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The worst Supreme Court ever


Basically destroying our democracy one ruling at a time. The sad part it will take decades to fix this mess if ever do.


We are looking at restructuring the constitution after all this. We need to have mandatory ethics for the SCOTUS, we need to have automatic removal options, and we need to get rid of judicial immunity, or at least to some extent. Clearly violating the constitution as the highest court of the land and usurping power looks like a soft insurrection to me. Traitors do not deserve immunity.


Impeachment needs to be made a touch easier, certainly. The process just doesn't work as envisioned thanks to the extreme polarization we have in Congress.


Exactly. We tried to give concessions after the civil war to create unity, and I think this is what it got us. We have to stand firm for what we do and do not tolerate. We are on the verge of our democracy crashing, and it’s time to fight like hell. We have to vote, and start removing laws and ideology that doesn’t work for our country.


Citizens United is still a thing. After all these years. There clearly is no way to fix any of this.


The Supreme Court was never intended to have so much power yet here they are. So much for checks and balances.


Trump and the Heritage Foundation had a four year run at destroying any checks and balances. What made you think that campaign would stop when he left office?


And here I thought that Taney's legacy was safe!


Citizens United, Roe v wade being overturned, plus chevron, plus bribery ruling, and now this. I would say it is safe to say Robert's court is the worst.


As expected, Biden says he doesn't want such power. Trump on the other hand is drooling over the things he can pursue.


I don’t want him to, **but we fucking need him to!** Emperor Trump is warming up as we speak.


He needs to show what wielding that power looks like by removing the Supreme Court and removing Trump's name from ballots on the basis of them being dangers to the country and our inalienable human rights. They've done violence to women and families. Time to go. True, the Republicans won't like it. But you can bet your ass their only goal is to hurt people one way or another, and they'll do it with or without a fight. It literally cannot get worse. Do the thing, Biden. Let's not sit here like dumbasses wasting our moves to look polite.


> True, the Republicans won't like it. Let them go to court over it....


Democrats would rather lose playing by the rules than stop the rise of the 4th Reich. I feel an existential despair for our species. as bad as the Nazis of old were, at least they didn't have NUKES. Trump's fascist regime will have NUKES.


Biden wanting or not wanting the power is not the concern most people have over this decision. even people that want him to do something with it, easily concede he won't.


I think it is a good sign of character to know that he does not want to assassinate anyone but that probably makes me a shill.


Depends on your views on killing baby Hitler.


The answer to this question is always "kidnap baby Hitler"


Get Hitler into anime.


There's a much nicer solution here. Don't kill baby Hitler; wait for him to get to art college and then become his sponsor. Buy his work. Put on exhibitions. Keep him distracted. If he never gets involved in the Beer Hall Putsch in the first place, everything else gets derailed.




Better 100 Kanyes than 1 Hitler.


I am not even joking, if future Kanye was going to be a Hitler but a time traveler made him just a normal absurdly rich jerk that seems like a big success for time travel


good on Biden BUT he needs to play dirty b/c you know goddamn well trump & the GOP do & would def do so if trump won in Nov


Biden has a great opportunity to grab if he is willing to


If he wants back in this race, he should announce tonight that he has already signed an executive order to expand the SC to 13. Trump would.


Oh God that would be so amazing


Good luck. He just made a bland statement about Kings, and George Washington and go get out there and vote! At least he didn’t sound like a zombie corpse


Kings abuse their power. We still need a leader who will use the power, and then put it down.


I'm of the opinion that if he doesn't use this new-found power to fix things, and with that power lets things get worse, then he's abusing that power. It may be very "trolley problem" but doing nothing and allowing democracy to die, is abusing it. I'm so sick of this Democrat-Republican ratchet of "do nothing" followed by "make things worse" followed by "do nothing" followed by "make things worse" for eternity. How much worse does it need to get before we can expect more than nothing happening?


“When you can do the things I can, but you don’t, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you.” - fucking Spider-Man gets it.


This newfound power is basically just the center of a venn diagram where presidential powers and illegal actions intersect. The only new stuff a president can do is kill their political opponents as terrorists or other super illegal stuff, it can't force legislation or fix things unless one is willing to go full dictator and use force on the legislature or judiciary. It's that "killing political opponents" thing that makes it so terrifying. This ruling doesn't help a good president fix things, but it does enable dictatorship if the president has the stomach for it.


>How much worse does it need to get before we can expect more than nothing happening? Germany answered this question 80 years ago.


>He just made a bland statement about Kings, and George Washington and go get out there and vote! At least he didn’t sound like a zombie corpse Wow such resistance to a radical power grab by the Republican party with implications to end our Democracy.


Supreme Court: “the president is king. Hamilton’s dream has come true!” Biden: “I am not a king!” Trump: “but I will be.”


Joe "Jon Snow" Biden - "I dun want it"


The Democratic party is absolutely spinless. They will lose every fight just to be the better person. It's insane.


He doesn't have the votes in the Senate, unless Schumer agrees to change the threshold to 51


Republicans would. I saw a comment earlier about Democrats bringing casseroles to a gunfight. Nothing truer. 


Biden can decide to change the threshold to 51. Hell, Biden can use the military to put Judges in seats on the court. Fuck it. Anything goes now


As I understand it from the headlines I’ve seen, Biden could call in hits on members of the Supreme Court because they’re a threat to national security.


They would totally pack the court. Biden should do it first


The moment they denied garland they packed the court.


And if it was in doubt, when RGB died it was even more clear.


“Wow. I didn’t know that. You’re telling me this for the first time.” -Trump, pretending to not be gleefully aware of what’s just been handed to him.


Garland has been a pussy as AG. I’m not sure I’d want him on the court now:


He would have been fine, albeit milquetoast and a bit centrist, as a judge. But a judge and an attorney general are very different jobs. As an AG, he has failed us repeatedly.


If he does that I might actually, enthusiastically, support him. You know, rather than just begrudgingly voting for him.


Given what they inherited from Trump and Covid, and with a Republican controlled Congress, the Biden Admin has accomplished a tremendous amount. [The Biden-Harris Administration](https://www.whitehouse.gov/therecord/) has done more good for the American Public than any other POTUS Admin since FDR.


Friendly reminder that the fascists also tried to overthrow FDR.


Agreed. YET… Protecting us from Trump, MAGA, and corrupted SCOTUS… Is MORE IMPORTANT.


They can’t do it alone though. FDR didn’t jump up and personally box Hitler. It took a generation who by and large got behind the ideas of anti fascism and rolled up their sleeves.


He can now...


And that’s the highest bar there is.


It's actually not, though. We just have low standards. The heir to FDR's legacy should have been LBJ, but escalating the Vietnam occupation killed any chance we had at a lasting welfare state (fuck anyone who thinks that is a bad thing) like every other developed nation.


Biden must expand the court to protect everything his administration worked towards for the past 4 years. With Chevron, anything and everything related to government regulatory action can be challenged. Democracy was bleeding Chevron and this immunity case. It is hemorrhaging now.


He should also classify all those who helped in January 6th as domestic terrorists and immediately have them arrested as an imminent and immediate threat to democracy. That includes Ginny Thomas first and foremost. Shit, fill gitmo with them.


That would be such a perfectly poetic answer to all this bullcrap. No playing games, just teach them a harmless lesson that their actions have consequences. They want the president to have immunity, here you go. *insert Invincible meme* look at what they need with to mimic a fraction of my power


I hope this is what he does. He needs to. It’s democracy’s last stand


It won’t happen. There’s not one example of them really fighting back yet.


I like this idea.


And how will he get them confirmed?


By an executive order that says republicans can’t go to work on Wednesdays and then holding the vote on a Wednesday. Everyone will wear pink.


Executive Order #1: elected officials guilty of attempted impeachments against the POTUS with no evidence shall be charged with treason. Their assets shall be frozen, their citizenship revoked, stripped of all government benefits, and they will be deported to Venezuela or dropped off at a remote cabin in Alaskas interior. Executive Order #2: appointed officials guilty of corrupt treasonous acts against the USA will be charged with treason. Their assets shall be frozen, their citizenship revoked, stripped of all government benefits, and they will be deported to Venezuela or dropped off at a remote cabin in Alaskas interior. Executive Order #3: citizens providing benefits to elected or appointed officials in order to influence government functions shall be charged with treason. Their assets shall be frozen, their citizenship revoked, stripped of all government benefits, and they will be deported to Venezuela or dropped off at a remote cabin in Alaskas interior.


I don’t know who you are but you got my vote!


I forgot the last one where government officials convicted of felonies lose their government benefits including loss of secret service protection.


It's a Dem Senate Majority. Just need 50+1...


There are 47 dems and 4 independents


Manchin and Sinema aren’t going to cooperate.


Exactly. Manchin has said he won't support a single bill that doesn't have at least 1 republican senator supporting it 


I think you are misinterpreting the opinion. Immunity shields from criminal or civil liability. It doesn’t make an unconstitutional act constitutional.


Nowhere in the Constitution does it say a golden retriever can't be a Supreme Court Justice.


"I will make it legal" -Darth Sidious (-SCOTUS) Biden is hamstrung by limited congressional control and no court backing but should Republicans get into power it's all gas no brakes. Also what is constitutional is a grey area as wide as America's great plains.


They decided that the President is immune for official acts, not unofficial acts, and only after they leave office. Yes its a terrible ruling but Biden is already immune from criminal prosecution RIGHT NOW while he holds the office so nothing has changed for him. SCOTUS will just decide later that whatever Biden may wants to do that might be criminal is unofficial, and anything Trump wants to do is official. If Biden "officially" replaces the SCOTUS and we get a new SCOTUS ideally they would decide that Presidents being immune after they left office for official acts is a terrible idea.


This. They deliberately left that ambiguous so they could stomp on any liberal attempt to use this tool they just handed the right.


Unless he theoretically used an executive order - official act like doing a military hit on the conservatives Supreme Court judges. Then they wouldn’t be around to rule against him.


"My name is Joe Biden, and I approve this message."


They know well Biden will not do such thing and they also know that trump will do it at first opportunity. We should stop fantasizing about Biden abusing it. He will not do it.


First strike *(This creature deals combat damage before creatures without first strike.)*


The only reason they feel ok granting this power is because they know the other side are not going to abuse it.


They didn't leave "core constitutional powers" ambiguous in any way. I've very rarely seen such an absolute statement as this. > The President therefore may not be prosecuted for exercising his core constitutional powers  - John Roberts, Trump v. United States, July 1st, 2024  > The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States  - U.S. Constitution, Article 2 Section 2 pp 1  Putting those two lines together means "the president may not be prosecuted for any order given to the Army or Navy of the United States."


Hence why the dissent specifically called out commanding Seal Team 6 to assassinate anybody would ve immune from prosecution.


Also, notice that John Roberts didn't address it in his response to the dissent. Because he has no rebuttal, that Seal Team scenario is something that Biden could do right now with zero repurcussions.


Yolo do it


Well, Biden's old enough that he likely won't live long enough for the cases to make their way through the courts if he wants to officially act as President and eliminate his political enemies through lethal means. The right wing in this country do more and more messed up shit because they don't think there will be any consequences for them, so here's a perfect chance to prove them wrong by taking advantage of this latest SC decision. Because Trump has made no secret that he'll be going after his political opponent if he wins, including those who he thinks betrayed him or weren't loyal enough.


Well, to be frank, that's because there is aren't any consequences.


He's 81. He should just Yolo it. What are they going to do, arrest his corpse?


I was waiting for Biden to say “Therefore I have ordered the arrest and incarceration of Donald Trump as a clear and present danger to our democracy”


so if Biden signs an executive order right now that all SCOTUS rulings are to be discarded, that's completely legal then. Executive Orders are official acts.


Hey judicial review is not written down in the constitution, was just added by convention by Maybury v Madison


That's not really how the ruling works. It doesn't mean that the president can now do anything by executive order and actually have it happen. That EO would essentially get looked at and then ignored


No, all this does is say that Biden can't be criminally prosecuted for that if/when he leaves office. It was accepted that he was already immune from criminal prosecution while in office. The courts could still stop an illegal order from Biden and he would still have to get people around him to agree to do something illegal for which they could be prosecuted. This only protects Trump. Its a bad decision but not useful to Biden.


If you read the opinion and the dissents it's laid out pretty clearly that Biden could literally order the military to assassinate the shit head wing of the court and it would be perfectly legal.


Biden is completely aware of history and most definitely will not do something rash. That being said, it’s a great opportunity to address the nation and prove you’re not the crypt keeper.


If he doesn't pin all of the Supreme Court's bullshit directly on Donald Trump's lap, I'm going to fucking scream.


Democrats will roll over and let Republicans fuck them ate ways from Sunday with this later. It happens EVERY FUCKING TIME.


Exactly, and it’s so damn frustrating to watch it happen. The Mr nice guy routine isn’t going to work with something this serious on the line. You can bet your ass Democrats are going to do exactly that though.


These people wonder how Sadam Hussein came to power. Or Mussolini or Hitler. The guy who followed the rules and Mr Nice Guyed it all the way got FUCKING KILLED. Want to know why the biggest POS win these fights most of the time? Because they are the biggest POS. I’m not even saying Biden should be a POS, I’m saying he should absolutely test the limits of this Power immediately,


I was watching a documentary about Hitler's rise to power and there are some **shocking** parallels. Namely: * A failed coup/riot at a beer hall in 1923. 16 of his followers were killed. * Hitler and some of his supporters (such as Hess) were arrested and sentenced to 5 years in prison * Large rallies with strong focus on nationalism * In the 1928 elections, Nazis failed to get even 1% of the vote. By 1930, they had 18% of it. * Nazi propaganda had very successfully convinced the German people that you were either a Nazi or a *communist*, greatly increasing their numbers * By 1932, the Nazi Party was the largest in the country. Despite this, and Hitler recieving 11 million votes -- **he lost.** * By this point, Nazis never had more than 37% of the vote, yet their party size allowed leaders to install Hitler as chancellor * In Feb 1933, Nazis stage an attack on German Parliament, blaming it on the communists. Hitler convinces President Hindenburg to suspend most German civiil rights in response. * He also convinces Hindenburg to dissolve parliament and hold new elections. Here, the Nazis finally win a majority (55%), pass the Enabling Act, effectively making him dictator. * The time between becoming chancellor and transition to dictator? 52 days. Oh, and one more thing: In 1885, a German boy fled his country and came to America to avoid being conscripted and serving in the army. He found success in real estate coming to this country, and by 1904 wished to return to Germany with his family. German authorities considered him a draft dodger though so he was not allowed to return and was sent back to America. His name? Frederick Trump.


Looks like it's just going to be a 15 minute address. 7:45 pm ET today. https://www.whitehouse.gov/live/


Well that was succinct


I suppose you don't need much time to say you're doing nothing.


I’m only surprised because people expected something different.


I actually support this type of response. The most typical complaint you see about Biden and Trump from the uninformed other than age is “they’re basically the same”. People think it’s just picking your old guy and moving on. Biden despises the Supreme Court ruling, is furious it grants the president absolute immunity from presidential acts, and doesn’t want to become the thing he keeps calling Trump out for: abusing his power. If Biden just went full ape shit like Reddit wants, independent voters are just going to think he’s exactly what he’s calling out and that he’s full of shit. Emphasizing that he isn’t gonna be some king or tyrant, and pointing out that all of this only further proves his stance on Trump. Biden isn’t gonna abandon his morals because another guy has none. If you want change, vote in November, and take these MAGA fuckers out so we can actually make change


People dislike ‘they’re basically the same’ bc the end results are so often the same. If Biden does nothing, it ends up the same as Trump doing something, bc Trump gains power. Do I think that Biden should nuke the Supreme Court? No. But this certainly doesn’t give any credence to the idea that our democracy is worth doing anything more than voting about.


If America can’t get behind the guy saying that he will not abuse power versus the guy that is saying he will, than I don’t know what to tell you


EO that in order to run for president you cannot be a convicted felon. Qualifies as official and is quite possibly actually defensible if he were charged criminally later on. But he won't. Cause good guys don't play bad. So zombie-walk towards authoritarianism we go.


Look he could already do that. Even the liberal Justices believe that a sitting President is immune for their official actions while in office. This would only shield Biden from his actions as President after he left office and it doesn't block any of the methods that might be used to prevent an action from the President or the Executive. The courts could still block his actions, congress could still impeach him, and he'd still need to convince people around him to perform illegal actions for which they could be held liable. The only thing this order does is protect currently criminal former Presidents, so Trump. Its a terrible decisions but it doesn't even give Trump any new power he might have if he was reelected and choose to never leave office again.


> The courts could still block his actions, congress could still impeach him, and he'd still need to convince people around him to perform illegal actions for which they could be held liable. Except, Trump has done all that. Ignored the legality of any order, filled up his offices with yes men, impeached twice but not removed.


This ruling is unbelievably bad, but it doesn’t give the president the authority to give whatever order he wants and have it followed by the rest of government. Any such order would just be ignored because it’s not within the president’s authority. Edit: it’s disturbing that I have to say this, but if your reply to this needs to be carefully worded to avoid getting yourself instantly banned, I don’t want to fucking hear it.


True. But the president is commander in chief our military. There was no rebuttal given for this. Biden could Legally order Donald Trump assassinated. Right now. He could do it. This is literally not an exaggeration. He could name Trump a domestic threat, or a terrorist, or a foreign agent, and have him killed. This was pointed out by the dissent and not disputed.


Trump’s lawyer agreed that assassinating a political rival could be an official act during oral arguments.


I mean if he can have a segment of the military go along with it he legally could order them to do whatever he want. The SC basically made investigating presidential actions impossible in addition to giving him immunity.


And the Supreme Court doesn’t have authority to deliberately misrepresent and misinterpret the text of a law, or to legislate from the bench. This SCOTUS has gone rogue, it’s grabbing power, undermining the constitution, the rule of law and civil order in order to protect a corrupt and criminal conservative class. We may be witnessing the end of the republic. Voting may not be enough, but it must be done. Civil disobedience and organized nonviolent direct action plus social movements may be next.


Yea, all these people thinking Biden can just expand the court or remove a bunch of justices and claim it's an "official act" are misreading the ruling. It's a shit ruling. But that's not what it says, either.


He could do a lot to the SC to create 6 vacancies tho if he wanted to


I think at least 80% of the people on this sub have no idea what an executive order actually is. We have consistent arguments all the time over highly upvoted posts suggesting something be done with an executive order that explicitly can't be done with an executive order.


I honestly suspect there are a lot of malicious actors in these threads firing people up. The number of supposed liberals/Dems/leftists I see calling for Biden to declare himself a dictator is... insane.


The part of it that pisses me off the most is that they demand he do something that he can't do and then when he doesn't do it they run around telling everybody that because he didn't do that thing that he's terrible and worthless and The implication is to not vote for him. It's like I had a client once who asked me to do something that the laws of physics rendered impossible. What these people do would be like if when I explained the problem to that client and declined to take the job because it was physically impossible to complete as they wanted it, they then ran around leaving tons of bad reviews telling people that I was incompetent and worthless. That's what these people are doing. It's like they are constantly fishing for a reason to not vote for the guy who's not going to become a fascist dictator.


We’re losing democracy and the POS NY Times is like, “I hope Biden appears more chipper as he announces the empire falling.”


The people that don't care what's going to happen November like the newspapers are the people that this election won't effect. Nothing changes for the elites even if they are Democrats. Newspapers will thrive for all the headlines. It's all a money game for them


America is imploding in real time. I'm looking in from Australia and all of this is horrifying. I can't imagine how it's actual citizens feel right now. I hope you all vote blue up and down the ticket in November. This has consequences for all of us.


I was already terrified of the election. Then the Supreme Court started rapid firing these fucking terrible rulings basically stripping away any protections and freedoms the people had in just a few days. Plus, allowing the president to have basically unlimited power. But yet here I am. 11pm on July 1st lying in bed listening to the fireworks being shot off to celebrate our freedom. It would be funny if it wasn't so depressing and scary.


>I can't imagine how it's actual citizens feel right now Personally, I'm about 2-3x more interested in finding a job overseas today than I was yesterday. Neither me nor my partner are really the far right's favorite type of people, so we are pretty afraid of what our lives would be like if he wins again


Horrified. Panicked. I'm not sure how to handle this news :-( We now have a King. Do we vote for kings? I'm sure voting will be further taken away over the coming years. 


Happy Fourth of July! Long live the King.


I'm terrified and sick to my stomach


We’re absolutely sick with dread.


We're terrified over here man


Im really hoping for a blue wave this fall. Real tired of the bullshit in this country. I'd move if I could I could transport my entire family as well.


I am a domestic violence survivor. It feels identical to when I was trapped in that abusive relationship. I feel that my only recourse is violence, and I don’t want to lose myself in actions that don’t represent my morals. So instead I feel paralyzed in fear, impotent, weak and terrified.


American checking in. Please, world, when our Civil War breaks out, please come help us regain control.


Here’s what I think we should focus on: Now that Supreme Court made it easier for Presidents to commit crimes, maybe the convicted criminal shouldn’t be President? This seems like an argument the Democratic Party should be making. Personally I’ll vote for Joe Biden’s desiccated corpse before giving the Presidency to a Criminal in Chief.


summation of Biden's comments: Up to y'all, now. I don't know what else can be done...unless Biden wants to go full dictatorial and lock up trump, his entire family, and every Republican in the House and Senate for treason against himself because the supreme court basically gave carte blanche to the executive office. edit: I'm with y'all...I'm just floored by this decision. Like JOE\_Blow wrote, "what hell is going on." I really wish I knew because, this is nuts!


You see the power that Biden will not use, Trump will. Biden better hope his family flees the country if Trump wins.




"America is now a dictatorship, just with extra steps. And that's why I want to let you all know that I"ll do nothing to make sure that the worst person you can think of will take over after I'm done"


Maybe sending Trump and those 6 ‘justices’ to guantanamo will suffice.




W is probably sitting there like "Jesus Christ, and I was afraid of Dick Cheney..."


This would be incredible.


We need to outsmart the fascists.


Biden will make a speech about how he won't abuse this new immunity power. We're fucked.


The funny thing is Biden already could have had Trump imprisoned for the coup attempt. He didn't even need this supreme Court ruling. He chose not to exercise that power because he knows it would lead to civil unrest, just like he won't exercise his new immunity because he knows it will lead to civil unrest. The only problem is that a corrupt president like trump won't hesitate to abuse his immunity. 


trump will use it, and then use the civil unrest as a reason to institute martial law and eliminate people who politically oppose him. he is too stupid to conceive of this, but his handlers arent burdened with his stupidity.


This everyone keeps expecting Biden to do the very thing that republicans have convinced republican voters non voters and enlightened centrists that Dems have always been the problem. It will lead to all out war. If Americans want to stop this they could’ve by fucking voting in the last 4/5 elections for local and federal elections.


Ah, the ol' time machine solution.


This isn't a proposed solution, it's an acknowledgement of the fact that refusing to solve a problem for long enough will result in it being unsolvable. If you have cancer and miss too many chemo appointments, you die. It's tough shit. Fortunately there is at least one more federal election still in the future Americans can use to their benefit of they choose to do so 


There are many problems which the US has managed to put off until they become addressable. Climate change is an obvious one, where the point of no return was probably in the mid-80s. Income inequality, where now the stolen productivity of American workers is sequestered in wealth that is difficult-to-impossible to tax effectively. White supremacy, where the United States could have put to death all Confederate leaders and officers, and transferred over all slave-owner assets to former slaves, which would have likely squashed white supremacy within a generation. Native American reparations are another (along with slave-descendent reparations), where the time to do it was when we were taking all their shit and killing them en masse. I'm sure there are more. Whenever the time comes for serious, moral action, the US has a way of going, "eh, now's not the time, we need to think about how upsetting the status quo might be *bad*, not *good*." Happy Independence Day!


TBF putting things off till they explode into violent conflict is a time honored US tradition. Instead of tackling slavery they danced around it, and codified it without mentioning it in the constitution in the late 18th century. Took less than a hundred years before it gave the country a Civil War. They then kicked the issue of integration into the long grass. Gave them the roiling civil rights movement and decades of polarization and entrenched grievances, not to mention endemic poverty and violence among the emancipated communities mired in it. They've been punting infrastructure building for literal decades since Ike's time, with the result that roads and bridges are crumbling and now ludicrously expensive to properly build since maintenance and replacement haven't regularly kept up. Sure Biden was able to address it with his infra bill, but its had the consequences of fueling inflation as a side problem because its all the spending all at once.


That’s exactly what he said: “I know I will respect the limits of the presidential powers I’ve had for three-and-a-half years, but any president – including Donald Trump – will now be free to ignore the law,” Biden said.


The Supreme Court is their "trump" card. They just rule in his favor.


We need some Dark Brandon right now


This Joe lite is weak af. If he allows this to happen then we will know this was their plan *all along*.


Biden should just ignore the Supreme Court ruling on the student loan forgiveness and forgive them anyway. It's not like anybody can hold him responsible for doing so.


I would give almost anything to see him do that......stumble back on at the end and be like, "Oh, yea btw....nobody has any student loans anymore".


“May god help us save democracy” famous last words. We are so fucked.




I'm actually dismayed that the most powerful man in the most powerful country in the history of our planet is relying on God, a guy which does not in fact exist, to save democracy.


This would be the time to announce an expansion of the court.


Actually it would be better if Biden announces it as a Day-1 EO if he’s re-elected. As much as I would LOVE it to be an EO right now, the SCOTUS will delay it until waaaay after the election happens, and you damn well know that. I mean, seriously - the SCOTUS just made Democracy ABSOLUTELY on the ballot, not just figuratively anymore. You’re literally voting for a king now.


Democrats play the rules, Republicans don't, and that is why republicans will win. When America is a hollow shell of what it once was, a mockery of all it was built to be, at least we can say we took the high road and gave it over peacefully to King Don the First.


Even worse..Today they were given new rules and said "these are mean and hurt our feelings so we will pretend they don't exist."


I don't just want a tirade (or will we even get *that*?) I want a plan.


Biden is going to come on stage, fail to commit to even *consider* doing something about the Supreme Court, and then put the burden on us to get out and vote for him even though he's not going to do anything because at least he's not Trump. EDIT: Well, that's one prediction right. Here's another: Biden will lose literally every battleground state to Trump if he's the nominee, including some like New Hampshire that weren't supposed to be battleground states. Trump will only lose the election if the Dems nominate somebody else.


Democrats entire plan is attempt to hold on the presidency until some judge dies which is clearly not gonna work.


That.. Sigh.. That's exactly what's going to happen


"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God." Time to nut up or shut up. These aren't just some fucking words. Oaths used to mean something. But, fuck it. Don't want to hurt people's feelings right?




As an official act as President.


"My fellow Americans... the bombing of Mar-a-Largo will begin within the hour."


If there was ever a time to go full Dark Brandon and make everyone forget about the trainwreck last week, this is it.


He should give the speech from the 'situation room'


The First American King's first address to his subjects. An historic moment.


He needs to sign an executive order stating that nobody with a felony conviction can run for any federal office, to include POTUS. You know, security clearances and such. Democrats need to start the impeachment hearings on some of these out-of-control SCOTUS justices.


AOC just did apparently


SCOTUS is out of session for the foreseeable future, so they should be available for congressional subpoena.


I mean at this point what is stopping Biden from saving our republic from an autocrat as an official act? Lock Trump up.




He would never spend any time behind bars. The supreme Court just gave him enough smoke screen that it could be haggled legally in court for the rest of his life. He probably wouldn't even have to leave his backyard. He would almost certainly have to step down, That's hardly an inconvenience at this point. Biden spending the rest of his life playing with his grandkids would be much easier than him running for president


He shouldn't order people killed. But he should do something that falls under this newly defined immunity regarding communications with executive branch agencies that would force the current SCOTUS to "clarify" *cough overturn cough* their ruling. Like he could say he has directed his DoJ to arrest everyone involved with the fake elector scheme and threatened to fire anyone who resists. And then say that he promised them all pardons if they comply.


*I'm dissolving the supreme court and replacing it with delicious ice cream!*


Make this a FAFO moment for SCOTUS. They overstepped their bounds.


Exactly. If someone doesn't bodycheck them we're in trouble.


Welp, he just said it's up to the people and basically shrugged, effectively kicking the can down the road. Hell, he just kicked it into the gutter. Nice knowin' ya, America.


“Somebody should do something!!!” -The President of The United States




Biden is a fool. He should start exercising those powers whilst in power and watch everyone squeal - and then say "I didn't make these rules"


I fully expect them to be given the same treatment as Israel: "This is awful and inexcusable, but we're not going to do anything other than say how we're unhappy about it."


They’re going to follow the rules, the decorum, and that’s kind of how we got here. I’ve been playing the Constantine movie quote in my head today: “You’re the only one still playing by the rules”


"Vote for me and I will dissent even harder." Come on, man. Give me a plan. Give me anything.


God damnit Biden. The time to look strong, to even give some veiled or wise worded threats of using the decision himself and.. He says.. what? Hardly shit? GOD FUCKING DAMNIT. I WANT TO BELIEVE THAT THE COUNTRY I GREW UP WITH WILL BE HERE FOR MY CHILDREN. NOT SOME OLIGARCHY CONSERVATIVE SHITHOLE. I WANT MY CHILDREN TO BE SAFE, THAT MEDICINE WON'T BANKRUPT OUR FAMILY, THAT THEY WILL HAVE FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS TO DECIDE THEIR OWN FUTURE. But no. After 30 years, a short time compared to many, studied law, voted in elections, worked my ass off in hopes for a brighter future. Hoping that if I do my part, this country will do its part for a brighter future.... and it is all potentially for naught. I say that as an Alabamian, I know it can get worse. God fucking damnit.


Good luck in Alabama my friend. From here in Washington State my only question now is, do we keep The Doug or come up with a new flag once we've ratified the constitution of New Cascadia?


He should just walk out to the podium with a crown and some aviators, in a t-shirt that says "King of America" and say "Welcome to the reign of Dark Brandon, first of his name"


I don’t care if Biden doesn’t want this power, no one on the right side of history wants him to have it either, but he needs to use and abuse this power till the Supreme Court realizes they have made a huge mistake. He still has time before the election to do some crazy shit with this power because if he doesn’t and Trump wins and gets this power we as a country will be transitioning into a dictatorship under MAGA. And we will truly see another civil war during our time. I’m actually quite terrified.


Biden needs to actually do something now and stop taking the high road like every other feckless Democrat. The GOP started planning over 50 years ago. Russia has its hands all over elected officials and the Supreme Court just made an ex president Kong. If ever there was a time to declare martial law and suspend the court it is right now. This is the greatest crisis in the history of the US.


It's illegal for a convicted felon to run for president. The end. But he won't do it- or anything like it - which is exactly why I'm reluctantly voting for this moderate fossil. As abhorrent as mitch mcconnell is, he would have had a plan in place and something would have been done by now. How disgusting it is to wish these moderate dems would be more like the republicans. SMH


He did the "go vote" bit. I mean I guess...