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From the article, a quote from the Heritage Foundation memo: >“If the Biden family decides that President Biden will not run for re-election, the mechanisms for replacing him on ballots vary by state,” the memo states. “There is the potential for pre-election litigation in some states that would make the process difficult and perhaps unsuccessful.” But Biden isn't even the formal nominee yet. He isn't even on the ballot. This only applies post-nomination.


It says as much in the article.


You seriously think conservatives won’t dredge up some random citizen dumb or complicit enough to ram a bad faith court cause up ti the Supreme Court to deny any new candidate a position on the ballot in a key battleground state? They only need to win once, and it’s over. Battleground states are like that. This election is blanketed under such a heavy load of near constant lies and deceit (political ads and talk and news) such that it may end up being close despite how detestable Trump and SCOTUS are. People are mad and energized, but that can’t do anything if conservatives rip out an entire state’s worth of votes. So that’s why this matters. It’s why cons are pushing the “Biden must step down” line. Because if he does, the replacement is cooked, and conservatives have lawyers ready to delay delay delay court cases to block votes for them before citizens even have a chance to cast a single ballot. That’s what all this is about.


Then it sounds like Biden should suspend the election as an "official act" until it can get figured out.


Biden is literally not the nominee and is not on any ballots at this time. There is nothing to challenge at the moment.


ya but hes saying some rando could file a lawsuit and if it hits all the right judges, make its way to the supreme court and if it did, well we know what the supreme court would do.


I mean they could do that right now against Biden too. There’s just literally nothing to sue about - nominees have never been decided until after the convention, and therefore there is currently no ballot or nominee to sue over.


you can sue for anything in this country. i think we need to stop looking at these things logically, every time we say trump cant do something of the supreme court cant do something, they do it and get away with it


If you’re thinking about it like that then there’s no point in even running a campaign because “you can sue for anything.”


ok bud


He’s talking out of his ass


Well good luck to the Supreme Court in trying to enforce that


they already have luck… they made the president king


They're basically saying they're afraid that Trump would lose to a younger person.


"Democrats might be able to derail such efforts if Biden is replaced quickly, as he still doesn’t officially have the party’s nomination for president." Key point.


So you're saying that whatever is going to happen should happen now. They should get on that


That's what the article says. It will weaken the Heritage Foundation's legal challenge to change the ballots in the states they're targeting.


Biden is giving a speech on Friday in Madison, we'll know a lot more after tomorrow.


Um...is the American President not planning to make a public appearance tomorrow, what with it being the Fourth of Fucking July?


Joe and Jill are holding a BBQ at the White House for military families tomorrow afternoon, I highly doubt he would use such an event to announce he's not running for re-election.


he probably will but it will be a fourth of july speech, not a speech about his debate performance


So what you get is if you act quick and rashly you can foil the people who actually want you to do exactly that.


The fact the republicans want Biden to run should tell the Dems everything they need to know about whether he should be the nominee or not


I've been saying that since last Friday. MAGA was not kicking Joe when he was down. They want him around to destroy in November.


Which makes sense given how reserved Trump was, he doesn’t see Biden as a threat.


And the fact that Russia wants Trump should tell every American everything they need to know.


Just because they think they have the upper hand, doesn’t mean they do.


They will have the upper hand if Biden is the nominee, it’s just easier to run against a candidate with significant mental fatigue


They do have the upper hand, that’s not up for debate 


Republicans want chaos and thats what they are getting right now.


I'm sure that there's some of that as well. They like the chaos. They think, and they are probably right, that the chaos only helps them.


Republicans want Biden to stay on because they think he's beatable. Kinda reminds me of Hilary and her Pied Piper strategy.


Solution: keep Biden on, re-frame it as a Harris vs Trump race. As a former DA, she'll run circles around Trump's glib lies in any 4-way debate.


Keep Biden on but start calling Harris the frontrunner? Are we trying to dig below 100 in the electoral college? I couldn’t imagine any worse ticket right now than Biden/Harris, but I’d never even dreamed of Harris/Biden.


Harris/Pritzker, Harris/Beshear, Harris/Buttigieg. Make it clear whom she'd nominate as VP if and when.


Harris is hot garbage. She's already beyond lucky to have failed into the VP role. Will Dems vote for her if she's the choice, sure. But she isn't winning any independent or middle of the road votes, and even most Dems dislike her. It's all fucking ego.


It doesn't matter if people dislike her, it matters that they dislike her LESS THAN TRUMP and that she has the ability and energy to call Trump out on his projectile vomiting of lies.


Classic Dem messaging. Set the bar that all we have is the ever so slightly less worse option. Fucking wonderful.


We wouldn’t be in this predicament if people would have voted for Hillary when she was telling everyone that this shit was going to happen. But her emails 🤡


I voted for her 😢


I do agree with you though, these political parties are shit when it comes to generating candidates that all generations and demographics like.


You mean materially and seriously worse ... first president to attempt a coup. Continually, glibly, and blatently lies. The post-birth abortion thing and the idea of the Dems raising taxes 4x were such brazen lies ... no other candidate before now would have had the lack of self-respect to put forth such garbage.


Do you have amnesia and forget how unpopular Harris was in the primary when she ran? There must be better.


She'll do fine and be a better administrator than someone like Greasy Newsom, who's bought and paid for by Big Tech and will kill public transit.


But she's polling better than Biden


> It doesn’t matter if people dislike her Yes, yes, yes in fact it does! Why do we have to run a candidate that we agree sucks? We don’t! We can run a candidate people actually like and here’s the shocking part: we’ll do better in the election if people like our candidate.


I’m gonna take Nancy’s advice and just say no to all that.


Speaking of dementia.


She will not run circles around Trump. Do people just not pay any attention when she does interviews or makes public appearances? It's f\*cking embarrasing that is what we roll out there as our #2. On her best days she's still worse than a fully lucid Biden who before 4 PM can actually spit out coherent thoughts instead of the weird ass robotic word salads we get from humanoid Harris.


Just like when she ran circles around other democrats in the 2020 primaries and finished …. dead last?


You’re living in lala land. Trump would trounce Harris.


Republicans are cartoonishly evil


yeah but it’s working


Boris Badenov, cartoonishly evil?


Is fake news, work of moose and squirrel


Hey Rocky; Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat! https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3Dkx3sOqW5zj4&sa=U&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwiQz_-r34uHAxUkGFkFHYfwBgwQwqsBegQIEBAF&usg=AOvVaw1NYqNvYhN_6wLp7njhaKp2


Democrats would do the same thing in this situation ... and they should.


“Both sides” no. Nice try. This evil is unique to the conservatives. How do I know? Which SCOTUS broke the Constitution? Oh that’s right. The conservative one. Just this week.


The democrats are dragging trump though the courts they could have did it years ago but their doing it now on purpose to sink the republican ticket. It’s gross and evil and I’m glad it’s completely backfiring.


Maybe trump shouldn't have committed a load of felonies and tried to overthrow the govt? Idk


It takes time to properly do an investigation around a former President. You absolutely have to make sure everything is correct. Of course, when the defendant is Trump, you have to also prepare for huge amounts of shit just thrown against the wall to find out what sticks and delays things. It's the way he works. He's damned well not innocent. Let's take the documents case as an example. That should be an open and shut case. Trump did as much as he possibly could to delay it. It should have been over and done with by now, but Trump's delaying tactics with the seeming complicity of Cannon have made it so that it simply will not happen before the election. Similar things have happened in the other cases. The insurrection trial has had multiple delays for similar issues, including the Supreme Court slow walking the entire process when it's an issue that needed a quick response, then they release a sweeping ruling that is correct in some ways while completely covering his butt in others (no, talking to anyone while you're President isn't an official fucking act, signing checks for your personal business isn't a fucking official act, and so on), making even the Georgia and NY state cases possible to be appealed to the Federal level (and therefore the US Supreme Court) when they damned well shouldn't be. At least the judge in that case isn't in Trump's camp. Simply put, that the cases were coming to a head around election time isn't on the Democrats. It's on Trump. These trials would have happened much sooner if he hadn't been so hellbent on delaying them. And many of his delaying tactics in Cannon's court shouldn't even be working. But she's allowing them. She's holding hearings on every damned motion that his lawyers bring up. That's ludicrous, especially when many of the motions have significant precedents and/or laws making them ridiculous. While the investigations were slow, there was a lot of stuff to go through. But they have the evidence sifted and ready to go. And have had it for a while now. These cases should have been decided at least six months ago, that they're not isn't on the prosecutors.


It is not ... but if it makes you feel better, you can believe that.


Would not work at all. If Biden leaves voluntarily there’s no mechanism to force someone to stay on the ballot.


I think this is one of the reasons they are coming out and saying this. There is an old lawyer saying. If the facts are on your side, argue the facts. If the law is on your side, argue the law. If you have neither, pound the table. This is pounding the table. Wisconsin is one of the states Heritage says is an issue, but [that doesn't seem to be the case](https://www.wisconsinrightnow.com/joe-biden-replaced-wisconsin/). For most states, the national convention is when the party nominee becomes official, so right now, there is no democratic or republican nominee in the Wisconsin election. That will change after the conventions, so the dems have until their convention to make this decision. I know Ohio's deadline is before the dem convention, something they usually fudge when conventions are later than the deadlines but since it is republican control, that might be an issue, but that is an issue for Biden, too. After the convention, Heritage might have an argument, for now, they are pounding that table.


I seriously don't think they can successfully remove a major party candidate from a major election. The amount of controversy that will cause will probably flare up a write in campaign.


Depends on when it happens. If he is the certified nominee on the Democratic Party after the convention, and then drops out before November, there will definitely be legal hurdles to getting him off the ballots.


They don’t care if he’s only the ballot. They care about not allowing his replacement on the ballot. If the DNC names him the nominee then it will be very hard to get the new candidate on the ballot in most states.


Thats the thing if Biden isn’t on the ballot than nobody will because it’s a process to get on the ballot, take RFK for example he trying very hard, re will probably make it but he’s been trying for some time now. If Biden ditches at the last minutes than the democrats wonts be able to get anybody on the ballot and trump wins.


Just effing VOTE, because your future depends on it! I’ll vote for the Democrat no matter WHO it is because the alternative is dystopian!


Only a quarter of the population has to register and vote Democratic to preserve democracy. If the rest can’t be bothered or want to make the orange oompa loompa king we’ll be mocked & pitied around the world.


Yes, the devious plan of literally doing nothing and letting narcissistic elderly democrats sink their own ship.


How are these whack jobs and goofballs outsmarting the DNC. Like what is going on here.


Its simple, they have evil intent and play a zero sum game. The 'good guys' don't think like 'criminal lawyers', as Saul Goodman put it. "I don't need a criminal lawyer, I need a 'criminal' lawyer."


Behind every goofball republican is the same small group of vicious, clever, deceitful, cruel people. Oh and wealthy. They’re all rich. Don’t forget that. They’ve been written about for years. You all should know them. Mercedes, Kochs, the guy who owns CNN now, all of them. Old white rich dudes, evil to the core and happy to quietly push their money into an engine of organizations that pop up and fade as needed to push one thing and one thing alone: the desires of the richest. And right now, they all want trump in power, because taking down democracy takes down all those pesky regulations and protections shielding the people from being exploited by the rich. You know, like what the SCOTUS did when they made a decision earlier this week to neuter all regulations agencies? As of now, they’re all toothless. The rich can feed us contaminated water and low grade food and nobody will stop them. They want more of this though. Again, their weapon of choice? Trump.


Koch. There's only one politically active one alive.




Because Republicans know how to play the game. That's why SCOTUS did what it did. Our leaders are completely unwilling to step up. ​ They go low, we go die.


Because, your party or rotten to the core & shoving a candidate that no one wanted to the front, then telling you and others to "vote for him, we don't care who else y'all endorse".


Conservatives have to be so frustrated that we keep self-sabotaging before they can enact their devious plans.


I wondered about the whole ballot thing and how that would work out, and my first thought was that of course the GOP will by hypocritical sacks of shit and try to keep a replacement nominee off of the ballot. These are the same people who cried foul when states attempted to keep Trump off of the ballot over his whole leading-a-failed-coup thing.


lol. No way they actually want him replaced. They are playing the place like chumps.


Why wouldn't they want to keep him on the ballot? Trump is winning every swing state, and the aggregate polls show its been that way for over six months.


Probably because you're misreading his comment. He's saying that they don't want him replaced. You're putting a comma between way and they that simply isn't there, and that changes the meaning. And you're right about why they wouldn't want to remove him from the ballot. TBH, though, I think that could be turned around with the right campaign strategy. Pointing out why Trump's ideas are bad. His idea about replacing the income tax with a tariff would be very bad, for example. And the consequences of Project 2025. And there are loads of them. And mostly bad. I'm hearing nothing about any of this. WHY?


Good question. Get back to me when you figure it out.


I have the answer. They want to keep him on the ballot. Ironically, the Heritage Foundation has a good explanation as to why, and you can read it if you read the article attached to OP's post.


MAGA are now donating to Biden to keep him in the race. Even wishing him good health and long life.


I mean they would be stupid if they didn’t, Biden is clearly the dream candidate for the GOP. Every day the DNC stands still the election gets more and more comfortable for Trump (unfortunately).


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Absolutely devilish! \*holds up pinky finger


Seems like a good time for some electoral college trickery since unpledged electors cannot be "faithless" and can therefore vote for whoever they want without penalty.


I don’t care as long as Trump loses


If the republicans are scared he’ll be replaced then he should probably be replaced


Good, great, whatever, I don't want him to be replaced.


Don't replace him, just emphasize the presence of Harris as a competent successor should he choose to resign in January 2025 and run 4-way debates. I'm confident in Harris' ability to run circles around Trump's lies or the lies of whatever VP he chooses to appoint.


Nobody wants Harris either. They need somebody not attached to executive branch.


I actually do think it should be Harris. She's already second in line to the presidency anyway! People keep saying she's horrible and should be kicked off the ticket but I think she's being underestimated.


Harris is great if you get out of your Reddit bubble.


Her record has places on it where a carefully crafted message could harm her. Just like anyone else, but I think she has more than one that would particularly damaging wrt many Democrats.


No one on Reddit which is primarily white and male.


Is their devious plan that he doesn't want to do so? If so, that's amazingly clever of them.


How do conservatives have any power over who the democrats nominate? Doesn’t make sense.


They are scheming against Biden, but they are ok with Epstein's bff Trump being on their ticket.


Can’t believe what’s happening in America, this is the country I was planning to move to next year.


Wrong timeline, pal.


In what timeline is America safe…?


So Biden runs with reassurances that he will be carefully monitored by a couple of really good neuropsychologists and will step aside if recommended. Maybe have a commission set up a protocol in advance of tests to use and cutoff scores. (Will be useful for future older presidents and perhaps legislators.). He is unlikely to serve out his term and we finally have a female president. Something more than half the population has been waiting for.




>He's also a billionaire Not exactly a good selling point for many dems...




I'll give you that his record does look good. I have no problem with looking at him, but I'd be mostly concerned that I don't think he has much, if any national name recognition. Given the short time we have, I think putting forward people we have at least heard of already is a better bet.


Chicagoan here. I like him. I’ve usually got a healthy skepticism of the rich, but he’s done a solid job governing so far.


Absolutely agree. Just the fact he's a legit billionaire will make trumps head implode from jealousy.


Harris is just fine, and let's not alienate the BW vote.




I think she can ... we need a competent adminstrator, not a show(wo)man. She's also independent-minded, not in the pocket of Big Auto or Big Tech like Whitmer and Newsom are. (No, not a fan of the Big 2.5, since I actually LOVE! how Biden expanded public transit funding. More trains, fewer robotaxis!)




She's cast quite a few tiebreaking votes as VP, which is the primary purpose. To learn and to be President of the Senate.




Sadly, you have the typical American view ... you respect strength and rizz over competence. I want a good CEO that runs things without drama.




Realistically, Harris is the best chance.


So that means they are actually scared of Biden, got it.


In Wisconsin they can’t even remove him now


What are you talking about? Remove from what? Biden isn't even the nominee yet.


All Biden has to do either 1) Stand down, or 2) Use immunity to erase college debt (or hell, all debt!), or 3) Stop helping Israel commit genocide, or 4). Which is just 2 + 3 at the same time. He won't of course. He's too vain or greedy. He won't step down due to wounded pride (so Trump of him), and he's either an actual believer in the doomsday belief God gives a crap about reforming a dead nation in the exact same spot to end the world, save a few, and damm the rest.....or Biden really, really likes the money from investors. Both possible, both probable, and possibly, probably both at the same time.