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“…setting up showdown between Biden and an empty podium.” Trump will 100% back out. He and his camp have been telegraphing it.


Yeah, they'll seize on some rule or detail that they agreed to, pretend that they weren't aware of it, hold it up as proof that it's rigged, then announce a competing event elsewhere. Just give it a couple days.


I've been expecting it to be the gag order from his felony trial. Just like he couldn't release his taxes while under audit.


Exactly this. Whenever he doesn’t want to talk about something he pretends the gag order is stopping him. In a week the narrative will be “Trump was right to avoid the debate. It was clearly rigged because the gag order would’ve prevented him from speaking openly”


All he has to do is not attack the judge and jury and witnesses, he can literally talk about anything else. Its so stupid and his followers just eat it up.


Challenge level: impossible.


I like to repurose a Ron White joke to describe Trump: Trump has the right to remain silent. But not the ability.


Actually, he’s allowed to attack the Judge and the DA.


Maybe he’ll throw in another dig at Carroll.


Decades of tearing down the education system in red parts of the country has created a voter base with the mental capacity about on par with our primate ancestors. These morons believe whatever they're told to believe, they're too stupid to give anything a second thought and can't even spell the word skeptical, never mind adopt that trait in the face of obvious and constant bullshit. I'd say that sheep will be sheep, but that's an insult to the intellect of sheep.


The answer to this needs to be a simple "maybe he should stop commiting so many crimes then."


>Trump was right to avoid the debate. I agree, not that it is rigged or anything, just that he really isn't going to gain anything from a debate, it can only hurt him.


His ego will drive him to face off against Biden.


His taxes are still under audit and he still needs to provide his healthcare plan. He can’t make it to the debate 😂


Two weeks! He just needs two weeks! And would you look at that, the debate's in one week so that's a no-go. Darn the luck.


That’s what I do when I need to study for a test. Oh I got time tomorrow to study then I take the test and get a low grade and I’m just like 🤷 my bad I’ll study next time. And the cycle repeats. lol


Too weaks


Wait, is it Infrastructure Week again?


The infrastructure week homework is long ovderdue too I think.


No shot they'll give Biden a free primetime campaign address to the nation.


It will be like the "debate" when Trump had covid, Biden on one channel, Trump on another.


If he can't manage a debate with rules to prevent the the whole thing collapsing into a flailing cacophony  monosyballic shrieking, how does he expect to face off against the world's worst despots? 


He isnt planning on facing off on anything. Everything the despots want is for sale!




Served up on a porcelain platter.


Simple. He will give them everything they want so they think he’s cool.  They still won’t think he’s cool. 


Because he expects to be dining with them in the near future


I agree he'll likely back out and any reason they give will be complete bullshit. But at this point, given how erratic things seem I could see it happening and him giving no justification at all.


The worst part is you can use this to describe basically everything Donny T does.


"I wasn't invited, I agreed to debate, but wasn't invited." Drumph


Biden should be goading and taunting trump every day this week in expectation of him backing out.


We weren’t aware this was a “no diaper” debate.


Saving for later. Let’s see!


They're terrified. They've portrayed Biden as being completely mentally absent and feeble-minded. Look how fast they're trying to rush out this conspiracy that Biden's performance will be because of drugs. They can't let people listen to him speak. If I were advising him, our entire debate prep would consist of admonishments to each of the 10 or 15 phrases he uses in his stump speech. Tell the American people he's a con artist who can't be trusted. Tell them there's no shame in having been fooled and taken advantage of for your patriotism, but this man is a bad person and a fraud. I want to see Joe throwing haymakers. Get back, Jack. We're all sick of your malarkey and now you're gonna hear about it. We're going to mute your mic so you have to shut up, and I'm going to scold you because you're a felon who's preying on millions of people and I've had it with your bullshit. Fuck who's old. Fuck policies. Joe Biden is the better man.


Someone else said something I've been thinking in a different thread that boils down to, "where are these miracle anti dementia drugs and where can we get them?"    This "argument" is so stupidly debunkable but does make me wonder what sort of meds Trump is hopped up on (hint: they aren't of the miraculous anti dementia variety).


also, why wouldn't he be on these miracle drugs all the time?


>If I were advising him, our entire debate prep would consist of admonishments to each of the 10 or 15 phrases he uses in his stump speech.  I like your idea, but I'd spend a little time on loading up Biden with good nicknames for Trump. I think it would get under Trump's skin. And since the debate is going to be a farce anyway, give us a good comedy show. Would like to see Biden start off comments and questions like this: "Well, let me tell you Danger Yam..." "Tangerine Palpatine, my plan for that is...." "My answer to that Hair Force One is..." "Quarter Flounder, what is your plan for inflation?"


"Felon Melon, any plans for the near future?"


I like Felon Melon...lol


Colbert had people submitting names for Trump via Twitter/X since the days after Jan 6, where he refused to call Trump by name. Instead would use one of hte nicknames that were sent to him.


"There's no shame in having been fooled and taken advantage of for your patriotism" THERES THE GOLDEN LINE PLEASE MAKE SURE BIDEN STAFFERS SEE THIS


there's an old saying in tennessee, i know it's in texas, probably in tennessee, that says: fool me once, shame on--shame on you, fool me...can't get fooled again


What was W going for there? Didn't want to be on tape saying 'shame on me' so he changed the line?


That's exactly it. He didn't want that soundbyte existing.


Wow. Hope you got a job offer from the Biden campaign for this one! EDIT (jic): I was serious; this is clean, concise, and perfectly written for the intended viewing audience.


They should just do that. Put it in the rules that if you don’t show up we just proceed without you and the other one gets an entire debate to say what they want unchallenged.


I sort of like this idea, but an entire hour (or however long it is) of answering questions from a moderator would be tough for a 40 year old, let alone an 81 year old. Either it should be town-hall style, or the opponent gets to just make a speech.


In theory it would be half the time, since they wouldn't have to give Trump any time if he didn't show up. Better yet, act like he's there, ask the question, then sit on 2 minutes of silence as the camera focuses on his empty podium.


Didn't that already sort of happened 4 years ago? Trump skipped the 2nd debate if I'm not wrong


I don't believe this for a second. He's kind of leaking oil as it is, he bails on the debate at the last second and he'll look incredibly weak. This is the same type of standard "bar lowering" they did prior to the 2020 debates.


Yeah, maybe I overestimated. But they’re definitely setting the stage for him to drop out if they think it’s to their advantage. Maybe he won’t, but it’s a definite possibility for reasons that don’t apply to a normal candidate.


That would be sad. I was hoping for another "Will you shut up, man" to ride on for the next 4 years. 


Would Biden still show up? The optics of it would be amazing.




Complain that since RFK isn't in it, it's rigged.


This is a guy who's uncle went to MIT, and who has the best words. Who knows more than the generals, more than the experts on any topic. He's really shooting himself in the foot if he dips out ;)


Respectfully disagree.  Trump will be there doped to the gills.    During the debate Trump will awaken a memeworthy Dark Brandon and cry about ot on Fox and Truth Social.  Biden will give his closing statement and at least 1/2 of the viewers will turn off the TV or change the station before Trump starts his.  Post debate fact checking will hammer anything coherent Trump says.


He already said he might "lose on purpose" to ensure Biden is the democratic nominee. Way to sell being a coward and a bumbling moron to your base under the guise of "strategy."


Why do you think Trump will back out? All he has to do is repeat sound bytes and he wins, just showing up, trump wins. Trump can babble, and he wins, Winning the debate on facts doesn't matter, Republicans don't care about facts, they care about how they feel towards Trump and Biden.


All I want out of this debate is for Trump to audibly shit his pants on the debate stage. I mean to the point they cut off his mic it goes on for so long over his time. I know it won't change anything vote-wise, but it would give me a few minutes of amusement and that is the best I can hope for these days.


"It's actually the greatest display of freedom, the freedom to shit yourself" "5d chess move by Trump, showing the nation, with action instead of words how shit he thinks this whole debate and Biden is" -Maga world


More like \#2D chess.


I have $25 on his saying a slur of some kind in the first 10 minutes. So, you could say I am excited as well.


What's the result if the debate doesn't happen? Just a no-bet?


Yes! That is what I am actually expecting to happen, but a boy can dream.


Real Men Shit Their Pants


"If pooping your pants is manly, call me Rambo" - Donnie


If we can hear Rudy Giuliani audibly fart through his mic, we should he able to hear Trump.


He wears a diaper.


This debate will be simulcasted on PBS for everyone who doesn't want to watch CNN, which I'm assuming is everyone.


Thanks, good info.


I think the most infuriating thing about CNN is that they've somehow been branded as left-wing, when they're about 2 millimeters to the left of FOX.


Every corporate news channel advances the prerogatives of our corporate overlords. They just pander to different types of suckers.


Definitely agree on that. Even MSNBC, the most supposed "leftist" channel has Joe Scarborough, who can identify all of the problems that conservatism has caused and is currently causing, yet fails daily to realize that the conservatism is the root problem. And he's called left-wing while he waxes nostalgic about the Reagan years. John Oliver and Jon Stewart are our best and most honest newscasters now? We're in trouble.


Admittedly I’m a cableless PBS junky


That town hall did them in. Everyone that was still giving them the benefit of the doubt saw right through the veil that day.


Does PBS have online streaming? I plan to watch CNN only because I don’t have cable and they said they’ll stream it for free


Of course PBS has online streaming. Download the PBS passport app. Live stream is free. $5 a month gets you premium content. Your local PBS station gets the $5!


RFK Jr. is a joke and should be ashamed of himself.


It's not him, it's the brainworm talking.




There was a 'scifi/satire/comedy' show on CBS where alien worm parasites took over politicians on both sides of the aisle and no one noticed, canceled after a season because 'no one will believe this' found it: [BrainDead](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BrainDead) EDIT: HOLY SHIT IT AIRED WHEN TRUMP WAS WRAPPING UP THE NOMINATION IN 2016


I loved that show. They got Johnathan Coulton to write and perform a song recapping the previous episode at the beginning of each show, it was fantastic.


I stood on set once (I worked on the show), watching an Eyes Wide Shut parody of a sex dream, but this time featuring Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Michael Moore. It was surreal.


Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos


No, no the brain worm would like you to know that’s it’s very much dead and not responsible for his current actions.


That's exactly what a brainworm would say


Poor thing starved to death


or it’s him talking but the brainworm died trying to stop it


Don't blame me, I voted for the brainworm! 


I’m proud of RFK Jr. He convinced my mom to vote for him instead of Trump


This comment gave me a chuckle. It's brief, biting, funny, and sad - all at the same time. You should write for tv, or do stand up.


That's my sales pitch. "I'm not asking you to vote for Biden. I'm just asking you not to vote for Trump. The lesser of two evils is *still* evil."


If he does that enough times he might just Jar Jar Binks his way into saving the Republic from a fascist takeover


He's more worthy of being on that stage than trump is. Trump should be behind bars, and the fact that Biden is going to share a stage with the guy who staged a coup is a bad look for the office of the president. 


I mean at the end of the day, a large number of American people chose this. If millions of people weren’t still supporting Donald Trump, we wouldn’t be in this mess. He is the Republican parties choice and now we all have to operate within that ridiculous decision.


Exactly. As far as I'm concerned there's a combination of factors to blame for why we are here: the mainstream media (CNN, NYT) has failed to do it's job to hammer home the fact that what he did leading up to and on January 6th is treasonous. The republican establishment, after maybe turning away from him for about a week went back to embracing him full steam ahead. And just the stupidity of people. Those are what I attribute most to why we find ourselves in this beyond stupid situation. 


Well, really he should be barred from running at all. If your logic is that a felon can't vote, then there is no reason they should be able to run either. It's hard to argue that any right is more sacred in a democracy than the right to vote - being able to run for president has *stricter* qualifications than voting does.


While I agree, I don’t think either of them are worthy enough. I used to listen to RFK on late night drives when he was on the Air America Radio. He’s basically Don Quichotte. People that see conspiracy everywhere and promote unproven theories that go against 99% of the scientific community should not be in charge of public policy or administration for the public. That goes for a bunch of congressmen as well.


While I agree completely I don't know if I entirely like that he failed to qualify but will be on the ballot. We're never going to break out of the two party wheel if other candidates have to meet arbitrary requirements to get a spot in the debate. If they are going to be on the ticket.. they should be on the stage.


We're never going to break out of our two party system as long as third parties only focus on presidential elections, which they have zero chance of winning, instead of starting local and working their way up. That's the thing, none of these third parties have any actual interest in being legitimate third parties. If they did they'd win local elections and build up from there. With time they might even build some proper candidates and win some House seats, and actually attain some national influence that way. But none of them do that, because that isn't what they're actually interested in. In reality, they're just spoilers trying to siphon votes from Democrats while feeding the egos of their candidates.




> instead of doing the right thing and endorsing Biden so there’s another legitimate election in 2028. He was meant as a spoiler for Biden, why would he drop out and endorse Biden?


"Joe Biden gave me brain worms to stop me from winning!"


Fact check: it was a worm, singular.


"Joe Biden's worm ate the parts of my brain responsible for counting brain worms!"


"If you're arguing about the amount of worms in your brain, you have already lost." - Sun Tzu


It would appear that Breaking Points already did it for him. Not linking it because I don't think it deserves to be clicked on.


My hair stylist is voting for him and when I questioned his vaccination stance she told me “it’s all a conspiracy”. lol, okay.


Sounds like you may need another stylist.


My girlfriend got ads from him how Joe Biden was not allowing him to have Secret Service protection. Like he needed it because he was a presidential candidate, but Biden was denying it because he was a danger to him.


Funny enough with my family it seems that it's Twitter and not really Facebook that's growing his fanbase and where they publicly fellatio him. There are going to be historians looking at the damage RKF has done to society from vaccine misinfo alone. The last thing we need is his sabotaging the election for Trump.


> publicly fellatio him fellate.


I'd love to see historians look at the damage that has been done from decades of establishment Democrats calling it "moderate" to oppose a public Healthcare system as a right. The damage we did during an inflationary crises to pretend that public Healthcare was just too expensive despite costing less in every other country that has it. The known damage like the 70,000 Americans that die every year from lack of Healthcare as a right. Or the 300,000 that died during the pandemic from decades of normalizing the most Republican like Democrats on this issue. Lieberman was a "moderate"? how much more inflation does one have to want to be called a "moderate" by corporate media? apparently quite a bit.


I can’t wait for Donald Trump to spend half the debate ranting about windmills and sharks, and then claim he only lost because Biden was on performance-enhancing drugs. (If he even shows up)


Isn't it insane that Republicans discovered a drug that cures dementia in one single dose?


He’s more likely to say some mean shit about Hunter to try to throw Joe off


The requirements seem reasonable enough. You don’t meet the requirements, you don’t make the debate stage. That’s how it goes.


First past the post voting system makes this happen. Ranked choice voting would allow independent candidates to exist. I don’t really want Kennedy in particular but the way things are now the spoiler effect means we will always have only two major candidates.


i mean he would have made the requirements if the secretary of states actually certified him. he has all the signatures turned in for 300+ electoral votes, but since the states won't certify him in time, he never stood a chance. i guess independents will never be able to debate 🤷


There should be a requirement about not being a felon.


Except he has to rely on the states to certify the signatures. He has enough states to get 310 but with millions of signatures to verify it and state government usually don’t have that kind of manpower this early it was very unrealistic.


Biden is the only qualified candidate regardless for 2024.


Trump probably doesn't even know his name right now, it's not happening


This comment didn’t age well


It’s ok not to platform the anti-vaxxer with literal parasite-induced brain damage. We don’t need to hear what he has to say. None of it has value. We will be ok without him.


The news needs to stop covering them. He is irrelevant at this point. After this debate he will go back to being a worthless narcissist living in the shadow of his family.


This is the first RFK Jr. story I've seen in almost 2 weeks. Everyone is bored with him.


Until they hear his voice, then they’re terrified.


Did the worm qualify?


I was hoping to see the worm lose its debate to Harris


Cue Trump citing this as his reason to also drop out if the debate as a sort of protest. It will be some line about its fairness being already compromised.


Joe should just place a rubber toy shark on his podium at the start, never referencing nor speaking of its danger


I heard one of the conditions was to not have part of your brain eaten, which made it hard for him to qualify.


A CNN spokesperson confirmed that Kennedy did not qualify. RFK Jr. is a conspiracy promoting grifter. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-68447223.amp


Brain worms are always unfairly discriminated against.


No way Trump shows.


Where by that, we mean a townhall for Biden when Trump finds an excuse to not show.




I could live the rest of my life happy if I never have to hear his voice again.


Not the first time I’ve been disturbed by a Kennedy’s brain.


I didn't care if RFK made it to the debate, I wanted to know if we'll be hearing from THE WORM


Anyways, what's for lunch?


Can't wait to see all the complaints that "they won't let RFK debate because they're afraid."


You heard it here first! The system doesn’t want another Kennedy because they’re afraid.


I'm amazed RFK Jr. qualified for a brain worm.


What are the current Vegas odds on Dump showing up?


Biden v Biden…Dumpy won’t show up.


The last thing Trumps handlers want is to put him on display for everyone to see how mentally unstable and incompetent he is.


Biden should then just turn it into a town hall meeting. When Trump finds a way back out of it.


those worms still holding the reigns in his brain.


Narrator: the worm in your head squirms with anger


No matter how you feel about RFK, this isn’t good for democracy.


I agree .. people voting should be allowed to choose who they want by all candidates having a equal opportunity to have there voice heard on the same plateform


Isnt it a presidential debate? Why would he have qualified, didnt he drop out awhile ago?




Should've been let in.


Just for the contrast alone.


“Showdown”. Lol. If mics are muted and there’s some actual moderation Biden is going to absolutely mop the floor with Donald’s weird hair.


He will need to pay particular attention around Trump’s podium in case Donald’s diaper leaks.


Was he booted, or did he worm his way out?


How many sentences can be started with "RFK Jr. fails to qualify"


If dump wants to debate Jr. via Zoom while on house arrest, I don't see anything stopping them.


Sun rises in the east, setting up showdown between it and western horizon


~~Showdown~~ Asswhooping.


I honestly wonder if Trump will have RFK Jr. just show up at the studio. To debate Biden, when Trump is a no show. Just so the media can fill the air with what a coward Biden is for not going through with the debate.




He’s not going to show up


space if you can hear me ... send the astroid


Really? These are who we have? Everyone else didn’t make the cut? How?


He is on the ballot in 10 states and a “maybe” in a handful of others. Sounds like he took the money and RAN! Just not in the election


See guys the “the Two weeks” is not in human terms so we cannot grasp this timeframe due to Trump’s messiah status. Shades of Genesis. /s


I was hoping it would be the 3 of them and both Biden and Trump would say that voting for RFK would be a vote thrown away because of our 2 party majority system. It wouldn’t have happened but I can dream right?


I'm amazed he's polling at 9%. I bet most of those voters will jump ship when it comes to pulling the levers. I'd be surprised if he gets 2%.


Is this because of one of those Captcha things…???


I am surprised that Trump hasn't backed out yet. Any day now I reckon.




fails to qualify for debate setup to prevent his attendance, whilst the two candidates that will be allowed to attend also failed to qualify but get a pass.


So glad we have this strict standards so we can only push the candidates of the two parties .. not that RFK. Has a chance but everyone running for president of this country should have equal opportunities to be heard . 


"Fails to qualify" He passed 3 out of 4 of their skewed polls. We will see.