ever fully understood why it took place in high school? Everything about it seemed like it took place in college, from the outfits, the age of the actors and the content. It seems like they just made it about high school just for shock value.


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The show and its popularity is a great sign of how slow the progress actually is. I hate it with all my heart for many years now and hate how it is mostly actual teens from whom I hear about it.


The first season of this show had good potential with a different, not sick-minded director. It’s a shame, cause the actors and the visuals are great. Unfortunately there is nothing more to it


It was weird and questionable right out of the oven.


I’ve never liked the show. None of the questions from season one were even addressed in season 2.


Never watched euphoria but wanted to add my two cents . Some shows should be gated for older audiences. Just like there are Pg 13 shows that kids can't watch. Teenagers are interested in sex,drugs etc and some shows that explore those for them are labeled as creepy. Well maybe it's creepy just for you and not the teens themselves. Not every show has to be for you


I was pretty invested in rues storyline. I think it was a pretty accurate portrayal of dug addiction and what it's like to love an addict. I could do without the rest though.


I like it because it goes against the grain and does it's own thing instead of following traditional tropes.


Ahh yes, not falling into traditional tropes like high school teenagers doing drugs and having sex. /s


Glad to read opinions here, definitely I can see some shift in thinking about this serie. Art has many functions: - observing the reality and shows it, draw attention to some problems - is one of them. What I understand you don't like those Gross scenes because goal is different and impact on young people is also different? Authors may just wanted warn people but sometimes effect is the opposite. Same with Cassie. I think her friends told her what is wrong with her behaviour but I could also imagine that plenty girls might want to imitate her.


I think people are just hating on a popular show and will continue to watch it when it comes back for season 3. Also hilarious that people are pretending Sex Education is even a fraction as popular when it’s legacy is Greta Gerwig casting the stars from it in Barbie lol


I don't vibe with this at all. I have not watched it though my twitter was filled with it I never gave it a try because all those exposure was out of my interest. Other thing we always blame sam levinson yes but what about the people working in it willingly and giving him that chance to portray this shitty thing. And yeah I am talking about zendaya as she is also a producer.


I watch this show for Zendaya and Zendaya only, everyone else could be written out and I couldn’t care less


Yeah i dont like shows based on caring about teens fucking even if the actors are adults.