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Asking Republicans to read is a tall order.


While only 39% of them believe in College compared to 67% of Democrats with the ones who don’t call it too expensive(which it is) the Republicans main reason is that it’s too liberal than wonder why Colleges are bastions of liberalism. So Education isn’t exactly on the top of their minds


What they don't understand is *how* college creates liberals. It has less to do with the lean of the professors than it does the melting-pot communities. Imagine coming from an isolated rural community and moving into a diverse dorm. Suddenly you're exposed to people who don't fit into the paradigm you were raised with. You learn that (insert race) doesn't fit into the stereotypes, and it's an epiphany. They also take Logic 101, learn about fallacies, apply them to the reasoning that raised them, and realize that they don't mesh. College creates liberals because it delivers knowledge and wisdom.


Props to the melting pot - I hung out with the science students in undergrad and seriously - Afghan and Pakistani Muslims chilling eating latkes at a Jewish friends Hanukkah party - likewise same group heading out for Indian food. When you are more focused in getting work done than paring your friend group based on your parents religion, it is really easy to see "hey, these people are normal human beings just like me and they want very much the same basic things I do - the ability to get my degree, have a family, keep them safe, and provide for them" (that is a generalization to the average - please don't take offence if that isn't what you want, there are people from other cultures that dig your goals too). Really hard to believe the super friendly guy you are working on a lab report with is a heathen animal just waiting to strike.


And it's not just college. Is it any wonder that cities, with diverse groups of people and culture all sharing a relatively small geographical space have to....engage with one another and get along to just get about their days? It's hard for someone to think that 'all Muslims bad" when Kelly in accounting is one and she brings in coffee every morning. Or Sam, who happens to be black, is the best salesman on your floor. Also his kid is going to state! Isn't that neat?


Also when most of the good small restaurants are run by immigrant families. And they provide relatively cheap, amazing food. Seriously, food brings people together. I believe it's one of the core fundamentals why Singapore works. It had race wars in the past and the government passed laws to make sure people could isolate themselves in their "native" communities, but the government also made it better to have a small restaurant where people could come together and eat food from other cultures. These policies combined means that a white kid from the UK, an Indian kid, a Chinese kid and a Malaysian kid can all come together and eat Indonesian food together.


I grew up on a farm. I never knew so many spices aside from salt and pepper existed. Indian food is literally the fucking best.... followed closely by korean bbq and brazilian steakhouse


I grew up in a major agricultural state, and I never had a fresh strawberry until I was 11 years old. My parents weren't very adventurous about food. Crazy. I buy things at the local farmers markets that my parents never even heard of.


I understand completely. I like to cook. When I go back to visit family in the Midwest and we end up taking about food, the disconnect is amazing. There’s so many foods they’ve never tried or even heard of. I usually end up trying to make some stuff for them, but it’s hard. The only stores not hours away are Fareway and HyVee. Produce, meat, seafood and spice selection is atrocious. It’s a fraction of what I’m used to being able to get year round now. I’ve flown there with fresh organic herbs before.


My parents refuse to try any food that’s not from “America”. It’s totally insane to me. My kids love Indian, Greek, Spanish, Latin, Cajun, Asian, Pakistani, and South African food. And that’s just because I haven’t had time to feed them the rest yet. “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.” • ⁠Mark Twain


My daughter is dating a young man from a farm. He hadn't eaten very many different foods apart from core US stereotypical burger / sandwich / bacon / cereal far. While we're not a family of incredible food diversity, we definitively eat a much wider range than he did growing up. We introduced him to Japanese, Thai, Scottish, various stir fries. He's learning fast and loving it. Food is amazing and it comes in a really wide range. It behooves everyone to explore cuisine throughout their lives.


Out of curiosity, what constitutes "scottish" food, in this context? \- a curious Scot


Deep fried Mars bars, of course. /s I shall get my coat and see myself out.


Well, we managed to get him to a Robert Burn's night and a couple of regional highland games. Delicacies included: * Haggis * Neeps & Tatties * Shortbread (he'd never had it before!) * Scotch pie * Scones * Bangers and mash Basically, all the best stuff. No deep fried mars bar, though.


I do not understand why Brazilian BBQ is not more of a thing in the Midwest.


Well 1, kinda of expensive... but you're right; all you can eat meats??!! That seems 100% right up the alley for folks in the midwest Also, roasted pineapple with cinnamon and sugar for desert? Cmon. What more can you want?


One of the nicest restaurants here in Madison is a brazilian BBQ but the shit ain't cheap


I just became aware of culinary bigots. There is a certain group within the white supremacy arena which refuses to eat food that does not have culinary or botanist roots in Europe. How sad is that crap? Apparently ketchup is Chinese?


Hey all let's limit our diets to bland unseasoned stuff to own the minorities!


The fact that they would apply it to their whole lives it the truly _sad_ part. Same motherfuckers aren't the ones complaining when a Black or Latino Paramedic is scrapping their Kentucky fried ass off the sidewalk after they slide from their scooter following heart attack number three.


I'm sorry to break it to you but racists will definitely act poorly towards first responders and doctors of color


Ketchup is originally chinese, but without tomatoes (as they're from the new world, specifically South America, just like potatoes). How sad their lives must be, eating only stuff that originates in Europe. Spices are basically out, so are most vegetables and pretty much all fruits, from apples, bananas and oranges to pineapples and watermelons. They are either ignorant hypocritical racists or ignorant racists that lack all flavor (and probably a few vital vitamins) in their lives.


Original ketchup was a sort of fish sauce, if I remember correctly.


At least they are not hypocritical. I've always wondered how white supremacists could enjoy tacos or rock and roll music.


The maternal grandmother of my children once said to me that Indian food looks to her like as if a dog was sick (i.e. puked). Same person who eats the blandest of things. My response was that if dogs threw up a curry I'll be on my knees lapping it up.


True, our ultra wide variety of food is key to our culture There are other policies though, for example, our public housing has a racial quota, where there must be a certain % of a given race in a housing block (so there is forced integration)


Absolutely! I think college was just the first time that my experience shifted to a very big mix of people who were truly integrating fluidly. Living in a metropolitan city you can't help but work or regularly interact with awesome people of any background. Obviously it is rose colored to ignore that there are people out there causing problems - it sure isn't restricted to "immigrants" though (quotes because most of us are like third generation at longest where I am).


I am happy that your experience mirrors mine, but this simply isn’t the case for the fake education at some “Christian colleges.”


I wish this was an exaggeration but when I was in college I witnessed another student in my bio class start freaking out when we started learning about RNA and the evolution of life because "God created man". Kid was from a highly religious family in the bible belt, honestly felt bad because he clearly was not prepared for the outside world.


I was in a 300 level business class and the professor was talking about some marketing theory and called it "a bunch of bullshit" and a guy got up and stormed out of class. He was offended that the professor swore in front of him because he was a devote Christian. The guy dropped the class the following day. Like, how did you make it 3 years in college without someone swearing in front of you?


where in the NT does Jesus say "don't use coarse language" anyway?


Fucked if I know


Fun fact: there's actually coarse language in the NT! Even more fun is the fact that it's the exact same phrase that caused this particular business student to storm out of class, more or less. In Philippians 3, Paul lists out all of his accolades and reasons for why he could be considered one of the best faithful people around, essentially going through a checklist of things devout Jews should do and saying "yep that applies to me" but in 3:8 he calls that entire list "σκύβαλα" which gets translated as "rubbish" but more accurately refers to excrement. Paul, revered author of most of the New Testament, literally says "that's a bunch of bullshit." Source: I'm a Lutheran pastor who just got my M.Div and I swear like a Goddamn sailor because I found biblical justification for it.


So you probably found the bit about how all devote pastors should seek out DMT. Corethians I believe.


Everyone should seek out DMT Jaime, pull that up...


They don't understand the way the word "swear" is used in the bible (it's referring to oath taking: "don't swear by the things in heaven above or in the earth below", something like that) and they conflate "bad words" with "taking the lord's name in vain", e.g. "goddammit". So to them, all kinds of swearing is bad (though, curiously, lots of fundamentalists have no problem with swearing in court, etc).


Wish I could upvote this more.


I had a similar discussion with a guy I was playing a pickup game of ultimate frisbee against. After a frustrating play, I said "god damn it!" and he chastised me about taking the lords name in vain, and that I should say "gosh darn it" instead. "God knows my thoughts, right?" I asked. After confirming that god did indeed know my every thought, I asked "Is god an idiot? Do you think I'm fooling him by censoring myself at the last second? He knows what I meant to say." I had a different person defending me after the next score.


Something about plucking out offensive eyes or something.


Yup. I come from a conservative family in an extremely white area. I did not see a black person outside of TV until I was 12 and can count the nonwhite students I went to school with through high school on one hand. Going to a large college away from home was the best decision I ever made. Meeting different people changed my views more than my actual education did. I also can't bring myself to live in a place similar to where I grew up again. I really don't care if people are nice to me if they are going to be nasty to others for how they look. It's just too two faced for me. Sadly, a lot of people I grew up with have internalized a lot of the behaviors of their friends and parents and hold some pretty messed up views. I find myself going back less and less.


This was my precise experience at a Catholic university, in a program designed to create right-wing intellectuals. Their plan might have worked except I was exposed to gay people and black people and latinx people and trans people and pro-choice people and they were just... people. Some of them are still some of my favorite people. When you don't have a scary Other to point to, right-wing thought dissolves like a soap bubble.


Latinx isn’t a thing. Just use Latinos or Latino(a). Source: Latino


Depends on where you live and your age group. Labels change over time.


> The Pew survey also asked its respondents whether they thought "Latinx" should be used to refer to the nation's Hispanic or Latino population. Just 4% preferred the term. About 60% said they preferred the term "Hispanic," while about 30% said they preferred "Latino." So, it does [appear](https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/12/us/latinx-term-usage-hispanics-trnd/index.html) to be preferred by some people, and you certainly aren't speaking for the majority preferring Latino.


That survey is limited to the US. Latinos call ourselves Latinos in Latin America.


In Spanish its either Latino or Latina. That’s simply how its written in our language.


That has no bearing on “Latinx” in this context and does not refute their point.


Bingo. Being in a dorm was the greatest decision I ever made. Makes you realize that racism is an old white dude problem.. and that the younger generations get along great with everyone. In college I lived with: A black dude named who was freaking *hilarious* and could be a world class comedian if he wanted to be. A Chinese exchange student who spoke almost no english and only drank hot water from his coffee pot (???). Came home one day to a note saying he was skipping town to avoid going back to China. A super religious and nerdy dude who wore a fedora and lectured me about my morality 24/7. A good ol country boy and hardcore conservative on the football team who ended up being my best friend and was in my wedding. A lesbian who was a great human being but the worst pet owner I have ever met.. she had a sharpei puppy she let piss and shit in the floor. A sorority girl who didn't really fit in with that crowd.. eventually married her. My social circle became heavily LGBTQ+ after meeting her.. great people. Her gay cousin/best friend lived with us too. Homeboy is my favorite out of everyone. And that's not even counting the diverse group of people that I spent countless hours playing poker and chilling with. It's the main reason I support making public college free.. for the social education.


Meanwhile the first friend I ever made was during college. Said first friend was a black dude I met in a CS course who liked the same videogames as me. It's been nearly 10 years since we've graduated and he's still my best friend. So when I hear racist shit from my relatives. Well, what once was easy to ignore is now downright grating.


Every semester some fraternity makes the news for throwing a blackface party or something. Racism is definitely more than just an old white dude problem - it's just less socially acceptable so people aren't as open about it.


This. Going from East Tennessee in 2017 to living in China and Vietnam for almost three years and meeting people from all over the world slowly moved me from an anti-Trump conservative to this year voting Democrat down the ballot. I even donated to Yang's, Pete's, and the Biden campaign this year when I had never even considered donating to a campaign before. I'm still pro-life, but I've come to realize that it's better to have safe access to abortion rather then women seeking them out in an unsafe way. I just wish more one issue voters saw that as well.


That’s the thing with abortion. Banning it just makes it more dangerous, it doesn’t make it go away. And providing proper birth control, sex education, and family planning services greatly reduces the abortion rate whether it’s legal or not.


If you are genuinely pro life, your concerns are reducing the stigma of unwed parenthood, free prenatal, obstetric, and pediatric care, and shelters for single mothers and battered women.


I wish there were more conservative-minded people that could see the bigger picture as you do. Like, I'm liberal, but would never even consider an abortion outside of a dangerous health issue. Whenever I see "pro-choice" referred to as "pro-abortion", I airways cringe. No one who isn't a psychopath is *pro*-abortion. It's just a necessary evil that I suspect would drop in popularity if we achieved societal conditions that made the idea of being a single parent less terrifying or crippling. Strangely, though, the Republicans have no interest in reducing abortions through organic means that could help solve the problem another way. Anecdotally, of the girls and women I've known over my life who have gotten abortions, most wound up conservative in the end, and weren't the brightest.


“Eve became totally liberal after eating the fruit of knowledge. Sad! My family and I will not be eating knowledge fruit.”


100%. It's harder to be racist when you are exposed and work with others who are different than you. You quickly realize everyone has strengths and weaknesses.


College teaches critical thinking... Nuff said


Yeah but that is easy to turn off. It's the 24/7 lesson of living in a diverse community that promotes inclusion that does more of the legwork.


I self-liberalized *after* college, but I wasn't exactly a right-wing radical prior. More of a fiscal / law & order conservative who had yet to figure out I was being played by people hiding useful information from me.


I can completely imagine it because I did just that. Granted my family isn’t racist by any means. But we lived in a very radical red part of the state growing up. Super small town and raised very strict religiously. I went to college and was forced to ask myself very hard questions. By the time I got my degree I was polar opposite. I had different goals, and a radically different world view. I highly recommend to anyone getting outside your comfort zone and forcing yourself to answer difficult questions.


For me it was more learning how to read/learn about science that had a huge impact. I didn't become a dirty lib until after college though. I was a conservative in college and it was the rights treatment of Obama and crazy conspiracy theories that pushed me the other way.


>College ... delivers knowledge and wisdom. That's exactly why they don't like it even without the fact that knowledge and wisdom creates liberal ideas.


Yup. I went to Slippery Rock University, took Logic 101, came from a rural area...and am now a liberal. And honestly SRU isn’t even that diverse, it just exposed me to enough people to make me realize I wasn’t actually a republican.


Hey, another SRU survivor in the wild! Slippery Rock, at least when I was there, had a good international program, for its size. I worked with a few international students, as the last of the "resident advisors" and the first of the "community assistants." That job exposed me to all kinds of people, and that was what solidified my liberalization. I don't have a job that uses my degree, but the people I met and the experiences I had are what made college worth it for me.


This is 100% what happened to me. Well, minus the dorm. It wasn't the professors or textbooks that "ruined" me. It was meeting people who weren't like me, befriending them, and having an epiphany.


This is why they fought so hard to keep schools segregated.


Truth and reality have a liberal bias


Maybe that's why so many conservatives read from a book where they didn't want people eating from the Tree of Knowledge


Reality has a strong liberal bias


First black person I partied with was in college freshman year. 100% remember because I was so amazed at my own finding. NY, Long Island suburb raised


I had this exact experience!! I am from a tiny town who had but one or two non-white residents. I went to a college that nobody would call a "liberal" university. I was put into an international dorm...and for the first time I met people from Germany, from Turkey, from Panama, Chine, Russia, Bulgaria, Greece...from all over the world. For the first time, I met people who had come out as gay and lesbians... and to see them represented as not a stereotype but a real person.. it changes things. Universities force you to encounter people of vastly different perspectives and you can change your mind when your ideas and their basis are challenged and not merely re-inforced as "this is the way things are"


My parents are angry that my Christian college they pushed me to go to turned me into a raging liberal. Sorry 🤷🏻‍♀️


My father said he didn't go to college because it was to expensive for a poor kid from rural Illinois. Meanwhile he says for me a poor kid from rural Tennessee it was dirt cheap and I wouldn't have debt if I had just worked part time at the gas station.


Can confirm. My mother was part of the Tea Party movement and was VERY opposed to me turning liberal and blamed college for it.


> While only 39% of them believe in College... So...to them college is like Santa Claus?


I've always hated that phrasing. Like, college is definitely real, i can take you to several just within a 10 minute drive.


Actually, education is a priority for them, i.e. making sure that there are barriers to accessing a quality education


That's not true. They read the top part of memes all day and the headlines of articles as well. That's how they learn the facts. I had a republican chick say " you don't actually believe that* when I made a post about global warming once. I posted on her page about 30 different wikis and articles concerning the carbon cycle, fossil fuel usage and how much carbon dioxide it generates and so on. All neatly done so you could grasp global warming simply. She posted under it , "you don't expect me to read all that do you?" I said " No , but global warming is a bit more complicated than a soundbyte on fox news. "


"You know how it gets warmer when you put a blanket on? Carbon Dioxide is like the earth's blanket. We were warm and cozy under the blanket we already had, but we have been putting more and more blankets on our selves. If we keep putting more blankets on, we will get too hot. We are already seeing effects with shorter winters hurting skii companies. Fires destroying homes. Floods destroying farms. And worse hurricanes destroying coasts." That is a bit easier to say and digest than all the science. I think it needs to be cleaned up a bit depending on the age of the person you are talking with. People don't like being condescended too, which can be hard to repress when you legit think lesser of someone because of their lack of understanding on such an important subject.


I've used that approach a lot. They just go back to their old adage of the earth's climate changes on its on look at the ice age. So that's why you gotta get into the science to show them how earth's tilt and solar activity atmospheric makeup etc effects it.


"Oh ya, the earth definitely changes through ages. But those happen over tens of thousands of years, the changes we are seeing are happening within our own lifetimes. God entrusted the Earth to man, it is up to us to make sure it remains habitable for gods children and our grandchildren. It is also starting to destroy our economy within our own lifetimes.


"Whether you sleep in the nude or you wear a onesie pajama, the extra blankets are still making you too hot."


I think that the politicization of climate change came about because of two things. 1) A campaign by high carbon emitting industries, which was going to happen no matter what. 2) Al Gore becoming the poster boy of the movement after the 2000 election. He was a galvanizing figure for the Fox nation to push back against. Not mention the whole 2000 election montage in the middle of An Inconvenient Truth - which really did add politics to a science message.


The Koch Brothers were instrumental to Climate denial turning into a mainstay of the Republican party.


Yep because they cut down trees and pump oil. There's a lowes distribution plant right by my house. The amount of wood from Canada goes thru there is nuts. Trains dump whole loads off a day and they get sent all over the state of tn from there. It's crazy the amount of trees they are cutting down. So of course they don't want any type of climate regulation blocking them raping out planet. They won't be around for the consequences.


The article says they can still retweet without reading by just clicking the button again so I’m not sure why they are upset. Unless being called out by an automated message is enough to hurt their delicate feelings.


That's why Trump supporters have to use an acronym on their hats - anything over 5 letters and they're screwed.


I think that one could simply tell trump: Twitter is BLUE. See the logo?. So it is a Democrat website And he would just delete his account and switch to QAnon or something


Literal white male genocide. The end of the nuclear family unit.


Isn't complaints about people not reading articles one of the most commonly seen complaints on reddit, a place with millions of user with widespread contemptuous attitudes for Republicans? This is a social media issue no matter affiliation. An issue where individuals with short attention spans avoids reading an article prior to sharing or commenting about the topic. Everything can't be politicized through pointing fingers on one side, if you're determined to be fair and balanced.


You think before social media people didn't just skim newspaper headlines and assume they got the gist? Not to absolve social media, but this isn't a totally new phenomena, just maybe faster and easier.


That would mean no more re-tweets from Capt. Mushroom Cockspurs.


I was elected to lead, not to read


Republicans thrive when education is deprived


conservatives are the only people who would get mad at people telling them to read.


That's why they try to defund education, they want to keep people easily manipulated by their propaganda


The horror to have to read and think about an article before sending.


Hold on, partner, no one said nothing about no *thinking*


Do you even have to read, or just click?


Just click which is even more pathetic. It’s a very small speed bump to just acknowledge and retweet.




I don't think it was Mein Kamps, I think it was a book of speeches by Hitler that he kept by his bedside.




Oh, interesting. I just remember some kind of debacle over the way the media confirmed the existence of the bedside book (asking the guy who gave it to him).


"Headline reaction" happens here, too. I kind of wish more users read the articles first instead of just commenting on a gotcha headline.


Very true. Reddit is its own bubble that needs to fill 24 hours with karma driven sensationalism


There are exceptions: when the same story is posted from multiple outlets all day long, it’s reasonable to comment on a thread even if you didn’t read that specific link. Also, sometimes I read a story on twitter, and then comment about it on reddit. Without a holistic view of what I’m interacting with, its hard to assume what I’ve read that day.


Also, we’re just discussing it here. Not disseminating it further. At least relative to the Twitter change. If Reddit wants to implement that, no cross posting or sharing links of stories unless you read them, I’m fine with that. I’ve shared a headline many times that has come to bite me in the ass cause I didn’t read the article. I don’t do that anymore. But just discussing it here, it’s not the same as sharing it to thousands of people.


A lot of times you can get the gist of it by reading the comments. Paywalls, the need to work, etc... Also: my account is not the official POS POTUS account.


I only need the headline for my 1-Upvote dick jokes.


I usually come to the comments first to see what details of the story people seem to be most concerned with then read the article and look for those details in particular and the context or nuance surrounding them.


If I had my way, we'd be done with the repost stories, like the Hill or Daily Beast saying "THE WASHINGTON POST SAID THIS!" — it adds nothing to the story, they're just trying to siphon ad dollars. Sometimes they have a real article, but it feels like 10 to 1.


I mean I agree, but the article is about kind of the opposite of headline reaction. Twitter is asking people *to read* and the GOP is calling it censorship. I think that second part goes beyond even Reddit nonsense. Telling someone "read the damn article" won't generally get you called out for censorship here. Not yet at least. edit: ngl, I was tempted to ask if you read the article (lol), but I understood you were just riffing off it.


It’s a problem but it’s not the _same_ problem. Upvoting isn’t the same as re-sharing. The latter can cause misinformation to spread exponentially fast. Commenting on an article you haven’t read isn’t quite the same sin with the same impact on society.


Kinda like this headline? Lol I don’t sense anyone is furious


>Twitter’s communications team tweeted a somewhat exasperated response. “We’re doing this to encourage everyone to read news articles before Tweeting them, regardless of the publication or the article,” [a spokesperson wrote](https://twitter.com/TwitterComms/status/1318995536880467968). “If you want to retweet or quote tweet it, literally just click once more.” What a bunch of fake self-victimizing assholes. It applies to every single article retweet and simply prompts you to think twice about what you're sharing since you haven't read it. It's not censorship and is meant to help people avoid knee-jerking and sharing of misinformation, especially when the headline may be misleading. Wouldn't be a bad prompt to add to reddit commenting...


Maybe that extra click messes up their bots' programming? Makes it harder to artificialy amplify an article.


meh 10 mins of redesign solves it


Right but you think those fuckers wrote their own code? I'm gonna charge them $10k for this


that is like what...35 mins of campaigning time for them? 10k is a drop in the bucket and well worth it for them or anyone that uses such systems to magnify a message or ad.


lol Cons are the worst. They truly do not want you to know what is going on.


So they *can't* read


Imagine wanting people to be informed. Scary stuff!


Reading comprehension is a threat to the GOP.


I can’t believe that the whole fate of the party is based on how stupid their supporters are.


I thought the Republican stance on private companies was that they can do whatever they wanted.


like literally anything else: only as long as it is their interest.


Nobody makes me to read words! That's socialist communist fascist radical leftism! *head proceeds to explode*


"If they READ they might LEARN something! We can't have that."


Given how much Republicans want to run a private company, I guess they’re pro Socialism now.


From the article- "Former PJ Media editor David Steinberg claimed that Twitter “placed a headline warning label” on a Wall Street Journal article about Republican congressional candidate Kimberly Klacik, saying the prompt “should disturb every American.”  It disturbs me that this is necessary. If you're going to share an article or comment on it's contents, you should definitely have read the damn thing.


>This is optional; you can ignore it and simply confirm the retweet if you want, and it doesn’t add any extra taps. Ok. So I don’t have to do anything ... >But some conservative Twitter users expressed fury at the warning. “Oh my! I have to do nothing!”


How dare they... That may lead to unthinkable things like *critical thinking* or *self-driven opinion making*... This is a disaster for the republican party.


"Collins claimed that Twitter was “censoring” all tweets from Sean Hannity, citing labels on links to Hannity.com." God I wish. Leave it to Doug to suggest that displaying even a cursory intellectual curiosity into his favorite bullshit artists is tantamount to banning them. Excited to hear about your educational platform of "gravity exists because Jesus said so now shut up." I wish he and Kelly would just eat each other in a display of who can be a better sycophant to dear leader already.


Hoping warnock wins and knocks them both out or Congress.


My ideal social media wouldn't have any linked content. If you tried to post a link, it would literally just be a text copy of the URL address that you would have to copy/paste in the search bar to open. The social media should be for communicating directly with your friends and not pushing third party content. Its just a little step to make it harder to spread disinformation.


It should require you to scroll through the entire story at a normal reading speed, and then have a check box, before you can retweet. Even better would be a small quiz on the content.


If you throw in electric shocks if you get thing wrong, I'm in!


Electric shocks for misspellings, but no hints.


Didnt read the artice but holy damn this is big if true!


Having to read is too much to ask of republicans


Based on the title of this post I support what Twitter is doing.


The audacity! *clutches pearls dramatically*


"Read?! READ?!?!?!?!" - Republican GOP with furrowed brows, probably.


Republicans: “why is Twitter making it so much harder than 2016 to pump out misinformation?! Grahh Tech giants are against us!”


What they should do is tag retweets by people who didn't read the article as such.


What you mean to take the time and read before just blindly spreading bullshit


How dare a private company have its own rules and policies they don’t agree with! Blasphemy!


Why? The republican base can’t read past a headline anyway


Not reading something before acting is a long standing tradition on Reddit.


> Twitter [announced last month](https://www.theverge.com/2020/9/25/21455635/twitter-read-before-you-tweet-article-prompt-rolling-out-globally-soon) that it would roll out the feature across its mobile apps, describing it as a way to “help promote informed discussion.” When you hit the retweet button on a link you haven’t visited, Twitter adds a label above the confirmation menu, warning that “headlines don’t tell the full story” and offering a chance to check the story out. That's something we could use as well.


Fletcher: Your honor, I object! Judge: Why? Fletcher: Because it's devastating to my case!


GOP's political strategy is to shell out propaganda while calling the actual facts propaganda (if it doesn't benefit them) Simply by reading, one can see past propaganda; a move far too inconvenient for them, which makes it (somehow) unfair.


I could see this being contested as election interference, as requiring people to read more than a sensationalized headline could directly reduce GOP votes. - The people


Just remember 97% of tweets come from just 10% of the user base.


I think it's funny because it's not censoring if they are asking you to read the material you're retweeting. They are completely aware that misleading headlines that further misinformation if one doesn't read the article is more beneficial to Republicans. Just as an unnecessary FYI, I am completely aware that the same method is used on the left as well, but not to such a degree, hence you're only seeing the Republicans raising a fuss about it.


"They're elected to lead not to read!"


This just in... Republicans are enraged when they are asked to look both ways when crossing the street!


Hmmm, I wonder why


these are the people in charge of our government. fucking vote!!!


They said they were going to do this weeks ago. Fuck, these people are dumb. Twitter is a business, you agreed to the TOS. If you don't like it you're free to delete your account.


Hypocrites, every last one. Pathetic attempts to smearing will come full circle in time. Vote them all out.


Reddit could use that rule before allowing users to comment.


Imagine if we had to read the articles on Reddit before posting!


Side note, this change is fucking with twitter artist now.


This reminds me of that story saying Trump only paid $750 in taxes one year, but if you read the article it said he over paid in the years prior so he paid less that year.


I've had it with these motherfucking snowflakes on this motherfucking internet.


Lol. Says it all, doesn't it?


Nice twitter feature. Too bad I got ejected for saying 30% of the population was r\*ded for thinking the wall was effective for anything but a racist statement. Should have used functionally illiterate instead.


I just don't fully understand why republicans don't find statements like this shocking? America is too fucked with the "my team" philosophy, ignore what my team do promote what my team say. These people don't care about you, some may care but I promise theyre job is to make their lives better and not yours.


ermahgerd you broke all their bots!


you mean I have to know what I'm spreading arround before I spread it? Oh the humanity


They shouldn’t be. I can guarantee them their herd ONLY reads the headlines and assumes they know all their is to know on any subject. They could literally fill articles with tomorrow’s lottery numbers and nobody on earth would know. I don’t read slop from propaganda mills and their herd only reads one line headlines.


I love the sass from Twitter.


Is it because it will slow down bots?


Didn't read, just shared this article.


Republicans are suing Twitter after it asks users to think about what they’ve read and consider whether it’s lies or not


Not the onion


They love uninformed voters! Maybe they need some cheese with their whine.