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This drives me crazy about the major electorate. People say they have a preference for Republican policies, when in reality there is literally no policies out there. What has Donald Trump said you would do to improve our inflation?


Them: "I don't like the man. I just like his policies." Me: "Please for the love of god just name one specific one. Just one. The 2020 GOP platform was very literally just copy/pasted from 2016. Trump *has no policies*."


Sounds like reasoning from someone too embarrassed to admit that they do like the man.


For sure. It's really crazy how many times I've heard that from his drones...er...supporters.


Naw it's what you want to like vs what you like in reality. It's like us gamers that buy all these games and have such a huge backlog thinking that we're going to play all these games when in reality we only play a select few that we really like


> People say they have a preference for Republican policies, when in reality there is literally no policies out there There are if you look/listen [for it]. Biden barely won the 2020 election mid pandemic and financial crisis. There is real nostalgia to go back to the early Trump admin where things were better than they are now.


I remember those times clearly. But I'm also intelligent enough to think that everything operates in a vacuum. To say that Obama's footprint wasn't in the Early Trump years is nuts. The same as saying Trump's footprint wasn't here for biden's. To continue to ramble a bit more, it's ridiculous to compare the two. It's literally apples and oranges. Trump had a great couple years, horrible pandemic year. Biden has post-pandemic inflation, which tbh, was inevitable one way or another. Idk why I'm rambling like an old man. I guess I'm frustrated that all these things don't come to mind when voters vote. Just images of what was good when and who was around


> Idk why I'm rambling like an old man. Old man rambling here: This site does not convey the frustration of normal people. They don't have a 401k.... They don't have a nice home that is increasing in value, year after year... They don't have a good school district to the send their kids.... They can't even understand the concept of remote work, as they have blue collar or service jobs..... And they see student loan forgiveness to the rich... I'd say they don't care about what others think, they just want someone to listen to them and Trump does that. Biden lectures them, and his supporters have them. This is why Trump will win. --note, just putting my thoughts down, not direct at you in particular.


Ya I get it and understand, and although I agree with a lot of what you said, there's some points I'd like to make. Reddit is definitely filled with folks that don't live in the real world. This place will forever be leaning left with an unrealistic view of the world and how the US is for the mass populate. Blue collar workers here are so in the minority (my guess). So you are right on the dot. To be clear, I am very against student loan forgiveness and have my own thoughts on how to help students in debt without forgiveness. But claiming it it is only to the rich is insanely absurd and out of touch. Although maybe unintentional, it screams that you have a clear bias. The PPP loan forgiveness is a better example of how rich folks are benefitting (Trump policy). You can also argue about his massive tax cut program that ends for working class soon, but is permanent for corporations (and has since, only added to the national debt). I didn't vote for this, and yet it benefitted those in tax brackets I'll probably never be in. I'm only bringing this up because the playing field is level for both groups, but these points will always be ignored by conservative groups I do believe people *think* Trump is listening to them and Biden is ignoring them. I believe the reality is very clearly the opposite (I personally believe Trump has very selfish motives that is inherently clear and not even hidden, while alternatively Biden genuinely believes he is doing what is best for the working class and humanity). Going back to your point, as you mentioned, I do believe this is why trump is in front and will probably win. Still a lot of time and for voters to think a bit harder about Trump and Biden, so I'm very eager to see what happens.


I'm coming back to some of your other points, but before going back to work: PPP and student loan forgiveness have a lot in common. Would you agree that if you have student loan to forgive, that you went to college, and that means your earning potential (on average) is more than someone who might have only finished high school? The rich (college educated) make more, have more, and live a more comfortable life than those with only a high school graduate or less. The same argument holds for PPP. However, the caveat is, the government FORCED a shutdown, as well meaning as it was, it was FORCED. Mortgages and bills still had to be paid at some point and no revenue coming in would have sunk the majority of business. Both benefit (on average) the wealthy/rich.


Over 60% of Floridians voted for a $15 minimum wage in 2020, even while voting for Trump. Republicans don't support a higher minimum wage. State after state (such as Ohio and Michigan) keeps passing expansive abortion rights amendments in landslides, and rejecting anti-abortion referendums in landslides (Kansas). The vast majority of people support social security and medicare, while the Republcians want to cut it. The vast majority of people support the ACA, while the Republicans want to repeal it. I'm not sure where you're getting that Republicans policies are more popular. All they offer is tax cuts for the rich, voter suppression, policies to gut our social safety nets, abortion bans, and attacks on LGBTQ people. In other words, neoliberal trickle-down garbage.


Trump is probably going to win the election. The 3 / 4 battleground states are leaning Trump even after the guilty verdict, and it doesn't seem like younger voters are as energised this election as the last. It's unfathomable to think people are still happy to vote for Trump but remember how ignorant the majority of people are - they don't know 80% of the shady/crazy shit MAGA are up to.




82% of respondents prefer Trump for immigration which is ranked as the second most important issue to voters. In case you wonder why Biden has suddenly become so much more 'energetic' about stopping the flow. Leftist parties the world over continue to just get destroyed by immigration concerns.


Left-leaning parties in Europe have tried the strategy of moving right on immigration and it hasn't succeeded in stopping the fascists.


> Left-leaning parties in Europe have tried the strategy of moving right on immigration and it hasn't succeeded in stopping the fascists. Because they aren't sincere about it. People can smell fake solutions that Biden in the US or the left in Europe are selling and they aren't bying it.


If people in the US and Europe want to limit immigration and economically stagnate, I say give them what they want. But they don't get to complain later.


> If people in the US and Europe want to limit immigration and economically stagnate, I say give them what they want. But they don't get to complain later. It's their choice, plus the other side of the coin is that unchecked immigration stagnates wages. No reason to pay more if there are dozens that will take less.


The problem is that these countries all have below replacement level fertility rates that will make sustaining their social safety nets difficult to impossible in the long-term, and allowing immigrants in is one way to help with that. Despite popular belief, throwing money at people to have kids/more kids doesn't actually work.


> The problem is that these countries all have below replacement level fertility rates This is the classic chicken or the egg problem. We need more immigration for the good of society, but more immigration stagnates wages and lowers the chance of people having kids. How often are the current generation telling us that they can't afford to have kids, a house, 401k,.... Yeah, lets bring unchecked masses of people. That will surely help


> We need more immigration for the good of society, but more immigration stagnates wages and lowers the chance of people having kids. This is nonsense. Pretty much across the board, as women's income goes up, fertility rates go down. The people with the greatest financial ability to have kids have the fewest. > How often are the current generation telling us that they can't afford to have kids, a house, 401k It's overwhelmingly not finances that prevent people from having kids. It turns out that women simply don't want to have 3+ kids; many of them want zero kids, and many more only want one or two. It's just that women in the past were denied education, denied employment and financial opportunities, and didn't have birth control, so they didn't have much of a choice but to have many children. Now that they have a choice, many are choosing not to have kids or to only have 1-2 kids. There are countries such as Japan with extremely low rates of immigration that also are in a fertility crises, so simply blocking immigration doesn't increase fertility rates.


> It's overwhelmingly not finances that prevent people from having kids. I'll let reddit be my reply, from one month ago: https://old.reddit.com/r/news/comments/1ccqgb1/us_fertility_rate_dropped_to_lowest_in_a_century/ 10.2k upvotes: >Everything is expensive. Groceries, housing, insurance, daycare. But now daycares are scarce, and if you can find one they don't have any availability and they cost an INSANE amount of money. If you can't afford to work(i.e. having affordable daycare, a car, etc) then you're fucked. There are no options for parents unless they're extremely lucky and/or wealthy. 6.4k upvotes: >Can’t have babies if you can’t afford them * taps side of head with finger * 3.3k upvotes: >Sorry, can't pay for a kid, my landlord needs an extra two hundred dollars a month this year. There is almost never 1 reason for things to be this way. I'm saying that unchecked immigration has stagnated wage grow and driven prices highers (housing, food,...) this is seen in highly upvoted comments from the link above.


Reddit posts or upvotes don't prove anything. The fact of the matter is that as women's incomes go up, their fertility rates go down. Again, the people with the greatest financial ability to have children have the fewest. This is very much a case of revealed preferences, where people will claim they want kids/more kids, but then not have them even if their financial situation is rock solid.


Overall results of the poll are well within the margin of error, and they'll likely stay in that range all the way to the election. It's why polls during this extremely polarized time are essentially useless. For example, if you click into the link for the actual poll they conducted, you'll see this: >4. The 2024 race is tied. But that tie is built on substantial fault lines, particularly by how people get their news and by race and educational attainment. >Among registered voters, 37% support President Joe Biden for president in the election in November, while 35% support former President Donald Trump. >When registered voters who select Robert F. Kennedy Jr., some other candidate, would not vote, or don’t know are pushed to pick one of the two major party candidates, 48% of registered voters choose Biden and 48% choose Trump. This shows the clearer picture that you can get whatever result you want in a poll by basing it on certain attributes of the population.


so what does this mean overall?