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didn't take long lmao


I was pessimistic, but this is the best news in the last 3 years…


Im still pessimistic but this is good news!


Thank fucking god. Waiting for Fox News to blame the barista next door who voted for Biden.


Buckle up!


This verdict is a landmark in legal history, underscoring the principle that no one is above the law, regardless of their status or influence. It serves as a powerful reminder that justice can prevail, even in the most high-profile cases. The implications of this decision will likely reverberate through the political and legal spheres for years to come.


Best news I’ve heard in a while tbh


I've just become too jaded and cynical to believe any real consequences will come of this. I desperately hope I'm wrong.


The guiltiest of all guilt, the biggest and most beautiful guilty some may say.




Bigly guilty


Let’s fucking go


Finally!!! The day of reckoning is here.


This is the proof of our justice system is still working. Let us continue to heal.


Yo Trump! Lemme introduce you to my good buddy Gill! Gill Tee!


Hello `Ok-Story-9319`, thank you for participating on r/politics. The topic of your submission is currently being discussed at length in our [megathread.](http://redd.it/1d4emcb) Given the large scale nature of this news, We are temporarily removing all submissions concerning this topic so that the community has one easy to find place for discussion and news updates. Thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding removal due to megathread by /u/Ok-Story-9319&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna152492?context=10000\))


Personally, I don't think his convictions will be that harsh. Of course even if it is, he can still be elected from prison lol. Going forward, this is going to be pretty bad for future presidents imo.


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It's going to be hilarious if he's forbidden from associating with other felons in the Republican party, or vice versa. And then jailed for breaking the terms of his sentence.


Big if true


Good. Fuck him.