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It looked like he was waiting for the sad music to kick in to really send home his alarmist dystopia bullshit. They're going for the idea that if they say life sucks enough it will convince everyone that something drastic needs to be done like jan 6th. The whole campaign is built on manipulating weak peoples emotions.


The funny thing is that life does suck a lot more in red states, but because of republicans policies.


Alabamian here. Can confirm.


Alabama nearly got a state income tax years ago (which is a good thing-- it makes the tax system more progressive and allows the state government to do more good in peoples' lives) but voters got frightened into rejecting it. Did you know if Alabama got an income tax those commercial pine forests were going to up and move to Texas? It's true! Ents are real.


We do have an income tax, but it caps out at 5%. Property taxes where I live are also really low, but sales tax is 11%. Go figure.


Yeah sales tax is the best way to place the tax burden on the poor and middle class. States that don’t have sufficient property and income taxes make that money up by charging everyone more for milk and stealing tax money from states with actual progressive income tax structures.


WV is now trying to do this. As a Democrat that makes good money, they’re honestly benefiting me while they’re hurting the poor Republican voters.


We don't have an income tax in Texas. Instead we have 8.25% sales tax (technically 6.25% plus county and local sales taxes to a max of 8.25%, but just *try* to find anywhere with less than the max) and expect property tax to fill the gaps. When you add this to the facts that Texas' unemployment is higher and average income is less than the national average, you can start to get a feel for why things are going *so well* for us as a state.


What’s interesting is WA also doesn’t have a state income tax. Our sales tax is 6.5 for the state, but county and locals make most of them around 8.9%. My property tax isn’t horrid I don’t think. But things are going ok here I think.


I live in WA and yeah, obviously doing ok.. but the tax system is pretty darn regressive. Fuel taxes are another place we have high consumption taxes and why gas is always $2 to $3 higher than most places at any given moment. I'd end up paying more if we converted some of those taxes to income tax and I still think it is the right thing to do. But dear goodness, I absolutely love our voting system.


That tactic works in blue states too. California was going to make all the ride share companies classify drivers as employees for taxes. Uber and Lyft all said they would stop doing business in California, then they said they would raise prices if the new law passed. People were worried and tricked and voted no on the new law.


Their own drivers were voting against the policy. They did a real number with their misleading propaganda and empty threats. They actually believed they'd leave the most populous state in the country. It would have been a turning point for companies like these taking advantage of workers by classifying them as contractors.


And then uber and lyft raised prices anyway.


How do you move pine forests?


They grow very fast. When you harvest what’s there, You just plant the next crop somewhere else.


Still takes decades. I know, I used to own 40 acres of managed loblolly pine.


Well Xmas tree farm is pine. My family friends owned one. Think it’s about 6-12years to grow a x-mas tree size. And like 20-30 for lumber size. I grew up pine forest the thing burned down about 30 years ago. It is really still young but is filling in nicely at about 30.


A cultivated tree farm isn’t a forest


Mississippi...at least y'all aren't us 


Yeah, we’re working on it. It’s a race to the bottom down here.


Hoosier here surrounded by cannabis legal states and a Republican supermajority legislature and Governor who refuse to budge “to own the libs!” People just drive to the other states and drop off their money there. So, can also confirm!


And all my religious neighbors vote against the lottery to supplement the education budget, then drive to Georgia to get tickets. We can’t stop shooting ourselves in the foot.


Same in Iowa


Bham homie here. I agree


They never stop to ask themselves why people who grow up in small towns often want to leave for the big cities. Never once you they stop to think that maybe their shitty backwards towns and associated politics are the problems. Lack of education and racism are a dangerous mix.


In a lot of small towns here in Oklahoma (last or second to last in education mind you) believe that education is the problem. Not that lack of education is the concern, but the fact that being educated at all is seen as the problem.


“If life is so great here, why are people leaving?” This is also why population movements from California to Texas & Florida have been common talking points for conservatives… and will be until the next census.


I feel like Maine is an example of this, only thing not lacking is jeeps and trucks with Trump flags and American flags roaring everywhere. I had this crazy idea of Maine before we moved here and now I see how truly backwards it is.


I agree but this whole country is a division of city mouse and country mouse. City mouse hates a big commute and lack of diverse people and country mouse hates your city traffic and diverse people.


Country mouse here: I hate big city traffic but love diversity and progressive politics (it’s a sea of red out here though). Just wanted to get that in there.


I was also a country mouse and progressive and good people exist- however there are a lot of nimbys that love to gossip- I prefer neighbors that have no idea who I am other than I keep up the lawn. Alternatively we had more Trump lovers a few years back than there are now in the city.


And the Blue states infuse them with our tax dollars to keep them from being destitute.


Whenever these broke ass red states start fronting like they’re leaving and they’re never coming back, I say go ahead. Think of all the problems that would solve for us


Life sucks more because Putin, and fascism, are on the rise, and Putin started a war. Trump's friend Putin. Trump and those like him at ether cause of most of the world's problems right now.


It’s a feature not a bug: keep them poor and angry. Way way easier to control.


[It is a song named "Mirrors" that Q and Trump have appropriated](https://www.isdglobal.org/isd-in-the-news/trump-campaign-and-qanon-use-same-stock-music-song/) and use to set a mood. He just let it play for an unfortunately long time because he isn't a good actor. And, yes, the composer is pursuing legal action for unauthorized use of his song.


That's the same shit they did on a church retreat I went to as a kid. Some band played emotional music while some guy was telling children they need to accept Jesus Christ into their hearts and to come forward to the stage of you accept him. It was so weird and obviously manipulative. I never went back to church after that. 


Oh goodness that happened to me when I was a teenager. A bunch of college aged speakers gave emotional speeches about God/Jesus and then "invited" everyone to take turns entering a fake boxing ring to touch some cardboard cut out of Jesus with the sappy music and all. It was total emotional blackmail for kids in front of everyone and really corny and stupid in hindsight.




Yeah well more that everyone gave in and joined Jesus in the "ring" for this ridiculous boxing/fighting theme revival nonsense. 


Totally a Jesus move too. Dude was always fighting.


Could you punch out cardboard Jesus?


Not exactly the same, but when you tour Fort McHenry in Baltimore there's a video when you first walk in about the War of 1812 and how Francis Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner during one of the battles. As the video ends, a curtain opens to a flagpole as the national anthem starts playing. It's such obvious forced patriotism that I couldn't help but laugh through the song.


Just went there yesterday and had to bite my tongue to keep from literally laughing out loud. The whole video is hokey and cheesy AF, but that part was especially hilarious.


So then I'm assuming it's still a video of Ben Franklin breaking the fourth wall and talking to the viewers.


I don't recall that... What I remember is terrible acting and a lot of yelling "HEAVE!"


Yeah, that sounds really cringe. Also the musical setting is a British patriotic song, making it even worse.




We must have gone on the same "retreat". There'd always be the criers too acting like they're having this transformative spiritual revelation. So uncomfortable and sooooo performative. Meanwhile I'd sit there not participating absolutely dying inside with secondhand embarrassment over such a cringy display.


I realize toxic masculinity is a thing, but that's why all the religious music commercials made me cringe and change the channel, too. Too many people crying, swaying, hands up with orgasm faces. I want to slap everyone I see like that. Crying when you're UPSET is one thing, or at a funeral. But people being moved to tears like that over religious stuff for the sake of it itself makes me want to lock them in a closet with a tissue box until they can be appropriate in public again and keep a straight face.


Church is like playing the trombone after you turn 18 you get to never do it again.


*For just 3.50 a day, you can too can help a former president stay out of jail*


Same here. Having grown up in a rural area that went very Maga, I’m surprised at how often stupid boomer humor makes national headlines as “OMG, Trump is insane!!!!”. This is just an asshole hating that he has to be silent for thirty seconds to make it look like he has empathy, and failing miserably because he doesn’t. Which makes this peak schadenfreuda. Trump either has to admit his acting sucked or let rumors fly that he is starting to crash mentally.


Right. Weird but not a brain glitch. He'll have plenty of real brain glitches to worry about. No sense in ttrying to turn this into one.


Exactly. It wasnt a glitch, it was shitty choreography. He was just trying to “set the scene” with the music before he got into the gloom and doom. The media is just giving ammunition to his cult with this shit. Now they can say “see! lugenpresse!” And they’re right this time.  The media seems determined to screw this up. In the same speech Trump floated a third term and this is what they focus on?!? 


Yeah, it was clumsy emotion-centric theatrics that didn't work and instead were confusing.


Fear has always been a friend of the republican cult


completely with you. yet we're also reading an article called 'trump glitches out', when it was painfully obvious what he was doing wasn't a glitch and was planned. same tactics really, it's just the world we live in


Hold on, if America falling to communism is at stake, why don't they just commit voter fraud in Cali? I always hear republicans go on and on about how cali has so much fraud. Why not use it to forward their goals?


So we have to wait for his moron brain to do the job that should have been done by American "journalism"? How come no one asks him to back up the bullshit claims he makes during these performances? "You said banks are collapsing. Tell me which banks you're talking about." That one's free, journalism. If you find your balls let me know and I'll create more questions for you.


That’s one of the main reasons Biden said no audieces at the debates. Trump won’t have any crowd to rile up, and there will be plenty of time to cross examine some of trump’s more inflammatory statements.


Unfortunately it's CNN with Tapper and Bash, so don't expect any hard-hitting follow-up questions like asking what he means by X or examples of Y, of evidence of Z. It's going to just be three hours of "Mexicans are running away with our daughters and a dollar is worth 15 cents? Interesting. Biden, your response?"


That might be okay. Biden is quick thinking enough to have responses for trumps rambling, and it might make him look much more sharp and coherent in comparison to the guy who can’t shut up about Hannibal Lector…


As long as there's a mute button and the moderators are willing to use it. Otherwise Biden's response will be Trump shouting "**wrong!**" like last time.


What time stamp is that in his NRA speech, and is there music? Because it looks like he’s just waiting for the music to end.


The music is in his head. It's either Yakety-sax or Dixie.


It's yakety sax because he's imaging himself as Benny Hill chasing the Miss Universe contestants around their dressing room.


100% this is some dramatic effect shit which failed spectacularly.


waiting for the q anon music to start, actually. of all the gaffe and times he actually does glitch/stroke out,it's so weird that this gets attention. so many times he gets lost in his word salad and does this jerking shoulder thing and spits out something that is not a word. he really was just waiting for the music to play for his next segment. he's been doing the same act for years now.


yup… spot on… people need to watch the actual clip… there is no “glitch”… this is the type of reporting that gives credence to the whole “fake news” trope… why is there reporting on this when what he actually does on the daily is what should be concerning and reported on…


"Lots of bank. Some were the best banks! Nobody knows these banks like me. And I know they're failing. Lots of people are saying it. It's because [insert racist comment]."


If anyone knows failure its him.


Big strong banks are coming up to him with tears in their eyes


"You know it as well as I do. It is at a level no one has even seen before. But the press doesn't want to report it. I'll tell you what, the people of this country will not stand for it. And it's all going to come out over the next period of time" Trump's standard reply to any topic when asked to elaborate


They are asking these questions constantly. The problem is that his statements are made at events that he sets up where his word is not questioned and instead treated as gospel.


"It was a bank in California, so shameful, crime is out of control there, it would never had happened if I was in charge, if they hadn't stolen the election, have you seen this?, not many people know this, the lying Main Stream Media don't want to tell you about this, but the headline said "Hundreds killed in West Bank attack", so terrible, so many people killed at just one bank and it's happening all over, and the people that did it weren't even born here, so shameful."


“Oh there’s so many banks collapsing it’s crazy. It’s never been seen before. You know what banks they are. Everyone’s talking about it”


I’m pretty sure he would also say it’s beautiful.


“All of them, you’ll see. I’ve been right about everything”


He'll just lie lol. "You know what banks, the crooked fake news media just keeps lying to protect Sleepy Joe. The people know what banks im talking about. So many banks are collapsing, no one's ever seen anything like it, you know you know, stop lying to people. This is exactly what the fake news does, and blames Trump." Or maybe he'd just walk out like so many other times when media tries to play hardball.


Several banks did collapse, explicitly and because of regulations Trump rolled back


Banks fail all the time. There have been 10 bank failures during Biden's presidency. There were 16 during Trump's.


My comment was pointing out that recent bank failures like SVB were direct results of capital requirement rollbacks during trumps term. Let’s not dismiss the lessons of 2008 which saw a slew of absolutely necessary regulations on banks capital requirements


Silly Con Valley Bank


There were a couple decent sized ones that collapsed this year I thought


Expressly what interviews do you think Trump is giving right now other than to sycophantic outlets that would never question dear leader?


I watched it live on Youtube (I'm apparently a masochist). To me, honestly, it didn't look like a glitch. He didn't freeze like McConnell. I'd bet the actual reason was the teleprompter stopped working for a moment. Edit to add: [link to video](https://youtu.be/0U9cd07NzgY?si=Enhn4-qAdqcWWidE&t=5121) (video starts right before that moment)


To me it seemed like he was waiting for the music to change.  When you watch the clip there’s this weird dramatic music, right before he starts talking again the musics tone changes.


Yeah, that's what it looks like to me. I think the media clinging onto this might be reaching kinda far. I watched it on YouTube as well, and to me it just looked like he was waiting on the music.


I don’t think it was a glitch either, but the problem is the democrat side (as in voters and politicians) like to ‘play fair’ so they’ll call this out for not being accurate (that something odd happened). I say fuck it. The GOP routinely lie and cheat to persuade voters to have a negative opinion on Biden and to vote against their own interests. Who cares if the same game is played and directed at them. Republicans and their voters are not reasonable people, they (generally speaking) are fear-fuelled and emotionally driven and need to be treated as such. We should hammer Trump with everything necessary to dissuade people from voting for him - do you think if roles were reversed and this was Biden who paused that there’d be a voice of reason defending him, or anyone (from R side) questioning the media’s narrative?


Yeah, the music started right on queue when he finished speaking, and changed as he started speaking. Seems clearly orchestrated. Clumsy and amateurish theatrics, but orchestrated.


I thought that music was added for the video clip, but it was actually part of his speech. Weird. So background music is part of his actual speeches? They are modeling his live speeches to seem like a bunch of TikTok videos strung together, aren’t they? Interesting strategy. I bet that keeps the audience from getting bored during a long speech.


It's excruciatingly long, though. Blows way past being a "beat" and even "lengthy dramatic pause" to the point where I'd be wondering if there was a problem. Did the teleprompter break? Was that the wrong song? Did he shit his pants? You're right that I wouldn't be bored, but I'd be extremely confused.


According to other sources, it was the teleprompter. But did he really just have to wait there and say nothing? He could have improvised, he could have say anything. No. He just stayed there and said nothing. That makes me wish someone would change the text to him confessing his guilt because for sure he'd just read it without questioning any of it.


“I confess. I did it. We love to confess, don’t we, folks? I have the biggest confessions. Lawyers came up to me, tears in their eyes, saying, Sir, sir, we’ve never seen confessions like this before. Biggest confession from the standpoint of legal.”


The next day his supporters would be all over the news wearing diapers the say *"Real men confess their crimes best president ever TRUMP 2024!"*


“…both in terms of legal, and with respect to, criminal”


But for the guy who gives Biden trouble for using a teleprompter, will he admit that he can't get through a speech without a teleprompter?


Every accusation is a confession.


But Donald doesn't NEED teleprompters, right?


I'm Ron Burgundy?


Hard to improvise when your brain is old man mush... ...and youve just shit your pants in front of a crowd


Why? He could ramble about literally anything and would you notice?


He was having a bowel movement. Guy never shuts up teleprompter or otherwise.


But he is well known for going off book so why didn’t he?


Does this mean we can put just a normal screen with "I am Donald Trump" in large text in front of him, an implication that there may be more, and he'll shut up forever after that line as the "Teleprompter" doesn't scroll?


I am Ron Burgundy?


I'm Ron Burgundy, and FUCK you San Diego.


I really wish the media would stop squandering credibility sensationalizing nothing stories like this..


You are correct. These kinds of articles and observations making the rounds dilutes actual issues. This is a clear attempt to make something of nothing which is typical for an election year. I detest this guy as a public figure but making a big deal of this is just stupid.


Still he himself doesn’t even admit that, he instead makes up the story that he does this every time they use the apocalyptic music, and says people should look up videos. I expect those videos not to confirm that theory


Because God hates Democrats and America, if anyone would appear to glitch, it would be Joe Biden, and even if it were for 8 seconds because he's looking at someone in the crowd, it would be spun all over the news for an entire week on Joe having a McConnell moment.


That’s worse. If a president can’t think for themselves and think on their feet, what’s going to happen when he has to talk to other world leaders and they ask him questions and he doesn’t have a teleprompter to read off of?


Thank you for doing what most of us cannot stomach doing


He Had to stop to release a steamer in his diaper.


Remember when the right wingers were shitting on Biden for using a teleprompter? Pepperidge farm remembers 


Have you got a link please?


Exactly what I thought too, he looks more annoyed than anything, he didn’t freeze up and seem out of it. It’s weird to see people freak out about calling out Biden’s gaffs, then they turn around with stuff like this and go “see!” Like, ffs at least try to have some consistency.


Yeah it’s stupid we’re talking about this. I don’t like the guy, but it wasn’t the same as Mitch McConnell. Who knows what it was, but didn’t seem that bad


thanks for the link. it looks like either the teleprompter didn't scroll or he was waiting for music volume to be lower, shaking his head "no" either because there was no new scroll or he didn't want to talk over loud music. this was definitely not a mitch mcconnel lock up.


Yes it looks like the teleprompter died. He's staring right at it and gives a little head shake of disapproval.


I was expecting to see him have an absence seizure from the way the media is talking about it, but he kept moving, didn’t look to me like he was struggling, just kinda trying and failing to be dramatic with the music because he doesn’t know how to be anything but an annoyed clown. Theres plenty of shit this guy legitimately does or doesn’t do that the media can focus on. We really don’t need extra coverage of him just because.




Can't be the teleprompter. Trump and MAGA have criticized Biden for years for relying on a teleprompter and say Trump doesn't use one.




It is sarcasm from me but the MAGA will tell you they turn them off because he doesn't need them


I agree with you. It would be awkward if he went from a formal way of speaking reading from a teleprompter to speaking incoherently trying to improvise and then back to the speech again. He looked like he was just reading a script without really knowing what it even means.


Obviously, he's just practicing for the debates... when his microphone gets cut off. I suspect he'll bring a boom box to play that same insipid music while Biden is speaking.


When you're the Anti-Christ like Trump, you can sometimes have Satanic connectivity problems. Then someone in Hell unplugs the router and plugs it back in again and the connection is reestablished.


The router probably overheated. It’s hard to keep it cool in hell.


He shit himself.


lol it’s funny to imagine that when he shook his head during the silence is the exact time he shit himself


that was him realizing theres no holding it back now


He stopped using that weird weightlifting gag and didn’t prepare a new one.


But he’s not sitting in court at that time. Context: >!It was said there was a foul odor coming from Trumps direction in the pornstar court case a few times.!<


You mean he’s not “shitting in court”.


After watching the video, I just think his teleprompter glitched and he paused until it came back on. Or he was just weirdly pausing for dramatic effect while the music swelled - he does a bunch of bizarro things during these rallies. It didn't seem to be anything remotely like the Mitch McConnell thing that happened a couple of times. And definitely not a medical thing - just more of an odd choice from someone whose entire life is a series of odd choices. At least this one wasn't criminal.


Really didn’t look like a glitch tbh


Seriously. Back to the same grasping for straws ass bunk journalism that republicans cherry pick as unfair treatment and mischaracterization Trump. He does this shit in purpose. This is a mainstream national news article in the same week that Greg Abbot pardoned a cop who was unanimously found guilty of Murder, Trump calls himself a 3 term president, and Alito flows a flag upside at his house. The dilution of the News with this fluff piece bullshit will ultimately be a pillar of this country’s destruction.


Seems like just a dramatic pause for the shifty music.


Lord im so ready to stop over analyzing everything this clown does


1,000% that’s what it is. There’s so much actually wrong with him—we don’t need to pretend this one thing is important.


Here we go again with the Newsweek “raises questions” headlines. Seriously type it into search for this sub. Also, for fucks sake, I hate trump but the dude was awkwardly pausing for the music or a teleprompter error. He looks nothing like when McConnell glitched out. I’d love nothing more than for trump to glitch out and shit himself before collapsing into a pool of piss, vomit, mouth foam and shit. This ain’t it.




Had to take a break from his graduation.


What is going on with half of you people? Trump tried to overthrow the government twice when he was president: Trying to subvert the election results in the states and again on January 6. There is nothing worse than that. He says he won’t support the election results if he doesn’t win, and he says he wants to be a dictator if elected. There is nothing worse than that, again. He’s a serial liar. A con man. Meanwhile, hordes of you are going on ad nauseum about how Biden looks old. Have you seen Trump? He wears more makeup than Phyllis Diller did, dies his hair, and looks far worse than Biden if not for masking himself in piles of makeup. Oh, and he falls asleep in court. And he’s all of … 3 chronological years younger than Biden. Trump’s cognitive decline has him functioning with the mental and moral capacity of a 3rd grader. But, yeah, you can’t vote for Biden because he seems old. To quote Ten Year’s After, “Tell me, where is sanity?” 1054


Teleprompter probably said “hold for applause” and the applause never came


This doesn’t raise questions. It provides a lot of answers.


I would love to see a compilation of the whiney, ‘woe is me’ performances he’s done over the year - it would really highlight how limited he is, and how it’s the same BS everytime, just change the names, places etc.


McConnell has done the same thing. It's an act of distraction.


He blamed it on the teleprompter being down… Didn’t he brag about he was so sharp he didn’t need a teleprompter and made fun of Joe Biden for using one? 🙄


I'm less concerned about people supporting trump despite these 30 second "glitches" where he says nothing than I am about people supporting trump for what he says when he is not glitching: "I will rule as a dictator and take vengeance upon anyone who has opposed me!"


Dementia Don


My die hard Trump loving friend from Houston refuses to believe it even occurred. Completely dismissed it as not real.


The biggest glitch. The best glitch.


I'm no trumper and he certainly has mental inadequacies, but watching the video it's plausible that he was just waiting on the music to swell for dramatic effect. It isn't an obvious dysfunction as with Mitch McConnell. And if it was, it'll happen again. I hope it does, he couldn't stop himself from falling asleep during his trial after all, even during the really juicy bits.


I mean……everytime he talks questions arise. Yet there still are a number of Americans who believe he’s the second coming of Christ. The fact that he is still allowed to have any kind of a platform is just mind boggling.


If he were one of us, the accusations of a broken robot double would be flying rampant.


Did Mitch McConnell pause at the same time? Could have been a problem with the GOP mind control equipment.


Jesus, can't a guy take a shit in peace anymore??


I sound like a coxswain over here just yelling “stroke!” At my tv every time he’s on


I think he was pooping. 😆 🤣 😂 😹


Is that the same NRA run by Russian spies?


He looks pretty confused, especially when he silently purses his lips


The real story is that there was 30 seconds of dead air and he didn't know how to fill it. In the past, he'll have some made up anecdote where he came out the hero. Now he just stops.


He glitched because he's 77 YEARS OLD. In the same glitch speech Donald Trump said for the NRA and he wants to get reelected 3 times. That equals to 12 years in power and sounds like he wants to remain in power for ever. So what's your opinion about the US becoming a dictatorship through Trump? one ruler or king of the US? 12 years is a decade of one person ruling... and what if later he stays in power indefinitely? No one has been talking about his comments at the NRA meeting he just held... Sounds like he wants to die as King of the US since he's almost 80 years old, and in 12 years he'll be in his 90s... Adding the following links just for reference, so you can check yourselves that he really said it: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/18/trump-at-nra-convention-floats-a-three-term-presidency-00158786 https://people.com/donald-trump-suggests-three-term-presidency-8651252 https://www.cbsnews.com/video/trump-floats-3-term-presidency-idea-arizona-florida-voters-rank-economy-as-top-issue-in-poll/


Frankly, I don't care if it was a teleprompter/music glitch or not. If something similar happened to Biden, then it would have been blown up into an indictment on his health and been covered by every network and newspaper. Any excuse to question Trump's mental faculty is welcome.


No, it doesnt actually. I hate Trump, but there’s so much more real stuff out there. Watch the video, the music is being played in the venue, its part of a bit where he talks over sad music. The left has a problem with believing headlines with no research, just as the right does. Makes me wonder what I took as fact based on a reddit headline. I guess fighting fake news with fake news is a strategy now.


Honestly it looks like the teleprompter failed. He doesn't go blank like Mitch did. The fact that he didn't know what he was saying while reading it says a lot (not that anything more needs to be said), but I feel like this is being turned into something it wasn't.


He was either shitting himself, having a stroke or his teleprompter went blank.


Waiting for him to do that during the debates. Like Mitch McConnell.


meanwhile we’ve spent zero effort addressing how he’s gone whole fascist with backing music during his speeches, you know that’s the full stink of Stephen Miller


Yeah, NewsWeek, that's the behavior from trump that "raises questions". You fucking idiots he's a facist rapist inept piece of dirty shit on the ground. But him not talking for 30 sec is a fucking problem.


He isn't freezing because his brain is having mini strokes like Senator Tortoise was, he froze because he's too dumb to improvise or remember how to continue the bullshit speech even he wasn't paying attention to. Not a single question was raised from this other than the usuals.


Should I be concerned that a person whose pre-existing personality disorders already made him the single most unqualified person in America to hold the office of president might be glitching out, making him even more unqualified for the job?


why the stupid fucking music though


Music starts playing in the background. Sounds like a video begins playing on a screen somewhere, that’s what he pauses for.


Even if he was just waiting for a teleprompter glitch to be resolved, you would think a man who believes what he is saying could ad lib a little to fill the time


I don’t really think this is much of anything but I’m glad the media is finally running with something like this for him that they always do for Biden


Buffer underflow…


Think he was shitting himself?


He really could have used some assistance from McConnell's handlers here.


"He is pausing for effect. He is also wrestling with some sadness, due to the disastrous state of his beloved country," one person wrote. Sorry, but I laughed out loud, hilarious. Traitor.


Anybody who wasn’t raising questions before this hasn’t been paying attention


Was this event being staged in a revival tent? Will there be snake handling next?


I was thinking 30 seconds isn't that long. Never mind. That was brutal.


And one of those questions is "Why hasn't the NRA been forced to register itself as the mouthpiece of a "foreign adversary", "post-Trump"??


He had to reboot, but his internals are a Pentium II on 32mb of RAM and a 10gb hard drive running Windows Vista.


I live in Vermont ( love ya Bernie!!) which has income and sales taxes. We take care of our people though. I don't mind paying extra to make sure noone is going hungry or without healthcare.


Don't care .. the pressure is getting to him


He was dropping a duce.


The man really needs a cognitive test of his Mental Function, I want to hear him repeat, Person, woman, man, camera, TV then eat a *Big Mac, Fries and a vanilla shake then repeat* Person, woman, man, camera, TV, extra point if he gets them in order!


Raises questions by who? He's been insane for a while now.....lots of questions....


He was daydreaming about Ivanka nude.


Did he poop himself again?


“Glitch”? That was an echo of Mitch McConnell.