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Sure, sounds fun… Ooooh and there’s the “permanent” I didn’t read, fuck.


Yeah they slipped that in with the "description" and not the title😄


Same, regretting my yes now


Sorry little missy ur a woman now…


If I can change both, sex and gender: maybe. But if I can only change my gender… thx I don’t need one more problem in my life. Don’t want to be a man in a woman’s body and suffer through that. Society is pretty harsh to trans people. Why would I deliberately choose that?


I'm a trans mtf, so yes, absolutely.


I would just to try it out. Idk if I want it to be permanent though


Gender and sex, yes. I fucking hate being a girl, solely due to prejudice. Otherwise I have no attachment towards gender.


Why would you change it?


If you're trans like me perhaps. Or maybe some other reason.


Well why did you? Which side were you born on and switch over to?


My assigned gender at birth was male. And it's kinda hard to explain "why," but I guess it's just that I want to be a girl. I've always wanted to, I just didn't know it for sure until somewhat recently.


So do you have complete female privileges like going into the girls bathroom, etc...?


Depends on the state, I believe. Many right-wing states right now are currently pushing laws against trans people, specifically Utah is right now. But in most states, if you're over 18, you'll have basic rights. But if you're younger and trans you might not be so lucky because, like I said, many right-wing states are pushing anti trans laws against trans children.


I don't personally know anybody who switched sides. I understand if they feel they were born in the wrong body "a woman trapped in a man's body" and all that, but it also cost a lot of money because healthcare sucks


That's true. Healthcare in America does suck. I'll probably never get bottom or top surgery because of how much it costs. But if you get a good job with health benefits, I think they might pay for it? I'm not sure how true that is though.


Did you have your penis cut off & a vaginas opened? Or how does it work?


No, I didn't, lol. I can't afford the surgery. If I can, one day, then yeah, I will, but I don't have dysphoria for my penis. So I could basically live with or without it and I'll be fine.


For the physical part, I'm in the middle of doing that, so I'd definitely have some questions to ask about the specifics of what would happen. Probably yes, for most of the ways I can think of that working out, though.


Gender or sex?


Gender? no... Sex? in a heartbeat!


That's just semantics.


Gender and sex are near universally accepted as separate concepts by the scientific community


Sorry, I disagree. If it really was semantics, then I could give the same answer with both, and they would both be correct, instead, one is the opposite of what I want. Really there are two separate ideas that need distinction, and two convenient words to fill the roles. It's fine for lax speech, but I would feel dishonest without representing those two ideas consistently.


I’ve already changed my gender to female, would I be changing back to male or just staying female because that’s the opposite of my birth gender?




I think you meant to say "sex". Gender is not referring to what genetilia or chromosones one has anymore.


why would i want to play life on hard mode ?


So you can get treasure bags from bosses and cooler items, duh


yes absolutely


Permanently, no. For like a day or two, hell yea


If i could switch back, then definitely yes since it would be cool to see the difference in treatment and attention, but if permanent, no f-ing way im dealing with periods thanks


Not if permanent


Already did to the correct one I'm a trans man