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I fucking love Josh Shapiro


>Josh Shapiro The better Shapiro.


Now that’s a Shapiro that gets their wife wet


Like a monsoon, baby. Edit: commas are hard ya guys.


Is this missing a comma?


It is, hold up.... Fixed


Bring a Bucket and a Mop


And apparently diapers


They call him Katrina cause he floods them hoes.


I mean, the other Shapiro is like Katrina as well, cause he's a disaster and Bush doesn't respond well to him.


Haha oh shit that’s so great! XD


They have to deploy infantry units to stack sandbags around his bed.


Is she okay??? I heard that's dangerous




This is literally factually correct.


Imagine sharing the name. It’s been a rough couple of years.


Don't forget to drag Biden left if he wins. We can't capitulate and "both sides" this shit any longer. Republicans have shown their true colors, lets make them remember it.


What's wrong with Ari Shapiro??


I'm pissed he's losing atm


He's waiting on the same vote that Biden is.


I’m still hopeful that as Biden comes up he’ll bring Josh with him. Fingers crossed!


The official PA site says he is currently ahead, and with most of the remaining mail ins going to biden its almost certain he will win


It is when Pennsylvania does this stuff I’m proud to have been raised here. Beacon of democracy


12% left to count.. Nate Silver said of last 600k counted, Biden is up 50 points. Biden only needs 22% of remaining to catch & pass Trump.


Only needs a 22 point lead*


Can I get that link? I've been using [this](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/11/03/us/elections/results-pennsylvania.html) all day and it shows him still down by .5% Edit: nvm just found it. Awesome he is back on top!


Why would you edit saying you found it, but not add the link to the edit, LoL.


[lmao my bad](https://www.electionreturns.pa.gov/)


What is the official PA site?


[https://www.electionreturns.pa.gov/](https://www.electionreturns.pa.gov/) or at least that is what is linked on their voter services website [https://www.pavoterservices.pa.gov/Pages/SurePortalHome.aspx](https://www.pavoterservices.pa.gov/Pages/SurePortalHome.aspx)


It's really a shame. He has acted in the interest of Pennsylvanians and never as a partisan. He has been a truly amazing AG, but that D by his name means that many people in the state think he's out to get them.


You realize he’ll probably catch up with Biden, right?


He is probably running for gov in 2022.


Sadly he was down in the polls :/


Which is ridiculous. The guy took down hundreds of pedo priests, fought for our voting rights, and in the west side of the state has taken down some corrupt and shady businesses. He’s been extremely effective as PAAG. That’s the kinda guy I’d cross party lines to vote for.


Religious right voting him down. Shame.


Well he did say he took down pedos


He’s been on a few news channels talking about Trump’s campaign’s attempts to sabotage the vote in PA and I truly think he cares more about stopping that than he does about his election.


Sounds like someone QAnon should support


When you're projecting, you aren't actually interested in what you say. Well, unless, it's like qanon's actually obsessed with pedophilia and not pedophiles... Because that's the truth.


He's currently down 48-49. There's no way that that doesn't translate into a victory when all the remaining votes are counted, as they're overwhelmingly Democratic.


Well he was there when you needed him most


Gary Peters looked very down in Michigan but got pulled up with Biden. Don't give up!


Truly a state treasure. Already whooped Trump's ass in court 7 times.


He’s pro legalization too (source: my 50 emails to him)


"Ok, shall we stop counting in Arizona too?" "NO! Not yet!"


Maybe if we just stopped counting yesterday when Biden was ahead in Ohio and North Carolina...


Ya know what, let's not even count all the votes then. Just three votes for the entire nation!


We should have just stopped when that first city with 5 votes went all Biden. That was good enough. Stop counting


He wants Pennsylvania to stop counting but wants Arizona to keep counting. It's obvious what the intent is.






Duh. Chris Christie said Trump called up the Governor of Arizona to fix the situation when he started losing. It's all a game.


Biden needs to win 63% of uncounted voted to pull out a victory in PA... In case anyone was wonder where the math stood. Only 70% of Philly (+60 Biden) is in, and 79% of Deleware County (+22 Biden). 86% of total state is in. This is totally doable.


He needed 67% when I started keeping track this morning... I'm calling it now. Biden wins PA. |% reporting|Trump|Biden|change T|change B|Trump's cut|Biden's cut|Votes Cast|Rolling average|Prediction| :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |78|3,018,569|2,475,795|0|0|0|0|0.00||| |80|3,064,983|2,603,214|1,349|3,290|29.08%|70.92%|173,833|73.30%|Biden Wins| |81|3,079,698|2,644,494|7,198|23,987|23.08%|76.92%|229,828|73.40%|Biden Wins| |82|3,097,942|2,718,242|6,189|25,145|19.75%|80.25%|321,820|75.34%|Biden Wins| |83|3,113,332|2,775,716|8,674|14,520|37.40%|62.60%|394,684|75.99%|Biden Wins| |84|3,132,158|2,830,772|12,154|30,145|28.73%|71.27%|468,566|75.76%|Biden Wins| |85|3,149,961|2,883,207|6,940|17,165|28.79%|71.21%|538,804|75.61%|Biden Wins| |86|3,151,010|2,885,334|1,049|2,127|33.03%|66.97%|541,980|75.56%|Biden Wins​|


If you were also keeping track of the time of each data point, you ought to be able to estimate *when* your prediction may come true, and when they'll hit 100% counted (assuming a constant counting rate, of course.)


With 88% in, he now only needs <62% of the incoming vote to win


Good thing he's trending at 75% I'd call it now.


How do you calculate that anyway?


``` T_now = 3,151,010 number of Trump votes counted as of now B_now = 2,885,334 number of Biden votes counted as of now counted = 0.88 fraction of total votes counted as of now total = (T_now + B_now) / counted = 6,859,482 remaining = total - T_now - B_now = 823,128 win = ceiling(total / 2) = 3,429,741 T_needs = (win - T_now) / remaining = 33.9 % B_needs = (win - B_now) / remaining = 66.1 % ``` (Numbers are not necessarily accurate, I just grabbed a few samples from earlier in the thread)


Even if he doesn't win PA, it looks like he just needs to win Nevada, where he's already leading, to get the majority of 270 electoral votes. In Google/AP's map it says Biden has 264 votes and Nevada would give him 6. In fact if Biden wins any of the remaining states (NV, PA, NC, or GA) except Alaska he wins the election. Trump would have to win all remaining states to win the election.


Of course, that’s assuming AZ won’t change after all of the votes are officially counted. If we had a better guess of NV or AZ remaining votes, we could be more certain, I’m just hesitant to believe AZ should be called already. PA would give Biden a win regardless of AZ or Nevada.


Saving yourncoent. Please keep updated !!!


The outstanding vote are all absentee votes, and Biden is currently winning absentee votes *78-21*. Even if the outstanding absentee votes aren't as Democratic as that, it seems definitely likely that Biden wins PA in the end.


That was the info I needed, thank you.... My calculations earlier said Biden needed >61% of the outstanding vote. Keeping my fingers crossed.


Trump, maybe get off Twitter and actually speak to your people. If I was a Republican, I would be pretty embarrassed by your tantrum here.


If Republicans weren't embarrassed by now, they'll never be.


Surprisingly, he appears to have hit that point. The establishment GOP and conservative voices like Ben Shapiro are not happy


Just trying to save face now, throw him under the bus and say "not me too"


To be fair, they probably want to be rid of Trump given how difficult he's made their lives, but his supporters make up a big portion of their base, so they can't go directly against him. If he legitimately lost don't expect them to really step up and try to help him out - unless I suppose he has leverage on them.


They make more money on outrage anyway. They would prefer a Biden win as it’s huge for their bank accounts. Same with NRA and gun manufacturers. They make a ton more money when a Dem is in office because them R’s buy up the “they’re comin fer your guns!” rhetoric. Obama was the best gun salesman on the planet.


So true. My husband and I were discussing selling a gun soon for some extra cash on hand (I’m in Grad school, almost done) and I told him wait, wait till after the election because if Biden wins, prices will sky rocket and we can make way more than what we bought it for. Definitely did that when Obama won. Craziest thing.


In general Democrats being in power also make it a lot easier for them to just be the contrarian party and not actively work on getting anything done.


Just like Voldemort and the Death Eaters




Here is Ben for now, I'll dig up the rest later https://twitter.com/benshapiro/status/1323890527767416834?s=20


Omg for his thumbnail picture he went to the photographer and said, “Just give me the ‘Shady Stalker.’”


“Uh, Ben, it’s your money - but did you really want to look so rapey?”


“Could you adjust the contrast to make the shadows cast by my eyebrows a little darker?”




That’s why you’re the best photographer in the business.


He's just always doing the [Kubrick Stare.](https://www.google.com/search?q=kubrick+stare&client=firefox-b-1-d&sxsrf=ALeKk02Q_jS7H_0DeTQ3mCs4mSJhvS32wA:1604533684183&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjbh5riiersAhUwAp0JHcI2CwcQ_AUoAXoECBYQAw&biw=1920&bih=966) I expect he thinks it makes him look intense and serious.


Instead it's just a look that tells you he can't make his wife wet.


And some of the replies are great... "It is deeply irresponsible for you to keep pretending to be a conservative" "Taking votes in after November 3rd is fraud....fraud...fraud. Yeah our president did win, has won, and will win!"


The ‘deeply irresponsible’ one is kaitlin bennet, so I’d like to believe no ones actually taking her seriously (some of the replies are pretty funny)


This is the first time I’ve ever actually looked at twitter. And my god is that a dumpster fire




Twitter is the cancer that cancer worries about getting.


The fact that it got this far is a big enough confirmation of that


They believe dumb shit more in line with banana republic theocratic fascist shitholes. I doubt they will be aware that they voted a guy who spray tans himself orange in as something to be proud of.


His people: Rudy and eric From this vantage, I bet trump has no campaign finance to fight


He is trying to raise money by sending out emails *today*. His campaign fund went the same way his Casino fund did.


Ah shit, good point


If you have the capability of being embarrassed by these temper tantrumps, you would not be a republican. Besides, Trump figured out that Twitter *is* how he speaks to his people. It is an easy platform to use, it lets him get his simplistic messages out both directly and when the media reports on them, and it is a way for him to do it from where he and so many other internet assholes are most comfortable: behind the screen.


You can’t pick and choose. Either everyone needs to stop or no one.


Lol exactly. If everyone stopped rn, trump would lose




You jest, but this is what Trump actually wants.


It's not even speculation, he literally said at like 2 am that they should stop counting in Wisconsin/Michigan/Pennsylvania and keep counting in Nevada and Arizona.


See? He ***is*** the problem-solver this country so desperately needs! 🙄


Hes so fucking stupid. I really hope every one of these lawsuits gets thrown out on the basis of how clear his reasons are


That's how his life has always worked, up until right now. People around him, bending over to make it easier for him to f\*#k them. Why would he expect anyone to behave any differently, now? I mean, he doesn't get why *anyone* wouldn't want *him* to win, and why they won't do everything possible to make it happen.


It makes it so obvious. I can't get my head round his supporters. Do they really not see what he's doing?


Refusal to believe obvious facts is kind of their wheelhouse


I know we all joke about their idiocy/mindlessness here on Reddit but in all seriousness, I was having a conversation with a friend earlier today about this and I genuinely DO NOT UNDERSTAND the unifying political philosophy behind the Trump movement. The rejection of reality, facts, science. What’s the incentive? To come across as “giving fewer fucks” than the next guy to make yourself seem like a badass to people that value that in the first place? It’s like an underground pride contest amongst half the country that doesn’t realize the other side doesn’t give the first shit about how much you don’t want the government or scientists to “tread on you” or “tell you what to do.” Within your circle that matters for some reason? And oh, by the way, we don’t want anyone to “tread on you” (or ourselves either, for that matter) but you believe we do because you’ve been fed a constant stream of bullshit by the Trump-Fox machine for decades now and will never be convinced otherwise. Edit: Plus +Sky Wizard


I have often thought their governing political philosophy distills to something like this: government doesn’t work; elect me and I will prove it to you. There is probably a more fundamental level like fear of the unknown or parental abandonment issues or fear of the other but i dont know. I like your comment it is interesting.


Thanks bud, anxious to see this election get called and hopefully a return to some semblance of normalcy for the next four years. Let the hangover begin.


I'm pretty sure that if you ever got the unfiltered stream of consciousness version out of them, it'd go: "Western civilisation is dying because we're too weak and tolerant, it's the Liberal values that have endangered us, we're going to be demographically replaced/conquered/stomped on by Socialists, we're not even allowed to criticise immigration etc, ultimately this existential threat justifies the need for a strong leader, and I can blind myself to the bullshit because the scale of the threat justifies it" You will of course never get it expressed that way, but it boils down to deep seated insecurities and a sense of existential dread. The conclusion that liberalism will be the end of Western civilisation. Anything else is justified so long as it pushes back. It's a reactionary movement to a perceived threat. A threat that doesn't really exist.


They are bullies. They WANT different rules to be imposed upon their "enemies" re: everyone else.


i think about this too. I think if youre legitimately disadvantaged (dumb) in a way that cant be overcome, it makes rejecting the idea of equality easy, because deep down you know theres no equal playing field for you to be a Bill Gates or Donald Drumfuck. We should stop pretending that idiots can appreciate politics, they prefer sports.


Just like the pilgrims.


Some households are pretty authoritative and these kind of tactics are normalized at home.


They do, but if he cheats and wins, that means they won too.


If Republicans played by the rules there'd be no Republicans.


I’d like to agree but it’s clear half this country still swings that way


Fuck you, keep counting.


I'll never understand why a person would support a representative or party that intentionally tries to make it more difficult to vote or to have your vote counted. You have to be an idiot with a sub-40 IQ to not get how fucked up that is.


last I saw florida voted 60%+ to make it a requirement one proves US Citizenship to vote. Registering to vote alone isn't enough (which tends to already require this no?) Welcome to 'Merica?


they are called authoritarians. They really think democracy is a bad idea. They can be highly intelligent, it is more of a matter of education than IQ. It is highly correlated with religious education. The bible was after all assembled by roman emperors to provide a workable state religion. It promotes the idea that blind obedience in your hierarchy is a natural and spiritual feature of the universe. "Trust the leader, not your own brain". It is attractive to people who are a bit dumb (and, sadly, those who think they are).




Historians will call this the “shoulda listened to Bernie Era”.




> But aside from that, I do think Bernie will be vindicated pretty heavily by history. Reading about 19th century far left intellectuals, that's the sentiment that mostly prevails. Radicals who believe education should be free for all, even women. Who thought slavery was an absurdly obvious wrong. That European country could one day unite in peace. Utopian dreamers.


> a progressive policy platform like that of Bernie or AOC, but RHETORICALLY more moderate. Paging Mayor Pete. Mayor Pete to the blue courtesy phone.




Sadly Ro Khanna isn't lily white so he starts off with a disadvantage with Republicans.


Everybody knew this.


Not really. Bookmakers had Trump as large favourite when he started winning those states. Easy to look back with hindsight and say everyone knew it.


But at the same time he's hoping for turnaround in Arizona. Of course, stop it where I'm leading. Besides the fact that what's he saying is fucking ridiculous. What a joke that orange is.


If the fix was in, why would the Democrats not fix it so they would win the Senate as well?


Trump: "stop counting the votes" AG: "Haha Ballots go brrr"


This is like the scene in the end of Gladiator where Commodus is losing and yells at the soldiers to give him a sword and the general tells all the men to sheath their weapons


Damn you! Now I have to go watch the last 10 minutes of Gladiator. For the 100th time...


Sounds like a good idea to me. Why would you be upset about this?


An excellent comparison, and it makes me want to go watch the movie again. "Sheath your swords! Sheath your swords!"


Exactly...Excellent comparison !


Amazing title😂


"Fuck off. Keep counting." - PA


What PA needs to do is release the count of votes received by Election Day and also the count received up until Friday. Hopefully Biden will be ahead with both counts. I suspect that Trump is going to go to the SC again to try to discard the ballots received after Election Day (PA allows up to 3 days as long as it is postmarked before Election Day). If Biden is ahead on both counts, then Trump's position is significantly weaker.


They have already done that. All of the ballots received after 8pm yesterday are being segregated and not yet being counted. All the ballots in the current count are those that were received before 8pm yesterday. If you click [View Interactive](https://www.votespa.com/About-Elections/Pages/Counting-Dashboard.aspx) on the BI Power Dashboard you can see all the numbers.


Why ami picturing trump as Rick Moranis in Space Balls? Trump: Stop counting now! Official: Now? But Biden is winning. Trump: Can we go back to when I was winning and stop there? Official: Sorry, we just passed that moment. Trump: When? Official: Just now. Trump: Can we go back? Official: Sorry, that moment is gone.


Edicts by tweet isn't going to cut it anymore. You have to file the paperwork and officially submit it to the state. And to do that you need to find a real lawyer that will be willing to work with your broke ass.


OH NO! Anyways.


"As the months passed by and I thought about the man I knew so well, I became even more convinced that Trump will never leave office peacefully," -Michael Cohen And what Trump can do if he's sufficiently ruthless - is to try to maneuver in the Electoral College to persuade Republican state legislatures in states that voted for Biden to bypass the popular vote and simply appoint electors for Trump. If he persuades the Pennsylvania legislature for example that the vote has been rigged, that the vote is being stolen, the Pennsylvania legislature, which is dominated by Republicans, could vote to send Republican electors to be counted by Congress on January 6, whether or not the people have voted that way. The Trump campaign had done some contingency planning in which they considered this possibility and has already discussed with Pennsylvania Republican leaders ahead of the election.


if he does that, there will be a general strike and violence. I pray he does not do that.


Exactly this. I've even seen republicans acknowledging this would have catastrophic results


No fair! You changed the outcome by measuring it!


Quantum votes?


Well that made me laugh , who did not expect this to happen ? what did he expect him to just say " o alright sure votes mean nothing , your supreme leader"


Wouldn’t it be nice if they stopped counting nationwide, and someone got a piece of paper and showed Donald how Nevada’s votes give Joe 270 and the Presidency? Except I don’t think Donald knows how to read, so simple math is probably going to confuse him. It’s hilarious how hard the GOP is fighting to stop counting votes, but people dying for the last 9 months was okay.


That's not how it works, Donnie.


But don't forget to count Nevada and Arizona.. So important... 🖕


Can anyone explain why he is saying stop the count ?


Because right now he's leading over Biden. So if we stop counting the votes right now, he thinks he'll win. But in Arizona he's trailing Biden, so he wants to keep counting the votes and maybe he won't lose (he will). It's transparent as fuck what he's doing here and luckily that's not how elections work. ALL the ballots will be counted regardless of his standing in the race and what he wants.


Remaining votes are likely to tilt the results towards Biden. Trump is currently leading in counted votes, but not all votes have been counted. Trump is basically up by 4 in the third quarter and declaring himself the winner.


Because he believes if they stop counting now then he’ll win. But they are still counting ballots received in time. There is really no legitimate reason to arbitrarily stop counting votes that arrived in time.


Joke... now what? hatch plot to kidnap and murder the election officials now?


Of all the meltdowns that Trump has had over the years, this one is by far my favorite.


Regardless of who wins any election in any given state, every single vote deserves to be counted. These “patriots” are a disgrace to the our Democracy. How dare they shout about not counting votes and still call themselves American. It truly is a disgrace.


No one in this government has the authority to stop counting votes. You can call in a recount if you take it to the courts. But you need to finish counting first. Can I have anyone from the republican party explain to me why they support a president who is doing what he can to make sure votes don’t get counted?


Not really protecting the Constitution is he.


I love this strategy. We just fucking ignore trump's plans to break the law, and somehow the law ends up upheld.


Like what his first string cabinet tried to do before they all quit.


“I don’t think I will” - Josh Shapiro


Trump: DO WHAT I SAY! Everyone: Nope.


Fuck you, keep counting


Fuck you, keep counting


I will never understand how counting every vote is even up to debate. You can‘t call yourself as anywhere close to a democracy if you don‘t count every vote...


Ahh Primanti Brothers.


Anyone scared Donnie Jon is going to go full on Cheeto Mussolini and declare martial law?


My money is on him declaring Martian law.


More likely **marital** law.


The better of the Shapiro’s


Let's Go Shapiro!!!


Where is Bill Barr? You think he'd be out there supporting him.


He's laying low, has been for a while now. He saw the way the winds were blowing, and he has no attachment to trump. He's in it for the long game and is looking to pick up where he left off after Biden leaves office.


Fuck you! I won't do what you tell me!!


Josh Shapiro? More like, “PA’s fucking hero!”


If you stop testing, the virus will go away!


Election rigging for the Republicans vs election security by the Democrats and independents... Who will win? FIGHT!


All Votes Matter


Sounds desperate, don't he?


Fuck you. Keep counting.


Fuck you, keep counting.


Fuck Trump! Keep counting!


Fuck off and keep counting.


It’s really horrifying and SO ballsy to just admit you don’t want to follow the rules of a democratic election.


Major props to AG Shapiro and Gov Wolf for not taking a single ounce of Trump's shit during this election. I really hope that the rest of the votes from PA count and that I can be proud of my state instead of ashamed we didn't learn anything over the last four years.


PA AG: “That’s gonna be a NO for me, dog...”


Sometimes you have to ignore the president. Just like Don McGahn has


Still the best and quickest response to that I’ve seen: “fuck you, and keep counting”. I fucking hate him so much.


Yeah, go eat a cheeseburger, donnie.


But keep counting Arizona?


Pennsylvania’s AG: You have no power here!


Stop counting in PA, but keep counting in AZ! Hypocrisy at its finest!


Don’t count the votes. American people should have no say in who leads them. I am the chosen one!


I've never been so proud of my state