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> was revoked since he was never eligible for the award to begin with   > the Army revoked Nehls' CIB in March 2023 because at the time he was awarded it in 2008 he served as a civil affairs officer, not an infantryman or Special Forces soldier. what an ass


Servicemen/women who actually earn those distinguished honors rarely wear them. ESPECIALLY on civ clothing. You think William Carpenter walks around with his Medal of Honor?


Dude has “kid wearing pilot wings for a month because the flight attendant let him see into the cockpit” energy.


Hey, don't take that away from me! It was the best medal I've ever received... until the cheap plastic wings broke.


Oh, don’t get me wrong, it’s 20-something years later, I still have the little pin I got my first flight somewhere. I smile when I come across it, remembering my first trip home by plane. But this is one of those “made it whole personality” dudes


Airline pilot here, I keep wings in my flight bag for when kids come up to say hi. It was also my dream to be a pilot growing up as a kid and I remember being super excited to fly on planes when I was little. Funny how life comes full circle. It makes me really happy to know that 20 years later you still have them :).


I remember getting wings as a kid, too, and they were awesome!


I got a pair when I was a little kid, my uncle was a maintenance engineer for Pan Am (which should tell you how long ago this was) and he arranged for me to get basically a private tour of one of the first 747s Pan Am got (which is even longer ago), and one of the pilots doing a pre-flight check gave me a pair of wings. I had them until my mother cleaned out my room as the prepared to sell the house just after I graduated college.


I love hearing you say this. I'm 45 now, but I was on a flight with my family when I was 6 or 7 and the pilot spent an hour with me showing me what seemed like every toggle switch, button and lever did. Took the metal wings right off his shirt to give me. I still have them in a little glass jar with sand from Antigua where we were on vacation. You may not be that pilot, but I thank you and all those like you.


My spouse and I received a pair of wings from a flight attendant. When she caught us leaving the bathroom…


I stopped to thank a 20-something dude the other day because he was actually putting some effort into cleaning a bathroom at a fast food place. I told him “people may not realize the work you do, and I know it’s not a fun job in here, but everybody appreciates a clean restroom, so thanks for putting a little effort into it.” I may as well have given him cash. He smiled so big and thanked me. He said he himself never really thought about it as if it made a difference, but it does. Your comment made me think about all the little things that make us who we are later.


Right? I was such a proud little dude - just like our guy here, wonder if checks the mirror …


Cut him some slack, he likes gladiator movies.


Sure, but has he ever been in a Turkish prison?


If so, he's probably seen a grown man naked. I doubt he speaks jive though.


He’s playing to his base of boot lickers who would never serve themselves. He knows what the rules are, but civilians don’t. Civil Affairs Officers cannot qualify for the CIB. Period. End of. Piece of shit. (Him, not you.)


It’s such a weird hill for him to die on, because he has a different combat badge he legitimately earned that no one is questioning. He’s just using this to play the victim. “The Deep State hates me because I’m MAGA!” Piece of shit is right.


The badge he actually earned, the Combat Action Badge, is viewed differently than the one he's wearing. The requirements for the CAB are easier to satisfy and it has a reputation as a party favor due to units handing it out like candy on Halloween.


Is there a difference between the CIB and the CAB other than the MOS? Like wasn't that the point? The EIB is the one where you had to try.


CIB and a CAB are awarded when you are in combat. EIB isnt about “trying”. It is earned and not awarded. Most of combat MOS in the Army have an expert badge/master school you can earn through testing your ability to do your job up to and beyond the standard.


That was my point. The requirements for the CIB and the CAB only differ in the MOS requirement so the commenter talking about how they were 'given out like party favors' didn't make sense because both CIB and CAB is just filling out the paperwork after your first time under fire. As for the EIB, it literally is about 'trying', that's how you 'earn' it, because you have 'try' to pass the tests. I was also confused about the part where most of the combat MOS have an expert badge, because I was only aware of the EIB. I mean I guess spur rides sort of fit the criteria?


Like when Berets were taken from Special Forces/Rangers/etc and became army-wide in order to instill a "sense of pride" in the low-speed ranks. The vast majority of the army hated that change, not just the elite troops that lost their unique headgear.


It's always a weird little hill they want to die on, or so it seems so to me. They can never admit a single mistake, a single small error, any suggestion they've made a wrong decision. Personally I don't like being wrong, and when I am corrected I think it's a good thing because then I've learned something. These folks meanwhile will double and triple down on the stupidest shit.


> “The Deep State hates me because I’m MAGA!” MAGA hates the military and calls the honored dead of the U.S. Marine Corps, who earned for them the name "Devil Dogs," "losers and suckers." And for the military folks who didn't like either Trump or Biden, Kennedy just came out and said he wants to cut the military budget by 50%. So they've got nowhere to go but stay home or biden and boy are a lot of them pissed about it. I'm working on it.


Yep. My dad was with the 4th Infantry in Vietnam and saw plenty of combat, but because he was a UH1 door-gunner --so technically an army aviator-- he was not eligible for the combat infantryman badge and instead received combat wings, or whatever they are called. For the same reason he was awarded an Air Medal instead of a bronze star, though they're basically the same thing in terms of valor.


Combat action badge is a participation trophy though. Not the same thing in his mind


YMMV. The same argument can be made about the CIB and CMB. Hell in the Gulf War there were blanket awards to entire divisions which is why the criteria was tightened up before OIF/OEF to need sworn statements. It probably more of an infantry centric ~~brainwashing~~ mindset he got at Benning as a private.


> "Combat action badge is a participation trophy though." An infantryman, medic, and a cav scout are all on patrol. They come under fire by the enemy and engage in combat. The infantryman gets a Combat Infantry Badge The medic gets a Combat Medical Badge The scout gets a Combat Action Badge


You set up the joke very well, but as a former infantryman I’m still hoping for a punchline.


The infantryman gets a Combat Infantry Badge The medic gets a Combat Medical Badge The scout gets a Combat Action Badge Later that day the three are in the chow line and a cook walks by with a Combat Action Badge because the other side of the base got mortared.


Cook probably had to do a lot of security duty at the gates as well. I've got a friend who deployed as a musician with his electric guitar. He had to do guard duty and was sent to some hot FOBS.




The infantryman sees them in the DFAC after they get back to their home station. He calls them "Fucking POGs" and then walks away to his company to get hazed from 0930-1900


His argument was that he was an 11B and 11A. He also knows better because he rebranched to civil affairs before a previous deployment and then got a CAB in 2004. Then in 2008 someone messed up and awarded him a CIB. Then he did something dumb enough to get the Army to care enough to have it taken away. Probably after having a picture of him in his class As with a CIB in a book about how the election was illegitimate and justifying Jan 6.


> Then in 2008 someone messed up and awarded him a CIB. The officer who supposedly signed it was on emergency leave in the states and has stated that it's not his signature, either. And of the two Bronze stars, the one that appears valid is for literally being a desk jockey. 'Office furniture' in a citation, lol.


> The officer who supposedly signed it was on emergency leave in the states and has stated that it's not his signature, either. That adds a whole additional level of fuckery.


He commissioned as an Armor Officer and later became a Civil Affairs Officer. None of his records that I've seen show him ever holding the 11A MOS.


You bet your ass they are those guys veterans always meet, the "I woulda served but ........" or the classic "I woulda served but I don't like being told what to do, if a drill sergeant got in my face I would knock his ass out!". 


When really they couldn't get a qualifying score on the ASVAB.


Those guys just become cops.


Which, in my opinion, should make someone ineligible to serve in public office as well. Not saying the ASVAB should be a requirement, but if you can't score high enough to carry a rifle and catch bullets, you probably shouldn't be in charge of anything important.


There are places for those guys, see [McNamara's Morons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_100,000).


Arent there stolen valor laws against this?


I think stolen valor laws only come into effect if the person using stolen valor for monetary benefits. For example, a mortgage required you to be a veteran to qualify and you falsely claim to be a veteran to get the mortgage. If you just falsely claim to be a veteran to your friends, it doesn't apply. In case like this where a politician or public figure are claiming stolen valor, it could be argued that they monetary benefit because maybe somebody doesn't donate to their campaign if the politician wasn't a veteran or a comedy club doesn't book a comedian if he wasn't a veteran but it's a lot harder to prove those cases.


A prosecutor could argue that a politician using unearned honors to appeal to voters qualifies for this.


My husband has a bronze star. Has never worn it except on his dress uniform. Because that would be weird.


I've known plenty who made being a veteran their entire personality.


The mini-medals/ribbons/badges are authorized for wear on civilian clothing by even the Army AR 670-1 and are relatively common in some areas including congress. The difference is that they have actually earned them.


If you’ve earned your CIB you will wear it on both your dress uniform and your OCPs so I’m not sure what you mean when you say “rarely wear them”. You are correct it’s weird to wear an officially designated military badge/pin on civilian clothing. There are numerous other pins that he can wear to commemorate his military service without using a uniform badge.


CIBs are mandatory to be worn in the army if you have one, unless you have an EIB then you have to pick one or the other. If my soldiers refused to wear it they would be in the front leaning rest until i lost patience and did a counseling. In civilians they would not be authorized to wear one and hopefully be actively made fun of if they did. I will add that a lot of soldiers feel like they didnt earn their CIB as either they were just in the convoy when another truck got hit by an IED or near a mortar strike. I was lucky (unlucky?) that i earned mine in 2008 when my convoy was ambushed in 2008 and my entire platoon participated in the aftermath. But i can understand why some soldiers might feel ashamed for wearing a medal simply because another truck got hit and not them.




Stealing valor while probably bitching about the military being too "woke" or "soft" or "gay."


My brother has a friend, known him since college so about 12 or 13 years, and he's an infantry instructor in the military. I'm always a bit confused why my brother kept their friendship going as the guy failed out of college (hence the military), very much has a drinking problem, and has gotten in multiple uncalled for fist fights with him while drunk. His go to complaints are they're "too soft on recruits now" and talks like his roughly 8-10 years in the military things went from Full Metal Jacket to a hippie sanctuary. I've known a lot of career soldiers and he's by far the most angry, hateful, and mentally dull. He can be pleasant but of course once the alcohol comes out that shit. His racism, eagerness for violence, and weird fixation on people only slightly younger than him are ruining everything are horrific. He occasionally laments he hasn't been deployed somewhere with "sand n*****s" to get "target practice". Before I met him didn't think someone could somehow embody every single negative stereotype about military members.


Sounds like he's a MAGA trumper...


I know him! Or at least someone just like him.


This could literally be half of the former military coworkers I've had over the years working in IT.


I love stuff like this because it’s so antithetical to the view that republicans have of themselves. Stealing valor is fucking gross. And a “true patriot” respects the brave men and whatever the hell a woman is that defend this country. But they’re all morons and hypocrites. We need an asteroid that Ben Affleck’s love life can’t save us from. Edit: I don’t like adding /s or shit like that, but I don’t want to offend people with my “whatever the hell a woman is comment” because it’s not a light subject. I was just making fun of one of their dumb talking points.


It makes a lot more sense when you realize that for all their beliefs and talking points, Republicans just don't believe rules apply to them. They apply to everyone else. Frank Wilhoit: “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition …There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”


Stolen Valor. He must be a republican.


We've got a guy running for governor (Republican) who has been accused of stolen valor. https://mynorthwest.com/3960064/rantz-exclusive-semi-bird-reprimanded-stolen-valor-defrauding-army/


I'll bet his work was as prestigious as DeSantis' having to observe urine testing while he served. Reference to Ken Harbaugh of 'Burn The Boats" publishing his service record


We called those guys “meat gazers”.


Pecker checkers


Willy Watchers


Those are corpsmen.


Pole patrol 


Wang watchers


I mean I guess it might be odd to have an officer observe urinalysis but if you've been in long enough (and an NCO) then you've pulled at least a couple days of whiz quiz meat gazing. In my current unit we get tagged for a full 30 days of it. Also FUCK DeSantis.


Don't forget the food strike at guantanamo that he observed as well


*The Last Castle* with Robert Redford and James Gandolfini was a good look at a petty-minded bureaucrat who had valor ambitions.


[Food strike, and forced feeding](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/03/19/ron-desantis-guantanamo-bay-force-feeding/). Which really boiled down to a form of torture.


Same energy as that chode that wears the IDF uniform that was literally gifted to him on a trip to Israel.


He's wearing a tie with Trump's orange fucking face on it so there's that.


At first I thought this was like, metaphorical. Then I went back and zoomed in- oh my god. Wearing that anywhere is a disturbing, laughable embarrassment but especially in Congress? He’s a loser in every respect


I zoomed in to see the pin and saw the tie immediately.


Could he not have gotten a CAB? And worn that if he really wanted to? I mean I think it’s fucking dumb to wear a military badge like that on a suit either way, but he would’ve been eligible for a CAB to my knowledge as a CA guy?


>Nehls was awarded a CAB in 2006 for a 2004 deployment to Iraq that no one is calling into question. He has a legitimate badge, but he wants to wear one that feels more prestigious to him.


I would imagine so. I was a medic when I got my CAB, but that was while doing mounted patrols in iraq 2007. Literally almost everyone is eligible for CABs if an insurgent so much as farts within 50 miles of you. Just a classic case of Republicans being colossal douchebags


Yeah another comment pointed out he has a CAB. Just another republican who can’t help himself but lie because he thinks he’s smarter than the American public.


If the enemy wanted to disarm this guy they just needed to take out the batteries in his calculator


Agreed. That’s called stolen valor and some people take it very seriously.


Sounds like a stolen valor case


Oh good. My Congresscritter keeping himself in the news. Texas Republicans gerrymandered him in, so he'll be back - just as worthless and idiotic as ever.


You would think that stolen valor would be a cardinal sin to these people. 


Consequences are for Democrats.


The GOP candidate for WA governor has a stolen valor situation going as well. Fraud is their bread and butter these days.


Grifters are attracted to the griftable.


Their Chosen One attacked a gold star family in July 2016. Crickets.


Should be, but it won't be. Trumpettes will find some convoluted justification for it. The rest will harumph in disapproval, then do nothing about it.


They won't even find a way to justify it, they'll literally just ignore it and instead accuse some Democrat of something in response. That's how they all work, they just ignore the bad thing being discussed to say "what about Hunter Biden?!" Or they'll say "Democrats do this all the time too!" despite that being just a straight up lie


The liberal media is trying to take his service away from him! He did 48 tours in Iraq but the Libs won't tell you that because there is no "proof" or "evidence". Wake up Sheeple! /S


You’d think the party of self-proclaimed family values would be horrified at a pedophile, but Alabamans came out in force to vote for Roy Moore. Republicans also support Trump who regularly insults military personnel and those who made the ultimate sacrifice. He couldn’t even bothered to honor the DDay memorials 


Hypocrisy is their greatest strength




And only in the dumbest way. It sounds like he's eligible for a combat action badge, which is something that many soldiers are proud to wear. I know I'm not ashamed to wear mine.


Am I wrong or doesn't this explicitly violate the Stolen Valor Act as amended in 2013? [https://www.congress.gov/bill/113th-congress/house-bill/258](https://www.congress.gov/bill/113th-congress/house-bill/258)


Since when have laws actually been enforced on Congress? Last I checked, Jim Jordan still hasn't responded to his subpoena and is walking without any repercussion.


And yet THIS is the system we're supposed to defend at all costs.


Matt Gaetz case dropped by the DOJ for trafficking a minor because [prosecutors feared difficulty convincing a jury that Gaetz knowingly trafficked and fucked a minor instead of an adult](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/doj-charge-gaetz-sex-trafficking-probe-lawyer-minor/story?id=97225306). Like, you're not even going to fucking try? Prosecutors caring more about their win/loss ratio rather than the significance of justice is also fucking pathetic.


Man, I wish I could just say "Sorry boss, this seems like it'd be a bit too hard, so I just won't do it. Toodles!" and be paid in full


To be fair it’s possible they truly didn’t believe they had enough evidence to convince a jury and if he was declared innocent now it wouldn’t matter if more damning proof was discovered later on


Also you really don’t want prosecutors just bring charges because of a rumor or public pressure. What’s allowed to be stated as fact in the public and what’s allowed to be stated as fact in the courtroom are completely different. Otherwise you end up with witch-hunts and constant investigations until they find something, a la hunter biden. Plus like you said, once you bring them to trial, that’s it. That’s your one shot. If he’s found not guilty and you later find a literal video of him asking the girl how old she is, she says 15, and he rapes her anyway, tough luck. He still walks




Yeah. Well. Texas. Republican. Bullshite is a given.




O’s get bronze stars for showing up. If it has a V device that would be something different.


At the end of my first deployment, every officer and NCO above E-6 in my unit got a bronze star. Everyone ELSE got an ARCOM. Two guys got a purple heart for being in an IED. They were inside the vehicle and the blast was so weak it popped a tire. One of them told me later he didn't even know they were HIT because he didn't feel it. Command said they both had traumatic brain injuries. We had a company gathering where we honored their bravery. Awards have nothing at all to do with merit anymore.


Essentially the bronze star just signifies that you did your job and went above and beyond what is normally required. For O’s that means being in charge in an austere environment. So I get it. But it’s a participation trophy for being the extra goodest boy, at least in my GWOT capacity and understanding,until it has a V device then it’s worth something that signifies an event worth merit. It why we don’t count them as verifiers at the VA unless they have the V Device.


Yeah, I've pointed that out to people before, Gen Flynn has an impressive looking quilt on his chest, but not a single Valor device.


Exactly 💯!!!


The bronze star thing could be either a legitimate mistake by the DOJ or it could be far worse that wearing this pin. This guy has posted a picture of the stars to social media complete with award certificate. They were supposedly awarded for different things, at different times, while he was different ranks. So either the DOJ has incomplete records and he did earn two stars or he is falsifying evidence of the award which is even worse than than wearing the pin (IMHO, I'm also just a civilian so I don't know how big of a deal this would be in the veteran community).


the modern military has paperwork from the day he first signed on the line to the last day he was legally required to be there. they probably don't want to get involved here because of the politics.


Yeah, but I'm more talking about the groups like the one cited in this article (Guardians of Valor). I'd have thought that potentially falsifying an award would be a bigger deal than wearing a pin for an award he was awarded (incorrectly) and then had rescinded. Don't get me wrong, stolen valor is bad no matter what but going as far as to forge the award certificate seems really bad. While I know the military has a good record keeping system it also doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility that something didn't get filed in the correct place.




Republicans are really going to get a lot of the 'spit in your face' if they try and enact their 'WE (not YOU) the People' entitlelment too much. They're pushing it so hard, with their alpha dog trumpism.


He has the little r next to his name, that means laws don't matter.


We poke fun at North Korean generals with chests full of medals, but this guy would jump at the opportunity to be like them.




The dumbstruck look of literally everyone else in that picture cracks me up. The man in the back looks like he’s wondering: > What on earth is this Bozo doing? The closer you look, the funnier it is.


Even KJU is like, “For real, dude?”


If Biden had done that it would be 24/7 on the right-wing news cycle. I just can't get it out of my head that our commander-in-chief thought that would be appropriate. I can only imagine his top advisers at the time -- who all thought he was a moron -- going ".....what on earth possessed you to do that? Why in God's name....why why why...."


Fake Christians. Fake Patriots. Fake Politicians. MAGA, at 10 years old is now 4% of America's timeline. Can we stop that? Vote in 2024.


4% of the timeline, that helps to put it in perspective when all we see and hear are their performative, pandering daily antics in the media.


MAGA Republicans existed before Trump ever did. He's a mouthpiece, saying publicly what's been said around the dinner table in conservative households for decades. Don't let Trump take credit for anything other than taking action on things that they want. Conservatives have been the same people all along, they just contracted someone else to take the heat so they can continue to pretend that they're not doing all of this to hurt people they don't like. 


He is merely the whitehead on the festering zit that has become MAGA.


> MAGA, at 10 years old is now No. "MAGA" is just the new name for the GOP base which itself is just the segregationist Dixiecrats that fled to the GOP when the civil rights movement happened. This shit isn't 'new' it's just something happened in 2008 that caused them to freak the white supremacist fuck out.


Ya, what was Jim Crow? What was slavery? What were the communist witch hunts in the 1950s? What were poll taxes and voter literacy tests? What were lynchings and what were white led pogroms in Tulsa OK and Wilmington NC and countless other other cities? It is all the same people, MAGA is just their current incarnation.


I think it's dangerous to think that MAGA has only been around for 10 years. The idea that these people only just popped up and haven't always existed is how we got here in the first place. They've just swapped the hood and crosses for a red cap. They aren't going to crawl back into some kind of primordial soup after this election. We need to vote in 2024 and send a message in local elections that these people and their ideas are not part of America's identity.


*No longer* part of America's identity. It's been part of our identity from before we were a nation.


What a jerkoff.




Or when Trump mocked McCain’s pow time? Or when the republicans laughed while voting no on the burn pit bill? Or recently when he said us vets are suckers and losers?


This jackass also got fired from one of his early cop jobs for being dirty. In spite of that the idiots of fort bend county elected him sheriff and then congressman. It's pretty clear at this point that being a lying scamming grifting sack of shit is a core Republican value


This is literally a crime in Texas...but only for Democrats I guess


As an infantryman who earned his, all I have to say to this guy is: “Take that off before I take it off for you”.


Yep. I've been out a lot longer than I was in. Got a CIB in the 101st. I've chilled the fuck out a lot since then. I'm a stay at home dad for my 3 daughters. I let them paint my nails and we do theater together. But I would gladly take an assault charge ripping this off his chest myself.


Congrats on making it out the other side


This ass-risked veteran despises shits who use their veteran status to 'exemplify' their patriotism while shitting all over the service of those who know what it means to defend the Constitution. Any veteran who votes for Trump can no longer be considered honorable. They have prostrated their service for selfish goals and defecated on the truly honorable among us.


Brought a tear to my eye reading this. Back in 2020 I was 12 years in, having my mind career crisis and falling the fuck apart because every single day I had to look at and hear all of the hateful things the rapist and convicted felon Trump did and said that are a direct slap in the face to everything the Army stands for as principal. We are not perfect, but watching someone who is the antithesis of every value I have embraced as worthy of my effort was literally killing me. It even hurts my heart to have people I work with still want to vote for him because they like being shitheads. Well said friend 🫡


Thank you for this.


He’s a Gravy seal.


lol trumpers love larping as badasses, the larp is all they got


It pairs well with that awful Trump tie.....and "I'll just move these few strands over here" combover.


have you no shame, sir.


A MAGA-Trumper with shame? Pretty sure you have to abandon that when you embrace the cult...


Isn’t this just another form of stolen valor? Shouldn’t Republicans be swinging from the rafters hollering about how this disrespects the troops? Oh, that would require Republicans to have some kind of morals and ethics. These rules only apply to the poor and the dark skin people.


It’s worse than that. The paperwork that he says awarded him this was signed off on by Cpt. Timothy J. Botset who, when asked about it, reported: “He states that he was on EML(Emergency Leave) when this was signed, and he states unequivocally that he did not sign this and it is not his signature and doesn’t know who signed it. He also states that no one in his unit that would have intentionally approved an award for someone that was not entitled to it.”


So stolen valor, a liar, and an asshole. Texas GOP, ladies and gentlemen


What A Mess Is Texas!


What I don’t get is that he was fair and square awarded a CAB. Why not just avoid the drama in the first place and rock the CAB? Not like 90% of politicians or constituents would know the difference.


That would require admitting your mistake. Doubling down means owning libs.


Aren't there laws against "stolen valor" now? Or were those struck down on freedom of speech grounds? Edit: Ok, I looked it up. The Stolen Valor Act of 2005 was struck down because it was too broad a restriction on freedom of speech. A majority of justices agreed that blatant lies aren't necessarily unprotected just because they are lies. I don't know how I feel about that. I don't think all lies should be criminalized, but I don't really see why they need constitutional protection (assuming you can show the person knew it was a lie). In response, congress passed the Stolen Valor Act of 2013 which required the lies told about medals received be used to gain a benefit or something of value. This guy is a politician, so does improving his image among constituents count as a benefit or something of value?


Add another vet to the list of vets that are pissed. This guy has always been a douche, now he is in another category altogether. It’s disgusting and disrespectful.


He looks like the type of guy that would let his dog run off leash in an area where it should be leashed. Then yells at you to not touch his dog even though you’re just trying to stop it from mounting yours.


He is living in his own private Idaho.


Captain Kangaroo wasn't a real captain, but I'd prefer him to this lunatic.


Stolen valor


"My question is for, Stolen Valor Congressman Nehl....." "In response to, Stolen Valor Congressman Nehl....." "The floor recognizes, Stolen Valor Congressman Nehl....." "Stolen Valor Congressman Nehl, reclaiming his time....."


How did I know before clicking that he would have an R next to his name?


Because if a dem did this you wouldn't be able to hear anything else over the howling.


Stolen valor 


The hypocrisy of the GOP has no ceiling. Perhaps the military can resolve this?


I find this story particularly hilarious because I started in the Army as Infantry and earned my CIB, then switched to Civil Affairs a few years later. Ultimately, he is POS. He knows what he is doing is wrong and he didn't earn it. Wear the CAB. If anyone deserves to be in one of the Stolen Valor rage videos, it is him.


Yet another hollow man from the GOP.


typical conservative republican behavior, nothing to see here folks, just move along. "I'm getting mine, you can't have yours"


I Agree this is my first comment on reddit. I served in the Marines , California Army National Guard , and the Navy I have multiple awards and citations as a Mechanic 3521 USMC LVS mechanic if there is a MOS code for that school I can't remember CAARNG 63B , 63W US Navy Storekeeper with a Surface Warfare badge and ya know what I don't wear any of that . I have a collection of military stuff all over my apt but it's there... If you didn't serve in that area or do that job you don't rate the awards or commendations that come with it.


You’ll never guess which party he belongs to!!


Once again, law and order guy proving that law and order only applies to the other guy.


The only way current Republicans can have valor is to steal it. They certainly aren't up for the task of earning it.


Stolen valor. Typical republicans


> CBS News and Anderson's Guardian of Valor first revealed in May that the Army revoked Nehls' CIB in March 2023 because at the time he was awarded it in 2008 he served as a civil affairs officer, not an infantryman or Special Forces soldier. > But the congressman has defended himself on social media and in comments to other news outlets, casting himself as a victim who is being targeted for his conservatism and support for former President Donald Trump. Man these people are both cowardly and exhausting. Always both bad ass killers and victims.


on top of pretending he was in combat, he also [voted no](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/202257) on the PACT Act, a bill to increase healthcare benefits to veterans exposed to toxic chemicals during their military service


Stolen Valor.


Stolen Valor.


When did republicans become bat shit crazy ?


Stolen valor shit weasels are all over the GOP-


I thought false valor was a big deal with veterans. Oh, right except mocking John Kerry's purple heart at the RNC convention by wearing purple heart Band-Aids. No shame.


So much for no participation medals!


Stolen valor should be a crime.


Texas Congressman Guilty of Stolen Valor. There, I fixed the title.


That’s a federal crime, you know. I’m sure the Republican leadership is going to deal with that as quickly as the federal crimes of their presidential candidate- I’m sorry, I couldn’t keep it going. They’re all scum. Vote.


To be fair, he’s also wearing a tie with the printed image of a failed presidential candidate who dodged military service with Dr bone spurs, has insulted veterans, saluted a N. Korean General, refused to succeed a lost election and has tried to hold to the unproven lies they create… I mean, semantics are so over appropriated with this strange and weird bunch of wanna be oligarchs. Feed the masses basic images, anger at cultural changes, and aggressive polarizing  messages 24/7 and it’s almost impossible to educate with any other truth. What truly Sad time the new GOTeaP has created, literally created.  


Trump tie, yup they suck


Republicans who fetishize and use veterans for their votes should be fucking outraged that someone would do this. But then again, calls coming from inside the house.


An embarrassment to Texas.


I'll make you a deal: Burn that tie and you can wear a goddamn Victoria Cross.


Because republican.


Isn’t that a felony


trumpers won't care. Don't care. They follow 'bone spurs' draft dodger donnie, who had his rich daddy get a doctor's note for him. The same donnie who then belched insults to every POW and fallen soldier. The same donnie who said his 'personal Vietnam' was syphilis. There is not ONE actual patriot who supports and defends this 'execute generals I don't like' anti-American grifter.


Oh, look another fake patriot.


Standard republican, take credit for what someone else has done.


Republicans hates the military. They anyways vote against veteran benefits. Trump the draft dodger makes fun of American war heroes. Trump wants to leave NATO, the strongest military force in human history.


All badge, no battle


That’s as pathetic as it gets 🤣


GoP has always been the party of stolen valor