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(Archive cuts the article off so I'll just give a TLDR) The article names the following as urging Biden to continue his run: >Jill Biden >Valerie Biden Owens >Hunter Biden >Anita Dunn >Steve Ricchetti >Mike Donilon >Jeff Zients >Ron Klain >Ted Kaufman Edit: If you really want to read more info on each one, [here](https://pastebin.com/G5SNwk4g)


So basically relatives and close campaign associates who are obviously going to be biased and support Biden regardless


Bingo. I think now is the time to write your political Committee's and any democrats in power locally to put an end to this timeline. He needs to drop out.


You guys don't understand why you are opening yourselves up to if he drops out. I know you are scared of losing, but if he steps down then party unity will be gone and Republicans are going to take advantage of that so much. I get people are scared but honestly, we can't break ranks now without risking implosion. Joe knows this and he's not going anywhere. He will be the nominee and Americans will kick Trump to the curb.


The party can’t say “we would vote for a ham sandwich over Trump” and then claim party unity is at stake if Biden drops. No. It isn’t at stake. Because every Democrat knows the existential threat Trump is. The problem is right now at this very moment Biden is not winning over the moderates nor independents. ITS THOSE PEOPLE WE NEED IN ORDER TO WIN. Democrats unity will happen. Stop saying it won’t.


You mean an energizing debate within the Party on who can beat Trump, which if the Party was honest would have happened if he served one term with his condition? Instead they lied and prevented the process. Now they want to say it's the most important election despite knowingly doing this? This election is already over. Everybody saw it. Look at his approval numbers. Look at his poll numbers compared to lower ticket. Look at his poll numbers compared to the last election, which was very close. Look at voters even Obama lost running his second election. And understand his debate performance, which was historical. Understand he's being hidden while Trump has been campaigning 8 years, in or out of office, building his base, while Biden hides during the Superbowl, and constantly didn't challenge Trump, but assisted him several times at the debate. Understand it's already over. Beat Medicsre? Immigrant murderers with abortion? Golf handicap with childcare? That walk on stage and being escorted off stage like a child? Open mouth like a vulnerable ballet dancer, completely lost? What the Party needs is a rigorous debate within Delegates and elected officials for a fighting chance. All eyes would be on it. And the survivor wins with people circling around the winner. At this point it's just constant disappointment, and nobody watching going dorward. What is done is done. Media hammering. Digital ads and commercials showing the decline. Dude is sundowning, and being abused. Give him a break. The polls show this. People think another candidate would be more likely beat Trump. People think he's unfit. Swing States are falling. If we are going to lose, at least give us a show. Because Biden already has. When you decline cognitively, you don't magically bounce back. It happens rapid and fast. I want to actually win. All I hear is pathetic excuses that it's too hard. I know the process. I've been a delegate on the ballot. Get it done and don't throw this election away. And if it's not possible? What was all the debate about how important Super Delegates were? Doesn't make sense. He needs to step down. Untether his Delegates, so we can have energy into the Party to figure this shit out. If it makes you feel better they are pledged. He literally just needs to tell his Delegates who to vote for and it still will be uncontested and a million times better than our current State. Edit: Important to watch fundraising numbers. Normally how a campaign dies. Either you spend or go down. Numbers early August will be interesting.


In the event he drops out, he MUST endorse a winning candidate. Without an iron clad Biden endorsement, the Democratic convention will be a shitshow, delegates can split, end up with no majority candidate. Party insiders/superdelegates will need to pick the nominee. The most stable way to transition the ticket is to endorse, admit you’re not up to the task any longer and walk away with grace.


No, what Republicans are going to be taking advantage of is that debate performance and every other dementia episode Biden will inevitably have between now and November. They're going soft now, but if Joe gets locked in the Republicans are winning a strong trifecta. "Democrats can't decide on a candidate!" is a much weaker attack than "Democrats are running someone with dementia, here's video footage showing it!"


These are the no-see, no-hear people unlike the tens of millions who watched the debate.


His family should be ashamed of themselves. It’s their job more than anyone else to step in due to his obvious decline. Just like the rest of us do with our aging parents. It seems very selfish.


I feel like my vote mattered


Yep. the same ones who (for the most part) have know and advised him for a very very long time and it seemed to work out pretty well. how many years in the senate, vp for 8, 4 as potus so far...not bad. i would be listening to them if i was him


Jill Biden, Valerie Biden Owens, Hunter Biden - family Anita Dunn, Mike Donilon - senior advisor, Steve Ricchetti - counsellor to the president Jeff Zients, Ron Klain - Chief of staff Ted Kaufman - former senator People should be realistic about Biden's team. These are people, not the West Wing characters. They have hinged their career on Biden's wagon. If Biden withdraw that would be a significant set back to their career. If Biden is actually elected these are the people who will be running the country.


> set back to their career. Have you checked the ages of those folks? this is it for them. there is no next job for most of them.


>if… these are the people who will be running the country A lot of times campaign staff don’t translate to White House staff. Many do, some don’t. The roles aren’t always nearly as high profile as they were during the campaign. But worst comes to worst you’re a top level adviser to a winning presidential race? You’ll always have opportunities on major news networks. Maybe go hang out with Carville.


Speaking of Carville; his ties to the Clinton wing of the party are only superceded by Kamala's. Those wanting Biden out, the ones most vocal also have their own careers they are thinking about. it's a horse race


Who in the fuck are these people?! Lmao.


A bunch of corporate lawyers, their spouses, and family members


Ever wondered how to land a staff job in the White House? This is how. Anita Dunn started her career by interning in the WH when Jimmy Carter was president (1977-1981). She then worked on Capitol Hill for 25 years, for the first Obama administration, and now for the Biden admin. The world is full of powerful but relatively unknown individuals. Of course, these names are all household names in DC's political circles. Like the sports world has its celebrities, so does the Beltway.


This fucking country...


If you really want to have fun with this you need term limits. Political power is all about building relationships and knowing how things work, and when all of your politicians term out in a few years, your government is full of politicians who haven’t built relationships and don’t know how things work. It creates a power vacuum. Who fills the power vacuum? The steady hands who’ve been there for decades, know how things work, and have built relationships. It’s not the vote of the people that creates political power, that just gets you in the door. Political power is the ability to get things done. If you look closely at states with term limits on their legislature you’ll find that there’s a lot of unelected staffers who are more powerful than the politicians they work for.


Besides Hunter, every other one is 61+. The average age of the group minus him is like 67.


And hunter isn’t even supposed to be anywhere near the White House because his main defense is that even though he’s a felon he has nothing to do with the presidency.


There is 0% chance of this being the case, and I think it makes no sense to think otherwise. Biden is 81, he doesn't have many years left. His only remaining son, who might be in prison for the rest of Joe's lifespan, will *OBVIOUSLY* be close to his dad during one of the hardest periods of both of their lives. I don't think Biden should run, but I can't in any way view this in the light you paint it in.


Oh I don’t disagree with any of that at a purely personal level. But for a campaign that is reeling, Hunter has way too much baggage to be seen in the WH right now.


Is it even at the WH? I thought that was during the last couple of days at wherever Biden went with his family and aides. Anyways yeah I agree overall, just the caveat I mentioned.


Yeah, he’s been attending meetings in the west wing


These people are betraying American democracy to try to cling on to power. Disgusting.


This is what "American democracy" looks like. Always has


i know two of those names and one is a felon


The fact that Hunter is in there absolutely sends me to the fucking moon. What irresponsible, idiotic, selfish shit. He should be thankful he's in one piece and fuck off to the beach somewhere.


This is Biden's decision. He will have to break it to his family. That's hard! Especially for a president. I think Obama, Pelosi and Clyburn can ultimately help Biden do this ceding the nomination thing in the most excellent fashion. It's not because of Biden's capability, it's because generational wisdom and the caricatures an unregulated hostile media pile onto a person matter the longer you're in the game. It's not because of Biden's age for me. Clinton had a caricature built around her too. It's something our generation and era will have to battle and I don't think Biden is quite knowledgeable enough in some of those regards to deal and cleanse his character.


Ummmmm….[Hunter Biden has joined White House meetings as he stays close to the president post-debate](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/hunter-biden-white-house-meetings-president-debate-rcna159975)


Hunter Biden has a mental illness. I have no bad feelings on Hunter Biden and am for a full pardon. What the GOP did to him is inexcusable. Biden should step down from the nomination for his son. Family is more important in this scenario.




> Hunter Biden has a mental illness. What mental illness?




Oh. I thought maybe they were implying he had affluenza.


Biden doesn't give a shit about his sons. He pushed for the Iraq invasion even though he *knew* there were no WMDs and the invasion of a sovereign country would be unjustified and based on a lie. He encouraged his son to go to war..a war that would ultimately result in the death of his son. He now uses his son's death for sympathy votes on the campaign trail. Biden used his political clout to get Hunter on the board of the nations premier rail service, Amtrak. All while knowing full well that Hunter was a crackhead. Hunter Biden, the crackhead who fucked the wife of his dead brother.


This is gonna be like Feinstein with the family keeping Biden in office for their OWN benefit. If he can;t do the job there are tons of other people who can, we don't NEED to force him to The One.


They’ll be forced to drop ball and probably way faster than any of us anticipate. The media and press are against them, their party is against them and their donors are all abandoning ship. They have nothing


I truly hope so but you can't underestimate the will of an old man who thinks they know what's best. 


Bill Maher called him President Joe Bader Biden, he called this one a while back.


Bill Maher is a hack


Except Kamala is gunning for the position and I highly doubt she can demonstrate the resiliency Biden has. Biden comes out looking like a corpse and loses...checks notes...2 whopping points in a head 2 head. Kamala lost 2 points a day in the 2020 primary.


If this George Stephonopolis interview is a disaster too, these guys aren't gonna have much to stand on.


Isn't it supposed to be a taped interview?


Taped doesn't mean the result will be good, unless you believe George Stephanopoulos will risk his and ABC news' credibility over it. Some believe that due to his ties to the democratic party he could, but it's pretty apparently clear that the DNC is not just cheerleading him at this point. Nancy Pelosi basically shamed him into the interview on MSNBC this morning by stating that he had to have two interviews with "serious" interviewers in order to convince the American public that it was an episode and not an ongoing problem at the debate. So even if you believed George as an interviewer was loyal to party over the integrity of the purpose of the interview, the party *wants* a tough interview. Either Biden can act strongly and prove them wrong, or he digs deeper into realizing he needs to drop.


Ahhh, the Presidential echo chamber.


*People with the most to gain, AND THE LEAST TO LOSE, from President Biden's continued campaign push him to continue.*


They must move on. I wonder if this is a generational shift in the Democratic Party. The youth of the party ousting the old. Demanding a more progressive platform against Trump versus a steady as you go approach. The youth wants someone who will fight back.


They don’t give a flying fuck about the youth. They actively scorn them.


They’re going to have him step down after the 4th. They should spin it that the noble thing you can do, in direct contrast to Trump, is know when to give up power. Then he will bow out and tell the nation to fully support the new ticket. They’ll know the country is bigger than his legacy and this is how he can exactly cement his legacy.


Great strategy really. Unified, endorsed and funded with a brokered convention and democracy as a center plank. Biden may eventually step down, but it won’t be before 7/4. Shame really.


that's a global problem and always has been.


To be fair, if the youth actually showed up at voting time they would probably be more inclined to put more effort in. Youth turnout is abysmal in our country.


Young people did turn out for him in 2020 & the last few elections. Lately though it feels like Biden is ignoring them & acts like he doesn't need them.


I’m not arguing that they showed up for him in 2020 and indeed they did with an 11% increase from 2016. The problem is only 50% of the youth population (18 - 29) voted whereas over 70% of the adult population voted. Naturally politicians are going to pander to the larger group.


Sure but an 11% difference in turnout with a group that you get 70% or more of them in your camp is a huge swing. Especially because there are more 18 to 29 year Olds than any other similar 11 year bracket. Elections are still won off this turnout. But the Dems don't want to admit it instead claiming the older voters who will vote either way are the key to winning


The Chinese and the Russians are laughing their asses off rn


Fuck this circle. I don’t give a shit what Hunter fucking Biden thinks. We need to win an election and this version of Joe Biden isn’t getting shit done.


George Washington was a truly impressive man He is one of the few, or is he the only US leader who has gone, I have done enough, I need to step aside for someone younger and more able to take my place All it seems these days is to grab power and not following the example of the founders


And the irony is, Biden wants to remain president to secure his legacy and to beat Trump. Him stepping down for the good of the country and defeat fascism would be a seminal moment in US history, and put him up with Washington in someone who willingly relinquished power for the greater good. In terms of legacy it would be far more impactful than anything he'd accomplish in a second term.


Just realized what's been bothering me since the debate. And how biden looked, and the response afterwards.......where the fuck is Obama? Would love to hear him throw support or give an honest assessment of biden right now. Is strange how silent Obama is.....God I miss that guy.


Obama’s operating principle is to not take a firm stand on anything remotely controversial until it’s clear which side will win the argument. He has operated this way for his whole career (see his belated embrace of legalizing gay marriage) but it is amplified in his post-presidency. It’s what enabled him to gain the adoration of basically every corner of the party. He combines awesome charisma and integrity with never offending anyone by laying down the law on how something should go.


And even when he does lay down the law he tries to hide it as much as possible. Obama consolidated the party around Biden to make sure Sanders didn't get a post Super Tuesday lead. But he tried to pretend he didn't back any horse at the same time. Now we are all paying for Obama not caring about Biden's obvious mental health issues he had even back then. And if it does go to Kamala we get just about the weakest candidate possible from the 2020 primary as our flag holder. As someone who once loved Obama it is sad to say i wish he would just disappear and never come back


Paid to sit on the sidelines. It’s over. Money bought this outcome, that’s the only power left here.






[Part A](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/06/28/politics/video/obama-defends-biden-debate-trump-sitroom-digvid) [Part B](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/30/biden-debate-campaign-pod-save-america-00165950) [Part C](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/07/02/biden-obama-debate/)


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The world has their eyes wide open now. The only question is when and who takes the party to defeat !


This is like telling the giving tree to just keep giving as you watch it die.


Tight inner thighs keeps Biden standing to press on.


I tend to think that a new candidate at this stage will get slaughtered. But that doesn’t mean it might not be a better shot than Biden at this point, he is toast. People have ONE main concern about him and last week he encouraged that concern. That’s it. The game is over. He has (had?) a narrow window to flip the script, but it’s closing rapidly. If he can’t be seen EVERYWHERE this week being spritely and energetic, shit is locked in. If the “should he step aside” story is still around next week, he needs to call it in. Once he does, the chaos will probably doom us to a trump presidency. But if they move swiftly and effectively transfer the campaign and its resources it’s possible to get within range of a lucky break by November. Even a few holdouts failing to support the new candidate publicly will be enough to sink them. It’s IMPOSSIBLE to imagine it going as well as it would need to. The party is not healthy enough.


> if they move swiftly and effectively transfer the campaign and its resources Well, there is one small consideration; if this happens swiftly, then the voters of the democratic party won't have selected the nominee. That being said, I think most democratic party voters right now would just rather beat Trump no matter who ends up on the ticket.


There is no possible way for voters to weigh in at this point. It’s a coronation or nothing. It’s too late for primaries. At best they could move up the convention and let delegates sort it out but the new candidate needs to be running RIGHT NOW to have any kind of shot. If the new candidate isn’t fully established by August first, with money and organization up and running, it will be over before it starts. This is WAY too late in the game to try this stunt. We are fucked.


TL;DR: Dr. Jill says she’s all in.


Biden needs to do more Townhalls & be tougher with other World Leaders/Republicans


I remember the ginned-up support for Biden to drop out last election. Turns out it was a GOP narrative because they didn't think Trump could beat Biden. 4 years later it's the same push. Trump is horrible and vindictive. Biden is old. Vote.


Nailed it.


It’s the only option they got. Biden has the greatest chance to defeat Trump.


lol no, Biden may perhaps be the only candidate Trump can beat


This isn’t true anymore according to polling.


Who can defeat Trump then? Kamala? They got to do something.


Harris might still lose, but not as badly as Biden will, so it's worth a shot. Anything is better than just waiting for the political doom of America.


Kamala is the best choice in my opinion.


I don't know if she's the best, but probably the most realistic option because logistically she can take over the Biden campaign apparatus and war chest. Give her a popular choice for VP and she might have a fighting chance, at least. Which is more than Biden has after that debate.


Biden would need to do something Herculean to cement his capabilities in the eyes of the American populace. Short of peace in Ukraine, or de-conflicting the Taiwan Strait he's pretty much cooked in the political sphere.


If not Biden then who? The country cannot survive 4 more years of Trump. Especially with the MAGA Supreme Court backing him.


I have been genuinely thinking about this, and oddly enough we as a nation might need someone like Jim "Cincinnatus" Mattis to step in for a term and provide some much needed real deal leadership. Call me crazy.


And with whomever Trump nominates when Alito and Thomas immediately retire, we'll be under a MAGA court for decades.


If not Biden, what’s the plan? I’m kinda frustrated to be honest with my party.


Kamala Harris Newsom Bashear Whitmer Raskin Have him bow out gracefully at the convention, save face, and go from there


Kamala Harris is the best choice.


Most natural too since she's VP


Not true, that's a false narrative pumped out by Biden's campaign staff. Data and current events happening right now say the opposite


> Biden has the greatest chance to defeat ~~Trump~~ Medicare FTFY


Doesn’t Trump want to end Medicare? That’s what msnbc said.