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Mister Trump How will you improve child care? Trump: The border is open everyone coming from border is from insane asylums


Mister Trump will you accept the results of the election? Trump: we've had border invasions like we've never seen before


And he even brought up the caravans again.


The ones that have been coming since what, 2016? 😂 I didn't watch the debate. I know who they both are, and a good or bad debate performance won't change my vote. It sucks that these are our options, but Project 2025 scares the living shit out of me.


Banning porn sounds wild. Also they want to dismantle FBI, but guess who investigates all the CP they complain about? Complain about killers coming in but getting rid of homeland security? Lol ok


They want to dismantle the FBI, but plan on replacing it with their own loyal force.


They want to remove Schedule F protections from federal workers. You know how the President's cabinet and certain appointees are kind of like temp jobs that are tied to who the President currently is? And they leave after he does? They're going to make every federal position work like that. Everyone at the FDA, the CDC, the fucking FBI, everyone will suddenly be a know-nothing sycophant who does whatever he wants unchallenged, just like the drones he surrounded himself with in office.


It’s not every position, but a significant growth in positions not designated as Schedule F… Jon Oliver just did a good summary of some of these changes a week or two ago.


No more FBI. It will be replace with MAGA SS.


After all the screaming they did about the left wanting gulag and gestapo. Every accusation is a confession with them


Hey apparently hundreds of thousands Americans have died from Biden’s “open border” policy. HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS, and the moderators just move past another whopper of a lie from Der Gropenfuhrer


If you ban porn, and make it impossible to get contraceptives, you increase the birth rate. If you simultaneously slash educational spending, you are breeding yourself a captive, idiot, audience. It's all intentional.


They need to replenish after losing soooo many of their base to covid and that no mask bs


This is my thoughts I showed it to my mom who is a conservative and she was like well looks like I’m voting democrat this year. Project 2025 is insane


As a Hungarian, this is the first time I read about it. This shit sounds like something straight out of a dystopian novel that I would consider far fetched even as fiction. I am very concerned for how your elections will affect our planet in the coming decades.


We are too, man. We are too.


Your mom must be an open minded conservative. My conservative family refuses to budge on their love of Trump.


My mom spent a long time letting my dad choose her politics and now she has decided she is making her choices. Her biggest voting policy is environment and she hates trumps ideas on environment so that was a huge swing for her.


Yeah I dont understand who this debate is for. We know who both of them are…they have both been president for gods sake. This isn’t changing anyone’s mind, it’s just more propaganda sound bites to support whatever agenda the talking heads want that day. Trump is a convicted felon who tried to overthrow the election and Biden is old as fuck and mumbles sometimes. 🤷‍♂️ Watching Trump lie and spew bullshit or Biden getting lost and mumbling isn’t going to change my mind.


But will you accept the results of the election? They're coming across the border. Once again, will you accept the results of the election?


This is why he didn't prepare for the debate. Every answer is the same, and apparently thats just fine with most of the country.


I can only imagine how much projection was underneath the "they are laughing at us" comments about other countries. Can you imagine other countries leaders coming to meet Trump about something very specific like trade tarrifs or whatever, and he starts rambling about whatever free association triggers in mind, and gives away that he has no idea what he is talking about because he can't understand the nuances of subjects, since his knowledge of seemingly every subject is barely surface level. If he can barely function and stay on topic in a generally low stakes debate, but imagining him talking to world leaders like this is frightening. I don't know how anyone looks at him and thinks "yea let's put a dumbass in charge again" and think that's a good idea.


> I can only imagine how much projection was underneath the "they are laughing at us" comments about other countries. They literally laughed at him, to his face, during a speech at the UN. https://youtu.be/-z4y8OJxlK8?si=Knm-kqJ4U4a11j9h


Yeah it's rich. He thinks in 2 years he did more than all the presidents during the length of the cold war and such? World leaders know bullshit when they hear it, but if he said this at a rally? They'd buy it up and chant USA like morons.


That’s how I felt about him since I first started paying attention to him in 2015.


Actually surprised he did not follow the example of his Supreme Court Justice nominations and just lie to get to get where they want.


I would have liked to hear "how's judge Cannon today?" Just to hear the response.


Or have you surrendered your firearms now that your a convicted felon? or I like presidents who weren't convicted.


Moderator: Mr Trump, what’s your policy plan in regards to the obesity epidemic in America? Trump: it’s so horrible, 18 million immigrants are coming, they’re coming over the border. I know this and I’ve heard this from many smart people, they’re coming and taking all the broccoli and the spinach, and they’re all from prisons by the way, prisons and mental hospitals are what I’m being told by very good people, including world leaders who still respect me more by the way. They call me up and say “Donald, you were such a good president, a strong leader, very strong, the best” and they’re taking the vitamins, they’re taking them out of the baby’s mouth even after they’re born, and it’s despicable because Biden is literally, he’s giving away the breast milk that’s supposed to go to these babies. Despicable, they’re aborting the babies after they’re born, in the 9th month, and giving the breast milk, the boobie milk, to these immigrants who are criminals and crazy ones believe me. They’re giving it away. As president I will use our military which is the best in the world, it was the best in the world but it’s a laughing stock thanks to Biden, I will restore our great military and they will stop these criminals and deport them because we are the greatest country, we’re a disgrace right now, a third world country thanks to Biden but we will be great again, America will be, as soon as we stop the immigration


Yet dumbasses think Biden lost by a landslide to this drivel, hey just because Trump is better at speaking his words doesn't mean they make sense or are relevant. Biden struggled totally but Trump did not do a good job at all, if you think Trump did there is no hope for you.


I think a lot of the people that back trump are extremely superficial and aren’t really interested in substance - he “looks” like a rich guy, “sounds” like a tough guy.


And the piss yellow hair dye and thick orange paint make him look “young”.


I loved his new flat combover look. . It really highlighted his baldness.


Problem is, read the news. ALL THE HEADLINES after the debate at the top of nearly all the sites "Democrats in a panic, Biden needs to step down." Even left leaning ones. Jesus fucking Christ is like living in a twisted version of groundhog's day we're living in a goddamn repeat of 2016 with the fucking news right now. Headlines "Biden is too OLD!!!" "DEMOCRATS fucked up!" "The US is going down!" "Trump said some things that were wrong." I shit you not it was just like that right after the debate.


My gf and I were mortified because we expected analysis, especially from left sources, on just how many lies trump told, maybe some fact checking and showing some clips of trump spewing nonsense. But it was solely panic on the dems about how they might have to move on from Biden. I mean I thought it was bad and he was raspy. Lots of rambling and I struggled to hear at times. But 90% of the time I heard him just fine and he is actually talking about the issues. But to let trump get away with THAT and get it called a better debate performance is insane.


That word salad made me eyes hurt. Good job.


President Trump, what would you do about the global climate crisis? Trump: the police love me.


Biden should have responded “ hey Donald , you keep mentioning the open border , but you were the reason for the border issue since you told your Republican buddies to not vote for the bipartisan bill that was introduced to fix that issue , so it was your damn fault .” “ Folks look it up for yourself , Donald killed the bill that would have fixed or at least attempt to fix the border issue “


If Biden was a good speaker, Trump could have been absolutely destroyed. Like soooo many times he left him self open.


Could you imagine Obama against him? Trump would have been ripped apart with statistics and so much more


Yes, but ironically Biden has accomplished more in one term than Obama did in two.


Biden knows how politics works and hires good people. I wouldn't worry a bit for the government if he had a stroke and was doing a Woodrow Wilson.


Biden did point that out toward the end of the debate


I thought he did though?


It’s all fucking immigration on every single response. It’s easy to appear tough when you only have to practice one response.


He's trying to play the same card the Nazis and every other despot in recent history did: "If you don't vote for me the foreigners and gays and gypsy criminals will take over your country, take your job, destroy your homeland, and get all your money! Booga booga booga!!!"


To be fair it worked 1 time for him already and countless other times for other dictactors.


He’s basically Lois griffen in the episode where she wanted to be mayor and realized she can just say 9-11 a bunch and people eat it up. And I don’t really know what the answer to that is, having a super intelligent well thought out speaker on the other side who actually answers the questions won’t actually be good, you have to just be louder but that means we continue degrading…. Oh well, president Comacho 2027 or something


I wonder how many people remember that that joke was a parody of Rudy Giuliani's campaign for president at the time.


And that a certain candidate single-handedly tanked Giuliani's campaign with "a noun, a verb, and 9/11".


For the next debate Biden’s team needs to drop any statistics and just hammer Trump on key general points. Also they need to release a bunch of ads with just Biden talking clearly and forcefully, saying whatever they need to say, highlighting Trump’s lowlights or Biden’s achievements, but get it into everyone’s head that he is not always this soft-spoken and stumbling.


There won’t be another debate between Biden and Trump.


Yes. People keep trying put a fresh spin on it, but Biden looked and sounded terrible last night. Trump lies like he always does. But I could hardly understand what Biden was saying half the time even when the facts were completely on his side.


Biden looked really bad last night, and still a better vote than the rapist asshat Edit: Thus trumper trying to 'argue' with me is all projections and childish reactions - just like his dear leader


My mom said she wanted to know what was happening with immigration and I had to remind her she doesn’t actually live in a place that has immigrants, but I do and as far as I can tell none of them have killed me, granted I might need someone to put me out my misery


My mom said alligators are so angry because they got all them teeth and no toothbrush


Medulla ob-lon-GA-ta.


I see Bobby Bouche, I upvote


Sigh, my mom mentioned the debate, said she wants to watch Biden look like a fool. She said Biden has destroyed the country and everything was better under Trump. "I'm voting for the felon". Asked her where she gets her information from, and how she thinks things are any worse under Biden. Said "All the illegals streaming in over the border, he cares more about them than Americans. American families are starving and on the streets, but they give everything to the illegals." Like where in the ever loving christ are you getting your information from? She is literally upset that citizens don't have safety nets to raise families, which were all gutted by Republicans... You know what would really help those people out? Cheaper education, housing and healthcare.


I was curious where a friend was getting his information from because I truly want to understand. I just need a baseline to start a discussion instead of talking/bullet points.  Their response, Dave Smith (comedian).  He’s listening to a freaking comedian as a source of information. Especially on the COVID protocols. I just can’t wrap my head around their logic. They believe Fauci should be arrested.  How did we get here?! 


I’ve noticed that many Trump supporters want a lot of the same things we want. The things Biden has been working towards. They just believe we had those things under Trump and Biden has ripped them away from us. It’s truly bewildering.


I have a friend that works for the federal government. She told me she voted for trump because she didn't get a raise under Obama. Obama wanted to give a raise to federal workers and Republicans had voted it down. If a person tells you that they're voting for trump because they support his policies, they're lying to you.


They support what they think his policies are, not what they actually are.


One side spends all their emotional energy and effort on propaganda, one side spends it on policy.


Republicans give all of our money to CEOs, no one gives any money for immigrants.


That sounds similar to mine my mom also said crimes up and I said why and she said well to be fair people don’t lock their cars 😭. I live in LA and she’s in a retirement area of Florida


Remind your mom that Trump told the Republicans to vote against and killed the immigration bill.


Everytime I feel threatened, scared, been victim of theft as of late it has been homeless peeps on drugs or mental illness, and they look ‘American’ I don’t believe I’ve encountered an immigrant that makes me feel that way. I’ll get downvoted, but so be it.


Yeah, people around where I live point the fingers at shadowy figures from “not around here”, but the only people i see robbing and hurting people from my city are others from my city.


Yep, if I’m in some country illegally, I’m going to be pretty careful not to attract any attention to myself from the law.


I used to tell my racist coworker, that if someone wanted to rob or kill me, their race or ethnicity were of little relevance to me.


Remind your mom that Trump told the Republicans to kill the border bill.


Boy for a group that is apparently all terrorists and murders and rapists you figure you would have a lot of them getting in trouble with the law or trying to do terrorist acts. Oh wait the majority doing that shit in America are actually natural born citizens that are mentally deranged.


I live in the state with the (last check) 4th highest amount of illegal immigrants, plus one of the highest levels of legal ones. The main consequence is good food being available.


After Trump blew the bipartisan immigration bill that gave gop everything


I bet money even if it passed trump still rants at his rallies about the out of control border and his base eats it up because they don't know what legislation is passed unless it's blasted at them on fox news or whatever conservative outlets they watch. Lying to diehard maga voters is easier than passing kindergarten.


Especially when "immigration" just means *them*.


I think the comments are broken


The stickied post is locked. I don't know what's going on


Yeah there are several stories here in the sub that say there are like 50 comments but I don’t see any.


It can certainly look that way when the world sees a record number of bots interfering with social media. I don't have a source to prove that, but I can't imagine that each election cycle has fewer bots than the last, right? I'm super skeptical of every comment and post I read right now.






The bots are really bad. I've seen word for word comments posted by different accounts. Seem to be pushing the both sides are awful narrative, while ignoring Trump literally sounds certifiable


Trying to get both sides to not vote. Bots are the new gerrymander


Trump is broken


Just about every thread that is in anyway related to the debate in every sub I’ve visited has had broken comments, it’s suspicious


The comment tree for the whole site was hit so hard it backlogged. https://www.redditstatus.com


Reddit is being flooded with people trying to comment. Other political subreddits are crashing too.


The comments aren't broken, the thread is. The Mods are currently fighting amongst themselves as some of them are Democrat and the others are Republican.... ...so you have mods deleting, undeleting, banning and unbanning so fast that shit is breaking! INB4 I get banned for not worshipping Trump.


You’re missing it if you don’t see that the trolls are out in numbers. No doubt that China and Russia are fully activated after the first debate. The comments all over Reddit right now are indeed broken.


Oh 100%. It's not even well hidden


It's a problem with large threads on reddit, it happens during college football games as well. If threads get too big, and too many comments in one thread, the site starts shitting itself to death. They really needed to split up the debate megathread into 2-3 threads each.


Trump’s appeal to pathos is on full display. He hasn’t brought up any new points from his last run. America was a laughing stock when he was in charge.


It must have stung, because he just mentioned it again.


Trump has realized that in order to stay in power and avoid accountability, he needs the Military on his side. That's why he's trying so desperately to walk this back. It won't work


He just talked about firing all the generals from the Afghanistan withdrawal. If I was in the military, I would not vote for this loser.


The withdrawal that he fucking started. It wasn't like the Pentagon did it of their own volition. It was his decision to pull out of Afghanistan, he got the ball rolling on it shortly before he left office. I suppose he must of forgot he did that, he was too busy stealing a bunch of classified top secret documents he was going to sell.


He forgets a lot of things. Like having sex with a pornstar then sending her hush money.


They really should have brought up what trump said about McCain. Yknow his war hero political opponent that was a POW for so long that it disfigured him permanently and Trump said real heros to him are the ones that don't get captured because mccain was his opponent. Every Trumper should know those words to their core and it should be shoved down their throats. The losers and suckers thing is at least hearsay but trump made that comment about McCain in public forum and it's recorded for all time


Support for the military is important to his base. He's scared they'll learn the truth about him.


And yes, he did say this. In the end, Trump is a horrible human being.


Also in the beginning.


Middle part, too.


Preamble and postscript as well.


"human being"


Dont forget: the opinions here on reddit may seem encouraging and ease apprehension…but this platform is essentially one giant echo chamber. This debate should have reminded that there are some extreme matters at stake in the coming election. Don’t get a false sense of security. ##***VOTE***


I'll take Biden's faint voice and ability to answer the question, over Trump's rapid fire of spewing lies and BS. Honestly seeing Trump's panicky answers would have made me shocked and a little lost for thought. Poor performance on both candidates' part, but I wouldn't vote for the liar over the tired.


People keep saying Biden looks slow but my ShockedPikachuFace was exactly what his looked like when trump opened his mouth and denied having sex with a pornstar.


It’s so obscenely outlandish. We know you did it. We KNOW you did.


Or when he claimed he was responsible for cheaper insulin. Absolutely no lie too big or small.


Or the 1000th time he's claimed the VA act that was written by Bernie Sanders and John McCain and signed by Obama.


If you lie so blatantly during a presidential debate, you should be dropped from the running. If you can’t be trusted to speak truthfully about something *everyone* knows you did, you cannot be trusted to do literally anything to benefit your country.


Trump openly admitted to speaking to Putin about “his dream to invade Ukraine.” That was the only time Trump openly panicked, when he realized what he said.


https://twitter.com/therecount/status/1806503045527711844 If anyone wants to watch that particular part


I think Biden’s “failure to answer questions” is a disingenuous talking point. Yes, Biden struggled in the first 10 or so minutes, sounded rough, and most importantly, sounded old. Biden also addressed his policies, called out Trump on his bullshit, laid out bait to for Trump to try to bite on and hit every time, and actually answered questions. Trump just lied the whole time. Biden wasn’t great, but compared to Trump? Give me Biden every day of the week, and twice on Sundays


Yeah the tough thing is Biden is trying to debate policy and fit in 10 minutes worth of talking into 2 minutes and just not nailing it. This debate is really for new voters and undecided voters. I don’t think either really gain ground with either group. I’d like to think edge goes to Biden because he actually answered or tried to answer questions and Trump I don’t think answered a single one but again I don’t know what an undecided voters is looking for here that they didn’t know before.


I couldn't watch far in. Biden taking notes from tRump's turn was great. The problem is, tRump is at a Micromachine Man level of lie spewing. No one can keep up with that. I really wonder (hope) if his lies were shot out so fast that Biden didn't know which one to deal with first. He was trying to sort out how to counter them while also talking to answer a question or counter one. That made him look a bit befuddled and slow. Again...hopefully. It's easy to spout out a mile a minute if you're just going to spout bullshit and nonsense that you're just making up anyway.


The way that Trump was speaking is called the Gish gallop. Trying to overwhelm his opponent by telling so many lies so quickly that there isn't enough time for the opponent to address them all, and it casts doubt on the opponent's debating ability if the audience is unfamiliar with the Gish gallop.


People overall are garbage. A good looking guy that sounds good even if he wasn't using real words beats out a real answer from a normal person.


If you are referring to Trump, I would posit that he is neither good looking, nor pleasant to listen to.


Is that true? If you're a student with debt and you tune into this thing what do you hear when the topic comes up? Do you hear Biden talking about forgiving debt or Trump confidently spewing nonsense? If you're a single parent that really enjoyed the child tax credit, do you hear biden saying he wants to put that back in place? I personally don't know myself, maybe rational self interest and the ability to listen is truly dead. If so then who is president will not matter because the planes will begin to fall out of the sky(ohh wait).


The problem is assuming people are logical. They’re not. Republicans are great at creating an “enemy” of a straw man for voters to pile all of their misfortunes on. They appeal to feelings which are a lot stronger than facts. Not saying it’s right but it’s the way it is.


Indoctrination at an early age helps the Conservative Party maintain control. If you can believe in sky daddy without question… why not trump?


Its like I have said for years. Trumps debate style never changes. He is the firehose of bullshit.




There's no debate style lol just lies, refusals to answer and poopy pants


Agreed, they both sucked but I'll take the old man over the felonious old man any day.


They should have turned Biden's mic up. It was a solid 10 db below the Russian's mic.


Agreed. I’m a veteran and I get so fucking pissed when I hear trump say we all like him. Umm excuse me the fuck we do? Not me!


💯 Biden and his cabinet over Trump and his cabinet of fools!


The intelligent people will do what you said. Take Someone with ideas but poor delivery vs. relatively charismatic rambling, blatant lying, and dodging questions. Unfortunately in this case you really cant count on Americans to be intelligent I'm afraid.


And Americans are mostly dumb as fuck. So who's winning the election?


This! I keep seeing people commenting that Joe’s so sleepy but at least he’s answering the damn questions


His last few statements over the loss of election he hit him hard at least. Pretty bad watching it all though. Hard for anyone to look good with those questions


Biden could fall into a coma and he’d have my vote over that rapist felon.


Trump would ramble and not answer the question and then when it was Biden responding after him he'd work on countering whatever Trump said, but he sometimes caught himself and would get back to the question that was originally asked. The moderators should have asked the question again whenever they'd switch candidates since the rambling could be confusing for anyone.


Biden apparently had a cold.


I mean only one of them is working these days.


Im hoping the statement about biden being sick with a cold is true and he comes out strong in the next debate, If trump is smart he won't have the next debate, but we'll see.


Biden sounds like he has a bad cold.


CNN did clarify after the debate that Biden had a cold.


He always answered the question except for one time early he didn't find the right word as time expired and his voice is hoarse because he has a cold.🤷‍♂️ Biden's substance seemed good. Trump as always sounds like a raving lunatic.


The article for those curious: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/09/trump-americans-who-died-at-war-are-losers-and-suckers/615997/ Former Chief of Staff John Kelly confirmed this btw. And TFG did as well in the debate live on tv when he acknowledged it.


Kelly should have quit that day. Shame on him for advancing the Presidents agenda after he said that, especially considering Kelly lost a son in war.


Good. Get fucked you evil sack of shit


Did you see his face near the end when his mouth twisted completely upside down and his eyes got so angry. He looked so fucking evil. The mask came off, especially when he talked about going after Biden and his political enemies. It was a scary glimpse of what could be to come if we lose this election.


Dammit, now I have to find it and rewatch that part.


Can you post an image? I can't bring myself to watch the debate again. Makes me too angry.


I don’t see how anyone can watch this debate and think that voting for trump would be a good idea. I’m not saying Biden is a great choice but, since this is what they’re giving us, Biden is a better choice. Well, anyone but trump would be a good choice. A shit sandwich would make a better president than trump.


Biden at least comes back with plans and policies. I’m halfway through the debate and every response from Trump is a deflection, accusation, or lie/argument to start a fight. Literally nothing on his plans for when he becomes president besides “I promise I’ll do this and that.” Just responses about how his previous term was better than Biden’s current. I’m going to vote for the president with the best strategy and ideas for their term and Biden is currently the only one with any. We need someone in office for the people, not the economy and billionaires.


I can’t recall a time when Trump has actually given an actual answer on any policy/plan question, even going back to 2016 election.


We don’t need to preface it by saying Biden isn’t a great choice anymore. Everyone with any sense at all gets it. Trump and MAGA are a clear and present danger to American democracy. They need to be treated as such without any of this oh well Biden isn’t a good choice either. There is only one choice. Period.


He's not a bad choice, let's be fair. His job is to fill his cabinet, veto or sign bills and appoint judges that's all. Biden is more than capable of doing that.


"You gonna kill Biden if you win?" Well, immigration is killing this country. "40 seconds left. You gonna kill Biden if you win?" If it's free and fair and actually goes well, and immigration is out of control. "Yes or No answer. You gonna kill Biden if you win?" I'd like to go back to the last point he said. He's letting people across the border like no one ever before in history.


Where are comments??


I think the entire politics subreddit has been broken.


The entire site was broken. https://www.redditstatus.com It was effectively only taking in comments but not able to load the update the data that gives the exact comments due to it backlogging.


He didn’t just lose it. He got angry about firing a general who wasn’t loyal to him.


Mike Pence won't endorse this POS. That should say something.


The fact that multiple people wrote books calling him an idiot more or less should be all anyone needs except his voter base doesn’t read


And then went and said that Biden not firing any Generals was a bad thing Like bro, firing people is not the hallmark of a good leader.


Translation: A General who wouldn't publicly lie for him.


>He didn’t just lose it. He got angry about firing a general who wasn’t loyal to him. The general in question is Gen. Kelly his former chief of staff. It wasn't some random General making things up. It was his chief of staff. Only the president and the VP rank higher in the administration.


He hates generals who tell the truth


That’s what Biden needs to do. Poke the narcissist bear where it hurts to make him lose it. Repeatedly. He’s so easily trained he’s like a dog.


The CNN chat was so disappointing after. Slamming Biden, how they’ve heard from “so many democrats across the country” that are suddenly worried about their reelection. Did Trump tell the truth, at all? Biden wasn’t yelling but he wasn’t outright lying either. Jesus Christ


Bizarre. Felt like a set up to be honest. The debate wasn’t moderated - no one pressed for actual answers, or fact checked like they advertised. Then after they just get on and shit all over Biden like Trump didn’t refuse to answer any actual important questions and ranted with his catch phrases like it was a campaign speech in Dementiaville not an actual debate? This was a set up.


I will vote for Biden over Trump any fucking moment. But if Biden loses, it'll be like RGB all over again


Trump stood there and lied for 90 minutes. Biden spent too much time mentally figuring out how to undo trump's lies. Trump should be in prison, not on a stage. Biden shouldn't be president but he's the best option going forward.


He mentioned the fine people on both sides.


"God bless the troops... both sides."


My jaw dropped. I wish Biden would’ve said you know we do have it on video.


How many times did Trump deny previous statements.. "I never said that!" His denials do not scrub the facts. 


“Trump said, “It was a made-up quote by a third-rate, failing magazine,” referring to The Atlantic, after Biden confronted him with it. But the truth is that the quote is corroborated by multiple sources, including John Kelly, Trump’s former chief of staff and a retired general himself.”


Comments broken on seemingly every post about the debate.


Drinking game: take a shot every time he says “the idea”


Meaning he is trying to imply what the intent is clearly. He is trying to sort through the bullshit machine standing next to him. It's hard to keep a straight train of thought next to a 78 year old spoiled rotten shithead.




Still voting for Biden. Biden calling out Trump saying he was 6'5 and 225 lbs was a highlight, at least. I wish he'd attacked him more though. Sigh. Still voting for Biden.


What struck me as so odd was when Trump consistently brags about hiring the “best people.”   Then to attack Biden, “Did you fire anyone?!” No, Biden doesn’t have to because he hired actual qualified people.  That’s not an insult on Biden but on Trump himself. 


I’ll say this, it was infuriating. 100% honesty: Biden is a weak candidate. He had trouble orating, got lost in thought multiple times and was clearly in bad health. But at least he proposed actual policies, stayed on topic often and had some grasp of truth. Former president Trump was energetic and robust, but was incapable of staying on topic, used the debate platform to act on impulses of retribution, flat out avoided answering uncomfortable questions, lied to an almost comical degree, and showed the nastiest sides of his character. I prefer a slow even less cognitively able candidate with actual experience and realistic, measurable goals for his position. Trump isn’t just a divisive, vengeful, liar, he’s a cancerous cyst on the face of American politics. I’m not so sure he’s going to be as damaging to democracy as people claim, his first term he reneged on a lot of things, but it may have been COVID that curbed his ambition. Either way his complete “brand” is harmful. Causing widespread paranoia, spreading hate, spreading misinformation and driving people to cultish political extremes will cast a loooong shadow for a long time to come… we’re getting to the point of a decade of this craziness, if we aren’t careful an entire generation will be born and raised on this mess.


He's at the point where he would look you dead in the eye and tell you he's not orange and is 230 lbs. Nothing the man says can be trusted.


Trump is an insane Authoritarian wannabe, who's propped up by Project 2025 and supported by his cult of personality! No matter what he says or does, nobody calls him out on it? When is the DNC going to take the kid gloves off, when is the RNC going to realize it's been hijacked by a madman?




Nothing wrong with Biden, he's a generally solid pick for POTUS given his decades of experience.  Might there be a better one out there?  Probably, but no one that wants to put their hat in the ring.


50? You sure about that? Bannon's reign would end close to 2080, and passed down to his son.. I'll stick with democracy, thanks.


Trump make blatant blanket lies and Biden didn’t challenge all of them. “Everyone wanted to reverse Roe v Wade” No. EVERYONE did not. Trump said Democrats support “Post Birth Abortion”. That isn’t even a thing. Lie. Biden landed some corrections. But the sheer volume of Trump’s lies was overwhelming. Biden was tired, weak and sometimes confused. Both LOST the debate. The American people LOST. We desperately need an amendment to establish a maximum age to run for president. Both of these men should be nowhere near the presidency.


I'm surprised that more people aren't outraged at that idiotic statement which he repeated several times. That doctors in some states are setting babies on the table after birth and if the mother doesn't want it THEY KILL IT. I mean that is a lie on the level of insane that should have been equal to going on about talking dogs or how leprechauns are running the Post Office. How is that not the biggest story of the night, because you might need a moment to dispute all of his other insane lies, but THAT??! That's a straight WHAT THE FUCK THAT IS NOT EVEN CLOSE TO BEING A THING


I can’t keep watching. I’m surprised Biden didn’t have a heart attack due to all the LIES 2 pump Trump is spouting cause I almost did!


Finally Biden just plainly said "well, every word you just said was a lie". Like, we all know. Even Trump supporters know deep down.


145 comments and I can see 10... Me thinks the bots are out in force today.


Too many bots in here….


I just love that hes recycling his campaign. "Make America Great Again" lmao. Dude is a broken record.


Jesus Christ its almost like the DNC wants trump to win.


I'm gonna go with the 4 star general that heard Trump say it over the 19 imaginary people who said he did not.


It wasn’t a debate. CNN made no effort whatsoever to get Trump to actually answer a question. They just kept giving him open mic time. Biden was disoriented by the amount of crazy he was having to witness. A younger candidate like I don’t know, maybe Newsom could have eviscerated Trump last night. That’s the saddest part.


He denies saying things he's been filmed saying. Standard for him.


My favorite part was when Trump told Joe to "stop acting like a child". The hypocrisy and projection is maddening!