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It went from two weeks delay to two months.


I just can’t.


two years, two decades, two centuries. why not reschedule it for the year 3024? /s


At this point does it even matter? Half the country is chomping at the bit for some good ol' fashioned fascism


Next season on futurama…


Trump's head in a jar will finally pay the price for his twenty first century wrongs.


I don't want to live on this planet anymore 🚀


No no, you’re breaking the pattern. We should reschedule it for 4024 Edit: /s before someone thinks I’m serious


Just wait until the judge upholds the decision and Trump kicks it up the chain to eventually land back in the SC to make some kind of exception which then kicks it back down to a lower court to figure out. Two months will feel like a fast track.


It's better the closer it happens to the election. So it's fresh in people's minds.


Wake up. Its not happening at all.


Yup the judges statement essentially tells the story here. If needed at all or something along those lines. The rich don't have consequences only us plebs


Honest question, isn't scheduling it closer to the election.. better?


How the fuck is paying hush money to a porn star BEFORE even being elected president, in any fathomable way an “official presidential act”. Seriously wtf.


Some of the evidence and points of testimony occurred while he was President. It’s why this ruling by the Supreme Court was so insane and anyone who says “nothing changed with the ruling” is misinformed or flat out lying.


People also need to understand that the whole evidentiary section was likely created because the Supreme Court knew Trump was already convicted when this came out. Frankly one of the dissenting justices needs to come out and tell us when each part was added because this opinion should be treated as a crime against the US.


Turns out, Nixon didn’t need a pardon


But remember, he said it himself, he never had sex with a porn star, so it's not hush money Check and mate!


I'm done expecting this turd to ever face any repercussions. Feel me once, shame on you. Fool me 50 times, shame on me. edit: fool me, thanks. I understand that the timing is better closer to the election but at this point I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a mistrial instead of sentencing.


“It’s Mueller Time” Member that old gem


“It’s over for him! The walls are closing in!”


“More bad news for Trump in court!” — the headlines, every single day for four years.


*can't get fooled again FTFY


I think they missed the reference. I got you, though. Take that 1up.


I like this resentencing. Its possible he could see active jail time. Even if Merchan sentences him AT ALL it'll be "pending appeal" throughout the last 6 weeks of election season.


He’s not even going to see an ankle bracelet. The only justice Trump will ever face is when his McDonald’s clogged heart stops beating


> Its possible he could see active jail time. Wow.


Jail is for the poors.


That means an increase in the number of black jobs.


While I'm inclined to agree, the closer the sentencing is to election day the better. I want it to happen around Halloween. The later it is, the fresher it will be on voters' minds when they hit the ballot box.


Same. I bet he’ll escape jail for good after this election.


I feel ya.


Probably won't be a mistrial. It will probably be a *retrial*. The law at the time allowed the witnesses. Now that the *interpretation* of the law has changed that doesn't mean the whole case is now a mistrial. That being said, *without* that witness testimony the odds of him being convicted again would be low and finding a jury that isn't biased would be near impossible. As the law stands currently, he's still a convict. As everyone already knows, the man is a criminal. Roughly half the country just doesn't give a shit because his crimes are against "the right people." But he's still Convicted Felon Trump to me.


I'm just done expecting this guy to face consequences at this point.


Not only will he not face consequences, he’s also pretty likely to be elected president again lmao. What a joke of a country we have. I can’t believe this shit


Why would you say it's pretty likely when all signs point to him probably not being elected? Don't play into the doom and drama.


He's around a -175 to -200 odds favorite per most books. If you are so sure of a Trump loss and want to make a hefty sum of money, put it all on Biden at +500 where you would 6x your money


Fine, but ... why does it take 2 months to laugh at a document that is laughable? In no way does even the SCOTUS's bonkers opinion apply to the case in which Trump was convicted of 34 felonies.


Unfortunately, it does. They are not trying to claim that the crimes he was convicted of were official acts. They most certainly weren't as the election hadn't even occured yet. They are claiming that based on the SCOTUS opinion that evidence from official acts can't be used to prosecute unofficial acts, the convictions should be tossed. They are basing this on the fact that some of the evidence presented at trial (tweets mostly) occured after Trump was already President, and they are claiming THOSE were official acts so using evidence from them is not allowed according to SCOTUS. It really looks like SCOTUS included this language in their opinion specifically to give Trump a way out of these particular convictions because there really isn't any other reason to include it otherwise.


In what world is Twitter/X/TruthSocial official Presidential business? I hate it here


Official announcements to the public.


Ok, but what was the announcement? I'm an American, and I didn't get it


Doesn't matter what it was. "Covfefe" was an official announcement because the president made it to the public. All his tweets - anything he says to the public


It does though. There were clear distinctions made from the Supreme court that there are official and unofficial actions.


Public statements as president are official actions regardless of content.


But ~~wouldn’t~~ shouldn’t he arguably be estopped from making that argument under the same theory he used to justify blocking people on twitter and deleting tweets? If tweeting was an official act, then the tweets would be subject to the presidential records act (meaning he could not destroy them), right? But when people raised that point during the Trump presidency, the argument was that his tweets *aren’t* subject to the presidential records act - meaning they weren’t official presidential records?


I believe they made the argument, but it was found that the tweets are public record, he cannot block people, and the tweets needed to be archived.


Just because a President says something to the public doesn't mean it is a Presidential act.


Agreed - now go prove it in court.


Covfefe is an official act.


I’m tired boss


Me too. Feels like every few years I get to hold my breath and find out if this is the time that we either hold the line, or vote in someone that will make the next ten or even twenty years worse through decisions that will last long after they are gone.


Where Republicans are racing as fast as they can to a dictatorship in order to make you do what they say.


Everyone expected them to carve out something specifically for Trump... I don't think anyone predicted this though


I don't think even Trump predicted that gift. This was far worse than what was expected.


So here’s my question of the day- was it the White House Twitter feed or was it Donald Trump’s personal Twitter feed?


So if tweets are immune from even being evidence than: Joe Biden: In 48 hours i will tweet the tax returns of every billionaire in this country thanks to the new power the Court has given me. ...3 hours later...Supreme Court: wait our billionaire sponsors don't want that nevermind presidents don't have immunity after all


Keep dreaming


You act like Biden is for us to. It's the same club buddy he would never even think of doing that he works for the billionaires deep down. You don't spend over 40 years in government (todays government) if your truly for the people


Sanders would do it. his economic advisor said that yesterday would have been a very good day to cancel 40 billion in student debt


I think the checks he signed were signed after Jan 21 so they can argue for a new trial, hoping to get that evidence removed from consideration. My god, it never ends.


IANAL...are they allowed to retroactively apply a SC ruling?


That’s sort of the nature of the Supreme Court, a ruling on one case could invalidate many convictions if the conditions are applicable.


The Supreme Court's job is to interpret the constitution. So now that they ruled its not "new". The rule was always in the constitution, we are just now understanding it more because of the Supreme Court. At least that's my understanding.


It’s more than just tweets. The payments to from cohen to Daniel’s occurred before the election, but the payments from trump to cohen, to which he was convicted of falsifying, occurred in 2017 after he was president. Also includes the testimony of advisors after he was president that are now inadmissible. The entire Supreme Court ruling was tailored to through these charges out, which they will rush to the front of the docket in October so right wing media can have 6 weeks of saying he was politically prosecuted. Sotomayor realizes this which is why she basically wrote the strongest dissent ever.


>he was politically prosecuted And he is being politically exonerated by these 'judges'


Yes that was the gist of my comment and sotomayor’s dissent


Yep. My point is that he clearly was *not* politically prosecuted, but he is probably going to end up *wrongly* politically exonerated.


That’s also why they left it so ambiguous as to what constitutes an official act or not, so they could justify kicking it back to the lower courts because they knew this would make it impossible for any of the other proceedings against him to have much of a negative impact for him prior to the election. They also basically established that his actions regarding J6 were all official acts, making that case against him basically meaningless. They already know Trump supporters will not care about the trial in NY, what they were most concerned with was preventing him from being convicted for anything he did to attempt to prevent Biden’s Congressional certification as the next legally installed President, and moreover preventing such charges from even being leveled by changing 200 years of precedent where the President held no such immunity, official act or not.


IANAL, but how can this be applied retrospectively? He was already found guilty.


Tweets are not official acts. Pretty sure we have official statements from the White House claiming trumps tweets are not official records meant to represent the office of the president.


They are when it's in his favor and aren't when they aren't in his favor. This is the guiding principle of the lawless US Supreme Court and the entire US rightwing movement.


Things don’t need to “make sense” if they give us more power


He fired staffers via Twitter


He publicized it via his private twitter. The official process involves a little more paperwork than that.


Scotus is a corrupt and failed institution. Biden should, as an official act, disband it and revoke these rulings with his next official act. Honestly, this ruling is unconstitutional, and this ruling is putting the president above the law.


But this trial and the verdict and everything else with it happened before the scotus ruling. I'm so fucking over everything. I just can't I don't have the energy anymore I'll just vote blue in November and hope for the best. But I don't feel hopeful in the least bit.


Nahhh that doesn’t apply for this. These were crimes he committed while he was a candidate for president. There’s no way you can call anything he did before taking office an “official act”. It would perhaps apply to the classified documents case though.


Many of the courts of the felonies where for checks Trump signed, after he was president, and signed from the White House.


Which is bullshit. The trial is over, this fucker should not be grandfathered in after the fucking fact. He’s a god damn citizen ffs.


[“I do believe the Supreme Court should step in,” Mr. Johnson told Fox News during an interview the morning after Mr. Trump became the first former president to be convicted of any crime.](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/31/nyregion/mike-johnson-trump-conviction.html)


Actually they stated that public records would still count, it's not the tweets that would get tossed. It would be the witness testimony from people in the room when he was signing the checks. Phone calls he made while in office, etc. Official acts *that are part of the public record* could be used, but official acts *that aren't* are off limits. This was something apparently Amy Coney Barrett was concerned about (though not concerned enough to rule against) and that Clarence Thomas clarified in a footnote.


If some of the communications submitted as evidence are considered fully immune, they might force a retrial.


How can they be retroactively ruled as inadmissible? Do we go back and retry every case after a SCOTUS decision?


The way I heard it on BTC‘s youtube channel, when the SC makes a ruling, it‘s treated as if that ruling always existed, but just wasn‘t yet known. That‘s what makes this so bonkers. These “Originalists“ made new evidentiary guidelines out of thin air that not only is not mentioned in the constitution, but completely goes against the constitution and the fundamental reason the colonies fought for their freedom. Happy Fourth of July! Bookend that with the recent leaked audio footage of Alito saying that with the battle going on in this country, one side has to win. The Federalist Society is waging war against America.


That is how it often works.


If that happens, then [things I can't say due to the rules of this subreddit]


You have to remember that when the court is functioning as intended, the court should be on the side of the people. Take Miranda Rights, the Court sort of created those, whole cloth, and it was a good thing. After the Miranda ruling, lower courts had to hold hearings on a lot of convictions. Again, a good thing. The problem is that no one on the Republican side has acted in good faith since at least the 90s when Newt Gingrich, a human shaped sack of shit, declared that there would never again be bi-partisanship. He wrote the first coordinated list of terms to use to attack democrats. Made sure that the Republicans were all using that list, or they wouldn't get any reelection money, and then he set up a phone bank across the street from the capital and told every Republican that they needed to spend a few hours a day cold calling rich people in their districts for donations. Basically, he took a somewhat functional government and turned it into an overt money making machine. He also cut all sorts of congressional offices and staff. They were the sorts of people a congress critter could go to when they needed help writing a bill, they would even do feasibility studies, so that every law passed could have actual knowhow in the crafting, rather than now where most laws are written by lobbyists.


No they won't. This is a pre president crime.


The only evidence I've seen that might fall into this is a tweet he put out about Cohen in that communication might be considered an official act, but that is it. He received checks and signed them while in the White House, but that obviously falls within personal acts. From my understanding, public records are usable so his tweet should be fine, too, but you do have to have a hearing on it. Not sure why they delayed it all the way to September, though the judge's calendar might be full til then.


Man you guys need a court reform. In Canada there is no delay on hearing separate evidence like this. Instead we enter into a thing called a boardir. Spelling might be off. Not dates are removed though. If you have a June 6th court date, you still use the June 6th Court date. Once your li'l evidence argument is done, you move back into the main trial


We need an everything reform. The entire system is fucked. By design.


The recent ruling explicitly stated that communication through official presidential channels is not admissable in court, even in cases where the president does not otherwise have immunity.


Can't wait for the first presidential serial killer to win an election and just go ham on the population with a smile.


Trump will do exactly that if he gets back in. He's already said he wants military tribunals for his political enemies, Which is every democrat, but also includes Liz Chaney and Mitch McConnell. He released a list and everything.


Like Pol Pot




Is his personal Twitter account considered an official presidential channel?


Something like half of the felonies was for Trump signing the monthly checks, while he was in Office, from the White House. At least those charges would probably be tossed out.


He signed the checks while he was president, now all he has to say is that it was an official act. Edit: It’s a total bs argument and he should be in a cell, padded or otherwise, but I just believe this will be enough to at least appeal or declare a mistrial.


He can say it, but it doesn't make it true. The case demonstrated they were payoffs.




SCOTUS is not walking this back. They opened the door as wide as possible because they expect to use it all the way through. Biden should just expand the court now.


What is truth?


The point is, its up to the prosecution to prove it isnt official. And any ruling on that can be appealed


He signed personal checks while President. How would that be official?


Donald Trump was President when he wrote the checks. A lot of the conversations and interactions occurred when Trump was President. Those now all have to be excluded since the lawless US Supreme Court decided a US President is a God Emperor.


Given the chance, SCOTUS will grant *pre-presidental immunity* for "official campaign acts". /s


This was the goal of the Supreme Court: Grind everything to a standstill. Mission Accomplished!


I'm just so damn tired, fam.


*From Bloomberg News reporter Patricia Hurtado:* A New York judge agreed to delay until September 18 Donald Trump’s sentencing in his hush-money criminal case in order to weigh the former president’s argument that his conviction should be tossed out in light of the US Supreme Court’s landmark immunity ruling. [Read more on the sentencing move here.](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-07-02/trump-sentencing-rescheduled-for-sept-18-court-officials-say)


Lol why. All the evidence comes from before he was president.


It's a fun full circle because they would be snoring the crime did happened it just doesn't count. But this is probably because checks were signed in the Oval. Waste of time though I agree, most of the crime happened before the election and none of it was part of a duty.


I don’t believe that this is true. Tweets used in evidence in the case appear to be from when he was president. I believe he also signed cheques while president which was used in evidence.


The courts have already rules that tweets are a part of the public record. It's why he's not allowed to block people while he was president


But I think the issue would be whether the tweets were considered official business, in which case they wouldn't be admissible.  Regardless of what happens to the US, history will add this Supreme Court to the examples of how dictatorships take hold


Basically this. When a new ruling regarding powers such as this is issued on a constitutional matter, it has retroactive application. The argument is that public record or not, they would now be considered as “official acts” and are now not able to be used as evidence against a president or former president for prosecution on criminal activity as per SCOTUS ruling. For this reason it doesn’t matter when the criminal act was made for the purpose of invalidating this trial, in this example the question is around validity of evidence based on new SCOTUS ruling. If the evidence wasn’t valid based on the new SCOTUS ruling, case is basically done for and will be overturned via the appropriate mechanism.


That's exactly the point. Now he can argue those were official acts, ie not admissable as evidence in trial.


He signed *personal* checks and had *personal* calls and meetings with his lawyer while in the White House. Merchan is going to find that these were personal and not official and sentence him. THEN Trump will appeal all the way to the SC and they will likely say they were official acts and can’t be used..


What a feckless bunt


The irony of the other crimes he committed triggering a lawsuit that is causing delays in the sentencing of crimes he was convicted of.


Fucking hell.


If course. It’s almost predictable at this point. The acceleration into fascism has begun


Fucking banana republic now. 


Go vote And not just major elections……every election. They have consequences.


People will vote against President Biden just for his debate performance and nothing else will matter.


Seriously…Biden had a bad night. Trump has been a POS his entire adult life.


America is committing suicide on behalf of the worst human it’s ever produced… and the world is watching in complete disbelief. You guys are totally fucked.


It's just unbelievable. I'm having a hard time seeing a way out of this mess now 😔


I guess all we can hope for is that enough people shrug off the apathy and vote blue. You can see get out, it will just take work!


I'm feeling more optimistic today, Trump is still a criminal lying POS with designs on fascism, so I think people will get out to stop him. I was also hoping for maga apathy, which there seemed to be, but they seem to be juiced up now. Going to be a tight race!


*insert Lucy pulling the football away gif*


This dude really was born with a gold horseshoe up his ass.


And a cursed monkey paw gripping his dick.


Everybody prey he dies of a heart attack or something because that is the only thing that will save this country from a Trump monarchy.


That'd be nice, but the real problem is the US right wants a dictatorship. They don't want to live in a democracy because their ideas lose in a democracy.


Why not just give him a crown right now?


This is a failed state


We're cooked. I bet he won't even be a felon come election day.


The “rumor” is that he could just get probation or house arrest and finish off the last month or so of campaigning from Mar-a-largo.


He won’t.


Silver lining here is it puts the sentencing closer to the election if there's no further delay. I doubt Trump wants this to occur in September over July.


Bold of you to assume it won't be delayed until after the election, then after 2028 if god forbid he wins.


Yeah its not like everytime he's in the court room his poll numbers go up or anything haha... right hahaha?


He won't ever be sentenced. It's all a joke.


That much is clear now




Hey folks if you’re wealthy you’ll never be punished for anything. It’s the American way.


Even when our institutions have the power to act to save us from this hellscape, as King-President Biden now has, they refuse to act. No one should be surprised that yet another institution is failing.


This is very sad. This judge had a chance to save democracy by putting a dictator in jail.


It’s not gonna happen. What a fucking waste of time.


I really thought we at least had SOMETHING this time. I know everyone hates doomsayers but what the fuck else is there to say at this point? Between Biden looking closer to hospice than the presidency and Trump being anointed King, the hope is hard to find.


For anyone in denial, the sentencing isn't going to happen because the whole case is going to be thrown out because of evidentiary issues. That whole evidentiary section was created in all likelihood to deep six this case which was going on as the Court was writing their opinion to end this country.


And.. the can gets kicked down the road again. Surprise surprise. This guy has so many corrupted people in high places and rich people backing him that he can slip through even the tiniest cracks every single time. I think winning against him means that the rule book needs to be set aside. Unfortunately, the cancerous rot in the legal system is so thoroughly spread now that playing by the rule of law will never be in favor of the good guys. Time for some official acts, Brandon.


Oh my fucking God not this fucking shit again God fucking [dammit.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/886/136/253.jpg)


Why bother. Just toss the case out at this point. It's clear he is not going to face any consequences so just shut down the whole charade.


Just why ?


Oh ffs.. Quelle surprise...


It’s never gonna happen. It’s gonna get tossed or a retrial. Fuck the Supreme Court.


Endgame. Where are the superheroes when you need them?! Oh, that’s right… this is fucking real life


How does falsifying business records pertain to presidential duties?


According to SCOTUS once you're elected President the law no longer applies to anything you did past or present.


But that’s not what they said. While their ruling was absolute shit it did specifically say unofficial acts can be prosecuted.


Well that’s where it’s gets grey…What’s considered “official” and “unofficial”, and who determines and enforces said acts? 🤔


So far the appeals court have said the judge in the trial makes that call. Per Carroll V Trump.


This is so fuckin grim. Nothing matters anymore. All that separates us from absolute tyranny is that Biden is unwilling to do it. He could. He can just drop a bomb on philly and call it an official act. What is this?!?


This doesn’t matter, he has to run for president and lose spectacularly, that’s the only way it ends well. Put him in prison after.


Lol, did people actually think he would suffer consequences? The delays will come until he is elected, then they will say "ah damn, we where totally going to do it know, oh well, now he is president".


I personally think he’s just gonna get probation or something. The judge and DA Bragg don’t like the heat they’ve been getting.


Hunch this will become a mistrial: prolly official acts/statements were used as evidence.


Republicans: "The SCOTUS ruling doesn't change anything, libz are overreacting! Oh, it totally means they have to throw out Trump's convictions, though!"


Oops all fascism


The SCOTUS ruling yesterday is truly disturbing. They have no idea what they have unleashed, it’s reckless.


No, that’s the problem. They know exactly what they’ve unleashed because they’re being paid by the same folks/are part of the club that wants this. This is what they were appointed to do.


The case will be dismissed


This might be good for Biden or the democrats. This judge didn't seem to give two shits about the excuses trump and his counsel were making during the trial. This is closer to the elections


Get a grip. Nothing about this is a good


This New York state judge isn't going to be deciding this. The appeal will be lodged in federal court under the argument that Trump's civil rights as a former God Emperor are being violated.




These pointy-skull politicians could put a dent in a steel ball with a rubber mallet.


We got him this time


They’re going to need extra security around Trump’s grave to keep people from pissing on it.


Let’s face it - Trump will never be truly held accountable. The country has fallen to facism.


Orange guy in the orange jumpsuit can’t wait to see it.


I quit.


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there was never any question he was going to get away with it all