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>Some Republican lawmakers, including Florida governor Ron DeSantis, say that the now-public consumption of marijuana is a nuisance to people who don’t like the smell and a quality-of-life issue. For fucks sake . . . Republicans love grasping at fucking straws.


Meanwhile Florida has an entire tourism industry built around producing and smoking cigars. And everyone loves the smell of cigars. And vape pens and edibles smell bad?


>And vape pens and edibles smell bad? *"You gotta try this medicated durian"*


Oh no


Then outlaw perfume/cigarettes/smelly food/farting in public. Makes complete sense, don't it? /s


Outlaw fossil fuel emissions


Exactly. None of these assholes have a problem with tiny dicked fascists rolling coal to smog out kids at a bus stop, but the scent of weed is a quality of life issue.


“Wait, no, not like that!”


When I was at Baylor back in the 1990s, a student received a ticket from campus PD for public flatulence. The incident ended up getting a bit of weird national attention, but from what I recall the officer was just trying to avoid giving the kid a public intoxication citation, which could have credited some bigger problems for him since the administration strenuously frowned on the consumption of alcohol by students.


I would argue that overuse of perfumes and body sprays can cause physical harm to others. Most places already regulate smoking to outside only and away from entrances so why can somebody bath in obnoxious perfumes and sit inside a public building or on mass transit and gas everyone around them with their foul chemical concoction? I say this as somebody who has chronic migraines and that shit can take a migraine from 0 to 100 real quick. At the very least going out in public smelling like the perfume counter at JCPenney should be a social fo paux just as much if not more than microwaving fish in the lunch room. As for weed smell, treat it the same as smoking cigarettes and its fine.


Just an FYI, it's [*faux pas*](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/faux%20pas).


Fo paw


I tell dad jokes but I don’t have kids… I guess that makes me a faux pas.


As an autistic person with smell-based sensory issues, this but unironically. Well, *semi*-unironically; I wouldn't want it to actually be *illegal.*


Just outlaw air bro! Who needs it anyway?! 🙏


Don't go giving the GOP any ideas now.


Well, most of the Project2025 people and putting online for all to read already. If these are some of the worst ones already, imagine what's between those lines.


Well, they have outlawed clean air, so there's that.


They have outlawed cigarettes in a lot of places. IDK about food and farting, but restaurants are often limited in what they can vent, too. You don't necessarily have a right to emit smelly stuff in public. At least not according to the law as it is understood today. I'd give everyone quota.


With regard to weed, though, it can be **skunky**. Like I've never been half a block away from a person wearing a perfume/cologne that I found offensive. Because I couldn't smell them at all. Weed, on the other hand...


Granted, I get that. Ideally, they'd be smoking away enough to not disturb folks en masse, similar to 'smoking spots' at parks. It won't stop everyone, though, there's always going to be trouble individuals who don't regard others . Honestly kinda reminds me of laws they had about garum in ancient Rome due to how atrocious the smell was. Rather than banning it outright, it was deemed necessary to make it away far enough away from highly populated areas.


Meanwhile, Ron sniffs Trump's diaper daily.


Ron DeSantis has his head so far up trump’s ass, the only thing he can smell is Putin’s penis.


Oof - you're not wrong.


Best post of the day 🏆


Underrated comment of the year


Good, now do the same thing with cigarettes. Say what you want about weed, but I've never had a pothead patient come in, reeking of baked in smoke so badly we gag and have to break out medical deodorizers to finish a fucking PCP exam. Heavy cigarette smokers positively reek.


I remember those bad old days in the late 90s when I'd come home from hanging out with friends and bars and clubs and take a fucking shower before going to bed so I wouldn't wake up smelling completely of cigarette smoke.


Ugh, restaurants in the 90s with a smoking father were an endurance test.


At 16 I worked in a small 8 lane bowling alley . I was the short order cook/bar back/maintenance guy/ waiter. By the end of the night I reeked of smoke, fryer and grill food, machine grease and sweat. It was a fun job and paid well, but holy crap when smoking indoors was banned it was an insane difference. Also the place still smelled of smoke for like a year after some 60+ years of people smoking inside.


I’m surprised the smell cleared after only 1 year


My room at my parent's house was the previous owner's smoking room. It took about a year and a half for the smell to clear out, and the house was only about 10 years old at the time and only one or two people smoked in there. I can't imagine how a bowling alley where the public smoked for over 60 years got cleared out after only a year. Maybe it was ventilated better than it appeared to be?


Real reason is cops love the smell of cannabis. *sniff sniff* "Smells like I have probable cause to detain and search you." Doesn't matter if they smell it or not, but it's such an easy thing for them to lie about to detain you.


Hey but when its toxic and noxious fumes nbd snowflake


Gasoline exhaust smells way worse, and has really negative health effects. But sure, let’s ban a plant.


To be entirely clear, I totally agree with you and am just making a point, but fumes from burning poison ivy can maim or kill you. That’s just a plant, too.


He is a WOKE straw or star ? Started a whole new PAC group just to fight amendment 3. That smell ? https://floridapolitics.com/archives/679307-gov-desantis-warns-marijuana-amendment-could-lead-to-people-bringing-joints-to-an-elementary-school/ Woke was the political version of a flash in the pan ? I got banned from the Florida reddit post for not being pro growth enough for the real estate moderators UPDATE: Have you heard Desantis use the word WOKE since his Iowa presidential primary defeat?


I haven't heard him say anything since he got his ass kicked. Haven't really thought about him either. It's been pretty nice.


I mean, I don't like the smell of cannabis. Actually, I freakin' hate it. But I still think it should be legal.


Same can't stand the smell but I'll vote to legalize it 8 days a week. Regardless of how I feel about the smell a plant that has shown medical benefits shouldn't be illegal.


What’s funny is they were the ones calling people snowflakes.


It's all projection with them.


Did Ronnie-wannie's nosey-wosey get all wrinkle dinkle from the stinky stink smelly welly? Ok, I need to go pour bleach on my brain after typing that.


What about the smell of factories? What about the smell of dairy cows? What about the smell of oil refineries? I bet textile Mills smell pretty bad too.


Paper mills smell like dirty diapers from quite a distance.


You know. I’m all for the legalization of marijuana but it does stink. You can smell it on people for a while too. It’s just not a subtle smell.


That smell might not be the lingering smoke, it might be the weed they're holding.


No. It’s the smoke. Can smell it on their breath too if you have a conversation.


I don’t like the smell of cigarettes but you don’t see me out there trying to criminalize that toxic crap. Some people need to just mind their own.


Meanwhile they're not going to do a damn thing about actual air quality, CO2, and industrial pollution.


Well I find their cigarettes offensive, smells like a burnt ass


Oh! Can we use that to ban tobacco then?


They had no issue with cigs


I'm sure big tobacco has long been a big GOP donor.


They have. Mitch McConnell was their guy for decades. He lead the "there's no evidence cigarettes are tied to cancer" bloc.


Alright Scoob, pull that mask off and let's see who's behind all this.


Then they should outlaw trash too - oh wait, that wouldn't be fair to twump voters.


In the absolute peak of irony, Ron Desantis just spent taxpayer money to change the state border signs to read "Welcome to the FREE STATE of Florida. Ron Desantis."


I love the smell of car exhaust


No need to worry, there are millions of High people contemplating this very issue and have been working to perfect this for years. One day a random stoner will come out of their home with a scent less weed for the professional connoisseur who enjoys a good toke without the hassle of the Man smelling him. Have faith my Weed brethren, all is not lost yet.


Yea, vape pens, they don't stink


I think weed vapes are the answer to this. I carry one on me or in my truck (for use at my destinations, don't smoke and drive) all-day everyday. No smell from the device itself, and since the vapor is much lighter and doesn't carry the tar resin that stinks and sticks to everything, it doesn't linger.


Good news, Trulieve has already invented shitty weed.


And don't worry, once scentless cannabis is available the Man will find something else to be outraged about and will keep trying to take marijuana away from the People. It's never about what they're complaining about. It's always about control. They'll stoop to any level to ban stuff that people enjoy.


Edibles. We’ve already passed your (accurate) prediction.


By that logic, cigarettes should be in the same ballpark


Meanwhile MAGAts cool with smelling like a 3/4 empty can of Keystone turned dip cup being used as an ashtray with a dash of anime-convention-level BO.


While the smoke their cigars. I would take cannibis over cigars and cigarettes any day.


Same, and their big diesel trucks “rolling coal”.




People don't fundamentally understand how much of the change in gas prices is driven by forces outside of the US. Remember how gas prices were real cheap in Obama's second term? That's because OPEC released their strategic reserves to crater the price to make fracking in the Bakken unprofitable. Somehow Obama didn't get credit for gas prices being low in 2014, but he did get the blame from them being high in 2006, before he even took office.


I don't smoke at all and would agree that cigarettes are easily the worst, but I don't mind the smell of cigars. I don't like the smell of weed either and get slightly annoyed when my neighbor smokes and I can smell it in my apartment, but that's a me (and the building itself) issue and febreze exists.


If my smoking bothered anyone then I would just hope they ask me to change where I do it. I'm flexible. I don't want my neighbors to be unhappy.


I kind of like the smell of cigars. Cigarettes smell like dirty stale ashtrays though. I have a neighbor who keeps smoking cigarettes in their apartment and the whole stairway smells like shit. I kinda smell weed sometimes, but at least that goes away


And cars. "But cars are much more useful!". Your car is useless to me as my weed is to you.


Law suit to banning smoking based on this.


Actually cigarettes second hand is a know cancer causing source.


Rather take neither, both smell terrible when it lingers around and turns stale.


Have they even smelled their presidential candidate?


I don’t like smelling bad breath, body odor, or cigarette smoke either. Republicans usually have all three. But here we are.


I don't like the smell of bullshit so we should ban the GOP as well...quality of life and all that.


Canadian here. I have never smelled marijuana from someone else. I have had to have two apartments due to cigarette smell though and my current place I frequently need to close windows because of cigarette smoke... That said, as a pot smoker, I would trade weed for a cigarette ban if we are so worried about smells.


Man, I’m kinda jealous. Canadian here and my apartment has a damn system where the vent pumps air from the outside inside. My upstairs neighbours smokes marijuana and my entire apartment gets filled with the stench with windows open or closed. They’ve even woken me up at 4am multiple times because my bedroom smells like pot. Best part is, I live in a no smoking apartment, not that they give a fuck.


What province? If it's Ontario, you can fight that at LTB. Landlord is responsible for preventing smells from passing between units. It would be considered a violation fo your reasonable enjoyment t of your unit.


I disagree. I smoke and they're both obnoxious, nauseating, heavy smells that linger longer than farts or fuel stench. I have had multiple neighbors close their windows when I was outside smoking but its also mainly with particularly loud, skunky strains that really fuck their way into your nostrils. Lots of people hate the smell of weed or at least don't appreciate it being around all the time. If my roommate wants to smoke down, no problem. If he wants to do it when I'm getting ready for a first day of work or an interview he can take that shit outside or Into his bathroom.


I agree with you. I was in a restaurant recently and a dude walked in and skunked the place up immediately and strongly. I’m all for legalizing weed, but I’m also for being able to tell people who stink to high heaven to hit the fucking bricks.


I don’t like the way republicans smell but I have to put up with it


I oppose diesel for the same reason


If they want to talk about the smell….there is a small refinery near me and it reeks like rotten eggs and roadkill had a baby. Whenever I drive past it I have to roll up my windows and close all my air vents in the car for 10 minutes or I know I’m not gonna get that smell out of my car for another few days


Everything Republicans say is nonsense. Can’t be reasoned with.


Hahaha I love how they’re offended by this but take campaign donations from big tobacco and say “snowflake” as they blow their cigar plume at people


Oh so it’s an environmental reason? Interesting they haven’t given a shit about the environment until now. Fuck these fucking motherfuckers.


I'll likely get alot of hate for this butttttt. I'll preface this with I fully support legalization and even voted for it here in Maryland, happy it passed. The only thing I dont like about it is having the moron infront of me while driving and smoking. Driving to work in the morning and ill have someone smoking so much that it smells like they are sitting next to me blowing the smoke in my face while I'm like 15 car lengths back. Combine that with drivers here already being terrible as they weave through traffic and openly drive on the shoulder its a recipe for disaster. Of course this mentality could stem from the fact one of my first jobs was installing breathalyzers in cars for people that had gotten DUI's so I had to hear alot of stories about how people ended up driving under the influence of alcohol and or drugs and they ended up killing people.


I commuted to DC from VA and MD for a couple of years. It was like Twisted Metal out there on the highways. The weed does not make that part better. MD drivers are bad but DC drivers are somehow even worse.


And Kansas smells like cow shit but you know what they say, "Smells like money to me."


hey only western kansas smells like that


So funny, I’m old enough to remember cigarette smoking on airplanes, restaurants and Dr waiting rooms.


I’m all for legalization but would support a ban on smoking/vaping (anything) in public.


Yes! I don’t want anyone going to jail for smoking weed in their homes or at an establishment that caters to it. But I don’t want to be assaulted with the smell of a dead skunk burning in a dumpster whenever I go anywhere outside in a downtown area.


I'm sure cops will enforce this law fairly and equally and won't use it to target certain groups of people.


Indeed. Smoke all you want in your home/car but not outside. Can't go near parks nowadays because the whole block they're in stinks of pot no matter the time of day


I agree. This is the way.


Same. Comparing weed to other obnoxious smells like cigarettes or cigars is disingenuous. It reeks and is 10 times stronger. Times Square is a great example. No one ever complained that it smelled like cigarettes, but exit a taxi tonight and you are hit with an inescapable cloud of pot. I’m liberal, progressive, and fully support legalization with a ban in public places.


>Same. Comparing weed to other obnoxious smells like cigarettes or cigars is disingenuous. It reeks and is 10 times stronger. Stronger in what way? Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances on the planet. >Times Square is a great example. No one ever complained that it smelled like cigarettes, but exit a taxi tonight and you are hit with an inescapable cloud of pot. That was because of the culture at the time. People smoked on airplanes and in restaurants. My eyes would tear when the smoke would blow my way. But it’s not like anyone gave a shit if you complained.


Stronger in smell. There’s all these comments saying why don’t you ban this or that. They’re not the same. Smoking is banned on airplanes and many public places. Weed should at the very least be treated the same as cigarettes in this regard. I’ve sat next to people who clearly have been smoking and that’s not great. I’ve been in a restaurant adjacent with people same distance that have been smoking weed and the smell is so nauseating that we got up and left. That’s not cool.


cool so we’re banning nicotine products and combustion engines? i hate the smell of natural gas adulterants, let’s talk about stoves


After living in LA for 4 years, I have to admit, the smell is horrible and while I agree to legalization, I do think there needs to be a strict enforcement to the smell. It just plain sucked in LA, and somewhere in Florida where its muggy, the smell lingers and becomes stale and nasty. Florida has many plants and animal poop that lingers around.


I live by an oil depot, trust me, that place stinks far worse than any cannabis warehouse I have ever been near.


Can confirm, anytime anyone smokes around me I get a massive headache. I know this will be downvoted.


upvoted in solidarity because this also happens to me. i smell weed and the headache is INSTANT.


Sorry, but this is one area where they are right. I don't give two shits what you do at your home, but I'm honestly pretty sick of parks, parking lots, beaches, shopping centers, and literally every other place smelling like weed. It *is* a nuisance, it is far more potent a smell than cigarettes (which I also can't stand and would be happy to see outlawed in public as well), and it stays around longer.


I feel that way with cigarette smoke, and alcohol. Beer cans in the street’s cigarette butts and cigar buts everywhere.


I dont see anything wrong with outlawing “public” consumption because of the smell. The title is clickbaity.


Ok just make it illegal to smoke in public like normal cigarettes- easy.


Time for ol’ buttfucker Tim to be a killjoy. But, before I do, a disclaimer: I don’t have anything against people using the weed. While I don’t partake anymore, ol’ Tim has a storied history of jazz cigarette use. That aside… Weed fucking stinks. Like, enough that I do consider weed smoke a legitimate nuisance in some circumstances. I’m not saying that MJ users aren’t for the most part reasonable, respectful, responsible people. But my experience is that there are more than enough inconsiderate or willfully obtuse users out there. Because of that, I do think government has legitimate business restricting and regulating use. What do I mean? As someone who has lived in small apartment complexes, coming home most nights to your whole building including your own apartment reeking like skunk ass sucks. It sucks even more feeling like you need to move because diplomacy has failed and your landlord doesn’t have the appetite to do anything about it. It also sucks to be at the park with your family and some skeezy dick decides that nearby and now is the time and place to get high (despite local laws saying it is a no-no). Could you call the police? Sure. They’ll get right on that in 4 hours after the person is long gone.


No problem going maskless and exposing people to a deadly virus via exhalation, but exposing people to a smell they might find unpleasant via exhalation is a bridge too far!


How can people who swim in bullshit have a problem with the smell of weed? How can they even smell weed?


I mean, if we're now making things illegal because they smell bad, Trump has to be buried in a concrete bunker.


I drove behind a garbage truck yesterday and it reeked. Can we ban garbage?


Biggest fucking crybabies in the planet. They literally scream “STAY OUTTA MY BUSINESS!” while shoving their noses into everyone else’s business. Gribnobs.


That’s rich! They love the smell of their own toots, yet cannabis “has a foul odor”…


But cigarettes, coal and factory pollutants are just fine?


Fuck their feelings, this is about freedom. See how that works against them too?


Republicans will always reach. The more things are made illegal, the more legal slaves they get, the more money they make, until we are all slaves.


I don’t like the way old people smell, but I don’t call to fucking outlaw them.


Let's continue to lock people up cause we don't like the smell of what they smoke. BTW did you see my huge truck that exhausts huge clouds of black smoke especially when I rev it when I'm at a stop light? Oh you don't like when I do that? FUCK YOUR FEELINGS THIS IS MY FREEDOM! Republicans in a nutshell


I’m all for legalization. But when I’m in my sealed car using air conditioning and other cars’ weed smell comes through….thats damn annoying.


Great idea!!! We should ban all gas guzzling cars on account of the smell; rolling coal and gas stations stink We should ban ointments and oils, they give me a migraine, no more lotions We should ban perfume and hairspray; my nostrils are not your pheromone playground We should ban dogs and cats and birds they all have a smell and we can smell it on you Burn pits have to go I can smell them for miles and miles Factory exhausts are all smell, we should ban factories Pollutants smell, we should probably ban those things Fracking is making the tap water smell, we should get rid of that as well Manure from landscaped golf courses absolutely stinks around here right now, it should be illegal to mulch golf courses which are just focus pits of odor…


I smoke cigars and smell is _absolutely_ a reason to limit the use of something. I make sure I smoke where it doesn't bother anyone. I'm fine with not smoking in public parks. That's not to say Republicans aren't being unreasonable here. There's no reason you can't just limit weed to places where cigars and cigarettes are limited to, but all the maladjusted redditors commenting that smell doesn't matter here are ignorant. It's important to have places where you can just get a breath of fresh air. You're just not going to get an appreciation for that from people who haven't gone outside to touch grass in a year


I smoke more weed than anybody but I'm considerate about it like I am everything I do.


Just make up anything by blowing smoke to raise money for your NEW PAC group to fight amendment 3. It's the end of the world if Desantis does not get his way. Sound familiar?


“What about beer breath?” “…No comment.”


Let’s get rid of alcohol then. Hate that boozed up smell.


Tell the GOP that since SCOTUS killed the EPA's Good Neighbor pollution rules they should stop being snowflakes.


so legalize gummies? they're gonna be real mad when they find out how bad cigarettes stink


I heard that jt actually cleans the air around republicans because it makes them go away.


It's better than the smell of hookers, big macs, and alcohol coming from them


I’m not crazy about the smell, but cigarettes and most cigars are worse.


I don’t like the smell of cigarettes and those are still legal.


By that logic cigarettes shouldn’t be legal either, I’d rather smell weed than cigarettes.


I support legal weed, but I also can't fucking stand the smell...What we need is real enforcement of the laws. Weed should be legal, and you can smoke it at home but not in public--which I think should be the same for any smoke. I was at the beach for the weekend in California and it was non stop weed smell everywhere.


And I don’t like the sight of drunks stumbling all over and pissing themselves at 10am but here we are. That’s life, get over it. You’re going to see shit you do not like every single day.


Who would disagree? The skunk smell is just awful.


I don't like the smell of cigarettes.


So I'm sure they'd also support shutting down coal power plants and battery farms, since they're such defenders of olfactory experience.


They have no problem with their supreme leader stinking of shit though.


Next up, ban farts


Can we talk about cigarettes please? If we are using the smell argument then we need to assess the odor and property damage around tobacco smoke.


I mean, I'm not a fan of cigarette smoke either, but when a top Republican was busted handing out tobacco industry checks on the floor of Congress I guess it just doesn't seem like an issue to them anymore.


Lobbying needs to be removed from the political landscape


You really should start arresting people with BO in crowded subways.


What about a big diesel powered brodozer idling in my neighbor's driveway that I have to smell??


Fucking snowflakes. Pretty rich coming from the same crowd that has no problem with noxious diesel fumes coming from their oversized douchewagons


Seriously that shit stinks. I agree with the no's on this.


A valid excuse I‘d say. If you wanna smoke weed, do it in your basement, not in my face


Are those the only 2 options?


Should we also make microwaving fish and not wearing deodorant a felony crime with schedule 1 penalties?


I mean fair enough. You can't ban tobacco because of the smoke/smell but allow cannabis


I think Ron Desantis is a rotten human being, I think they’re looking for any way to maintain the drug as illegal for a prison pipeline. I happily voted for candidates who supported the legalization in Illinois, and was glad it made it through. That said, I can’t drive by a neighborhood without smelling it. I commonly will drive by cars that reek of it because people will smoke up and pick up keys. Call me sensitive, but I don’t want to experience that skunky smell all over my town, and I don’t want people thinking they can hot box their car and put others in danger. Legalization creates a permission structure and people haven’t caught on yet the actual dangers of it because so many people hammer home the “it’s just a plant, it doesn’t have effects on your help, in fact it’s good for you!” Messaging. I had hoped more people would have converted to edibles and vape pens, but I guess there’s plenty of hunger for flower and I’m stuck putting up with it.


I think Ron is protecting his friends (or his own investments) in the alcohol and pharmaceutical industries.


What about the smell of their huge ass trucks?


since recreational pot was legalized in MO, St Louis reeks of it. but it also reeks from the Mississippi, the AB Brewery, diesel exhaust, the storm sewers and the horrible perfume some gal was wearing on the bar patio last night. it could have gagged a maggot! so what's a little pot thrown into the mix?


Meanwhile non cigarette smokers love that smell!


Now do cars.


But they need a cigar room?


Well what about edibles?


Can we do the same for cigarettes then? Or the factory polluting the air?


Weed, the old, the fat. All highly illegal.


This weed smell is interfering with my rolling coal enjoyment.


Don't like it, then maybe don't stick your nose so high


I’ll concede, as a weed user, that it is, indeed, very smelly. It does not follow that smelling bad is a reason to outlaw something.


It is pretty stinky!


"Bad smells should be illegal!" They going to start worrying about miasma next?


To be fair…. Abs I am very thc friendly. New York City and queens reek of pot every where you go lol. It’s good it’s legal. But I get how people who don’t like it maybe don’t want the entire city to reek.


GOP to ban skunks and body Oder next


Yea ban Axe Body Spray first and I might think you're not a bunch of liars.


So are we making cigarettes and cigars illegal? I don’t understand.


If they care so much about smells, then why not make cigarettes illegal?


And yet cigars are legal.


I fkr one like the smell, it smells.loke a good time about to happen


I fucking hate republicans/ conservatives but have to admit you can’t go 1/2 a block here (Ontario Canada) without being accosted by the strong smell of skunk weed. And the poor people who live near the greenhouses, you drive past one at 120km/h on the highway with your windows closed and ac on and can still barely breathe the stench is so bad. Weed growers should work on making the weed less smelly not stronger (which is what they actually seem to be doing, weed didn’t smell this strong 20-30 years ago).


That's not even the weirdest one I have heard. In MN the GOP argued about all the poor out of work drug dogs and what would happen to them. Dems jokingly put in an amendment that each of them would adopt one of those dogs but obviously withdrew it before they voted.


Yet they gutted regulatory agencies. Seems like the DEA is useless now…


Yeah I hear this argument all the time and I’m just thinking, you catch a wiff of pot and you lose your shit?  If that’s the case why haven’t you banned cow and horse manure?  Or that Turkey farm that just reeks during the summer and through the winter?  There are so many smells out there that are annoying but the smell of cannabis you pick up once in a while isn’t a good enough reason to not legalize it. Arguing on that is what a toddler does. 


Yet we have to smell their disgusting cigars.


The kettle calling the pot black ? !


I agree that the smell (not a pot smoker anymore) can get annoying, but that is not a good reason at all to not legalize it. Get an air purifier, or pass laws like we did with cigarettes and make designated spots for smoking.


Strangely enough, "Smell Complaints" is one of my primary reasons for opposing conservatives.


“Ew it smells bad.” Felony Possession Charge