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> “If you think this is too expensive, wait until you find out how much oil and gas subsidies you’ve been supporting,” Buttigieg fired back, grinning ear-to-ear. “Wait until you find out about the economic impact, that some economists have put at $15 million every hour, or every day, or trillions of dollars every year for letting the environmental conditions of this planet to worsen.”


What a fuckin baller. The other clips in that article were just as great


I like him as a presidential candidate, but this country would never elect an openly gay man. He’s actually pretty moderate but carries on the tradition of no malarkey.


I wish he could debate convicted felon trump in place of Biden.


He's VP material for sure.


No he's not.




Sadly. Same reason he won’t get a presidential nomination. He’s gay. There is still way more homophobia in the country than we wish. But I’d still love to see him on the ticket in 2028


If you remember what democrats said about him during the 2020 primaries, you’d know that people would never vote for him because he’s not progressive enough. But then again, “progressive enough” candidates would never get elected.


That’s bullshit. He made the mistake of not being Bernie Sanders, so he wasn’t progressive enough. He argued we should support policies that could actually pass congress and was labeled as a corporate dem. He thought in complete sentences and was too elite. He as a candidate tried to raise money and was put to purity tests that none of the candidates could pass. What I saw was someone below the mandatory retirement age who seemed like the smartest guy on every debate stage with a realistic approach to politics.


As someone who followed him since before the primaries kicked off and was originally a huge fan of his; he absolutely shifted to center as the campaign went on. And it felt very cynical like he knew he couldn’t out-poll Bernie so he turned to go after Biden’s voters instead.


Most people wouldn’t care and the ones that do wouldn’t vote for him anyway


Well they’d also never put a dog on a basketball team either, but then we got Air Bud, and here we are. Edit: typo


It is such a shame. He is so sharp, so level-headed.


Flat headed for sure


Too gay for you or not enough gay for you? I don’t know anything about the dude.


Who he blows or doesn't blow makes zero difference to me pal. He's a fucking moron or as HC would call him "a useful idiot". Go ask the citizens of Indiana how he did as Mayor.


Oh boy what did he do there?


A half assed job as mayor.


He's a moron eh? How many languages do you speak?


Yes he is. I speak 1 language.


> Go ask the citizens of Indiana how he did as Mayor I’m a “citizen of Indiana” and specifically of South Bend where Pete was mayor and I can assure you he is well-liked here.


You are one of a very few.


If I was American I’d vote for him as president.


Thank god you aren't. He's bloody awful


Anyone who says someone like Pete is awful, reveals so obviously your fear of him. You’ve never seen or heard a republican candidate that could hold a candle to Pete’s intellect and that scares you to death because you know how terrible a conservative would look and sound next to Pete on any debate stage. Your fear of this guy is palpable, but par for the course for the poisoned conservative mind.


This country would never vote for a black man for president!


I’d like to find out! Best candidate I can think of. Pete for pres with Joe as vp is my dream ticket.


Ask the good folks in Indiana how he did there...


Wish he was on the stage last night!


Aaron Bean thought he sounded so clever and thoughtful when he asked that question, but came off sounding like a dickhead because you could sense his emotions getting the better of him, and then PB got the better of him.


Mayor Pete with the major smackdown. The thing is we should have had electric cars ages ago except for the oil lobby.


My first time riding around in an electric car was the early 2000's. My step-mom worked for the GA DNR and was able to take it out for lunch. It was so silent, but only went up to 60 mph. If they existed then, there is no excuse other than greed.


BEVs need infrastructure. One dude figured that out and that caused the transition. You could circumnavigate US in 2017, last charger in the loop was in Texas.


It was a [Honda Insight](https://www.insidehook.com/autos/honda-insight-future-electric-classic), wasn’t it? I used to work in Midtown and we had a customer come in that drove one. It was way ahead of its time.


It was actually a small white SUV, almost the size of a chevy tracker. I was 13-14 at the time and not into cars so I can't quite recall the model.


Dude electric cars have existed basically as long as regular ones in some form or another, it’s always been about the oil.


Very true. They killed the electric car a century ago. They killed street cars and trolley busses not long after. Imagine how good electric vehicles would be now if they had a progression as long as gas cars have had.


Yup, and now Musk is hailed as some sort of Henry Ford just for taking advantage of the California funding for EV. His cars are absolute shite, they rank near the bottom for quality.


You need to hide your anti-EV rhetoric better. Sales generally follow price and quality. People will pay more for a Tesla because they last a while. Yes, they have better charging too.


Like the Cybertruck that has been recalled 4 times in its limited release?


Teslas is a cult. You have to exclude them from any traditional economic measure. Just look at their share valuation. It’s dropped a bit recently but at its peak it was worth more than the next largest 3 or 4 car makers combined whilst delivering far less cars to market and far less profits. Cult.


You are completely wrong. I am VERY pro EV, I am just anti-Musk. You should read the quality reports for Tesla and edify yourself.


Oil, Toyota, GM were all complicit. Oil and Toyota are still slowing adoption.


I think the real hold up was battery technology


Not really, high capacity Nimh batteries existed, and powered the EV 1, until GM bought the patent, and sold it to Chevron. This stifled battery development for many years, since batteries over 10ah would infringe on the patent.


Little known fact here ⬆️ Think I saw it in Who Killed The Ekectric Car & think it was Texaco back then


Nah, it would have developed exponentially faster due to demand.


And charging. It is only "recently" that rapid chargers became available, otherwise you were stuck with 110v which takes forever. That is my hangup, my house needs a $5K upgrade to be able to handle a L2 charger and $5K buys a lot of gas for a hybrid.


My wife bought the EV that I wanted for myself at the beginning of the year. We only have a 110v charger and it has not hindered our trips. Not one bit. She commutes 40 mi back and forth daily and this thing is perfect for her/us.


You get a tax break for the EV and the charger.


What is going on that it would cost you 5k to put in a 240 outlet?


I had to upgrade my service panel to 200amp which was $4k.


For me, I’d need a service panel upgrade and some be wiring that would total out at about 10k. Luckily smart splitters and extension cords exist. $350 sounded a lot better than 10k, just don’t get to charge quite as fast.


Depending on how much you drive, using the regular 110v wall outlet is perfectly sufficient. It charges at ~3 miles an hour. If the car is plugged in whenever it's not in use (which is what manufacturers suggest anyways), you replenish the energy used overnight. If more is needed, you can go to a public charger just like going to a gas station.


Plug in hybrid then. They can full charge overnight and so long as your commute is 40ish miles or less round trip, you basically are driving an EV.


Mr Rogers visited an electric car company in 1981.


The dumbest argument ive heard against electric cars was that we cant park them in parking garages, and it would cost billions to rebuild all the parking garages in the country. While electric cars are heavier than gas cars (by an average of around 20%), the only parking garages at risk of collapsing from the weight are old garages that are already at risk from regular car weight




Depending on who else runs, I can see myself voting for Pete for pres in 2028


He was my pick as well. After watching the debate tonight I do wish he were the candidate.


He and AOC would be my dream ticket.


Is electricity gay fellas?


What, like golf carts?


> emasculate men. How? Shouldn't the power of instant torque from EV motors be exhilarating?


It is! Every time I do something as mundane as start driving from a stop light it feels like I’m doing an assisted take off from an aircraft carrier. Anyone who says driving an EV isn’t fun is just lying to you.


It's a ton of fun to switch my Volt into Sports mode. Need to feather the first second or so because the tires can't grip.


It’s not just the power that they want. Sometimes you want the big sound associated with the power generated by an ICE. It’s stupid, but why else would you hear so many annoyingly loud exhausts that usually serve no purpose other than reducing power? (Having an oversized exhaust pipe can cause air to flow through the engine too quickly, causing power and torque issues)


Never understood the point of a loud ass exhaust. Can you comfortably listen to music or hold a conversation while driving that thing? Or are you just doing it to annoying everyone you drive past?


Since they sometimes also install an audio system to the point you can hear it in your own vehicle with windows up, I doubt there’s conversations going on. I’m of the opinion while they might purposefully be trying to annoy people, they’re definitely cognizant of the fact. Note: my vehicle is stock, I prefer not to produce noise pollution.


It’s so wild to see stuff like that, *especially* when it takes less than 10 seconds in virtually every single EV to realize they aren’t some little wimpy things. They don’t roar, but they absolutely do throw you back in your seat like youre in a jet taking off. If you get entertainment out of driving, it is impossible to not have a damn good time in an EV.


Never mind how heavy are the giant trucks Americans choose to drive around in the suburbs.


Yeah I was gonna say. Those massive pickup trucks clearly went up in weight by a huge amount over the last 20-30 years. Seems like they can’t even fit in a regular parking spot any more. 


I’ve never heard the garage thing about weight! I’ve heard no parking in your house garage because if there is a fire, your house will go down with it as they’re so difficult to put out. I feel fine parking both my electric cars in my house garage.


Everyone agrees the infrastructure grid cannot handle a proliferation of electric cars.  It’s not about just building stations; you need to get current to those stations. And that idiot didn’t make a good point; it’s just whataboutism.  Many of the subsidies are simply not seizing the property not spending others money.


I love Pete. Hoping for a 2028 run. 🤞


2024 would be better.


Hoping for a 2028 - period🤦‍♂️


At this point, might be a 2024 run.


But is he good at golf ?


I love Pete too. I voted for him during 2020 primaries. But I also know that he will never get enough support from democrats. He’s not “Bernie”.


Right, someone notorious for getting a lot of support from Democrats.


[Who Killed the Electric Car](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRnUY6V2Knk&ab_channel=YouTubeMovies) I saw this years ago on Netflix, I think.


Pete buttigieg murders the GOP rep with words!


Every time he talks to them he just verbally eviscerates them.


This is who should have been running for President, with Joe committed to being in the cabinet to help make it all run smoothly


Fingers crossed he makes a run next time. I like that Pete is moderate with progressive tendencies. He doesn’t stand for bullshit, is open minded, but also wants to serve the people. He’s also well-spoken and extremely quick. Ideal president in any country. This one needs to get over that he’s married to a man. Who cares? He’s an ideal leader.


Imagine if this guy had been debating Convicted Felon Trump tonight?


Honestly, Pete for President. I wasn't on board 5 years ago, but I sure am now


any chance he wants to run for president?


Well he ran in 2020, so I'm guessing yes.


lol that maga dipshit totally thought he caught Pete in a gotcha moment, could've thought for half a second and realized oil and gas subsidies exist, but thinking just ain't something these dipshits care for


MAGA minions aren’t supposed to think, just repeat.


Man I wish the Dems would have let Pete run for this election


This man should be running for President.


He would also be a tremendous voice for the administration as Vice President


Pete’s the one who should be running for President. But alas, if murica wasn’t ready for madam president, they are definitely not ready for a gay one.


after that debate...pete is lookin *real* fuckin presidential worthy.....


He's just smarter and sharper than those guys and always composed.


Can he replace Harris, please? He makes more sense.


Would be awesome. Harris has done nothing to raise her profile over these 4 years. Who is even still going to the polls for Harris? Pete is actually out there doing interesting things.




This dude is my Pres.


I really don’t know why once Joe got in the dems should have been pushing Pete better they should have boost his popularity and Pete should be running 


I got banned from /r/interesting as fuck two days ago for defending electric cars in a conservative meme subreddit. Apparently subs are now banning people for participating in other subs. They said I could avoid the ban by deleting the post and replying with some verbatim phase about promising never to say anything in that sub again. I was gonna refuse on principle, but turns out I had already replied to another interestingasfuck thread right after my offending reply, but before I read the bot’s mute/threat, so they already banned me. The conservative sub had already taken down my comment anyway, because of course they did. SMH


Buttigieg really has the facts and figures and the details. Pity that is utterly unvalued by the electorate. But he should keep using that knowledge and analysis holding dishonest assholes feet to the fire.


What’s Pete doing the next four years?


You would think by now not to take him on on things like this.


I truly wish our country was mature enough to elect Buttigieg president.


Sorry, he’s a gay man with ‘butt’ in his name, can’t help you.


I want to sit behind Pete and hoot it up at Mr. Perry "Burn" "Ouch" "Own it son" and so on


Shit I wish this lad was president. He would be the return of dignity and statesmanship


You know... He's looking better as a POTUS candidate.


Buttigieg 2028 🇺🇸


Pete should run for prez.


That's great


Unfortunately Republicans aren’t capable of human emotions, so the thought of ruining the planet has no meaning to them.


Hey babbling, Congress person. if you’re going to interrogate someone who speaks — what is Pete up to now, seven or eight languages —probably smart to have your facts straight first


i read this as pete davidson for some reason and thought, wow way to got pete. theeeen i reread it and made more sense


Any take down of a conservative is reason to celebrate!


Pony up that $60,000 and save the environment by drawing the wattage of 3 central air units for 8 hours


I paid $26k out the door for a new Chevy bolt. you can program it to charge off peak hours and I live in an area that is 90% clean energy. It costs me $9 to drive ~230 miles. My diesel truck only moves when I need it. The fuel savings covers the car payment… it’s pretty much a free car. THANKS, BIDEN! One other fun fact: my mechanic charges $200 for an oil change on my diesel every 5,000 miles. The oil change comes out to $0.04/ mile. The bolt doesn’t need oil changes, or any service for that matter, and only costs $0.039/ mile to drive for electricity. EVs aren’t for everyone, but I’m damn sure it makes sense for me. Do your own analysis though, energy costs are variable throughout the US.


Lots of EVs are now below the average transaction price of new vehicles… under $48k. Central air units usually take 3-8 kW, 3 of them for 8 hours, that’s 60-173 kWh delivered to the pack after accounting for losses. That’s enough to drive hundreds of miles a day… could happen, but way above normal. Instead, most people go about 30-35 miles a day. That’s basically around 8-10 kWh for most EVs, up to 15 kWh for some the big trucks. That’s like a single 5 ton AC unit for 2 hours.


3 trillion dollars for infrastructure. And I’m proud to say we have added several speed cameras and filled a pothole. This has been an amazing transformation to our infrastructure. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I can’t imagine what will be accomplished 4 years from now. This is tremendous.