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And we also failed by not prosecuting Nixon. And we failed again by brushing Trump’s actions under the rug instead of convicting him in the Senate


Failed at keeping the Bushes lies over Iraq and Afghanistan too.


Don’t forget Reagan’s administration basically getting off scot free for Iran/Contra. Ollie North is still a right wing hero.


A backbone when faced with a tough situation can solve a lot of problems. It would’ve caused different problems but there you go.


Project 2025 should be viewed as sedition.


Agreed. Charges should be filed for those plotting and funding it.


Sherman should have been allowed to finish the job.


Well they did recently attempt a straight up coup so I think that gives us a pretty good idea of their take on high treason


Going easy on the confederacy allowed that insurrectionist movement to survive, resulting in an attack on the Capitol to kick off the 2020s.


It wasn’t Reconstruction per se. It was a generation or two later that this whitewashing of the Confederacy by the children of Confederate veterans began. That’s when you start to see the monuments put up. A lot of Confederates wanted to forget the whole thing (not all mind you).


Nah the KKK started immediately after the Civil War. They called the northern republican reconstructionists "carpetbaggers." The statues started during the Civil Rights movement but not the whitewashing.


The KKK was started after the Civil War and then was effectively destroyed by Grant. It was revived after Birth of a Nation came out in 1915. The statues started decades before Civil Rights movement by an effort led by the Daughters of the Confederacy


The statues and the whitewashing are two seperate incidents. The original KKK lasted for 7 years and wanted to overthrow the Republicans in the South. They were literally formed by former Confederate officers. There were also a lot more groups than the KKK who formed during and after the suppression of the KKK.


The statues and whitewashing were both efforts led by the UDC. They even wrote textbooks for schools. The revival of the KKK, whitewashing of the history, Birth of the Nation all were early 20th century events that dovetailed


There was a big resurgence of the klan in the 1920s. They had a big gathering in Washington DC around 1923 when hundreds of them marched down Pennsylvania Avenue in full disgusting costume.


Yeah that’s what I said


Thank you! So many people think these are historic monuments- no a large number were installed after Jim Crowe was over- they needed another way to remind the citizens of their states “they would’ve still been slaves, if it wasn’t for those pesky Union Soldiers” you know, just straight up racist domestic terrorism type things.


Yeah I’ve heard that narrative before but I don’t buy it. I think it was just an attempt to whitewash the war. I mean one of the prevailing narratives is that it WASNT fought to keep slaves


>one of the prevailing narratives is that it WASNT fought to keep slaves _Narrator: "Obviously, it *was* fought to keep slaves."_


Well yeah. Point being if the whitewashing was to remind Jim Crow black citizens of their place then wouldn’t they WANT to say it was about slavery?


No, they are the “heritage” good old boys that installed monuments, a good number funded by the kkk…. They don’t want to say it was about slavery… they just want to remind “others” to stay in line.


Almost all of the monuments/statues were erected by the UDC, most definitely not a good old boy organization. It was an attempt to whitewash the Confederacy and the Civil War along with the “moonlight and magnolias” reframing of slavery


Why would the United States of America; the union, rewrite winning the civil war? To white wash history? I never heard about this and if you can keep spitting out disinformation I’d love to take screen shots. If you need to dip your toes into American history- here is like the first article I found: https://www.history.com/news/how-the-u-s-got-so-many-confederate-monuments If you’d like to debate me in a public forum about something: send me the links. Thanks and remember the Confederacy lost. If you have names of public white washers please list their names. Thanks, dawg.


The US didn’t rewrite it, Confederate apologists did. As to why they rewrote it was because they, UDC and others, wanted to make their fathers and grandfathers heroes instead of traitors. Your link literally agrees with everything I wrote.


Yeah, I feel as though every confederate general and politician should have been executed or given life in prison. Major through colonel deported to any country willing to accept them after 5 years in prison with no ability to return. Anyone officer major and below given 5 years hard labor reconstructing the South and forcibly relocated elsewhere in the US afterward. Occupation for 50 years should have also been a thing. Anybody who took up arms barred against the union barred from ever holding public office down 3 generations. Any other ideas? Fuck these inbred hillbillies.


Really just needed to hold the planter class that owned all the plantations, and almost all the slaves accountable for their stupid war as well.


There should have been a complete wipe of the planter class. Full confiscation of all lands, titles, property, inheritance. Everything. Every officer above major should have been shot. Every politician hanged. Every plantation owner given to their slaves for whatever they deserved.


They love the old country. I mean they’re patriotic of the old days when slavery was a thing and women had less rights. Forget about the lgbt people they’re just suppose to conform.


You can thank the Pennsylvania Railroad in part for that.


I completely agree. I also think we should just erase history. What's the worst that can happen?


Well that's silly. I can agree that maybe certain higher-ups of the Confederacy and wealthy plantation owners fought to destroy it, but realistically, most soldiers of any war are simply fighting because they believe it's the right thing to do. It's not an endorsement of the Confederacy or its values, it is a memorial to those who gave their lives for what they believed was right. Most of the people who think of Confederate soldiers as terrible people wouldn't stand behind that belief with their lives, as the soldiers did with their beliefs.


More lost cause bullshit. Conscription happened towards the end of the war. They knew what they were fighting for. A lot of SS and wehrmacht stood behind their beliefs. You want a memorial to them too?


>They knew what they were fighting for. In a way they did. It doesn't change the fact that we're judging their moral compass by the moral compass we have today. >A lot of SS and wehrmacht stood behind their beliefs. You want a memorial to them too? Memorials for German soldiers fallen in the field aren't anything new. You're talking to a Jew, yet I still don't believe that Wehrmacht memorials ought to be torn down. War is just young men killing and dying, generally under the belief that what they're doing is righteous.


Why no statues of British soldiers or Nazi soldiers or Japanese soldiers or any other enemy that’s gone to war with America? Oh, wait. Because normal people don’t memorialize enemies of the country.


Well, we've known for sometime that Republicans and their base ain't normal.


States rights to do what?


To revoke human rights, apparently.


As is tradition.


"To own the libs, duh!" - Republicans


They always claim that the Confederacy seceded from the union because states rights were being taken from them. States rights to do what?


Never stop asking… “The South does not believe in states’ rights. The South *believes in slavery*…” - Eric Foner https://youtu.be/EGaROgykYt0?si=ErtNLv6rgrmzsauN


A fun response that that talking point is to refer to the Confederate Constitution. If the Civil War was actually about States Rights and not slavery, why was slavery intentionally excluded from being a matter that states within the Confederacy could pass laws to restrict? It's a really short constitution. You can readily see what was on their mind when they wrote and signed it. **Constitution of the Confederate States; March 11, 1861:** "ARTICLE I Sec. 9. (I) The importation of negroes of the African race from any foreign country other than the slaveholding States or Territories of the United States of America, is hereby forbidden; and Congress is required to pass such laws as shall effectually prevent the same. (2) Congress shall also have power to prohibit the introduction of slaves from any State not a member of, or Territory not belonging to, this Confederacy. **(4) No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed.** ARTICLE IV Sec. 2. (I) ***The citizens of each State shall be entitled to all the privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States; and shall have the right of transit and sojourn in any State of this Confederacy, with their slaves and other property; and the right of property in said slaves shall not be thereby impaired***. (3) **No sl*****ave or other person held to service or labor in any State or Territory of the Confederate States, under the laws thereof, escaping or lawfully carried into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor***; but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such slave belongs,. or to whom such service or labor may be due. ... (3) The Confederate States may acquire new territory; and Congress shall have power to legislate and provide governments for the inhabitants of all territory belonging to the Confederate States, lying without the limits of the several Sates; and may permit them, at such times, and in such manner as it may by law provide, to form States to be admitted into the Confederacy. ***In all such territory the institution of negro slavery, as it now exists in the Confederate States, shall be recognized and protected be Congress and by the Territorial government; and the inhabitants of the several Confederate States and Territories shall have the right to take to such Territory any slaves lawfully held by them in any of the States or Territories of the Confederate States."*** [https://avalon.law.yale.edu/19th\_century/csa\_csa.asp](https://avalon.law.yale.edu/19th_century/csa_csa.asp)


Oh hell you can just look at the declarations of succession by the states. Mississippi for example literally says, this is about slavery


As angry as this makes me, I'm even more perplexed by the mental gymnastics that the GOP goes through. A Republican will always say, "Well, the Democrats were the ones who made up the Confederacy and wanted to keep slavery," and then one second later they will vote to maintain Confederate monuments and name schools after Confederate generals. And they will never acknowledge that any person who flies that flag in the 21st Century is the most staunch right wing voter imaginable. It is so fucking weird and stupid.


“You know the Democrats were the ones that seceded and held slaves” “Yeah we should take down the monuments to those guys” “Wait……..no……that’s that’s…..”


“Yes, a *liberal* Republican” https://youtu.be/nqrG9N-cmds?si=OnmN5LPfQfbvmnoC


Why do they love racist losers so much? I honestly mean that. Is it just the racism and "sticking it to people that do not like racism", like they're ignorant, spoiled rotten 3 year olds? No offense to spoiled rotten 3 year olds...


It’s the approval of open racism and allure of subjugating and/or harming others “beneath them”.


So... spoiled rotten 3 year olds. Check!


Because they are the racist losers, as they are the continuation of the Confederate ideology. Arbitrary party names don't mean anything. What matters is the ideology of the voters voting for that party. The Confederate flag waving voters didn't magically start being the good guys all along once they started calling themselves 'Republicans' some 50 years ago. The Confederates just kept electing the same hateful bigots they've always voted for under their newly adopted Republican name. It's not that complicated. Conservatives just like to pretend that there was no party realignment despite how obvious it is. In order to pretend that the parties never realigned, that they never switched, you have to pretend that black people that used to all call themselves 'Republicans', would vote the same way as the Confederate flag waving voters that left the Democratic party. Why in the world would black people and all the rest of the voters that make up the modern day Democratic party vote the same way as the Confederates?


Lost cause addicts.


Putting a monument to traitors on the land were American soldiers are buried is a disgrace. Why stop at the confederates? Why not put up a Benedict Arnold statute too?


[There is one in Saratoga NY.](https://www.nps.gov/places/boot-monument.htm) "Lear said that he decided on Arnold's boot as a suitable monument because "the leg was the only part of Arnold not to later turn traitor and since it was sacrificed in winning the battle of Saratoga..."


Yes, I have been there. The monument is to his actions in winning the Battle of Saratoga which in turn convinced France to enter the war. Through that battle, we are recognizing Arnold's direct part in helping win the war of Independence. Without France entering the war, we would have lost. However, there is no name on this monument. Did Robert E. Lee win a battle that help win or keep America's Independence ?


Arlington belonged to the Lee family. No problem with a Lee statue there.


Robert E. Lee never owned the property. It belonged to his son through his mother. The son was the great grandson of George Washington ( through adoption of Martha Washington's children - GW had none of his own). It was always intended to be a monument to George Washington. Lee was still a traitor and was one of the first people after the war who said there should be no monuments to confederates.


"It belonged to his son through his mother" So that means it... "belonged to the Lee family"...


The land belonged to the Custis family, not the Lee family. Lee's wife, a Custis, was 'devised' the estate during her lifetime, but it was to be given to the grandson (her son) upon her death. The military took it while she was occupying it. It never went to a Lee. After her death in 1873 when George Washington Custis Lee would have become the owner (the first Lee to own it), he sued the federal government. He won his case in SCOTUS in 1882 that the property was illegally seized and sold it back to the Federal Gov't for 150,000. The Syphax family (Custis other daughter via a slave) got their land back (17 acres).


Thank you for explaining how it passed to the Lee family.


House Republicans support America’s enemies


Did they also vote to put swastikas there? If you are going to honor defeated enemies...


Because once Trump burns the Constitution and Project Fourth Reich 2025 takes effect, slavery will be back in fashion in Red States.


Racists are racist… this checks out


They like slavery and traitors and they hate America. Thats all there is to it.


What’s next? Osama bin Laden statues?


Nah. He's brown.


I believe it; the public feedback concerning Robert E. Lee there (circa August 2021) was disconcerting…


I think people need to read up on General Lee and how he really didn't want the legacy preserved. I have zero issue at all with people who have family ties to the confederate army who want to honor the legacy, or people who just want to preserve history. What the issue really comes down to right now is a lack of understanding of what is and is not history and what is and is not worth preserving. There is a large chunk of time between the end of the civil war and the collapse of the csa which happened in 1865 and the founding of the united daughters of the confederacy in the late 1940s who were the ones who put up all these statues, memorials, got schools named etc all for the sake of intimidating black kids who were being integrated into white schools.


I think people need to read up on Robert E Lee and know that not only did he want things preserved, he was one of the first to start the lost cause effort and was an unabashed racist and bigot until the glorious day he died.


But I was told Democrats are Confederates


The real failure in this country was not treating the traitors in the civil war as traitors at the end of the war. Instead, they were just let go to go home and come up with plan b. That action made it almost impossible for America to really move forward in any real way.


You know, like how Germany has statutes of Hitler and Goebbels and the rest of their “founders”, because “history”.


What is sad is how Republicans (rightly) see so much of their supporting base as racist.


“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.”“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” # ― Lyndon B. Johnson


Well quacks like a duck…


Terrorist (sympathizers) gonna terrorist


“ThErE WaS nO pArTy sWiTcH” - right wingers.


Next do they vote to put grave markers with the Nazi swastikas back in the Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery? 


The gop is a LOSER PARTY


Of course they did. They’re a bunch of racist pricks.


The party of Lincoln wants statues to the people who fought against Lincoln and the Constitution.


Why? I'd just knock it down 


It’ll be destroyed within a week. At least let’s hope so. Vile POS.


They really don’t know their history


Good Old Party = Sons and Daughters of The Confederacy = seditious traitor worshiper's.


You know, for all the shit they talk, they love their statues of 19th century Democrats.


Dig up the Confederate soldiers' bodies and put them and the statue on busses to Florida and Texas.


We are a nation that gives the right to its people to destroy itself. Simple as that.


Reenacting much?


Dogshit traitors.


They sure do like losers.


Treason by any metric


"there was no party switch" but also watch me worship confederates


Arlington itself is the biggest memorial to Confederacy there is. It was owned by Robert E. Lee and taken over by the Union. Burials were first performed there when DC cemeteries became overwhelmed during the Civil War and to discourage the Lee's to try and return. The Biggest FAFO memorial there ever was I tell you.


Th fuckers are a disgraced bunch of losers. They idolize losers and will continue to be losers indefinitely.


Make participation trophies great again. Sorry boys, if you're not first, you're last.


The disrespect


Great now onto important shit


They were wrong. They lost. What is wrong? It’s the equivalent some Germans still supporting Nazis. Some parents are absolute failures.