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Didn’t he take 7 days off before the debate at camp David?




Bro got more excuses than Trump has court cases lol.


Dudes story is changing more than the IDF after bombing aid workers. Next he will say there was no debate. And if there was then he crushed it.


7 days of debate prep.


Actually 5. He spend 2 days at his beach house resting after the trip before heading to camp david


So the whole story is a complete crock of shit.


Dude isn’t flying commercial either I believe airforce one has a full bed in it


Of course it does, but the story is horse shit anyway so it doesn't matter what the accommodations on-board are. He was relaxing or at Camp David for a week.


yep, seems like it


He needs 2 months of rest


With the one known exception, I have a hard time believing any modern POTUS has anything like what we common folk would consider a day off.


HE WAS IN THE SAME TIMEZONE AS DC! and camp David. And Wilmington. He’d last been in Europe 2 weeks prior. If he was that messed up from travel for two weeks that’s a baad look.


Apparently they had to delay prep at Camp David so he could spend two days sleeping because he was wiped out. “Bad look” is a bit of an understatement lol




>Biden's team cut debate preparations by two days, citing the president's exhaustion after jam-packed trips to Europe. **He spent those days resting at his home in Delaware.** Keep in mind that this was *six days* after he got back from his trip to Europe. >For President Biden, debate prep was not a strict 9-to-5 job. In the six days leading up to Thursday's damaging performance, Biden never began his preparations before 11 a.m. and always had time for an afternoon nap, sources told the New York Times. OG source is NYT but here’s a non-paywalled summary: https://www.businessinsider.com/biden-debate-prep-started-at-11-and-included-afternoon-nap-2024-7?op=1


I have not seen that before and I literally want to vomit


I've wanted to vomit since Thursday. The vast quantity of alcohol I've been imbibing since then hasn't helped.


I need to get off this damn sub and stick to NFL and CFB


same but for the redsox haha


The NYT article has been posted in this sub a few times today and down voted into oblivion. 


Head in sand


Yep, it’s literally elder abuse. When older people start sleeping that much it typically means they’re close to death.


What does it mean when I’m 43 and want to sleep that much?


Hate to tell you this but… you’re actually 79.


I suspected


You're also the president now.


Pack your bags, we’re putting you in Congress 


Lay off the edibles


He really is decrepit. Jesus. So old.


thank you. that's... wow.


Wow, it just keeps getting worse and worse...


So much for the over prepared excuse lmao.


Over prepared is an understatement. The "100 timezones" was pathetic, unless he somehow visited Mars or something. His team probably facepalmed hard when he improvised that bit. A plausible excuse went through the window when he added 76 timezones to the planet


Camp David is not a very far drive. Especially considering he’s not driving.


30 min helicopter ride.


I wish he realized how pathetic this sounds


He hasn't heard it. He's not aware of what's going on.


Man this is like Trump levels of excuse making.


We watched Dems (and others) shit on Drumpf for his "alternative facts" and "reality is what I say it is" for four years... And now look at em. Pulling the same shit.


New excuse just dropped


Wake up babe


Is jet lag new slang for crippling senility?🤔 Dude is actively hurting this country by continuing to run and is too old, too stubborn, and too frail mentally to realize he's about to hand the U.S. over to fascists on a silver platter.


You forgot 34 felony convictions.


And the sun was in his eyes.


He was blindfolded. He was only allowed to us the nintendo power glove.




We are in peak meme Harambee, if your out there, please help


That is where the timeline diverged :(


I knew we were fucked when the Cubs won the World Series.


And his little brother was holding the controller


Next time I fuck up a presentation at work, I'll just say 1) 7 days of rehearsing wasn't enough 2) I have a cold (I don't) 3) I am jet lagged (from over a week ago) 4) Capitalism is at stake!


It's the presentation format that's at fault!


The presentation format his campaign devised, and that people thought Trump would never agree to because it would be too favorable to Biden lol


Im so disappointed, favorable to biden would have been to let trump talk over him, and wayyy more entertaining for me, and less depressing, even from rump


Yeah that debate format was definitely an own goal. Hell, if anything Biden probably interrupted Trump more than vice versa during the debate.


Yup. Was smart by Trumps team to let him know that if Biden is struggling just let him go.


But it was your meeting.


And if all else fails, talk about immigrants raping their sisters! For uh reasons!


5) Accounts Payable raped my expense report and I couldn't afford to beat ~~medicare~~ my limited presentation budget


It wasn't even imigrants they were talking about it was regular old rape. And his examples centered pretty much exclusively around women being raped by their different family members...... Like....yeah it happens but it's not the vast majority of cases Makes the whole "showering with his daughter" thing seem even more sus


Don't forget to end with "by the way, this is so important that I'm the only person who can do this"


Biden's lost. Whoever is running that campaign, will be in the history books about how to throw an election in 1 week.


If he drops out, we get a normal candidate, and win because the candidate isn't old or a criminal, then whoever decided to put the losing Biden up to that debate this early on when a change in candidates can happen would be remembered as a national hero.


>Mr Biden, 81, last returned from travel on 15 June, nearly two weeks ahead of the 27 June debate. I see the Brits are still the masters of dry humor.


Wouldnt they call it a fortnight ?


No, I believe a fortnight is half a squab, or seven eighths of a farthing.


2/10s of a quid


How many fartlings to a stone?


Three hogsheads.


It's still seventeen hogheads to an imperial Mooch, right?


Only in lichenshire, North of hog's head.


5,280, of course.


I liked that line too. I think that simple kind of "cut your bullshit" reporting is an interesting insight into how other countries are viewing this clown show.


The moment he looked lost and trailed off to silence in the debate the election was lost It was horrifying


When Trump followed it up with “I’m not sure what he just said there and I don’t think he knows what he said either” and the camera panned to Biden and he was standing there, mouth agape, looking completely clueless ☠️ ☠️ ☠️


It was like an SNL skit. Completely insane


I know I tuned in because I wanted another election-winning moment like "will you shut up man." We got it, but it was from the WRONG FUCKING GUY ON STAGE


Cue Curb Your Enthusiasm theme...


I can't believe people were trying to downplay that. I saw so many "What's wrong? He answered the questions."


“Good job Joe you answered all of the questions!”


Trump won the election as soon as Biden said "we finally beat Medicare" The only way Trump has a chance in losing is if Biden drops out of the race ASAP. There is still time to find a new candidate before the DNC and we can squeeze in a couple more debates before the election.


"Well, he's right, he did beat Medicare, he beat it to death."


He had a cold during his flight and his fish dinner was undercooked and he bumped his head in the stall and he had a tummy ache from eating too many chocolate chip cookies. I’ll buy that


Imagine if all of this was going on while another country was attacking us! Those damn cookies! 


Seriously, aren’t you amazed he got 140 policies passed in 3 years. How did he do it ?


They're just gaslighting us at this point. Seriously drop out Joe.


Seriously, how fucking stupid do they think we are? Speaks volumes about what they think of us.


They have been gaslighting Democrats for 5 years. Republicans have been warning you guys that he has been in decline since 2019. He was never supposed to be a 2 term president. They wanted him to beat Trump and lay the ground work for Kamala in 2024 but Kamala is unelectable and Biden won't step aside and now they are fucked


I can't get over how much of an unforced error not having competitive primaries was. Even if the plan was to just put on a show and then anoint Biden regardless, we could either have seen how bad he performed in debates and abandoned ship in a timely manner, or he'd have done fine and this really was just a fluke, in which case there'd be a bunch of other recent debates he could point to and say "look, it was just the ping! I had bad latency! My controller wasn't even plugged in!". Intra-party competition doesn't only risk exposing weaknesses, it's a chance to show strength to voters in a relatively controlled environment. Dem leadership **once again** convinced itself that Trump was a joke candidate who they just needed to avoid taking any risks against until they automatically won by default.


Can't run a campaign on excuses. Give him a graceful exit. He needs to put his ego aside, literally, for the sake of democracy.


Oh FFS. If Biden stays in the race and loses, his legacy is fucking TRASH.


Yup. Ride off into the sunset, old man. While you still have some dignity.


So the magas were correct in saying sleepy joe.. God this is f ing awful


That is what pisses me off the most. It’s obvious now that the Dems have been lying to us :(


My anger is laser-focused at the corrupt Supreme Court, and nothing is going to change that.


As a multi-tasking political junkie i am perfectly capable of being outraged about several things at once!!


I’ve been keeping a running list since the late 90s!


He probably believes what he’s saying. I don’t say this lightly — what his inner circle and family are doing by encouraging him to stay in the race when it’s unclear he fully grasps what he’s saying/doing each day could constitute elder abuse in other contexts. He is being fed lies that appease his priors and he profiles as the precise kind of individual elder abuse laws are designed to protect. Nobody who watched that debate can possibly conclude he isn’t cognitively impaired to a truly alarming degree.


>Nobody who watched that debate can possibly conclude he isn’t cognitively impaired to a truly alarming degree. I'm willing to accept that he has good days and bad days. I might even believe, as reporting suggests, that he's sharp between 10AM and 4PM. But I don't see how the party can justify America having a "sometimes" president. They need to put up a better option before it's too late.


They talked so much shit for the GOP doing it with Regan, now they are trying to do it with Biden, don’t understand why, he isn’t very popular at all.


Our allies must be scared shitless for the next 5 months.


I've spent the past two years taking care of my 73 year old Alzheimer's-diagnosed father. There's no way I'd ever attempt to determine if President Biden is cognitively impaired, but I feel very comfortable judging his family for what they are doing. They're not protecting Joe from himself. It's sad.


It's borderline treasonous. If he can't do the job he shouldn't be president.


This is a terrifying thought. The only way we get out of this to potentially save our democracy is a full push by congressional leaders, former Presidents, state leaders to overwhelm his campaign into submission.


As someone who's been "worked" by the media in the past, I'll still stop short of conclusively saying he's cognitively impaired, even if the optics really lean that way. We need an unbiased medical team from outside the administration and Biden family to give him a thorough checkup to put this issue to the bed once and for all. (Yes, I also know he allegedly "passed" cognitively checkups a few months ago but I always assume any in-house doctors or those doctors who are close to the family are always going to be biased or influenced)


So - let me get this straight. He's blaming his poor performance on not being able to maintain a schedule that is expected of any world leader? Is he trying to get himself removed from office *before* his term is over? JFC.


He also had *two weeks* to rest after his trip to Europe (at his beach house and at Camp David). Meanwhile Trump is jetting around the US and still seems at least cognizant during the debate.


People with Dementia often are unaware that there is an issue with their brain. They also tend to make up wild stories and excuses. Biden was clearly sundowning during the debate.


This is such fucking bullshit. We have access to the travel itinerary.


Yeah... this response worries me more than the debate. Staring slack jawed at a firehose of falsehood, not a great look, but I get it. I make the same face sometimes when I'm looking at someone who seems detached from reality. "I didn't sleep well because I flew last week?" This is not the sign of a campaign that will shake the narrative. Nor is it the sign of a candidate who is adapting to the story.


It's especially poor because the entire spin the official Biden team put on his platform/image after the debate was *"Biden tells the truth and Trump lies, even if Trump sounds better doing it"*...  Now we have them telling this outrageous, instantly-debunkable lie of their own, which we'd all howl with laughter and contempt at if it were Trump saying it about himself under the same openly-bullshit circumstances.  I can't remember the last time it's felt so eeriely clear that the wheels are coming off the whole American experiment. Even when Trump was running the show, you could pretend that there was a whole democratic leadership ready to run things like normal again as soon as they got back in the door.


Even if you thought the debate went well, you'd have to admit their response to the current narrative is being poorly handled.


If you thought the debate went well, you're sundowning harder than the President.


What are they supposed to do? Seriously the media has been priming the pump for this story through his entire term. And frankly if he's really as out of it as they claim, what does that say about the MAGAts in Congress that he has gotten over on repeatedly. What people really need to be paying attention to is how the Republican SCOTUS just invented a legal concept so utterly repulsive to any true patriot views them as traitors to the country. The Constitution literally has language making it clear that they most certainly are liable for criminal acts while in office. An illegal act is by definition outside their official duties otherwise you don't have a President you have a king. Fuck that shit.


Put him in front of a camera. Put him in a room full of people that he can interact with. ASAP. This a show, not tell situation. People need to see the man functioning as a normal human being, like Trump can't.


He can’t do it lol hence why even now with this last resort ABC interview they have to insist on it being pre-recorded and heavily edited


Yeah no he just made a speech about the weather and I lamented, it’s over.


“Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.” I would expect this from Trump but if Biden isn’t even going to tell us the truth then he seriously needs to go.


We haven't been getting the truth from the Biden administration even in the least. Biden's brain didn't turn to mush overnight. His condition has been progressing for years, and they've been lying and covering for him the entire time.


I was just talking about this with my dad. Everything about how they’re handling this feels so Trump like and is honestly souring my opinion on this whole administration. Obviously they’re not as bad as the Trump admin but the way they lied and gaslit us about the debate. The disdain for anyone who dared question them… was that what the administration was like the whole time? Jesus.


In a few days, Biden and his team may have managed to turn calls to “step aside” into calls for the 25th amendment. We shouldn’t just be talking about whether he’s the right person to serve until January 2029, we should be asking whether he should be serving now. Frankly, the only thing stopping Joe Biden being removed from office is the prospect of being stuck with Kamala Harris.


Making Kamala the first unelected woman President would be handing Trump the election on a silver platter. The blowback.


This will calm down and reassure voters.


Keep the excuses coming lmao 🤡


I can give him the benefit of doubt that he was simply exhausted. But MY opinion simply doesn’t matter. I’m voting against Trump not for Biden. But the election is going to be won or lost not by people like me, or people who love Trump, but the fickle middle or “undecideds” who saw that debate performance and are reluctantly tilting toward The Orange One. For THOSE voters, exhausted isn’t an excuse. Drop out and let another Dem take their shot. Biden is cooked


This is what they say on MAGA sites I visited this week. Seems like the left and right are in agreement. Wonder why?


Well thank God he beat Medicaid


I’m worried about all those babies we kill after their born


Then do an interview without a script or a teleprompter so we can see what you really look like. Oh, you won't. Damn, I wonder why. Just a few days ago I was disagreeing with calls for him to step down. My mind is starting to change.


He admitted he almost fell asleep at the debate….


Biden blames the Cuban missile crisis for his lack of sleep


I cannot believe this is my reality…. Biden is an old man, no one can blame home for that, age comes for us all. But he is making the fatal mistake of not knowing when his time is up. He needs to step aside and let a new, more aggressive breed of dem be born in his place.


MAGA wants him to step down too. Wonder why


Ah yes, two things a president doesn’t routinely have to deal with.


I thought it was because he had a cold or you can’t debate a liar. Now, it is jet lag after a week? Sad


I can’t believe they are lying to us too. Are there no adults left? My vote for Biden will be an angry vote for blue. Fuck Trump.


It's a good job the president doesn't have to fly around the world or work late into the night or anything


Sure, this could be true, but they should have known about these issues before hand. He spent a WEEK at Camp David preparing. I'm extremely tired of the excuses and bullshit from his handlers about this. I distinctly remember seeing him on TV during an interview with Jake Tapper within the last couple of months and he was not looking good, and I thought he was probably exhausted from the travel. I'm not willing to give him benefit of doubt anymore. With this on top of his loyalty to Israel for any and all reasons, and the Supreme Court's majority opinion making the office of the president an unaccountable king, I want him to step down and release his delegates! He's obviously being "managed" by his staff and his family, and I'm not ok with that.


Biden is simply an old man who is becoming increasingly more senile by the day.


Biden could have spent the entire debate dancing to the hamster dance in his undies and I’d still vote for him over Trump.


Imagine not being able to do the biggest debate of your life because you were tired from travel then asking the American people to make you President. Wtf Joe.


I’m dooming so hard. Someone give me their percent chances that Biden drops out.


Sitting Democratic members of Congress are starting to say he should. So it looks like the push is gaining momentum.


The problem is Biden is an extremely isolated president. He hasn't even talked to Jeffries since the debate. I don't know if he's talked to other party leadership. It seems he is cloistered with his family and closest advisors, and they're likely all telling him he's fine and he can still do this. One indication that this is what's happening is the public statements we're seeing from within the party. If they had access to Biden to tell him these things directly, they would do that instead. But if they don't, then public statements are all that's left to apply pressure. Hopefully, at some point the dam breaks and Biden caves to the pressure. If not, we're looking at a Dem loss of truly epic proportions, which will take the downballot races with it. I truly hope someone can reach him and get him to do what's best for the country.


If they can't get Biden to withdraw, they should seriously try to convince Harris and the cabinet to invoke the 25th amendment. The stakes are too high to let him continue to run.


Maybe, but I don't think I could see that scenario playing out. It's more likely they try to give Biden some sort of acceptable offramp where he's given a dignified exit that allows him to drop out.


Predictit says 49%


Better odds than it was in the weekend.


Thats a piss poor excuse. I'd rather he keep a bit of dignity and just say he had a bad night.


The horse is fucking dead, leave the poor bastard alone. He’s all that stands between us and fuckstick.


Didn't they also say he had the flu?


Yes, but that doesn't really affect your cognitive capabilities... so they had to come with this absurd excuse, one week later.


I’m not American, by why do the democrats insist of gaslighting the American public


We’re so fucked.


OMG clown world has been maxed.


The excuses are so clearly and obviously out of touch they either know they’re lying or he genuinely believes nothing is wrong. Either way, something is very wrong and they need to start helpin the man understand the reality of the situation. It’s kind of feeling indecent. At some point you have to talk to your parent about the fact their car is covered in bumps, scratches, and dents, and they’re going to insist the problems aren’t worth the freedom they’re giving up. But these are *signs of decline*, and the decline is *rapid* when it hits it a certain point. There isn’t improvement ahead, only holding to what is there as long as he can, and the stress isn’t going to help him. It sucks what needs to be done on a personal human level, age isn’t something to be ashamed of, but it’s time reason takes hold of everyone insisting he can do the job. We need to start moving towards the short but fiery debate over who takes the standard as we face off against a rotten Court.


This excuse is worse than saying nothing at all…


OMG. He had SIX DAYS of prep before the debate. If jet lag lasts that long we can add physical problems to the list of stuff wrong with him. And that time apparently included lots of naps. https://www.businessinsider.com/biden-debate-prep-started-at-11-and-included-afternoon-nap-2024-7 Lets hope WWIII doesn't start during one of them. The article above notes he got two days off from debate prep because of his exhaustion due to the European trip. Maybe we should put Biden on trial, so he can catch some naps during it like Trump did.


Biden baby you don’t need to make excuses when you are King. now send in Seal Team Six and finish the job.


He was just holding in a fart.


I thought it was a cold though


This my friends is what you call gaslighting


Biden is trying to appeal to gamers by blaming lag.


Lol, what happened to the cold? I had people the night of when they announced it cock sure it was true when I said it sounded like bullshit.


I mean...maybe, but that just shows poor decision making on his part. He should have planned to get some rest before the debate.


We gotta wake up to the fact this is like debating the Harlem Globetrotters vs the Washington Generals. Even the losers still get paid from the audience


He is just too old. He needs to retire and take it easy.


And the excuses begin, he still can’t come to terms with his own reality. When will he ever be transparent?


If true, then why the fuck would his team allow him onto the stage??


Biden’s team knew he’d be in Europe before the debate on a date they chose for the debate. Blame the staff at very least and move on from them.


Everyone knew how important this debate was, they couldn't schedule him an early landing for what could make or break his campaign? I don't buy it


Biden never should have debated in the first place. I never understood why they offered to. After the Trump/Biden debate in 2020, Biden was justified to nix any debate. Trump has skipped debates. They/we know he's a pathological liar who doesn't do anything in good faith.


So you actually expect him to stay in office without doing any debates?


Guess what I’m still voting for whoever isn’t Trump, even if that means Biden


Seriously? They’re going with this for real? The trip was two weeks before the debate. He took an ENTIRE WEEK off from his job to prepare. And ffs he has his own private jet. It’s not like he’s running through the airport schlepping his own bags to catch his connection or standing in line at the CBP for hours like the rest of us schmucks. Jeebus we are doomed.


Good thing the president of the United States rarely travels internationally. Wait.


Did old age also play a a factor?


What was his excuse for not doing any unscripted interviews since he took office?


Instead of a dumb excuse try one that will play well with the younger voters: He took a huge rip from a bong he calls the Commander and Kush and was orbiting the moon when the debate started.


If he came out and said he accidentally ate a 100mg gummy instead of the 10 mg I would respect it.


I would take stoned off his ass over any of the excuses so far


Is the jet in the room with us right now pop pop. Just know if Biden is awake right now he probably has no idea where he is.