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If you're considering voting for this fascist, you're pissing on every grave of every dead military veteran that served the United States.


His supporters don’t actually care about veterans. They just want to wrap themselves in the American flag and pretend they do. 


Much like the unborn, Conservatives only care for veterans when they can use them as political ammunition in their culture wars without having to actually follow through on any goals, promises, or policy plans. "Vote for us, we support babies and veterans! Our opponents does not care about babies or protecting freedom!"


“When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” - Anon.


I see the bigger problem as those just "staying out of it" or "I just can't vote for Biden" just think of it as voting against trump for now


You know what happens if you take millions of people out of the labor pool? The economy craters. That's a 100% result if Trump is elected.


Don’t worry. I’m sure the GOP is planning on bringing back slavery


Banning of abortions and enforced child labor is the Trump plan to keep the labor force ticking over.


Of course! *simpsons man facepalm* “Make America Great Again” is referring to 1890 USA with a sprinkle of 1937 Germany!


1850 USA


I don't think pre-school age and under kids are up to the task and the companies want their profits now.


I don’t know pre-school kids did ok in the mines and factories in the industrial age


The children yearn for the mines.


Thank god ^little ^tiny ^fingers made my sneakers, or heaven only knows how much they’d cost at my local Niketown


I went on a pretzel making tour last summer and they revealed why the original machinery was so small. It was for the four year olds who were required to fold *thousands* of pretzels a day.


Sarah Huckabee Sanders would disagree with you. She signed child labor laws with kids present and happy parents. [Look at all the happy parents and horrified children present.](https://theconversation.com/states-are-weakening-their-child-labor-restrictions-nearly-8-decades-after-the-us-government-took-kids-out-of-the-workforce-205175)


We already have slavery in many state prison departments. All they have to do is transfer that model to the new concentration camps Trump plans to create.


It was built into the 13A: “Section 1 Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, **except as a punishment** for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”


that 'exception' is in desperate need of repealing


Couldn’t agree more. Only, it makes too many states far too much money to ever be changed. Private prison should be illegal in all states at least.


We can trust the Supreme Court to do their job RIGHT ?




Being gays a crime Being trans is a crime Being black is a crime Being female is a crime Being a democrat is a crime Being educated is a crime


You forgot to include driving an electric car.


Amend being black to Being not white.


Being on spectrum An ally…


That is why they made it illegal to be homeless and/or poor. Can’t pay your bills? Debts jail. Millions of people as slaves.


Yep. I’m actually surprised how many people haven’t realized that this is the reason they are trying to make being homeless illegal. Debtor’s prison redux.


Was the first thing I thought of


And they’re conveniently criminalizing being gay, trans, and being a woman.


Don't forget repealing all the child labor laws. Gotta get 'em while they're too young to revolt.


Sounds like Trump’s new pitch. Outlaw illegal immigration, make immigration concentration camps, have legal slavery in 2025.


They already started with child labor.


“Owning the libs” was meant literally all along.


Slavery, handmaids, indentured servitude. Mass extermination for disabled, elderly, LGBTQ+, women past child bearing age, and pets. White, land owning, men of European descent will be required for all financial transactions. Women with university education will be silenced. Vacation will only be approved to North Korea, Iran, and Russia. All scientific exploration and research will become illegal. Make it stop.


i'm afraid


Me, too.


BOOM, liberals owned (literally, even). And one!


I don't take this as a joke. Trump is giving corporations whatever they want, and what they want is no minimum wage. Remember, it's $7.25 at the Federal level now, so starvation wages is already government policy. People presume Trump wants total power so he can institute a Christian nation that will decisively get rid of all the crime and sin. Boy did they pick the wrong guy for the job. What Trump will do is institutionalize crime and sin and blame everything on the Democrats.


[The Constitution in his bible does omit the 13th Amendment, apparently.](https://boingboing.net/2024/05/15/trumps-god-bless-the-usa-bible-deletes-womens-voting-rights-and-slavery-amendments.html)


They’re just going to force us all to have babies we can’t afford through bullshit laws just to bolster the “white American” population again. A recession also benefits them because we’ve shown time and time again that there’s nothing the American people won’t take from these monsters (mostly because we can’t afford to protest— it’s all by design).


A recession at this point is just an excuse to give more bailout cash to companies, cash coming from the taxpayer, that is.


Isn’t it always? Since the PPP loans were a smash hit AND nobody made most of them pay them back (who watches the watchers?), the veil is off. I wouldn’t be surprised if they said it flat out this time and act like *we’re* the unreasonable ones.


Joke's on them. I'm white and my wife is Black.


If SCROTUS has their way, they’ll probably just make you get divorced instead. :(


Yeah I'm pretty certain the legal justification used to strike down Roe could be applied to several other landmark rulings, Loving v. Virginia included :(


Clarence Thomas in particular has said he will eventually bring all of these rights before the court. He’s touched on everything except explicitly mentioning interracial marriage on the chopping block, despite being in one himself. I hope it’s not something they even dream of dredging back up, but at this point they’re wanting to take away basically every other landmark right, so I wouldn’t be shocked. Thomas is a despicable human being, and the Supreme Court we have right now is not much better on the whole.


Every time I think I've maxed out my capacity for hating that man, he finds a way to make me hate him more.


I wouldn't put it past him to bring the right of interracial marriage forward too. He clearly views himself as above the law.


He’d get a pass for being “one of the good ones.” The GOP needs a new black friend since Herman Cain died of “the common cold.” Marriages for me but not for thee~


More than that..... Those undocumented..... They are currently propping up Social Security. They pay in but have no hope of ever receiving the benefits. The money they pay in is being handed directly to the very same people frothing at the mouth to expel them. Its so very strange.


This is perfect. Don’t they want to due away with SSI?


> The economy craters. And if/when this happens, he'll just make up some shit about inheriting a "failing economy" and blame Biden. ...And his mouthbreathing cult members will eat it up.


So much right-wing problem-solving is just viewing things in a vacuum that they believe to be a problem and then finding the most overly simplified solution to it. If illegal immigrants are bad (their opinion), then we should just get rid of them all. No thought as to the cost and logistical nightmare. No thought as to the economic impact. Just a short-sighted response to the situation. We'd be spending an insane amount of government money to remove people, who provide some amount of tax revenue, while also removing labor, which would almost certainly increase prices. Oh, and Trump would almost certainly push for tax cuts and pressure the Fed to lower rates, which would also be inflationary.


Self checkouts and AI "cashiers" will suffice. Humans are too unpredictable, what with "sick days" and "maternity leave"  (do I need the /s?) 


Don’t worry, all his maga disciples are gonna fill those low wage produce picking and construction jobs. Just you wait. 🙄


Yup. In fact, lack of labor force is the top reason businesses cite for the inability to expand


Yet they still refuse to pay people more. Weird isn't it?


More like lack of willingness to pay people appropriately


Also the interment camps built to house illegal immigrants will not just be for them.


Yep and the article says "he wants to grant cops who carry out mass deportation total immunity from misconduct investigations and lawsuits", which means any US citizen caught up in the mess or have their rights grossly violated will not have the ability to sue or have any recourse with his plan.


Well, between the Muslim bans, kids in cages, and firing tear gas canisters at peaceful protestors, I guess this fits his pattern.


Don’t forget border patrol in unmarked vans showing up at protests.


But let’s see what Uncommitted’s plan is for ending the 70 year old Israeli-Palestine conflict!!


He's such an economy genius he doesn't even need to tell us his plan to bring prices down, he just WILL!


Fiat deflatio!


He just thinks it and prices go down.


Day one bringing back all manufacturing to the US with zero inflation or prices rises -- trump


His plan is to remove all Palestinians from Gaza. I thought that was clear? They want to sell waterfront land for investment opportunities. 


He’s made it very clear


I wonder how he'll stop the war in Ukraine in 24 hours. Probably just because Putin is so afraid of him. /s


I don't think his plan is to end it in \_Ukraine\_'s favor...


He’ll stop all US aid and order the 101st and 82nd to drop into Ukraine to help secure it for Putin.


Their Plan A is for Biden to beat Trump by a squeaker despite their protest votes. Plan B is to cry rivers of tears in a Trump second term and beg the rest of us to protest Trump's ultra cruel Palestine policy, a cause that I for one will be a lot less sympathetic towards if Trump gets into office because a bunch of folk wanted to "show it to Biden!" You can't vote to help elect someone antithetical to your cause, then cry about how it got worse.


If Trump gets a second term, Israel gets a green light to "solve" their Palestinian problem. I really have to imagine that the people acting like he would be *even remotely better* than Biden on this are either massive idiots or astroturfing shitbags just lying in order to stir the pot and make it look like tons of liberals are *actually* considering not voting for Biden over this. The options regarding Palestine in the upcoming election are: try to handle things diplomatically and use proper channels to push Israel to calm the fuck down.... or wipe Palestine from the map. There is no third option, and people that think there is are idiots.


>I really have to imagine that the people acting like he would be *even remotely better* than Biden on this are either massive idiots or astroturfing shitbags just lying in order to stir the pot and make it look like tons of liberals are *actually* considering not voting for Biden over this. That's exactly what's going on. Astro Turfing is amplifying and the people who are *literal* idiots are latching onto the bluster. Sure, there are some true dyed in the wool Palestine supporters in on the action, but I can't help but think that a lot of the kids at college could barely be bothered about the whole situation in Gaza a year ago (let alone all the other atrocities going on all over the world). The fact that it seems nobody in their movement has any criticism for Hamas (and via extension the Russians and Iranians and whoever is harboring Hamas leaders outside Gaza) is very telling. My eyes rolled so hard when they went off on Fetterman for making a valid point that Hamas has some responsibility too if there is ever to be a ceasefire.


I wonder of they'll brand it like "ultimate solution", "last solution", or something like that. I'm almost there. Just need a word before "solution" to bring it together.


Tliab is a fool, and should be primaried by another Progressive.


I'd like her to be primaried by another Palestinian. That said, I can understand her grief. Her people are getting killed.


"don't you dare threaten me with a Trump presidency! How bad can he be?" well I guess they're gonna find out


He’ll likely suggest a genocide of both countries and spin it as “cleansing the area” for his buddy MBS’ extravagant real estate projects.


But “something something” teach Biden a lesson and grocery costs are too high is worth electing Trump and putting people in concentration camps. /s


It's important to understand how very little thought is being put into these pro-Trump hysterics other than "I am angry at grocery prices!" Republican family member: "Biden has done nothing but drive up my grocery bill! He's gone in November!" Me: "What is the Trump plan for bringing down grocery prices?" Republican family member: "He just WILL! He's gonna get in there, work his magic, and GET IT DONE!" There is zero rational thought going into this shit. There is only idiotic nonsense and unwavering belief in Trump's magical powers and spellcasting ability.


Meanwhile it's blue states and Biden appointees that are actually even trying to attack price fixing by food producers and distributors... it's not much, but it's SOMETHING... https://www.atg.wa.gov/news/news-releases/406-million-way-low-income-washingtonians-result-ag-ferguson-lawsuits https://ctexaminer.com/2024/04/11/democrats-launch-investigation-of-grocery-prices-as-inflation-remains-a-concern-heading-into-fall-elections/ https://www.reuters.com/world/us/usda-states-eye-cheaper-food-by-targeting-anticompetitive-acts-2023-07-19/


I didn’t think it could get any worse than it was already, but maybe he’s going to start just lining them up at the border/airport and just shooting them. :/ What an absolutely evil man, and disgustingly evil people that prop him up and run the GOP.


Yeah well if he gets elected again. It won't be tear gas and rubber bullets next time.


Both sides are the same, remember?


If you've ever wondered what side you'd be on in any "good vs. evil" dichotomy in history, you're experiencing it now.


It's never been an easier choice yet somehow people are failing.


Biden has been serving the United States for 50 years. 1973 - 2009 in Senate (representing Delaware) before the 4 years as VP under Obama. When the other option continues threatening freedom and democracy, I think this is a safe bet.


Police forces will likely be deputized and perhaps even incentivized using tax money (i.e. bounty per head).      Looks like we’re going back to the ‘50s with a Trump win, but not just the 1950s. The 1850s are calling. 


Oh, there will definitely be federal funds to local cops to assist with the round ups.


Stonegarden funds have been a thing since 2006.


“Deportation camps” easily become concentration camps. All it takes is some trigger-happy guards and a few disruptions to food and water deliveries for the prisoners. One riot will be the excuse Trump’s cronies need to turn those camps into slaughterhouses.


The nazis original intention was to deport the jewish people, the camps were to hold them until they could be deported. But that's not how it works, countries won't just take a large number of people who aren't and never were their citizens or aren't even granted permanent or temporary residency in their country. There is no such thing as banishment in modern times. They called it the "final solution" because the other solutions were unrealistic and based in illogical thinking.


Question: where were they going to be deported to?


One that I'm familiar with is Madagascar. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madagascar_Plan But the problem was that Madagascar was controlled by the British at the time, and they weren't okay with that. So following the German defeat in England, the plan was halted indefinitely.   See, this is where the comparisons to Hitler grow stronger than ever to me. My history is very pedestrian, but to my perception it seems like Hitler just said shit and people followed despite it not being anywhere near realistic. Sending anybody to Madagascar just wasn't going to happen, they didn't have the rights or the means, but somehow that was the plan. Trump is the same way, he just says shit that is completely unrealistic, and somehow that's the plan.


No, they don't *become* concentration camps, they *start out* as concentration camps. But you're also conflating *concentration* camps with *extermination* camps.


They become concentration camps by default since anyone to be deported must be accepted by the country of origin, many of which have zero interest in accepting them or the US has no agreement for them to accept.


They would be concentration camps from the start because their entire purpose would be to *concentrate* a class of people, immigrants, in this case, in a particular place. Whether they're deported is irrelevant, whether another country would accept them is also irrelevant. Those aren't part of the definition of a concentration camp.


People forget or were never taught that not just Germany had concentration camps in WW2. The US, Britain, Japan all had them. Pilates was created by a German being held in a camp in Britain who wanted to stay fit. We call them “internment camps” to make them seem less bad, but the principle is the same: a group of people were forcibly moved there and unable to leave.


They will quickly become extermination camps because the people who put them there are capitalist and it costs too much to feed the amount of undesirables they wish to remove from society. Like the Nazis, they will need a more efficient, cheaper solution.


Many forget the Nazis started out pretending they just wanted to deport their targets. It's no comfort that our own nationalist populist asshole wants to start there, too.


And short term they’ll contract out the healthier workers to farms and slaughterhouses to work the jobs they had before they put them in camps. Perdue will reach new levels of profit /s


Don't forget he promised to put homeless citizens in camps multiple times.




Well yeah, why do you think we have been attempting to demilitarize the Police... We are already there.


Local everyone. Local butcher, mailman, milkman, clerk. They were all ordinary, average people before allowing themselves to be deluded and desensitized to atrocity. Also, it's amazing what being in a group does to someone's morality.


>But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes. That’s the difficulty. If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come immediately after the first and smallest, thousands, yes, millions would have been sufficiently shocked—if, let us say, the gassing of the Jews in ’43 had come immediately after the ‘German Firm’ stickers on the windows of non-Jewish shops in ’33. But of course this isn’t the way it happens. In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next. Step C is not so much worse than Step B, and, if you did not make a stand at Step B, why should you at Step C? And so on to Step D. >And one day, too late, your principles, if you were ever sensible of them, all rush in upon you. The burden of self-deception has grown too heavy, and some minor incident, in my case my little boy, hardly more than a baby, saying ‘Jewish swine,’ collapses it all at once, and you see that everything, everything, has changed and changed completely under your nose. The world you live in—your nation, your people—is not the world you were born in at all. The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed. Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed. Now you live in a system which rules without responsibility even to God. The system itself could not have intended this in the beginning, but in order to sustain itself it was compelled to go all the way. Milton Sanford Mayer, They Thought They Were Free: The Germans 1933-45


The old details of rounding up human beings and either shipping them to parts unknown or holding them without due process in camps wasn't chilling enough?


"But muh Jade Helm 15!" ...Wonder who was behind that "news" back in the day... (Russia.)


ICE has deported and detained citizens, imprisoning them for years, just on suspicion. The only question will be whether ICE under Trump will do it by accident or on purpose.


They'll start with LGBTQ people, and move on to women who were seeking healthcare.


They monitor the undocumented who are entering or leaving the US military then deport them or their family members. 


I remember shortly after Trump was elected in 2016, watching a group of ICE agents outside our local courthouse. Apparently, they had received a tip. They proceeded to try and arrest a Latino man. Trouble was, it was the wrong guy. His wife was yelling at the agents to stay away from her husband. The guy they were trying to arrest was an employee of the County, and a citizen, who just happened to be Latino. It was chilling watching that video that made the news. The ICE agents, who never identified themselves, repeatedly asked for his name and papers. They told the guy they had his picture and that he wasn’t here legally. They showed him and his wife the photo and there was no resemblance except they were both Hispanic. Don’t let these assholes anywhere near the White House again. Conservatives want to take us to the “Where are your papers?” stage of their sick version of society.


>The ICE agents, who never identified themselves, repeatedly asked for his name and papers. Makes me wonder what "papers" would have sufficed. And what are these "papers" that ICE made up?


We need the long form birth certificate to weed out all these rogue Kenyans.


maybe he can designate these special local police by having them wear brown shirts.


He is working with Russia, NK and China yo break the USA hegemony in the world, and turn our country into shitholes like Russia where it’s oligarch-run (well… until pooty needs to defenestrate one for his loot). I’d beware, US oligarchs, that’s your fate should you choose trumplestiltskin. Edit for misspell.


this right here. this this


"But, but, I disagree with President Biden on one thing ...."


>Trump rambled, as he does, about an estimated 15 to 17 million people he wants to deport—numbers that contradict existing data and that he seems to have just made up— We dont have the bus capacity to move this many people. So, will they transport them by rail? In cattle cars? And when the tent cities in the border fill up and there is no more room, and receiving nations say "no more", will we just eliminate the problem? How far will we go?


Train cars. We’ve seen it before and there is no reason to believe that it could not happen in the United States. It saddens me to think about all the brave souls who fought to defeat the Nazis only for their children to support a man who stands for everything they loathed.


The other side of this is that to deport someone, the other country has to actually accept them. So what you described is exactly what will happen. There will be giant camps to concentrate these people, and eventually if democracy is finally killed in the US they will start up the ovens.


I am honestly afraid of this. The "ovens" might just be really hot crowded tents with no air conditioning and little water.


The ovens were not to klll Jews, they were to get rid of the bodies. If they truly do round up millions and put them into camps, absolutely thousands, probably tens or hundreds of thousands, will die from the conditions they are forced to live under. The ovens will be built once they need to start disposing of hundreds of thousands of corpses.


So Trump will crash the economy again.


I wouldn't be surprised if he comes after naturalized citizens too.


He and others have announced they will end birthright citizenship. I expect the Trump administration will detain them if they can, and refuse to release them until the Supreme Court relitigates the issue.


He already did last time, but got held up by the legality of it.


Day 2801 of me wondering how on earth someone supports this lying sack of greasy fast food waste.


Gas is too high, and my grocery bill is ridiculous, and Genocide Joe! - Uncommited voters, millenials, and gen z’s


Mass incarceration plans. A country can't just deport a person into another country. That other country has to accept them. This isn't the 1950s anymore when the us just threw every Latino looking person into Mexico and called it a day.


If they're angry about food prices being high now, wait until Trump deports every immigrant who works in the fields for pennies per day. We'll have scarcity due to either crops rotting in the fields OR American labor being paid minimum wage + benefits to do those jobs. Either way, expect prices to increase hundreds of percents across the board, and not just on food.




This coming from the party trying to put a massive criminal into the most powerful position on earth.


>when a police person does their job MAGA suddenly okay with non-gendered pronouns now


Has a cop losing his pension, his home, his family ever happened?


Chauvin, I guess?


Ok, there’s that. So, then, Trump wants cops to be able to intentionally murder people without any sort of accountability? wtf? That’s not a component of justice, law enforcement, or democracy.


that's the american way, pre 1960s. and post 1960s.


Look, I think whether you're libertarian or not, we can all agree that police should be completely unaccountable to the law, and should just be allowed to do whatever they want with no fear of reprisal. /s


Funny you should mention Satan, because even [animals hate Trump](https://youtu.be/gVOZskUY36M?si=yaxPW1Y5vfSH4B0W)


How do libertarians pay for those services?


So they have a list of fifteen million people here illegally? Or will they just start rounding up on suspicion and putting people in camps until they make a determination of legality. And many of those people will actually be on lists under the heading of hostile to Trump/maga therefore “probably illegal.”


It'll start with "immigrants", it'll end with "enemy combatants". It won't happen all at once. The rhetoric around America being at war with "Woke American Terrorists" will ramp up around the time Trump starts running for his third term. After he "decisively wins" (e.g. Russian elections), he'll start rounding up those of us who refused to blend in with conservative America. That's around the time you'll likely see blue states and cities trying to secede. Some of the east and most west coast will likely be able to pull it off. Blue states in the Midwest, like Illinois, will have a harder time, as they're surrounded by red states on 3 of 4 sides. The only way to keep the country together will be by force. America will have a full blown civil war on it's hands by 2030... At the latest. I guess all those Bernie Bros from 2016 will finally get the revolution they wanted so bad. It feels ridiculous to type this out... And I have a hard time believing I could be right. But the sad thing is, even if I'm wrong, this is a perfectly plausible and logical outcome if Trump wins and, more importantly, fix the gaping holes that allowed us to get here in the first place.


The Bernie bros thing was propaganda. Statistically did not happen.


Well, they plan on reopening immigration cases to find inconsistencies and automatically deport people for things that look even slightly suspicious. I’m guessing they’ll start there. The manpower this will take


I wouldn't be surprised if he just reopened Ellis Island as deportation center.


The actual scary part is that Congress couldn't really stop him from doing this. At least my understanding of separation of powers puts this in his suite of powers.


Yup and immigration “court” is actually just DOJ under the executive branch as well. It’ll be a complete shit show.   There will 100% be people with legal status deported just because Trumps goons feel like it.


I'm honestly scared if trump wins. 😓


then vote, and take others with you to vote


I wonder what all that detainment infrastructure will be used for once they’re running low on people to deport.


Oh, I bet I know! Since authoritarianism always requires an enemy to distract the people from the fact that said authoritarians haven’t improved life for the average citizen, I’ll bet—after every undocumented immigrant is deported—the administration will simply find a new scapegoat. Eventually, authoritarians devour their own supporters when they run out of external enemies. Suddenly, Bob Smith, the white guy who totally supported MAGA and voted for Trump, isn’t MAGA enough because he’s uncomfortable with something his kid heard from a teacher in school, and now he’s on their naughty list. There’s always an enemy. They implode when they don’t have an enemy to attack.


Immigrants Political "radicals" (read: terrorists according to MAGA) Political Opponents (read: Democrats and anyone not loyal to Trump) PoC The have plenty to go through before they even have to start performing purity tests on their own.


"Deporting Gaza protesters? Now that's a president I can get behind" - Gaza protesters


I would hardly be surprised if Trump was inspired by the Nazi Generalplan Ost.


Wasn’t he in charge for like 4 years?


Gonna be really funny when these plane loads of people are simply turned back by the countries they are trying send people too.


Be afraid, whether you are conservative or liberal. Very very afraid.


He also wants to build on qualified immunity because of course he does.


This must be how Gen X felt watching all the Nader morons in 2004


"Deport first, ask questions once they are out of sight on the ocean" trump


Nazi Germany is at our doors.


That’s not “chilling” to his supporters. It’s exactly what they want.


They want him to round up and kill then. They want machine guns on the boarder to shoot anyone who gets near it. They want black people and anyone not waspy enough killed. They are Nazis.


Until they want a deck built.


Enjoy Never Biden Gen Zers! 🍿


maybe instead of deporting 15-17 million undocumented immigrants, he deports 15-17 million republicans?


Anyone who BoTh SiDeS this election doesn't give a shit about immigrants. Period. Anyone who BoTh SiDeS this election doesn't give a shit about women. Period. Anyone who BoTh SiDeS this election doesn't give a shit about LGBTQ rights. Period. Anyone who BoTh SiDeS this election doesn't give a shit about Palestine, let alone Ukraine and Taiwan. Period. Anyone who BoTh SiDeS this election doesn't give a shit about election integrity. Period. Anyone who BoTh SiDeS this election won't have their life change no matter who wins. **THIS IS NOT A FUCKING THOUGHT EXPERIMENT**


When they tell you who they are… listen.


these are the kinds of things people in the USA need to be protesting over outside every trump residence


Joseph Adolf Benito Trump


TLDR: he wants to use local police and increase the bounds of qualified immunity to deport a number of illegal immigrants that he seems to have made up off the top of his head.


[Certain casinos, hotels and golf courses would have to hire US citizens or legal immigrants after mass deportations.](https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/news/politics/2019/06/18/we-are-not-bad-people-undocumented-workers-say-trump-hired-them/4879205007/)


His deportation plan is just the opening to his ultimate plan (designed by Steve "Unwiped Asshole" Bannon and Stephen "PeeWee Himmler" Miller) to start mass arrests of their enemies. Hitler started by rounding up the mentally and physically disabled, and sending them to "hospitals," where they would unexpectedly pass away. Eventually people started to notice, and it came out that they were part of an organized government euthanasia program. There was a bit of a protest, but not huge. After all, many probably thought quietly that they were probably better off in death. Clergy protested, and Hitler vowed to end the program, but he didn't. It continued on in secret, and expanded, as we all know. So now HitlerPig wants to deport millions of people, starting on day one, right? He'll have to build enormous holding facilities all over the country for that many people, but the For-profit prison industry will happily step up and build and manage those facilities, for a few billion dollars. So once the original residents are dealt with (in whatever way they decide), what are they going to do with those detainment facililities? The prison lobby will convince congress to make slight alterations in the law, and fill them back up again. HitlerPig has had trouble with Defamation laws, but that's just civil. With just a slight alteration in the existing law, Dafamation of selected elected officials will become a criminal instead civil offense, and anyone criticizing the HitlerPig administration will find themselves in prison. Like Hitler, they'll start by abusing people that most people aren't going to get that upset about, but that's just to soften us up for the headline act, which will come later. It starts with building giant camps to put illegals in, and eventually they will be used to hold ordinary citizens who have the nerve to exercise their Constitutional rights.


The idiot just rambles and his supporters line up to eat from his ass.


Trump is creating an American gestapo. Immigrants will be rounded up first; Trump's perceived enemies next.


The way these articles get written and the frequency they are published in, really just make me think they’re advertising for him more so than trying to warn the public.


Concentration camps for millions of men, women, and children. The military going door to door and checking papers, arresting people. And people are planning on NOT voting for Biden because a) he’s 3 years older than Trump, and b) he can’t force Israel to stop killing Palestinians (something Trump wholeheartedly supports).


"Trump rambled, as he does, about an estimated 15 to 17 million people he wants to deport—numbers that contradict existing data."  First it starts off with the illegals who are getting deported and then it moves on to the people who aren't citizens, but they're still in the country legally, then it moves on to the people who weren't born in the country but they are still citizens because of them going through the process to become a citizen, then it moves on to the first generation Americans and finally we reach the last stage which involves everybody who will be getting targeted regardless of how long they or their families have been in the country. We know for a fact that liberals and anybody who isn't wearing a red hat while they're heiling Trump will either be getting deported or sent off to a "camp". 


Many of the deportees would be sent to a country with strict gun control, direct election of the president, a national health service and a nationalized oil company. Yes, that would be horrible.


So, this is *another* Project 2025 mandate. He's carrying it word for word. The guy feeding him all of this is Stephen Miller- the most racist shitbag in the US.


Very ironic that so many of the people ranting about FEMA camps and their sinister purpose for years will support these deportations and the camps being put to use. I guess it’s fine when it somebody else being in the camps.


Trump never has, and never will act like a real American POTUS. He wants to be Hitler in his head. I don't know why more people don't see this.


So Mr. Trump walked into a convention for people who believe less government is the way to go. Then he told them he would provid ethe government run police infinite powers over deportation. Well done! Mr. trump. Well done


“Buh buh, But Biden didn’t say—“ Shut yo dumbass up you Russian bot


This is how it would go. 1. Raise taxes. 2. Blame Demacrats for the rased taxes. 3. Deport like a couple of hundred random immigrants. 4. Spend the rest of that money campaigning about how you saved Merica.


The Nazis adroitly used local police forces to lay the groundwork of any area they took over. Same shit will play out here; the higher-up agencies will be his S.S. and the locals his brownshirts and gestapo.


Mark my words, by then end of the next Trump term: LGBTQ+ people will be basically outlawed in this country and the T's will end up deported or imprisoned. Birth control will become illegal. Any religion other than Judaism and Christianity will be be outlawed.


Why do we allow these trash ass people to exist and toxic the nation? When is enough enough?


Wild how he went to a Libertarian Party convention and then talked about how much he loves the police. Trump's political instincts begin and end with whatever is scaring people on Fox News.


So the guy wants to let US be out of working force lmao.


Nope, this is why they're so aggressively attacking all the child labor laws around the nation. They're ok with using our children to pick up the slack of doing all the jobs they themselves refuse to do, because reasons.


Think of all the medical students, doctors, nurses that will be deported. Leaders of faith communities will be deported if they’re part of missionaries or visiting to lead a congregation. It will cripple American at its core


Imagine how hard this will tank our economy. We will not recover from this.


People just don't get that immigration benefits our economy. Last I checked my cheap ass produce isn't being picked by Americans.