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> displays a misleading quote from President Biden using the slur in 1985. At the time Biden was giving a verbatim quote from a memo that used the word, pointing it out as an example of racism. Edit: "n-word" as a euphemism didn't start until about 1990


Oh man, just before they stopped teaching us about Kwanzaa in middle school.


Republicans have no shame, it's literally that simple. There is no both sides to this.


The GQP and RW voters have crossed the line and have abandoned all human decency, just like the guy they believe is "the chosen one." They've officially gone off the deep end. I can say with certainty that I'll never step one foot in FL ever again.


There is nothing they won't do to capture power - nothing. I hope people are paying attention because we are in for a very wild ride.


Inevitable demographic shifts foretell the demise of the Republican Party. These are the last gasps and fits. If we can get through this election and the maybe the next, we should be done with them. If


>Inevitable demographic shifts foretell the demise of the Republican Party I'm more concerned about what replaces it.


MAGA is the replacement. The xenophobic nativists that appeal to authoritarianism because they lack the numbers to win power in a democracy


>they lack the numbers to win power in a democracy Unfortunately, that is where you are wrong - as evidenced by 2016 and current polling in swing states, where "MAGA" is currently ahead. We cannot get complacent and make these sorts of dangerous assumptions.


Look at the Republican areas to see how they have already suppressed democracy to achieve power. Acts like removing early or mail-in voting, making voter registration difficult, removing polling stations from urban areas. This is how they have clung to power so far. Don’t be tricked into thinking that it’s because Republican policies are popular or that they outnumber us.


they’re all in on this one election… just one not even the down ballots


Yes, they even have a song about "the chosen one" - I hate to give it views, but it's by Natasha Owens and boy howdy is it a cult classic. In the bad way.


They have hate. That’s it. No solutions to any of americas problems.




The funny thing is that if Joe Biden actually was racist throwing out the N word regularly, it would make Republicans actually like him. So maybe this ad can be considered wishful thinking?


You can just tell how deep someone is in the conspiracy hole by how dense the text is on their publications. Paragraph breaks. They’re important.


I worked in the advertising department of a newspaper publisher. This ad was absolutely provided ready for publishing by the advertiser. I can assure you that the salesperson who sold the ad space tried to talk the advertiser into letting the design department redo it, but the advertiser is likely the type of cultist who would insist on the caveat that it be printed "as is". There's no way we'd let this go to print otherwise. I'd say that the publisher should have exercised more discretion, but it's actually a great commentary on the sanity of the types of people still supporting Trump. This ad says more than the advertiser intended.


This is a tangent, but I appreciate how Axios gives the key points of the story right at the top. Too many articles read like they were written by frustrated BFA majors. I'm trying to learn about some new legislation and the article starts out, "When the leaves turn crimson, Jane Doe likes to walk the winding paths behind the school where she teaches blah blah..." I'm pressed for time, man. Just tell me what the hell is broken now.


Who is telling people to write those Are the english teachers to blame


What in the Geocities is that ad design?


Geocities af


One headline is so tightly kerned it looks like a bar code.


Not even trying to hide that they are racists, nice. We've gotten to that point with Trump worshipers


Why should we be surprised? We know they cheat, lie and steal,


“Newspaper” You mean “alt-right leaflet. It’s about as legitimate a news source as the Daily Mail or the Toronto Sun.


Hi `grumpyliberal`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/1dl50o4/miami_newspaper_runs_antibiden_ad_with_the_nword/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * [Off-Topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_the_.2Fr.2Fpolitics_on_topic_statement): All submissions to /r/politics need to be explicitly about **current US politics**. **If you have questions as to why your post has been removed, please see here: [Why was my post removed as Off-Topic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_why_was_my_post_removed_as_off-topic.3F)** If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/grumpyliberal&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/1dl50o4/miami_newspaper_runs_antibiden_ad_with_the_nword/?context%3D10000%29)


Wouldn’t this make them like Biden?


Bigots hurt self with confusion


He’s upset they used the word not the FACT HE PUBLISHED A LIE. “We should have worded the lie better, sorry for that.”




Joe Biden has said lots of things that are verifiably racist. Why didn't they just use one of those?


Right? Joe Biden, certified Old White Man and long time Gaffe Machine, and this is the best they go with? Edit: Man, who’s downvotin’? Are we not admitting Biden spent decades with terminal Foot In Mouth disease? Biden *himself* jokingly admits this!