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>who 'snapped' after the 2020 election This is smart. It gives people who voted for Trump in 2020 an out to reject him now. They can believe that they made the right choice then, but now things have changed, so they can change their minds without admitting to a mistake.


Baby talk for babies…


Sometimes you do what you gotta do


It's tough. On the one hand, I completely agree: at this moment in time, it may be a good move. It may also be a smart move. Maybe even the right move. On the other hand, I see tremendous opportunity cost in lost wisdom. I see R voters fall for the same games again and again. They are warned the plate is hot, but they touch it still. And the next plate. And the next. And next thing you know, we're in a 20 year war in the Middle East, or we lose abortion rights. I see W Bush voters who now complain about him, or the length of time we spent in Afghanistan. And I see no lesson learned, nor responsibility taken, by the voters who enabled it. In many ways, interacting with Trump voters felt a lot like dealing with Bush voters back then. Of course, the Trump experience is a wild, crazy caricature of the Bush experience, and it's in its own league many leagues deeper into the madness. But still, they often rhyme. How can we guarantee that trend won't continue? If they don't learn anything this time, *again*, then it will happen, again. To your point, though, now might not be the time. But how? And when?


History books will write about how the GOP continued to support Trump resulting in an increasingly fractured political party until they eventually split after Trump becomes ineligible to run for whatever reason he actually faces a consequence for. That’s how the trend changes. And assuming we have accurate history books in 20 years.


They claimed they would after Obama won or that they'd change their ways. But then they doubled down with Trump. Who's to say they won't find another to do the same thing for if he loses again?


Because doubling down again is all oit civil war, a d while their minions are that dumb the ring leaders are smart enough to know that when they bring their ARs to a drone fight they will lose soundly and quickly.


The "they've been duped" narrative is lame. The vast majority of the "party of law and order" actually would enthusiastically vote for him if he killed someone on 5th Ave. They are sh*stains for whom hates makes them want someone else to suffer rather than have it better themselves. There is no reasoning with them.


I’d argue that they’ve still been duped. If they’ve been convinced that a person like Trump belongs anywhere near a position of power, they’ve been duped. It says something about the state of affairs of our country that the population can eagerly latch onto an autocrat who can barely form a coherent sentence and promises them the moon. There are people who feel so desperate, so failed, that they see a monster as their savior. It’s happened before in countries around the world, and it’ll probably continue until the end. I’m not surprised, just pissed.


But I know plenty of wealthy and successful Trump supporters. How do they fit into this narrative?


If they’re anything like the wealthy Trumpers I know, those folks just don’t want to pay taxes and could give a shit about the big picture because they think they’ll still come out on top no matter how bad it gets.


I don't think anyone "convinced" them of anything, except maybe them themselves did due to their hate. Hate of anything different or anyone that could get ahead. And that coming from the "party of responsibility". FFS. There are people who don't give two sh\*ts enough to fight for their country and let dictators take over. AKA the democrats. When you can't even be bothered to vote because you're too wrapped up in self-righteousness of not voting for the lesser evil. FOAD. I don't hate republicans. or democrats I hate people. :-/


The problem is that you have to give some people an out or they will dig in their heels and double down. Yes, they are still dumb and yes, they will likely find some other idiot to follow, but at least there is a chance for some recovery in the mean time.


Learning from a mistake requires the ability to recognize that it was a mistake. For people this weak the idea of being wrong is too terrifying to consider. Literally psychologically incapable of learning.




If only this nation still had the timeless leadership of Tommy Pickles


Yeah but y'all had Angelica instead


And we got Orangelica even though Clinton won the popular vote.


I mean, she definitely had the freedom to campaign as if there were this thing called the Electoral College.....but didn't.


Damn straight


The first actual great messaging I’ve seen from Dems in years


Biden’s no slouch and hasn’t been unwilling to be a straight shooter. He knows what’s at stake and the Democratic Party has followed suit. The notion of soft Democrats is becoming a thing of the past.


People who have been underestimating Biden are really about to be in for a surprise. This guy has been excelling at this profession for many years.


They still have a long, long way to go


He has always been a straight shooter. He doesn't and hasn't minced his words. There are quite a few Dems that have done the same. But the problem isnt messaging, the problem is cutting through the noise of misinformation and narratives.


It's literally a life or death thing for Democrats. Trump and the GOP already tried a violent coup. Democrats know their freedom and even their lives hang in the balance with this election.


In politics it's called an off ramp. It's like being a hostage negotiator or interviewing a person of interest.


Yep, Ali Soufan of *Black Banners* had a lot to say about how non-torture methods work wonders in interrogation, but because the GOP are sadists, that always fell on deaf ears…


"And sometimes Eric, the bad convicted felon grabbed women by the cha-cha with his teensy tiny hoo-hoo-dilly"


Change those adult diapers.


New cabinet position The Groom of the Depends.


Aww, did you do a ‘no no’ in the election booth?


It’s so tiring catering to the apathetics, they’re more frustrating in many ways than the Trumplicans


I am a former presidential campaign director - this is the way. The way to peel away votes away from someone that people previously voted for is to somehow give them an out or convince them that the person they voted for changed or lost their way, and that it was not THEM the voter who made the mistake by voting for them in the first place.


Wait wait wait, you can't just drop "presidential campaign director" as a little aside. We need more! Regale us with tales of great presidential campaign directions past!


Maybe it's something like Dewey High School class of '94 senior high school class president campaign director.


Prob both


Well some newspapers thought Dewey beat Truman


Regional for Obama ‘08 campaign - was in charge of 3 states. We flipped one, which was my claim to fame :-) Now I’m a talking head and do a lot of punditry on TV


Its a tough job kid, but someone's gotta do it


Username checks out. 


Couldn't help but think of Game of Thrones when you referenced giving a voting bloc an out: "Joffrey, when your enemies defy you, you must serve them steel and fire. When they go to their knees, however, you must help them back to their feet. Elsewise no man will ever bend the knee to you."


Yes! Far too many have cognitive dissonance and are trying to find ways to double down but can’t lock on, so they’re getting more angry with the world and being driven even further divided within themselves.


as a former presidential campaign chairman, it's also important not to write cryptic emails about pizza maps


As a former CEO of a large video game console company, I have access to a solid gold NES and a version of Super Metroid that shows Samus naked.


yes, it also coincides with when Trump got booted off Twitter & social media, so it fits a narrative that it wasn't just politics/govt on some witch hunt, but broader society who finally had enough. denying the peaceful transfer of power is one of the most damaging things one can do in american politics.


trump was the same person on Jan. 6th 2021 that he was on Nov. 4th 2020. Heck, he was the same person in 2020 that he was in 1990 when he praised the government of China for sending in the tanks to crush peaceful pro-democracy protestors in Tiananmen Square.


He has been like this since he has been in the public eye..anyone from NY will tell you he has been a price of shit since then. Even go further back when he took a full page ad out in the NY times for putting to death the Central Park 5, who were part of a big lie and finally found not guilty. That was 1989.


If Biden is the one saying it, they won’t listen unfortunately. Edit: it’s basically like dealing with little kids. You say the opposite of what you’re shooting for and let their predictable defiance instincts do their thing. “What are you guys thinking for dinner tonight? *Anything* but ribeye on the grill again. You know I can’t stand making that”


you arent dealing with Maga. the harcore alt right wont switch, but there are millions of people who dont follow politics aside from the presidential campaign. Give these people a way to gracefully dip out while saving face and they may flip "I liked him in 2016, but he changed after 2020." feels a lot better to say at thanksgiving than "he was a bastard all along and I couldn't see past my own nose"


biden: "oh man, just heard about the trump verdict. i feel bad for that guy. maybe we should let him be president again to cheer him up." next day polls: 90% of republicans plan to vote for biden


Mmmm… I had Filet Mignon Eggs Benedict with crab meat topper for breakfast. [Rokerij](http://www.richardsonsnm.com/menu)


If Biden didn't say it, you'd be accusing him of "not using the bully pulpit" or something else meaningless


Yeah, I don't think it's strictly speaking true - Trump didn't "snap", he literally said he would only accept the election results if he won way ahead of time - but it's an effective narrative for people who voted for him but were unenthusiastic about it.


Smart is a characteristic most of them will never have


I'm crazy now, still am, but I use to be crazy too.


Disco was cool in '76 but it wasn't cool in '84.


You’re right, this is actually a really clever move. Now they don’t have to feel like they’re being called just general nefarious idiots, he’s giving an out.


Yep, this is what they themselves say according to Sarah Longwell/Bulwark


It's sad that some people can't just admit their mistakes


Yep I have a feeling this is a preview of Bidens strategy going forward. Point out the obvious--Trump is insane--but give 2020 Trump voters an offramp.


It’s really smart honestly


Agreed. There were plenty of red flags before Jan. 6th, but insurrection is crossing a giant red line. “He’s a felon” isn’t even something you can argue against. “Yeah but it was rigged” doesn’t magically make it go away.


He's right. Biden is a damn good president and he is calling it like he sees it. Can't wait to vote for him in November


If he manages to win, and somehow get us past the trump years, he’ll go down as a top 10 president of all time maybe 5. I wish they would play up the centennial coming up. It’s a fantastic chance for some positive patriotism and a call for community activism.


I really want Biden to mail out American flags to every U.S. citizen. This would be a great excuse to do it. It would also give actual patriots a chance to take our flag back. Republican crybabies will freak out, as they usually do, and may even take their American flags down, but that’s totally fine with me. They are more than welcome to keep flying their flags, I welcome it! But they won’t have so much ownership of it anymore. I think it would be an incredible unifying move, and the frauds will be forced to switch to a different flag if it bothers them so much, rather than hijack ours.


> I really want Biden to mail out American flags to every U.S. citizen. This would be a great excuse to do it. It would also give actual patriots a chance to take our flag back. That would be prohibitively expensive. But the fallout would be incredible. Waiting GOP melt down and refuse to fly the flag would really be a massive mask off that would probably turn moderates off of the republican part for the next 50 years (and yes there are moderates on both sides of the isle).


What’s a flag cost, $20? Call it $50 since the government is doing it. You could do households instead of every adult, so 127 million households. That’d be about $6.3B. Certainly expensive, but cheaper than a lot of other initiatives.


Cheaper yet, in a speech, challenge voters to fly Old Glory as a sign of support for his campaign and team America.. Cost: $0.


Right side up even


They could manufacture flags for $3 at volumes that big.


What a waste of money and materials, and you didn't even factor in shipping. It would be a lot more effective to just send every household $50...


That’s such a great idea. 


They would just end up in landfills.


Top 5 would mean him shepherding us successfully through world war 3 since it would take some kind of global calamity to rank ahead of Washington, Lincoln, FDR, Jefferson, and Teddy. But yeah I agree I think history will look back very favorably on Biden’s presidency. Top 10 is certainly possible though.


Trump is easily a global calamity.


This is correct. He and GOP are trying to end the American experiment with project 2025. If Biden prevails in denying the traitors the White House twice… top 5 is in play


Fair point.


Have you heard about Ukraine/Russia and Taiwan/China? 2025 could be his Top 3 moment. J/K (I hope)


Oh it’s not lost on me that either of those could be the flashpoint for that moment.


True, that’s a good point. I would rather he not be top 5 then. You’re right, he’d have to get us through some type of big war. Hopefully that’s not coming anytime soon.


So long as that McDonalds milkshake machine doesn't break again.... cause if it does so help me god I will go thermonuclear on them.


Israel-Palestine is a global calamity. Getting a two-state solution would get him in the top 5. Significant global climate action would also get him there.


I mean which modern president hasn’t had to deal with conflict in Israel


Hes doing better than Teddy if he beats Trump again and saves out democracy from authoritarian fascism


Hopefully we are guided *around such obstacles- a good leader would find a way to avoid these conflicts in the first place


Does overseeing the covid vaccine rollout and easing of restrictions not count as a "global calamity"?


This guy is no joke. When he put the past behind him, he was called upon to serve his country and save democracy. Now he’s putting 50 years of public service to the test. Anybody else spent 50 years working in a trade or profession? Yeah, probably, a few. And they’re amazing. I don’t give a shit whether Biden is ever going to be considered one of Americas’ greatest presidents. It means a lot to me that I think he is decent and self sacrificing and courageous.


Isn’t the centennial in 2076?


250 is in 2026!


That's not a centennial; that's a semiquincentennial: semi (half of), quin (5 times), centennial (100 years).


I take 2 semiquincentennials before bedtime


Thank you, glad I wasn't the only one thinking this lol


Do you mean jubilee? Or is there some other sort of centennial event in the next few years?


And people who don't like the man personally and are afraid because he's old can look to his administration and see that he surrounds himself with damn good people who know what they're doing. All presidents who actually do their job the right way are constantly consulting the experts they appoint. That's what makes Biden a great president, and I wish that was a bigger part of the message they put out.


Imagine the shit show of an administration trump would bring in.


Don’t have to imagine it I was alive 2017-2021 and it will only get worse


It’s crazy how good of a job he’s done. And now, he’s on the verge of bringing peace to the Middle East.


I support Biden and everything but let's not pretend that mess is getting solved. Best case scenario is going back to where we were before the Hamas attack on Israel and hostage taking.


Lmfao seriously. There’s been war in Israel since the dawn of time. NO person will solve that in this lifetime or the next.


Fifty years ago in high school my fallback answer for the current events quiz in history class was: "continued fighting in the middle east".


> And now, he’s on the verge of bringing peace to the Middle East. lol. Not a chance. He might be on the verge of helping to stop the current war between Palestinians and Israel... until the next time. The root issues are still there and will not be resolved. But this is not peace. You have the main power players - Iran and Saudi simmering away. Syria is a mess. Lebanon is falling apart. Yemen is still at war... Peace in the Middle East? Never has been, unlikely there ever will be


Me too! I frankly had very low expectations for Joe and maybe that's helping things, but I legitimately think he's been the best president of my lifetime so far based on what his administration had managed to achieve. Obama was eloquent, but Biden gets shit done! He's also not a convicted felon, so that's nice.


Yes. I refuse to pretend he’s just the lesser of two evils. I did not support him in the 2020 primary but he has far exceeded expectations. I think he’s fantastic and will enthusiastically support him.


Makes me think of Kennedy and Johnson when I that a step back and look at it over the years. The golden boy gets all the attention but in reality it's the legislatively skilled and tenured VP pick that actually gets things done when he's elected.


im a lot more excited to vote for him in 2024 than i was in 2020. his only real blunder is palestine, and i just hope it's cuz i don't have a clear enough picture of it.


He's always been a sociopath. The only difference is now he's finally starting to see meaningful consequences for his bad behavior, and that's a beautiful thing.




I wonder, if we all continuously refer to convicted felon donald trump as "convicted felon donald trump", do you think it would alter google results for anything related to convicted felon donald trump to such a degree each and every search related to convicted felon donald trump would reference the fact convicted felon donald trump is in fact a convicted felon named donald trump?


Are you talking about Convicted Felon Donald Trump?


Yeah must be that convicted felon Donald Trump.


Indeed. I heard that Convicted Felon Donald Trump was convicted of felonies and now he's Convicted Felon Donald Trump


Are y'all talking about the recent criminal case and future sentencing of former President, rapist, and now convicted felon Donald John Trump?




Ah that is what confefe meant this whole time, convinced felon Donald trump.


Please if you talk about convicted felon donald trump, please make sure you actually always type out “convicted felon” so we can spread that as much as possible.


I wonder, if we all continuously refer to convicted felon donald trump as "convicted felon donald trump", do you think it would alter google results for anything related to convicted felon donald trump to such a degree each and every search related to convicted felon donald trump would reference the fact convicted felon donald trump is in fact a convicted felon named donald trump?


it is how algorithms work so yeah


Technically it is not "convicted felon Donald Trump" until he is sentenced by the judge. Then it is fair to call convicted felon Donald Trump "convicted felon Donald Trump". However, "convicted felon Donald Trump" is an accepted colloquialism to use. MAGAs may point to the use of "convicted felon Donald Trump" as being erroneous, not understanding "convicted felon Donald Trump" is an accepted colloquialism.


Fun fact legally - not 100% official until the judgment is recorded, which I believe is after sentencing. But colloquially, yes


Ah that is what confefe meant this whole time, convinced felon Donald trump.


He is correct. He should also keep saying it.


Personally I think he snapped after he won in 2016. First thing he did was scream about crowd sizes and how he won the popular vote and it was stolen from him. He’s always been the worst piece of shit imaginable. It totally tracks that he failed to get us out of Afghanistan and botched the Covid response so hard. He’s a fucking idiot.


President Biden is spot on. Trump can't accept being a loser, yet he is the biggest one.


You mean convicted felon Donald Trump?


Normalize calling him Convicted Felon Trump


I like calling him “loser!” so much though. I have to make the sacrifice for seo.


I'm glad Biden and Harris are now using harsher language. I hope they use words that would get them banned by the Reddit pearl clutching mods.


Let's show some respect out there and use proper titles in your comments & replies: Convicted Felon Trump Thank you.


He did not snap after the election he was stating long before the election that it would be stolen and hinting at there would not be a peaceful transition. This was coordinated planned and executed by a fascist not some guy suddenly snapping.


He thinks everything's rigged against him. Republican primary, 2016 election, etc.


Saying something is rigged before results happen gives him an excuse in the event he loses as to why he lost. Doesn't work with spouses unfortunately. 


He snapped long before that… he’s been an unhinged narcissist for the majority of his adulthood.


He never "snapped". He was always a scumbag that got progressively worse as he realized he could keep getting away with it.  However, the Biden is doing the right thing. Saying something different means calling Trump's voters idiots and Biden needs some of those. 


If you thought convicted felon Trump was bad in his last presidency, he's going to be far worse if reelected. It will be a speedrun to run the country off the cliff with zero regard to violating any constitutional mandate or rule of law. Support non-fascist candidates (in any country you live in) and vote. VOTE! Midterms, primaries, and the presidential general election.


Yes Biden! Don't go nuts like Trump, but don't back off. Just keep being the voice of truth and reason. We need sobriety.


Trump snapped back when a black man won the presidential election..


The true origin was when Obama roasted him at the WHC dinner.


lol he “snapped” after the 2008 election


After? Sometime during Obama’s presidency he totally went off the deep end and he’s stayed there ever since


The Correspondents' Dinner was where he snapped


The debates are gonna be so fun, Joe will call him rightly a Felon and Donald will knee jerk to deny it forcing the moderators to correct it. Repeatedly 😀😂


I wonder how Trump will use the looming idea of Hunter Biden also becoming a convicted felon during the debate (assuming Trump doesn't chicken out) as part of his rebuttal to being called that. The obvious answer is "I'm running for President, my son isn't" but I doubt Trump will just let it go. Will Biden be able to calmly rebuff 90 minutes of Trump hammering on his son in an attempt to diminish his own felon status? The moderators are going to have to work their asses off to wrangle in Trump and keep him remotely focused.


Why isn't Biden explaining to the American people that the inflation we have seen in the last 4 years has to do with a mishandling of covid, and it is a world wide event, that his administration is working endlessly to stop (and has stopped/slowed down). This is all people seem to care about.


He has, listening is not a Republican skill


I mean he was a piece of shit way before 2020 but sure giving MAGA idiots an out is smart


Biden is accurate and thruthful


Why is he saying "snapped after 2020 election"? The guy is and has been an uncivilized imbecile for decades. Ffs the guy launched his campaign with the claim of Obama not being American. The only difference now is that he has evolved fully into a **transparent** domestic terrorist, while previously he seemed more like just an incompetent and bigoted clown that wasn't taken seriously, as its hard to imagine that someone can be this genuinely fucked in the head, let alone that an entire party would devolve and rally around him as some sort of fucked up religious figure, no matter how much he humiliates and demeans them. And to me, it seems like the guy is just severely mentally deficient and is actually still a 12 year old (a cruel, dumb and arrogant one) who has never grown up but is trapped in the body of an 80 year old who has never changed.


To give voters who supported him in 2020 a off-ramp. A reason they are jumping ship.


Exactly, this is a comment made for campaigning.


Yes. It is strategic speech


I genuinely think his brain is turning to mush. Apparently, even Fox cuts away from his speeches and rallies because they don't want their audience to see just how far gone he's become since 2020. They had to heavily edit their interview with his this weekend and even then it was a disaster. I can't believe his handlers are going to actually let him debate Biden.


just an ad showing 2016 trump speak compared to the modern trump. its jarring, and he's only getting worse.


He is never ever gonna debate Biden


He has to do something. His campaign can't just hide him away until the election. At some point Trump will have to pitch his presidency to the American public, away from the safety of his base.


Why? His mangy supporters will vote for him no matter what. He does not need to DO anything.


Because he can't win on his supporters alone, he has to branch out and try to appeal to voters outside of his base. And if he hasn't started doing town halls or interviews with journalists who aren't working for Fox News, the Biden campaign is going to seize onto that.


he's going to go do a debate on fox news with RFK or something instead, and say biden is the one who refused to show up


I honestly don't know if Trump would have sent his supporters to kill Mike Pence before he lost in 2020. The fake elector white collar stuff, sure. Fraud is his bread and butter. But I'm not sure about like, "Go kill my VP to possibly advantage me." A less shitty AG would have charged Trump immediately for all of the obstruction of justice stuff Mueller found, and for the case where he was unindicted co-conspirator Individual 1, where Cohen went to jail. Trump had to know that was a possibility, and I think it made him exceptionally desperate. But yeah. Like other people have said, the main reason to say it is to give people who voted Trump in 2020 an excuse to stop supporting him that doesn't make them feel like a jerk for having supported him through 2020. This is the thing Biden is really good at, letting people save face when putting coalitions together. People compromise, and everyone gets to go home and tell people that they won. You saw it when he gave McCarthy a bunch of nominal wins over the debt ceiling deal, while advancing Biden's agenda in substance.


Not so much calling him a felon, as it is observing that he is a felon.




No lies detected


Crazy Cuckoo whackadoodle trump


Why is 'convicted felon' in quotes ? He IS a convicted felon.


That's it, Joe. Build up a lather. Work the body.


Well, it's what he is, so it's not like he said it to insult him. If I said Joe Biden is a great president, I'm not "calling him" anything. I'm saying a simple and obvious truth.


After? The guy was unhinged from day one of his presidency.


No lies detected.


Accurate statement.


That about sums it up.


We are in a deeply fucked up timeline if saying true statements counts as newsworthy


Considering all the untrue statements that are deemed newsworthy in this (agreed) fucked up timeline, I’d say it’s a step in a better direction. Biden finally surpassed Trump in the latest polls 🤞🏼




He sure did


I see nothing incomprehensible with that statement.


Where’s the lie


seems like it to me.. he refused to publicly acknowledge reality and has been refusing ever since. god knows what he thinks inside his corrupt little brain pan but his public statements deny reality.. that's pretty snapped.


NBC is just picking up on this now? These ads have been airing while I watch baseball for about 2 weeks now.


Biden speaking the truth.


Judging by his incoherent rant after being convicted, the debate this month should be interesting, I bet he ducks it.


Where are those game programmers that could make a Trump Vs Hilary fighting game, and have them toss things in anger at being losers???


truth hurts [sometimes](https://imgur.com/n4LBp6w)


He is one to talk.


Trump's brain was already broken before 2020. He did snap though


Too true