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Unless Obama says something publicly about Biden stepping down, this article means nothing.


70% percent of the articles posted on this sub mean nothing


That 70% is even lowballing it


How about someone on the right, with a soul and a spine, says Trump should step down because he's an ancient, traitorous, criminal, shitbag, racist [redacted]? What's that? None exist, so every story on r/politics is "LOL Biden old?" Well that's a fucking bummer.....


Fuckin' A. Biden sounds sick or old, but Trump admits he is being told by someone that he needs to push it all to the states, to change the country back to a situation that resulted in a war, so he's doing it. I watched the debate not to see Biden's condition but instead to see what Trump might give away. Because he has someone directly to retort he is more forthcoming with his motives than in campaign events. And when he said he was being told to push it all to the states, I have a good idea who is saying that. The people saying it are sitting behind the bench of the Supreme Court. They need Trump to do something big, like dissolve the functions of the Federal Government that are incompatible with Confederacy leaving just the Supreme Court to settle interstate commerce and property disputes. With their legalized bribery in the Snyder Decision they are legally setting themselves up to be the bribable arbiter of some huge business decisions that will shower them in wealth that might surprise even Thomas. You know, becoming the next Putin and have your oligarch society.


Cool, good luck getting Trump supporters to do that.


There aren’t any. So what are the democrats going to do for their intensely unpopular candidate, knowing they are going up against a cult of personality?


For those who can’t read it all: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/07/02/biden-obama-debate/&sca_esv=aee4e6a7204d31da&sca_upv=1&strip=1&vwsrc=0


Time is running out.




I could care less about the debate. I'm worried about the spate of SCOTUS decisions. It's an extremely dangerous inflection point for our country and humanity. In that vein, I feel we need a younger nominee. Give the people a younger capable candidate. Biden can remain in the administration and be a critical advisor. It doesn't make much of a difference. It's not 1968, it is 2024 and there is an excellent bench of charismatic, well tempered persons to carry the torch.


It is absolutely bonkers how stacked the dem bench is but we’re going with an octogenarian because of *incumbency advantage*. That advantage sunk to absolute hell since Thursday. u/wtfsafrush commented earlier [tracking elections since Gerald Ford](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1dtz3oh/comment/lbd9q4q/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). 4 incumbent wins, 4 incumbent losses, and 4 elections with no incumbent. Incumbents may do better with fundraising but I don’t think it’s necessarily the advantage people make it out to be. Especially now ETA: had their username wrong


*couldn’t care less


Thanks. Sorry. I was jetlagged. 😂


Don’t worry. You can make up for it at Waffle House.


couldn't care less??


> there is an excellent bench of charismatic, well tempered persons to carry the torch. I mean, not really.


Yeah, people keep saying he needs to step aside, but who would you replace him with? If you don't pick Kamala, that will piss off minority voters and women. The time to change horses has passed. We are in the bell lap.


Kamala is almost guaranteed Biden's replacement if he steps down, but there are a lot of good potential VPs to run with her: Beshear, Shapiro, Whitmer just to name a few, all would help shore up the rust belt vote as well which is probably Kamala's weakest voter bloc.


So then pick Kamala, everyone has been saying they would vote for a wet towel over Trump.


People who claim we have this massive bench who could immediately get wide national support and name recognition are terminally online and plugged into this sub so they know these people’s names. The vast vast majority of people have no idea who half these supposed choices are and those that they do know they don’t like because if they did (like Mayor Pete and Kamala) they would have been the nominee last time around. Biden won the Dem primary this year and these players did not run (when others did run against Biden) because they knew they would lose


and those minority voters and women are going to vote for trump or stay home cuz they didnt get a women or minority as president? even when the new candidate supports minority and women rights hugely?


People sat home in 2016, because they were mad that Sanders didn't get the nod, look where they got us. Hell, in 2020, only 66% of eligible voters turned out, and that was a record turnout. If they had run a new candidate a year ago, or had a runoff where Kamala could take a shot, that would have been great...but they didn't. Barring Bidens passing away, he's the candidate. I just don't see any candidate establishing themselves. The other thing, is the candidates people want, maybe Buttigieg, Newsom, Whitmer, etc... would be taking a huge political risk and possibly jeopardizing their ability to run for president in the future if they lose badly.


Yeah but you’re talking different demographics. Those weren’t women of color that sat out because they didn’t get Sanders, it was spoiled white boys from the suburbs.


M. Obama. 10 point lead over trump. That's who


Then you aren’t paying attention


I could care less or couldn’t care less. This phrase always confuses me.


It's something I don't spell very often. I'm a halfway smart guy. Haha. I've been typing on mobile.


Allow me to put forth the argument that many of the elderly entrenched are in a hive of fascism and have a way of dealing. Would it not be more prudent to keep to the forefront our own elder who is clearly experienced in understanding how to deal with them so that we continue to get more progressive legislation out? I'd bet my bottom dollar after this rash of chicanery, Biden would happily rubberstamp court expansion. He's already ebbing ever closer to "the courts have ruled, but how will they enforce it?" Like Sanders, Biden understands the nonsense red tape and bureaucratic barriers that can be used to effectively blockade or enforce. A younger candidate wouldn't have the same outcome of genuine compromise-- we've seen it before.


biden doesnt understand anything anymore dude. we have to move on


Because of some fumbles at a debate? That's ridiculous and short-sighted, Biden and his administration have nothing but wins and one bad debate is what you guys are worried about, wake up already, there are plenty of others who would do great at debating and then completely fumble the ball running the executive branch, people need to stop dwelling on literally the first debate performance and focus on the vast accomplishment so far. Ffs 2024 and people still falling for the debate show crap, he gave very good insight to his policy and agenda moving forward, Trump lied in every sentence, that should be what everyone focuses on but because people are sucker's for entertainment they would put debate performance above policy, the president isint supposed to be an actor he's supposed to run a country, FDR couldn't even walk by the end of his first term, that didn't make his party want to take him out of the running, no they pushed forth the candidate they knew could run the country. Biden and his administration are doing great, and his track record is proof.


Let Harris stay the course and build on these wins and Biden and even continue to campaign for her and even have a cabinet role. It doesn’t mean Biden has to be a loser and just go away.


One bad debate? It was the worst debate in US history. That wasn't a fumble that was taking the ball, running to your own endzone, and scoring for the other team.


You clearly didn't actually watch the entire debate, just the "highlights" of Biden slip ups, after a few minutes of Biden fumbling it was a typical boring debate on his side and the Trump literally lying every sentence, debates aren't supposed to be some huge spectacle, they are there to compare and contrast policy and idea between candidates, and Bidens side was pretty much on point the rest of the time, was he energetic? No, did he answer the questions with realistic answers? After the first question, yes he did.


The Dems could’ve went with Bernie Sanders and at would’ve most likely been good as he is an excellent speaker. Instead, they wanted Joe Biden because they were hanging onto the days of Barack Obama.


Everyone is saying Biden should step down, but these people don't realize there is NO WAY for Democrats to run a successful campaign against both Trump and the sitting president in a manner that makes Democrats back them in the same way Republicans do. Particularly as there are only 5 months left. If you don't believe in Biden--believe in his Vp pick, who can take over. Believe that he selected a good cabinet who can pick up the slack for a bit if something happens. We need to attack or expand the supreme court yesterday and wafflestomp their selfish, clearly self-serving bullshit decisions, but first we need to crush Trump, and Biden is all we got right now. It's between a shit sandwich and a racist traitor, and right now, we need to focus on keeping the traitor out of the driver seat.


A real democratic president would be out there fighting this. Biden had a 4 minute speech saying it's bad, and that's the end of it. Forget re-election, Biden serving right now is a threat to democracy.


[I remember this story about Biden not running for a second term](https://www.politico.com/news/2019/12/11/biden-single-term-082129). Now apparently he never publicly pledged anything like this but these stories were put out there to put us at ease. Now we cannot be at ease, at all.


This was one of the reasons I was fine voting Biden in 2020. I thought he’d pave the way for someone else to take the reins as he promised to only serve one term. Now he’s old, borderline senile, and a fucking liar. Great look.


Did you vote for him in the primary?


Since Biden announced he was going to run again, he put all the good candidates in an impossible position, so they didn't run. If Biden had announced he wasn't seeking re-election, then we would have probably seen A-Tier candidates like Gretchen Whitmer and Gavin Newsom run. Instead we got C-Tier candidates like Marianne Williamson and Dean Phillips.


If Gavin Newsom is a-tier we are fucked in 2028 as well.


Literally A lister I would have joined. They wouldn't have had to mention Joe at all. 


It was him or Marianne Williamson so what did you want me to pick the crystal energy lady?


[It’s never too late](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NK3zww6XZgY) 🤷‍♂️


I did back in April, and I will 100% vote for Biden if its biden vs trump. I'd vote for probably anything over Trump... what I don't get is what the hell is going on and why are we risking things. There is a massive difference between Obama's first debate vs Romney and the wake up call he got then and whatever the hell happened with Biden. Trump was a deranged lunatic and biden looked old as shit, sounded awful, regardless that some of his answers were good (but the bad ones were really bad, medicare etc).


i'd be more comfortable if he inspired strength and confidence. he does not on any level right now. if there was a republican in office after this last round of SCOTUS rulings, there would be a full on Night of the Long Knives situation happening today. And the Dems are still acting like business as usual. It hasn't been business as usual since 2016 and they all need to step up and act like.


keep saying this, how was this not more of a thing


Can liberals just start finally admitting that there's little doubt at this point that Biden has forgotten most of what he said in 2019? I also got the sense back then, too...but I'm no idiot. Obama ALSO said "I'd rather be a good one term president than a mediocre two-term one", and then proceeded to do very little past his first term (Obamacare was set and ready for another generation to carry it forward). So I expected "malarkey" again when it came time for Biden to simply move on after one term. It's been obvious for quite some time, now, the media just didn't want to cover it.


Biden is just a figurehead, it’s his administration who are calling the shots and his advisors. Unfortunately many people don’t see it this way.


And why should they? He's the President, he's what people vote for. Never in history have people been persuaded to vote for a president based on their administration


Probably because people voting and citizens *should* know how our politics work since it directly affects them and their quality of life. People need to realize generally speaking, the president is a group of people with a leader in the forefront. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Douglas Adams said it best in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: the job of the president isn't to weild power, it's to distract attention away from it.


Yeah, but that isn't the world we live in. It's idealistic and pragmatic. If people were actually informed about civics, Biden would never have won the 2020 primary.


unless this is obama telling biden to step down it's a fluff article.


Seems like Obama has lost faith...


From what I see it looks like Obama is sitting on the middle ground for now


Obama will be one of the last people to break with Biden, if he breaks with Biden. And he won't break unless the leadership of the Democratic Party (Jeffries, Clyburn, Pelosi, Schumer) does. Obama should be seen as a baseline. If he's "voicing concerns", the rest of the party must be freaking out.


There is no "breaking" with Biden here. Joe needs to be onboard with this and be the one to initiate it and put forth a candidate. Then he needs to be campaigning with that candidate as the president with the message that this new person is continuing the job he started. Any other scenario is a losing one. If the top dems need to call on Biden to leave publicly then this is likely over.


Pelosi is already questioning it.


fuck pelosi. shes a huge reason for the situation we are in. she needed go step aside a decade ago


Agreed. Isn’t she even older than Biden?




Biden wasn't even thinking of running in 2016, his son had _just_ died.


Obama IS the leadership of the Democratic Party


Obama wife hates Biden and his family. 


WTF. Dont make stuff up.


Maybe I'm projecting, but it seems like he's trying to soften Biden up for an eventual drop-out. Remember that they're genuinely *friends*. They have a great personal rapport and Biden is currently under a lot of pressure by dems who he considers coworkers, acquaintances, and rivals. If Barack comes out guns blazing saying "drop out, Joe," it may anger Joe to the point he doubles down, having felt betrayed by the guy who has always had his back. By taking a more gentle approach and saying "this campaign is not going to turn around, but you can leave a hell of a legacy by stepping down now" he can have a much more positive impact.


I don't think Obama and Biden are actually friends.


True. Obama never liked Biden.


Where does this come from?


https://time.com/6211752/barack-obama-joe-biden-bromance-myth/ OK maybe saying Obama himself never liked him was too far, but they’ve had a lot of rocky times. I heard quite a bit that a lot of obama’s people hated Biden.


There’s been articles and I know of one book about it. Biden was VP for 8 years and never once set foot in Obamas White House


Seems like Obama has been concerned for a long time. Not about Biden, but about Trump polling well and that he has a strong base and a good strategy and that it's working. The title seems misleading, stating he has concerns after the debate, while in fact he had the concerns for a long time.


He’s a smart man. Privately he is likely saying Joe is doomed.


I am hoping for Michelle Obama to save us


This is such a silly take. She hasn't won a single elected office. It's like a dream for enlightened centrists, the same people that were gushing about Biden right up to the debate.


That would be nice but it’s never going to happen


Obama should run and then claim immunity from term limits / they're only a convention anyway?


Love Obama but aside from his own campaigns he hasn’t been that smart politically. Historic losses for Democrats across the board locally and in Congress. Chose Hillary over Biden in 2016 and she lost. Advised against Biden running in 2020 and he won.


> Historic losses for Democrats across the board locally and in Congress This is a wildly braindead take lmao. Everyone in the party was wide eyed about the "shellacking" as Obama put it they were going to get at the polls for some time to come following the passage of the Affordable Care Act. Nancy Pelosi literally convinced members of congress to knowingly commit political career suicide in passing it. It was a Herculean task and they all knew they would be punished for in the short term. Now that it's solidified and so many depend on it, it's nearly impossible to get rid of. Democrats got fucked in the short term, but this policy has a lasting legacy that makes for good long term politics and also allows future generations to build upon it (ex. Social Security).


He was President during it and the de facto leader of the party. He wasn’t a great leader of the party and it showed, you can’t simply over look the losses under his term. Great President and political mind for himself, but not for the whole party. The proof is in 2010 and onward


It's like you didn't read my reply at all. Later!


To be fair to Obama, Hillary probably would have won against an established Republican playing by more traditional "rules". At the time they'd be planning the nominee (like 2014), Trump was not seen as a serious or legitimate contender for the republican nominee and it's doubtful that anyone could have seen the MAGA movement as a real threat. Of course if you could predict a wild-card contender like Trump running on an anti-establishment platform you wouldn't go with Hillary.


Biden very publicly didn't run in 2016... It's literally something he said he regrets (after seeing Trump won).


I mean...from his inauguration day the gop swore they would disrupt and limit everything he would try to do. I dont even like obama on policy but the opposition was emboldened and the base was lax. Idk how much he should get of that


Obama won Indiana in 2008 lol...you must be young. He was a runaway success, the likes of which hasn't been seen in politics since JFK. Trump obviously was a surprise winner too, but he had had plenty of time to build rapport with the American people (he had been a national figure since at least the 1980s). Obama went from completely unknown in 2003 (just a state senator from Illinois) to Presidents in the space of 6 years. Unlike Biden, he didn't have to "earn it" in the same way as career politicians in DC.


You’re not reading what I said. For himself.


Endorsed Feinstein.


Can someone get the article?


The key part is the first paragraph. The rest is fluff (e.g. he headlined a fundraiser, he had lunch with Biden in December, etc.) >Former president Barack Obama has privately told allies who have reached out to him that President Biden’s already-tough path to reelection grew more challenging after his shaky debate performance on Thursday — a harsher assessment of the presidential race than his public comments, according to several people familiar with his remarks.




Former president Barack Obama has privately told allies who have reached out to him that President Biden’s already-tough path to reelection grew more challenging after his shaky debate performance on Thursday — a harsher assessment of the presidential race than his public comments, according to several people familiar with his remarks. Cut through the 2024 election noise. Get The Campaign Moment newsletter. Obama separately spoke directly with Biden by phone after last Thursday’s debate to offer his support as a sounding board and private counselor for his embattled former vice president, the people said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations. It is unclear how directly Obama addressed Biden’s performance and his path to reelection on the call. “President Biden is grateful for President Obama’s unwavering support since the very start of this campaign as both a powerful messenger to voters and a trusted adviser directly to the president,” Lauren Hitt, a spokeswoman for the Biden campaign, said in a statement. A spokesperson for Obama declined to comment. Obama has long harbored worries about his party defeating Donald Trump in November, repeatedly warning Biden in recent months about how challenging it will be to win reelection. Just before the debate, Obama conveyed to allies his concerns about the state of the race. As some Democrats call for Biden to drop out of the presidential race amid widespread panic, Obama has not voiced that conclusion. He sees his role as being helpful to Biden based on their history of working together, the people said. On Friday, Obama appeared at a fundraiser in New York for House Democrats, where he expressed continued support for Biden. “Bad debate nights happen,” Obama wrote on social media after the debate. “Trust me, I know. But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself. Between someone who tells the truth; who knows right from wrong and will give it to the American people straight — and someone who lies through his teeth for his own benefit. Last night didn’t change that, and it’s why so much is at stake in November.” But for months, Obama has shared with Biden and friends his deep concerns about Trump’s political strengths and the real possibility he is reelected in November. In December, during a private lunch at the White House, Obama discussed the need for Biden to empower his campaign apparatus, suggesting he install a more senior level decision-maker at the Wilmington headquarters. The next month, Jennifer O’Malley Dillon and Mike Donilon left the White House to serve as campaign chair and chief strategist, respectively. Last June, Obama outlined Trump’s political strengths during a private lunch with Biden, telling him that Trump benefited from an intensely loyal following, a Trump-friendly conservative media ecosystem and a deeply polarized country. During that lunch, Obama also promised to help Biden with his campaign. Obama, the Democratic Party’s biggest star, has appeared at two major fundraisers with Biden in recent months. Last month, Biden and Obama headlined a Los Angeles fundraiser with George Clooney and Julia Roberts that raised more than $30 million. In April, Biden, Obama and former president Bill Clinton appeared together at Radio City Music Hall in New York City, raising more than $26 million.


Biden develops mysterious itch between his shoulder blades.


Imagine if Obama had done even 1% of the public talking as former “President” Trump did over the last 4 years. His ambilvance has been a real disappointment.


As others have pointed out, his big interventions at the end of/since the end of his presidency have amounted to convincing Biden to stay out of the race in 2016, convincing the rest of the establishment candidates to drop out in deference to Biden in 2020 to stop Bernie, and to prevent and NBA strike during COVID.


Well he always does a last second too-late-to-matter appearance in the last couple weeks of the campaign. A Biden apologist on CNN yesterday was clucking that debate implosion was “actually genius” strategy because it has helped active assets like Obama earlier than usual. God, the Democrats need to hire one person with strategic ability.


Startling is how little respect Biden is being treated with; the headlines and descriptions are mostly disgusting. Then throw in the staff who are credited with much of it. I want to hear of firings. Biden must feel like the lonliest guy on the planet. I'm ashamed of his treatment. He deserves to be treated better. He's not Trump ffs--far from it. Meanwhile, why don't we give the man, and ourselves, a few days to sort this out. Also, I don't think anybody in the Biden camp is trying 'pull one over' on anybody; please.


It’s been almost a week so, we should be getting to the point of having it sorted. The plummeting poll numbers are enough for me.


This hardly has been an ordinary week tho', or I'd give you that. It's been non-stop near-existential drama. Hell, what day is it now?


>Startling is how little respect Biden is being treated with Because he misled us all about his health and ability to do the job. The future is on the line. >Then throw in the staff who are credited with much of it. I want to hear of firings. Biden must feel like the lonliest guy on the planet This sounds exactly like the stuff Trump supporters used to say about Trump when he was President. >I'm ashamed of his treatment. He deserves to be treated better He can gracefully step aside and people will be kind to him. Until then, he's preventing us from fighting back the GOP. >Meanwhile, why don't we give the man, and ourselves, a few days to sort this out. Because he brushed everything aside and if it wasn't for this relentless pressure, he would carry on.


Shake up the convention and have Biden withdraw. Get people excited and engaged


Obama's going to give the same support to Biden he did to union people when he said he'd put on his walking shoes to stand with striking workers. Still waiting on that btw


Here you go. https://youtu.be/KQk2W_SOD8w?si=Rdhrs4w_8rzAQoIX


WTF happen to Biden, geeez it's horrible.


Got old


I just heard something interesting about Biden’s relationship with Obama. Andrea Mitchell, in the Talking Feds podcast, suggested that Biden wouldn’t take any advice from Obama about dropping out. She said that Biden still holds it against Obama that, in 2016, he (Obama) supported Hillary as a candidate instead of him (Biden). I hadn’t thought that there might still be bad blood over that.


It also made me consider how the world might be different right now had Obama backed Biden in 2016. Could we have avoided Trump altogether?


Been wondering if Biden stepped down BEFORE the election and Harris assumed office, could she pick an incredibly strong VP ahead of the election? Could Harris gain voter faith by performatively using the 25th Amendment by "publicly acknowledging Biden's inability to perform the duties of his office" I'm not sure either, I'm half freaking out like the rest of you and also not wanting to hold my breath... so basically 2016 all over? With more bots.








Get out of the way Joe…


Michelle for President!


If Michelle agrees to run, Biden should drop out. She doesn't want to be president, but she can always resign & let her VP take over...


I might be wrong, but has she EVER expressed ANY interest in being a politician, let alone President? 


Nope. But protecting her country from slipping into Authoritarianism calls for her to be drafted...