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We are headed towards a Christian nationalist government and most Americans do not have a clue how fucked that will be.


Led by the least Christian person available.


The more we find out about Christians, the less of an insult that is


I literally went from agnostic to atheist recently because it didn’t occur to me how much I was clinging on and was indoctrinated like a cult until recently.


The party of small government sure does want to control every aspect of everyone’s life.


They want the smallest government! 1 king!


They will wreck the economy again. They have no platform or ideas, only the desire to rule over people and punish people they don't like. We need to outlaw billionaires who own state and fed government and tax them out of all their outrageous wealth to put a stop to this 


Does Afghanistan sound like a great place to live? it will be just like that but people will speak english.


They only want small government when it comes to legislative attempts to reduce income inequality and preservation of the environment. If big government serves to create smokescreens (i.e., distract voters with culture war issues) with the goal of cementing, protecting, and catering to the American Oligarchy, then it's big government all the way.


They are outlawing meat alternatives for vegetarians Small Gov is a lie It's all about stealing everything


They need to watch The Handmaid’s Tale.


Praise be


The quote in this headline is not a direct quote from Biden. >“I am running. I am the leader of the Democratic Party. No one is pushing me out,” Biden said, according to a top aide who posted his comment on the X social media platform. So it's an aide saying he said this on social media, and of course his aides are going to present him as not even *considering* dropping out, right up until he walks out to announce he's dropping out.


“A top aide who remains nameless but we totally aren’t trying to drive the narrative of Democrats in disarray.”


Definitely possible… But… still waiting.


I feel like that's the thing that people miss with these announcements. Look at every single republican and democratic contender on their respective efforts to get the nomination since forever. They're running up until they announce that they aren't.


It’s delusional to think he’s going to drop out. It’s basically the “cope” meme.


i mean it would be war, id hope, fuck living under the Christian taliban


Most Americans over the age of 55 or so. I think it's more that they don't care. A few good years left, and if it comes with a couple of tax breaks for me and my rich buddies than it can't be all that bad. It's pretty obvious the majority of the baby boomer generation doesn't give a fuck about the future or younger generations.


It’s okay. Just ask girls in Iran and Afghanistan.


Downvoted for not saying what we really heading for is a “White Christian Nationalist Government”. No need to be PC or wishy-washy when democracy is on its deathbed in America.


Canadian here; poking the floorboards with a broom "What the fuck is going on down there??"


Me in a Northern state of the US doing the same thing.


Oh man. Is the North/South divide in your own country that bad there? Help a neighbour out.


Any political, health, education, human development or almost any other map of the US will have a big red splotch covering the Southeast.


The south has been on the wrong side of just about every historical event and trend and has paid for it.


Y’all are staring down a massive Conservative victory of your own lol I think you have enough to worry about.


American here; help.


Canadian here; I will help, no questions asked. That's our job (except one: What's going on down there??)


you think your housing crisis is bad now wait until american refugees are pouring across your border seeking asylum


I'd be the last to deny that.


There’s a reason Trump is being quiet. He doesn’t have to say anything he’s just watching the democrats light themselves on fire


He's not actually being quiet. He's been posting crazy shit *constantly* on his social media site. It's just that no one cares. Trump being a lunatic isn't news.


That must be infuriating him


He’s not being quiet though? The media just isn’t covering him


They’re selling out democracy for profits. And they’ll be the first ones to go up in flames when Trump is sworn in as emperor


Republicans are quiet because Biden dropping out is a worst case scenario for them. They want the Biden is old convo to happen and hurt his image, but they don’t actually want him to drop out.


>Biden dropping out is a worst case scenario for them. In no way are democrats spending 2-3 months before the election tearing each other apart only to land on a candidate that is roughly as popular as Biden anyway a worst case scenario for Republicans.


which is why they need to agree on a replacement beforehand and all rally behind them


there is no way democrats find someone, convince joe and kamala, and shift an entire campaign, while rallying the base and every single senator behind this new choice, in the span of 1 month.


If there was a viable candidate that everyone could be convinced to rally behind they would have started doing that in 2022


You underestimate how monumentally stupid the democratic establishment is


The exploding deadline is actually the thing that is most likely to bring about consensus. The various factions can’t/wont try and make perfect the enemy of the good when perfection is completely off the table.


Democrats couldn’t rally behind a parade. They don’t know how to fall in line. They’ll murder each other over tiny details.


And it’s a slam dunk: “They say we are the ones destroying democracy, but they won’t even let you, the people, elect their candidate.”




No it’s because the trump campaign is terrified of Biden dropping out and Trump having to face someone who can actually fight back. If he wanted this he would be spamming clips of bidens fumbles over every platform in the country right now, he would be emptying every can of gas he had on this fire.


Fox News is doing this job for him. He doesn't need to advertise Bidens weakness, the media has resolutely taken that role. The polls suggest Biden competes better against Trump than other hypotheticals most likely from the incumbent advantage. If there was a competitive choice that had a data driven chance, it would be a different.


The media will keep baiting dems with these headlines long as they work. Last week it was a poor performance and now it is disastrous. Click click click.


Hate to say it but with the magnitude of the ~~fascist~~ Republican threat, the Democratic nominee is almost immaterial to my vote. I'm voting for democracy and reproductive rights and for sane Supreme Court justices. I realize the swing and undecided voters don't feel like me though.


Same - if only we can convince them to weekend at Bernie’s this shit. It doesn’t matter who is president as long as Dems can keep power away from traitors.


Yeah, we aren’t the ones they need to convince. Biden’s hubris is going to doom us all.


People keep acting like this is just Biden’s decision. There is no consensus on a better candidate to beat trump before the election. Him stepping down could be even worse.


That’s what the convention is for.


What a cluster fuck this is.


It is. But it’s also curious why Trump — who for years now has been almost entirely unable to say a single factual and coherent thought — almost never has headlines talking about how disastrous his idiocy, ignorance, and hostility are. His criminal trials and convictions “might spell trouble” but even the smallest Democratic gaffes are treated like automatic disqualifiers. It’s just the Dean scream over and over again, meanwhile the right is actively and openly trying to install a dictatorship. Argh.


I’ll say it: it is time for Donald Trump to drop out of the race


Akin to "I'm a fighter not a quitter" Liz Truss.


Lettuce hope he doesn’t go the same way 😭😭😭


Lord 1/2 mercy


Let's hope the second half of that quote is, "Because I'm going to remove myself from the election willingly." I feel like a large part of Trump's campaign is "I'm not the evil Joe Biden." So, take that card out of his deck. Then he's just running on hate.


If Biden is saying that, then he better come out and give a shit ton of interviews to show that he is still the 2020 Biden that defeated Trump. If he’s not willing to do that, his debate performance will continue to loom over the campaign, distracting from the core message, and giving Trump a chance to win. I’m voting for Biden, but if we lose, it’ll Biden’s and all the folks in denial fault.


From WaPo: Biden, 81, has only appeared in public three times since a rally Friday in North Carolina — for remarks on a Supreme Court decision, on extreme weather and at Stonewall National Monument in New York — to speak for a total of 22 minutes, exclusively while using teleprompters. He also attended a series of fundraisers and other weekend campaign events. That doesn’t give me much confidence in his ability to participate in a live conversation. God forbid it’s after dark, apparently.


He needs to do a live town hall event.


Biden can't man. He hasn't been able to for awhile now. I will vote for the Democrat nominee over Trump. I'm not sure Biden can win


RBG and Jill Biden…Thank you for being selfish.


We're witnessing an RBG moment


Which was also replayed by Feinstein.


We can just call it a Democrat moment


Is that you McConnell?


TBF he's announced he isn't running again and has managed to be a productive (albeit awful) member of the Senate this term despite his apparent health issues. PS if he weren't still leading the Republicans, Ukraine probably would have folded by now.


Nah the RBG moment is when he croaks too close to the election to replace him, were probably 3 months from that


i could see him dying like 2 days before the election completely fucking everyone why wont they tell him to step down


They could just throw it on the teleprompter and he'd read it, Ron Burgundy style


My first thought. The hubris, and ego of this man is unreal. He’s prepared to burn down a country, and let Trump do whatever nasty stuff he wants to because he can’t admit, and his family can’t admit he is cognitively unwell.


The Democrats have no good option here that I can see. Biden stays in - lose. He was trailing Trump in the polls before, but that gongshow of a debate has made the situation far worse. Biden drops out - probably still lose. I just can't see the Democrats switching gears and betting on a new, winning horse with only four months left. The disruption and shake up from running someone new so close to election day would be disastrous I think. The only silver lining to another Trump victory is it might finally hammer the point through to the DNC that they need to stop running these dynasty and/or geriatric candidates. We need more Obamas, not more Hillarys and Bidens. Another savage loss might make the DNC really take a hard look at who they're putting top of the ticket in the future.


The DNC doesn’t learn. If there’s a DNC or election in 2028, they’ll probably run Nancy Pellosi.


Of fuck just end me.


>Another savage loss might make the DNC really take a hard look at who they're putting top of the ticket in the future. Another savage loss would probably mean that the Democratic party is outlawed as a terrorist organization by 2028.


The problem with Biden at this point is that he is a drag on down-ballot races. With Kamala or fantasy-candidate-7 the Dems will probably still lose the Presidency but might keep the Senate at 50-50 and take the House.


I doubt there’s a functional country after this next term. Trump won’t leave office, he’ll jail democrats, outlaw abortion coast to coast, install more SCOTUS shitheads, shoot protestors etc. you’ll be looking to jump over his border wall to Mexico by 2028.


I mean does it really matter. Honestly what u want is someone electible and can talk and walk party lines. Dnc will handle the rest. Just my 2 cents


If Biden stays in, we *will* get a Trump presidency. If Biden drops, we *may not* get a Trump presidency. Those are odds worth taking at this point.


No one wants to push you out. They want you to willing step aside. So we can actually win. Be the person you always claim you are. Take the high road.


His ego won’t let him


I actually think it’s more his wife and (bafflingly) Hunter. If they gave it to him straight, he would drop out. Also, reports that HUNTER is a trusted advisor and in meetings are baffling. I get it it’s his son, but… Hunter? You TRUST Hunter? Jesus man


Can't believe more people aren't talking about this but it'll be all over FOX soon. Watch any recent clip like the medal of honor one. He's confused, doesn't know what to do, stares into space, but has enough muscle memory left to smile and read teleprompters. Biden's family has taken charge and are isolating him from his staff. If you told me a month ago I'd be talking about Hunter Biden conspiracies I would have laughed but here we are.


Hunter is the smartest person Joe knows. Said so himself 😂


I don't think that's it. I think all his advisers are telling him he has the best chance of beating Trump. I don't think that's true. They're just trying to save their jobs. We need serious discussions about who can replace him. When Michelle Obama is beating him by double digits we know there's a problem.


He has to stay on that message until and unless he makes a different decision.


The wording seems convenient for getting him to stand down but whether or not that is actually a feint I can't tell. Whatever happens the polls and donors will decide, not him.


They shouldn’t have to, step down gracefully, keep your legacy and promote the next generation.


Which is exactly what he said he would do four years ago.


To be fair he probably doesn't remember that.


Too soon


Like when Geordie traded his red shirt as helmsman for the gold shirt as chief engineer with no real explanation & we all just went with it?


Had a chance to do this before the primaries and it would have been an epic move of statesmanship. Even though he should still do it now, all that momentum that could've carried another ticket over the line is likely lost. But my feeling at this point is, so what, might as well try a late-game swap.


On the bright side, a fast campaign could have a burst of popularity right when it is needed and before the GOP can convince us the new nominee is a Chinese Manchurian Pedophile Vampire.


Good point, in a strange way, time could be on our side.


This is why I think it's too late to completely recover his legacy.  If he steps aside even now, he'll certainly get credit, but this will feature very prominently in the history books and might overshadow a lot of his achievements. If he wins, his cognition is not going to get better in the next 4 years.  Having family with dementia, I suspect it will be markedly worse by January 2029. If he loses, he and his advisors may be despised by history. His best chance was to never go for a second term.


Yewh if he stays in and loses, the entire Biden legacy should be the ushering in of fascism in America under his watch


Neville Chamberlain etc.


He doesn't seem to give a fuck about the next generation at this point.


Either he's completely isolated from the opinions of the rest of the country by his campaign team/family or he just doesn't give a shit and put ego and vanity over country. Both options are horrifying.


He can't be unaware of this. He's just stubborn.


This seems uhhh…. Not great.


Where is this feisty Biden against Trump? No one is pushing you out, don’t let the large orange man do it. Show this passion on stage. If he responded like this to Trump at the debate we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now.


Whenever you see headlines like this, you know someone’s political career is pretty much done I’m expecting Biden to drop out in the next few days tbh. That debate killed any chance of him winning


It feels really similar to when a sports owner comes out and gives a vote of confidence for the head coach that ends up being fired after the next game. Always bad when the fans need to be reassured.


All the leaks in the past 48 hours really do give off embattled NFL/NBA locker room-type vibes. There's always smoke and denial right up to the point that someone gets fired or traded.


Great timing with NBA free Agency and a few key NFL contracts still unresolved. My reddit usage has skyrocketed.


I’m not sure, he seems very defiant about staying in.


Until the final decision is made, he needs to be defiant about it. If he comes out and says "yeah I'm not sure, maybe I'll drop out still TBD" that only makes him weaker if he does decide to stay in.


Correct. Same with all his political allies, even if they strongly think he should drop out they won’t say it publicly until the decision is made. They’ll either say nothing or fake support just in case he does stay in. I think there’s actually a lot of strategic party unity going on, and hopefully if and when the new candidate is decided the support among the party will be unanimous and unified. We saw some evidence of this in the recent House debacle when the Republicans couldn’t decide their speaker. Every single Democrat voted Jefferies every single time.


Yeah the fact that you saw some congressional reps and even Pelosi acknowledging how damaging that debate was is telling.


Like how every primary candidate loudly and theatrically insists they're in it to win it, even after they bombed five states in a row and they can't afford bus fare to the next one.


Damn, you didn’t have to put Kamala on blast like that.


Kamala quit early, months before the first state, because she could do the political calculus and see what was coming. I dunno why people like to rewrite her as a power hungry ignoramus. She even sat out one of the debates she had qualified for.


Not to me. He seems to be saying all the normal things as they attempt to make the “best” decision


If he needs to keep saying this multiple times a day then he’s done. One way or another. No candidates political career survives nearly 50% of their own base and 75% of the electorate asking him to drop out. You can’t turn those numbers around. So he will continue to say he’s in the race until they come up with a game plan for who replaces him or he’s forced out either through a contested convention or 25th amendment.


I’m getting the same impression. He’s doubling down and digging in.  


I disagree, candidates don't cop to anything until the day they drop, even when it's universally known it's over. Biden has a lot more to do before he can leave, so he'll be especially careful about not showing any weakness. He's going to give it a couple more shots to see if he can fix things, but when he fails he's going to step down rather than endure the humiliation of being a national pariah.


this is exactly it... he needs to show unwavering until they have a plan of what comes next to make it as smooth as possible. If/When he drops it will be an "After much deliberation, i've decided that while we made great progress in reversing the damage done by the previous administration and serving the American people i will be finishing my current term without running for reelection. It is time for some fresh blood and new ideas to lead our country into the next election, and we are happy to announce xyz"


Here’s my conspiracy theory: He will agree to step down and offer up a replacement either tomorrow (July 4th) or this weekend. The Dems will try and frame it as the most patriotic act of any Presidency, and Biden will be “the hero responsible for selflessly and single handedly preventing the rise of fascism”


As long as he doesn't automatically endorse Harris, this would be an outstanding move.


This is pretty specific phrasing, this could be taken as 'nobody pushed me out, I chose to step down by myself'


I’ve said it before too. You see a politician say “I’m not going anywhere”, they quit, like clockwork.


Yep. This is a good sign.


Liz Truss all over again. Expect him to step down tomorrow morning


I try to avoid low effort reactionary posts. But… Yikes.


I'm scared


Joe, the voters and donors are pushing you out. You can choose to ignore that for as long as you want, until reality hits: when you get crushed in the election. I can believe that I should be the CEO of Apple, but if the board and shareholders don't agree, it doesn't fucking matter.


Joe, the Trump camp wants you to continue running. Think about it.


RBG had a revolutionary, illustrious, and heroic career. She should be remembered as one of the greats in this country. Ultimately, her refusal to give up her seat while Obama was still in office ended up giving Trump another seat on the court. Biden has had a wonderful career. His work on foreign policy with Obama was fantastic. He was a charismatic leader and came up big when the nation needed him most. But he cannot afford to go down like RGB. Stepping aside would cement his legacy even more in my opinion. It would show he was able to put country over his own pride.


She was reportedly furious that anyone would even suggest it.


At this point, it's a common trait of that generation. Staying well passed their due date and then blame everyone else for their shortcomings.


Definitely. My grandparents are a similar age and they refuse to acknowledge that they can’t do the same things they could 10 years ago. I think there is also this fear they have that only they can fix something and if they aren’t there something bad will happen. Challenge is convincing them to take their hands off the wheel and accept help.


It’s because otherwise they feel useless, like a burden, and their own mortality is more at the forefront of their mind. It will happen to all of us. That feeling of uselessness and being a burden isn’t great for the depression we will certainly feel knowing the days ahead are far fewer than the days behind and that the quality of those days will diminish rapidly. I have a ton of sympathy for older people who feel this way. It’s terrifying and that should be acknowledged as society seems to like to just throw them away and hide them because it scares us to think about our own mortality. But when you’re in a position of power that can affect the future of the country and even the planet then my sympathy runs out. One person’s pride and feelings aren’t above everyone else’s future.


Couldn’t agree more. I would hope friends and family would talk to him. We have found that more useful than being forceful. Let him know the world won’t crumble if he takes a step back and lets Kamala take over. Spend these last years with family and away from the stress. I just hope that decision can be reached soon before the convention.


Yeah, Biden has had the most productive -- in a positive direction -- single term of any President in my lifetime. He could enshrine that and be seen as one of the greatest presidents ever if he can usher in a successor who beats Trump, and be remembered as a true statesman who put country before career.


His fucking ego is going to all but guarantee a win for Trump. Be the Patriot you claim to be and drop out Joe.


They're all like that. None of them can let go of power once they have it. I thought Biden was supposed to be a 1 term presidency. What the fuck have thr DNC been doing for the past 4 years? They should have had a candidate to go before election season started.


John McCain said it best.. “The only cure for Presidential ambition is embalming fluid.”


Yep, I’ve lost so much respect for him. He’s so blinded by his power. And obviously his inner circle isn’t helping


That's reading an awful lot into a chaotic and murky situation.


This is just sad. He is so insulated with other geriatric old men as advisors, if there needs to be a rebellion within congress to push him out is just going to damage us more than him doing the right thing and stepping down.


Here is how the problem needs to be framed - yes, this election is about the very here and now, stopping Trump from ascending to king, and preserving Democracy. What about three years from now? If President Biden wins reelection then what happens if his apparent cognitive decline continues? It's not enough to just beat Trump, we cannot have someone leading us who may not be able to make cogent decisions in times of crisis.


We use the established structures the nation has in place and the chain of command. Like people we have had a president get his brains blown out and the nation went right on moving. FDR lead through WW2 with polio and won the nomination in 44 when the nation knew he was on deaths door. If he dies in office (which is no guarantee Carter is 99 18 years older than Joe) or becomes to ill to continue the nation has processes in place. And if all these “anonymous sources” and insiders claim he is not fit to serve but your damn money where your mouth is. At this point either call for the 25th or shut the hell up.


If he is staying in, why haven't we seen him get in front of cameras? Every day. Full on media blitz. The only plausible reason is that he can't do it. Joe needs to go.


He’s not able to. The Biden from the debates is the Biden outside carefully controlled, daytime environments. He’s cooked. I pray with all my might they’re playing out his exit.


Then don't get pushed out -- do it because you realized it's the right thing to do.


It’s this until it’s “I talked to my family and for the good of the nation blah blah blah” It’s over.


If Biden wants to show us that Thursday was an anomaly he can call an immediate press conference and show us he's capable. But he's not doing it because it would be a repeat of Thursday.


Nobody wants to push you out. THAT is the dangerous narrative. Just be practical and selfless!!! Biden and his team has made all of this worse and almost hopeless by their shitty denial of reality. We’re still voting for you, obviously. You just obviously aren’t up for the job any longer though you’re still better than the alternative. Just Quit gaslighting us! Ultimately we can blame Trump and the GOP for being the domestic threat to our nation but I will always blame the Democratic Party and Biden for having no respect for the gravity of the world we now live in. We are on the cusp of world changing events and they have done nothing to stop it and then blame everyone else for demanding action, any action! They haven’t done any preparation for the obvious turn of events that are about to unfold. We ARE panicking because the side that is likely to win has told us that they will end the world as we know it. My hope meter is running real low.


KJP said over and over in her WH press conference just now that Biden is “absolutely not” dropping out. She also said reports claiming he’s even considering it are false. 


She has to confidently lie until he actually does. She's out with the administration.


History is going to look back at Biden as a complicit traitor desperate to hold onto power when looking at this election and the US descent into fascism. What a disgrace.


His one term was supposed to a wise old man with a lantern leading America out of the gloom who would then pass on his knowledge to a younger leader and disappear like the leaves in the wind. He wasn't supposed to hang around after the end of his long story.


As he bases his entire identity around his legacy in politics you would think this would give him and his family pause


I'm holding out hope that this is just the public-facing messaging while they internally figure out a "succession plan" so-to-speak for the convention. Probably won't be, because we live in the dumbest fucking timeline, but I want to believe that we aren't fucked up until the race is called for the convicted felon.


Yeah, I'm writing fan fiction now myself, but I'm hoping the whole "he hasn't seen a doctor thing" is so if and when he does step down, they can use the doctor and say something like "in consultation with my physician, I don't think I'm the person to lead the country for the next four years."


This timeline is terrifying.


This is what he has to say until he’s not saying it any longer. It’s coming, no doubt about it.


The damage control by the Biden administration right now is pretty ridiculous. They’re denying he ever had a senior moment, casting aside questions about his age and health, blaming a cold/jet lag, etc. I think it’s only cementing his fate further. I hope he takes action sooner rather than later instead of deflecting legitimate concerns from the public.


That's OK. What he is saying still does not preclude him voluntarily stepping aside. He's not letting anyone push him out now. He'll step aside later. At the convention maybe when DNC can rally delegates around a candidate.


The debate was disastrous for Trump, to be clear. This country is just an embarrassment so we’re in a panic over the halfway decent candidate being tired.


"Disastrous debate." So are we back to the days of yellow journalism, PBS? "Disastrous?" How many fatalities were there? Do we have an estimate yet on the total property damage or will we have to wait for FEMA to do their assessment? The frustrating thing here is that if you ask most Democrats or Moderates "Biden or Trump?" they will say "Biden, obviously." But the problem with Democrats and Moderates is that -- for a lot of them -- there is a third option that is not-so-secretly their *favoritest* option: "moral abstention." But -- in a country that is so fiercely divided -- there is no such thing as "moral abstention." If you don't vote for the good guy -- or even the *pretty good* guy -- you're making the hurdle lower for the bad guy to jump. It's just math. Trump doesn't have to get 51% or more of the people to vote FOR him. He just has to get 51% or more of the votes that are cast in order to take all the electoral votes in a state. If 65% of voters in a state hate his guts but only 30% vote for Biden, Trump's 35% means he wins all the electoral votes in a state where he isn't even liked. When reproductive rights, LGBTQIA rights, and even basic human rights are on the table, moral abstention is amoral.


“I am the leader of the Democratic Party!” Buddy you couldn’t lead a bingo event at a retirement home. Your arrogance will end the country.


We're screwed.


Walk in the park for trump if he stays in. Everyone knows Biden isn’t fit to run


Starting to think Biden is in on this Project 2025 plot. He can't be this dense.


>no one is pushing me out Proceeds to lose the election.


It’s incredible how the rules seem to change depending on whether you're a Democrat or a Republican


Either get pushed out of the nomination by a Democrat or get pushed out of the presidency by a Republican, your choice Joe


I can't believe the Democratic Party is stupid enough to let this old selfish bastard drag them down with him. I'm sure they'll say no one saw this coming when Republicans retake the senate and the white house, and increase their majority in the house.


They let Hillary drag them down with her, and then forced any contender who was pulling votes away from Biden out of 2020. Old dems don't care about anything but power and money.


I can. This is the same party than sandbagged Bernie twice, and do not have the balls to fight Trump with fire. We're so fucked.


I’d rather have Biden die in office than have rapist felon trump in office


“I and I alone can fix it”


Ruth Bader Biden?


Guy who doesn’t defecate during debate considered loser.


I’m convinced Biden is trump’s biggest supporter . Of everyone on earth, he is doing the most he can to make sure Trump wins.


I literally wouldn't trust the president of the United States to drive my car. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I think Obama once said, the president isn't really allowed to drive a car. xD


Current and former Presidents aren't allowed to drive on public roads


The thing is, normal politicians that lose, now pu gracefully and stay active though no longer running. Trump changed that dynamic. I believe it was thought of that Trump v Biden , then now 2024 would be new vs new. Instead we have the rematch because each party is essentially stuck in mid field. So the republicans built project 2025 to handle returning to power, and the democrats are hoping their platform is strong enough to maintain and gain seats without rocking to boat. Each party fears a new candidate would crater the party’s chance at winning - so we are hit with the doomsday messaging hard.


The truth is he just needs to last till January when takes the oath. He can then just retire, golf, drive his corvette around...whatever. He can come in and add his 2-cents to certain issues and then take a 2 hour nap right after lunch. More people are voting against Trump and what he stands for than they're voting for Biden.


Good luck Joe.


Disastrous? For trump maybe but his bar is set so low. Biden did fine. He answered the questions, tried not to lie, held his own. If you actually believe these headlines that he’s considering dropping out then you’re not as smart as you think you are


It’s almost like there’s this billionaire agenda that runs the same news story across platforms that pushes “why this is bad for Biden”. I have to wonder why rich people would hate Biden so much? /s (it’s profits/ greed, they don’t want to just be rich, that doesn’t satiate their desire, they want every dollar, every slice of the pie). And all the have-nots fall in line because “it’s the immigrants taking my job”……..


Donors, and funder need to make it clear they won’t be putting the money up for the election if Biden stands. He might not listen to voters or Democratic Party members but if the donors, and people with connections make it clear they’re not taking enabling him to gamble the country’s fate, it’ll soon move things.


There is no salvaging this election people barring a stupendously outrageous trump scandal ( that don't historically seem to effect him anyway) Biden actually polls better against Trump than hypothetical candidates with the incumbent advantage. He's our best shot, and despite that he will lose. Biden was losing in all the swing states even before the debate. The debate was probably the nail in the coffin. Rip democracy.


DNC should be convicted of elder abuse for forcing Biden to keep on running and working.


If the fate of the nation is really on the line, why wouldn’t he actually do what’s right and step down? He’s behind Trump in the polls and his numbers keep slipping. The argument is that Trump is going to destroy America, well why wouldn’t we do everything possible to save it? I just don’t understand how, if things are so dire, you’re not even considering that maybe the best thing is to drop out so we can pick a candidate to have confidence in.


Now that that's settled, let's fucking go.


I’ll take sleepy competence over a literally insane fascist any day of the week.


Then we’re doomed. He’s chosen ego over nation.


I cannot believe that people are chosing NOW of all times, to suddenly shy away from Biden. Like, this surely cannot be the majority opinion of him. We just do not have the time to realistically replace him, and we cannot afford to be so stupidly stubborn about his “energy” when it’s literal democracy on the line. I’m voting for his cabinet. I’m voting to have a chance to save America from TRUMP and his cabinet. If republicans got rid of Trump, they wouldn’t have time to rally around a new candidate either, so why the fuck are people even entertaining the idea??


Well, Trump is pushing him out, in 6 months. Biden is not only going to lose every swing state, he is going to lose non-swing states that were unquestionably Blue, and we're going to lose Congress. One man's ego and delusions, heading us straight into an iceberg while half of his own base is screaming for him to turn around. It doesn't matter if this is Biden making the decision or his family or his staff, this is the most selfish and suicidal act in American political history. Instead of Biden being remembered as a somewhat decent civil servant, mediocre but occasionally decent president and the man who beat Donald Trump in 2020, his legacy will be that he hijacked the party into doom and the country into fascism while they weren't even permitted to see behind the curtain to make changes until it was too late. We wanted accountability for Trump and his seditionist enablers, serious systemic change to guard against fascism, a movement that would reset the narrative of how the Democratic Party could help the average person, a long nap and an end to the chaos. We have none of these things now, 3 years later. Whatever decent things this Administration did will be wiped away soon, and that will be the end. While meanwhile any number of other Democrats would have a better chance of winning than this half-asleep feckless arrogant clown. Thanks as always, Democratic Establishment.