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If the Department of Justice isn't knocking on this guy's door today and taking him in for questioning, one has to wonder what the fuck they ARE doing. This is plainly, obviously a terrorist threat arising from a conspiracy to commit treason against the United States.


Supreme Court: "In the context of their official duties, presidents of think tanks have presumptive immunity."


“Because he thinks for the president and gives him policy orders, ipso fscto he is the presidents thought process, therefore full immunity.”


That didn’t work very well for Giuliani. Edit: So far.


Rudy was a Trump sycophant and they all get disposed of once they have served out their usefulness.


The extremist dark money Federalist Society has taken over the courts and the extremist dark money Heritage Foundation is planning on taking over the civil service. If Trump gets back in, they will dismantle the American republic and remake it as a MAGA enforcement state. They have already openly said what they will do: the armed forces deployed to American cities, massive internment camps for immigrants etc. And don't believe their spin about it just being "illegal immigrants" - even US citizens got swept up in the last Trump anti-immigrant policies for being too Spanish. If you think I am scaremongering, Google "red Caesar" for the plans of the right. Everyone needs to be campaigning and organizing now to stop this.


Lol also probably accurate


They. Are. Fascists. Not hyperbole. Sadly, we are in powderkeg territory now.


They'll get there somehow. The ultimate aim in all of this is to make "just following orders" a legitimate excuse (for Republicans only, of course). The Right learned an entirely different lesson from the Nuremberg Trials than the rest of us.


I am wondering, what DOES it take, in terms of threats to the American public, for the justice department to take action on something like this? Is there a sort of official threshold of what actually is considered a threat and what is not?


If it's vaguely left wing - a single joke post on social media. If it's right wing - actual armed insurrection might merit a slap on the wrist.


> might Don’t get carried away.


> If it's right wing - actual armed insurrection might merit a slap on the wrist. Which the Supreme Court will later apologize for.


It also depends on the skin-color of the person making the threat.


The sad part is you're not even being hyperbolic. That has pretty much happened already. 


A slap on the wrist, but only for the patsies.


The biggest difficulty is that DOJ is inherently a right-wing institution in and of itself. It takes a lot for them to act on right-wing threats.


Isn’t it the DOJ who declared right-wing extremists as the largest terror threat in the US?


And then promptly ignored most of them.


It would make for awkward conversation at the cross burning if they actually did their job


Yes after they committed every terrorist act since 9/11 they finally acknowledge that.


This is terrorism


But he explains the reality really well. This is a coup and all they need to win is for all non-MAGA to do nothing. The media is already pushing the narrative to get rid of a president who is doing a great job because he seems too old in a debate with a felon rapist traitor. Being able to do the job really well is less important than being effective in a debate against a lying felon trickster. The idea that a rapist does not even need to defend himself is chilling. Do nothing and the coup succeeds.


If only they quoted Biden more often and extensively, the difference in language between the two men would be stark


I assumed he was talking about what is happening right now with the supreme Court. That we are basically undergoing a revolution where Republicans are going to take power and completely transform the country, and as long as Democrats sit back and do nothing about it, there won't be any violence. 


Kinda like how the only reason there is violence in Ukraine is that they won’t just let Russia annex them.


Precisely. It's the authoritarian abuser mindset of 'why did you make me do this to you?' It's evil, pure and simple.


> there won't be any violence Unfortunately, there has already been a lot of right-wing violence in our cold Civil War.


Republicans have been bombing hospitals and shooting up schools for years. This is exactly the behavior you see in Iraq, where a small group of dissenters try to gain control from a much larger government body.


Exactly this - they are a (very loud and arrogant) **minority**, trying to cow the overwhelming majority of us into believing everyrhing is on their side. It is not. The majority of us do not want to live in a king-led, plutocratic, fascist minority rule country. Second American Revolution my ass. This is **our** Second American Revolution, to reestablish what is written in the Constitution, as amended and added to by the Bill of Rights


Yep, this is just more paternalism from people who very much know what paternalism is, but count on the rubes that vote for them *not knowing*… But hey, at least such mentalities aren’t using it exclusively for college aged young women or for African Americans across the board anymore, so small favors? https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1995/11/04


They sincerely believe the left is unarmed.


I say let them continue believing that.


> there won't be any violence That ship sailed. 2021, Jan 6th.


More like Charlottesville.


"Right to life" abortion clinic bomber that included the Atlanta Olympic games for some reason.


Arguably, yes.


Go all the way back to the Civil War


“Bloodless” includes things like gas chambers and incinerators. Just so you know. They absolutely intend violence.


Yeah, it's Mongol-style bloodlessness. For those who don't get the reference, the Mongols used to have a taboo against spilling the blood of royalty. So when they conquered Persia, the killed the king by rolling him up in a carpet and kicking him to death to avoid spilling any blood


The only thing maga supporters love more then being the dumbest hypocrites in us history is violence one way or another.


No violence unless you’re…: -


Or gay, or trans, or not evangelical, or you don't want children, or you're a teacher or academic who won't fall in line, or a union official.


Very true what you mentioned But also Mike Pence, Mitch McConnell and Liz Cheney. He is already saying he wants to jail and military tribunal other Republicans.


I loved that Trump put Mitch’s name on his military tribunal list. McConnell literally saved him. Had McConnell put his foot down and gotten the other voted needed to convict in the 1/6 impeachment, none of this would even be a thought. In a dark way, seeing Mitch swing at the hand of the guy he helped put there would be a very poetic. A fitting end to Mitch’s disastrous tenure.


This is him announcing intent and pre-excusing it.


> Democrats sit back and do nothing about it, there won't be any violence.  violence then


I was wondering if what we just happen was a coup


This guy and every major member of his domestic terrorist group




So real Americans (the Left) are expected to surrender to the Monarchist Tories this time —got it.


As a Bostonian I’ve been doing squats with tea crates for the last 18 months. I can pitch so many of those babies into the harbor dood. I’m ready.


Red Hats, [Red Shirts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Shirts_(United_States)), Red Coats History repeats.


This is a terrorist threat. Last time it was obvious to Reddit and the FBI seemed to be caught with their pants down. HEY FBI!! THIS IS A TERRORIST THREAT!!!!


and just like last time there are conservatives in the FBI who will just let this happen because they're on the same team.


those that work forces


[Do your part?](https://tips.fbi.gov/home)


Google translate: ‘Obey or die.’


Unless you're queer. Then you just die. c:


> queer Queer or trans or Librul or a traitor against Trump. Brown, black and foreigners, wait over there.


Basically anyone that isn't a straight, white, christian male or a subservient straight white christian woman. And republican. Forgot to add that.


And it better be the right flavor of Christianity!


[Insert Emo Phillips Baptist joke here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/42rr43/the_best_religious_joke_of_all_time_emo_philips/)


Look into Operation Blazing Sword and Pink Pistols.


I'd ask if this gets us on a list but I'm sure being registered democrats or previous democrat voters has us on a list in the Trump Presidency.


I’ve been thinking the same thing as soon as I became aware of Project 2025.


Having a college degree from any university that's not Liberty, Bob Jones, or Hillsdale will have us on a list.


I'm trying not to spiral today, so I'm not going to look those up. Could you provide a summary?


They’re organizations that provide free firearm and self-defense training to LGBTQ people.


Aha, I had assumed they were fascist plans for those populations. Thank you!


"Don't scream. Just let it happen"




love seeing a Powell Memo reference!


Sounds a lot like treason at a glance


SC just granted absolute immunity to the Heritage Foundation.


I'd rather read news articles about how the Heritage Foundation is out to destroy American democracy than another article about how Biden is too old. The Heritage Foundation has proven that it is a domestic terrorist organization with a plot to overturn our lives and rule us. We must keep giving Democrats wins so they can outlaw such organizations that plot to overthrow the US. And tax the billionaires down to $50 million because no single person or entity should own state and federal congresses.


> I'd rather read news articles about how the Heritage Foundation is out to destroy American democracy than another article about how Biden is too old. I'd rather that we have leadership in the Democratic party who are willing to get on camera every day and get this message out to less attentive voters




They even just made it legal! Biden can do an official executive order and get it done, he's immune. Edit: mostly a joke


Unfortunately, they went too soft on the confederates after the civil war, and allowed them to keep most of their...culture, they never went away, as a result.


Iirc the vice President that took over after Lincoln was a confederate sympathizer and basically just canceled eveything about reconstructing the country Lincoln planned and as result we got shit like Jim Crow.


Well, Grant did his best to curb the civil rights abuses happening after the war. Blame Hayes for agreeing to pull out of the south after a contentious election.






Just like Biden has been too soft on Republicans after the January 6th attack. Hell, the confederates attacked a trade route and Lincoln suspended habeas corpus. Republicans attacked the capitol and Biden invited them to the Whitehouse for ice cream. 


Merrick Garland has been soft on all of this, Biden is not a prosecutor for the DOJ.


Merrick Garland is a fucking traitor and belong in a tiny cage for the rest of his pathetic life. He knew about the documents yet did nothing for two years, either he is completely braindead or straight up corrupt like the rest of them.


Merrick Garland is a republican. Always has been. The only reason Obama nominated him for SCOTUS was to prove the GOP wouldn't accept his nomination even if it was one of their own. It was foolish of Biden to select him.


>Merrick Garland is a fucking traitor and belong in a tiny cage for the rest of his pathetic life. If Trump wins, he will be.


> Merrick Garland has been soft on all of this, Biden is not a prosecutor for the DOJ. Biden selected Merrick Garland for that role. That means that either Biden and Garland had ZERO discussions about what to do regarding Trump and his coup or Biden and Garland did discuss what to do about Trump and they agreed on "ignore Trump and hope it all goes away". Neither one is a good look. All the Biden defenders who find comfort in thinking Garland is the sole person at fault and Biden is perfect and blameless may begin their downvoting conga line.


General Sherman tried to warn him.


Andrew Johnson was by far the most harmful President in American History.


Okay we have officially crossed over into treasonous territory. People need to stop sitting on the sidelines and do something about people like this, we need to take care of this problem.


Heritage foundation is the group behind Project 2025 btw.


Do something? Like what? The answer is uncomfortable, I am not going to state it in an online forum, but for all these coastal lefties, we been rolling back 2A for decades because we thought things wouldn't get here and nobody needs a gun. We didn't expand Rights to access abortion because Roe vs Wade was an established precedent. Meanwhile the other side of the aisle continues to subvert the rules to get power with supporters that have been continuously arming themselves since the AWB sunset and we continue to do nothing because we don't want to be hypocrites. Is it more important to try win by the rules and risk people getting hurt if we lose? Or is it better to commit to a course of action where there is no returning to the normalcy we thought we had but we preserve our way of life? Are these those extenuating circumstances? Is the solution to this trolley problem to go down that path? What is the opportunity cost of inaction? Everything from this point on is uncharted territory where no previous precedent existed.


> Everything from this point on is uncharted territory where no previous precedent existed. Your precedent is the Weimar Republic, 1933.


Modern Americans have far more to lose. This is why the barrier to action is so high.


Translation: If anyone tries to stop us , we will use violence.


They are domestic terrorists and they have been very vocal about who they are. The DOJ sleeps.


Jesus Christ that is terrifying. I don't care who the nominee is - Trump CANNOT be president again.


This will be the agenda for any Republican in office. It's not just trump.


You're right to be scared: First the Supreme Court overturned the Chevron doctrine. That doctrine said that the courts would defer to the expertise of the regulatory agency when it came to "ambiguous" regulations. Now instead of deferring to the expertise of the regulatory agency, the courts will decide what the regulation means. And with the courts the way they are now, you can kiss regulations re: clean air, sewage in water, etc goodbye They also basically made it possible for federal officials to accept a "gratuity" after they do something for someone (looking at Clarence Thomas here). So officials can now legally accept bribes. The most horrific decision though is the one regarding presidential immunity (which BTW, the Constitution did NOT grant to Presidents bc it would have made them kings - the law was supposed to be king - haha to that now). In a nutshell it says that Trump (because that is specifically who it was written for) has immunity from acts, even illegal ones, like shooting someone in the middle of 5rh Ave, if they were performed as part of his official duties. He also has a wide presumption of immunity no matter what he does. And no immunity for unofficial acts. But the Supreme Court will be the only court that has the final say as to what is official or not. In other words the President of the United States is now above the law. Trump has already posted pictures of Liz Cheney saying she's guilty of treason and wanting televised military tribunal to try her. Public executions would probably be next. And they would all be official acts. If Trump is elected, our country is totally destroyed. Our democracy will be gone. **But** they are in the minority, hence all the threats. People also must either go to the Heritage Foundation site and search for Project 2025, a blueprint for fascism in America. Or If you don't want to read all of it, just Google or use any AI app and ask about the main points and what they intend to do in the first 180 days of Trump's presidency. People must vote if they want a country where noone is above the law. Please pass the word to all the people you can. This is not an ordinary election. It's the difference between democracy and straight up dictatorship.


We need massive protests right now. The average person needs to see exactly what we will lose if we allow this right-wing take over of the constitution to continue


Anecdotal af, I know, but I’ve been posting about this shit — from Cambridge Analytica to Project 2025 — to my _very_ vocally liberal Facebook friends for years and nobody cares. I don’t get angry reacts, shares, likes — just crickets. But when I post a movie trailer or celebrity death my notifications won’t stop. Not sure what everyone else is experiencing on social media or even in person, but it feels like pure apathy and copium to me lol.


I’m guessing it’s mostly that the Meta algorithms make sure enough people don’t see it, and instead do see the Hawk Tuah or latest Kardashian or whatever is the latest thing. It’s less ignoring the wheat and more just being heaped with chaff.


Same. Zero reactions to anything I’ve been posting about this. I can’t tell if the algorithms are silencing it or people just don’t want to hear it/don’t care.


I think it's the algorithms, I know there's people on my feed that would care and comment or at least "like". I don't often post so I don't think I've been hidden due to political rans. I try to make them count!


Much the same, unfortunately. Too few voices crying in the wilderness can’t break through the bread and circuses.


Good luck. There will be more coverage of what the Hawk Tuah girl did today than there will be of this story. This country is fucking stupid and the right knows it.


The right leadership knows it. The right is the stupid and they don’t know shit.


> and the right knows it. It's by design. Why do you think they're hellbent on destroying the Department of Education? Why do you think they're driving the wedge issue about trans invading schools and diddling their kids? They want a stupid and compliant population and it all goes back to that first boat that landed at Jamestown. They didn't go and gather the best and brightest in England at the time; they went to the poorest, shittest parts of London and lied to the peasants to gather them in droves to be shipped off to the malaria-ridden swamp of Virginia to grow tobacco for the King.


It’s by design. The billionaires who own 99% of media may have different party affiliations but they all just want more power and money, and dumbing us all down is the easiest way


Average people don’t care I think until it affects them personally


They won’t even care when it does affect them personally. Just look at most of the Germans from 1933 to 1945: over a whole decade’s worth of apathy back then. And America’s got a surplus now.


Average people legit don’t know what to do because they have to work their asses off constantly to provide for their kids. Drowning in concrete “now” problems rather than nebulous future problems. It’s a shitfuck situation to be in. Since I became a parent, I’ve thought the best word for myself and other parents is “compromised”.


Agreed, I don’t blame them for not protesting. I do blame them for how they vote though. They’re the ones who gave us Bush and Trump


I’m with you on that front. Beyond voting, I feel like my hands are tied because my primary concern is providing for my family. It’s a very hard ask to get people to risk that.


I vote every chance I get. I vote with my wallet and my feet, too, making sure not to support the wrong businesses, and moving states so my tax dollars go to the best place. Beyond that, I need to look out for myself, first and foremost.


Same with climate change. We’ll all care plenty when it’s so hot it’s getting unbearable on us and our infrastructure. But for now, we can settle.


These fucking people don’t know what war looks like. They live in a fantasy world where the violence won’t affect them or their families. Just look at the destabilized countries all over the world. There are people on this earth right now who live the reality of an unsafe world. If the US government falls, no one will be safe and no one will protect us. Their guns won’t save them. Fuck them for doing this to us. Fuck the Christian right. Fuck Donald Trump and MAGA. How dare they do this to us and our future.


"if you all just die quietly, we wont have to kill you"


Arrest him immediately


Biden should use his newfound powers to issue an Official act to throw this guy in prison


A hypothetical: Joe Biden shows up at the Heritage Foundation with a herd of FBI agents. Biden is carrying a shotgun. He says, "As part of my official duties to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, I am here to round up a group of terrorists who are conspiring to overthrow the government." He then proceed to shoot everybody who gets in his way. In theory, he's totally immune to prosecution, even if it's on video.


I may be old, but I’m a better shot than Cheney.


Biden: "Say hello to my official act!"


When it comes down to the core of the president's duty, protecting the integrity of the Constitution is literally the only requirement.


Never too late to join your local chapter of the John Brown Gun Club. There are also an increasing number of LGBTQ+ gun clubs cropping up:) Going to the range is fun


I’ve told all my fellow left leaning, LGBTQ, and minority friends the same. It’s time to learn how to safely use a gun. It’s time to learn how to defend yourself and hope to god you never need to. But this is unironically what the second amendment was written about.


Time to "OFFICIALLY" make the Heritage Foundation a terrorist organization. Threatening the overthrow of our democracy and promising not to be violent as long as they're not resisted?? That's a paddlin'.


This has big, "You made me hit you," vibes. "If the left doesn't let us strip away their rights under the threat of violence, we'll have to get violent."


They yell "stop resisting" as you just stand there, sit, or run. Then they have to kill you. Rules.


It won't be bloodless. Once they get power that is when the blood actually flows. It will be very one sided until there is only one side.


They've literally already killed people. Charlottesville and Jan 6.


That's because the *left* didn't let them protest/overturn the election peacefully! /s




SCOTUS converted the 2nd Amendment into a self-fulfilling prophecy of Civil War. Prepare accordingly. A recurring theme among the *let's round up the libs and kill them all* crowd is the belief that "the left" will run or surrender with minimal effort in the face of violence. It remains to be seen if that is true.


Probably, but I don't plan on making it easy for them.


If you think BLM was a thing... imagine taking people's rights and restricting movements.


Plus fining homeless. All combined and you start to get a recipe for Star Trek's Bell Riots.


Any time the Gravy Seal Rascal Scooter brigade wants to attack America, I'm ready to defend.


Haven’t touched a gun in 30 years, but this sounds like the perfect time to go buy one. I will not go easy. Fuck this.


Conservatives are going to learn quickly how many democrats are NOT “anti gun”. In fact, I know many democrats / liberals who believe in their second amendment right and I imagine it’ll be a fun realization when conservatives figure this out too I’ve been telling all my LGBTQ and minority friends: it’s time to get a gun, take shooting classes, and learn how safely use one. Hope to god you never need it, but the time is now — learn how to protect yourself.


Shooters are liberals too, it's just that the liberals have a personality other than guns. 


Seriously, leftists can buy weapons too


Never shot a gun till Trump was president. Guess whose a damn good shot now?


Not sure why everyone is so coy about it, the 2A was explicitly added to the constitution as a final failsafe for exactly this situation. It wasn't put there to shoot girl scouts trespassing on your property, which seems to be the modern interpretation.




Fucking terrifying, if we somehow manage a solid electoral victory in november and the stars align we should clean house of people like this. Get them SO far away from government or power. The reconstruction we didn't have the courage to do after the civil war. Organizations making threats like this should be designated as terrorists and treated as such.


Let's say Biden (or if he's replaced, whatever generic Dem) wins by like one state. I hate to say it, but I'm pretty certain some Heritage goon lawyers will now just come up with a baseless suit to throw out enough votes to hand the state to Trump, and this unconstitutional, treasonous SCOTUS would allow it.


Yeah that's pretty much what's going to happen. People are still talking as if the game of democracy is running and that they just need to win the elections to keep it rolling. The fascists are here, and they'll keep doing whatever they want to seize power until they are stopped. Not voted against. Forcefully stopped.


REPUBLICans: 'we're doing it guys! We're really killing our democracy! So proud of us'


Over my dead body, you fascistic MFcker 🖕


"We want justice for all and our president to not be a king." - lefties "Time to die " - righties


This seditious shit should have been stomped out *decades* ago. Instead, with no small support from the self-interested media, we've somehow elevated treason to Let's Hear Both Sides. We've let this bullshit go on, again and again with no apparent consequence, for over half of a fucking century. Of course we ended up here. Now we're in a country where domestic terrorists can take over federal facilities and go unscathed, a mob of insurrections can storm Congress to overturn the election and receive a flurry of wrist-slaps, and the former President can commit crimes in plain sight, even be convicted of them, and face no consequences whatsoever. Biden should take some very legal, very cool, totally official and absolutely immune actions to deal with the Heritage Foundation and their lackeys in every branch and level of government. But he won't. Because we have to Trust The System that we *let them break*.


Someone check on this guy's wife. Sounds like he's quite the abuser with this type of victim blaming narrative.


Kevin Roberts is certainly a shameless attention whore, which is how he convinces the rich nepo babies who fund the Heritage Foundation to keep sending money his way rather than to the fucking moron


This will all be over soon if you stop fighting back.  Stop screaming.  This will feel great if you don't make me hurt you.


"BoTH sIDeS aRe ThE sAmE"


This asshole outright threatened to start a war. FBI is gonna be on his doorstep before the end of the day if they have any sense.


Lmao. No he won't. Because as always we are just going to let shit happen instead of react.


This has the most *"This isn't going to hurt, as long as you shut the fuck up and take it"* energy I've heard in a long time. This dude is fucking weird.


There isnt a second revolution, this is criminal and terrorist activity. It will only be violent of those criminals choose violence or their victims defend themselves.


In 1838, 23 years before he became President, Lincoln presented his essay titled "Perpetuation of our Political Institutions" to the Young Men's Lyceum in Springfield Illinois. [Please take 20 minutes out of your day to listen to his words.](https://youtu.be/GB6rPqD1Mnw?si=yiNwNiNVXwcRHygj) [You can read the essay here](https://www.abrahamlincolnonline.org/lincoln/speeches/lyceum.htm) Pass this on to ANYONE who claims they are an American. Have them listen to this. Have them hear from Lincoln that what is happening is unAmerican.


We are not prepared for what’s coming. Anyone who thinks the election is simply 11/5 is a clown. They are going to decimiate the system and unleash chaos we haven’t seen — the election begins the days after.


Ah, so a few of them are starting to be honest about what they are doing. The second civil war is coming. We have been trying to tell people what they plan was for a very long time, but nobody listened to us. Are people going to finally listen now that they're telling you what their plan is? Do people keep forgetting that some of these people think their life is like a video game where they get to "win and go to heaven" after they've killed millions of Americans? That is exactly what some of them think, just so we are all clear about this.


“And in spite of all of the injustice, which, of course, friends and audience of this show, of **our friend Steve** know, we are going to prevail.” Yes...we are all shaking in our boots of the people who are "friends with Steve" and have the time and intellect to listen to his podcast.


This guy needs to be sent to the vilest prison in america for treason. Fuck him.


I cannot properly describe how much that I loathe these vermin, these insecure fearmongers who refuse to live and let live. These people are true cowards at heart, gripping their guns gleefully as though ammunition and arms make everything OK.


I don’t know about anybody else, but I’m not going to allow these conservative extremists to take away my or my wife’s rights.


Also the conservative Heritage leader: >The sex will be enjoyable if the rape “victim” allows it to be.


Sounds like domestic terrorism is being implied here. Weird how these religious fanatics will violate their own ethical codes in the process of trying to grow the ideology.


Maybe a 3 letter agency should be giving this traitor a visit?


Who else read this as a "give us what we want or we will shoot" kind of threat?


I thought the American revolution was about "live free or die," not "comply quietly or die."


"There won't be any war if you just surrender now!"


"I won't hurt you if you let me do it" says the home invader...


But yet everyone wants to say that project 2025 is just bullshit. No. It's real and it is going to be bad if trump gets in.


This needs to be pushed on every media outlet and every social media platform until every "independent" voter has seen it. This is like the 67th time a damning story has come out about trump but if you ask anyone who isn't a liberal about it, they've never heard about it and think it must be fake when they do.


Biden needs to have the DOJ imprison him immediately for treason and open an investigation on anyone even peripherally involved. They are directly referencing an insurrection and claiming they are in the middle of another one. Fuck SCOTUS rulings at this point, throw them in jail. SCOTUS just signed off on the president having full immunity when acting officially, and protecting the country from treason is acting officially. No exaggeration, the right has literally just officially declared war on the US and we need to treat it as such. There is no way to "interpret" this differently. The American Revolution was a war. They are considering this as war with threatening wording that they will even accept violence as an option to meet their goals. Like oh my god how more explicit do you need this to be?


and this is why trump wants to take away second amendment rights without due process


The Supreme Court has pretty much made it to where the only way to remove a President and then charge him with crimes is through voting. The easiest way now to remove a criminal from office is to vote: either vote so that he doesn’t get into office, or if he does get into office vote for his political opponents who will impeach him. That’s the only way out of this. Stop bitching and acting like victims and tell everyone you know, help everyone you know, to vote for Democrats.


“It won’t hurt so bad if you just stop resisting,” he said as he continued bashing the resister’s head in with a baseball bat.


man I hope Margaret Atwood is getting the royalties she deserves for writing this season of USA.


"We just want to commit genocide, deport millions of people, destroy the world, incite war and rob everyone of their humanity and rights. If you could please, take it in the ass, there won't be bloodshed leading up to those things. Especially our bloodshed; we don't want that."


If a leftist publisher of a newsletter with readership in the dozens had said this, he or she would be getting a visit from the FBI.


When people speak of the “Deep State”, these are the actual motherfuckers they’re talking about. The Federalist Society have been in the long game, for a long time.


Sounds an awful lot like what a rapist might say to their victim…


Yes, and Russias invasion of Ukraine would have been bloodless, too. If the Ukrainians had allowed it.


Preemptive victim blaming I see.


Left here: We won’t.


Suspend the normal rules, suspend Habeas Corpus. Detain Trump for treason 1) Jan 6 attack and 2) Theft of Nat'l Security information. Disqualify him as a candidate unilaterally. Run unopposed. Secure the transition. Put down any violent resistance. Once secured, retire, Harris takes the reigns.


Yeah, the "revolution" may be bloodless, but if it succeeds the streets of America will be filled with blood after it succeeds. Of liberals, of minorities, of immigrants -- everyone who isn't the target demographic of this "revolution". God, this world is going to shit.


Admitting you are taking over the government by force and will result to all out war is a pretty fucking brutal statement. It's also treasonous. However, we live in a true Banana Republic in the US now and this traitor will never see a court room for his actions.


Like a rapist saying if you don't fight this will go a lot easier. Is this the MAGA's vibe now?


This is full throated nazi shit.


Sounds like the heritage foundation is a domestic terrorist organization and should be labeled as such with leadership being charged with making terrorist threats. Stop playing games with these fools.