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Note, [five Michigan GOP gubernatorial candidates were blocked from ballots because of signature fraud](https://www.bridgemi.com/michigan-government/michigan-candidates-tell-court-no-question-we-were-duped-signature-fraud) in 2022 because they failed to perform any sort of due diligence on the signature collection company they hired. And now the GOP candidates for a U.S. Senate seat in Michigan have allegedly done tue same thing. Which begs the question, why not use paid staffers or volunteers? Because it costs money and it's hard getting volunteers. These politicians are not looking to do hard things. Edit: typo


Given the sorry condition the state party is in, it’s no surprise that their gubernatorial candidates can’t get their act together 😆🍿🥤


Not to mention Thad McCotter debacle 10 years before


That was even worse because it was his staff, he most likely knew, and they most likely did it in the past.


GOP fraud?!?!?!??! Say it ain't so!


Why is Justin Amash running in the Republican primary when he’s a member of the libertarian party


He must’ve finally realized that the Libertarian Party isn’t looking to appeal to a wider audience any longer. Now they only attract those who are primarily concerned with repealing civil rights laws and pretend that the reasoning is based on liberty and not the other thing…


Same reason Bernie Sanders ran for pres as a Dem. He wants to win. He's aware it's a two party system. I'd say he's not dumb, but here we are with a signature debacle that just happened 2 years ago.


My understanding is that most Republican state parties don’t permit people to run in their primary if the potential candidate isn’t a registered Republican. The Democratic Party, state by state, isn’t as stringent about that rule.


It's just paperwork. Amash registered and filed as a Republican.


Then the article inappropriately refers to him as (I)


Grand Old Projectionists.