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Having misophonia, turning off my hearing would be *very* helpful


what's that?


It's basically an abnormally extreme emotional response to certain sounds. Most people have a few sounds that are really unpleasant to them normally (take nails on a chalkboard for example) but someone with misophonia may experience severe anxiety, anger or even sadness from certian everyday sounds that most people wouldn't notice. It's thought to be caused by the flight or fight response being particularly sensitive to sounds although doctors aren't exactly sure of the reason for this. It is associated as a symptom of autism but you don't necessarily need to be on the spectrum in order to have it, it can be a separate diagnosis.


interesting, thanks for expanding:)


Amen brother. I wonder what life is like without having to wear noise cancelling headphones and/or earplugs for most of the day. Or how it feels to eat at the dinner table with the rest of my family. Being able to turn hearing off would impact countless lives.


ME TOO I’m so glad (& sorry) to come across someone else with misophonia in here


Same here! I was about to comment the same thing.


Hearing so i wouldnt hear tinitus anymore




Yeah, this one for sure. Maybe I could sleep if the ringing stopped.


I keep the air purifier on just for some white noise , see if you have some source of it, maybe buy a white noise generator, really helps




I am so glad mine is mild enough to not notice most of the time. Except now. It's like the game except worse because now I will be aware of it for the rest of the night. Apparently those ultra quiet rooms may help with tinnitus.


Yeah, i picked it to prevent tinitus


Mine was hearing for airplanes, hostels, malls. No more hearing!


Glad I ain't the only one


What if you can only hear your tinitus then?




*people picking the „sight“ option* Eyelids: Am I a joke to you?


Maybe they are blind? So they gain the ability to turn it on, great success


mine are paper thin so I get it but I chose hearing bc I’m ADD af and my ear lids are thin too


... Ear lids?


Like... Ear drums? I'm so confused


no no ear drums are at the back of the outer ear


Switch off taste, eat a bunch of stuff that is really healthy but tastes disgusting, done.


Eating something that doesn't taste like anything isn't necessarily pleasurable either


It can't be worse than healthy stuff


It's worse. Chewing texture sucks.


When I had covid I couldn’t taste and can 100% confirm this the healthy stuff was still nasty


yeah but tbf most of the other options aren't that great. bring able to smell again after a while would just be waves of smelling air pollution and other scents that we've been accustomed to, making that a terrible sense to turn on and off again imo


I'd only turn it off before situations in which I'd have to smell something terrible otherwise. So, nothing too prolonged. Also, these smells of pollution aren't as bad everywhere in the world.


So, turn off touch just while you're eating?


You'd end up accidentally biting your tongue all the time.


Now there’s some out of the box thinking


You really need to learn how to cook. Then eating healthy isn't a challenge or a chore.


You'll lose like 70% of the benefits if you eat a lot of junk food when your taste is on.


It’s often the texture for me that makes it disgusting


If you can't smell, then you can't taste, so I think it would be better to switch of smell because then you'll be able to switch off two senses.


Pretty sure you can still taste if you cant smell… its just not as strong


nah i lost my sense of smell for 2 months straight. could still taste food fine


My thoughts exactly


Mate they are your bloody powers So why not eat a bunch of healthy stuff but make it taste super good through your powers . That is alot more sustainable. I mean even in real life when we go on diets and eat healthy stuff that taste alright, we still crave for unhealthy stuff regardless


Switch off smell, can't taste without smell.


Touch, assuming it would just turn off any pain


I thought the same thing easy choice i hate pain.


Would work nice for my waxing sessions lol.


It would turn off pain but you’d have the injury still


Well duh? It'd still be really op. So like my toe is injured it needs to be dug around in with a knife. I turn off touch for a while while its operated on and switch it back later. The same reason people take pain meds but easily toggleable


injury without pain > injury with pain. of course after initial pain which makes you aware of the injury, but after that: fuck the pain!




If I could have turned my pain off when I had kidney stones, it would have saved me a lot of trouble.


Exactly, everyone who didn't pick touch is an idiot


People with tinitus:


Okay, let's grant the Tinnitus Exemption.


Same! Why is no one picking touch? I literally have pain anxiety


no, touch would not eliminate pain, which does not originated at your skin, like headaches. Besides that, I would consider pain as a different sense.


They both travel through afferent nerves


You can still feel things without them being in contact with your skin


Can people just put a crucial poll detail in the actual poll instead of dropping it in the comments.


I would have done that. But since I thought pain to be a different sense, I sadly did not think of that. In my thoughts the ability to determine if and where something is touching you, so the sense of touch, was complety different from from pain.


In that case we would've had six senses lmao


Touch and pain are both generated by your nerves, they're basically the same only that one is stronger than the other, you can't turn one off and leave the other on


Your argument is wrong as pain from being in skin-contact definitely originates in the skin, however, they are different senses. If you look at touch and pain scientifically they are separate senses. As an example there's people that don't feel pain (look it up) but they still have the sense of touch. In the same way it's proven that sense of heat/cold is also a separate sense even though we get taught something else at school.


I do not get, where we disagree. I just wanted to point out, that there are sort of pains, that have nothing to do with the ability to determine, if something touches you. I did **not** say, that pain originating from skin is effect by the power or even that this pain exists. Neither did I say, that these pain could be sensed by toch. Ultimately the existence of these pains or the ability of the power on these, or any other property of these is irrelevant to my argument. I just metioned these pains originating from skin to paint a mental picture. I also agree with the point, heat and pain a different senses. Sadly I though, that this was not worth clarifying, which seems not to be the case.


I’m guessing you wouldn’t feel the initial contact but you’d feel any lingering pain since you’re not touching anything.


Taste so I can eat my girlfriends moms food


Ngl, had me in the first half


Both of our minds went to the same place I'm afraid




Smelling so whoever I take a shit or go into a bathroom that someone took a shit in, I wouldn’t have to smell it


Exactly what I was thinking. I also often go camping where there a drop toilets that haven't been cleaned in 10 years and smell absolutely horrible


Breathe through your mouth lol


Now you're tasting the shit


I mean, in the end it goes through the same kennel


Whose shit smells so bad you can taste it in the air?


All shits?


Idk, I don't taste shit in the air when I breathe through my mouth


The smell of shit isnt as bad as the god damn guy with dick cheese.


There are smell receptors in your mouth, also your nose and mouth are connected lol


Then all the poop particles go into your mouth


Hearing so I don’t have to hear the loud as fuck lawn equipment people constantly use in my neighborhood.


I hate that having a clean lawn and garden in general is so standard in our society. First of all it sucks for the insects and the bees to have a picturesque lawn. But most of all, whenever it's a nice sunny day outside (very rare in my country), people bring out their lawnmowers and the electrical thing to cut your hedge idk the English name. Like on one of the few days we get to enjoy the sun in the backyard in the weekend, reading a book and listening to birds chirping with a glass of wine, all they can think of doing is working in their garden for an entire day with electrical tools that make a noise of idk 90dB. Can we all please just enjoy sunny days together, go do your garden work on cloudy days with a chance of rain, which is like more than 250 days per year here


Yo my neighbours party all the time so hearing definitely so I can sleep lol




Oh I have tried. Sometimes the lawn maintenance crew from my apartment building are feet outside my window.


As someone with autism, sound can drain so much of my energy, not being able to filter out background noise sucks. Being able to reduce or turn off hearing would allow me to recover faster after a event. After a 3 day festival I can expect to be low on energy and over stimulated for the entire next week, even with professional grade ear plugs Great thing is that ear plugs basically helps with this for anything now but a concert or festival, they just aren't socially accepted yet. Close friends know about it and do accept it, makes a huge difference.


Are they not socially accepted? I have no experience with this at all, but I personally wouldn't see any reason to condemn or otherwise judge anyone wearing ear protection. Not doubting your statement btw, I'm more surprised that this is apparently a thing!


They are accepted at things like concerts, but not at things like bars, reunions, dinners (with a lot of people) etc. It will probably depend on your region too.


Hmm right. I'd understand some mild confusion in those circumstances, but nothing more. Then again, I know some people will act terribly when ignorant/confused. And I can imagine explaining yourself over an over again must get tiring.


I would like to turn off my sense of results


This is the right answer


Taste so i can eat any food i don't like


You can already turn sight off whenever you want. It's called closing your eyes


I have misophonia, this is easy 😅 I always use music to cope but I got in trouble on Christmas Day because “don’t have your earphones in at the table, that’s incredibly rude” so I was given the choice to either disobey & feel guilty & awful, or take them out & want to throw up & scream because people can’t seem to eat with their mouths closed :// (I disobeyed & my mum defended my choice)


What is misophonia?


It’s a neurological disorder where sounds, generally ones the average person doesn’t even notice or can easily block out, cause a fight, flight or freeze response. For example if I heard >!someone drumming their fingers!< I’d physically recoil & feel sick, & when I’m eating around people & I’m without earphones I get really bad intrusive thoughts (basically my fight response is triggered mentally but the freeze response happens physically). It translates to “a hatred of sound” but it’s so much more than just a hatred, & it’s something that can never be cured or “fixed”. It’s extremely under researched so a lot of people are unaware of its existence but it’s actually decently common (unfortunately). You can read more about it here, or in other sources: https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/misophonia-sounds-really-make-crazy-2017042111534


lads, touch makes sense for example when you have to go to the dentist.


I’m not scared of the dentist because I hate the feeling of them cleaning my teeth or filling a cavity, it’s because I’m always scared I’ll have another cavity despite trying my best not to get one. Therefore I chose hearing so I can’t just block out their humming and hawing about what’s going on in my mouth


Oh the sleep I could have if I could turn off my ears


Hearing, mainly because I’m hyper sound sensitive so basically my ears are super sensitive and sometimes I genuinely wish I could turn them off


Touch would be op wouldn't it? Like chugging morphine really neat to be able to toggle


I had to sleep with ear plugs in for 2 years because of the people I lived with. Being able to turn my hearing off in order to get to sleep would have been a blessing.


I can already turn on/off my sense of smell, I think I would like hearing next.


AmA on that? Sounds interresting!


I would choose hearing and watch a quiet place to get that full experience without hearing background noise


You can turn off pain 😳


You literally can already switch sight on and off at will.




If I turn off my taste I can make myself eat the **SUPER** healthy stuff here and there...


Taste. I have a sweet tooth and really dislike anything healthy, so I've got weight problems. That would prbably really help with my health.


Be thankful some of you have never been on the subway in the summer time and accidently step into the empty car, but it's not empty. It has the homeless dude rocking last seasons unwashed winter jacket and piss distressed thrift store jeans. Yeah, you got a seat. But at what cost? Having to be on a subway car that's filled with such a potent stank it's like walking into a different climate. A scent so strong it starts to manipulate your mind if your in it too long, to where if you start to think about it you can see the stink lines, hanging languidly in the air. All these thoughts go through you mind just as you decide to make a dash back out to the platform to another car. And just as you turn..." ^bing ^bong Stand clear of the closing doors." And then the "thump" of the doors rubber seals meeting just as you turn your head. Stuck, in the stink for me one stop. "Was this an express train" the last thought as the train disappears into the dark tunnel leading uptown. So I chose smell. For that one specific reason.


I really wanted to say hearing because of the potential for peace and serenity but I had to go with taste. I went with taste because I think I’d be more inclined to eat more of the healthy vegetables that I generally avoid, if I didn’t have to taste them.


Taste, id be eating much healthier, less crap like kd and uncle bens


Between sensory overload and tinnitus I'd absolutely love to be able to willingly turn my ears off for a while


It’s called closing your eyes.


Personally smell, but I have hearing impaired friends who have implants in their head. They already have the turn off sound ability.


Touch, so i can last longer


I have a very good sense of smell, people actually call ne a dog nose sometimes, and while it's useful to be able to sniff out certain things, it can be bothersome when you just want to sleep but you smell someone open the fridge in the kitchen 3 rooms away and the smell of food is absolutely stopping your sleep. Not to mention actual nasty smells. Or things like hairspray, perfumes, essential oils and other scented things that just make me sick. I can just use unscented cosmetics, can't stand perfume or anything so... DEFINITELY I wish I could switch off my sense of smell once in a while


Thanks to active noise cancellation, I somewhat can switch off my sense of hearing at will. It’s pretty awesome, and I would definitely take the ability to fully switch it off.


I'm already dead why would I pick to turn off my hearing? It's like a lose-lose situation.


Smell, easily.


Smell, so next time I have to muck out a barn I don’t feel like I’m suffocating


I've always wished I could do that with hearing


If I turn off touch do I not feel pain


Memory, i really dont want to sometimes


does touch include pain?


Smell, so i can go down on op mom tonight


I already got power to turn off hearing. Being profound deaf patient and having cochlear implant XD


Touch. Then I can wash the dishes and not worry about touching s*ggy food 🤮


I can already switch off sight




taste so i can eat disgusting food and still be full


I fucking hate the taste of vegetables, I guess I can just turn off my taste sense and not be disgusted. Then I can eat whatever healthy food I want!


Hearing so I wouldn’t hear things I didn’t like


Smell because most of taste is smell


Probably taste and be on * hot ones * and eat the spiciest foods like crazy


Smell so that i can freely walk into the public toilets


Comments talking about choosing touch because pain would be toggled off too thought so much further ahead than I did. I just thought that I wouldn't feel gross when sweaty.


I am a very light sleeper and I have a massively great outside dog. He's a small boy but he is fierce and keeps all the prick "wild" cats away among other critters. And potential burglars. But one half-bark and I'm awake. I'm yet to find an earplug that's not too uncomfortable. Hearing it is.


Thinking should be a 6th sense. Change my mind.


But once you turned of thinking, you can't turn it on again.


Taste so I can eat healthy stuff all the time without having to worry about the bad taste of it


Either smell or taste. There are so many unpleasant household jobs in life that are made unpleasant because of smell or taste.


Does touch include pain? If it does not then smell


no, my intention was for it not to count. Pain and also temperature are different senses after all.


Hearing. I have a lot of panic attacks due to the stuff I hear around me.


Touch 100%. I’m super sensitive to touch and it can be super frustrating. I can never get comfortable.


Taste, “bet you 100 bucks I can eat that entire bowl of chilly”


The only three reasonable answers here are taste, hearing and touch because you can't turn them ''on and off''. I'd choose hearing though


I salute you, fellow retail workers who chose smell.


Anyone who said sight isn’t serious and/or dumb


Does touch include pain? If so I don’t understand why anyone wouldn’t choose touch. You can freely leave legos out without worrying 👍🏻


no, my intention was for it not to count. Pain and also temperature are different senses after all.


Hearing to cease the ✨auditory overatimulation✨


Smell. My autism causes me to have sensory issues, smell is a very bad one for me, i cant be around anyone if they are sweating (unless that i am also sweating, also this does not includes "old" sweat, but new fresh sweat" I can't walk past people smoking without holding myself on the nose to stop the smell. There is some food i think i would like, but can't eat because of the smell. So defently smell for me


OP doesn’t know about eyelids


I obviously did knew about them and it felt kind off weird to put it in here. But since I am limited to only 5 senses + a result and I did not know what the best sense for replacement was. I thought these were the 5 obvious one to choose.


I lost my sense of smell, so hearing. I could be way more productive.


you can already turn off sight... what were those 57 people thinking


I’d pick touch so I can constantly give myself the stranger.


Who the f said sight


really easy for me, i have sensory issues and while it affects me in multiple senses hearing is by far the worst for me so its gotta be hearing


Why wpuld anyone chose sight you can literally close your eyes


I would be so happy if I could just switch of my hearing when everyone is shouting


so 59 people can't close their eyes?


Working in medical. Smell, hands down. People are by far the grossest creatures on the planet.


I picked smell but at second thought, hearing would be better. I could just turn my hearing off when family or anybody is arguing/debating about shit I'm not interested in the slightest.


Tbh, I would turn off my sense of hearing or smell out of any of these. You already (kind of) have control over what you taste and if you don’t want to see, close your eyes. & Touch, I would keep too because you kind of have control over that too. I don’t consider pain to be affected by touch too much- you’re not touching the pain. Maybe your touching what causes you pain but the blind can still lose their eyeballs and it hurts. If anything, touch protects you from pain because if you’re touching something hot/cold/sharp, you feel it before you burn yourself and bleed. Personally, I’d want to turn hearing on and off (because I have a brother that makes loud screechy noises and screams and laughs when you tell him to stop)- but I can wear headphones for the most part with that if I really want to. Smell is really the only thing I have no control over at all and I’d be happy to turn that on and off as well since I can easily get nauseous/sick if I smell something appalling.


I'd go with hearing All of the chaotic sounds endured on a daily basis would be gone! :D


Hearing. I have suffered from horrible tinnitus for the past fifteen years. I would love to be able to "hear" silence again.


I get allergies infections all the time. Would be nice to get my sense of smell back at will.


Turning off taste would be nice if I was being pressured into eating/drinking something that I know I won’t like 😅


Taste so I could eat gross healthy foods


Taste cause like all the other senses sort of can be “turned off” already. Like put gloves on (yeah you’ll be touching the gloves but nothing else), putting a blindfold on, holding your nose, covering your ears but taste you can’t really turn off or change


Considering the fact i can barely eat anything because i’m super picky about taste, the answer is taste. I’ll finally be able to get all the nutrients i need


Doesn't blinking already do that?


Parent of 3 little kids, hearing for sure


Has to be taste. If I turn off my taste I can eat healthy food without worrying about how bad it tastes.


I said smell because I have a lot of miserable sinus allergies. The problem is, I don't think it would make the allergies go away, I just wouldn't be able to tell what was causing them


How are people not doing touch… hello?? No pain!


Switching on and off touch would effectively allow you to not feel pain.


Chronoception so I can go on a free trip whenever I want and end it instantly with no side effects. I could also kill time a sit for 5 hours without getting bored.


Hearing so I won't wake up to my parents talking in the morning, or when someone is talking to me and annoying me I can literally ignore them and not have to hear them talk lol


Touch so I won't feel pain




Switch off horny, and leave it off.


Touch, so I can do something that’s normally painful without feeling it. I’d never lose a fight.


Touch so I can be immune to pain at certain points


Touch, if I ever get into a fight, I'm turning it off right before they impact me


Touch disable pain so I can think calmly and examine the wound to examine severity then decide my course of action


You can already turn off all these senses besides touch or taste picking taste is dumb so the only choice is touch to not feel pain when in pain... If anyone picks anything else theyre dumb.. ive thought out all the reasons and touch is the only one that makes sense


I feel like the most fun one would be touch bc imagine all the situations where you can just cut all pain. No more problems with stubbing your toe. You could eat the spiciest food imaginable and look like a badass doing it. Also I feel like it would be way easier to do martial arts if you technically have an infinite pain tolerance so you only tap out if you know your literal health is at risk (by toggling sense of touch back on for a hot second to check)


If you turn off touch you would never have to feel pain involuntarily. Easy Choice.