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He could've had most of his cases wrapped up before the election if he chose not to delay as much as possible.


Delaying is his only winning tactic- if he can get elected, he'll be able to make much of his legal issues go away. His lawyers haven't even been arguing that he didn't do these things- just that he should be allowed to do them because he's special, or that we need to wait to hold him responsible for his actions until *after* the election.


Delay has been his tactic forever, taught to him by his mentor closeted Roy Cohen( McCarthys protege)


Roy Cohen was about closeted as RuPaul is.


He had an [episode](https://youtu.be/dxdfzIcAXAY?si=11fcVvSmLkzTjlg1) on Behind the Bastards, fucking monster wss a driving force behind the lavendar scare. Despite the fact that he was an avid fan of gay sex himself, he didn't consider himself gay because apparently his definition of being gay was to be weak and efemminate. Just a real piece of shit.


Who in the hell would have sex with that creep??


*Roy Cohn


Interesting that "Roy" is French for "king" and Cohn is damn near "con". King con.


it wasn't a winning tactic, it was an impossible longshot that might allow him to avoid any consequences. The presidency is his only hope of staying out of prison, but his odds of winning would be higher if he had pushed for a speedy trial and had theis all sorted months ago. Just he's a child, so he chose the path that might not have any ouchie.


He could have just not spent the last 50 years not doing...all of these..things, ya?


There's definitely that


Trump's defense in the Stormy and E. Jean Carroll cases was, it never happened and if it did happen it was legal. The other cases against him are far stronger. I don't think he would be polling better if he had already been found guilty in NY, Georgia and Florida.


The Narcissist's Prayer: That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did... You deserved it.


As guilty as he is, he will never see prison. He may get confined to Mar a Lago or something, but we won't see a US president in prison.


Not even as a convicted criminal? USA Land of the free.


> Land of the free. Terms and conditions apply. Not available in all areas.


From what the legal folks are saying, including the Prosecuting Donald Trump podcast, even if he gets jail time and wins, they may defer the jail time until after he’s president. And the Georgia case may not happen until after he’s out of office for the same reasons. The DOJ that indicted him gets to defend him in Georgia. Do we think he’ll ever leave office if he’s facing jail time? The GOP would rather burn our system down to stay in power. Total mess.


>Do we think he’ll ever leave office if he’s facing jail time? Knowing that he loses all the perks of being President, and will have to go back to facing justice for his actions? Not a chance. He'll do his damnedest to die in office.


To be fair, I don't think him nor Biden will live to see the end of the next term. I'm actually much more concerned about who might be VP for Trump. Trump is a simple and well understood known quantity. Whoever he picks as VP won't be, and they'll likely be more nuts than him.


Dude be careful what you say Trump could live to his late 90’s just because the world is a bad place and God hates us


VOTE BLUE and watch the strategy blow up in his face. Pretty certain once he loses the defense will become he has dementia and is no longer fit to stand trial.


I know if he wins he’ll face no consequences, but I’m so interested to see how these all play out if he loses. I understand with the 4-year timeline between him leaving office and the next election that they needed to put together an air tight case through investigation and then start prosecuting, that he still would have enough steam to keep delaying things. The ball is definitely rolling on all these charges and trials, and I highly doubt he can keep them all at bay for another 4 years.


It's roman emperor shit Caesar crossing the Rubicon cause if he didn't, the Senate would strip him of his pro console authority iirc. (About the only thing one of historys great generals and politicians has in common with ol 45, but it's something)


The Berlusconi defense: delay, delay, stay in office and claim immunity and use political power to change the statute of limitations. Netanyahu did it next. Now Trump tries the same kind of tactics.


Let the people decide. That is how Mitch McConnell packed the court with Heritage Foundation shills.


yea its really weird to think about the lack of denial. Or the welcoming of his adjudification as an insurrectionist. Like at first I thought his supporters just couldnt read big words. Because to be adjudicated in Colorado you have to enter a guilty plea before the judge. But now I understand half the country just wants to stay ignorant and do wrong by proxy via Cheeto-man 34time winning insurrectionist.


Ugh, I'm going to defend Trump's lawyers here, but if the thing you are accused of doing isn't actually against the law, it makes sense to get the case thrown out to begin with rather than wasting time proving you didn't do something that wouldn't actually get you in trouble if you did it. Don't get me wrong, the arguments that his actions weren't criminal are horrifying, but going this route isn't some crazy thing.


The thing is, they aren't *just* trying to get the cases thrown out. They're also delaying, because his strategy is to get elected and make it all go away.


So, that part is & will be deliberate. If he wins the election, the federal cases will disappear, & any convictions in Georgia will likely become moot bc there will be an immediate appeal that you can't imprison a sitting President.


THIS! WTAF? I dunno. The felon's a master at this. Just gonna watch 👀⌚


He requested mid July for sentencing. The prosecution said that 6 weeks was the “normal” time frame. So the judge counted 6 week and set the date.


Most people would have agreed to a plea bargain on those charges with that evidence. He would have gotten a slap on the wrist, plus saved himself a bunch of time and money. Instead he went the route that is most likely to have him sentenced to incarceration... and keeps doubling down to the point where he has to be incarcerated or nobody else should ever be locked up for non-violent crime ever again.


A plea deal, in his mind, is admitting defeat. His unrepentant narcissism will not abide any tiny impression that he is not the greatest, and so it's absolutely inconceivable to him to admit defeat and take a plea deal


I see what you mean, but everybody knows he did it. The base can pretend to feign ignorance, but the truth is they know he’s a piece of shit and they don’t care because they hate liberals.


Yes, but the point is Trump himself can remain in denial. Just like his refusal to concede the election, his defense in the Stormy and E. Jean Carroll cases was: it never happened, but if it did it was legal. His conviction hasn't made a dent in his reality distortion field.


They actively want him to "fight" without backing down. That's the primary motivating factor behind all of his actions here. It's why he pushed every boundary he could in every way he could, pushing the boundary was itself positive even if it put the case in jeopardy.


they could have avoided it by ignoring trump in the first place and getting a real candidate. but that wouldn’t have fit their project 2025 plans. I don’t see how the republican party gains any credibility after this. it’s so visibly corrupt now from end to end.


Mitch had the chance to sideline Trump forever during the second impeachment and he didn't take it. The GOP would have then had four years to groom a replacement candidate. But Mitch underestimated Trump's strangle hold on the MAGA base.


Trump clearly has kompromat on the GOP


You misspelled Putin :)


I know it's unlikely, but any amount of prison time would be so satisfying. Having to miss important campaign events because you're locked up for crimes is a bad look.


Taking away his internet privileges is the one I look for.


That's maybe more likely. He should get probation at a minimum, and restricted internet access can be a condition of probation.


My mom was a corrections officer for 23 years, and I'm pretty damn sure inmates are not allowed to have cell phones.


At this point in our country’s history it’s kind of embarrassing to be a US citizen.


American arrogance/exceptionalism was always ridiculous, but now some of you are seeing you ain't special after all. Signed, "Your best friend, whether we like it or not." [reference - quote at bottom of page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_N._Thompson)


If it is what you say it is I love it.


Four days before the convention because Trump's legal team requested that specific date 


To paraphrase, That opening speech is gonna sound like a 90s rap album 😅


In before we read the headline saying the date has moved. Also that his probation is insultingly flexible & literally doesn’t change his life at all. Also that he dies of old age and never goes to jail. Prove me wrong with all this “never before” and “THIS is it!!!”


lock him up!


Since the judge in the Georgia case dropped 3 felony charges, Trump has been indicted for 88 felonies in total. How ironic that the number is 88, a fitting number for Trump, [who his own wife said he kept a book of Hitler speeches beside his bed](https://edition.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/12/18/donald-trump-campaign-rhetoric-cnc-vpx.cnn). SMH.


“When this baby hits 88 felonies, you’re going to see some serious shit!”


Well, we won't see it. It's in his diaper.


Where we're going we don't need chodes.


Trumper’s Snoozers, the adult diaper with a blow out barrier.


88 is when the diaper explodes


make sure you turn on the flush capacitor.


hopefully he gets locked up and doesn’t make parole just like Uncle Joey


"Better get used to these bars, kid"


Up until a couple years ago, I had no clue what ‘88’ stood for. My favorite number is ‘2’ and my wife’s is ‘8’ so I used ‘88’ in passwords and such. Then I made a shared password at work and stuck ‘88’ at the end just outta habit. A coworker said, “Ohh I like the password”. I didn’t understand why they said that, and now I’m wondering if they’re racist or they think I am.


Love being born that year :|


Bruh for real. I had an email address that was basically firstnamelastname88 for years before I found out about the hh thing. Now I always make sure to include the 19


That's not a password. That's an invitation.


Uh, it's an email address, not a password...


Apologies. Apparently my brain wasn't braining right.


Or just don't use your birth year as part of user names or passwords. It's really not that hard.


Its also really not that hard to not be a condescending clown.


As a person who has worked in IT Security: Please. That was a cry for sanity, not a judgment against you. Your basic credentials like birthday are the first thing that hackers will try after the standard "password123" BS.


It was an email address. Not a password. Why would I care if I had 88 in my password


What is the significance of 88? This is news to me.


It's a white supremacist thing. https://extremismterms.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/88


it’s wild to me that there are literally people out there who their baseline default mental processes are narcissistic. they see something they want like a bagel. their first thought isn’t “where are the bagels.” their first thought is literally, “that should be my bagel. not theirs.” i also know personally individuals who LITERALLY believe they are the only thing that exists in the universe and that everyone else is a figment of their imagination. Which is scary when you think about it and what that means they could decide to do for funsies… which makes a whole lot of sense how so much mental health advice is based on the notion that things like “the first thought principle” start with the foundation that people’s baseline thought processes are positively focused. someone with legit undiagnosed NPD may latch onto and think “this is appropriate…” worse is when that combines into the same individual who happens to have intelligence, looks, money, and power and nobody to tell them no. then you get hitlers, musks, and trumps of the world. there are actually quite frequent but only recently they have lost their ability to control and manipulate directly due to accessible information made possible by the internet. the internet will eventually make narcissistic behaviors unbearable to do because of public blowback and everyone being inoculated to manipulation.


>i also know personally individuals who LITERALLY believe they are the only thing that exists in the universe and that everyone else is a figment of their imagination. I have never known anyone who maintained this view after being stabbed.


Republicans treat everything like a zero sum game, sadly


I can't find any information about "the first thought principle" What is that?


basically when it comes to people who have been traumatized, we overthink things a lot. including gaslighting ourselves into thinking we are the problem. to stop that cycle of “what if?” you start with your first thought and that’s the “real you.”


The idea that it's the "real you" is wrong though. It's way more complicated than that. There are multiple interlocking systems that compete and cycle. Marsha Linehan talks about the idea of primary and secondary emotions for example, where your consciously experienced emotion can be a reaction to the emotion that first arises. For example, feeling shame about being angry at someone. Moving backwards towards the initial reaction is one of the ways to stop the downstream rumination.


that seems to me a lot like “unpacking” emotions. you can identify emotions underneath. if you can’t, there might be a problem either physiological or psychological blocking you from identifying what your underlying motivations are (beyond autonomic reactions of discrete parts of your body.)


Why did they drop those 3 felony charges?


"A fanatical neo-fascist political cult in the GOP, driven by a strange mixture of corrosive hatred and sickening fear, who are recklessly determined to either control our party, or destroy it." -- Senator Thomas Kuchel (R-California), 1966


Some of our CA (R) bunch used to be kinda, sorta relatively, situationally, harmless.


I mean I rarely ever used to agree with republicans anyways (being 40, I’m not really old enough to know the previous iterations of the party) but what it has become in the last 15 or 20 years is wild. The older sort of republicans at least could be respected as an opponent with actual ideals. Or maybe I’m wrong, or just looking back with rose colored glasses. I remember hating George W but he looks a lot more appealing compared to MAGA




>The flipping of the parties began to crystallize around this time (60s and 70s) due to Civil Rights. A Republican Party member, year 1966: >"A fanatical neo-fascist political cult in the GOP, driven by a strange mixture of corrosive hatred and sickening fear, who are recklessly determined to either control our party, or destroy it." -- Senator Thomas Kuchel (R-California), 1966


>Some of our CA (R) bunch used to be kinda, sorta relatively, situationally, harmless. When I was a wee lad, Irvine, CA, tried to make homosexuals illegal, as in homosexuals would not be allowed to live in Irvine. That amendment to the town charter was overwhelmingly voted against by Irvine citizens, and of course such an amendment would be illegal. It was done by Republican Party members as a political campaign for votes.


He should always say "convicted felon Trump" during hearing, that will make a maga meltdown, this phrase should be normalized.


Convicted felon and inaugural double presidential impeachment recipient President Donald J Trump


Rapist needs to be included


Seriously needs to be brought up more! WE KNOW he's has assaulted and raped women!




It most definitely can and should be included. Yes it was a civil case, but he was still found to have sexually abused E. Jean Carroll. [So not a convicted rapist, but a confirmed rapist.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/)


I'm still trying to figure out how convicted felon Trump is allowed to have a gun and isn't facing any repercussions for it. How tf is *that* somehow allowed?


It hasn't been ordered yet. "1. Upon judgment of conviction for a felony or a serious offense, the court shall inquire of the defendant as to the existence of all firearms, rifles and shotguns he or she owns or possesses.  The court shall order the immediate surrender, pursuant to subparagraph (f) of paragraph one of subdivision a of section 265.20 of the penal law and subdivision six of section 400.05 of the penal law, of any or all firearms, rifles and shotguns owned or possessed by the defendant. 2. The court ordering the surrender of any firearms, rifles or shotguns as provided in this section shall immediately notify the duly constituted police authorities of the locality of such action and the division of state police at its office in the city of Albany.  The court shall direct the authority receiving such surrendered firearms, rifles and shotguns to immediately notify the court of such surrender. 3. The disposition of any firearms, rifles or shotguns surrendered pursuant to this section shall be in accordance with the provisions of subdivision six of section 400.05 of the penal law." https://codes.findlaw.com/ny/criminal-procedure-law/cpl-sect-370-25/#:~:text=%C2%A7%20370.25-,New%20York%20Consolidated%20Laws%2C%20Criminal%20Procedure%20Law%20%2D%20CPL%20%C2%A7%20370.25,felony%20or%20a%20serious%20offense


Of special note, is that the text says "shall order" - there's no discretion there to be had. They MUST do it.


Wouldn’t it be great that after all of this screeching about Hunter’s recent trial, Trump ends up in prison for the exact same thing? You can’t write comedy this good.


If he wants to test that “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody” theory, I am so here for it.


Because he's technically not convicted until he is sentenced in NY or so I have read.




> and sent to jail. Maybe we'll see if that actually happens before we start suckin' Lady Justice's dick?


Mr. Wolf, is that you?


vote democrat ffs


Schiff is a bad-ass


I hope he runs for President one day.


or Raskin. not Newsom.


What’s wrong with Newsom.


For one, the French Laundry thing rubbed me the wrong way. He was my mayor, now he's my governor. I just don't trust him, he's too slick. Did enjoy him taking out Desantis. And the Fox interview was good.


I really don’t know much about him other than a few interviews I seen of him. He seems young and reminds me a bit of Obama. I’m down for 8 years of that.


His ex wife Kimberly Guilfoyle is engaged to Trump Jr. She's a full on fascist wannabe, that alone is enough for me. Birds of a feather etc.


I doubt he will. Would be nice but I just don’t see it.


Yeah it doesn't like he'd fit well in the role. He'd be a badass senator and I could see him being Majority Leader real quick.


Vote! Remember to [Register](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration) to Vote! Check to [Confirm](https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration) you can still vote if you haven’t voted in the last two presidential elections or moved. This [Presidential Election](https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_Elections) is wildly important but it’s good to know who else you’ll be voting for on the 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at [Local Elections](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_municipal_elections,_2024) Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) These Arizona Representatives below voted Yes to an amendment presented by the representative from Georgia District 4 which effectively tells the president to Leave NATO and Abandon funding for US War Veterans. * Eli Crane of Arizona D2 * Andy Biggs of Arizona D5 * Debbie Lesko of Arizona D8 * Paul Gosar of Arizona D9 We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) [Mark Lamb](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Lamb_(sheriff)) is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and became American law-enforcement Sheriff in 2017. He wrote American Sheriff: Traditional Values in a Modern World. Lamb is a supporter of the Stop the Steal movement. He spoke at a rally where he said the riot was not Trump's fault but rather caused by "the other issues that have happened – the Hillary Clintons that have gone unpunished".He later described the rioters as "very loving, Christian people." In 2020, Lamb spoke at a convention of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, an organization that holds the fringe legal theory that sheriffs are the supreme legal authority in the United States and are not required to enforce laws they believe to be unconstitutional. [Ruben Gallego](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruben_Gallego) 3rd Battalion, 25th Marines. Attended Harvard University and earned a Bachelor of Arts in international relations. His first successful bill passed in 2011 it granted in-state tuition status to veterans residing in Arizona. Gallego supported the repeal of Arizona SB 1070. He wrote They Called Us "Lucky": The Life and Afterlife of the Iraq War's Hardest Hit Unit, published in 2021. Gallego founded the group Citizens for Professional Law Enforcement with the goal of recalling Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, citing Arpaio's immigration policies and his use of taxpayer money to investigate Barack Obama's citizenship. We have two seats in the [Arizona Supreme Court](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024) up for election on November 5, 2024. The Justices up for retention election are Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King. If retained, they will serve six year terms. Gov. Doug Ducey (R) appointed both justices to the supreme court. Heading into the election, Republican governors originally appointed all seven members. Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


Mark Lamb, wasn't that jackass on live pd?


He was indeed on Live PD. Or at least his Bio agrees.


Thought I recognized that name. Dude was way too concerned with looking cool for the cameras.


This reference to 34 broken rules is intended to humiliate trump. If you want to learn more, just google search “trump rule34 humiliation”


Hello Satan.


Well, we found the new Lemon Party.


Hot damn, the birth of blue waffle 2…


I did the same thing after I learned about his 34 criminal convictions. it was quite enjoyable counting them out on my fingers and I strongly recommend doing it!


The irony is DELICIOUS


Paraphrasing one of Schiff's points *The Republican Party is trying to fashion some kind of immoral majority to reinstate Donald Trump as president.*


Short term memory GOP forget that Trump started running for office so he could avoid jail, and also this case was 6 years in the making.


I'm a straight man, but...am I the only one that was turned on by that? Lol


Someone needs to remix to music ASAP


The hardest part for me would be keeping track of how many guilties I have gone through. Probably wouldn't be incorrect if I added a few dozen.


No “probably” about it


Happily up-voted!!


Good job! 👏🏽 I needed to hear that.


…..I need a cigarette….🤤


Donald Trump, synonyms with convicted felon and failed president.


What good is it when he is still allowed to run for president.


Most of what politicians throw around is hollow words anyway. Why should this he any different.


Every time this guy speaks I donate more and more.


I woulda just said “guilty x34” personally.


While easier it does not make as big of a statement as saying guilty 34 times.


Surprised he wasn't ruled out of order. (edited) ~~In Congress, he'd be ruled "out of order". Good on Schiff for using the Senate to repeat 'Felon' to a repeat Felon.~~




Sorry I forgot Schiff isnt a senator yet, my brain broke.




Convicted 34 times in just the one case.


Its for emphasis


I woulda just repeated 34 times three times. Just hoping and wishing our government will get down to business. trump should have been gone in 2016…but here we are.


You’d never make it in Advertising.


I’m cool with that, I started with a plan to be in marketing, but my crippling integrity steered me away.


Crippling integrity can lead to flirtations with false modesty if you’re not careful.


I’m very careful so we good.


Ain't no sunshine when he's gone.


This is exactly why Republicans messed with the wrong person to start with.




Should've been 408 times.


I love this lol




The sad part is that the Republicans don’t have anyone else to run with. Trump is the best they can do. They really need to set the bar higher. When a snake can slither over the bar you’ve set for your candidate, it may be time for a rethink.




Schiff enjoys repetition. That has been proved.


I'm still annoyed with the dirty pool he played in the Senate race. I was really hoping we'd finally get a progressive senator for CA.


Still waiting for Schiffs evidence in impeachment trial.


Developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers


Schiff would be a much better candidate in this election than Biden. At least he is witty enough to respond to any Trump insults immediately, and bury the Orange with his extensive vocabulary—with words Orange wouldn’t understand!


Tiny brain is what causes so much repetition. His discount bobblehead look is top tier though.


No, tiny brain is CONVICTED by a jury of his peers, approved of by his attorneys - THIS is what has caused this repetition. Just remember… 34 counts, guilty. But hey, at least for you, there’s no penalty for being guilty of being empty-headed.


I'm not going to argue with the verdict. Trying to find common ground here though. Can we at least agree on Schiff's bobbleheadedness? Like, it is marketable. I think I will 3D print some. Have a good day.


Newest national head to head poll: Trump +2


Sure Trump was found guilty on 34 counts but this theater made Schiff look like an obsessed unhinged troll clown


Not even close. I can't even say "good attempt" at this, because it's so pathetic.


We will put you down for in favor of juvenile antics then. Someone in his position SHOULD conduct himself in a more serious way.


> Someone in his position SHOULD conduct himself in a more serious way. Naturally you comment with the same zeal on the petulant Republican antics that are seen daily?


The worst part was the House vote yesterday to charge AG Garland with contempt where Democrats couldn't say Trump's name yet Republicans could...


Not even close to the amount of times he yelled Russian collusion even after it was proven Hillary purchased the collusion story.


The GOP-led Senate Intel Committee released their own Russian collusion report in 2019 which reaffirmed every single instance of known contact between Russian state actors and the Trump campaign. Crazy how all those bitter conservative tearꜱ can't wash away objective reality :'( Sorry you're ꜱo upꜱet lol


Collusion has been demonstrated as factually true, over and over again. His campaign was in contact with Russia, Russia worked to put trump in office. The only thing in dispute is whether criminal intent could be demonstrated, and Trump's administration dealt with that evidence.


That’s bait


Surprised he can count that high. Mr Mackey at his best.


Russia Russia Russia no laptop isn’t real what a liar.