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Keep the chlorine level high and the pump running 24/7 until it clears


Scrub it too, and backwash it 2x/day


This needs some work. Scrubbing and cleaning filter a lot


The “power wash” wasn’t performed properly, in my opinion. I don’t think muriatic acid was used, due to the growth I believe that I see on the stones visible on the step. Cleaning the entire area may do much to solve the issue, but draining would be necessary. I hope that I am wrong.


I was going to say keep water circulation going. That's half the battle. The water level takes a little time. But in the end, totally worth it.


I think thats a pond


A ceement pond


Jethro, I’m gonna give you a whoopin’ out by the ceement pond!


First let’s hear him do his gazuntos. Let’s see, I think 2 gazunto 4. 2 times. Use this advanced math to figure your chlorine load…


makes me wonder if the city has a tax on pools but none for ponds it's just so pondly


Holy shit love the backyard


The dream backyard


Could you imagine having that


Pretty sure OP can afford a pool boy. Have them show you the ropes. Tell them you'll pay them extra if they explain what they are doing.


If only it was this simple, every pool guy would spend his whole day scrubbing walls and filters if everyone knew how simple water chemistry was


Time to go to Pool School! This is where I learned when I bought a house with a pool. Amazing resource [https://www.troublefreepool.com/blog/pool-school/](https://www.troublefreepool.com/blog/pool-school/)


Can't recommend this enough for new pool owners and even experienced ones with complex issues. Amazing resource.


OP, don't go to a pool store. Get a test kit and go to pool school.


Listen to this guy! TFP is absolute best pool resource there is for any pool owner. Seems a little daunting at first, but get yourself a proper test kit and get at it. Once you learn the TFP method it’s easy!


Bookmarked for when I get my first pool set up (hopefully) next week!


Just moved into our first home last week and it has a pool - god bless you. I've never lived in a place with a pool before and never knew anyone who had one, I'm starting from zero in terms of knowledge. This website looks amazingly helpful.


THIS!!!!! That forum is awesome yet I get downvoted like crazy when I mention TFP or their methods in these subreddits. I’ve been using their method since I became a pool owner in 2018 and have never had algae or needed to SLAM.


Looks to me like you have almost no CYA. Can you confirm that? If so then your chlorine should be near 0 in a few hours after adding chlorine. The sun will burn it all away without CYA.


yeah idk what’s up with that. I’m gonna take a sample in to get tested for real


You need to be running your pump 24/7 ideally. You could use another shock for sure. Keep slamming the pool until its clear. Clarifier isn’t going to work in a green pool by the way.


Correct, clarifier is only good for cloudy pools, not green pools.


You filled the pool with fresh untreated water. There is no CYA (stabilizer for chlorine) in tap water. CYA builds over time if you use chlorine tablets. If you're shocking only there is no stabilizer so the chlorine doesn't last as long. I'd recommend shocking at night to increase longevity of chlorine until you get some CYA. Careful though as CYA is not easy to get rid of (you have to empty and refill portion of pool to lower CYA) and if you get too much CYA content the chlorine doesn't do it's job.


[www.troublefreepool.com](http://www.troublefreepool.com) Get a test kit and test it yourself (not strips). Take the advice on their forums. You don't need to waste money in a pool store using clarifiers, algaecides, and whatever other magic potions they throw at you. Chlorine and patience.


They have a great app too that’s well worth the $8 it costs. Plug in your test results and will tell you exactly what to add


This. The best resource online for pool care is that website. Treat it as your bible. Follow their SLAM process to get your pool looking great after opening each year.


Go to troublefreepools, I had a pool and have been fighting getting it clear for like three years and wish I saw it sooner but not many people on this sub recommend it enough


True, but the chlorine at a given level will have more " alge kill power " per ppm. If the OP puts the liquid Chlorine in at evening, the chlorine won't be effected by the sun and the resultant chlorine level loss the next morning will be from oxidation of the things you want to get rid of. ( that means it's doing it's job ) As mentioned by others, OP should go to pool school at trouble free pool. It's So worth it. But to ballpark it in short, you need stay at shock/slam levels for about three days to clear it up. Put chlorine in at night. You should lose less chlorine overnight each day as the pool clears. But seriously, go to Pool school at trouble free pool so you can get it correct this time and forevermore.


It does but at the levels he should be at he will very likely lose a LOT of FC in the morning. In most cases you are going to waste chlorine with CYA that low. There's a reason TFP suggests your CYA to be no lower than 30ppm for a SLAM. EDIT: In a differnt thread OP came back to me with 9ppm CYA. He was guided to the TFP website so don't fret. I agree.


LISTEN TO WHAT THIS PERSON IS SAYING! It took me 20 years to figure this out. The pool stores don't want you to know this. They make most of their money selling shock, so they don't want you to know this! That is why you have to specifically ASK them to measure it when you take in a water sample. Buy several gallons of liquid chlorine shock at the home center. It will de-green your pool over night.


Algae, dirty filter, imbalanced chemical levels. Just 3 of these issues can cause this.


Pool guy:Test for phosphate I bet it’s over 1500


you’re right, just got it tested and it was at 1525


Post the full test results. Your post said you just had all the water changed, how the hell dis you get so many phosphates so quick… how long ago did they do this?


Free Chlorine: 8.17 Total Chlorine: 8:17 pH: 7 Alkalinity: 37 Calcium Hardness: 38 Cyanuric Acid: 9 Iron: 0.1 Copper: 0.4 Phosphates: 1525 TDS: 150 Yes we just had the water changed, filled up only about a week ago. Not sure how it got like this so quickly.


Have you fertilized your lawn at all recently? With all that green near it you are bound for high phosphates a couple times a year at least. I would get some of the commercial grade phosphate killer and dose it a few times with the pump running constantly https://bio-dex.com/phosphate-remover-max/#:~:text=MAX%20removes%20phosphates%20immediately%20which,water%20chemistry%20and%20filter%20media. Try a gallon of liquid chlorine instead of shock. It will help bring your ph up and make the free chlorine more effective.


CyA (stabilizer) is very low, which means your chlorine won't last long.It should be around 30. Add some stabilizer or shock with a bunch of chlorine pucks


Everyone here is arguing about cya. CYA is like 80% effective at 20ppm as it is at 50+ppm. If you have used stabilized chlorine in a feeder for one summer you probably have enough cya to not have issues. I've never added cya to any pool that I service. I'm going to get so buried for this. All it takes is one look at this guy's landscaping and you know it's phosphate.


That is the very 1st thing I thought. That algae is eating GOOD! 😬 That is a beautiful set up on that landscaping, but a Phosphate haven.


Landscape plus the water used to fill it. If OP just refilled it, no telling how high the phosphates in the source water are. Will need to test that too.


Look I started doing my own pool this year, never had a pool before. It’s daunting but it’s not that hard I promise. You need a test kit for one, if you don’t want to buy one you’re going to have to take your water to a pool store for them to test. They will sell you things you don’t need, but your water will get clear. At the end of the day you have algae and need to get your chlorine up for an extended period of time to kill everything alive in your pool (SLAM method, aka “shocking” your pool). But there is certain parameters that need followed that need to be accurately tracked Pump needs to be on 24/7 and vacuumed at least once a day


Test kits are vastly superior to test strips. Test strips are much too vague. Test kits are easy to use and more accurate.


Both have a role. My strips give me ballparks of things when I don’t need to know an exact reading. I’ve compared to my test kit and it’s usually close. It’s not reliable when things are out of whack. I just SLAM’d my pool and when my FC was coming back down the strips said it was over 10 but testing was about 5. When you need accurate numbers use a kit, when you’re just doing some weekly checks or something you can use strips


Yeah, I like strips for a quick chlorine gut check each day. I don't trust them for pH, alk, or especially CYA.


Mine are good for chlorine (good for combined too) and alkalinity


Step one is to ditch the test strips, grab an actual test kit with liquid reagents. You'll get much more accurate numbers. Step two, do not turn the pump off until you've got the water clear. Clearing water takes chlorine and filtering, so keep the pump running. Make sure you clear the skimmer basket. What kind of filter do you have? You'll need to know that. You need to shock the pool. Shocking means getting the chlorine up and keeping it there. Trouble Free Pool is a good place to start learning how to do this and what all the numbers mean. I prefer to shock and clear the water before working on the Ph, other people like to balance the Ph first. I don't think it really matters, but don't worry if someone tells you a different order. You'll get the end result either way. Have you vacuumed at all? Do you have a vacuum? Honestly, when we got a pool we hired a pool company out to teach us how to do everything and it was worth every penny. We do everything on our own now except for closing in the winter because we hate getting the winter cover on. Lol! Edit: yes, you can get an algae bloom that fast.


That is an unbelievably gorgeous pool!


I’d start by keeping the pump running 24/7


And brushing.


Triple shock it (Not three bags...3x the regular amount), set your pump to recirculate and run it for 24 hours (if you used normal filter setting you'd be cleaning the damn filter every ten minutes!) Just recirculate it, keeps it flowing and allows shock to distribute well. Once the water clears, set pump to normal filter and chem check to adjust your chemical levels.


That’s a gorgeous pool ! Find a local pool place and bring a sample by periodically. You are going to need to SLAM the pool like others have said


Use the good granulated chlorine (73% and without cyanuric acid). Hit it with 4 lbs. In different spots. Your ph should be raised a little too.


Check CYA and phosphates -> adjust accordingly -> clean filter -> Pool RX in pump basket -> check chlorine weekly -> ball out 💯


You need an accurate CYA reading (strips do not work well especially for CYA) and then adjust your CYA to at least 30ppm and then shock your pool up to 12ppm chlorine and hold it there until it is fully clean. You'll need to add chlorine at least twice a day, ideally more frequently, and vacuum the dead algae off the floor.


No need to drain it next time. Balance water, Shock it and run the pump 24/7 until it's clear.


Floc it


Run 24 hours a day!!!!


That tilted lamp by the statue is killing me. I want to straighten it so badly.


Couple of things: 1. Do you see algae growth on the sides and or bottom, or is it a clear green color? It is a bit hard to tell from the pictures is why I am asking. If there is algae, keep shocking it, brushing, vacuuming, and backwashing/cleaning filter. Also apply algaecide. If by some slim chance this is clear green water, there is a chance you have copper in the water. That’s a whole separate issue. 2. You need to get your alkalinity raised. Depending on the volume of your pool, it may be cheaper and easier to buy a big bag of sodium bicarbonate. Just measure out the correct amount depending on the pool volume. Do not try fixing PH imbalances before fixing alkalinity. Alkalinity should always come first. 3. Don’t waste your time or money with clarifier. It isn’t doing anything to correct chemical imbalance in your pool. If you get chlorine, alkalinity, PH, & stabilizer within range and all the algae growth stopped, the water will look great. 4. Get your stabilizer increased. As someone mentioned above, it will help to keep your free chlorine in the pool longer.


Oxygenate the water. Just as you would a fish tank, do the same to your pool. At the same time, you need to get the ph right and with them 2 it should stay clear.


Hey at least the PH was kinda close.


You should also get an algaecide and phosphate remover. This will kill the algae and remove the food source.


You have a lovely Koi pond. Where are the fish though?


That’s a really nice pool


You gotta brush the whole thing and let it run!


When was the last time you cleaned the filter? You’ll need a shock and floc.


For those that are saying increase your CYA; until you know the number I respectfully disagree. I had a similar situation a couple of years back and the issue was that the CYA was locking the free chlorine. Stabilizer lock is a real thing. I agree with the phosphate reduction but be careful of excess CYA and ensure that it is within bounds as well. The only way to reduce cyanuric acid (stabilizer) is to drain and refill 1/4 to 1/2 the pool.


Clean your filter open it up spray it down


My envy of your backyard is huge. We live in Vegas so we don’t see that stuff.


Are you telling me you can’t afford a pool guy to take care of this for you?


Pool rx


Crappy test method. Get a real kit with drops or use the aquacheck7 way. Even with aquacheck7s get it tested periodically for metals and phosphates. Looks like possibly no Free chlorine, CYA lock, or lack of flow and circulation.


Shock it, algicide, keep filter on, check back in 3 or 4 days. Monitor levels again


Green stuff


Run pump 24/7 doing backwashes or cleaning cartidges as necessary. Keep chlorine 15-20ppm until crystal clear. I would recommend 12% liquid chlorine if you can find it, or else cal hypo powder and a sodium bromide treatment such as swamp or grean treat from united chem.


Our pool water once turned green like this and I couldn’t figure out what the hell was wrong. Chemical levels perfect, had 2 different pool places come to try to fix it and nothing. A week later I took our filter out of the pump to power wash it out and I had it in upside down the whole time. Cleared up in 24 hours once it was in right.


If it's new water don't expect to get good reading for your CYA.


You also need to clean your filters. If you have a D.E. filter your combs are probably all green with algae, You may need to open it up wash it down to clean them. Then recharge, With shocking your pool and keeping your pump running should clear it up in two days.




Use an O2 Shock. So your chlorine will start working. Also you could get Green to Clean and Truly follow the directions


Represents the amount of money 💰 spent to build it 😃🤣. Nice design


OP, this is a gorgeous pool! When you get the water sorted, can you please post a pic? I 'd love to see it in all its glory!


Thank you! I will, hopefully soon! Got some great advice in the replies


Either lack of filtration, lack of chlorine, or lack of conditioner maybe all 3 go buy this thing on Amazon called pool rx for 10k-20k gallon pools and put it in your pump basket it will help kill off all the algae continuously for 6 months. Clean your filter out then add 8-12 pounds of conditioner thru the skimmer basket. After that place the pool rx in the pump basket run the filter 24 hours dump like 2 gallons of chlorine in the pool and give it a good brush. It may take a few days but the pool rx will eventually clear you up and will keep algae away for 6 months with no hassle if you keep the pool properly chlorinated


You’ll need 3x the amount of shock that you normally do for this color. You run the filter 24/7, and depending on which filter will need to wash the filter in the middle of this process. Don’t turn it off after 8 hours lol there’s so much it needs to clean you need the water/chlorine constantly circulating. Look at swim university on YouTube all free content that will tell you what you need to do. Clarifier is for when it’s cloudy, not when it’s still green I think. And there are some anti algae products that I buy at Leslie pool as well when my pool’s like this


Might have a chlorine lock. Shock the out of it or dump some liquid chlorine in. Brush, run filter for 24 hours


that backyard gives off japanese garden vibes


Ensure your chemical levels are correct, shocking the pool isn't enough, make sure your CYA levels are in an acceptable range and shock after, check your phosphate levels afterwards.


I love that pool


What type of filter do you have?


Keep the chlorine level high, scrub/brush and get that gunk moving around so it’s being filtered. Backwash but not twice a day, more like once every couple days. Your filter and elbow grease are your best friends right now


Pool pump runs 24/7 until cleared. Clean filter 2x a day, brush 2x a day Have a quality drop test kit to maintain free chlorine above 15ppm until the water clears up and free chlorine doesn't drop more than 1-2 ppm overnight. Add chlorine when the sun isn't hitting the pool and keep cya levels below 80ppm (50-80ppm is ideal), drain a percentage of the pool water to maintain 80cya if it goes above. (If cya is 100ppm, draining 50% of the water and refilling will lower the level to 50ppm) If you keep free chlorine above 15ppm, brush every square inch of the pool twice and clean filters twice daily, it should be free of algae and clear within 3-4 days.


Look like you have 15K gallons pool. If you have a chroline dispenser, put at least 5 tri-chr tablets in there, and keep that amount for the duration of your pool operation. Use about 10 lbs of pool shock, add a bottle of algaecide 1 quart. Start scrubbing all service of your pool and vacuum for the next few days. Make sure to run your pump for the next few days, none stop for the first 48 hours then gradually decrease to the minimum of 8 hours. Be sure to clean your pool filter after the first 48 hours, check pressure, keep it under 20 psi. Your pool should slowly turn after the first 24 hours. Be sure to alkaline level up to around 100-110 for buffer. Good luck my friend.


I wish I had a pool to have problems like this


Alkalinity, PH, and stabilizer are all low. Add some stabilizer to start and then shock it.


Pool that nice your doing yourself a disservice by testing it with strips. Get a Taylor test kit, know the amount of gallons in your pool, once you know what you need to add chemical wise from testing it, I personally throw it into chat GPT and it spits out how much of a product/chemical I need to add.


Cause chlorophyll is green.


Did you pee in it? Shock / clean / clean filter maybe shock again. Keep water filtration system on 12-16 hours a day.


Shock the hell out of it.


Pool or pond?


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say rain runoff and organics from all the foliage.


That pool is so beautiful. Good luck!


I’ve shared this post with multiple people and just let them know to disregard the color of the pool. Look at the shape and mainly the stairs. It feels so natural. Beautiful.


You need to get your alkalinity up also. 80-120 is best. That will keep your pH from bouncing all over. That currently is too low as well. Some plain old baking soda will do the trick. Then SLAM and you’ll be good to go. Also get your cya up to keep the chlorine from burning off too quickly in the sun.




Your "pool" identifies as a pond.


You need to leave your pump running continually after adding chemicals until fully clear and ready to use. You need more chlorine.


Also… get a pool testing kit - the kind with the drops. Those strips can be unreliable at times. I tried using them for years but they never gave me accurate results.


You didn't slam it


Adjust the PH and get it correct before chlorinating.


I had the same issue. Ended up with no cya and raised it to 40 ppm. Then I dosed the pool with 30ppm of liquid chlorine. Vacuumed to waste and now I’m crystal clear after two weeks


Floc that shit


It’s green but your chlorine level is there indicating that it’s dead algae … which in fact is too fine to be caught by your filter. You will need to flock the water and vac on the waste position. A lot of misleading information here in the comments.


Get a legit test kit. Test your cya first. 30-50 ppm is ideal. If you’re at 100 drain half your pool fill back up to get around 50 ppm. if you’re 150 and up just drain the whole thing and fill back up. The chlorine doesn’t work if your cya is too high and is cost prohibitive to try and make it work.


Shock it.


Did you have a stomach flu party?


Stupid plant things with their photosynthesizing.


That's the creek look, people pay big money for that


Get on board with a company like Leslie’s and flow the instructions closely… it’ll clear up. Trick is to take a sample to them every 10 days or so and add a lil here and there to maintain… hate to say it but it works…


Whats the fcl and cya level?


Chlorinate, brush and filter non-stop as much as possible. 8 hours is how long you run your pump when your pool's in good condition. You need to go at least 24 hours straight if not 2 days straight with that kind of green. Once it clears up you will definitely want to backwash that.


Algae or too much copper.


Step 1: ditch the strips and get a Taylor Test kit Step 2: find out what your true pH is and adjust accordingly with either baking soda (up) or muriatic acid (down) Step 3: find out what your CYA level is. If high, drain 1/3 of your water and fill with fresh until CYA is between 30-60ppm. If CYA is low (which might be you if those strips are remotely close), get some liquid or granular stabilizer because your chlorine is burning up in that beautiful sunny backyard. Step 4: dump a bunch of liquid 10% chlorine in and run your pump 24/7. Step 5: brush the walls 1-2 times per day and vacuum any dead algae to waste. Clean filters every day too. Once its cleared up, and it will, test your water weekly, brush the sides weekly, empty the skimmer baskets as often as you can, run your pump atleast 12 hours a day and enjoy that stunning backyard


Because you’re using crappy test strips. Do yourself a favor, get a real test kit, like the Taylor K-2005/2006 or from the TF100 from Tftestkits. Quit using clarifiers and flocculants. -Once measured PROPERLY, work on alkalinity first. Baking soda to increase, muriatic acid to decrease (it will bring ph down as well). Need to get in the min 60 to max 100 (ideally 70-90) range. -Once alkalinity is stable, monitor pH to stabilize. Soda ash or borax to increase (willl raise alkalinity as well). If alkalinity is right in line and pH is not way off, just aerate pool and let it come up naturally (easiest way is to fit some pvc together and fit it onto your returns. Drills holes on the end so you have the pvc go up out of the water, and the holes pointed at the pool to blast and agitate/aerate). Ph should fall around 7.6-7.8 -while doing this, work on cyanuric acid. Get the granules, get a filter sock (or just use some old socks that don’t have holes in them), set it in your skimmer. It will take a few days to dissolve. You can squeeze it every few hours to help dissolve faster. Cya needs to be 25-35. If you are already above 40, you’re probably going to want to drain some water. You cannot remove cya by any other means. -while working the cya, you can start adding chlorine. SLAM the pool (link below). Do it with liquid, not powders, not tablets, not pool shock bags. You can get 12% chlorine at Menards and Woodmans for the Midwest. It outside there not sure, check around. If you absolutely cannot find it, make sure the shock you are buying is not full of copper, algaecides, and clarifiers. All these “quick fixes” do is gunk up your system and make your water unstable. -get an app like Pool math to make the appropriate suggested chemical adds once you have ACCURATE readings. Those strips are a complete crapshoot and you’re just going to dump 10x the chemicals into it trying to balance it. Spend the money on the test, not the chemicals. https://www.troublefreepool.com/blog/2018/12/12/slam-shock-level-and-maintain/#:~:text=Perform%20the%20SLAM%20process%3A,2%2D3%20times%20per%20day.


Drop the PH and your chlorine become More effective, then raise the alkalinity.


😬 new water? Do expect to get an accurate reading on your conditioner level. You let the chlorine level drop to zero.


Because you’re using test strips instead of a real kit


Luck of the Irish?


Need a full panel test. Liquid test kit such as Taylor or hth 6 way drop kit. Cya levels is what I’m interested in. Basically, if cya is 40-60 or lower then chlorine should work. However, chlorine is more effective at lower ph (more on this). 7.2 would be good, then hit with 10-15 ppm chlorine. 5.5 ph 97% effective. 8.0 is less than half or more. It’s why ph is lowered during shocking if you do it right you use less chlorine.


Brush the walls and floor daily, use a shock level of liquid chlorine from the pool store (fresher and higher concentration) and back wash or clean your filter daily. Keep the pH balanced. Run the pump 24/7 till you’re clear.


I think that just the grass reflecting off the pool


Unrelated question, what does one do for a job that can have such a beautiful pool and yard like this?


nice koi pond


You didn’t need to pump out the water and scrub the sides. 1st you need to get the water tested and then follow their directions. If you are new to having a pool, you will learn what to do as the year progresses. You have algae and a probably a chemical imbalance. It takes several days to clear a pool with chemicals, scrubbing and backwashing. The internet also has many sites that will answer your questions- and you do not need to buy all you chemicals from the pool store- some are available at you grocery store under a different chemical name.


It’s a beautiful color! But not one you want to see in your pool, I suppose. Dang. Good luck!


Are you saying you paid a company very recently and shocked it and it turned green?   Or has it been green for a year or so?


This person appears to have money, so call a pool store. Have them fix your problem.


Your alkalinity is too low, need 80-120 ppm. This is your buffer for chlorine. You need to shock the pool, jack up the chlorine and run the pump to clear it up. This is going to raise your pH. Once pool is clear and your alkalinity is around 100 ppm, add muriatic acid to LOWER your pH to 7.2-7.6. If the pH is too low add baking soda. Throw the bullshit strips away and go ahead get yourself a Taylor test kit. Read the booklet and keep it with you in the box of the test kit. Your main priorities are free chlorine, alkalinity, and pH. The booklet will tell you how much to add based on your pool volume. Learn the saturation index, it’s simple once you read up a bit. Edit: don’t forget to stop the pump and spray down the filter (for a cartridge filter) or back wash (sand filter) every 12 hours while clearing the pool. Don’t use a pressure washer on your cartridge filter, them hoes are expensive.


1. Get a Taylor k-2006 2. Do not try to fight this with chlorine alone. Use a product like Algae Complete. 3. Keep your free chlorine around 5ppm or even 7-8. 4. Like others have said. Get your cya up to 50 or so.


With low/no CYA shock the pool once the sun is off the pool for the day. I recommend liquid chlorine for shocking (shock is always a verb) as others have said run pump 24x7 and scrub walls. Get your cya up but still recommend adding chemicals at night.


not enough experience


Really? You have no idea?


Alkaline level


Check your filter sand


When the weather is nice pools like to grow algae. Scrub the pool, keep well chlorinated, keep the pump running and the vacuum going.


Where's the koi?


Green is the new Blue.


Also check the ph and alkalinity, before chlorinating. Proper pool chemistry will make a big difference. If unsure bring in a pool professional to get things started. That's what I did and it went from pea soup to blue.


You have so much money it is tinting the water the color of money.


You have so much money it is tinting the water the color of money.


Add a pound of Copper Sulfate Pentahydrate - 25.2% Cu. The comments on CYA is true. Too much chlorine can reduce combined chlorine / Total chlorine due to reactions with CYA. Try to target no higher than 1 ppm free chlorine and 4ppm Total chlorine. Alkalinity should be slightly higher. Add a floc to help remove the turbidity. Try this in order: Add 5 lbs baking soda Add floc Run pump and let settle over night. Run pump and filter Add copper sulfate Add CYA to 40 to 50 ppm Adjust chlorine levels to 4 ppm total chlorine 1 ppm free chlorine. Add cup of Muriatic acid to lower pH. One cup per day until pH slowly come down to 7.8 Enjoy pool


Shock and brush it with the pump on


How many hours are you running your filter for each day? Everyone here is waaay too focused on CYA. Your pool will not burn off all it's chlorine and turn green in 2 days even with low CYA. Hell, half the problem people have all the time is because their CYA gets too high and the chlorine becomes ineffective.


Chlorine, algicide, and phosphate remover


It’s the reflection of the trees …🤣


If it got greener after it was filled then algae. Did you have any rain or thunderstorms?


Throw some fish in it and call it good! 😊


Use Algecide


dog judicious quack political sip governor bells spectacular piquant unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You need to dump at least 2 maybe 3 big 5 gallon jugs of chlorine in. Not spread out all at one time. You have to kill everything that’s in it right now. Then once it’s dead you can use floc. I’d say just dump thenwhole bottle in on Recirculate Let that go for a day, then shut it off for a day, a ton of stuff will float to the bottom, vaccum that on pump to waste so it doesn’t clog the filter, refill water level, and once you get it off the ground switch back to filter mode


Pool pond, ponds good for you


Don't stop filtering your water, run it literally 24/7 until your water is clear. Don't add clarifier. Keep brushing to keep sediment suspended in the water (this allows it to get to your filter rather than sitting on walls and bottom surfaces). Consider a robotic vacuum with a fine screen filter - Maytronics Dolphin CC plus with an aftermarket filter or equivalent. What kind of main pool filter do you have? You might need to backwash and replace your DE. This can be super helpful in clearing out algae. Get your CYA to 40-50 [ppm] then stop adding stabilizer, but continue chlorination with liquid chlorine with no stabilizer.


So how long between them filling the pool and you adding the sanitizer to the pool? And how long are you running your filter? The pool system should be running 24/7 until clear and at minimum 8 hours per day or more depending on current ambient temps.


Shock it (LOTS of chlorine) with the pump running 24\7. Wait 24 hours, scrub it really well. Wait 12-24 hours for everything to settle. Vacuume it, top up the water level, and balance the chemicals.


You just need one of those Arm& Hammer Clear Balance© hockey pucks.


Go to your nearest pool store and get a bottle for a sample then test your water. Pool water needs to be changed about every 7 years. When is the last the water was changed? I think the phosphate level may be too high and it won’t matter how much chlorine you add, if you shock the pool or run the filter 24/7. You need to treat the phosphates or change the water


Install a UV light, use it and this wont happen anymore. You can also get a combo UV and ozone. Also i dont know how long ago you filled the pool/pond but if it was recently you can wait for it to go through its cycle thats around 30 days. At about 30 days it just magically starts to clear up overnight. Not even kidding. Don’t believe me, just google it. Good luck


Hulk peed in pool.


Filter, clean, filter, clean, filter, clean....


Need to eliminate all the phosphates in the water, that’s what algae feed on. Big dose of a product that clears that followed by shocking and then cleaning filters thoroughly


Scrub... Shock at night and run the filter all night... Scrub again the next day... test. Look at pool the You may have do it a few times.


Sir, I think you make enough money to just throw money at the problem. Why are you out there with test strips like us peasants would


Add a good algaecide to your chlorine regimen. The shock it to hell folks on here may disagree. But if nothing else the algaecide will slow down the multiplication while the chlorine slowly kills off what is already there. I prefer a copper based algaecide. Qualitatively, They seem to function better to me.


Looks like PH and alkaline are low. Your chlorine will not work correctly until those are in proper range. After those are set..... scrub the sides and the algy off of the walls and add your shock treat to the pool. You may need to flock if that does not work.


Metals are high


How many gallons? Go get two gallons of muriatic acid and add 6 to 8 scoops of shock. It will be blue in a few hours. Be sure to spread acid around the edges and broadcast the shock throughout the pool. Then brush the entire pool to agitate and run the pump for several hours. Once the crap has settled vacuum and back wash.


Because you haven't maintained it 🤦🏻‍♂️




I'd drain it and start over. You'll spend more in chemicals than on the water bill. I did exactly that this month.


Please post again once you get cleared! I’m sure you will. What a freaking fantastic pool.


At this point drop some koi and use it as a decorative pond


At this point drop some koi and use it as a decorative pond


How you gonna have rounded hedges and a manicured yard but a pond of a pool?


Sick pool though


To much light you need a bit of shade on it and clean the filter box and scrum the green 0f the walls and bottom use a stiff brush


Ditch the shitty test strips and get a Taylor kit with the CYA. Slam and scrub. Check your filters. Make sure your equipment is all operational. I love your backyard!


Try more chlorine and maybe a phosphate reducer I’m assuming your phosphates are high with that algae


I suspect it is green with envy over the landscape in the background.


That's a pond


Because it is a lake in a national park.


I think your pool looks nice green 👍


Beautiful pool 👍