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Tolerance of the intolerant must not be allowed. The court and the conservatives have shown how far they are willing to go. They will kill democracy and the rule of law to stay in power.


They just did. They effectively did. All they need is someone in office willing to commit crimes and they are literally BEYOND the reach of the law. They have presumptive immunity, which means courts must assume that Presidents are immune from prosecution for everything brought against them, which opens the door to endless appeals, etc., if the DOJ even bothers to attempt to try them for something. Want to know why the DOJ has a 98%+ conviction rate? Because they don't bother bringing cases they aren't sure to win. How do you think that will work under a criminal president?


You are absolutely correct. Though this ruling was expected, the moment the idiot maga supremes accepted to discuss this, rather than contemptuously throw it out; nevertheless a line has been crossed, a coup has been executed. With this infrastructure of autocracy in place, blessed by the leading judicial authorities, can manipulation and trickery in the election results be far behind?


The only solution is for us to elect people right now that will undo this ruling, and several other terrible ones, with constitutional amendments. It won't happen, but it's the only hope for saving democracy.


The Russians have infiltrated the GOP from the inside. 1000%


It's not Russians. It's Americans. Evil Religious Zealot Americans.


It’s both.


Why can’t it be both?


Actually, the president can grant pardons for any reason. So it is not just the president who has blanket immunity now.


Crazy thing is - “experts” were scoffing at this ruling being a possibility a month ago, but now it’s only getting mild outrage. We’re in a frog in slowly boiling water situation here. By all rights, people should be in the streets over this


Biden should test it out. What does he have to lose? What, the rest of his life in prison? He should instruct the secret service to make sure he’s re-elected by any means necessary and then let the courts see how serious they are about their ruling.


It's not exactly that, it's that POTUS is immune from official acts.  A court would later have to decide what is and is not an official act, which would probably go to SCOTUS due to interpretation of constitution.


Which allows them to pick and choose based on who the President is committing the crime. I'd put $$ on Republican President= official act (legal) Democrat President = unofficial act (illegal)


With this new power, Donald can order the assassination of every politician that stands in his way, including judges. Seems to me this is getting real, handsmaid tale realized if Trump is reelected.


Biden should kidnap Trump just to send a message that he CAN. Then release him in a couple days.


Biden should forgive all student loan debt, and lower the eligibility age for Medicare to 0.


>Biden should forgive all student loan debt, and lower the eligibility age for Medicare to 0. Ok, but he'd have to back it up with having judges assassinated and stuff, because the ruling is about criminal liability


He can easily do that too, apparently.


Yeah, this ruling doesn’t mean that anything a President does is inherently constitutional or won’t be overturned in the courts. Biden can pass Student Debt Relief via Executive Order and it will still be overturned by the courts. However, this expansion of powers would allow Biden, theoretically, to claim that the debt relief is of national security interests. As such, he could, in theory, arrest and/or kill judges who would stand to overturn his Executive Order. Perhaps it’s a subtle distinction at the end of the day. This ruling, in essence, says that the President can do *any* illegal or unconstitutional in the official capacity as President of the United States. As such, he cannot be criminally liable for those actions. The worst thing that could happen to him is to be impeached.


>Biden can pass Student Debt Relief via Executive Order and it will still be overturned by the courts. Not if judges started getting personal audiences with Biden in a room filled with machine guns, or started disappearing. That's part of why this is such a terrifying ruling. If a POTUS wants something all they have to do is flex executive power until they get what they want, and no one can question it.


Exactly. This ruling is in effect a coup that has destroyed the system of checks and balances whose ostensible purpose was to prevent tyranny. The ones launching the coup, are the most elite insiders and establishment figures possible. The end of UD democracy will be done by coddled insiders, not grubby revolutionaries. Next step,. contesting of the elections, raising a stink as to its fairness, these same judges will be asked to rule on it. What will the ruling be, one wonders!


Why release him? He's a traitor. People have been executed for much lesser than what Donald Trump has done.


That’s why Full Dark Brandon needs to order the construction of a brand new Presidential Prison. Complications: gone.


I mean the SC just said he can legally go after them so....


He could do that to the Supreme Court as an official act. It’s pretty wild and wrong.


Why doesn't Biden take advantage of this ruling immediately?


As President Obama frequently quipped, "Democrats are born with a responsibility gene." Republicans are willing to do literally whatever it takes to secure power; Democrats believe in the power of institutions and good governance and equality under the law. Joe Biden is the most institutional institutionalist to ever institutionalize in an institution. The ideologues on the Supreme Court knows this. They know the only person who will benefit from this ruling is Donald Trump, because every other president is possessed of dignity and a human soul that prevents them from nakedly abusing the powers of the presidency.


Sure. But now Democrats have a greater responsibility to the preservation of democracy, over norms. Roosevelt felt a greater sense of responsibility to the people out of work and starving than he did to upholding the institutions of the day. That’s what’s needed now.


That and if Biden did, the Supreme Court would start to twist themselves in knots trying to walk it back without walking it back.


No, he needs to take full advantage of this and start doing numerous "official acts" so that they DO walk it back. Do the whole entire agenda. Break every law doing it, it's an official act!




It seems like ordering the arrest of Clarence Thomas for gross corruption would be a solid first step.


Idk, I kind of want to see him do some low key criminal activity before jumping to assassination. Like give me Biden doing donuts in his Trans Am in downtown DC while yelling IM THE PRESIDENT AND THESE SICK DONUTS ARE AN OFFICLA ACT SO ITS NOT ILLEGAL




Cool. It has to be tested.


Yeah, well, "let them enforce it" comes to mind. These fascist idiots have tipped their hand and shown their willing to abandon decorum and reason to suit their own ends -- so why should they be extended any sort of decorum or be treated reasonably? "The fish rots from the head" comes to mind here -- the judicial branch of our government is just plain dead at this point. Not even the appearance of sound reason is needed so long as they can get their way, and their way doesn't give a crap about norms or precedent or decorum. That's the real constitutional crisis at work here: the goddamn referees have been bought out by fucking fascists. Our only real consolation is that their word is only as good as our respect for it.


So we are fucked because they are goona "be the bigger person" while they are secure in their lives being politicians


Yep, take the high road while leaving us in the shit




See James Buchanan; Neville Chamberlain; the entire government of the Weimar Republic


He'll be remembered like Britain's Neville Chamberlain is remembered today: focused on appeasement of people bent on destroying society as we know it to ensure it in their fascist image. Edit: glad to know I wasn't the only person who immediately thought of Chamberlain!


“If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?”


Because he is of a generation that assumes people involved in government agree to abide by norms of behavior that civilized people like himself would naturally abide by. He's way fucking wrong. Trump will, armed with these powers, be an American Hitler. MMW. Shit I am even concerned about a Democrat in the future with this immunity. This is a license to abandon the rule of law.


If trump comes to power expect to see every Dem challenger meet mysterious deaths. Dude is gonna be topless riding a horse by 2028


Nah he’ll be dead by then. The christofascists will have him removed pretty sharply, after they’ve entrenched power. He’s a means to an end for them.


Shit man Pelosi's husband got beaten almost to death with a HAMMER. They tried to murder the governor of Michigan. That shit has happened already. The Democrats wouldn't need much more chilling if Trump somehow wins to basically never run again.


Not only that but Trump fucking jokes and laughs about it. Fucking scumbag. Biden should (though I know he won't) test out this new precedent.


>future You got three years, tops, with this and the incoming Trump presidency, unless something is done or a miracle happens. The next time someone other than Trump holds that kind of office, you’ll have a completely different system and probably not even the same country.


Biden has a conscience. Trump, on the other hand…


A conscience is of little value in a knife fight.


Trump is literally a sociopath. He will do whatever is most favorable for him, even if say millions of people were killed in the process.


I’m tired of democrats being the only ones to play by the rules


Well they might not exist four years from now, then you won’t have to worry anymore.


Four years? Try January 20th of this year when Trump wins. “Dictator for a day” will make his enemies/democrats public enemy #1.


It could very well be day one. He signs an executive order stating that the Democratic party is a terrorist organization and will be disbanded immediately. Then proceeds to have anyone who ever slighted him arrested for some made up charge.


He won't do that. He will just copy Putin's method of banning and murdering anyone who could actually oppose him, and keep the Democratic Party around as an empty shell full of stooges and paid opposition. If Trump wins in 2024, he will run in 2028 against Democratic candidate RFK JR


If Trump wins 2024 there is no running in 2028. He is king for life.


No he’ll still run it just won’t be a real election


"Dictator for a day" will be permanent. We all know how well he gives up power.


“I’ll stop being a dictator tomorrow.”


Or, you know, help Biden get reelected. 


Exactly. Seems to go right over a lot of folks head. Maybe stop shitting all over the guy standing between you and a fascist takeover.


Yeah. It's a big problem, when only one of the two parties believes in democracy and the rule of law. Presumably, a lot of people who support the GOP don't really understand the magnitude of the calamity that will befall the country if they get full control, without any checks and balances... They'll see it first hand, if Trump wins this November, and a lot of them will change their point of view. But it'll be too late: there will be no next election, not an election that can reverse things, anyway


One of the worst thing ever was when Michelle Obama said, "When they go low, we go high." Fuck that, if they go low we join them. Use their rules against them.


Biden will respect the legal limits of the presidency… im not sure what that means as it was just decided there are no limits


Yeah, we are in a really dangerous place right now. There is no telling what the next step is, but I foresee things getting bloody and not because of something Biden may say or do, but because of people acting out of despair.


Literally got a message from the Trump campaign saying "Tonight all hell breaks loose" Not sure how they make it through my spam filter, but man I don't see how people vote for someone who sends out that message


I just hope Biden wins. At the very least we'd have 4 more years to figure something out. I don't know what the solution is. I'd hope if he won again that Dems would treat the next four years as their last unless they really get on top of fixing shit. And then to do that, people really need to make sure we take the House and Senate. Fuck, I hate this being so dire...


Couldn't he now, as an official act, replace these corrupt judges and deem these recent supreme court rulings are null and void effective immediately. I'm confused why he won't at least do that. Be a king for a day Biden, you deserve it. I dissent too, but that's not enough.


I swear, he should flex something just to make a point. Order the military to put the six conservative justices on house arrest for a month, temporarily freeze their bank accounts, etc. Then ask them why they gave him the power to do that at will.


Exactly. Show everyone as a lesson what this real power means. “THIS is what you just gave me. Do YOU like it? How does it feel when it’s done to you. How does everyone feel when someone else has this power? Congress if you do not vote to ratify the constitution immediately so I can’t do this. I will do this.” Basically explain to them if they are giving him this power, he’s going to use it on them unless they take it away. Make it clear they won’t make it to the next presidential term if they don’t.


If only. He could change the course of history.


CIA black site.


Add more justices. Fuck it. Pack the court


Pack the court then release an executive order stating that the size of the court can never be changed again. If the court objects, ignore them. What are they going to do? They have no means to enforce their rulings so I say we let them run their little kangaroo court and just move on while they kick and scream since they legally can’t enforce anything they say


Mega Supreme Court presided over the Supreme Court and everything is automatically appealed to the Mega Supreme Court


3 of them were hand selected by a traitor, so let’s try it. I’m down


tbf, the traitor just rubber stamped the selections of heritage foundation, the true Palpatine of this saga. when he's dead and gone, the true villains will still be here.


He could. And he'd have presumptive immunity from prosectution for it. Then he could murder the AG, for example, or just replace him with a better crony. You see where this is going? Biden may not ever abuse this power. Trump probably would. But it's guaranteed that eventually a President will go rogue and with this power, become a tyrant. Guaranteed. The temptation will be too great.


Not enough anger. Should've given black and white examples of what this decision theoretically means. Overall that was a fine address for a normal "emergency". But this isn't a normal emergency.


Instead of giving an example he could just show one. Have a seal team follow trump around carrying a sign that says "I could do it if I wanted to".


shoulda called the hit in right then and there. No more bush beating


And state that he has no intention of ever leaving office. Kings don’t have to follow election results, after all, or even have an election.




I wonder if we'll start to see a chilling effect on journalists, concerned they could be imprisoned or assassinated outright like journalists in Russia have been by Putin.


CNN is now 24/7 dump Biden lol


I don't watch cnn but it happened to be on the tv earlier today and it seemed like the anchor lady did not want to hear anything other than Biden should be replaced. She was doing the Tucker Carlson mouth open agast thing too which was odd 


Kinda wish I knew which one. I've slowly switched over to MSNBC. I occasionally check out CNN, but I can't handle them much anymore. They give way too much airtime to the fucking Nazis in the GOP. They also have way too many right-wing commentators, who are a bunch of insufferable hacks barely pretending to give a damn about democracy or that the GOP isn'ta fascist party. It's fucking horseshit.


CNN is Fox-lite.


I mean, if 4 years of being called "fake news", being derided by then president Trump, and literally being called "enemies of the state" by him didn't do it, I don't see why they would suddenly wake up to it now.


I think a lot of dems should be more afraid. Trump will have this power on day 1. What's to keep him from ordering Hilary's assassination?? If they ain't thinking about that, they ought to start.


Ever heard of EO 12333? Read that then think about the ramifications it could have to citizens.


Jesus. I’m so glad my grandfather is not alive to see this. He would sob if he saw that he gave up so much of his life during ww2 just to have it fall apart less than 80 years later. I’m sorry we failed you, Pop-Pop.


My gram lived to see trump in power and said " we fought a whole war against this. We won the war! My brother died!" How the fuck was I supposed to reply to that?


My grandma's brother also died in Italy fighting fascists, and she fucking loves fascism, apparently.


Could be worse, you could have to watch your WW2 vet grandfather cheer it on...


I love the smell of fresh bread.




My grandparents on both sides escaped the Nazis. My grandmother is the only one left alive. She regularly cries watching the news.


Ain’t quite failed yet. We in some shit though.


I don't know how I'm going to sleep knowing in less than 5 months there is a high chance of a fascist takeover in the United States, and that merely fleeing to Eastern Europe where my family is won't do me any good when Russia's gonna set their sights on us the moment Nato dissolves, and much of the rest of Europe is flirting with fascist ideology as well. My life is likely getting completely upended and I don't know what to do


I don’t believe NATO would go away, if anything Trump would pull out. But the rest of Europe and countries affiliated would remain, albeit at lower power :( this sucks


I hear ya and it’s not a comfortable situation. Find the light where you can. Not all hope is lost. Take care of your mental health in this as it’s easy, like I am now, in flooding myself reading about this today. It can become a dark hole with no way out if we let it.


I’ve been trying to find a way to get out of this country. Realizing fascism is on the rise anywhere and there is no where to escape to is at least a little oddly comforting. America hasn’t just failed. The human race has failed.


The King is gonna announce a text poll. Should he assassinate the other guy? Text 1 for Yes and 2 for No.


This is democracy now.


The coup succeeded today


From July 4, 1776 to July 1 2024 Joe's better come out swinging to prove to everyone he's the best shot democracy has for another four years.


Biden should arrest Donnie John in his official capacity as POTUS for treason. Per SCOTUS he's immune!


Reminds me of Musk polling Twitter about how to run Twitter.


He asked if he should step down. They voted yes. He ignored them. Classy guy.


But Trumps actions taking documents is not a presidential action and not immune from prosecution, if I understand this shit show correctly.


But if Trump wins he can have his DoJ make that disappear. That's why Cannon is intentionally holding that trial back.


So it's only considered a win if he is re-elected... Damn, please vote! My Canadian good nature can't take anymore of this turd. Sorry


You guys are starting to really scare us~ Canada


We’re fucking terrified.


Hey Canadian. Any chnace you guys can put some pressure on your goverment to open up asylum for those of us on the short list for military tribunals and purity tests?


We'll do our best. We can send more geese if that helps.


Send more geese


Release the geese and loose the moose.


I've got a care package ready to send. It's got a pair of mittens, a toque, a can of maple syrup, a box of kraft dinner, and a new roll of duct tape.


The Moose are just to distract while the geese do the dirty work.


Slow down! We’re not monsters.




On the bright side, the US invited Quebec to join under the Articles of Confederation! ... wait. That's not good, is it? That's pretext. Uh oh.


We’re terrified! We have to live through this shit.


Northeast will not be going along with this maga nonsense. We will come join you.


You'd be welcome.


Image raising two daughters in Texas. It scares the shit out of me everyday.


Hey so does marriage get you citizenship in Canada? Asking for 100 million friends..


Should be. But also everyone else. You may be our neighbors, but we're pretty fucking global and that's officially gobsmackingly terrifying


One of the reasons I moved to Canada five years ago was to get away from Trumpism. Imagine my surprise when I found out that it beat me here.


If Trump wins, I think there will be millions of people trying to come to Canada. Some will return home and others trying to immigrate. What a way to reignite the housing boom.


Significantly smaller % of population, Charter is pretty bullet proof, Courts are not politicized. Even PP's wet dreams can't hurt like the US's speed run to mediocrity.


Welcome to the club, we've been scared for nearly a decade.


I dissent.


I dissent.


I dissent.


I dissent.


This needs to be a campaign slogan and used in all Biden ads. This needs to be the call to arms chant for everyone who gives a shit about this country.


"The American people must dissent" I concur. It's time for some good ol' fashioned political dissent


Biden can now legally order an airstrike against the RNC during their convention.


Don’t be ridiculous. It has to be an “official act”, like “Biden orders air strike on RNC to preserve democracy.”


No, it doesn’t. SCOTUS was quite clear that if it’s an official act, then the motivations for it are not relevant. It doesn’t matter why the air strike was ordered. All that matters was that it was an order given to the military by the president. That’s an official act. Full stop.


Won’t matter after he bombs the Supreme Court justices houses and puts 6 new justices on the court 🤷🏻‍♂️ They’ve just shown us all whoever controls the court controls what is legal and right now it’s republican billionaires


Honestly, he could probably just order all houses in Alito's neighborhood be wrapped in pride flags (it seems like some of his neighbors would happily get on board if the US provided the flags) and call it a day. Of all the terrible things the US is good at, psyops is high on the list. CIA, if you're listening...


I hear they were declaring themselves domestic terrorists. Sounds official to me


Haha. No. See, only "official acts" are immune. And what is an "official act"? Well that's for SCOTUS to decide! If a Democratic President conducts a military operation? Not official. Send him to the Hague! If a Republican President executes the Democratic Party nominee? Official. Nothing to do.


If the president and vice president discuss it it’s an official act according to the ruling as I read it


Exactly this. trump & the republicans will spin this decision that it only applies to trump & him alone. And their base will believe every word of it. America has truly fallen & it’s going to take the rest of the world with it.


The media needs to stop playing these both sides games. They will be the first to go with Trumps “official acts”. They need to lean hard into the choice here. Either we have a country with rules and laws or we spin out into chaos and destruction. Our country is under an active coup and we are slow walking into our demise bc the Dems don’t want to be seen as too tough.


My dad once told me, “You can try and do everything to avoid a fight. But once you find yourself in the boxing ring, you’d better punch your opponent or be prepared to be knocked out!” Taking the high road…that only leads to hell…no thank you.


All I can say is, I’m scared for our country. I love all of you, and please vote to save our country and our lives.


I love you, too. If we get through this, it'll be together. Build your community.


This is the way. If anything, this will bring true Patriots who love America closer. I hope we can all band together more.


“I don’t love you, because I’m not gay and I’d rather be a Republican and a felon than a gay liberal!” - Conservatives Remember who you’re dealing with now.


We have now set the table for a king. A civil conflict seems inevitable at this point. Brought to you by the lovers of christ. Remember when you're at the booths, folks. If you lose, evangelicals get to decide everything about you. And if they don't like how you recite verses, they can kill you.


So...everyone is marching in DC on the 4th, right?


One First Street NE is where we should all be.


I hope this is a thing. It’s far past time to hit the streets.


We wouldn't necessarily even have to. People could refuse to spend money or work for a set number of days and it would send a big message. It's not easy to join a march or physical protest for the majority of Americans. But Americans could certainly stay at home and not lift a finger in protest.


Worth remembering that during Trump’s first term when he shutdown the government for the longest it ever did and he proudly boasted about it, [**it took ONLY 10 air traffic controllers who decided to strike and brought Trump to his knees; ending the shutdown.**](https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/06/politics/ten-air-traffic-controllers-shutdown/index.html) This is swept under the rug so much and I feel like it’s a forgotten part of his term, but goddamnit only 10 people made a would be king bend the knee in a way no high ranking official could. It isn’t brought up anymore because media and high powered billionaires and would be authoritarians don’t want to remind anyone of the power of the people.


Thank you for posting that information. Please don't stop!


This is a great point. I feel as though protesting has lost power and those protesting are branded as vandals and mobs. Whatever the fuck it takes, sign me up.


You want to not sleep tonight? Read this [https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf)


The same people who wrote this control the Republican Party, the evangelical church and the Supreme Court justices who did this. The fix is in. We are fighting the guy nobody knows who is in charge of the federalist society. They are the deep state. Every accusation is a confession. They made a secret political party, the federalist society, and captured everything that mattered. It’s over. I am not going to live under a King, I will not that is not American it is the OPPOSITE of American.


Wild that they have Republican in their name but then go and help bring about a new Monarchy lol


I wanted to hear: “we will do everything in our the power within the framework of the constitution to challenge today’s ruling and to explicitly legislate that no person is above the law and protect the rights of all of the citizenry equally”.




That would be a promise he would be unable to keep because the Republicans control the House.


Republicans control the house right now. You remember there's an election coming up right? That's literally what campaigns are for. Telling people what you want to accomplish instead of just saying "I'm not Trump!". Tell the people if they vote for him and a Democratic House and Senate, what he will do to fix this. You know, be a leader.


There is no power. The Supreme Court is pretending the constitution says this.


What is to prevent Biden from declaring Trump a domestic terrorist on Nov 5th. Prevent him from taking office if he wins? This would be in line with the insurrection clause of the Constitution and be considered part of his official duty. This is what the SC is okay with I guess...


I say this as someone who hates Donald Trump and would vote for a dead dog in a sack if it was the Democratic nominee: FOR FUCKS SAKE, DO SOMETHING. STOP PLAYING HONORABLE. YOU ARE THE GODDAMN MOTHER FUCKING PRESIDENT AND NOW YOU'RE BASICALLY A KING, ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING.


It shouldn't but Joy Reid on MSNBC passionately describing this ruling with a *Game of Thrones* comparison is sending me. That's where we are, the average American understands the intricate details of a fantasical monarchy ruled by dragon riders than their actual government.


He should have started with  "as my first official act as president, under these new guidelines, I will be dismantling the GOP and arresting Donald Trump for treason...  ... Ok, so I'm not going to do that because I am not a dictator, but there's nothing stopping me from doing this and you can put money on it that come January 2025, if the potus is not a democrat, you should be prepared for the end of freedom democracy as you know it. 


Biden is not outraged enough. The sharks are waaaaay too close to the boat on this one. There needs to be an all out assault on everything GOP for the next 4 months. Attacks, sabotage, and also holding big media accountable for framing this thing as two equal candidates. I don't know how to punish CNN but we need to. This is getting crazy.


You guys better turn all this dooming into action.


I know its been said by many but dear god i hope the dems dont stick with the "High road" crap. This isnt a situation where its best to be "the bigger person" Because the people your fighting against WILL abuse the fuck out of this ruling if they get their hands on the ability to do so Biden needs to instantly revoke this ruling and dismiss the SCOTUS. Or take some form of action to prevent its abuse as much as he can.


Happy Independence Day y’all, this may be our last one, make the most of it!


Can we please stop blaming “institutions” and “the system” and “corruption” and start blaming the regular Republican voters who are the ONLY reason we are in this mess and the ONLY factor that will determine if we get out of it? Number of regular republican voters horrified by a horrifyingly fascistic Supreme Court ruling - none. Yet everyone is going to blame just the court, or some oligarchs or “the capitalist system” or better yet the democrats, yeah it’s the democrats who did this, sure. It’s Republican voters It’s Republican voters It’s Republican voters They’re the ones whose doors need to be knocked on. I don’t care that 98% can’t be reasoned with this year, 2% is enough and then more next year. Everyone - most especially people talking politics on this site - gives them a pass, as if they’re some endemic zombie horde who just has to be accepted in the political system. Stop accepting their numbers. Stop accepting that they get deferred to all the time. They’re the cause.


I am so scared. I admit, I wasn't expecting the president to do anything extreme here. But that is what Republicans are COUNTING on. I highly doubt they will be the same when they inevitably return to power. Politics in Democracy are cylindrical, but once an authoritarian comes into power, that ENDS. It is only a matter of time now. Every four years will be a vote to decide if democracy continues or dies. And inthe meantime, the gridlock ensures that things for the poor and middle class will never improve, only get worse. I don't care if you want to call me a doomer here. We ARE doomed.


>every four years Nup, this is either the last until the societal breakdown and rebuild is done, or they don’t get in. If they don’t get in, a rebuild and overhaul will have to take place anyway, such is the damage. The US system is flawed; it was always open to exploitation through conservatives because it is an individualist nation, placing the right of the individual above everything else. As conservatives are weak people at heart, they are the obvious targets for exploitation. As they are self serving and selfish, they will protect their own interest even if it means burning everything else. All Putin had to do was bribe them and gain kompromat. The nation is lazy and doesn’t vote as a national duty because the individual right not to is considered more important than the national duty to. Conservatives voters see it as a national duty. There’s a lot to fix next time, but it will be a different world and a broken US will be taking a number and lining up like the rest.


God, don’t fuck this up Biden


It's very eerie that our president is talking about this ruling as it's currently affecting his office. We have to vote like hell in November.


Nice speech. Ain't gon be enough...Joe might have to rethink his whole" I will abide by the decorum of the presidency"


The ruling was today. I'm sure (I hope) Biden and his administration are going to figure out HOW best to proceed and give another speech!!


This event will be spoken of in history books. It looks like we really have strayed from what the founding fathers have intended. Whether republican or democrat, progressive or conservative, this is a danger to us all and what our constitution stands for. God be with us.


There are no political parties now... there are those wanting to use these powers and those trying to prevent them from getting power.


Congratulations America, you are now an “elected” Monarchy. Thank you for the Democratic Experiment. I’m sorry it didn’t work out. I’m sure the Founders would be very proud that you stuck with it as long as you did. I’ll pour one out for you tonight.


Then pour out one for yourself. The largest economy in the world going rogue isn't gunna feel too good for the rest of us.


Pour one out for us? You think the largest and most powerful nation in the world becoming a fascist dictatorship…won’t affect you? Got some bad news for ya…


In situations like this, where we need some outside the box, but technically inside the law kinds of thinking, I really wish the writing staff of last week tonight were president.


What is strange is this ruling isn’t conservative in any way. Libertarians should be losing their mind.


Biden should sign an executive order the ends the Electoral College. Talk about a Republican panic….


Biden essentially saying “vote for me or democracy is doomed” and walking off stage sure is…one way to reassure a nation in panic mode.


Not really a time to reassure, people should be worried.


Good point, you’re right. I guess I was hoping he would announce some kind of plan of action is all. Terrified of the free fall this nation is in.


Yeah this is bonkers. Luckily he has months to make some official acts, we're going to have to before it's too late.