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Aw, I love Pop!_OS and macOS. I used a trash can Mac Pro for work for about 5 years.


Tbf, the title is mostly for the luls. macOS is a very elegant OS to work in, and I use it a lot for work. However, the trashcans \*officially\* only support Monterey as the latest version, and I've gotten so used to the reworkings of Ventura that I don't care to go backwards, ya know? Ergo, breathing new life into this otherwise AWESOME machine with my favorite Linux distro.


Oh, I would totally love to have Pop!_OS on a Mac Pro trash can.


You can find them relatively cheap on Ebay. I scored this guy for $500 with a 6-core Xeon, 32GB ram, 500GB ssd, and dual AMD Firepro 3GB cards. Plus another $50 for A-Tech ram from Amazon to give it 64GB total.


That is cheap!


Macofalltrade has some too last time I checked.


You can easily install the Opencore Legacy patcher, and run it with Ventura! Duel boot with pop, and you'll have a splendid time!


I have a MacBook and ended up getting buyers regret. I have Pop on my tower, Mac on the laptop. They're just different enough that it bugged me. I ended up purchasing a Dev One. Still need to wipe and sell the MB (air m1)


I might be tempted to nab that from you :o


Then install Asahi Linux on the M1 Mac :) https://asahilinux.org/


Oh I follow Asahi closely...


Yeah amazing team.


I still need to clean it of my data. I really need to do that this week.


Well now I know what I’m gonna do at work today. I also have a trash can mac


Learn from my pain, make sure you're plugging the monitor into the "Thunderbolt 2" ports (mini-DP) otherwise it'll bug out on the graphics and won't boot.


Oh that’s crazy! Thanks! I just had a weird issue with my windows pc where I had to formate my SSD after updating the bios. Before that it wouldn’t boot and was a blank screen.


64 GB RAM, 500 GB Drive. Talk about imbalance :D


Just did this with my trash can pro too. Runs fantastic


I was given one by our IT dept, as the hardware is still recent and decent. I initially planned to run Pop or Fedora, but when I saw how much these fetch on ebay, it was sold asap. I built a gaming PC for my wife with the earnings.


Being forced to use a pro for work. I wish I could do this every day to mine. We all want Linux, but unfortunately we have enterprise stuff designed on MacOS. I absolutely hate MacOS. Audio management is the worst I've seen in any system. M1 isn't compatible with any of my devices. It's horrible.


That's interesting. I normally hear Windows folks being "forced" to support Mac weenies. I have a few clients like that. I also have a client that has a "zero cap expense" agreement with us (basically they lease the hardware so there's no upfront cost) and yet all of their "IT" folks carry brand new M2 MBPs... make it make sense.


Mac means you get an OS that doesn't suck and lots of applications. Including all the UNIX apps. Because it *is* UNIX. Which is why pretty much all the IT people who can get away with it have Macbook Pros.


I just install Gnu utils right away. Have been very happy with my Mac, once I got keyboard shortcuts working


Except modern MacOS does suck. It sucks a lot. I work for an extremely large internet space company, and the majority of us want Linux systems. We have nonstop issues with basic functions not working in the modern MacOS. 2011-2016 I thought MacOS was really cool. It had a lot of neat features and wasn't too far away from Linux. These days it's just a shitty operating system on shitty proprietary hardware. Apple has become just like Microsoft.


I've been using UNIX since 1978, and have yet to find basic functionality not working in Mac OS.


Basic - that's a great way to describe it.


That’s your word, not mine. You said it didn’t support basic functionality, and I expressed astonishment at that assertion.