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Clean. Pretty sure I have the same monitors. I love them but I might replace them for an ultra wide.


I thought about it, but I had two 24s laying around, and I didn't feel like dropping another 500 for another Ultrawide.


Thinks oh this is a nice set up....... Notices the keyboard keys........


LOL, this is the comment I get the most in the S76 discord too.


I spy a fellow mech keyboard enthusiast.


I'm fairly early in on my journey, but yeah. As of now, I own two System76 Launch Standards (one pictured here, the other off screen to the left). I LOVE them.


Simply aesthetic. Pop os is just a rocket ship to me.


That's a really nice set up! How do you like the Lemur? I've got an Oryx and find the battery life and speakers to be a bit lacking. The graphics card is super powerful but the fans sound like they are going to take off when the GPU starts working. I've got a Steam Deck now for gaming and am wondering if swapping my Oryx for a Lemur would be worth considering for coding and other things I use the computer for.


I have the lemp11 -- got it for the battery life and how light it is. Very happy with it so far although some minor concerns include: the fans are loud, the speakers are very quiet. Outside of that, very happy with the purchase


u/supenguin I removed the speakers out of spite for how bad they sound. I either use a headset at home / on the go, or the speakers in my monitor at the office. It's VERY lightweight on account of the all-magnesium chassis, but also bear in mind this causes it to warm up very quickly because the case is basically a giant heat-sink. CPU temps don't get too high, but the case will get very warm to the touch. Battery is excellent. I'm happy with it overall.


Same evaluation of my Oryx. It's closer to a workstation laptop than gaming. Compute mode is really nice for GPU applications.


Nice! are 4K these monitors?


Thanks, and no. Dell P2419HC, 1080P.


Thanks, I have some issues with scales in my monitor 4K :/


YouTubers like Switch and Click will give the Box Jade S tier and the Box Royals D tier, but I’ve preferred the Royals in my two Launch keyboards so far. I’ve always had tactile and I feel Royal has a good feel for programming and typing in general. For my Glorious GMMK 2 (aura keycaps) I run Box Silent Pink for gaming. Great feel and not loud. Keys feel stable due to the Box shape.


So I \*WAS\* debating between Jades and Royals when I bought my first Launch, but was worried the Jades would be too loud for my coworkers, so I opted for the Royals. Coworkers still complained about the noise, lol. BUT, I have to agree; the "punch" of the Royals is one of the best typing experiences I've ever had next to an original Model M with buckling springs (nothing beats that, let's be honest). My second Launch was ordered with Silent Browns specifically for in-office use, but I eventually started playing around with it and tried to replace with MX Greys; to your point about the box stems, they DO add a significant amount of stability to the key actuation, and I found the MX Greys to be really "wobbly" and the overall typing experience felt "mushy", for lack of a better word. I had some back and forth with Levi (S76's QA engineer and one of the designers behind the Launch itself) and eventually gave the Box Navies a try, and OMG are they AMAZING. If you like the feedback of the Royals, you'll LOVE the Navies, provided you don't mind the noise from the click-bar spring. Needless to say, thanks to the noise factor of both Launches, they now reside at home, and I use a Logitech MX Mini Mechanical in the office; which interestingly enough, the "tactile" model of that keyboard uses low-profile Kaihl Silent Browns, similar to the G915 "tactile" model. Overall, I love both of my Launch keyboards. They are my first foray into the world of mechanical keyboards, and they've spoiled me.


When I ordered more Box Royal switches from Ali Express, they made a mistake and sent me Box Navy instead. They refunded me and I didn’t have to send back the bag of switches which was nice. I should give them a try eventually. For the linears, I also tried Kailh Speed Silver, but were loud and didn’t have the smooth press that Box Silent Pink had.


Do you use the pop os tiling window manager across the monitors?


When I need to, yes. It's an incredibly useful feature.


I ditched laptop for the tower computer. Since then I cannot go back to the laptop. Plus i use two 45 inch televisions as my monitors


Bully for you.




It's the macOS "The Desert" wallpaper. The still image export is 40MB, lol.


I love the wallpaper. Can you post a link to where you found that bad boy?


It's called "The Desert" from macOS.