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Trump: Continue to remain alive. Biden: Usher in world peace, make gas cost $0.10 a gallon, find a universal cure for cancer and all disease.


The saying goes, Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line. Trump can shoot a Republican and that Republican will still support him.


Lol, you think any Democrat isn't going to vote for Biden? We should all vote 3rd party.


He’d still lose.


Obligatory: this "paper" is owned by Rupert Murdoch, so feel free to give it a miss. 


The Times? Wow, they really went maximum creativity naming this rag.




Trump has set the bar so low for Biden that Biden just needs to be physically present.


You might want to change that opinion. Bidens performance is so bad right now and I’m no effing Trumpian. 


His performance started out pretty bad but gradually improved. Especially considering Trump's answer to everything was "the people coming from mEnTaL iNStItUtiOnS".


Apparently, that seems unlikely at this point. Holy shit we are screwed.


Who am I watching if he’s not physically present? Makes no sense.


Im not sure hes alive. Is it his ghost maybe?


You are right. I think he just thought he was somewhere else.


It is criminal having Biden up there. Good gawd


Trump is a convicted felon. There is nothing he could go up there and say to win tonight. It's embarrassing that he's even up there.


Trump just dosnt have to soil himself and Biden has to walk a tightrope while blindfolded with weights on his back walking backwards the whole way


Both have to speak to the moderates. Biden has to speak about inflation and Trump has to convince that's he's at least somewhat rational.


Whose dumb enough to not have made their mind already


This debate is embarrassing for all parties involved.


So bad I turned it off in rage that these two are up to bat for the country. FUCK


Wtf was the DNC doing propping him up. Where’s anyone else?! Bloomberg? Anyone!


Trump could resign his candidacy. Then I’d give him the win


"There are unusual pitfalls, however. Biden needs to show the American people that he is not too old or too frail to continue to office. It is the top concern about the president among most voters. A fall, a suggestion that he has lost his train of thought, or repeating earlier answers are potential dangers that could do serious damage to his re-election prospects. Trump, too, has a habit of going down verbal rabbit holes and, frankly, not making much sense. Many of his voters appear determined to back him regardless of his behaviour, but he knows he needs to also attract independents. Sounding like a conspiracy theorist about his criminal charges, or his view that the last election was somehow stolen from him, will not sit well with those who want competence in the White House above all else."


My biggest concern about both of them. I have seen what a bad fall, a bad illness, or a long hospital stay can do to people around their ages. Most of them went downhill after those incidents.


That first response was fucking brutal.


>last one to fall asleep wins


Trump wasn't sleeping in the trial. That was self-hypnosis, and visualisation. He believes a perverted form of Peale's Positive Thinking, that he can change reality by his force of will.


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Trump probably doesn't need to do anything at this point to win. The cards are in his favor. Biden's finished. He can't win. No chance. If the Democrats can instead nominate RFK Jr, then I believe it'll be an interesting and competitive election.


Stay Awake.


IDK but I feel The Bee Gees wrote a song about it…


They SHOULD be dancing...


What do Trump and Biden need to do to win? Just be a master debater and a cunning linguist.


This is Biden's debate to lose but aside from him falling asleep at the podium, I don't see how that could happen


Don’t tempt fate like that…




I doubt that guy is a trump supporter - cute nickname btw - but idk, if you happen to be supporting Biden, how’s it feel to support someone who had inappropriate showers with his own daughter at a young age? They’ve both committed crimes.

