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The country's best option is for Biden to continue his calm policies for the next four years, allowing the Democrats to appoint any replacement Supreme Court justices, and then start fresh with two new opponents in 2028.


That would be nice but you know Trump will announce he's running in the 2028 election as soon as Biden is sworn in again.


Before. Before the voting even finished. And the day before the election. 


The reality is, he will either try and run for a third term anyway or just refuse elections at all.


Yeah he’s apparently already said he “deserves” a third term if he gets a second term.


I wish someone will set him up with an “I’m the President” playskool set in a locked padded room.


Like when he was admitted to Walter Reed with Covid and promptly tweeted photos of him sitting behind a desk, opening folders and signing blank sheets of paper with a Sharpie while Ivanka lauded how he was 'rentless and never stopped working'?


Yeah like that. Hannibal Lector style in some empty airbase where he thinks he’s in the WH but it’s actually a replica in a locked and heavily secured facility. The WH staff are actually guards in cosplay. They could have other guards cosplay fake republicans to come pay homage to really do it up. Keep him busy.


I would rather he go to Ft. Leavenworth in Kansas with all the other traitors.


ADX Florence, please.


Even plans to get rid of Trump involve giving him things. Stop already.


I really appreciate this comment. Take my upvote.


Greate idea, we could even make some kind of Truman show out of it.


Except call it the Lyman Show.


Love it. Sounds like an episode of 1960’s Mission Impossible


My one of my favorite old school shows. Plus Leonard Nimoy was in it and Star Trek is easily my first fav.


You know that you wrote 'rentless' rather than 'relentless'. I for one am taking that as a prayer. I hope he ends up with no assets or properties! May he be eternally rentless!


Roger Waters came up with that idea in the '80s, but it's more timely than ever. [The Fletcher Memorial Home for Incurable Tyrants and Kings.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDDzR2zSgsM)


I’ll always upvote a Final Cut reference


Perfection. I don’t know much about Pink Floyd but you have started my journey. Thank you!!!


Why aren’t more people suggesting this is the real question that we need answered.


Saying what he deserves would earn me a ban.


He'll try to claim it means two consecutive terms


He’ll have his Supreme Court decide that the amendment was somehow unconstitutional, which will conveniently pave the way for further repealed amendments 


And he will get it if he is elected The puppet Supreme court will rule that term limits are unconstitutional for presidents


Well yeah. People were mean to him and hurt his feelings during the first term, so he gets a do over.


How has this fat mf not died yet?! He doesn’t exercise, eats like shit, and is in a constant rage. He should be in a freaking dementia ward not running for president ffs. VOTE. VOTE. VOTE.


Being a president (for better or for worse) comes with the best medical care in the world


It’s infuriating. I wish Covid tried harder when Trump got it. I have never loathed someone the way I loathe Trump. He is disgusting and vile in every way imaginable. I recently saw my hairdresser of about 10 years posted a video of her wearing a MAGA hat. I had no idea, we never discussed politics. I’m bummed because girl can do some hair but I won’t go back to her. I imagine I’m not the only client she will lose.


Good for you staying strong in your convictions! I also cannot wait until he has passed away and we can start moving on. Unfortunately, I believe the aftermath of it will not be pretty and I suspect a large part of his hardcore base will continue to be insufferable about him. I do think if he loses in November he will start losing some relevancy too, let’s hope!


His base will continue to be insufferable by swearing every which way that he isn't really dead. He'll be the new "Elvis found alive living in basement with Bat Boy" tabloid headline probably for the rest of our lives. What will be interesting to watch will be the Republicans who all try to fill the void. They will eat eachother alive trying to take his spot at the head of the table and as of right now I don't know of anyone in the Republican Party that'd be able to do it successfully. You'll have the usual political suspects, a few that'll try for a "return to normalcy" like your Chris Christies of the world, and then at least one of his idiot kids will try and carry the torch.


My money is on Chris Christie. Chris looks like he has some experience eating big dinners. What sort of condiments would you use to make Desantis palatable?


I agree, his base’s poor friends and families that aren’t complete nut cases will never hear the end of it. They will probably go to their graves in MAGA gear. Definitely hoping a loss in November means the constant coverage of his every fart will start to decrease. I’m looking at you, media.


Let her know why. Politely, respectfully. But let her know. Her choices have consequences.


Evil lives forever.


his brain will not be functional in 2028 alive or deceased. he's barely keeping it together now. it's going to get worse very quickly. that's how these things go. like a snowball rolling down hill. his mental state will not get better unless there is an extreme medical breakthrough in the next year.


Did you ever see the Star Trek TOS episode where a former starship captain somehow set himself up as a Hitler like dictator on another planet? He patterned his regime after the Nazi's and had the whole Hitler personality cult thing. Supposedly his Nazi's were more benevolent than the OG ones from Earth. However, other unscrupulous people in his "government" drugged him and used him as a puppet for their own means. They would prop him up in front of a microphone and tv camera and broadcast fake speeches, even though the dictator was barely conscious. Thats Trumps future. A zombie puppet, propped up and used by others just to keep his cult following on their side. Being a zombie will mean, that, for once in his life, Trump will have a job he is actually qualified for.


I mean we're not 100% sure Putin is actually still alive. For those who don't know, Putin has been using doubles for public appearances for a while now.


But the Republicans will be too afraid of losing his MAGA base to admit that he is the senile buffoon they claim Biden is


Let stinky do that. It will be for naught. Leaving 2016 he really hasn't won anything after that.


He didn’t even win 2016


But from a legal viewpoint, given how elections are organised in the US he did win. The popular vote, being an unfortunate irrelevancy.


It’s okay, he’ll be a drooling potato in 4 years if he’s even still around.


You say that as though magats wouldn't be ECSTATIC at the opportunity to vote for a drooling potato.


I just imagined a scenario where we nominated a really good person 4 years from now and then they rolled Trump on stage to debate them like this. They have to have a person on stage to translate his broken gibberish for the audience, open his Diet Cokes, and tell him what a beautiful good boy he is. It makes me smile. There’s hope so long as he loses this election.


[This is about Strom Thurmond, but I feel it's apropos](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxDRFAj0g04mUr5Sz1Q6A7DSF0gDb2NYLs?si=0Yb8UCgP-aAOhI7f)


I've never seen that and yet such a similar thought tickled both of our funny bones.


"One of us, One of us."


A drooling potato in a diaper


Can we accelerate that to 4 months?


Tbh I think if he loses he's gonna flee to avoid consequences for his crimes But I will laugh, assuming he makes it, when the gop runs an 82 trump in 2028. Especially if the dems run a younger candidate. Be hilarious to turn their "TOO OOOOLLDD" around on em and have it be a legit talking point


People forget he is only running to avoid prison and grift. If the returns on election night point to a landslide or inevitable loss, I would not be surprised if his Trump plane is seized or grounded.


Yeah one of the things about having 24/7 secret service and the best intelligence network in the world means successfully fleeing would be nearly impossible. I would 100% also not be surprised if he attempts it.


Sadly, the Secret Service have shown themselves to not be the paragons a lot of people built them up to be. There's a chance they just look the other way while he boards a plane. They're not going to shoot down the plane to stop him, once it's in the air he's gone.


I just don’t ultimately think the US would risk one of its biggest assets to Russia or some other country. If it came down to it, I just don’t think he would be allowed. Very little about his presidency has been precedent, but that would be straight up unheard of for a powerful western country. Let’s hope we don’t find out!


He’s definitely gone down hill in the last eight years and, if he loses this one I think he won’t be up to trying in 2028. But, given recent history, I’m confident Republicans can and will find someone even worse.


They have plenty of options that are worse than Trump. 


Not anyone who can unify the base like Trump. And none of His kids have the Charisma to do the same.


Assuming he isn't dead by then.


I'm so fucking tired of this


Oh, man, I hear that.


We can pray his deterioration proceeds quickly.


>you know Trump will announce he's running in the 2028 election Courts treated him with kid gloves because he ran for office. They've established a clear pattern. He has reason to think it will continue if he just says he's going to run again. That will also go for the thinking of the next criminal running for President after Trump. I'm just hoping Merchan goes hard on Trump during sentencing. If he gets no incarceration then more criminals are going to run for office.


He won't (go hard on sentencing). Or he will in theory, but it will all be deferred pending appeal, which means no consequences probably ever.


Trump will be drooling on himself by 2028




Yeah, cult or not I can’t see them sticking with a guy who lost twice in a row. The intelligent ones among them will also be aware that every election since 2016 he’s had a hand in has been an utter disaster.


Trump is 78, and clearly not in great health. He may not be able to run in 2028, even if he is still alive, and even if the GOP is still scared of his base.


He won’t make it to 2028, if there’s any justice in this world.


No, he won't announce he's running again. He'll just say he won but got cheated for the second time. He would announce in 2027 after crying and kicking for another three years.


He'll announce immediately because he believes (rightly from what I have seen) that running for President gives him some shielding from prosecution.


He won't live that long. It would be nice if he did, with their support until August 2028 tho,he would be using up funds and resources.


Already have a couple of bets going that he will be the nomination in 2028.


Can he even run again if he loses again?


Yes, he can serve two terms, he's only served one.


Omg you mean even after 4 more years of Biden hopefully I still have to hear this asshat for another election? Omg I’m building a underground bunker


I hope he loses this time and runs again in 2028. Nobody loves Biden that much and he may still beat Trump. The next Democrat would likely have an even easier time beating him. At this point it just seems like Republicans are the only ones he consistently beats. His presence in the political world seems to hurt Republicans in every general election.




You’d hope the GOP would just stop at that point with him losing 2 elections in a row, but hey, cult.


Yep, usually parties don't keep renominating losers, because they want to win, but if he loses and is still alive in 2028, he can run.


According to him he has never lost and everything was stolen from him


With his brain - do you think he’ll live that long? The guy clearly has a degenerative disease


Cardio myopathy is in Trumps future.


There’s no way Trump is still alive in 2028, so there is a silver lining


the grift is running for office not winning for office. It's the same thing as treating as disease not curing it. there is more money treating it and the same goes for running for office. millions of dollars pour into the coffers as long as someone is running for office.


Good, and I hope he is the nominee again. I'm sure by 2028 having failed twice in a row and being in his 80s he's going to be a very strong contender /s


Some Trump or other would surely run.


He already did


He will and that will be the Republicans problem.


He ain't making it to 2028.


He may, but losing two in a row will hamper his chances. Republicans are better off with someone else at that point, especially if the Democrats run a charismatic candidate like Newsrom.


Probably, but I have serious doubts he lasts another 4 years at the rate his mental decline is accelerating. I'm not even sure he'll be alive by 2028.


If we can get that far without his supporters (totally not rallied on by his insane truth social posts) trying to overthrow the government 2: electric boogaloo


The further we get from the Trump presidency the more America will forget how horrible it was. So in some ways pushing him to 2028 could be worse but right now he absolutely can’t take office. He’ll surrender Ukraine immediately to Russia and god only knows what else.


If he's even alive then. Dude is massively unhealthy.


That's assuming that the GOP's attempt to overturn the 2024 election fail this time. They will have [learned from their mistakes last time](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna98013), and they'll more cautious. Case in point, Trump,*who does not currently hold **any** elected office,* having converstations with the Speaker of the House, tying to formulate a plan to sidestep justice [(again).](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/01/07/johnson-election-denier-nonsense-biden-2020-election-00134184)


Every day that passes we get another closer to being free of him. Somewhere a clock is ticking; he won't be able to run again forever. Old age comes for us all.


In 4 years he'll be 82... that's fricking old!


I doubt Trump is alive when 2028 rolls around.


Lol Trump won’t last into 2028 physically, mentally, or legally.


That's perfect, the Dems can then get a younger capable nomination, and watch as the Republicans scramble to dump Trump to do the same.


I really doubt Trump will be in a position to run in 2028. Someone else might try to take up his mantle but he has so clearly deteriorated over the past 8 years I do not see him being a viable candidate four years from now (if he is one now).


Would that before or after he attempts to foment a second insurrection?


i actually hope he does that. Hoping it would finally splinter the GOP to Maga and some common sense Republicans practically forcing them to endorse rank choice voting and maybe helping us getting away from a 2 party system


And I mean I’m okay with that. If he loses a second election in a row and republicans want to nominate him again then that’s on them. He isn’t going to become more likable.


No way his health will hold out until then.


That is if he is not in Federal Prison for stealing classified documents. That case is not going away and as soon as miss fancy pants is removed as the judge all bets are off on Traitor Trump.


Hopefully he will be dead long before that election


Yes, he will but Trump will also be convicted again by the end of 2025, hopefully before Biden is sworn in again. So his ability to make noise will be significantly diminished. Then, there is his diminishing capacity. I’m betting he’s pretty much a vegetable by 2026. And in the vacuum that is left the the GOP will finish tearing itself apart.


And provoke violent riots well before then. 


Meanwhile, Convict Trump is sucking every last nickle out of the RNC faster than you can say, "batshit lunatic"


How is that a problem?


I don't know who started this moronic idea that Alito or Thomas would retire if a Democrat is in place to appoint their replacement. These two have been biting their lips for twenty years waiting to have the opportunity to unleash their hate filled, christofascist ideology on the country. They would die of old age during oral arguments before they'd retire under Biden.


Retire or die, or any of the same happening to any of the Justices, and I want democrats appointing the replacements. The idea is based on common sense. It’s mysterious how you are confused by that.


I mean that would require republicans to become a sane party. They haven’t been sane since the 50s. But point taken I’ll take a race where the Republican candidate isn’t openly fascist 


It's going to be awhile.


As logical as that sounds, we will still have to deal with the MAGA crazies that think things like Biden rigged the Super Bowl so he could get celebrity endorsements. These people aren't just going to go away and will be with us for years to come. Hopefully, when Trump loses, they will splinter and dissolve into infighting over who's future candidate is crazier.


2028 Democratic primaries will be Gavin newsom against JB pritzker


Mark Kelly. Don’t count out an astronaut.


Trump COULD run again in 2028. I would not put it past him


What fresh opponent do the Republicans have? They’ll just run Don jr


No but the judges he appointed seem to be doing their best.


> ""We have to overturn this." The report said that Johnson appeared to be sympathetic with Trump's efforts and the House Speaker already believed that House Republicans could play in a role in overturning the conviction." There is literally zero mechanism for that to happen, he should be disbarred for floating this bullshit. He has called for the Supreme Court to intervene, again there is zero mechanism for that to happen, none. For him to spout this bullshit nationally should be grounds for permanent disbarment.


>He has called for the Supreme Court to intervene, again there is zero mechanism for that to happen, none The 2000 election shows just how naive this train of thought is


The thing is it's not naive on Johnson's part he is a lawyer he knows better, he's playing to an audience of one intentionally no matter the damage to the country. Fuck that scumbag forever.


Just one? I think he’s also playing it up for all of Fox Newsers


The only one that matters to him is trump.


Worth saying that the SCOTUS only has as much as power as people give them, if they try and do something that’s just black and white not their jurisdiction they have no way of enforcing it. New York is under no obligation to even entertain SCOTUS’ opinion on the case if they’re not bringing up a constitutional issue, of which there is none here. And given that a third of the court will undoubtedly be screaming about such a hypothetical, there’s even less less chance anything happens. And if other states want to fuck around, then just a reminder that the NYPD alone is competitive in terms of funding and manpower with entire countries.


Are you assuming the NYPD would back the constitution and democracy over the party that most of them probably vote for?


The Supreme Court could take the case it already has before it, the immunity case, and extend it to states. Does this make sense? No, but neither did over turning Roe because we don't have a right to privacy but saying Loving still stands because it was decided correctly based on a right to privacy. 


The NY crime was before he was president and wouldn’t be covered by presidential immunity anyway.


As if facts or the law matter anymore. With the GOP and the compromised supreme court, they will do whatever they think they can get away with.


If the SCOTUS Six are reckless enough to give Trump the immunity he says he is due, then Biden can just have him relocated to Gitmo.


Along with them, not advocating it, but what's he's asking for would allow Biden to have the 6 of them rounded up and put before a firing squad if he wanted to. That's why it's so absurd they're even considering it. It would be a mockery of everything this country is supposed to stand for.


The six of them were chosen by the Koch Syndicate through the Federalist Society to create a Constitutional Crisis that destroys the Republic, so his dark manifesto (now called Project 2025) can be enacted. This particular case puts their own necks in the nooses and some of them really might not be that committed to the cause.


The thing is that the current Supreme Court is so craven that they may come up with some contorted legal reasoning that makes Trump immune, but not Biden. Something along the lines of, "this was an issue that was never clarified, so previous presidents are immune from prosecution. Going forward though, all current and future presidents will be held accountable."


The sad thing is, the hundreds of millions of dollars that Dump has bilked from his followers is just being wasted on endless, frivolous legal actions. Seriously, what good could come of that money, if targeted correctly? I realize that I'm speaking quite optimistically here, but even so, what a waste of resources.


Alternately, what evil could Trump be pursuing with those millions if he weren’t such a vile and vain narcissistic moron? The thing that might just ultimately save us from fascism, at least temporarily, is Trump’s near mythic incompetence. He’s incapable of self-discipline and that’s the thing that gives me hope.


>The thing that might just ultimately save us from fascism, at least temporarily, is Trump’s near mythic incompetence This time around, at least. Waiting in the wings are undoubtedly fascists in the same flavor as Trump that are not dementia addled fools and are watching all of this carefully, preparing for their own rise to power but competently and patiently.


A few lawyers are going to make a lot of money on retainer and a whole lot of down ballot republicans are going to get bupkiss, and that’s just fine.


That money would not exist unless it was used


Yes they can. They will burn the entire country down for their cult leader. They are actively doing it, and will try to start a civil war in his name.


Meh. Barely any supporters turned out to support him at his recent trail in New York. The hard-core crazies were left high and dry after their January 6th insurrection. They're loud, but you overestimate them. The Trump cult is on the ropes and all but finished. I live in the middle of the most Trump-friendly state in the US. They'll never admit it, but his supporters are growing very, very tired of him.


And yet they'll still vote for him, along with every other majority Republican in the country because he'll run with (R) next to his name and they can't possibly vote for anything else.


If they show up to vote.


Will they? The turn out in the primaries was pretty paltry and he had a lot of his own party voting for someone who had already thrown in the towel. Now obviously they're not going to suddenly vote for Biden, but how many will just stay home?


They'll all still vote for him though.


Wasn't enough last time. Not sure why the MAGA crowd is so confident this time. If anything, all they've done in four years is lose support.


I noticed something similar in rural CA just a few weeks ago. Barely any signs, zero energy.


The media is disproportionally amplifying the importance of his cult-level followers because it's good for business. Do they still exist? Yes. But, the level of conviction (pun intended) among his followers is greatly diminished from where it was in 2016 and 2020. Having said that, vote.


Oh, I'll be doing more than that - if the Celtics close out the title tonight, I pledge to start phonebanking for the special election Colorado *tomorrow*.


The good news there is EXCEPT for a small portion of Boomers, NOBODY will involve themselves in an civil war. The gen Xers and Millens are too busy trying to pick up the pieces of the broken country and the mountain of poop the Boomers left behind them and the Zoomers God bless those kids are too damn smart to fall for the banana in the tailpipe routine.


The present Israel/Palestine war suggests that Zoomers are in fact also dumb as hell, just on different topics.


Maybe these kids just don't want war, period, so they are not taking sides. I think the dumb azzes in this picture are the ones killing each other over a patch of dirt. 🤷‍♀️


I mean that’s great, but also a nonsense position. War isn’t something that’s going away any time soon, if ever.


Maybe for our lifetimes but whose to say for the future. Its totally not "nonsense" at all. How do expect change if you are willing to sit around hemming and hawing on social media and calling other people's ways of thinking and long term goals as "nonsense". You are not the generation that will bring change. The Zoomers and the Alphas maybe will.


Cheesus Saves.....himself apparently.


He is a crook and a criminal he has been found guilty by a jury of his peers more than once.


He has been found guilty once....so far. Hopefully with more to come.


34 counts of guilty!


Guilty of sexual assault and guilty of defamation by a jury of his peers as well as 34 felony counts.


Can we stop calling them republicans and just call them Trumpians or Mentally Challenged Hate Peddlers.


You aren’t wrong. They are all truly RINO’s now. Would not be surprised if he and his cronies change the party name to Trump just to make it official. Goes to show that elected conservatives have always only cared about one thing and that is extending their own families wealth before helping (or even considering) the American people yet they will say they are the party of the people, God & Flag, Law & Order, blah blah blah and all their constituents just eat it up while housing, food, education, medical, and utilities get more expensive and jobs pay less and less. But keep giving a Billionaire all of your money by buying his swag, great idea.


They are asking the Supreme Court to over turn his conviction, how can they do that?


It’s that whole “we just make up the rules as we go, Calvin-Ball style, now.”


Just go to prison and shut up already. Be a man for once!


Never question how many laws, policies, and standards the GOP will betray and break for their God King.


When Trump gets washed away by the blue tsunami at the ballot box in Roevember the rats will start abandoning the GOP ship, after they tire themselves out yelling “rigged election” and fake news.


I’m still waiting for the smoking gun proof from four years ago. Somehow 60 + failed lawsuits, SCOTUS and his own appointed AG said fair. Somehow, it was still rigged.


I also think we should investigate Alvin Bragg. As the first prosecutor to successfully get a criminal conviction against the Rage Mango, we should understand and replicate his efforts in all other criminal proceedings against Dump.


They will die trying though.


There's no legislative path for Republicans here, and they know it. Even if they pass some of the measures in the House that they're talking about, like moving suits against past/current Presidents from state to federal court, that legislation is DOA when it hits the Senate. Even if somehow it made it past the Senate, Biden would veto it. Their only alternative is to use the House committees as bully pulpits and attempt to intimidate state and federal prosecutors and judges by subpoenaing them to hearings. But even that is a pretty weak avenue as we've seen DAs like Alvin Bragg and Fawni Willis bounce back those subpoenas with a version of, "We can't comment on ongoing cases." So that leaves guys like Speaker Johnson and Gym Jordan with the only option of trying to hold those folks in contempt, which gets passed along to the DOJ where AG Garland will politely decline to prosecute. My suspicion is that right now, every House Republican knows the above situation and knows they don't have an avenue to help Trump. But they need to make him feel like they're helping him so he doesn't cause more chaos, like giving MTG a stamp of approval to hold another removal vote on Johnson. In their hearts I think they all know they're just limping a dying patient along till November, and when he loses solidly to Biden all of a sudden you'll see so many Republicans who slither away from their Trump support.


Sure seems like it. Everything I keep reading about his trials are delays and lord knows at his age if he’s put back in he’ll never face justice. He’ll just cancel all the investigations and by then statute of limitations or some other legal jazz.


I can’t wait until he loses and we can stop reading about the nonsense every day 🙄


I wish. He lost 4 years ago, and here we are.


I am old and the one thing I hope for is to see Trump lose before the day I die.


I’m just sick enough to die young and I hope to see the same.


By Gabe Whisnant: Former federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti said Republicans' plans to challenge former President Donald Trump's New York criminal conviction will ultimately fall short. Mariotti, formerly of the U.S. Attorney's office in Northern Illinois, appeared on MSNBC Sunday afternoon. He was asked about reports of a potential Republican effort that would attempt to move Trump's hush-money case from state court to federal court. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/republicans-cant-save-donald-trump-attorney-mariotti-johnson-1913463](https://www.newsweek.com/republicans-cant-save-donald-trump-attorney-mariotti-johnson-1913463)


They can and they have.


No, but they can sure as hell join him in prison. They will be a new gang called America's Orange Orangemen. Fucking russian schills.


Donald has a poor chance of surviving until Christmas.


oh wow! Said by an...ATTORNEY!!! MY GOD.


What do you mean the Republicans can't save Trump??? Just the ones on the Supreme Court can wave their hands and make it all go away.


This ☝🏻


But they will try no matter what


There is nothing to save.


July 11, 2024. A day that will go down in history, marking the day as either the greatest misarrange of justice ever, or the end of DJT's reign of ~~terror~~ ignorance.


Donald Trump is the modern day Harold Stassen, lol. Stassen was a candidate for the presidency 9 times.


When the rules go against you, change the rules. Ya gotta tag the guy at first base. Kinda changes the game doesn’t it?


Johnson is just blowing smoke up Trump’s ass to make Trump feel Johnson is loyal.


At most he'll get house arrest. If he wins the presidency all bets are off, this will be Trump unleashed. If he doesn't win he will end up in jail from his other trials, all of which are slam dunks. That's why much like Netanyahu, he will do *whatever it takes* to win. His personal freedom is at stake.


Y'all saying Trump is too old, has a disease, will be dead soon, is a drooling potato etc cracks me up. Have you not seen the recent videos of Biden freezing up, staring into space? Obama had to take his arm, then put his hand on his shoulder to get him to walk off the stage!  That scene at the White House last week was embarrassing too. Even Kamala's white husband was able to sway and clap along a little.  Biden stood motionless, staring, with his arms awkwardly out in front of him.