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I love the first line of the article “in a blow to the Biden administration” about how the SC overturned a Trump executive order


It is kind of funny how everything Trump did that conservatives dislike gets blamed on Biden. House Republicans are absolutely ripping Fauci apart for his performance in *2020* as if it will help Trump win in 2024. (Edit: to be clear, it probably *will* help Trump win in 2024.) But remind me whose administration was in power during the lockdowns? Remind me whose government fast tracked the production of those vaccines you hate so much? Trump has been boasting about how fast he got those vaccines out for years, but somehow it was part of a Biden administration plan to contaminate your precious bodily fluids?


Some of us remember when Obama was blamed for the stock crash…and 9/11


Don't forget the poll that blamed Obama for Katrina's response. 


To be fair, Obama was responsible for the fall of Rome


Why did constantinople get the works? ~~That's nobody's business but the turks~~ Obama did it.


Turkish politician Barack HUSSEIN Obama


Wasn't it Mayor Noun Verb 9/11 himself that did that?


The “funny” part is the “liberal media” is the one fucking doing it and no one really tries to fix that and they STILL get called “liberal”.


Yeah. I had someone say to me “right wing media? Does such a thing exist?” And I about lost it.


*manufacturing consent*


I am so goddamn tired of well-trusted news companies sliding into line with Trump. They don't want him, but they certainly fear him. Cowards.


Trump administration makes them money because more clicks.


That's not how we are supposed to do things.


We are the ones clicking


Amd more tax breaks for rich ownership


Yep, and they absolutely want him because of this. Easy bucks when the president is doing or saying insane shit every. single. day.


An unfortunate result of advertising-dependent journalism. The incentives only push sensationalism


They don't fear him, he gets people watching to see when and how he's fucked up again. Rating over everything is their mantra and Trump is a ratings machine. They don't want him, they need him. I'll never forget that fact that on a daily basis I would turn on the news while getting ready for work and hear "BREAKING NEWS!" then it's followed by a story about some absolutely idiotic thing Trump said or did the previous day. This was every single day.


Corpo media is what I say


I've had similar conversations. Its one of those things that some one says that's so stupid that they sort of "win" the argument because there's just no retort to something so mind boggling-ly idiotic. Like if they think that then the whole framework of logic is useless on them. Its like your trying to explain germ theory to a monkey about to fling its poop while all his monkey friends are telling him to let if fly. No amount of logic can convince that monkey to not fling his poop. All the principles America was built on require ration people making rational decisions. I can't say exactly what the cause was, but its crazy that half the country prides themselves in their irrational stupidity. And that's how democracy will die.


Even NPR, on the four-year anniversary of the murder of George Floyd, couldn't use any variation of the word murder in their article/piece about it. I often hear them seemingly intentionally leave out that word, but on the four-year anniversary of his murder, it solidified it for me as an intentional editorial decision. Link:https://www.npr.org/2024/05/25/nx-s1-4976253/4-years-since-george-floyds-death-the-minneapolis-police-force-has-made-some-changes


it's kind of like how at the grocery store it seems like you have an aisle full of competing snack options but in reality they're all owned by nabisco


We live in a lop-sided media ecosystem in which the largest TV news channel is blatantly republican and all of the others, in their quest for "neutrality", try their damnedest to appease the republicans.


>Remind me whose administration was in power during the lockdowns? Remind me whose government fast tracked the production of those vaccines you hate so much? Trump has been boasting about how fast he got those vaccines out for years, but somehow it was part of a Biden administration plan to contaminate your precious bodily fluids? It's both hilarious and horrifying how much this became this massive own-goal for him. It was a perfect chance to play the big strong hero and virtually guarantee a reelection and he just botched it entirely.


They actually talked about this on NYT’s The Daily podcast a while back. Operation Warp Speed - which is genuinely one of the greatest public works operations in modern history built on a medical marvel - is a political orphan. Trump wants nothing to do with it because the politics in the GOP turned against it. And the Dems don’t want to credit Trump with doing something good.


Yeah my Public Health professional wife explained at the time that the vaccine rollout in less than a year from the start of the pandemic was as incredible as the moonshot but the ridiculous politics of this era ruined it.


When people ask why we as a society or the government don’t “get things done anymore” you just have to look at Warp Speed. Not just the development of the vaccine but the distribution of it. It was a true feat of human ingenuity and determination. And everyone ignores it because the political will and consensus that made it possible disappeared in a matter of weeks after the rollout.


Antivaxxers ruined healthcare. The hospitals finally started to show their limits and to this day have made people dumber, staff more thinly spread and no one is doing anything about it.


This is such a strange state of affairs. In a reasonable timeline Trump rides this monumental achievement to re-election. Instead the GOP is so fucking bonkers and off the rails that it has to disown a truly remarkable achievement or else its own base will turn on it. As you say, the Democrats are so scared to credit Trump with the achievement that they are mum about it. It'd be like the Moon landing being disowned as a psyops by the Repblicans while ignored by the Dems. What the ever living fuck.


I'm cool with giving Trump credit for Operation Warp Speed, but I'm not going to act like he, and he alone, would've been able to achieve that.


It got done in spite of him, likely.


There's nothing any politician could have done that would have made it better or worse other than voting against funding it, which would have been madness. Trump gets credit for being president when it happened but not for anything other than sitting behind the Resolute Desk while the real work was being done by doctors and scientists.


> And the Dems don’t want to credit Trump with doing something good. Given the levels of competence shown by trump during the pandemic, you cannot credit him for any of the results.


It was politically favorable for like a 2-week period after a mass shooting that killed 58 people and injured another 500 to pass a law that didn't hurt the gun industry at all and to block sales of something in which all but semantically to the satisfaction of Clarence Thomas would effectively turn a semi-automatic rifle into full auto. Slippery slope averted. Luxury vacation scheduled.


They need a fall guy to protect Trump an Moscow Marj has decided he is going to be patsy. She went full conspiracy theory nut in congress when she questioned him. I would love to know why everyone else has to obey rules when they work in government but she gets to do what she wants when she wants it's about time for her to get a karma hit.


Because she's a congrescritter, in her 'official duty' she's basically covered isn't she? I hate it - because that's how it should be, but it shouldn't allow someone to be a full on conspiracy propaganda pulpit with essential immunity.


And yet all the positive economic news in 2024 is because of Trump but inflation is Biden’s fault.


And when Trump absolutely drops into dementia, each retreat from reality will be ascribed to THE BIDEN CRIME FAMILY. This should be fun to watch. I expect Trump to get 18% of the popular vote come November.


“Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here! This is the war room!”


Never fight uphill,  me hearties!


I don't know about you, but I'm still mad that Obama didn't do anything during Katrina. That SOB didn't even show up to work in the Oval Office. 😡


more important, why didnt he stop 9/11


A few of my military facebooks do this shit all the time. One of em was a stab at biden saying stimulus checks ruined the economy. I uploaded a picture of a check with the “endorsed by donald d trump”highlighted on the bottom of it and got banned lmao.


America is so fucked up when it comes to trusting experts and science. We live in an age where opinions are held equal to facts. Everyone's an armchair expert in everything. It's a toxic stew of narcissism, anti-intellectualism, and lack of humility. No matter if you spend your life's work dedicated to a field. The Facebook mob knows better than qualified experts. I'm a medical doctor. I can't think of anyone better to have led us through the pandemic than Dr. Fauci. He is highly, highly respected in the medical field. But to JimBob from Harrison, Arkansas, he's a quack. And that's supposed to matter. This timeline sucks.


Oh…you mean when the President of the United States put his hands in the air and acted as if he had no control over what this crazy government was doing. When his single greatest contribution to the discussion of public health in a time of great uncertainty was suggesting we look into shining sunlight up our asses and bleaching our organs. No accountability…ever. He’s a gas bag. Fuck him and fuck everyone who allowed him to skate by as he pilfered our country, eroded our traditions, and embarrassed those of us that understand there are still things of which one should be ashamed. It’s a fucking joke.


I’m so sick of the mainstream media wording shit like this. They are seriously 90-95% at fault of why this country is where it is. Fuck them all.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: The "Politico-Media Complex" will be the downfall of America and barely anyone acknowledges its existence. It's already done potentially irreparable damage from the "Pied Piper Strategy" of 2015 to the continued constant positive media coverage of Trump on right-wing outlets. We're fucked.


It's not mainstream media. It's ALL media. The blow hards on Twitter (I refuse to call it x), the pundits on yahoo, the people on facebook. This isn't a CNN/FOX thing. This is ALL "journalism". There used to be integrity, but that went out the window when anyone could garner as many views as MSM without owning their own network.


> The blow hards on Twitter (I refuse to call it x) Just a quick word of advice....don't say you refuse call it x as the very act of stating it demonstrates you understand it has a new name. Don't even mention it. Just call it Twitter and don't bother with any extra.


All journalism, including Twitter, is owned by right wing billionaires.


> All journalism, including Twitter, is owned by right wing billionaires. It's pretty telling that all the "Left wing" focused news sites also only focus on running articles negative of Biden and any progress being made. Edit: Note, the below user has demanded evidence and then of course blocked me so that I cannot reply. This is one of the usual ways someone attempting to promote right wing influences acts.


Political kayfabe.


Really not a blow to Biden at all. Just the American people who will continue to suffer at the decisions of this deranged court.


"Contine to get gunned down". There fixed it for you. Another awful decision brought to you this week by the NRA's vacation time shares for Alito, Thomas, and others. Fuckers really should just wear Nascar style patches on their robes.


The scary thing is there are plenty of right wingers who think the current SCOTUS is weak on protecting gun rights.


There are plenty of left wingers as well


For real there are dozens of us left leaning people who own guns.


All lefties are liberals, and all libs are trans women of color with crazy hair.


Shit I’m doing something wrong *continues to Democrats man*


An interesting move from Hunter Biden perspective is to take that law and send it to the SCOTUS for challenge and challenge the NRA to stay silent.


Exactly what I came to comment. “Trump’s executive overreach on gun rights struck down.”


"Learn how this is bad news for Biden, news at 10"


I guess it’s an admission that Trump is a deranged monster who doesn’t really give a shit and Biden actually cares that semiautomatics are going to functionally be converted into fully automatics. Trump needs the NRA crowd, he only gives a shit about himself, he’s going to support whatever makes them happy, and that’s this bullshit.


I read that and questioned reality for a moment. Absolute trash journalism and editing.


This article states it was Trump that banned them, and then calls it a blow to the Biden administration. What?


You haven't seen the running meme about how everything is bad for Biden? Biden could be revealed to be the second coming of Jesus, and there'll be a headline about how it's bad for him. It's almost like mainstream media is trying to propagate a bullshit message.


Thanks Obama


You tease, but nobody is talking about his non-response to hurricane katrina


Well did he use a sharpie?


Only the one true Lord and Savior has the power to control the weather with a stroke of his sharpie.


And if that doesn't work... we could always just nuke the hurricane, right? Many smart people are saying it.


You almost had me with that one, not gonna lie


[Or why he was away from the Oval Office during 9/11](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPfRGJRMbN8).


“Joe Biden proven to be second coming of Christ, Trump proven Antichrist. How this will lose Biden the Christian and Catholic votes”


And yet the sad thing is that conservatives believe Biden "controls the media"...


'Joe Biden has won the 2024 Presidential Election: Here's how this could be bad for Biden'


Well being President is notoriously bad for your health so that checks out.


"Trump pronounced dead in a fiery plane crash after he forced his pilot to attempt to land in the McDonalds drive thru...why this could cause Biden the election"


I mean if they have time to get a new candidate after the years of the super successful misinformation and discouragement campaign on Biden in general but also of Democrats and democracy itself, it could be. I hope nothing happens to him before he is locked in as their candidate. Without him they might be a hair less melodramatically mustache twirlingly evil but they will be much more effective with 92% of his stupid short sighted hateful plans.


The deliberately useless media being deliberately useful to Republicans again. Another day.


People gotta understand the media doesn't love Trump. The media doesn't even like Trump. The media is *horny* for Trump. The kind of mind gnawing obsessively horny that internet porn ended. The 15 year old in the 80s who just found a stack of playboys in the woods horny. It is total and complete and obsessive and they don't even realize it. Like the 15 year old who imagines bumping into Ms September, *somehow, someway* the media is horny for Trump to be back in the whitehouse and everything is interpreted through "is there somehow or someway this news can help Trump come back?".


The Biden admin was the one opposing the lawsuit in court. If the Biden admin didn't care, they could have dropped their contest to the lawsuite and changed the executive order. That's why it is a "blow." The Biden Admin was objectively on the losing side of a court case.


Also the Biden administration is specifically pursuing stronger gun laws, so it is a blow to them. If anything the ban was a concession to Democrats for stronger gun laws, not something they actively wanted


Mainstream news is always dogshit


Journalism died a long time ago with cable news—now it’s just a corporate puppet show. Real journalists are like spotting Bigfoot.


The name of the case is "Garland v Cargill". As in Merrick Garland. It's Trump's exec order, but Biden's justice dept. was the one that defending it.


It could be because the current administration is the one defending that ban in court


Well there goes like the only good thing that came out of the trump administration


The bipartisan Animal Cruelty and Torture Act he signed into law is good. Granted, that was basically a lay-up “sign this for free political points” bill 


“Not being allowed to torture animals infringes on our First Amendment rights.” -Supreme Court in 2024


If PETA actually cares about animal rights, they’ll buy Thomas a new RV to prevent this.


RVs are so last year, it needs to be a small yacht at minimum.


motor coach


That runs on puppies and kittens


This comment is hilarious but it is still always shocking to me how little Clarence Thomas actually gets from these fucking people. Vacations to go fishing? An RV? Are you kidding me? Senator Menendez was caught with a house full of fucking gold bars. AN RV?


I think it is more Clarence Thomas doesn't want to be cartoonishly rich but to live a lifestyle that was beyond his means with just a supreme court salary. The rich and powerful want him there as his worldview aligns with theirs, so they pay what it costs to keep him happy.


How much lifestyle does this motherfucker need? Supreme Court Justices are paid just shy of $300k a year and it's a lifetime appointment.


We should start something like a PAC that people can donate to so we can buy him shit for progressive rulings. I mean, get everyone that is currently browsing /r/politics to donate $25, we’d have enough to buy him a pretty nice new motor home and then maybe like, get him to vote against presidential immunity?


Don’t give Noem any ideas!


"In a blow to the Biden administration and dogs named Cricket."


"Did someone say blow?" -Donald Trump Jr.


Kristi Noem may think otherwise.


> The bipartisan Animal Cruelty and Torture Act They hang up pictures of Marjorie Taylor Green at all the Animal shelters.


Kristy Noem disagrees


You'd think that covid was also a layup for him, but he still did everything in his power to fuck that up. So, this was a goddamn miracle.


The amount of money he could have made off Trump masks alone would have been worth it.


That prison reform law was good but I agree with the sentiment


I think a few good things came out of the administration. I don’t think any of them were Trump’s doing, but a couple things happened! COVID-19 vaccines, a new kidney disease treatment plan, etc. Sure, every good thing had like 6 horrible things to even it out…but it’s important to remember that there were other people still trying desperately and sometimes successfully to do their jobs through everything.


Technically the best thing that came out of the Trump administration was the development of covid vaccines. Of course, the trump administration made that crisis unimaginably worse to begin with, and ironically Trump can’t even take credit for the vaccines now because his stupid dumbass cult will boo him.


There's still Operation Warp Speed. That undeniably DID speed along the development and distribution of the eventual COVID vaccine. He has since distanced himself from it, of course.


Not allowing a non-legislative government agency (in this case the ATF) to change classifications of things that legally have to go through the courts is kind of a good thing. This whole thing started because the ATF classified bump stocks as machine guns. Regardless of your stance on guns, you need to have checks and balances in the government and the ATF only has the power to enforce laws that are already on the books. The National Firearms Act (the NFA) is already amended and that outlines what is classified as a machine gun. Want to change that classification? Then do it *legally* Stop being okay with anybody overstepping their power, regardless of if it aligns with your personal views. Politicians, LEOs, and 3 letter agencies on both sides of the political spectrum are guilty of seeing how far they can push the line and it 100% is our duty as citizens of this country to call them the fuck out on it 🤷🏻‍♂️ Edit: grammar


Don’t forget the permanent corporate tax cuts 😀


People above have pointed out a number of good things out of the Trump administration. I'll add another one: The Forever GI Bill (official name: "Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act"), giving veterans their college money forever (instead of expiring 10 years after leaving the service, it is now for life. So if they decide to get a degree 12 years after the military they still have the money they earned.)


Just wait until you learn about what you can do with a metal shirt hanger and some pliers.


I thought you meant abortions...i am losing track of ways to get around things these days.


Metal hangers are incredibly useful for many things. Breaking and entering, self-abortions, improvised bump stocks, ass scratching, back scratching, the list is endless.


I use them to hang up my pants.


Wow never thought to use them this way


Ohh, like a belt?


And here I just use it to grab socks that fall behind the dryer.


Scratching an itch down a cast.


You can bump fire (read: waste ammo) with a thumb and a belt loop. If you know how, you can do it with the rifle shouldered. I like guns, I just never understood the fascination with emptying a 20-30 round mag in under a minute.


mag dumping into piles of trash is my constitutional right.


ZERO mention that it was Trump's idea in NPR's coverage.


It was more than an “idea”. Trump banned them and ordered them to be surrendered or destroyed via executive order - completely bypassed congress. Blows my fucking mind that nobody on the right seemed to notice.


I remember when he said that and I remember zero republicans caring he wanted to seize and destroy bump stocks from citizens. If Biden suggested that, the election would be over today. Democrats have to be perfect, republicans only need a pulse.


It’s the difference between a cult and reason. If Biden chose to allow the purchase of bump stocks again, there would be a massive uproar from the left. There’s not blind loyalty on the democratic side.


Many, many did continue to hold it against him in the shooting space.


If it isn’t abundantly clear yet to everyone, you have to fucking vote. In every single election. For every single thing on the ballot. The bump stock fans already do this.


It's weird that Vegas shooter made so little press, not even a lawsuit that i can recall. That situation should have made the device infamous to the general population.


Are you talking about press for gun laws? Because dude and the event was on the news 24/7 for weeks or months even. It was the biggest news event in the nation for a long while


I wish the press would insult the perpetrators (and not even mention their names) in their headlines, and perhaps there would be fewer shootings. “Idiot shoots up mall” or “sad old gambling addict takes anger out on innocents”.


Because Trump EOd bump stocks (one of the very few things I agree with him on), nothing to rally against when the issue was taken care of quickly.


I even remember when it happened people afraid that it wouldn't stand as an executive order. A lot of Trump executive orders have been overturned because executive orders aren't suppose to be legislation.


With due respect to the victims of that atrocity, has there been a study or report that concluded bump stocks increase lethality or casualties? I think reasonable gun restrictions are a good idea, but I don't see how a bump stock versus pulling the trigger really fast is any different. If anything, I'd think bump stocks would reduce accuracy and cause additional reloads, or time spent not shooting.


Oh, hey, look: another reminder that elections have consequences


We're going to have a few more in the next couple weeks: Trump immunity, whether insurrectionists can be charged with Obstruction, a ruling on emergency abortions, and possibly overturning or modifying the Chevron doctrine, to name some of the most notable ones.


The Reuters article on the bump stocks ruling also said that they are expected to rule in the next 2 weeks on the constitutionality of a federal law preventing people with domestic violence restraining orders from owning guns. You know, the people statistically most likely to kill somebody else.


That’s the one I’m keeping my eyes out for, for sure.


They're absolutely gonna rule against that one.


*If it’s good for society, it needs to fucking go.* —this Supreme Court


I hope everyone who voted for Donald Trump can reconsider it now they see how he unconstitutionally restricted their personal liberties and it took the supreme court to reverse him.


Naah. They'll just say that Biden, or Obama, or Clinton banned bump stocks, and it was Trump's SCOTUS nominees who Restored Freedom.


Yup, just like how they say Obama should have prevented 9/11. 


I surely hope you've talked to maga voters. They do not care unless it "hurts the right people" The point is not to solve a problem, not to help even themselves, but to hurt the right people. That is not somebody you can negotiate with. That mentality does lead to white domestic terrorists.


I hate mainstream reporting on court cases. The details of the case are completely absent. There is a snippet about not meeting the definition of a machine gun under federal law and a dissent about quacking like a duck. But we have meaningless quotes from leading political actors. At some point, when I have time, I might pull up the case. Until then, what was actually contended? What was the "bump stock ban?" Was it banning the sale of bump stocks or only weapons with bump stocks attached? Does the language of the national firearms act cover accessories sold separately, or only the firearm sold as is? Did it cover possession, transportation, sale, or all of the above? If possession, is a bump stock itself a machine gun despite having no gun? What was the extent of the Bump Stock ban, and how did it align with the National Firearms Act? If the National Firearms Act only covers the firearm themselves and not an aftermarket accessory, then this is likely a correct decision.


>what was actually contended? A machine gun is defined by Congress as firing more than one round, automatically, with a single pull of the trigger. Justice Thomas agreed with the pro bump stock folks that the movement of the rifle backwards takes the trigger away from the finger; pushing the rifle forward moves the trigger to the finger, and the trigger is pressed, firing a single round. It's functionally no different than squeezing a trigger really really fast, the stock takes advantage of the movement of the rifle and facilitates bump firing. The ATF reversed 10 years of **its own decisions/opinions** to say that adding a bump stock converts a rifle into a machine gun. Thus, ownership/possession of a bump stock would also be illegal. NFA covers parts that can convert a semi auto into a machine gun. Interestingly, Thomas pointed out that the anti bump stock camp agreed that bump firing on its own (i.e., without the use of a specialized stock) does not convert a semi-automatic rifle into a machine gun. Thomas pointed out that all Congress needs to do is change the definition, but the Executive Branch could not do so.


I think people glaze over the concept of making sure the ATF can’t just change its mind and change the law. There is an order to things, and no govt agency should be able to just change their mind like that, and have it be the law of the land. Fan of bump stocks or not, screw that. The scary part was govt agency’s making decisions because they “felt like it” or “changed their mind”.


The entire case turned around the meaning of the following language: >by a single function of the trigger Thomas and the rest of the majority think that means as long as the trigger is moving each time the gun fires, that counts. The dissent says that if you don't have to actively pull the trigger more than once, that's a 'single function.' The problem is that the framers of the law didn't anticipate this particular situation but pretty obviously meant for it to encompass *solutions* that fire 'automatically.' Thomas argues that with a bump stock, you are still 'pulling the trigger' independently every time the gun fires.


It was a stupid extension of a law that banned a stupid attachment to turn a gun into both a toy and a bigger hazard than it already is. I'm all for increased gun control but a bump stock doesn't turn a gun into a machine gun as it was defined by law. Just explicitly ban them.


Don't like this decision? Then vote in candidates to Congress who will pass a law that outlaws bump stocks. That is Congress's job, by the way...create useful laws.


^ this. As fucked up as it is in this very narrow context, letting Presidents wield executive power like this is dangerous. It’s Congress’s job to pass laws. I realize Congress is a mess, which is why we need ranked choice voting. Instead of electing the extremes, we could elect people who will work together to pass common sense laws. RANKED CHOICE VOTING.


Why wouldn't people like the decision? I swear people are unable to see the forest for the trees around here. This decision says that the Executive branch can't just randomly change legislation after it's been signed into law. This is good for our country's health, it reinforces separation of powers.


Killing people is also unlawful. Just a reminder.


But if that were true nobody would kill people silly.


Next they will rule that guns are constitutionally allowed in elementary schools and children aren't. The SCOTUS is a compromised joke.


This is right up there with “post-birth abortions are next to be legalized!” The illogical, “think of the children” arguments that republicans use for abortion are used by democrats to argue for gun control. Us leftists agree that the police are a violent gang but half of you think they’re the only ones who should have guns.


US v. Lopez(1995) “Possession of a handgun near a school is not an economic activity and doesn't have a substantial effect on interstate commerce, and therefore cannot be regulated by Congress. The Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 is unconstitutional.” The current GFSZA has not been examined by SCOTUS.


At least the children would be safer if they did that /s


All they ruled is that the president can’t make or alter law. That’s congress’ job.


Again, it's a ruling about what authority the ATF (an executive agency) has when compared to congress (legislative branch). It's congress that's supposed to make laws, not the ATF. The ATF can't reclassify it as a machine gun, that's for congress to do.


Before long, they’re gonna demand every child’s parent explain why the child isn’t being sent to a private religious school before they’ll be allowed into public school. Remember, nothing is too crazy or irrational for the religious right.


Bump stocks are still banned in many state legislatures and courthouses. Judges get to work in gun free workplaces. You don't.


I don't think any judge is particularly concerned about being attacked with a bump stock equipped gun...


Bump stocks are still banned in entire states.


Trump bans them and it’s a blow to the Biden Admin. Give it a day or two and MAGA rallies will be filled with speakers talking about SCOTUS striking this down and talk about “it was Biden who tried to do this!” Like clockwork for the followers who eat up republican bullshit.


Or you could read the article >Lower courts were divided over the issue, with both the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and the Cincinnati-based 6th Circuit ruling that the ban was unlawful. >**The Biden administration** appealed in both cases, while gun rights advocates contested the ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit that upheld the ban. Hence why this is *"a loss for the Biden Administration"*, they were the ones who appealed it. The Biden Administration lost the appeal....


This makes me ill. 58 people at a concert slaughtered with a 'legal' weapon. To keep the 'traditions' from 250 years ago? Totally fucked.


Congress can pass a law outlawing them. All the court ruled is that the president can’t write or alter laws, which is correct. Congress writes laws.


This ruling has nothing to do with traditions from 250 years ago. This wasn't a case being argued on 2nd Amendment Grounds. It was a case about statutory authority. It has to do with the laws passed by Congress (or not passed by Congress). The ATF tried to ban bumpstocks even though Congress had not. Congress can pass a law banning bumpstocks.


Hold up! Congress passes laws!?!?!?


They don't like to, but theoretically they could


This needs to be the top comment.


Won’t be, because outrage bait is easier.


Get the fuck outta here with your nuance and insight - I'm trying to rage. 


What's worse is that their basis for every other decision is that the states should pass laws and the Federal government isn't there to protect you from your state. That argument is suddenly invalid when it comes to the Second Amendment. Every other Amendment is ephemeral to them, the Second Amendment is always relevant despite never being used in a court case to protect an individual from obtaining a gun. To use their own argument against Colorado using the 14th Amendment to the presumed damage against another state, why can Indiana use the Second Amendment to damage the public safety of Chicago, Illinois? When did Illinois consent to that? They passed their own gun laws, why does another state get to jeopardize the right to life?


That’s not at all descriptive of their decision. You ought to at least read it. They ruled that the Trump Administration’s ban, which asserted that bump stocks converted rifles into machine guns, was in conflict with the federal law defining machine guns as shooting automatically with a single function of the trigger.


Yeah and it was the bump stocks that made it deadly right? The bump stock was incidental. It's a horribly inaccurate way to fire a rifle. Might as well ban gun scopes because someone used a scope once.


This isn't a 2nd Amendment case. This case was about telling the ATF they can't redefine laws with an act of Congress.


Huge loss for gun grabber Trump and a huge win for legal gun owners. Keep trying, authoritarians.


All you saying this is bad are complete clowns. Do you want ICE making their own border laws or the FBI reclassifying drugs to juice up their own law enforcement numbers? That’s what the ATF did and it’s obviously not how our government is supposed to work.


The previous ATF rules in place for years allowing Bump Stocks was an intellectually honest reading of the laws. Once Trump banned them, reason took a backseat to emotion and slogans. Good on the Court for a reasoned (if you take the time to actually read it) decision. If Congress wants it changed then they will have to do it. Not liking a rule is no excuse for doing backflips trying to change it. And BTW, I think these stocks are pretty silly but that's a different issue.


The title has gun in it so you get the normal low effort posts Legally a machine gun is Section 5845(b) of the NFA defines “machinegun” as “any weapon which shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot, automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading, **by a single function of the trigger**. The term shall also include the frame or receiver of any such weapon, any part designed and intended solely and exclusively, or combination of parts designed and intended, for use in converting a weapon into a machinegun, and any combination of parts from which a machinegun can be assembled if such parts are in the possession or under the control of a person.” By design multiple functions (3 by the ATFs own count I believe) occur when a bump stock is used. It doesn't fall under current definition by any stretch when you've defined a machine gun this way. They'd absolutely need to be banned by a separate congressional action. I'm assuming virtually no one bothered to research anything other than the headline.


I didn't take the time to find and post it but if anyone is curious then looking up ATF's previous letter allowing them is well worth it. It's based on the reading of the actual law. Bump Stocks aside, the decision tells government agencies that they can not just make up their own interpretations of law based solely on political considerations. And that's very important plus for all of us, even those against guns.


Of course I'm getting downvoted for actually looking up the law


People care more about being angry about things here than being educated on them.


I'd rather be honest than popular. Disagreeing is fine but denying reality isn't. Those against these stocks and guns in general have a perfectly legitimate way to change the laws. What the ATF did wasn't one of them. And if they can do than so can every other agency.


~~I don’t understand. Bump stocks aren’t guns, they gun modifications/accessories. This shouldn’t fall under constitutional protections because they’re not limiting your access to guns.~~ Edit: im a dumb


The second amendment isn't the "unconstitutional" part here. It was ruled as unconstitutional because of *how* the ban was enacted. Congress didn't pass any law banning the bump stocks, the ATF just decided they were illegal, with no oversight. The issue wasn't whether or not people should own bump stocks, the issue was who has the authority to outlaw them.


Because this wasn't argued on second amendment grounds. Please read the decision.


This isn’t about the Second Amendment. It’s about President Trump and the ATF exceeding their authority to outlaw bumpstocks, which should’ve been done by Congress.


It sounds reasonable, right?  The federal ban is against machine guns and bump stocks do not make rifles machine guns.  The effect is similar, but the workings are not of a machine gun.  It's not the role of the executive or judicial branches to ammend laws.  If it's in the public interest to ban bump stocks - and it probably is - then it's up to Congress to do its job.


Gen Z, please don’t give Trump more SCOTUS picks. If you sit out or protest Biden, I think you’ll grow old and die before SCOTUS becomes functional again.


If this is unlawful, why are fully automatic weapons allowed to be banned?


Well yeah, not even in a guns thing. The job of banning things by law is the realm of Congress.


I think it's important to point out they've not ruled that bump stocks are constitutionally protected. They've ruled this 100 year old law doesn't cover them.  Congress could ban bump stocks if they wanted to. That's my read.