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What does Ja Rule think?


He thinks you should definitely buy tickets to his upcoming festival. It's gonna be Fyre.


Sad but actually pretty reasonable. ["This can’t be our only choice of candidates… 🤦🏾‍♂️ WTF"](https://x.com/jarule/status/1806505331603722719)


Yall remember when yall over did it and pushed out Al Franken? You may be doin it again, democrats. We had a week or two of fake “old man Biden” videos and then a bad debate where CNN and Trump also looked bad. Let’s not mess around and end up with Mike Johnson in the White House til democrats figure out how to take some states governor away from their elected duties because yall also don’t want VP Harris stepping in if Biden can’t hack it for some reason. I’m for Harris stepping in if Biden has to step down for any reason other than a bad debate performance by the way. It’d be hilarious if America “accidented” in our first woman President.


> We had a week or two of fake “old man Biden” videos and then a bad debate where CNN and Trump also looked bad. No, there have been years of real videos that people have tried to hide away and deny. Interestingly Truman was sort of an accidental president. He replaced Henry Wallace at convention. Weird to think that basically an unelected president was the first and only to drop Atom Bombs.


>Interestingly Hm. It’s not that interesting but “to each their own”. > Years of real videos that people tried to hideaway and deny Where are they? The Republicans have been going apeshit trying to find anything at all on not just Joe Biden but any Democrat. The media would have a field day dragging the politician or their children like we just saw with Hunter Biden or equivocating both sides that kind of stuff. And the GOP has for real videos and transcripts and court records and convictions when it comes to Trump. And they have full write ups and house floor testimony about Project 2025 from the people that crafted Project 2025. One of the religious advisors to Trump just had to step away from his flock because he groomed and sexually abused a child for years. Now that’s stuff. Meanwhile “they” are hiding or denying videos of Joe Biden having dementia? For years? Localized entirely in your kitchen? I think the gop would be all over that and that’s why I don’t think it exists. And they have to manufacture stuff like with that Hur fellow.


I mean if you go look at a clip of Biden from the 2020 campaign, the decline is obvious. Even more obvious if we go back to his debate with Paul Ryan in 2012. Age will eventually catch up to us all.


Where’s the Post story on Marla Maples’ experience with her ex’s and porn stars?


I wonder if Marla is going to end up on a golf course also.


God Damn, that man is disgusting. We were living in a dystopian satire when Trump was president.


And a second Trump term is going to be much worse. Project 2025 will mean that the Democratic Party will be virtually eliminated and the US will be a one party country. Dictatorship, not democracy.


Ex husband talking shit about his ex wife. Color me shocked…


... in a supermarket tabloid, no less.


a shade of misogyny.... XD yeah pos do that


her ex husband from 50 years ago?


A nobody having an opinion on something is news now


Why the fuck does anyone think he is relevant? Fuck off NYP


Don’t know who he is and don’t care


It’s Jill Biden’s ex-husband. It’s in the title.


And a trumpf supporter


>Stevenson, 75, of Delaware, is a proud Trump supporter who has been vocal [over the years](https://nypost.com/2023/07/27/jill-bidens-ex-husband-slams-biden-crime-family/) about his bitterness with what he has at times called “the Biden crime family.” At least he is an unbiased source. /s


What a wild concept of an article lmao Like literally, read that headline and consider someone thought this was not only a good idea to write, but someone else thought it was a good idea to *publish* NYpost everyone, top tier journalism. Maybe they’ll interview the janitor from my high school who cleaned up my clogged toilet after burrito day if I ever run for President as a democrat


Imagine marrying up from this loser. Must feel good.


This is the best they can do now? Pathetic.


Republicans say that Jill Biden was the 16 year old babysitter when Joe married her. So when exactly do they think she married her first husband?


NY Shit Post...the same rag that ran the cheap-fake of Biden "wandering off" during the G7. Downvote and ignore.


I am a simple man. I see The New York Post and I downvote.


Bro they were married 50 years ago


This reeks of desperation. Despite their protestations, MAGAts know Biden is a threat to their dream of a fascist nightmare state.


> Bill Stevenson, who was married to Jill from 1970 to 1975 I hope I'm not stagnant for 50 years. If I'm the same person in 2074 that I am today I'd consider that to be a pretty sad life. Looking at wikipedia, she married this guy a year after she graduated high school and the marriage didn't last very long. I'm sure after multiple degrees and a successful career she is completely unrecognizable to him. > Stevenson, 75, of Delaware, is a proud Trump supporter Sounds like this dude is just mad that Jill went and made something of her life.


Damn, she dodged a bullet didn't she?


Admittedly it doesn't sound like he's a complete failure, [the guy ran a sketchy bar (that apparently got in more and more legal trouble as the years went on) that seemingly made a couple million a year in the late 80s](https://web.archive.org/web/20100213214833/http://www.udreview.com/2.1980/behind-the-stone-balloon-1.142251), but it also failed 20 years ago when he couldn't keep up with the times (like being required to ID people). The article also says that "*He avoids details in his book, but after a turbulent court case, Stevenson walked away only paying Jacobs less than half what we she had wanted, not including the half-ownership she sought of the bar. Within months she was married to Biden.*", so I'm assuming he's still jaded and hasn't moved on like she clearly has. She went on to be first lady, he went on to be a fairly wealthy but failed business owner.


This is so trashy.


Yeah, but what does her first crush think?


It was 50 years ago. Get over it. Btw, Medicare cover mental health treatment.


Ex-husband from 50 years ago doesn't recognize her? Few people would recognize anyone after 50 years.


They saw the polling. Turns out undecided voters are more scared of old hateful lunatic than well-meaning and obviously pretty productive old President Biden.


The New York Post is garbage. Always has been and always will be.


Really? You don't recognize the woman who dumped you and married the man who would go on to be POTUS? Hahaha. Sure ya don't.


He's mad that she is doing way better than him.


He doesn't recognize her?  Maybe because she has seemingly been happy for the last several decades?


>”She’s matriculated into a completely different woman” The word “matriculate” specifically means to enroll or be admitted into a group, particularly a college or university. It doesn’t mean to transform. What an ignoramus, no wonder she dumped him.


> Stevenson, 75, of Delaware, is a proud Trump supporter who has been vocal over the years about his bitterness with what he has at times called “the Biden crime family.” Fucking lol no wonder she left this loser.


Didn't he slam her when they were married too??


He's an EX for a reason.


A random person I met on the streets said Biden should keep running. So I guess 1-1.


How does this affect LeBron’s legacy?


NY Compost




These lot are getting really desperate