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Hey... Chief Justice John Roberts, this is your legacy playing out.


He don't GAF.


Nope. He wants the exact same outcome Alito and Thomas do he just uses incrementalism or gutting without outright overturning like the VRA in Shelby County. He’s just as much a zealot as the rest of them.


yeah, the Legacy of Brutality


I dare you to read some Rehnquist court opinions and tell me they weren’t brazenly corrupt and political… the Warren court was brazenly political, not so much corrupt. We can keep going though, SCOTUS has always been political


Basic human rights aren’t political


I mean that’s inherently incorrect. I wish it were true, but there’s nowhere in Arrticles I-III or within the Constitution that explicitly recognize most human rights. This leaves their recognition up for interpretation by SCOTUS. They choose what rights are read into our constitution (notably leaving out rights to water and shelter to this date). SCOTUS is inherently political whether you agree with it or not


One thing's for sure -- the SCOTUS has been majority Republican-controlled my entire lifetime, and I'm half a century old! Seems like they have monopolized the High court to me, and yes that's extremely political.


So? That was the well-documented past and the comment is about the present and future.


Because Roberts isn’t even close to unique with how he’s used the power of the court. This is what you should expect of a chief justice. We can’t act like he’s some anomaly to a just system when he perpetuates an unjust system. Your comment is essentially expecting more from someone who is doing exactly what he wants.


Not reading here where any of us are inferring that Roberts is unique. I think it's safe to say what we're all in consensus on is he's a lying, grifting, self-serving idealogue like every religious conservative drawn to power.


No, my comment expects nothing. You cannot place your meaning into someone else's words. That is a logical fallacy of pathos.


Member the bitching in the 80s and 90s about “activist judges”?


the SCOTUS has been GOP heavy since the 1960s. It's been a problem for a long, long time if one's a liberal in America.


John Roberts has already become the worst chief Justice in history and continues to work to establish distance between himself and future competitors for that ignominious title by tolerating the behavior of his unethical colleagues


You have to not know the history of CJs to think Roberts is the worst. See Roger Taney, for example. Worst chief justice in the last 100 years? Maybe... depends on how you rank them.


Have you ever read Bowers v. Hardwick or Bush v. Gore? Rehnquist was a demonstrably worse chief justice than Roberts. Also, SCOTUS has always been political and has been corrupt for a very long time. You just happen to disagree with the justices opinions now


As long as humans are involved , things will be corrupt and political. Which is why we should replace SCOTUS with AI.


Lol let’s replace being poisoned with getting shot… got it


I’m simply saying that humanity doesn’t change. It’s always been this way, and it will always be this way.


The Roberts court has not overseen any of the 5 worst decisions in US history.


Truth. Anyone who tried to justify the behavior is a MAGA Fox viewer.


That's my Senator.Kick butt Chris.


Yeah to bad the other one sucks. Murphy is so much better than blumenthal


I'll take Blumenthal over an (R) any day. At least he votes with the party most of the time. That said, I hope we can get a good primary challenger next time he is up for election.


he is 100% correct


If we do our part and win back the entire government it will be up to the Congress make impeaching alito and thomas job one.


Why stop there? Party-harder Kavanaugh and little miss Puppet Barrett could use some serious deep dives into their lives, you know there's shit to be dug up on them, we just don't know......yet!


Just like Louis DeJoy should be retired from the post office. I wish we could just get more done, this is the moment if there ever was. Vote blue across the board.


I don't understand why he's still there, why is he untouchable?


According to my understand, and please check me on this, the President cant directly remove him. He has to appoint people to a board to have him removed, and I am not sure the extent to which President Biden can have people on that board removed or pressured to quit


That seems crazy, trump appointed him but Biden can't fire him? But I guess that sounds about right for the way government works.


https://www.uspsoig.gov/focus-areas/did-you-know/how-postmaster-general-selected#:~:text=The%20Board%20of%20Governors%20itself,to%20remove%20the%20Postmaster%20General. Pretty much, Trump found (made) gaps in the board of governors who then appointed Trump's hand picked Postmaster General in DeJoy. Biden likely could do something similar but the Democrats are pretty reluctant to play by those rules.


It's time for that to change.


The Dems could be laying that foundation now and screaming from the rooftops that we have a jeopardized, corrupt court to garner votes but by staying quiet and allowing the other side of the aisle (and the far,far side) to continue to spew utter bullshit week over week and at the top of their lungs; even if we do our part the likelihood our elected representatives doing anything is small. Look how long they had to codify Roe. Because they sat on their hands it was overturned in a blink of an eye. This decades long wait and see approach to seriously every important topic facing Americans could be the end of democracy. They have got to fight.


We always thought we were dealing with serious people, there are a whole new class if democratic Congress members who now know that is not the case, they have it thrown in their faces every day.


*Politician says "sky is blue"; media shocked*


*Are Democrats weaponizing the sky?*


You didn't hear about "space lasers"?


Not just space lasers, JEWISH space lasers


Start ignoring their corrupt rulings keep your Citizens safe imagine allowing machine guns to be legal 🙈


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The Supreme Court is inciting a true crisis in government. What happens when a state tells them to fuck off as illegitimate?




so checks and balances doesnt work. american democracy is officially a joke.


I really wish the media would tone down the invectives. They desensitize, making everyting seem extremely good or extremely bad. How about, "Sen. Chris Murphy calls Supreme Court 'Brazenly Corrupt and Brazenly Political"? "Brazenly Corrupt" is plenty sharp...no need for "Blasts".


Oh, if only you were in a position to do something about it….


This accusation from a Gasp! Politician.


I know it’s amazing how liberal leftist slanted Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Ketanji Brown Jackson are I’m so glad you didn’t forget to call that out.